Undergrad Pack Short - Winter Break

Story by Saigir on SoFurry

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#5 of Undergrad Pack

... So yeah, it's been a while. Sorry about that.

I've been meaning to get back into this, and there's been a lack of stuff that... well, to be perfectly honest, I've not found a terrible lot of TF stories that really hit my buttons. So, I found this short, unfinished thing that had been sitting around and thought I may as well throw something up here to prove I'm not entirely dead. ;) I'm not going to make any promises based on what happened last time I said I was working on things, but I'm going to try and get back into the writing groove, and shorts are probably the best way to do that... so here we have it. An Undergrad Pack short.

Usual warnings apply. Transformation, guys getting off, etc.

Arthur was glad to be home for the break. Sure, it meant being away from the only other shapeshifter he knew for a couple weeks, but it also meant that he had no homework or projects to worry about for a while. He dumped his bags on the floor beside his bed and slumped down onto it. He stared at the ceiling a moment before he heard the familiar barking from the back. He sat up and went to the back door. Their big shepherd was there waiting for him, bounding on the patio in front of the door, her tail wagging. Arthur unlocked the sliding glass door and pulled it open. "Heya, Sophie!" He barely managed to finish before she bowled him over, licking his face and hopping away. Arthur smiled. "It's good to see you too," he said, giving her head a good ruffling and patting her on the back. "They been taking care of you? Derek taking you for walks every day?" Sophie yipped, still hopping around him. His younger brother trudged down the stairs. "You're back," he said, the question sounding more like a statement. "Where's mom and dad?" Arthur didn't bother turning, still lavishing his attention on Sophie. "They went to pick up some stuff. Mom said she'd make a big dinner tonight." Derek vanished without another word. Typical Derek, Arthur thought. He'd always been curt, but this seemed worse than last time. Derek was only two years younger than him, now in senior year at the same high school Arthur had been to. Though they were brothers, they couldn't have been more different. Arthur had always been a scrawny, nerdy looking kid while Derek was stockier and had this air of cool detachment about him. It always bothered him the way his kid brother seemed to make friends so much faster than he could. Sophie licked his face, distracting him from his thoughts. "Hey, let's go for a quick walk, huh? C'mon."

It was nice to be out and about the long, cramped bus ride home. The sun was sinking low in the horizon, dusk already creeping into the neighborhood. Sophie kept pace with him, occasionally glancing up at Arthur. The scents of the quiet street soaked into his nose, all the little hints of his neighbors and other people around that he never noticed before evoking memories of his childhood. It was funny, ever since that night with Ethan, his nose never had been the same. Ethan explained that for him, it was constantly feeling pumped and full of energy - probably why he spent so much of his down time in the gym. Arthur shivered, thinking about Ethan even briefly seemed to start him changing. The familiar prickle of fur growing at the nape of his neck and the top of his sternum was a telltale sign that he had to focus himself, or get lost in the change, and he couldn't do that. Not here, in the open street. He tried to distract himself with something else. He stopped, and crouched down to pet Sophie again. He concentrated on breathing, getting the rhythm slow, focused on the soft feel of his dog's fur between his fingers. The way it felt as he slowly ran his hand down her back... Arthur stopped abruptly, alerted by the sudden rush of blood to his crotch. Awkwardly shifting his pants around, he jaunted across the street with Sophie and practically ran back to the house, his pants slowly becoming too tight for comfort, and the prickling spreading farther up and down his back. Apparently things weren't going to be that easy at home.

The door of the bathroom slammed behind him. Arthur fumbled trying to pull his jacket and shirt off as fast as he could. One arm caught around his expanding bicep, the urgency growing as his tail poked out from above his waistband. He threw the clothes into the corner and frantically undid the clasp on his belt and dropped his pants. Finally free from its prison, his now canine dick bounced up, strings of precum flying out onto the sink and mirror. Two nights without Ethan, and he was turning into a horny little bitch. His white fur grew in wildly now, spreading like a fast tide across his pale skin. He gasped as the sensation overwhelmed him, like holding a breath underwater for far too long before finally taking a gasp of sweet air. The surge of energy that followed was intoxicating as ever, and with it he felt his cock snap back into its canine form, a knot filling in around the base. He felt it throbbing to the point of bursting. He grabbed it with his right hand, barely holding himself up off the ground with his left arm. The coarse texture of his hand paw on his meat made him shudder. His hips flexed, nearly out of instinct, driving his throbbing dick out of his hand into the air again. Arthur flipped himself onto his back, an elbow cracking into the wall and denting the drywall. He hardly noticed it as he grabbed himself with both hands and squeezed. It was all he needed. His mind was awash in white fire as he felt his nether regions pulse time and again. Bursts of liquid hit his chin and sprayed off the wall. His every muscle contracted as one, his hips thrusting up into the air as a final surge went through him. His peak passed, and for a moment the world spun around Arthur as he came down from the heights of release. His body weak and rubbery, he could barely move as he struggled to catch his breath and his heart thumped away in his chest and ears.

Eventually, the world stopped spinning and he could feel the changes slowly reverting. He pulled himself up on the bathroom sink, his spunk dripping off his chin and running down his chest and leg. Behind him, he could see white streaks across the wall. He cursed silently. This was going to be a pain to clean up.