Mother and Father, Episodes 01 - 18

Story by Vulpsi Axle on SoFurry

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#4 of Abandoned Storys

<-WARNING-> You probably know the jist by now... Old, and crappy writing.

Just... Read it and you will understand,

World got too complex for me.


Ep. 1-01 "Admiral, do you know why Mother has been able to withstand any attack we throw at her forces?" - Father "No, Father" - Admiral Throok "It's because shes not afraid to, experiment on her own people." - Father "Father, What is it you want me to do?" - Admiral Throok "Gather the fleets greatest minds, and bring up the new captive, I want to crack the code to mothers... Successes." - Father "Yes Father, it shall be done as you instruct." - Admiral Throok "One more thing Admiral. Don't fail me this time, this is your last chance to re-prove your self to me." - Father "Y-Yes Father, I understand completly." - Admiral Throok

Ep. 1-02 "Child, the shaman has requested your presence in her hut." - Clan Elder "Did she say what the reason was?" - Jade "No, all she said was for you too hurry child." - Clan Elder "It must be of a grave matter, if she wont tell an elder the reason of my visit." - Jade "Indeed child, I fear Father is planning an attack... or worse." - Clan Elder "I will see the shaman with all due haste. Take care Elder Vella." - Jade

Ep. 1-03 "Jade, my daughter, I bare grave news from Mother." - Shaman "Does it have to do with Father?" - Jade "I fear so, Mother informs me that he plans to attack our village with an over whelming force, no-one will survive." - Shaman "We can still live if we leave now! We must warn the village!" - Jade "NO! Mother has told me that only two can leave, the rest of us must stay, we will be embraced by mother. For this reason you must take your sister and flee to the Lov'Ren's resting place." - Shaman "Mother can't tell us how to live and DIE! We can all live if we leave now!" - Jade "Child, there is no point in arguing, Mother has given her orders and we are bound to obey. Take your sister and leave." - Shaman "I will never forgive Mother for this... But I will do as you say." - Jade "Before you leave, take these mementos your Birth-Father gave to you. They will make sense once they can be used. Now go, take your sister and flee to Lov'Ren's Rest."

Ep. 1-04 "Jade! What did the Shaman want?" - Ish "Nothing, come with me were leaving this place forever." - Jade "What!? Your not good at the whole joking thing Jade... Jade? Your not joking, are you..." - Ish "Ish, would I ever joke about something like this? We must leave, now." - Jade "But... I... But... Where are we going?" - Ish "Lov'Ren's Rest." - Jade "Why would we go their? That's a 2 month journey!" - Ish "Because Mother demands we must." - Jade "That's right on the border of Father's titan fields... Why would Mother send us there?" - Ish "Ish, I don't rightfully know or care. All I do know is that we need to leave now, get your travel kit and lets go." - Jade

Ep. 1-05 Four weeks after Jade and Ish leave their village. "Father, our marines have reported a village has been destroyed, we have taken the populace as slaves." - Admiral Throok "Good, this will teach Mother to attempt to defy my rule." - Father "Father, if I may. Those Slaves could be used to help our research into discovering Mother's secret." - Unknown Admiral "WHO ARE YOU, AND HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO FATHER IN SUCH A DISGRACEFUL WAY!" - Admiral Throok "Throok, this is admiral Kane. Your replacement. Your repeated failures have left me... Disappointed..." - Father "I understand father... I will... Fix the problem..." - Admiral Throok He pulls his sidearm from his holster, placing the barrel under his chin. He closed his eyes and squeezes the trigger. "Let this serve as an example of how i treat failure, Admiral Kane. Now take those new slaves and continue where your predecessor left off." - Father

Ep. 1-06 2 months after Jade and Ish left Their Village. "Hey. HEY. HEY!! Are you ignoring me!?" - Ish "Yes." - Jade "Oh..." - Ish "Shh... Up ahead is the resting place. Up here we can get a good vantage point." - Jade "I've never seen a titan up close before... Their huge... You could fit our whole tribe in their." - Ish Jade holds back tears, she leans up against a rock. "What's the matter?" - Ish "The tribe is gone, were the only ones left..." - Jade "How!? Why did no one else leave!" - Ish "Because Mother told them not too." - Stranger He jumps down from above them, his black fur glistening in the afternoon sun.

Ep. 1-07 "Who are you!" - Ish She raised her spear at the stranger. "I'm Onyx." - Stranger "A name dosent mean anything to me! Show me a totem!" - Jade She drew her sword and pressed it to his neck. Onyx reached to a neckless that hung loosely around his neck, he grabbed a small piece of metal no bigger then his thumb. "Mother sent me and my brother here." - Onyx "Wheres your brother?" - Jade She lowered her sword from his neck and Ish lowered her spear. "Ven! Its good, they don't work for Father!" - Onyx A figure emerged from behind a rock, it was holding a bow. "We need to get out of the open, its going to rain soon." - Jade She looked around and saw a cave behind them.

Ep. 1-08 They all ran in the cave, it started to rain outside the cave. The spell of acid wafted in. "Ven, start a fire. We don't want to freeze in here." - Onyx "I used up what was left of our tinder on our last fire." - Ven "Here I have some." - Ish She handed Ven the tinder, smiling at him as she did. "I think we were meant to meet up here." - Onyx "I do too, its too strange to be a coincidence." - Jade Ven lit the tinder starting a small camp fire. "So, your village was destroyed also?" - Ish "Yes, we were told to leave early so that we could escape. That was two months ago." - Onyx "It's strange, Father has never pushed so far into our land before." - Jade "He never had a reason to outright attack our villages before, hes after something and it involves us." - Onyx Ish scooted towards Ven, she was shivering. He took a coat from his bag and put it around her shoulders, she smiled at him. "Before I left my Shaman gave me these metal pieces, she said they were from my Birth-Father." - Jade She held out the objects the Shaman had given her. "Interesting, this is not Father's tech, this is something entirely new..." - Onyx

Ep. 1-09 "Can I see those, I think... they go together... like a puzzle." - Onyx Jade dumped the pieces into his hand. "Have you ever heard the rumors about the Pre-Habitors?" - Onyx "No, who are they?" - Ish "The rumor goes, Before Father laid waste to the planet another race of beings existed, they were more powerful then Mother or Father." - Onyx "Nothing is more powerful then mother!" - Ven "Like I said, These are just rumors. They say this race had the ability to travel beyond the sky to other planets. But one day they vanished, and on that day its said that mother and father were created." - Onyx Onyx clicked a few pieces together. The pieces started to glow, then floated in his hand. The pieces clicked together at an incredible rate forming a sphere. It emitted a soft Blue glow. "Interesting..." - Onyx He rolled it in his hands, rubbing it. "Its perfectly smooth, not a single scratch or blemish." - Onyx He handed it back to Jade who rolled it in her hands. As she rolled it, it started to glow brighter. Ven stood up grabbing his bow. "We have company..." - Ven

Ep. 1-10 Three figures stood at the mouth of the cave, they wore heavy coats and had masks with red eyes covering their faces. Two of them brandished swords the one closest to the group had a handgun. "Creatures of Mother, come peacefully and we wont harm you, Our commander only wishes to speak to you." - Closest Figure "I don't believe you." - Jade Jade and Onyx grabbed their swords and Ish grabbed her spear. "Creatures of Mother, if we wanted to kill you we would have done so when you were distracted." - Closest Figure Onyx looked at Jade for an answer. "Call it bad luck, you would never have caught us off guard." - Ish Another figure entered the cave, its mask was of a different design. "We arrived because we were left instructions to be at this exact location Thirty years ago." - New Figure "How can we trust you. YOU WORK FOR FATHER!" - Jade "Stupid Child of Mother, We don't work for Father or Mother. We have better things to do then work for the two false gods that command this world like a play." - New Figure The new figure reached up to its mask and un-latched it. The mask fell to the floor with a thud. The fire cast an eerie light on the figures face. It was like nothing the group had ever witnessed. It was reptilian in nature with two large red eyes and several sharp teeth sticking out from its lips, It had two horns on its head each was a dark shade of black. "We are here, to tell you about the machine you hold in your hand." - The Reptile

Ep. 1 -11 "What are you?" - Ven "Your predecessors. We were called Dro'Kin before we were abandoned by mother." - The Reptile "That cant be true... We are mothers only chosen race!" - Ish "That's what we thought, before our villages were wiped out systematically by Father. The only reason we survive is because our predecessors told our Prophets to send the two most skilled male and female warriors in the form of a message from mother. - The Reptile "If this is all true... You must understand its a lot for us too take in." - Jade "If your here too help us, what is your name?" - Onyx "My old name given to me by mother means nothing to me so you may call me by that, Vallek. Now let me explain the sphere key." - The Reptile "The sphere key? you mean this artifact we assembled." - Jade "Yes, it is the key to understanding the reason why Mother made us and you." - Vallek "If its the secret to understanding, why didn't you go and discover it yourselves." - Jade "We care not for our past, our only purpose is to give you the knowledge to discover yours." - Vallek "Commander! The rain is clearing up, we don't have much time." - The lead figure "I'll make this quick, do you know where the ruins of Gresh are?" - Vallek "You mean from the rumors of the Pre-Habitors?" - Onyx "They are not rumors. Head to the ruins and follow the light the key emits." - Vallek "COMMANDER! INCOMING!" - The lead figure Explosions rocked the cave, one of the figures at the cave entrance exploded the other two were launched backwards. The sound of a drop ship engine droning rung outside of the cave.

Ep. 1-12 "Father is here. You flee, we will distract them." - Vallek "You'll be butchered against a squad of Fathers marines!" - Jade "Like I said, we don't matter only you do!" - Vallek Vallek ripped his coat off, he was hunched over with a pair of powerful wings folded on his back. He stood up, unfolding his wings. He grabbed a sword that hung in a sheath around his waist. "Come, we must give them a chance to escape!" - Vallek The other figures ripped off their coats and charged out of the cave. "Their going to die, trying to save us." - Ish "There's no point to argue, we need to get out of here now!" - Onyx

Ep. 1-13 "Father, we have cracked the code to Mothers genetic secrets." - Admiral Kane "Very good Kane. You have already surpassed you predecessor in many ways." - Father The door to fathers office opens, A shadowy figure walks in. "Who is this? Kane explain yourself." - Father "This is the result of our research, the scientist have taken to calling it Kai'Gev." - Admiral Kane "Father, it is the greatest honor for me to finally meet you." - Kai'Gev Kai walked into the light, he was a shark-fox with black fur and red eyes. Two swords were sheathed around his waist along with two revolvers. Two tails hung behind him, dragging on the ground. "He looks exactly like Mother's current pack of creations. What exactly do you intend to do with him Admiral." - Father "Father, you must understand. I had every intention to follow your commands, but I could never hunt down the relics you requested with simple marines and drones. I needed someone that could achieve what fourteen squads of marines could never achieve" - Admiral Kane

Ep. 1-14 As Ven runs out of the cave he catches a glimpse of one of the Dro'Kin warriors slice the dropship's engines off. The ship spins out and crashes too the ground kicking up a cloud of dust. The group stops and looks, Vallek soars out of the dust cloud and lands in front of them. "We dealt with Father's forces for now, but more will come, you need to get too Gresh. My son will show you the way." - Vallek Vallek lets out a howl, a few moments latter a small Dro'Kin came running up too the group. "Kallen, I need you too lead these people to Gresh, it's imperative that they make it." - Vallek "But father, what about you? - Kallen "I need you too be strong now. You must go without me." - Vallek Kallen hugged his father with tears running down his face. "Yes father, I will be strong for you." - Kallen In the distance another dropship's engines hum across the barren wasteland.

Ep. 1-15 "You need to go now!" - Vallek As the group turned to run Vallek grabbed Ven's arm, he thrust a metal box into his hand. "Watch after my son, use this to kill anything that would bring him harm." - Vallek With that Vallek jumped into the air, regrouping with his soldiers. Ven clutched the box in his hand. He shoved it into his waist satchel then ran to catch up to the group who were already several paces ahead. "Saven, Lestus. Lets give my son some time." - Vallek Lestrus put his sword into its sheath and grabbed an assault rifle off a dead marine. The new drop ship lands near the three Dro'Kin kicking up a small amount off dust. They readied their weapons for a fight. A loud hiss then a subtle pop sounded as the ship's rear hatch opened. A single figure walked out, two swords and revolvers hung loosely around its waist. With eyes glowing red with malice, it smiled showing rows of sharp white teeth. "Only three?" - Kai'Gen

Ep. 1-16 Lestrus raised hie rifle and fired at Kai'Gen. He rolled off the ramp sprinting to fast for Lestrus to follow. Lestrus' gun clicked as he fired his last bullet. Kai'Gen appeared in front of him smiling and in one fluid move cleaved his head off. Saven threw his handgun on the ground grabbing his sword, he charged at Kai'Gen who glanced at him. Saven brought his sword down but Kai'Gen was too fast and had rolled out of the way, behind Saven. Kai'Gen now held a revolver to the back of Saven's head, as Saven turned his head Kai'Gen fired. "For the best of the Dro'Kin warriors, you were hardly worth the effort." - Kai'Gen Kai'Gen smiled at Vallek who seethed with anger. "You will die for your insults!" - Vallek Vallek grabbed his sword assuming a defensive stance. Kai'Gen took an aggressive stance, he threw both of his revolvers on the ground taking both of his swords out of their sheaths. "Hopefully you will be more of a challenge then your men were." - Kai'Gen

Ep. 1-17 Kai'Gen sprinted at Vallek who was ready, blocking both of Kai'Gen's blades with a loud ring. "I have killed hundred of assassins like you, they all made the same mistake, they all attacked first!" - Vallek Vallek flapped his powerful wings launching himself into the air, Kai'Gen stumbled back laughing. Vallek soared into the air, high above Kai'Gen, then gripping his sword with both hands, he dived towards Kai'Gen. "I can assure you one thing Dro'Kin..." - Kai'Gen As Vallek approached the ground, Kai'Gen raised one blade directly at Vallek. The swords made contact, Kai'Gen's blade split Vallek's straight down to the hilt. With his other sword Kai'Gen stabbed Vallek in the chest and tossed him in an ark. With no loss of momentum both of Vallek's arms were broken on impact. Kai'Gen walked over to Vallek who was writhing in pain next to his dead comrades. Kai'Gen raised a blade, Vallek looked up at him with terror. "..I am nothing, like anything you have killed before." - Kai'Gen

Ep. 1-18 "Sir, the others are escaping, we can still catch them if we leave now." - Marine Captain Kai'Gen walked past a group of marines who wee collecting the dead, He grabbed his revolvers of the ground putting them back into their holsters. He walked up to the Captain. "No, I have a hunch that wherever they are headed is going to be a hundred times as valuable as whatever they have on them now." - Kai'Gen The Captain laughed glaring at Kai'Gen. "Father may have given command of the R.R.U. to Kane, but Kane is a fo..." - Marine Captain Kai'Gen interrupted the Captain by grabbing his throat. Kai'Gen Glared into the soldiers eyes. "You will serve as an example to the others." - Kai'Gen Kai'Gen placed his other hand on the Captain's shoulder, then with all his force tore the marines head off. He threw the head to the side turning to face the squad of marines who had raised their weapons at Kai'Gen. The soldiers stepped back as their former commanders head rolled towards them. "If you ever question my orders, or insult Admiral Kane. I will kill you." - Kai'Gen Kai'Gen walked up the dropship's rear ramp.

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