Amazon 4 (Preview)
A preview of my novel, which is currently a work-in-progress. I am aiming for a release on 1 February.
This book is being made for to a wide audience. I am 17 A1 pages into it so far.
For better formatting and live updates, please visit
Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!
It is cold outside. -2, just below freezing. In a two-bedroom hole, a pair of fennecs watch the snow pile up on the screen. It was fast approaching a meter. People of all colors, all race and species, can be seen walking through the pedways. So calm. So beautiful.
A noise can be heard in the hallway; the door opens with a whoosh. The fennecs look back and rush to their visitor with excitement.
"Welcome home," shouted Tad.
"We're so happy to see you," Chad concurred.
"You got a cookie," Tad blurted in excitement.
"Cookie," Chad asked.
"Cookie! Cookie! Cookie," they chanted in unison.
"Give 'em their damn cookie," said Jeremy.
Darcy sighed, "Fine." She took two large chunks of cotton candy Grass Belt (their favorite) and threw it in their bedroom.
"Yaaaaaaay," they shouted, chasing it to their bedroom, door shutting with a quiet whoosh. They could finally chat.
"Let's go to the couch," said Darcy.
Jeremy nodded his head in agreement.
Darcy sat down as Jeremy lay, his head in her lap. He looked up and frowned.
"What," Darcy bemoaned.
"I can't help but wonder," said Jeremy, "If I hadn't painted my nails black, would you have thrown me in the stall that night?"
The fox has always had issues with his girly appearance. That he had pink fur was already a deterrent for most women. The two blue stripes on his wrists and ankles only intensified his femininity, and the spots only gave the illusion of acne. The rainbow claws all but sealed his fate as an outcast.
Jeremy winced at the thought of his shattered childhood. Darcy petted him, then rubbed his belly and sighed.
"If I weren't blind and desperate, I might have backed off, but--"
"What," Jeremy asked, intrigued.
"I was with that bitch before, ya know? You seemed pretty girly. No harm in that, right?"
Jeremy blushed and pouted, crossing his arms.
"Oh like you were going to press charges! Puh-lease. I'd have torn you to shreds before you got the chance."
Jeremy stared blankly at the ceiling. The big grey vixen was right. She nearly tore his arm off. He couldn't help but go back and wonder if any of this was real. He didn't know much about her past. How many others did she stiff-arm? How far did she go?
"Of course" she muttered, pulling him up as she gave him a kiss, "I'd never do that to you." They closed their eyes and played tongue hockey for what felt like hours, tails twitching with delight.
Five minutes she embraced Jeremy again. He moved his fingers accross her back fur, hoping for a chance to feel her from within, but she didn't move or respond.
He pushed himself up and on the ground. She let go, and after a long day, he walked to bed.
"Goodnight," said Darcy.
Jeremy grunted in return. The door shut with a whoosh. He plopped on the mattress in absolute darkness.
In spite of all the thick sheets and blankets, he felt colder than ever. He threw her pillow above his head and cried. "I'm such a wimp!"
Hours later, Jeremy heard a knock.
"Hrrrgh," Jeremy grunted as the door opened with a whoosh again, only this time it left a mist of lavender. The lights blossomed, also lavendar.
"That costs money, you know," Jeremy grunted.
She sighed. After hours of watching primetime TV, she left her clothes on the couch and walked in completely naked. "I know," she cooed, slipping under the covers, rubbing Jeremy's back and giving him pets.
"You know," Darcy murmured gently, her warm breath tickling the back of his neck, "I was hoping we could celebrate our victory by having foxy ti--"
"Thbbbt," Jeremy scorned.
"Whaaaaaat," whined Darcy.
"Ya know what."
Darcy was taken aback. After all they've been through together--
"You ungrateful little shit! This is how you repay me, after all I've done?"
Jeremy then threw her pillow to the closet door, BANG, sat up, then stood on the mattress to feel taller.
"What did you tell me before I went to bed? What was the last thing you said about me," he replied coldly. He crossed his arms and gave a condescending stare.
"So it's not okay for me to question your manliness," she shot back unphased, "when you go on and on about how I care too much about how I look? How valley girls are the scum of the Earth? Who the hell do you think you are?"
He screamed at the top of his lungs. After giving each other the stink-eye, Jeremy sat back down, then turned over and crawled under the sheets.
Darcy plopped herself on her side and thrust the blanket toward her. The lights went off, then turned to a cool blue ambience. "Give me back my pillow."
"Now," Darcy asserted.
"Here you go," said Chad.
"Thank you." She grabbed it, hugged it, and turned around.
The Ellison twins looked back. They were in their PJs, eyes wide, tails between their legs.
"Are you okay," Chad asked.
"Pwease don't leave us," Tad replied, almost in panic. The lights went back to full brightness.
Darcy looked back at Jeremy and sighed. "Yeah, we're good. Sorry about that."
"Uh, okay," said Tad. They crept back to their room, and once again the lights dimmed to blue.
She looked back at Jeremy, eyes shut but clearly awake. "Unbelievable," she thought. She lied back down and faced her man. "Maybe," she thought, and placed a hand around Jeremy's nipple, as if he was a girl.
"Restrain yourself for one night," Jeremy snapped. She lurched back.
"It's been a long day. I'm tired. I'm sorry," he whined. "We can celebrate tomorrow."
"Okay then," said Darcy. She wrapped her arms around him for warmth. The lights then changed to red and they both fell asleep.
"Good morning, my fine foxy friends! Today is Tuesday, 3 December 158! Today we expect a high of -16, and a low of -24! Bundle up, you guys! Here are today's headlines!"
KARE11 started on the holoscreen. "Thanks, Renard," said Darcy.
"No problem. Let me know if you need anything else!" The lights went on to their full brightness, then dimmed slightly. A natural ambience could be heard in the background.
Jeremy got up and opened his eyes. A protest at the assembly; what else is new? Fucking savages.
"You have a phone call on Line 1 from the governor. Should I answer it," asked Renard.
"Send it to voice mail," said Jeremy. "It's probably a wrong number."
"Okay," said Renard. Not five seconds later the computer voice came back. "Here is the voicemail from Anne Douglas, DFL!"
"Ms. Mondale! Hi, listen, I know you weren't expecting this, but I need you and Jeremy here right away. It's urgent. Get yourselves ready as soon as you can, else we'll use a warrant to get in. You have a car waiting outside. Chop chop!"
"God damnit," said Jeremy. "I don't fucking know her, so this had better not be just--"
"--a booty call," Darcy inquired. Jeremy blushed. "You think she wants a piece of your tail?"
"I--uh, well, for all we know, she could want yours."
This was met with audacious laughter. "Oh kid, you crack me up." She slapped her prize on the back, then went to take a shower.
Jeremy wondered "How did it play without a prompt?"
"I can answer that," said Renard. "The voicemail had Immediate precedence on the Defense Switched Network. Voicemails of this nature get played automatically. It is of sole use for matters that 'gravely affect the security of the nation.' The call was routed through the Department of Defense from a quantum-encrypted network then made its way to you."
"Ooh, better get going before she goes on a rampage," Jeremy quipped.
"I'll get the cupcakes," declared Chad.
"--and I'll get the buns," Tad replied, poking Jeremy with delight. Jeremy grunted, unamused.
The door whooshed open. A tall German shepard/husky hybrid was standing at the door. He had different-color eyes: blue on the left, red on the right. He was wearing a light-grey uniform. There were lights on the shoulder pads, and heading pads within. A silver badge was on the upper-right side of his chest, number 2000-1-0006.
"You ready to go," the officer said.
"Just a minute," Darcy shouted from the shower.
"What about you," he asked Jeremy.
"I still have yet to take a shower," he replied.
"You can take one in the mansion," the Shepherd pointed out, then took a paw to Jeremy's back and guided him out the door.
"But what about--"
"I'll come back and get her," the Shepherd replied. They made their way to the lobby and to the front door. "Now get in the car," he said.
It had white paint, the usual winter livery. On the side, in a very light gray, was the symbol of a star above water. As they approached the vehicle, the star turned yellow, the water blue, and was clearly visible above the large black text: MINNESOTA STATE POLICE. Near the inlet: 1-1-2, CAPITOL PRECINCT.
"That's strange," Jeremy thought. "They almost never grey that part out."
Blue and green lights popped out and flashed. They were red before the election.
The dual-scissor doors opened upon the officer's approach. All of the seats faced a table in the center of the cabin. Tad and Chad were already inside. They were sitting across from each other, nomming cookies. Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Of course." But where was--
"Coming," Darcy shouted from the distance, purse tight in hand. She ran in and took her seat, across from Chad. Jeremy waited, not knowing whose turn it was. "Go on," the officer pointed. Jeremy sat across from Darcy, and the officer sat next to Jeremy. The doors closed.
On the table they could see they were headed to the Governor's mansion. Jeremy and Darcy fantasized about being submitted. Tad and Chad were already kissing each other. The officer didn't dare to interrupt. Instead he beamed a story from the Star-Tribune to their bracelets:
Explosion at O'Hare Baffles Authorities, Leads to Ground Stop
The governor's residence is referred to as a mansion in name only. It was only 6000 square meters; the only part of the government led from outside Solution Square. It was 5km away from the assembly and has changed little over the centuries, not getting any bigger on the surface but far more secure, with a command center and many tunnels below.
In the holding area past the front door, Jeremy, Darcy, Tad and Chad wait anxiously. Darcy is quite aroused, and Jeremy? Not so much.
Tad and Chad were wearing the usual: a shirt with the RSA flag, with "RSA" printed on the hip: left for Tad, right for Chad. They switch frequently, though, and figuring out which is which is often a waste of time. One of them decided to wear a fanny pack, and the other had a food container, further complicating things. Aside from the fact that they came from Africa's temperate oasis and woke up in the ruins of Old Detroit, little else is known about where they came from and why. Even they can't remember.
A faint cry could be heard from the distance, drawing ever closer.
"Caaaaaaake! Ohmygod, let them in, let them in!"
A beep was heard, and the light on the side of the door went from blue to green. The second door opened, and disinfectant sprayed everywhere, irritating Jeremy's nose and forcing him to cough.
Behind the mist was the figure of a chubby snow leopard, which means--
"SANTA," Tad shouted, and without any hesitation the two fennecs pounced the most powerful woman in the state, licking her like mutts. They dropped the cake.
"Oop--" Jeremy grabbed it before it could even drop a centimeter.
Darcy then pulled Tad on the ear and scowled. "What is wrong with you?"
"I sowwy," he replied habitually.
"Aw what is this, California? I don't mind at all," Governor Douglas replied. "What would you boys like for Christmas?"
"Tight virgin asses," they chanted enthusiastically.
"Done," said the Governor, and they scurried off.
"Sorry about that," said Jeremy.
"That's okay," said Governor Davis. "I rather enjoy their company, especially after all the serious chat with all the people that goes on and on! The senators, the lobbyists, the media? Give me a break! Just one day off is all I ask, although," she looked Jeremy in the eye and smiled, "being a girl does have its perks."
"Ah-heh," Darcy blushed. She couldn't help but reflect on her life with Jeremy.
The Governor cleared her throat. "Well, I would love to have you guys here for lunch, but our on-site chef is on PTO. I know," she gently patted Chad on the head, "Let's go to the Prairie Place!"
"Yippee!" The fennecs burst in excitement, and ran all the way back to the front door.
The Governor ogled the tupperware prism in Jeremy's paws. "I'll take that."
The Prairie Restaurant is really the Golden Valley Cafe. It is located in the Prairie Casino. It was once a part of Goldman Sachs in its gambling division. Once it was revealed that they cheated on their property taxes, as with anyone else, they were out of luck. Minnesota enforces its tax code without a private firm, unlike most other states. As soon as they find out that you are falling behind, they seize your property without pity or shame.
The only difference this time is that they did not sell the property in a public auction or Sheriff sale, and why should they? The casino was already going gangbusters, and they had more than enough to keep going if they had simply paid the penalty. Instead, they were consumed by their ego and decided to move it Iowa, but through the power of eminent domain, the state took the property and its trademark. With that announcement, people came rushing in a big show of support. It got six times more traffic being owned by the taxpayers than when it was a for-profit company.
Attached to it was a Country Inn & Suites, a Whiplash brothel, and, of course, the cafe itself. In the Midwest, cafe is a synonym for restaurant (as opposed to coffee shop), confusing coasties everywhere.
It is here that Darcy, Tad, Chad, and Jeremy sat in a private booth with the Governor to discuss current affairs. Her chubbiness and warm hospitality infatuated both Jeremy and Darcy. Jeremy was rock hard, and Darcy licked her chops. She wanted that pussy, even if she had to share.
They were barely able to make out her personal musings. "--and that is why you never invite the whole assembly to a potluck. Anyway..."
She spoke in a round room lined with cushions and carpet so no one could hear them. In the middle of the table was a holographic projector. It displayed a photo of the incident that happened while they were asleep and a brief description of the article below.
"A bomb went off in O'Hare," the Governor sighed. "There was an explosion in the women's restroom at the International Terminal. The airport was closed an no one was there. No one knows how or why because the body of the assailant was not recovered, no evidence of any kind. Now the airport is at a standstill, pure ground stop, and do you know what that means?"
Jeremy counted from his fingers. 3-2-1, "And nothing of value was lost," everyone shouted, and they all laughed with glee.
After getting their orders of food, Jeremy couldn't help but wonder, "What does this have anything to do with us?"
"Oh right," said Anne Douglas, just about ready to dive into her--entire sheep. "The police and authorities are going nowhere near it. There's usually a dispatch by now. I'm sorry, I forgot the most important part. Miss Mondale?"
"Yes," the vixen replied.
"Do you know how much Mr. Foxx is worth?"
"N-no. He said thousands or so."
Governor Douglas pulled a chart from her bracelet. Jeremy's jaw dropped in shock.
"Try sixty-four million kD."
"Wait, how did you--"
Anne held up a circular pastry. "You know they'll do anything for a cookie."
Darcy interjected. "Sixty-four million kD? Yet will still live in a hole in the ground? What is wrong with you? I might as well quit my job right now! We could buy a private jet with that--there is no way. No way in hell."
"You said I could do anything with the money I gave," Jeremy defended.
"Well, yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually win," Darcy jabbed back.
"I'm sorry?"
"Don't be," the Governor replied, and then she gave a very wide grin. "Want to know who the beneficiary is?"
Darcy rolled her eyes. "Something stupid I'm sure," she thought.
"The state. The little guy has an agenda. We want to know what it is."
"I knew it," said Jeremy. "I knew you couldn't pay off the provincial debt in a year. The media has been hounding you and something has to be done. I thought you were going to buy shares of Target or something, but if this going where I think it i--"
The Governor's face was grim, and Jeremy's warm feels began to fade. "Your company is on a tighter rope than you might think. I've been back-handing the Department of Revenue to make sure that all the taxes from your shell directly pays off the debt. The Republicans don't like that and are going to throw the usual tantrum, but if you join us--"
She hesitated, tapping her fingers on the table so she could intimidate Jeremy and muster the courage to negotiate, "You will be given a fixed salary to play around with. A million kD per year. 80% the profit will go to us. You can step out from the shadows and revive the state from a shiny new building in Solution Square. I call it the Inherent Trust." Jeremy was pleased with the blueprints. "Oh, but first--"
She opened a black crate with her bracelet that someone brought in while Jeremy and Darcy were in their romantic trance. She grabbed four HazMat suits and tossed them at Jeremy. "Go out there. Something's up, and we need to find out what."
"Whoa," Darcy shouted.
"Why us," Jeremy asked.
"A little test," the Governor winked. "You know the three departments that deal with species?"
Darcy and Jeremy recited, "Interspecies, Intraspecies, Opportunity."
"Well, it's all one group now." The Governor pulled up an info card with the logo and stretched it out. "The Minnesota Peace-Keeping Department, or PKD. We can't have all this muddling back and forth and expect to get anything done, so here it is. They wanted a fixed budget and more independence, so I combined them into one to save time and money. Itlll all be part of this year's Nice Act, and if people see how well it can work, they'll be head-over-heels for it."
"Wait," said Jeremy. "How are you going to save anything without pissing a few people off? Like, you are going to cut some jobs, aren't you?"
"Ooh, yeah. I had to get back at them for their incessant whining. Maybe if we have your company we'll re-consider."
"So, you're just going to force us in to a hostile group right from the start," Darcy jeered.
"No," Anne replied, "There will be a rotating leadership, starting with Agent Manning. I think you girls will learn to like her. Just take the chemicals and bring them back to the U of M, an they'll take it from there."
"O ya, you bet," Jeremy mocked. Darcy hit him in the back of the head.
"You know that's annoying!"
"Sorry," Jeremy replied.
Darcy stared at where Tad and Chad sat. "Uh--"
The Governor sighed. "In my room, 1066. Why don't you come with us? We can sit back, relax, maybe watch some TV?"
"Let's go," Darcy shouted with enthusiasm.
"Wait a minute," Jeremy said, looking down. "Aren't you going to eat your food? It's been a half-hour and we haven't taken a single bite!"
"Rrrg," Darcy growled and pouted.
When you live in a frozen tundra for six months a year, there is little choice but to go out and interact with people. Over time the technology has transformed society in a number of ways, making life easier and disrupting many industries. Card games were not one of them.
"Uno," Darcy shouted.
"Oh, and you would know," Jeremy joked.
Tad and Chad were already fast asleep after minutes of eyestrain from watching their favorite cartoons. They had their back to the hotel door. They were in a pair of onesies from the closet. One of them was holding the other like a plush, and the tip of his tail twitched. He was dreaming; both of them were.
Jeremy stared into the darkness outside and yawned. "I'm gonna go downstairs."
"Oh. Well, can I borrow your girlfriend for awhile?"
"Sure," he said callously, as if they were asking for a cup of sugar. He looked back for a split second to see Miss Douglas dawn a big grin and wiggle her fingers. "See you later Madame Governess."
"Have fun," she replied.
"See ya," said Jeremy, then he swiped his bracelet and walked out the door.
"Madame Governess," she thought. "I should run with that."
After Jeremy left, Darcy and the Governess looked at each other for a full two minutes before she finally had the courage to break her inhibition and say something.
"Darcy," the Governer said.
"What," Darcy replied coldly.
"I was wondering, sort of hoping you and I could, uh, play with--a video game," Anne Douglas said with a fake smile, "Yes, a video game to, uh, ease the tension?"
Darcy paused for a moment. "It's not every day you wake up to millions and see it vanish before your eyes. Just when I thought I would be set, you bring us over to snatch it away."
"Oh come now," the Governess said. She thrust her arm and tried to cup a feel.
"Don't touch me," Darcy jabbed, pushing the hand away, "don't touch me or my boyfriend. Who the hell do you think you are?"
"I don't know," the Governess sighed. "I just--I mean, it's what he wants, ya know? I mean, why force it on a man that doesn't? That's the way I see it."
A tear rolled down Darcy's cheek. The only reason they are here is because she threw him in a stall. Was there any point? Was it all a lie? Did he love her back? She couldn't bear the thought of letting him go, but if there was no chemistry, if he couldn't feel loved, then what was the point?
She cried. More hot tears went down her face, dripping to the floor. Her wailing could be heard from the other end of the suite, waking up Tad and Chad. They placed pillows over their heads. They knew this day would come.
With some hesitation, the Governess hugged Miss Mondale, not knowing what else to do. She rubbed Darcy's back. "I'm sorry, child. I didn't mean to throw a wrench between you to. I'll--"
Darcy hugged back, squishing the pudgy snow mew with 3kN of warmth and affection. The Governess patted Darcy on the head. "I'll go back to the lobby and see if he can--"
Darcy grabbed the Governor's hand and licked her palm affectionately. "He left. You waved him off. There's nothing more that we can do."
"Oh," the Governess replied in disappointment. She couldn't help but wonder if Jeremy would retaliate or hijack her pla--
With a kiss on the cheeck, Darcy melted those fears away. This got Anne's motor going. The Governer kissed back, warmer, deeper, softer...
Anne and Darcy frenched, and there was more passion still, more feeling, and more heat as they caressed each other in a warm embrace. They licked, sucked, and swirled, falling deeper into each other's arms as they covered cheek, mouth. Darcy went down on the Governer's neck, and the Governer returned the favor with more teasing and tickling of the toungue.
Their breasts touched and rubbed, nipples hardening with the heat of each passing moment. Darcy pushed over the beast of the North and her shirt came flying off. "Let's do this," she shouted with greed. She licked her chops; her pupils were dilated, and the smallest ring of yellow danced in the reflection of moonlight.
The Governess leaped out of the bed and snapped Darcy's bra, pulling it up and over her head just as quickly, throwing it toward Tad and Chad. She could hear them moaning in contempt. Both panties and pants went down in one tug (a trick she learned in high school), exposing Darcy's swollen glory. She was wet and ready to go.
Governer Douglas pushed her new doll into bed, and she giggled with delight. The big grey vixen laid back and in her position and was ready for a night of love, arms out and legs spread wide. Then the Governer placed her paw on Darcy's toes.
She looked up and watched as the most powerful woman in the state slowly undressed. She rolled the shirt up to expose her tummy, rubbing it gently with her right paw. Darcy started to pant, gasping for air. To her surprise, her pussy swelled up even more, and her tunnel became stiffer still. Ghe governer took her shirt off and exposed her squishy melons. She teased with the shoulder strap, pawing at it gently, snapping it four times. Then she slid it down, and after pulling off the other strap her girls were free to wiggle and dance. The Governess felt herself up, touching her own breasts. Then she crossed her arms accross her stomach, moved back, and gave her ass a squeeze.
Darcy closed her eyes and looked back into her pillow, moaning in anticipation. Her pussy became even more wet, and her tunnel harder still. She had never been this aroused in her entire life.
The Governess slouched down right on top of her. The chubby snow leopard leaned forward and was breast-to-breast. Darcy opened her eyes and the Governess kissed her on the cheek.
"Mmmh," Darcy replied.
The Governess then kissed Darcy on the lips, and there was more frenching. Their boobs were on top of one another. She embraced the grey vixen, and could feel a pair of soft paws gently groping her ass. They kissed each other softly, gently, slowly. Time was at a standstill. They wished this night would never end.
After another kiss on the lips, the Governess moved down to her neck.
She never even touched the vixen's pussy, and it already on the brink of bursting.
Douglas then slowly went down, kissing gently with each step, then reached the breasts. She grabbed the left one vociferously, It was supple, yet firm. The Governer's breasts were just large and squishy, just like the rest of her body. She placed it in her mouth, licking and sucking it with greed.
"Mmmmmm," Darcy moand. Her panting became deep breaths, letting every moment every bit of affection, every moment of excasy.
Back and forth she went with her toungue, sucking in, pulling out, licking back and forth, then moving to the other side, licking it, then giving it a nibble as if she was a kitten, then let it fall back on the vixen's chest.
The Governer then went down and gave gentle licks right above the navel. She moved her head down, then came back up and licked the exact same spot again, more slowly, in yet another tease. She opened her eyes and looked down. That was the biggest pair of labia she had ever seen.
The Governess breathed ever so gently on the gates, seeing if they still had room to grow. Then she licked a spot where Darcy's thigh touched her pelvis and began to purr. The labia grew bigger still as more juices began to flow.
"Oooooh," Darcy moaned.
She gently placed her thumb on the swollen glands, pushing them aside and opening the tunnel. She stuck a pair of fingers inside out of curiosity.
It was super sensitive and more stiff than plywood.
Then, without warning, the Governess pulled her fingers out and took a massive gulp.
"Oh my fuck," Darcy shouted.
The Governess widened the tunnel with her paw and, after that, she was all in. Her tounge went in and out of the vixen's canal. Her purring was loud and intense, the chubby face eager to please.
The Governess continued to move her toungue in and out, still focusing on a very sensitive G-spot. Dacry's struggled for air as she squealed and screamed with delight.
"Oh God, Ooooooh-fuck, fuck, oooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,"
Tears were rolling down Darcy's face, but this time they were tears of joy. She opened her eyes, looked at the ceiling and smiled. She had been missing this for so long.
Then the Governess moved her toungue out, and in one final lick moved her big thick toungue up and onto the vixen's--
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH," Darcy screamed at the slightest touch, and as she gripped the pillows she let out the biggest, longest, and most violent bursts of pleasure the hotel had ever been a part of.
After 43 seconds of contractions and squirting, the bed sheets were soiled beyond repair. Darcy was worn out, still trying to catch her breath, and moved her body to the side so she cound fall asleep, and the Governess plopped down right next to her, grabbing the vixen's breasts.
"Goodnight," said the Governess.
"Goodnight," Darcy yawned.
The lights turned off, and even though it daytime, the two girls fell asleep, with Anne holding Darcy like a plush.
There is something about sex that many people simply take for granted. A casual fuck here and there is no big deal; almost everyone does it. They go about their lives as usual, sleeping with whomever they please, bouncing around from place to place without ever knowing what it's like to make love.
Yet every now and again there are those that find they are part the lucky few who have a night that changes everything, waking up to find they are completely different from the night before. They trudge away and walk in circles with the crowd. They feel bitter towards everyone and everything until they find the one in which they give in to their desires, the one that can fire off their cares, suffering and sorrows so they can find peace from within.
Miss Mondale woke up at 16:08, still trapped in the warm feline's embrace, purring softly and nuzzling the grey vixen as she dreamed of--a mountain of cake. The Governess licked and nibbled darcy, then Darcy pushed her arms off gently, turned around and kissed her deeply in return. When the Governess opened her eyes, she smiled.
"Thank you," Darcy said. "For everything."
"I love you too," Anne replied as she smiled and winked.
Darcy got up and out of bed and closed her eyes and smiled in a state of bliss. She picked up her clothes, remembering where they were, and got herself dressed. She walked towards the door, then turned toward the beauty in bed.
The vixen spoke softly. "Time to go home," she said with a grin, then walked down the hallway toward the elevator. She opened her eyes, loving every moment as she took it in and everything she saw. Her mind was at ease and she was happy with herself, with everything.
As the elevator descended, she looked out the window to the revolving door. It was almost dark, and outside was a beautiful sunset. The elevator doors opened, then she walked outside in the cold December snow, and waited for the green line. She looked toward the apartment tower in excitement. She couldn't wait to burst her new-found pride all over Jeremy. Surely he was over their little squabble by now.
The tram stopped almost teasingly slow, and as the doors opened, Darcy rushed in to take her seat, bumping into a number of people.
"Ugh, rude," shouted one of the passengers as she made her way to the casino. Darcy didn't care. She just wanted to spread her juices over a tired submissive fox that spent hours straining his eyes on a flickering hologram, who wouldn't have loved anyone or felt anything, and took pride in her biggest accomplishment.
"God I love my life" she blurted, leaning back towards the window, breathing heavily and lavishing in the envious stares of the rest of the passengers.
After 20 minutes, the train finally stopped where she needed to get off. It was painful at first, but she got up and ran as fast as possible, breaking past the front doors, running down the stairs and jumping into her living space, rolled forward on the ground and looked back, giggling from the kitchen.
Jeremy shot his head back toward the noise, then back at the screen. He was standing up naked, and Darcy could see that he was masturbating at a chart. She sighed as she bent her head into her knees.
"What a dork."