Circumstance part 5

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#5 of Circumstance

Here's part 5 :-)

Mostly playing around with characterization. More sex in the next instalment!


crits, suggestions, etc. are welcome

thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy :-)


Sid was wandering the basement in search of the mailroom. He was shown where it was during his orientation, yesterday, but the building was labyrinthine.

The halls all looked the same and he could not remember the exact room number. This was frustrating.

"Who the fuck built this place?" he asked rhetorically.


The voice startled him. It came from around the corner.

"Hello?" he called, looking for source.

"Oh, hi." said a female wolf.

Sid recognized her. She was part of the group of new hires that were shown around. What was her name?

"Hey. Nikki?"

"Actually, it's Vicky. And you're Sid?"

She remembered him. "Yeah. That's me," he smiled. She looked rather attractive in the tight skirt.

"So what brings you down here?" she flicked her hair out of her eyes.

Blue eyes, Sid noted. "Um..." Why am I here? "Oh. The mailroom. I'm supposed to help deliver that shit today. But I'm a little lost. Heh."

"I'm heading to the mailroom right now."

Sid laughed. "What a small world." He flashed another smile. "Are you a mailman- woman, today, too?"

"No. I'm over in Data-Entry for the week. They just wanted me to pick up a package."


She took his hand. "Don't look so glum. I'm sure we'll run into each other all the time. Now come on. I'll show you where the mailroom is."

She lead him down a series of hallways. He floated in a blissful stupor. Her faint musk mixed with an intoxicating perfume. He wished he had the time focus on getting in her pants, but the pain in his own ass was a constant reminder of his more pressing priorities. He owed it to Glen, not to screw this up.

"And here it is," she pointed to a set of double doors. "Know how to get here now?"

Not a damn clue. "Yup."

They parted ways, once she retrieved her package. Sid went to speak with the shift manager about his duties.

A lanky, middle aged otter eyed him suspiciously and said, "it says you're taking the upper floors."

Sid shrugged.

The otter tapped his tablet screen. "I ain't never seen you before."

"I just started, yesterday."

The otter stared at the fox. Sid stared right back. It was far less intimidating than when Glen would stare him down.

"Let me see your I.D. card."

Sid sighed and dug in his pocket. "Here. Now did you want to get a blood sample and give me a cavity search, too?"

The otter snatched the card. "You got a smart mouth on you, boy, you know that?"

"Yeah. I've been told that. Sorry." Sid was anything but sorry, but he needed to prove he could do this job. He promised Glen he would not fuck up. That was one of the few promises he had made, over his life, that he intended to keep.

The otter scrutinized the card and compared it with whatever was on his tablet. "It's alright. Just, you seem to have some high clearances. That's mighty unusual for a new intern." He passed back the card. "How'd you manage to pull that off?"

Sid shrugged again. "I guess I look like a trustworthy guy?"

The otter laughed. "You might do alright here, Sid." He motioned the fox around the counter and lead him in back.

After learning the system they used for getting mail to the right places, he was given a cart and sent on his rounds.

It was a tedious task, but it helped him to keep his mind occupied, and that was what he wanted. Feelings were complicated and not things he wanted to explore at this time.

Sid roamed the upper floors, dropping packages and first class mail into in-boxes or handing it off to the secretaries for those with their own offices. He was nearing the bottom of his mail cart. It was disappointing that there were not any deliveries he had to make to Glen's office.

There was a thick envelope that was going to an office a few floors down.

When he got there he found the outer doors closed. Knocking a few times brought no response.

It was unlocked.

"Hello?" he peaked through the doors. It was the same layout as Glen's office. Except things looked more personalized here. Eastern art prints adorned the walls. There was a bonsai tree on the otherwise empty secretary's desk.

"Anyone here? I've got a letter..."

Sid wondered if he should take the letter back to the mailroom. It looked important, with a lot of stamps, and this was an office, not a cubical.

The fox walked to the desk, wondering if he should just leave it.

Neither option seemed like the right choice. After thinking for a bit, Sid decided he would leave a note on the secretary's desk and the package in the private office.

If that door was unlocked.

Sid gave a courtesy knock while turning the handle. It clicked open.

His eyes went wide. A well dressed lion was balls deep in his secretary. Eye contact was made.

"Sorry! I didn't see anything!" Sid slammed the door closed. He dropped the envelope on the empty desk as he bolted for the hallway.

Once he had the cart in the service elevator, he laughed. "I wonder if Glen would find this funny."

He took out his cell and thought about calling the bear. Something about it struck him as unprofessional, before he dialed.

"Dang. Should have got Vicky's digits."

He put the phone back in his pocket. The anecdote would still be fun at lunch time.


At noon, Sid was in the mailroom, sorting the things that had just arrived.

The otter that was supervising tapped him on the shoulder.

"You're being paged. Upstairs," he said ominously, then passed a scrap of paper with a floor and room number on it.

Sid glanced at the note and smiled. It was Glen. "Cool. I'll see you tomorrow, Ottis, unless I get reassigned."

"Or fired," mumbled the otter.


Sid opened the doors to Glen's waiting room. He waved to the secretary badgeress.

"Hey, Ann. How ya doing?"

She ignored him and clacked her keyboard for a few moments before looking at him.

"Have a seat. I will inform Mr Hess of your arrival."

"It's cool, I'll just-"


Sid folded his arms and waited for her to use the intercom.

She gave him an icy look when Glen told her to send him in. Sid responded with a smirk.

He walked into Glen's private office with his tail swishing.

Glen was leaning back in his chair.

Sid winced as he eased himself into one of the chairs opposite the bear's desk.

"Still sore?" asked Glen.

Sid shrugged. "It's not that bad. Anyways, I don't think your secretary likes me," he said, quickly changing the subject.

"Ann?" Glen laughed. "She likes everyone! It's what makes her such a great secretary."

The fox raised an eyebrow. "How are you so successful in business when you can't tell a lie?"

"Hah! Yeah, she really hates you." Glen chuckled.

"What the hell did I do?"

Glen leaned back in his chair again. "Nothing. I think she's jealous."

"Of me? She doesn't even know me."



Glen hit the intercom and had some lunch ordered.

"Oh," said Sid, "guess who I saw fucking in his office, today!"



Sid left work after lunch. He caught the first bus back to the apartment, determined to give himself plenty of time to avoid a repeat of the last dinner.

After opening the door and kicking off his shoes, Sid went to the living room and looked for a cooking channel. He cranked the volume and went to the kitchen to see what he had to work with.

Four hours later, Sid was covered in flecks of food, but the meal was almost done. It looked quite good to him.

Glen better appreciate this shit, he thought as he looked around the kitchen. It need to be cleaned.

Sid had just enough time to take a shower and try to comb out clumps of parmesan cheese that stuck in his fur.

Sid was sitting with the television turned down, listening for the sound of Glen's return. Dinner was staying warm in the oven and the table was already set.

The apartment was spotless again, leaving little to distract the fox. Sid's phone was on the coffee table. The notion of looking at porn was entertained, but dismissed.

Time ticked by at an interminable rate. At six, Sid was holding the phone. He typed several text's but none sounded good to him. And Glen did not seem the type to appreciate emoticons.

Thankfully, the sound of footsteps in the corridor ended his miserable waiting.

Sid ran to the door. He came to a skidding stop as it opened.

"Hi, Glen!"

Glen grunted an acknowledgement.

"I made- uh?" Sid stopped speaking. Another fur walked in behind Glen.

It was another fox. Darker in coloring, a little healthier looking, but same build as Sid.

Sid pointed. "Who... who's your guest?"

The other fox glanced to Glen, as the bear said, "don't worry, Sid. That's nobody. You cook?"

Sid was still taken aback. "Yeah. It's ready, in the stove. If I'd known you were bringing someone, I'd have cooked more."

"I said, don't worry. Luke doesn't need to eat." To the other fox, "Take your coat off and go watch some tv."

"Yes, Sir," said the other fox.

Sid gawked when he saw Luke shed his tan jacket and reveal he was wearing a short black dress.

"Are you replacing me?" Sid asked as soon as he and Glen were alone in the kitchen.

The bear laughed. "Why would you think that?"

Sid's heart was racing. "Seriously, Glen," he pleaded, "you're not kicking me out for that 'Luke' guy, are you?"

Glen laughed again. "You are really insecure."

Sid balled his fists to hide their shaking.

"Relax, foxy. I don't make it a habit of bringing every hot piece of ass I pick up on the street, to come live with me." He plucked a piece of lint from his pants. "Present company excluded, of course."

Sid pulled dinner from the oven. His nerves would be frayed all night.

"Smells, good. What is it?"

Sid placed the dish in front of Glen. "It's a casserole."

The bear scooped a good portion onto his plate. "Looks a lot better than yesterdays."

'Thanks," he smiled in spite of himself.

Half way through the meal, Sid had to ask, "why did you bring that guy here?"

Between mouthfuls of casserole, "why do you think? Same reason I initially picked you up."

Sid put his spoon down. He was unsure how to feel about that. There was no reason to feel offended, his mind said, but there was a certain possiveness he felt towards Glen. It was hypocritical to think that way, after all, Glen took him to a club so he could pick up a girl to fuck at his apartment.

He spent the rest of the meal in quiet contemplation, pushing his leftovers around with his spoon.

When Glen finished his meal he motioned for Sid to follow him.

They went to the living room. Luke was intently watching the weather channel. He pulled himself away and looked at Glen and Sid. "Both of you?"

"No," said Glen. "He's just gonna watch."

Sid looked at Glen, trying to psychically ask him "what the fuck!?"

It became apparent, telepathy was not a skill he possessed.

Glen used a firm hand to guide him to his bedroom. Luke followed.

Things got dreamlike for Sid, like he was not really there. He sat on a chair and pulled his legs under himself.

Glen sat next to Luke on the bed. The bear slid his arm around him, caressing gently. He looked over at Sid and winked, then shoved Luke roughly to the floor.

The fox landed with a umphf. He stayed down for a moment. Sid thought he might have actually been hurt, until Luke turned his head back to the bear and said,"thank you," with a smile.

Luke got to his knees and crawled to Glen.

Sid did not want to see this. He wanted to leave, but knew that was not an option.

The sound of Glen's zipper being pulled down was the only sound other than Luke's soft cooing.

Sid wondered if that was what he looked like, when he had given Glen a blow job.

Luke deep throated the bear without choking, then gave a sideways glance to Sid.

Sid was hit with the undeniable stab of jealousy. His lips curled back in a snarl. Deep down Glen was a great and generous soul, he was sure of it. Having to use a prostitute was beneath him. The fox could feel himself flushing with rage. Rage and something he could not put his finger on.


Savagery chapters 4 and 5

Chapter 4 Decision Eesan sat silently resting his muzzle on his fist, while the scout left the yurt. It was just the five of them now. Hydarr, on an ornate ivory chair that served as his throne, waited for the flap of leather to close behind the...

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Circumstance part 4

10 Doubt crept into Glen's mind like mold in a leaky basement. He recognized his own ineptitude in the realm of relationships and how that could fuck up an otherwise great setup. If he came to genuinely care about Sid, could he continue to indulge his...

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Savagery chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 Smoke Dawn broke on the dead city. Most of the raptors made it back to camp, but the ground was still littered with a good number of those who were too inebriated to make the hike. Sleet lifted his throbbing head from the sticky table. He...

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