The Neighbors... Save the World

Story by Argyron on SoFurry

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A quick and dirty story about two neighbors that have a little bit of fun with their role playing

The following story was inspired by a conversation I had on twitter with a blue wolpard (wolf leopard) to which I also used his frusta as sort of the basis for the characters in this story as well. Now, while what was discussed on twitter involved the use of duct tape (to which there is absolutely none in this story), the theme that brought up did make it into here. So I hope that everyone enjoys this rather fun story I've taken the time to write and the weird experience I for some reason decided needed to be shared.

As per usual, the following story contains homosexual acts between two consenting. Please stop reading this story right now if you are not of the right age or mind to do so, as I can take no responsibility for any physical or psychological harm that reading this story may bring you. Otherwise, I would love to hear feedback in the comments section below. Oh, and no wolves were harmed in the making of this story.


The Neighbors...

... Save the World

By Argyron

The old raccoon had just dropped his paper to turn the page when he caught sight of his neighbors walking past the window. "Charlene, our two weird neighbors are home again!" His paper fell into his lap as he grinned at the boys.

His wife walked into the room holding a steaming cup of tea. "Oh, you meant those two," she smiled before waving at them, the wolf and leopard returning the gesture a few seconds later. "Honestly, just because they are gay doesn't mean they are any weirder than you or me."

"Humph," he snorted. The raccoon ruffled his paper back up to its full stance and started glancing at the headlines. "Those two aren't weird because they are homosexuals, they're just weird in general." He let the news droop a bit, watching as the two walked by paw in paw until they were outside of the window's view.

"Oh, come off it Charles. You've always had a problem with them ever since they moved in. Must be the republican in you." Charlene sat in her own chair and put her tea down on a nearby table, grabbing her current book. The raccoon thumbed open the page she had bookmarked, though stopping before even starting.

"Now what is that supposed to mean?" He tilted his head and tossed his paper down, getting disgruntled at his wife's comment. "You know very well I voted for them to have more rights."

Charlene gently laid the literature in her lap and looked back over at her husband. "I'm just saying I've seen the blood that runs in your family."

"Are you comparing me to my father?" He pointed a sole finger at his own chest, snarling each word. "Now come off it. I'm nothing like my old man."

"If you say so, but don't blame me when the apple hits your head." She rolled her eyes before lifting the tea to her muzzle, gently sipping.

"Hits my head," he grumbled before bending over to pick up the paper. He had lost this battle, he always did with his wife, but he felt better knowing he had at least put up a fight. "Thinks she's so smart, apple not falling far from the tree and what not."


"You can't be serious, Paul," the leopard exclaimed as he fumbled with unlocking their front door. "I mean, for Captain Canine to randomly lose his powers when in the vicinity of vegetables is just ridiculous!"

The blue wolf looked over at his boyfriend while re-adjusting to the weight of the groceries with his one paw. "I think it makes perfect sense, I mean when was the last time you saw a dog eat vegetables without making a face?"

The click of the lock sounded right as the feline opened the door, taking one of the bags from his boyfriend before walking in. He didn't flick the lights, but let his mate get them since he still had their apartment keys in one paw. "Well, how about at lunch today when you ordered the potato leek soup?" He put the bag down on the table before turning around, only to find himself kissing his mate on the lips.

The canine had both of his paws on the feline's shirt, pulling him into the bit of affection. He watched tentatively as his mate went from being wide-eyed-surprised to suddenly contempt and purring into the kiss. These moments were what the wolf lived for; where he could see his mate suddenly change from tense to completely laid-back always put a smile on his muzzle.

The canine used his foot paw to lightly push the door closed, which meant they two of them leaned forward a bit as the bag of groceries spilled onto the counter. He released the kiss as one of the potatoes went rolling off the edge, a thud following as the vegetable hit the floor. "I thought it was a beef stew when we ordered, they always make beef stew for their soup du jour on Wednesday." He brought his mate back up to standing and then walked around the counter to pick up the potato. "And I did make a face," he added from the other side.

The feline came out of his daze and started putting the groceries away. "You still ate all of it and that didn't make you any weaker." He grabbed the items for the fridge first, some milk and cheese, bending over as he opened the refrigerator door.

A paw came up and groped the felines rear while he was not looking. "But look at the inspiration I have to keep my energy up!"

The cat chuckled and rolled his eyes again before popping back up to lightly peck his mate on the lips. "I bet you that little bit of inspiration couldn't stop Professor Fluffs from winning against Captain Canine."

"Oh really?" The lupine smirked as he grabbed a few of the groceries and helped put stuff away in their little apartment's kitchen. "Is that a bet I need to take on, Jake?"

"I wouldn't be make it if it wasn't." The leopard walked out of the kitchen into the living room, looking over the counter at his boyfriend. "You finish up and we'll find out, okay?"

The wolf looked at his mate quizzically, noting the smirk on his muzzle that meant the cat was clearly up to something. Paul squinted for a second, seeing if there was anything more to read before finally answering. "You're on." The lupine watched as his mate left the room, then turned around to finish up his task at paw.

Captain Canine stood a top his favorite overlook, his sights locked onto the city below. The little people of Pillowton seemed to be fine, going about their normal daily lives as they worked and cleaned and did all that other normal stuff.

Suddenly, in the distance, he heard an explosion of pillow-thumping proportions. Eyes snapped upwards as he saw one of the city's gleaming, puffy skyscrapers explode, the fluff of which blasted everywhere. From the puffs of smoke and destruction rose a most horrendous villain, Professor Fluffs. "I will destroy this city this time and no one can stop me!" The feline laughed ravenously with the debris falling all around him. He had his claws fully extended as his chest clenched tightly to show off his rather impressive muscles.

"Not again!" The wolf hopped from his high point atop culinary cape and bounced downwards towards the floor, a spring in each step as he rushed towards Pillowton to save the city from the ferocious feline. "I'll stop you, you scoundrel!" But something was different this time, that much the canine could sense. He felt weaker the closer he came to the city and his power's seeming to drain without reason. He pushed forward, determined to save the day!

In front of him another building exploded into fluff as the leopard's claws tore through the sides. He saw the citizens of Pillowton falling to their doom amongst the ruined streets, each one another soul he would not forget as he charged forward.

But the cat was ready, head twisting towards him with a most merciless snarl to show his sharp teeth. The claws came for him, the pup dodging at the last second as he slammed into one of the buildings and caused the whole place to fall. A loud thump as he took down part of his own town, though the structure protecting him from the ground the architecture came down. "Son of a," he started, but stopping for the sake of the Pillowton children. At the rate they were going, there would be no city left by the time the battle was over.

Professor Fluffs landed on his feet, bouncing almost instantly backwards towards the wolf that had yet to recover. He caught Captain Canine by surprise as he landed atop of him. The lupine's body pushed down into the skyscraper he had landed on, one paw tore into the mass just left of his head while a claw from the other grazed along the wolf's cheek.

He dodged, the fur on his muzzle swishing with the pressure as the knife-like edges passed by. He felt weak, both his forepaws and hind paws on the cat's shoulders and chest as he managed to barely push the feline off of him. "You can't win, Professor Fluffs. Just give up now!"

The leopard laughed as he landed perfectly on his feet, his fur waving as if a wind had just blow across him. "Can't I, Captain Biscuit? " The feline reached behind him, an evil smile across his face as he let his eyes narrow into slits, before pulling out a bight, orange carrot.

"NO," the lupine exclaimed as he suddenly realized why he felt so weak, "not a vegetable!"

"Oh yes, pup. I've come prepared now that I've learned your biggest secret." He then held the carrot up, letting it catch in the warm light. "With this, you can never stop me!" The professor let loose another deep laugh as he marched forward towards the downed wolf.

Captain Canine looked around for something to help him, but there was nothing. He felt his power's draining as the feline got closer, his abilities to overtake the cat lost, and soon he would not be able to even crawl away. His fate seemed destined now.

As the feline got close, he could hear the sinister purr from deep within the leopard's throat. "Oh yes, pup, we're going to have a lot of fun before the day is done." He felt a single claw suddenly on his thigh, slowly sliding up his legs and towards his underwear. The sharp tip trailed over the white fabric, tracing the outline of the canine's sheath before dipping lower and cupping his sack.

The wolf looked away from his tormentor, his own paws not able to even lift up and stop the feline from touching his special spot. He thought of the children of Pillowton, how they were being forced to watch him be sexually assaulted by this criminal and how there was nothing he could do.

Professor Fluffs smirked and leaned in real close, the warm breathing of the feline right on the canine's lips. "Let's make you do some tricks first." The leopard took the carrot out, watching as the wolf cringed, before balancing the orange stick on the cold tip of the lupine's nose. "Now keep the carrot there, boy."

The cat then dropped back down the canine's body, his claws raking through the thick pelt on the wolf's chest and stomach. When he arrived back at the pup's package, he looked up deviously. "Let's see if we can get you to stand up now." He rolled his rough tongue across the canine's underwear, licking the sheath and wetting the cloth as he went.

The canine could feel the tongue tracing along the edges of his fuzzy sheath and a purr resonating in his crotch, both of which felt really good. He wanted to stop the leopard and to save the children's eyes from what they were about to see, but that time had long since passed. Now, with the carrot on his nose, he was powerless and would have to succumb to the feline's every whim.

He was. His package was firming up quite quickly and, no matter how much he tried to think of potatoes or his grandmother; the cat was getting him riled up. He started breathing heavier and moaning lightly. He did not know it, but that was exactly what he needed to happen.

The carrot fell off his nose and onto the pillow, barely making a sound as the orange stick slowly rolled away. He could feel his power return to him again, feel his strength coming back into his paws as the vegetable moved farther and farther from him.

The feline barely noticed, just thinking the wolf was getting more and more into his torture as he pulled down on the underwear to free what he desired. He even failed to see the canine swat suddenly at the carrot as the little vegetable flew across the room and out of sight. He placed one final lick along the wolf's shaft, which had just peaked from his sheath, and looked up to watch as the pup moaned.

Something was wrong. Captain Canine had regained his power again and the carrot was nowhere to be seen. The leopard tried quickly to regain control of the situation, but it was too late. Out of nowhere a blow landed on the side of his head with a thump as a smaller building in Pillowton was torn apart and smashed into him. He flew back, slamming hard into the couch cliffs, knocked into disarray.

The wolf felt his muscles release the mass he had hit the cat with, the canine admiring his own toned arm before snapping his gaze back to the cat. "My turn," he confidently shouted before rushing after the cat.

The shock of the blow had left Mr. Fluffs a little bit dazed, his head spinning from all the movement. He tried to blink off the confusion, but by the time he heard the thumping of the canine coming towards him he was too late. A weight came down on top of his back, two paws grabbing both of his arms as they were pulled back. "No! Let go of me you bastard!" he shouted with clearly no care for the kids of Pillowton.

"Oh no, Professor Fluffs, I think it's time I taught you a lesson."

The feline suddenly felt his paws being tired up, his head twisting back to see the canine was wrapping them up with his cape. "What are you doing?" His voice was shrill, maybe a bit more than frightened as the tides turned on him. He squirmed, but the weight of the canine on him kept him still and those strong paws stopped his from getting free.

"You'll see," the lupine smirked, his paws finishing their task of neatly tying up the cat. He pressed on the small of the feline's back, putting his legs on either side of the cat, and then let his own claws roam down that fluffy back. They glided lower and lower, combing the unkempt fur until rolling back over the two mounds of the feline's rump. "I think I know what lesson to teach you this time."

The professor's eye's opened wide as he felt those dull claws roam up over his behind. "Hey, you can't touch me there," he yelled back, struggling more as the claws pulled down on his boxers to expose his ass.

The canine licked his lips as he felt those two round buns with pride, groping at his trophy for winning the fight. "But I can." He grabbed each one and felt each one's weight like a banker holds gold, both worthy of the term a fine piece. "And I think I will."

The leopard was really moving now, trying to wiggle his way away but to no avail. "This isn't the type of lesson a super hero is supposed to teach the bad guy!" He felt a smack on his ass, the sound resonating with his own yelp in pain.

The wolf chuckled as he watched the butt jiggle under his torture. "Ah, but no other villain has ever gotten me so riled up!" He moved forward, letting his meat drop between those two buns as he rubbed his cock between them. "You feel that, that's the pride and justice this town is about to serve you."

"No, you can't!" He wiggled about, but there was no use and he was running out of energy. Breathing heavily, his resistance slowed as he let that dog's dog hotdog in between his buns.

The wolf slowed himself down, getting just hard enough to make everything ready. "Now, be a good kitty and you get some lubricant, but be a bad kitty and you feel the real punishment." He let his weight shift, watching to see if the cat tried to escape, although the feline did nothing of the sort. Captain Canine got up and pulled those boxers the rest of the way off, tossing them across the room as he did so.

Cold air touched the cat's lower region, but he stayed still except for maybe a shiver and a twitch from his spotted tail. He splayed his ears and frowned waiting patiently until he felt a cold nose pushing his tail out of the way. "Lift it up," was called out behind him, and he obliged but letting his long tail flop forwards. The cold nose was back under him, two paws pulling on his midsection until his rump was raised, and a thick, wet tongue at his back door.

The canine groaned out loud as he tasted the leopard's backside. He let his long tongue roam from taint tip to tail, licking up the flavor with a bit of happiness before repeating the process. The cat was musky here too, very much so, and that really drove the wolf wild. He pressed his nose in farther and breathed in, getting his senses filled with the rich scent of his victory.

The feline breathed in lightly, trying to just get through this as he felt that wet muscle pushing at his rear entrance. He clenched down every time the tongue roamed over, his tail flicking in disapproval even though he knew he was helpless. He waited, only to end up grunting as the tongue pushing inside of him and started lubing him up. "Are you done yet," he asked, though clearly with disdain for what was happening.

The blue wolf pulled back, his eyes glued onto that tight hole as he watched the feline's pucker clench tightly closed again. "Far from it." He gave that rear another nice, loud slap before climbing back up on top of the cat, his cock now rubbing at the well-slickened entrance. "The real question is are you ready?"

There was no time for the feline to answer, for that teasing doggie dick flicked at his hole a few times before stabbing home, opening him up. He sucked in his shriek, a paw clenching over his muzzle to silence him as he heard the canine grunt in his ear. A few seconds later and half the shaft and fully sunk in. "Fuck," he shouted into the muffling paw.

The wolf was biting his bottom lip, loving the way that tight sphincter was gripping his cock like a silk glove. "Oh woof." He pushed more in, forcing his way down until he felt his crotch resting on those two mounds, an up-turned tail pushed against his belly.

Slowly the last bits pushed into the feline until he had a weight resting on top of him. The canine stopped there as if to let the professor adjust, his hole clenching down a few times in marvel at how large the mass was inside of him. He furrowed his brow and squinted his eyebrows, trying to push the pain from his thought.

The canine waiting for only so long though before he started moving. Gradually that massive maleness pulled backwards, sliding out of the cat until only the tip was in. He leaned over and let out a lung-full. "That's one tight ass you've got there," he stated as his paw slapped that behind, "and I plan to give it a rough riding." He placed both paws on the leopard's side, holding him in place, and pushed back in with one hard, quick thrust.

He went from feeling nearly empty to completely full, his anal passage stretching as the dick widened to its maximum just at the base. He gritted his teeth, clenching hard as another smack echoed off the walls.

There was no time for recovery after this thrust, the canine pulling back swiftly before mashing his hips forward again. He was getting into a rhythm and all too soon the sound of their bodies meeting was like music to his ears. The canine lifted his weight up and watched as his shaft plunged into the pink pucker, stretching his nemesis open raw. He used the view as leverage to push himself faster, his paws pulling the feline back into his thrusts.

The professor never stopped gritting his teeth, but something was changing. Sure, he felt like his ass was on fire with all the friction of the cock sliding in and out, but as that fuck stick slowly released more and more pre into him, the slickness increased and the pain faded. What he was left with afterwards was a different feeling; one of being filled and then emptied as a button deep inside of him was mashed down in place and sent sparks up his spine. The leopard started breathing a little weirdly and found himself enjoying his punishment, his own sheath firming up as his cock poked out of the top. And the more that wolf thrusted into him, the better he was starting to feel.

The canine could feel his own orgasm building up way too quickly, his knot forming and popping in and out of that hole with ease. He tried to ignore that excited feeling shooting from deep inside of him and tried to focus on just punishing the cat harder. But his balls were drawing up, slapping hard against the feline's own set as they rose, and he knew he would not last long. He finally stopped and pulled his whole cock out, looking at the pucker winking at him.

The feline was in a puddle of his own drool, which was the least of his worries as far as clear fluid leaking from his body went at that point. He breathed heavily and tried to stay calm. "Already finished?"

"You wish." The super hero felt under his conquest and touched the feline's hard cock, a smile cross his muzzle as he came to a new idea. "He picked up the villain and tossed him against the wall, the loud thud echoing as dust drifted down from the ceiling above. "Why don't we see how you really feel about getting a good, old fashion doggie dicking? I mean, from the looks of things I think you love it." He twisted the cat around and forcefully pressed his muzzle to the feline's lips, kissing him as his paws raised those two legs to help him line up again.

The professor groaned into the kiss, though part of that was moaning and another part was yelping as he had the cock reinserted into his ass. He felt a paw fall onto his own member, stroking gently as he bounced against the wall.

The wolf worked this position like a pro, sliding his hips up and down with ease as the slapping of their hips began playing again. He needed on paw to hold up the leopard, but that still left one free. He used his paw to slide up and down the feline's member, feeling the spines on the cock that sent tingles down his back and made his knot bulge a bit bigger. There was something about feline dicks that the wolf just loved. He kept pumping that shaft while plunging into that ass.

The cat breathed heavily, his back arched as he thumped his paw against he wall to hold himself up. He felt his orgasm building rapidly now that his own maleness was getting attention, and his backside clenched down hard on that cock still mashing against his inner button. "Oh fuck," he whimpered, "I'm gonna..."

The cat did not finish his sentence, for as soon as the canine heard those words he released the shaft in his one paw and pressed extra hard down on the leopard's crotch. With a lewd and wet sound pop, his knot went inside as he tied the big cat. He was far from finished yet, though, as his hips went back to short thrusting into the leopard.

The cat was, his cum dribbling out of his fuck stick and into his lap as his balls drew up into his body. He squeaked lightly, taking in the bliss of reaching orgasmic heaven as the world went away for a bit.

His ass held down tighter than before, and just below the canine's knot. Captain Canine suddenly felt his own orgasm coming swiftly as the fluids rushed up from inside, his tightly tucked testicles twitching and tingling with release. He flooded the feline's bowels with his puppy juice, painting the villains insides with the sweet, heroic justice he had to offer...


Charlene was knitting when they heard the loud thump against their shared wall with the boy's next door. She lowered her needles and looked over at her husband. "You were right, those boys are a bit weird."

Charles looked up from the magazine he had reading with the smuggest grin he owned upon his old face, his smile spreading wider as they heard a second bang against the wall.


A few minutes passed, the two furs held together in an awkward pose against the wall as they both heaved heavily. Finally, the wolf spoke up, "Oh God, I'm so tired. Let's shower and go to bed after this, Jake." He looked over his shoulder before falling backwards, taking the cat with him as they touched down into the soft fluff of couch cushions. "And we'll clean this mess up tomorrow."

The feline nuzzled into the canine's chest fur, taking in the scents as he pulled the cape off of his claws. He looked up at the wolf, his eyes like slits against as he started to laugh evilly. "Oh, but Captain Canine, surely you didn't think I could be so easily defeated!"

"Cut it out, Jake. I'm too tired and it's getting late."

The cat got up, pulling the canine with him in the most awkward position yet as the lupine's knot kept them tied together. "Tisk tisk tisk, you only saw part of my plan, but with you knotted to me, nothing can stop me from destroy the bedroom now!" He laughed again before stomping off towards the bedroom.

"Nooooooo!" The dog called out as his claws scraped against the carpet, trying to stop him but to no avail...

...To Be Continued?