Tribe Chapter 1

Story by Auroraweaver on SoFurry

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#2 of Tribe

Hey there, about 4 years ago I wrote the first few chapters of a story that I called 'Tribe', then for reasons I no longer remember, I deleted them. This upload is me taking another swing at the same story now that i'm a bit older, and can finally spell words like 'business' unaided. I'd be really interested in hearing what you think. I will hopefully upload the next 2 chapters over the next couple of days.

Io clenched his teeth, and dug his paw fingers into the frozen crust of snow, feeling the hard earth press back firmly against his claws. He grunted hard as the big male wolf behind him, slammed his hips forward again. The young wolf's rump sung out in sharp pain as inch after inch of rock hard cock dug into him, forcing his little hole to painful new widths.

He lifted his chest from the ground, fresh white snow hanging from his thick grey fur. Io looked over his shoulder, the scarred face of the huge wolf that was fucking him, looked up with fluttering eyes into the sky, a face of pure delight. Delight was not a feeling the smaller wolf was sharing. His butt hurt, his back hurt, and everywhere the bigger male had struck him, as he had tried to resist, hurt. He had thought himself of an age when he didn't have to submit for the other males, and had been painfully proved wrong.

The male in his ass, let out a moan of pleasure and opened his eyes again, seeing Io looking back up at him, he snarled, and lashed out with a huge clenched paw. The savage blow to his head stunned the younger male, the world swirled into black. His arms gave way and a moment later he awoke to the ice cold chill of the snow against his face. His butt remained elevated and occupied, his rear held in place by his attacker who had no intention of slowing his stroke.

"Tell me you like my cock." The huge male shouted speeding up his thrusting. Io groaned into the snow, the pain in his butt only just becoming a concern to him through the haze of his jarred mind.

"Tell me you love my cock or I'll fucking knot you." The big wolf pulled back on Io's hips straining the young male's hole, threatening to force the impossibly large canine knot into him.

Io, spat a thick glob of red into the snow. He stretched his aching jaw "Screw you Volks." He retorted quietly, having failed to find the courage to shout it.

"Na, I think I'll screw you." Volks replied. He leaned forward and grabbed Io Roughly around the neck; hauling him up vertical. He squeezed their bodies together, clearly enjoying the feel of the smaller canine pressed to his chest. Volks wrapped his other paw around Io's shoulder and pulled him down hard, forcing Io's tail hole ever further down the length of his 'lover's' shaft.

Io barred his teeth, the huge knot under his tail was gently persuading his already over strained ass to let it past. Io tried to keep silent, not wanting to give Volks the satisfaction of knowing his cock was so big it hurt.

As Volks's knot neared the halfway mark he leaned forward over Io's shoulder and kissed him, licking and smooching his cheek enthusiastically. "Good puppy...nearly there, nearly there." Volks murmured softly.

With an almost inaudible 'pop' the huge canine knot slipped past Io's little ring and jolted a full 2 inches further into him. The youngster couldn't hold it in any longer, he scrunched his eyes tight and whimpered loudly, the sensation of Volks's cock filling every inch of him was a strange and overpowering one. Each tiny movement made by either male made him whimper with raw sensation. He held himself perfectly still, as the other male breathed heavy onto his ear.

"Open your eyes." Volks whispered "That bitch you like, is watching."

Io begged to the god's of the wilds and all his ancestors that that was not the case. His heart pounded in his chest as he reluctantly opened his eyes and peered out over the glittering, snow blanketed world. His heart sank. A small, perfectly white, female stood staring from the mouth of the bitch den, 30 yards away. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders loosely. A gust of wind poured lazily across the encampment. It rustled the pelts and leather that were used to make the walls and roofs of the pack's shelters. As the gust reached the girl it lifted her blanket showing the bare body of the female beneath it.

"Nice tits for a young bitch," Volks said in a sinisterly friendly voice. "Well... I don't care about 'em , but objectively they are nice tits...If you like that sort of thing.... I wonder if she wants to fuck you more or less now she's seen you taking a cock better than she can?"

Io listened dismayed to the other male twisting the knife. Every opportunity he had had to talk to the beautiful female, he had seized with both paws. In front of her he had tried to play the epitome of a dominant young male, but, of course, dominant males do not get beaten down and sodomized. He hung his head, and noticed just how hard his own cock was, it stuck up towards his face, glistening with pre.

Volks saw Io hang his head. "Dawwww, poor puppy. Did the big mean dog make you look like a bitch in front of your female?" Volks teased pressing their faces alongside each other. "What the fuck!" Volks laughed "Look at your cock! No wonder you didn't put up much of a fight. You wanted it bad! You're harder than I am!" Volks pushed Io's shoulders forward until he was back on all fours.

Io wanted to cry, to tear up and howl, but he had already lost so much of his status. He waited silently for whatever humiliation Volks had in mind for him next.

"Lets finish it, yeah?" Volks said, bumping his hips hard into Io's rump. The knot in his ass held them tightly together, each hump hurting no less than the last. A few seconds later and Volks was spent. He grunted loudly and pulled Io's ass into his lap as firmly as he could. Io could feel the cock in his ass twitching and pulsing as it squirted deep within him.

Io sighed, and looked off between the trees back towards the camp, back to the mouth of the bitch den. The huge construct of pelt, bone and furs that formed it still shifted in the breeze, but otherwise it was completely still. The opening the female had been at, had had a pelt drawn across it, and she was nowhere to be seen. Io felt a paw that wasn't his own, wrap around his cock. He sighed deciding to forget himself just for a little while. He gently bumped his own hips backwards as Volk's big paw rubbed gently at his cock, in less than a minute, Io let out a small gasp. His tail hole twitched gently around the cock stuffed up under his tail. Io looked back between his legs, and gazed ashamedly at his own cum hanging, glistening, from Volk's fingers.

The evening chill poured across the assorted structures of the wolf camp fought off by the warm irradiated glow of a dozen fires dotted between tents and under trees. Each fire held court to a number of adult male wolves as they laughed and ate and drank their way into the evening. Io sat alone beneath a tree, the blanket his mother had made for him, wrapped about his neck. He had tried to sit with the other young males around their fire, as he had done all summer, but had found them unwilling to lessen their own status by associating with him. Teeth had been flashed and eventually Io had given in and walked off, cold and alone.

His stomach groaned in empty pathetic protest as his sensitive nose picked up the scent of meat roasting over searing flame. Volks sat 50 yards from him, a roaring fire by his feet, picking at a hunk of brown roasted meat that sat in a wooden bowl next to him.

Io seethed as he watched the wolf's mutilated face warp and dance in the wavering orange firelight. He wanted to kill him. He wanted to sink his teeth into the big animal's throat and rip it to bloody shreds. He knew he couldn't make his fantasy a reality. Volks was the largest male in camp, easily 6 inches larger than the average full grown male, and 9 inches taller than Io. He could easily have bred if he had wanted, but had never shown so much as a fleeting interest in any of the females. Io's paw found the hilt of his dagger and squeezed it tight.

'I could stick him.' Thought the adolescent, he slid the blade free of it's sheath and lay the shimmering steel across the soft grey fur of his thigh. Io toyed with the calming notion of walking up behind the creature and driving the knife lengthwise through his neck. He knew he couldn't. Fighting among his kind was as common as the winter snow, they fought each other over everything, from who slept closest to the fire, to who ate first, but always teeth and claw. It was vicious and it was often bloody, but only exceptionally rarely was it fatal, a necessity for maintaining the social order. Fighting was almost never punished by the pack masters, unless a wolf drew a weapon.

Drawing steel against a wolf within your own clan was seen as without peer in terms of dishonourable and cowardly acts. Any wolf that did it, male or female, could expect treatment of the most vicious nature in return for their crime, the most severe of which involved being torn to bloody ribbons by the whole pack. Io reluctantly slid the blade back into its sheath, and pulled the blanket snugly around him.

They would only be out in the wilds until the bitches were all out of season again, then they would pack up and move back down the valley to where the Grand Pack had placed it's winter home many centuries ago, and where several thousand wolves would gather every year, to get away from the biting winter cold. This camp was nothing in comparison to the scope of the Great Winter Den, barely more than a place his pack could hide their females whilst the alpha did his best to get as many of them pregnant as possible, without alphas of other packs, or indeed just other horny males, interfering.

The Alpha male of his pack called himself Slate, whilst by no means a small wolf, he was no giant and had many subordinate males that nearly dwarfed him in stature. He was however smart and vicious, characteristics which had allowed him to take the pack for himself, and inflict a good few scars, and the odd hollow eye socket, on his packmates in the so doing. Io had been watching the alphas tent periodically throughout the night, watching the females ducking back and forth between his tent and the larger one that held all the breeding females.

Almost on cue the pitch black body of the alpha male stepped naked out into the freezing cold air, the light of the fire in his tent shone through the opening, tingeing his black fur orange. His fur was the darkest Io had ever seen and marked all over with designs which Slate had drawn with the grey ash of the previous night's fire. Whilst other wolves died their fur all manner of colours, a custom that was very popular, Slate never did, choosing only to use ash, so he could change his appearance every day.

The alpha stretched his body wide, mist pouring from his mouth and nostrils as if from a boiling pot of water. A small brown female emerged from the tent behind him and scurried nakedly back into the bitch den. Io felt his heart sink, knowing he would never have the same privileges as the pitch black creature. He slumped against the tree and bedded down as best he could. He sat eyes closed, but wide awake, listening to the sounds of the camp bubbling with life, sounds he usually found comforting but which now filled him with frustration and disquiet.

A flash of white caught his eye, moving in the, by now, near black of the evening. He peered towards the anomaly; it seemed to be poking out between the furs that made up the side walls of the Bitch's Den and the cold frozen mud on which it sat. The flash of white got bigger as it tried to force it's way out into the cold air, Io cocked his head in interest as he realised what he was seeing was a snout then suddenly a perfect snow white face, minus one ear. The White wolf pushed her head forward with a grimace and her other ear appeared and twitched itself back into place. Bit by bit the girl slowly emerged, wriggling her shoulders out, then chest, stomach, butt and all associated appendages. Once free, she hopped into a crouch and peered round the side of the tent watching for anyone who might try to impede her escape attempt. Her face was not one of fear, but ruthless delighted excitement. She plucked up her courage and dashed towards the tree line, disappearing into the black of the night forest mere seconds later.

Io hopped to his feet instinctively, knowing only that wherever she was, was where he wanted to be. He tied his blanket about his chest and dashed off into the woods behind her. The harsh ground stung up at his footpads as he tore through the wood in the direction he thought she had gone. He tried to follow her scent, her perfect sweet heavenly scent, but found himself walking in a loop. 'She's trying to throw off trackers' he thought as he got himself back on course and stalked rapidly through the black, the gentle hooting of owls served as his music as he padded for hour after hour in her divine smelling wake. As the darkest centre of night hovered around the world, he slowed his pace and sat down on the ground atop a rise at the edge of a meadow, his slightly laboured breaths soon eased, and a smile crept across his face.

50 yards in front of him, the snow white shape of the female sat cross legged starring up at the brilliant bountiful form of the full moon, the moon in return bathed her in glimmering silver light, making her shine like some most precious metal. Io just stared at her and reasoned this moment alone made this day worth living. His heart sang as he watched her throw her head back, arch her back and howl out in unbridled joy. Far off in the distance her voice was joined by another, one of a different pack, many miles away, then another from another direction, and a third so distant it could barely even be heard. Her tail thumped happily into the grass as she lay back and gazed up at the stars. She let out a gentler howl, her breast heaving as she filled the air with a perfect song. Io couldn't help himself, he drank a chest full of air and sang back to her, filling the meadow with the sound of his voice.

He immediately regretted doing so. The female sprang to her feet ears raised; she scanned the area around her trying to spot the source of the alarmingly close howl. Io froze, not wanting to spook her.

"Don't run!" He shouted from the top of the rise. She ran. The white wolf slipped through the meadow like a falling star, faster than any wolf Io had ever seen.

"Wait don't go!" He cried pounding after her, she was getting away from him easily, Io dug deep and willed his muscles onward; desperately putting one foot after the other, over and over. As she hit the other edge of the meadow she sliced back among the trees and vanished in the gloom almost immediately. Io dove back into the forest, in the exact place she had, his lungs burned as he chased fleeting glimpses of white fur that caught in the diffused moonlight. He lost her, he slammed on the breaks and began desperately huffing in air, his head whipped around furiously searching and sniffing, as his burning lungs sort to restock on oxygen.

"Why are you following me?" Came a stern female voice.

Io spun, failing to locate the source of the sound.

"I saw you leave camp." Io offered to the seemingly empty forest.

"So?" She added.

"So... I thought if you were going somewhere, I wanted to go there too." His heart fell from his chest as her snow white face peered out from behind the trunk of a great dark oak tree.

"I don't know where I'm going though." She frowned at him, still somewhat confused.

"I don't care." For the longest moment neither spoke, the female scowled at him as she tried to assess his intentions. At a loss for a better Idea, Io took his blanket from around his chest and offered it in an outstretched paw. "Are you cold?"


"...Are you gonna run away again?"

"I don't know yet."

"Please don't." Io gently lowered himself onto his knees his chest still heaving. "You're real fast." He tried a smile, his teeth catching the moon light.

"You're not." She gave away no hint of emotion. Still unsure, she padded slowly towards him, her footfalls crunching it the hardening crust of snow. A few feet in front of him, she lowered herself down; her knees disappeared beneath the blanket of ice. In the dark monochrome of the night Io could not see where she ended and the frozen world began.

"Do you remember me? We talked a couple of times. Maybe we weren't supposed to, but we did."

"You're Io. You fight a lot...not well, but you do it."

"...I think I'm supposed to." He said mildly confused by the statement.

"I'm supposed to be in the alpha's tent right now...but I'm not."

"...Females like males who can fight." Said Io dimly.

"Do we? I don't remember anyone ever asking me." She ran her paws along the tops of her thighs, trying to rub some warmth into them.

"I thought you weren't cold?..." He held his blanket out to her. "Here,"

"I don't want your stupid blanket." She snapped,

Io flattened his ears and held the blanket close against his body. "It's not stupid; my mother gave it to me."

"My mother gave 'me' to Slate. I don't like mothers so much...or their blankets." She shivered beneath her thick white fur, and gazed off between the trees.

"Didn't you want to be with Slate? It looked nice and warm in the Den...why did you want out so bad?"

"Because the same thing that happened to you today was gonna happen to me." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and regarded him silently. His head hung in shame. "I stood as much chance of keeping Slate away from me, as you did of keeping that scarred monster away from you." She laughed humourlessly "And Mr. it sure didn't look like you were having fun... But like you said, I am real fast, so I thought I'd give running away a go,"

"Can I run away too?" said Io

For a long moment they knelt facing each other in silence. The gentle wind rustled its way through the trees, whipping up flakes of unsettled snow.

"Well, you sure can't go back, if you go back, they'll think you took me. Sure as night follows day, they'll kill you for it." The wolfess tilted her head and looked him up and down, warming ever so slightly to this broken thing the world had brought her.

"I know." He wrapped his blanket around his shoulders and closed the fabric tight. He hadn't realized the implication of his own rash decision until she spelled it out for him. Suddenly he felt terribly alone, more so than he had felt in a long while. The implications for her, were nowhere near as severe. She could expect a beating if she went back, but breeding females were highly prized, few males would kill one just to make an example, and if they tried, the Den Mother would almost certainly try to kill them straight back. Io however, like most males unrelated to their alpha, was disposable, providing little more than maybe some added muscle, or potentially even posing a future threat, to his pack leader.

"If I got back before sunrise, and sneaked back into the den... If no one noticed, maybe you would be alright." She offered,

Io looked up, thinking for a split second they might be able to undo what was beginning to feel like a colossal error in judgement.

"But I'm not going to do that." She continued. "So you best come with me." She rose to her feet and offered him her paw. Io remained still for a moment, weighing up his options. Then slowly he extended his own paw.

The female smiled at his reluctance. "They're not gonna kill you any more dead if they catch us while we're holding paws..." Io reached out and clasped his paw around hers. Feeling the warmth of her made his heart rise back up from the pit of his stomach.

She let go of his paw and turned back to the forest. "Come on then 'dead meat'." She stretched her body out, the muscles in her legs flexed in clear evidence even beneath the dense fur. She hopped once then broke out into a run, sliding away into the forest like an arrow. "You better keep up. We're running for your life, not mine." She called back. As fast as he could, he tied his blanket off around his chest and bolted off after her.