Mutual Siblinghood - Sister's Desire

Story by OptixPanda on SoFurry

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This was a story I wrote way-back-when, so decided to give it a little revive. :3

The following story is a story between a two anthro bunny siblings, a shy younger brother with a rather slim-built body, and vigorous, heavy-set and busty older sister. (At the time, I was too lazy to come up with simple names for them. xD)

The story takes a first-person POV from the younger brother's perspective. This is a three-part story, and each link will be provided below.

This is Part 3 of 3, so the links to Part's 1 and 2 will be posted below. If you have not read either of the preceding part's, it's recommended you do.

WARINIG: The following content contains - pornographic/adult-rated material, M/F, and incest.

If these do not apply to your interests, and might scar and/or disgust you physically, mentally, spiritually, and/ or sensually, then click the Back button at the top-left of your browser window and forget you ever clicked here. If you continue to read the story and are scarred and/or disgusted physically, mentally, spiritually, and/or sensually, then it's your own damn fault you were too lazy to read the warning the first time. :D

Enjoy, fellow furverts! ^w^

To Part 1 --

To Part 2 --

Big sister crawled off of me and lowered her face to my ear, and spoke softly to me. "I'm sorry little brother. I know you're tired, but I can't help it. I wanna play with you more." My cheeks stayed in their blushy state, and my heart continued to throb for her. Very slightly, I turned my face to look at my sister. She wore a demeanor that showed the deep love for me, and she was having so much fun having me. "It's your turn now, little brother~" I blushed slightly deeper at her words, wondering what more of me she could want now. I gasped as she released my ear and placed her paws on my hip and rolled me over onto my belly, then moved behind me. I was still too tired to move, and couldn't look behind me to see what she had planned for me now. I shivered hard when I felt my sister grope my bum in her paws, and squeezed and fondled them softly and playfully, and her giggle filled the room. "Gosh, little brother. Your butt's so plump and bubbly for a boy."

My heart thumped hard when I heard her remark, and my blush deepened. "M... M-My butt...?" I wasn't sure if she was complimenting me sincerely, or just teasing me to make my face cheeks redder.

Sister took my rump firmly in her paws and hoisted upwards, making it perk up in the air in front of her, leaving me on my knees and torso. "May I explore inside you, little brother?" I couldn't believe what was happening; she wanted to take me from behind. Before I could give her a response, she spread my cheeks apart softly and trailed a finger up and down my crack. I moaned and whimpered out loud as my rear was played with, and did so louder and sharper when I felt her press her finger between my cheeks, and let it pop inside me. She wiggled it inside me and giggled as I moaned. The gentle pawing to my tushy she gave me made me shiver like crazy. I couldn't resist my body's urge to become aroused again; almost instantly I was stone hard and twitching for her. The sore feeling still lingered and it made me groan in a bit of uncomfort. "My my. Such a lovely, yummy treats I spy. I don't know which one to taste first." The sight of my bunny bum and my sign of arousal really seemed to please her. After giving a little thought, she pressed her face between my butt cheeks and nuzzled me, then immediately commenced to tasting my rabbit hole with the press of her tongue to my back door. I gasped sharply and wiggled about on the bed as my bum was taken so admiringly. My tushy perked up a bit higher and pressed onto my sister's face. The strong sensation that pulsated through me increased by ten-fold when my sister pierced me slowly with her tongue, stretching my anal ring softly. Slowly she slid deeper inside me until her lips were as spread out as could be and kissing and suckling on my butt crack. While she tasted inside me, her paws continued to play with my cheeks, fondling and squeezing them, and a bit of soft spanking to make them jiggle.

I'd never felt such an arousal before, nor had I even thought that a girl would do this to a boy. I bucked my hips softly and panted harshly, my face was red as beats and heart and rod pulsed hard and passionately. My pants soon turned to moans, then to loud shouts when she drove her tongue deep enough to press and flicker at my prostate with her tongue. I clasped the blanket on my bet tightly as she tasted inside me and pressed at my g-spot, and clasped onto her tongue with my inner walls, my eyes shut just as tightly and tears welling up inside them again. This made my sister moan and giggle, and encouraged her to wiggle her wet tongue more fiercely, struggling triumphantly against my squeeze. Within that moment of being explored inside by my sister, I screamed and blasted a few hard shots of precum onto my bed, shivering hard and tears rolling down my cheeks.

My sister stopped wiggling inside me and slowly pulled out, and I sighed as I felt my entrance retract to its regular unstretched state. She moves her face away from my butt and planted another soft swat onto my right cheek, making me jump and whimper. "You taste so wonderful." She said softly. "I wanna taste more of you, my lovely brother."

She then took me by my hips and gently rolled me over onto my back . Still feeling the blaze from my pre-orgasm, I stared timidly into my sister's hungry face. Her lust and desire for me and that usual sense of intimacy flushed through my veins. I motioned away from my sister slowly, and she crawled after me. Not too long after my retreat began, it halted once my back met the head of the bed, and my loving predator continued her pursuit. Very slowly, she crawled over my body, her paw pressing down onto my thighs, then onto my chest, then her face ranged in on mine and planted a firm seal on my, linking both of our lips together. I gave a soft whimper for each touch of her paw on my body, and murred helplessly in the kiss she had bound us in. Lost in her lust, she wrapped her arms around me, holding me by my back and head, and smushed us closer to one another, deepening the kiss and moaning louder, lost in her passionate love for me. Immediately, her tongue intruded into my mouth and assaulted my tongue, and they rolled and wrestled inside our locked mouths. I bucked and squealed softly as the kiss intensified, and she wiggled atop my body. My body was brimming with the heat of being smothered by my sister's body and love. I could feel her heart thumping against my chest, and mine thumped her right back. Everything felt bubbly, and my body felt unstable, like I was literally going to melt underneath her weight.

After getting her fill of my lips, she gently pulled her lips away, and nuzzled me frantically with her face, holding close to me still. Big sister unwrapped her arms from my body and placed them firmly on my chest. I closed my eyes and leaned onto my sister, pressing my cheek onto her face. I felt one of the paws leave my chest, and arched instinctively when the paw wrapped around my cock; reflexively, I clasped her wrist tightly in my own paws. As I opened my mouth wide to squeal, the other paw met my lips and muffled my voice. My moans were hiccups as I was whispered to stay calm and shush, until the moans became suppressed and silenced; my grip on her wrist loosened and my arms went completely numb. I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breaths, and my length pulsated rhythmatically in her paw as my heart pulsated in my chest. "I love you so much, my sweet little brother," she whispered, and began to stroke me with slow and gentle care. Feeling myself boiling immediately, I tilted my head back and let a deep sigh out of my throat. With only a few strokes with that plush grasp, my precum bubbled over and flowed onto the captivating paw. Giggling as my precum popped from my tip, she released her paw and licked it clean, giving lusty sounds as she tasted it. She closed her eyes and savored the creamy slick texture that aroused her taste buds. "I can't wait anymore. I want more of your taste now." I gasped and blushed shyly, and my body trembled. "I'm gonna make that big bunny of your pop for me to savor." Every word that left her lips attacked me with her lust and filled me with shudders. There was just no rebelling against it. My sister was going to have me.

My intimacy welled up more and more in my body, and a worried look was stamped on my face. "Don't worry. I'll be really gentle for my shy, sensitive little brother," she said with a smile and giggle before leaving my face. A soft murr slipped from my mouth as my big sister slipped down from my torso and head to my lower body, right down my thighs, trailing her paw against my stature as she went. She slipped her paws between my thighs and spread my legs apart, leaving my member throbbing and wide open for assault. I clung to the bed sheets and gulped hard, preparing to become my sister's treat.

Big sister didn't bother gripping my shaft again, and started with a slow lick from the base all the way to my tip. It tingled fiercely and from my head to toe; I somehow managed to keep my moans choked up in my throat, my mouth gaping still, but I couldn't help but thrust at my sister's tongue. She let her favorite giggle resound through my room and pressed down on my thighs. I can only shiver and whimper in over-astonishment as her tongue met my member again and again, presenting its gentleness intentions with slow playful licks, and kissing my tip lightly. I panted and whimpered, unable to thrust as my body demanded due to my sister pressing down on me, and every nerve was screaming. Giggling more, she pressed down on the head of my rod with her lips, sandwiching it between her face and my belly, and kissed and licked it lovingly and passionately. My will to hold in my moan finally broke and I let it all out in a sharp, piercing scream. "Big sister, y-you tease! P-Please just... J-Just take me!" I pleaded as my body twitched and my temperature skyrocketed. "T-Take me, please! I-I can't take much more!" More precum gushed onto sister's lips and tongue, and I throbbed unbearably between her lips and my belly.

Giggling as she does, she lifted her face away, parting from my cock with another kiss, just to tease me more, and watched as I throbbed for her, precum and her saliva oozing down the shaft. She ran her finger slowly up and down my shaft, only to hear me moan helplessly for her, and began. "Goodness, little brother. All shy and such, and now you're begging to me to make you let it all out." She said with a naughty smile plastered upon her face, her gaze just as playful, looking to my twitching bunny, then to my face. "So very bold of you."

"Please... D-Don't stop... A-Aaaahh... I-I don't think I can s-stand... to hold it back longer..."

"Awww, but you taste so lovely. I just wanna savor you in my mouth and play with that lollipop gently and lovingly until it cracks and fills my mouth with that delicious creamy filling."

"B-But that's not... n-not fair... I-I wanna... O-Ohhh, please... L-Let me burst, please..."

"Hmhmhm. Not yet. You still haven't gotten all of me yet." She moved her paw from my bunny, and moves a little closer to where her breasts loomed over it.

I gasped sharply, immediately getting the message. "S-Sister... I-I..." I wasn't sure what to say. My face maintained its deep blush, and I wiggled timidly, knowing what's to come. Big sister was still pressing down on me, and I was rendered to only stay lying down and twitching as my rod was sandwiched softly between her cushy melons. I held my breath and tried not to squeal again, and clasped the bed sheets tighter in my paws. I knew, however, I was only delaying the inevitable. When she gripped them in her paws, and those boobs came squeezing down on my cock, my heart nearly exploded, and I squealed as loud as my lungs would allow me, and I only moaned more and more as she grinded them up and down my length. I instinctively tried to hump my lower body against her mounds as they grinded on me. "B-But sister, I-I... I-I..." I quickly shushed my words, and replaced them with more uncontrolled moans when her wet, hot tongue met my tip, then her lips around my head. She lightly bobbed her head on my member as she grinded her boobs on my cock, letting her lips kiss me softly and her tongue play on my tip.

All I could do was moan and moan and whimper, just as my sister wanted to hear. There was nothing I could to but take it. I submitted myself to big sister as her yummy treat for her to enjoy, and closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the pillows that lay behind me. My whole body felt hot, from the very tip of my toes to the last hair that stood highest on my ears. My heart raced hard and fast, pumping the love it was fed throughout my veins, letting it travel all over my body to tantalize and trifle with my nerves. My paws clasped my blanket tighter and tighter, as though they aimed to rip a big hole in it. And of course, where I felt hottest; as my big sister churned me with her bosom and tasted me gently and lovingly, she was causing my balls to boil and ache with more of my bunny cream. The pressure in my lower regions became greater as the moment proceeded, and my cock twitched and throbbed futily, signaling that my containers were about to overflow. My tip swelled up like a mushroom to try to keep from bubbling over, but it wouldn't do any good. I tried to speak through my moans, to beg my sister to relent, but all that came out were helpless moans expressing my arousal.

In a last effort to contain it for a bit longer, I released my blanket and lightly gripped my sister's face. But that was all I could do, was hold her by her cheeks. Her head stopped bobbing, but her tongue continued playing, her breasts kept rubbing, and her giggles continued to taunt and tease me. It was all too much for me to handle; my paws melted off of my sister's cheek, my stature shivered uncontrollably, and my mouth gaped open, whining and moaning. I screamed and begged for my big sister when she finally overloaded me, and forced me to thrust my pelvis upwards without relent, and unload into her cheeks with harsh blasts that splashed at the roof of her mouth and scattered. Though faint, I could hear her moans through my shouting as she tasted my seed. She released my cock from her mouth after a few squirts, and let the rest burst over her breasts and her face. My sister didn't even think about stopping while I came. She sandwiched me tighter between her round, soft mounds, making certain to squeeze out all of my cum and all of my moans, and every twitch my limbs would give.

Soon, my containers were completely drained, as was just about every ounce of stamina in me. My screams and moans were now soft, weak pants. After I finished, big sister slid her breasts slowly up my shaft, rubbing onto the hot spot of my tip, now oversensitive from my second climax, and forcing me to thrash and groan weakly as I felt I could cum again. When I relaxed myself again, I cringed at a gooey feeling falling onto my crotch, touching the head of my member first and drooveling down the shaft, running onto and between my thighs and groin. I lifted up a bit to look at my crotch and saw that what my sister had caught into her mouth wasn't swallowed, but just held in her cheeks to let back out, and cocoon my cock. I could see the playful gaze in her eyes, showing she knew she just loved to tease and mess with me.

I rested my head back down and closed my eyes. I felt my body, my blush, and my arousal falling dormant. A deep sigh rushed out of my mouth as I relaxed, and began to drift away. Before I could, I was accompanied by my big sister. She wrapped her arms around me and held me snuggly. "Mmm, such a gooey texture and sweet tingle for my tongue~" she said softly to me. With the last bit of my energy, I held her in my arms, too. "Hmmm... I told you I could make you my little slut," she uttered in her giggly voice.

My cheeks became a deep red again. "Wh-Wha... No you... I-I mean... I'm not..."

"Not a slut?" she continued for me, and I nodded. "Let's see... I made you take me in both my holes, you got your tushy played with and tasted, you tasted your own cum, you squealed and moaned as deep as you could, you fidgeted and thrashed rather adorably... I think you made for a really good slut." She smiled and giggled. "Not to mention you're a gooey mess at your crotch with your own cum."

"B-But... But... You're covered in it, too..." I pointed out, still blushing deeply in embarrassment.

"Am I, now?" she said, and nuzzled her face onto my cheek, smothering the cream onto both of us. "Then I guess we're both sluts, huh?"

"S-Sister, I... I-I... Ah..." My ear twitch lightly, my vision started to blur, and my whole body relaxed. Everything in my sight was fading. I yawned softly and snuggled a bit closer to my big sister. "I-I... can't... stay... ah... a-ahh..."

"I had so much fun tonight with you," she said softly and soothingly into my ear. "Sweet dreams, little brother. I love you ever so dearly." That was all I heard before I completely blacked out. The young moon and stars shined upon us through my window. All went at ease in my sister's embrace, silhouetted in the afterglow and affection that wrapped around us. I believe I tried to murmur something in my sleep before going unconscious. Who knows? I was probably just sleeping harder than I anticipated.
