The party! [PART 11]

Story by LunaticLens on SoFurry

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#11 of The party!

Im very sorry for the part coming out so late. I was very busy in the last phew week. Anywho, i still hope you enjoy this part.

It was early in the morning and Luna woke up from last night. He was relieved to have all those boxes done and the TV buildup. He Yawned a little and rolled out of bed. Still a little sleepy, he noticed that his mate's clothes were scattered all about the floor. Maybe he was showering? Maybe he was getting ready for something?

He waddled into the hallway, listening closely to the sounds of the house, and he heard running water.

He walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. As response he got a quick "Come in!"

The wolf opened the door and saw Joe standing in front of the mirror and brushing his teeth, with nothing but a towel around his hips. "Morning, hun!" The leopard had a sweet tone on his voice that's not known to Luna.

"M-morning sweetie." Luna yawned and stretched a little again. "Why so happy today?"

Joe smiled as he spat out the last bit of toothpaste. "Because of yesterday. Where we actually-" the leopard stopped for a second, blushing a little. "-did it."

The wolf smirked. "And i was so sure you were so happy because of the new TV." He swiftly swept beside his boyfriend, checking himself in the mirror. "Oh, and that thought from yesterday; forget it."

A little confused, Joe began to guess. "That one with you working at a bakery?"

The smirk on Luna's face faded away. "Yeah, that one. Forget that. I'll work as a secretary. Now that i got my papers i could even start being a goddamn doctor. That's easy as pi."

"It's seriously boring, y'know?" Joe yawned, his towel slightly slipping off his hips. "You sit there all day long, doing the same repetitive task."

"Nah, it's pretty cool. You make tons and tons of money for assisting somebody." The wolf rested his head in his palm, thinking about the decision again, as it did sound boring now.

"Ok then. Tomorrow we'll go to the nearest company, if possible the most expensive company ever. Like Gucci or Prada."

"I don't think they need me." The wolf giggled a little. "How about a small corporation? I bet they need somebody!"

Joe nodded. "We'll do anything that pleases you."

"Now..." The wolf's smile turned into a look of confusion. "...Why are you cleaning yourself?" He looked Joe in the eyes, waiting for a answer.

The leopard stuttered a little. "I-Im going to a meeting for the team. It might take very long, so you can invite people over if you want."

The wolf's frown turned into a grin. "Like Vermont?"

"Like Vermont!" The stuttering of Joe finally stopped and a awkward smile sat down on his face. "You can invite him over. You can watch a movie or something."

"I'll do that." Luna stepped out of the bathroom again. "Don't worry though. I won't be bored. He's a sweet fella."

Joe stared at the mirror with wide, open eyes. "C-Cool..." His voice was deeper than normal.

Luna snapped back as he noticed the angry tone his boyfriend's voice. "But i LIKE him. And i LOVE you. Which makes him only my second choice."

"Okay." The tone of Joe's voice was back to normal, but he still seemed a little aggressive.

Stepping back, Luna swiftly walked into the livingroom. He turned on the TV and switched through channels trying to ignore the anger of his boyfriend.

After a long time of paranoidly looking at the TV, the wolf heard the steps of his boyfriend walking around the house. "'You already going?"

The steps stopped for a second. "Yeah. See you tonight." The leopard's voice halled through the house and the front door closed. The whole house filled with silence and Luna huffed deeply. "Fuck." He grabbed his phone and digged into his contacts. "Alright then." Luna sighed as he called Vermont.

The phone was picked up shortly after by the canine. "Hey, Luna! Waddup'?"

"Hey Vermont. I was just wondering if you would like to come over. I got my TV and stuff set up and i thought we could watch a movie or two." Luna's voice was slightly shaking but he calmed himself down a little as he didn't want the canine to notice his nervousness.

"Sure thing! You just need to give me your address and i'll be on my way."

The wolf gave his address and without further conversation the call ended. With another big sigh, Luna stared at the ceiling, patiently waiting for Vermont to arrive.

To his surprise, the time actually did fly by. The doorbell rang just a phew minutes after the phone call. Quickly standing up, Luna waddled to the door and opened it.

"Hey!" The canine was standing in the doorframe, wearing stylish winter clothes; a dark coat, white trousers and dark brown boots.

Giving only a forced smile, the wolf finally opened his mouth and only a silent "Hello." escaped his throat, in which a big lump was making his voice sound very shy. "Why...Don't you come in." Luna slowly stepped aside.

With a worried look in his eyes Vermont walked in and took off his coat. "Where should i-"

The large canine was interrupted by the wolf, who was suddenly soflty wrappping his arms around him, his head resting firmly on his chest. Looking down at Luna with a bit of confusion, Vermont lightly put his arm around the wolf, gently petting his back.

After just a bit of time, Luna awkwardly stepped back and stared at the ground. "I-im sorry... I just felt like i needed a hug."

The large canine smiled. "It's okay! Everybody needs a hug every now n' then, don't they?"

"C'mon. Let me take your coat."

Handing over the piece of clothing, Vermont began looking around the silent house. "Seems like 'yer boyfriend ain't there, huh?"

"N-no." Luna hung the coat on a chair in the kitchen. As he waddled back, he began to explain. "He said he had some kind of meeting that would take very long."

"Hm." The canine had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"B-but it's ok! I mean, he said he loved me. He must've ment it. H-He wouldn't... Cheat...On me..." Slowly walking into the living room, his voice became shyer and more silent.

Vermont followed Luna into the livingroom, where he sat down. "...Look." The canine was tapping on the empty space next to him. After the wolf sat down his speech continued. "I bet he won't do that. You're a lovely, funny and especially nice fur. If he'd dare to cheat on you he would be very dum'. So, just don't worry about him too much." The larger canine sensed his anxiety and wrapped his arm around Luna once again. "But if he ever leaves you, you always have me as a shoulder to cry on."

The wolf silently rested his head on Vermont's shoulder. "T-thank you for being there for me. You don't know how much you've helped me in the last few days. I appreciate it."

"I am a warm-hearted person. Just don't mess with me nor with my friends and everything will be alright."

Luna felt a great sensation in his heart; it wasn't particularly love, but he felt safe, something that was very new to him. It was the most enjoyable feeling he ever felt, something he wanted forever.

"Y'know, i really want to meet your boyfriend. You mentioned that he is one of the only phew people you trust in your life. Does that mean you don't have many friends?"

Luna shook his head. "You, Joe and just a phew other furs."

"That's sad, but i know why you are doing this. You just don't like being left." Vermont's arm slung around the wolf's shoulder, slowly petting his back.

Vermont's petting turned into precise and enjoyable pressure and Luna's immediate reaction was a deep purr. "Ugh...I almost forgot you were a masseur. This feels awesome."

The canine giggled and his massaging turned back into petting. "Im sorry. I got a little carried away there." He and Luna were just sitting there for a long time, just friendly cuddling. But then again, Luna drifted into stupid thoughts.

"I love how he touched me just there..."

"Was he implying that he was turned on just then?"

"I really hope Joe doesn't come home and destroys this moment."

Luna began slightly clenching himself into Vermont's shoulder. "You mad 'bout something?" The canine asked with a worried voice.

The clenching stopped and Luna was calm again. "I-i was just having stupid thoughts."

The canine sighed. "You like me, do you?"

After those words, Luna was frozen. "I-i...I..."

Vermont laughed deeply. "It's obvious. I also really like you. You have a lovely personality." The canine's laughter stopped in a matter of seconds. "B-but we wanted to watch a movie, didn't we?"

Luna stood up from the couch, walked to the TV and knelt down to the shelf, where he chose a phew movies quickly. "So, do you want Romance, Horror, Comedy or Drama?"

"The Horror one."

Luna took out the CD and put it in the DVD player and rushed back on the couch.

Vermont laid his arm over the wolf's shoulder and got himself in a more comfortable position.


With the both just watching movies and cuddling they didn't watch the time, and Joe came back home. "Hello! Luna? Im home!"

But the wolf didn't hear him; he was fast asleep and with him was Vermont, who was still awake and still gently petting his back.

Because the wolf didn't answer, he walked around the house looking for him. After reaching the livingroom, he saw the canine and Luna, sitting there. "W-who are you? I may ask?"

Vermont took Luna in his arms and walked towards Joe, and whispered. "I answer that later. But for now, could you tell me where your bedroom is?"

The leopard nodded and lead the canine into their bedroom. Vermont lied Luna down on the bed and the two walked outside.

"So now. Tell me, are you Vermont?" Joe seemed a bit nervous.

The canine nodded. "Yes i am. You are...Joe? If im right?"

"Yeah. Im Joe. Nice to meet you, Vermont." He extended his arm and the two gave a handshake.

"You're Luna's boyfriend, is that so?" Vermont stepped back a little.

"Yes i am. Im sorry if Luna caused any trouble-"

"No! No, no no. That guy is basically an angel. He always wants you to be happy with everything, and... It worked for me, at least!"

The leopard giggled softly. "Yeah. He's a little over protective. But i love him just for that. It's very cute." He went a little silent, before going on. "So what do you work as?"

"Im a masseur. I get hired by all kinds of people. And that strip-club you went to were one of my clients." The canine sighed deeply. "It's just very awkward to massage somebody who is jerkin' off. So, uh... What's your occupation?"

"Im a sportsman. I do football."

Vermont had a sly look on his face. "And where were you tonight?"

Blushing a little, the leopard stepped back. "That's a little personal there..."

"Im sorry, but... Would you please answer that question? I had to spend my entire day with >your< boyfriend. I really should know why."

"Have you got time? This might take awhile to explain..."

"Yeah, i've got all time in the world."

The leopard sighed as he hoped to hear a no."It's this; Luna and i are living together, y'kow? And, you know why?"

Vermont thought for a second, and indeed, Luna never told him about it. "No."

"His father was abusive to him after he came out of the closet, and, we were close friends then, so he called me sad and broken. So i 'adopted him' in some way. Of course, this isn't all, his mother snooped after him and found all my information and called child-sevices after Luna. Yada, yada, yada, and then, today it happened, i went to the court and he now officially lives with me." Joe took a deep breath. "Got that?"

"So you and Luna live together now, for real?" The canine seemed pleased with the answer and gave in. "I think it was nice of you to take him to you, but it seems a bit odd, doesn't it?"


"Luna told me often that he was scared of you abusing him, but he loves you in some weird way. That kinda sounds like forced love to me."

Joe went up from 0 to 100 fairly quick. "What the fuck do you mean forced love?!"

The canine held back Joe with both arms on the shoulders. "It's not what you think it is. He loves you because you saved him, maybe he doesn't even love you because of your personality, if you do want to make him happy, do something friendly, like cuddling without expecting sex or going out and having a nice conversation."

The leopard was shocked, he didn't expect somebody who didn't know Luna for long to give him such detailed explanations. "How do you know that?"

Vermont tapped on Joe's shoulder. "He indeed told me that he liked me, but not in the way of loving; he wanted me as a close friend. And i didn't do much too, i listened closely to what he said and calmed him down whenever he became upset."

"H-he likes you..? " Joe seemed to be more depressed than angry now.

"Yes. But after he became a little frisky i immediately denied it, as i have respect of you being his boyfriend." The canine warmly smiled at the leopard.

Joe was empty-handed. Everything the canine said made sence. He was silent.

"So, i'll go now, i don't think im wanted here." Vermont huffed as he grabbed his coat that Luna previously hung over the chair.

Startling a bit, Joe managed to say "You should stay here tonight, it's way too dark."

"Uh...Ok." The canine was a bit confused but gave in. "Where do i sleep?"

The leopard had a soft smile on his face. "Follow me." Joe lead Vermont to the guest rooms. "You can sleep here. You can sleep all you want. Even completely naked. But if you wake-up you might want to get dressed again."

Vermont was exited at at the comfortable looking bed. "Thank you. Have a good night."

"Good night!" Joe said, stepping out of the room and closing the door. He swiftly jumped up the staircase to his bedroom and opened the door. Luna was laying there, eyes brightly open, looking at him with a lovely look on his face. "Hi, sweetheart."

The leopard began taking off his tuxedo. "Hello Loonie. how was your day?"

The wolf stretched a little. "Lovely. It's just sad that you weren't there. So, tell me, have you talked to Vermont?"

"Yes, i have! And i must admit that he is a good guy. He told me everything you did, even the part where you became frisky."

Luna was a bit scared. "H-has he..?"

Noticing the wolf's nervousness, Joe decided to make him a little more happy. "Yeah, and i can't be mad at you. If that guy would touch me, i'd be all over him!"

A bit confused, Luna took a deep breath. "He went home, didn't he?"

"He wanted, but he's sleeping here now."

The wolf was happy, but even more confused.. "Why are you so, different, today?"

Joe meanwhile was left only in his boxer-shorts. He gave his lover a sorry look. "Vermont explained to me that you are terrified of me. So im planning to be more of a friend to you."

The leopard lied down next to Luna and slowly began to cuddle him. His arm was wrapped around Luna's hip, and his other arm was petting the wolf softly on his headfur. "Vermont is very nice, and i hope you two stay close friends."

The wolf had a beloved feeling in his heart and slowly began drifting off into sleep.


Luna woke up in his bed, noticing a great smell coming from the kitchen. He stood up and tiptoed downstairs, where he was greeted by Vermont and Joe both smiling dearly with a cup of coffee in their hand. "Good morning you two."

Vermont was wearing his trousers and his t-shirt, he seemed to be awake longer than Joe, who was only wearing his boxers from last night and a tank top. "Morning sweetie."

"Morning Luna."

The wolf silently looked at the two. "So, you had a conversation?"

"No, not really. We were waiting for you." The canine said, smiling awkwardly as he took a sip of his mug.

After stepping in slowly, Luna sat down next to his boyfriend. "How'd you guys sleep tonight?"

"Great. Im only a little worn-out from yesterday." Joe said, playing around with the mug in his paws, before reaching one out and swinging it around Luna's shoulder. "But im glad you found company from Vermont while i was gone."

Noticing a ache building up in his back, the wolf snarling-up a little. "Fuck.."

The canine looked up with a concerned face. "Is something wrong?"

"It's just this pain in my back. It's hurting really bad."

Vermont giggled awkwardly as he set his mug down on the table. "Uh. Joe, you might feel a little uncomfortable with this, but how about i massage you, Luna? I mean, it is my job anyway, and because it's personal it means you don't have to pay."

"I wouldn't mind getting massaged, especially because im doing yoga and stuff i get recurring dislocations and stuff." The wolf huffed as he pressed his hands into his spine.

The canine took a sip of his coffee. "Luna agreed, it's your turn now, big boy."

Joe had a rather confusing look in his face; he seemed concerned for his boyfriend, however he was still thinking rather than directly saying that "It's ok", which was his finalchoice after all.

"I need some kind of flat surface, a bed preferably." Vermont was sure that Joe wouldn't want this, but Luna seemed in pain and after all, it is his body!

"You can use our bed." The leopard said with a neutral tone. "B-but i have a question."

The canine seemed alright with Joe asking him something.

"Could i watch, while you massage Luna?"

Both Vermont and the wolf had looked at each other and then back to Joe.

Luna smiled warmly at his boyfriend. "I'd be alright with it, hun."

"Ok then, let's go to the bedroom."

As the wolf tried to lift himself up from his chair and immediately shot back down with a groan.

"Oh, i'll carry you, boy." Joe said, firmly putting his arms around his lover and picking him up. "Is it okay like this?"

The wolf nodded and the three went into the bedroom. Joe lied Luna down on his bed, face down and then sat down on the opposite site of the bed.

Vermont began cracking with his fingers, asking:"Do you want to have you shirt on, or off?"

"I'd like to have my shirt on please."

The canine looked at Joe. "Okay then. Uh, Joe, you wouldn't mind if i once and then lift his shirt up to massage the lower spine regions?"

"No." It came very dry, But Luna and Vermont didn't mind it.

Vermont slowly began applying pressure on Luna's back with his whole palm, gently repeating this for about five minutes. Then he curled up his paws to fists and pressed his knuckles into the wolf's back, near the spine area. Luna's response was a long, deep growl.


After the massage was done and Vermont was gone and with him Joe's jealousy. Luna sighed as he was bored for the rest of the day. Lazily laying on the bed and letting his thoughts drift into beyond, he noticed footsteps coming closer. He lifted his eyelids just lightly and saw Joe slowly creeping up on him whilst biting his lip heavily. "Are you bored too?" Luna asked, sighing deeply.

The leopard didn't expect his boyfriend to be awake and jumped back a little. "Uh, um... Yes."

"Would you mind if we had a little..." Luna stood up and walked up to Joe. He leaned over and whispered "...Fun?" With these words he moved away and gently placed his lips among his lover's. The slow kissing turned into strong making out after the wolf opened his mouth and let his boyfriend's tongue slip in. Slowly moving towards the bed, the two tumbled over and the wolf landed on his back. "Let's skip the foreplay and directly come to the fun." He began undoing his shirt and Joe began undoing his already tenting boxershorts. "C'mon, pup. Lick it." Joe demanded, his hand gliding through Luna's blue headfur.

Luna quickly switched positions with the leopard and let his hands drift down his boyfriend's body. The trobbing cock was infront of Luna now, and he gently began stroking it. The sheath slowly moved back and exposed the red flesh, which the wolf began licking.

Silent grunts and moans escaped the leopard's mouth and he began to thrust upwards into Luna's throat. The wolf began to gag, so he pressed his hand down on his boyfriend's hips to weaken the thrusts. He moved away from the lubricated shaft and a strand of salvia formed between. The couple changed positions again and Joe began undoing Luna's pants, revealing his fully erect penis. The wolf was rolled over and began breathing heavily. Joe's hand slowly crept around Luna's tail, until lifting it up. "'You ready, pup?"

"Mhm." Luna's heavy breathing became deep breathing. Joe's hands took hold of his hips as his tip slowly entered the hole. The lubrication made sure to make this easier for Luna, but it still hurt him a little. As the length slowly buried itself within the wolf, he let out long moans. Joe began to thrust deeper and harder into the tight insides.

"Ugh...Joe...Deeper." Luna was clearly out of air, but still plead for more. As his boyfriend asked for it, the leopard began to bury himself deeper until he reached the knot. "Prepare yourself, bud..." He said, huffing deeply. He began to thrust in a fast rhythm. With a loud roar Joe shot his seed into his boyfriend, who was panting loudly. He rolled over and the seed began to dribble out of him and onto the bed. He began to paw violently until he shot shit semen across his chest and he was panting very hard. "Tha-hat... Was... Great..."


Im very sorry for the part coming out so late. I was very busy in the last phew week. Anywho, i still hope you enjoy this part.