Jhai's Hunger

Story by ropistike on SoFurry

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A story featuring my Wyvern character Jhai.

Jhai roamed the deserted city streets, looking for some fun. The night was young, and shops and clubs around him were already closing their doors. He sighed in disappointment as he walked on, hoping fate would throw some good fortune his way. Jhai was a 22 year old gray and tan colored wyvern. His eyes glowed light blue, the same color as his long tongue. He had wide tan wings attached to his arms and a long serpentine tail that snaked along the ground behind him as he walked.

After spending about an hour searching for entertainment Jhai gave up and became resigned to the fact that he would have to provide his own entertainment for the night yet again. He turned and began the trek to the vacant house near the outskirts of the city where he liked to spend his time when nothing else was going on. He stepped past the police station on the way, a large number of pictures depicting missing persons decorated a board to the side of the door. He recognized many.

The walk took him longer than he had expected it to from that part of town, and he was ashamed to admit the trek had winded him. He idly thought how he needed to get in shape, patting his ever so slightly bulging belly. He spotted the house in the distance as he turned the corner onto the next street. His home away from home.

Jhai took his seat on the small chest high wall that lined the property boundary and began waiting. It normally did not take long for the fun to start upon setting his ruse into motion, and today was no exception. A bus rolled up next to the house and stopped, opening the doors. The driver of the bus met Jhai's gaze. He nodded and the driver started his part. Jhai paid him handsomely for this.

"Damn it..." He muttered loudly, pretending to be unable to start the bus up again, Jhai watched with feigned curiosity. "Folks I'm sorry, I can't get it to move... This is gonna have to be the last stop..."

Jhai heard the mutterings of disappointment from within the bus, a few people raising questions that the driver answered professionally, he was a good actor. A few seconds later a handful of people stepped off of the bus, all of them looking very unhappy. It took Jhai just a few seconds to spot his target, a young brown wolf with a green sleeveless t-shirt and, most importantly, a look of not knowing what to do on his face. Jhai gave him a friendly wave.

"Your bus break down?" He asked.

"Yeah..." The wolf muttered, stepping over to him.

"If you need to use my phone or crash on the couch your more than welcome." He said, cutting straight to the point. People always seemed more inclined to believe him when he made a kind offer right off the bat. He could tell it worked when he saw the wolf's expression.

"That would be great, thank you!" He replied, his face lighting up in a grin.

Jhai hopped off of his wall and gestured towards the house, taking the lead as he walked for the front door, knowing the wolf would follow.

Fang's heart lifted at the stranger's kindness. He was very far from home still and that was the last bus of the night, how typical that it would break down. The wyvern pushed the front door open and held it ajar from the inside. Fang stepped in and looked around, the place was nice, if a little empty. He followed the wyvern into the kitchen where he pointed with a winged arm to the wall. A phone hung there and he grabbed it, dialing his friends number.

There was no answer at first, so he tried another number. After a while he got through to someone and begged to be picked up and taken home. They agreed to meet him at the corner of the road in ten minutes. Fang thanked them gratefully and and put the phone back on the wall. He turned back to the wyvern to thank him to see a glass of water in his outstretched hand.

Fang took the glass gratefully and drank it down, vaguely noting that the tapwater in this part of town tasted strange. They exchanged some quick words with one another while he waited for his ride. After about a minute he began to feel strange, so he took another gulp of the water. The wyvern soon began acting strangely towards him. He started standing uncomfortably close and placing his arm over his shoulders, grinning a toothy grin at him.

Fang smiled awkwardly and put the glass back onto the table, getting ready to excuse himself and head outside. The wyvern stretched his arm across the doorway in response, his wing hanging down and blocking his view of the exit as well. Fang took a nervous step back and looked at the wyvern with a confused expression. It was then that his head started to feel cloudy. He stumbled back and barely caught himself on the table, the glass of water tipping over and spilling onto the ground.

He stared at the glass, his heart racing. "What was in that..." He asked the wyvern. In response he grinned.

"Water." He said, watching him as he lost his balance and fell backwards to the ground, looking up at the ceiling. The last thing he remembered is that his shirt felt oddly big on him...

Jhai watched the wolf collapse as his body began the shrinking process. No one ever seemed able of maintaining consciousness while they shrunk. He had told the truth to the wolf. The glass had contained nothing but water. Although, he may have taken a quick sip from the wolf's glass while his saliva's toxin was active.

He grinned and turned away, picking up the glass that had fallen on the floor. Surprisingly it had not broken. Jhai placed the glass in the sink and began washing it, the house remaining silent as he did so. The wolf had said he would meet his friend in ten minutes, that gave him about 8 minutes from now. Plenty of time.

He stepped back over to where the wolf had fallen and was greeted with the sight of his green shirt flat on the ground. He stuck his arm into the shirt and fished around, feeling a small furry lump near the middle. He curled his clawed fingers around the wolf and pulled him out, holding his body up to his face. The shrinking process was finished, they never got much smaller than this.

Jhai sat down on one of the small chairs next to the kitchen counter and slid a bottle of dish soap over towards him. He finger the small wolf in his hand waiting for him to wake up. It normally took a minute or two before they regained their consciousness from the ordeal. Sure enough, the wolf roused form the slumber just a few seconds after the though passed through his head.

Jhai watched his face as the realization came over him. This was his second favorite moment of this whole song and dance. The understanding of what had happened to his prey, the looks on their face when they knew they had been shrunken down to the size of his hand. The wolf met his eyes, a look of terror in his face. Jhai smiled, he felt like having some fun with this one.

"I want you to listen carefully." He said, the wolf cowering once he spoke, he imagined his voice must sound loud to those tiny ears. "I'm going to ask you a yes or no question, and you are going to answer it." He stated plainly, the wolf's ears seemed to droop, but he nodded in understanding, still frantically looking around. "Don't waste your energy, you're not going anywhere. Now then, yes or no, and I want to make it clear that whatever answer you give, I will respect."

The wolf nodded, his eyes wide in fear, still looking around. He had at least had the common sense to know that screaming at his size would have accomplished nothing. "Here it is." He began, pausing for a long breath to increase the suspense in his victim, "Should I eat you?" He asked.

The wolf looked devastated at the question and began violently shaking his head. "No. NO!" He said, repeating his answer several times after that to get it across. Jhai grinned. They never said yes, but almost always tried at some point to take their answer back.

Fang could not believe his situation. The wyvern held him tightly in his gigantic paw... no... normal sized paw, it was him that was tiny. Fang did not know how it was possible for his body to be as small as it was, but here he was...

He looked up at the dragon, hoping to hope itself that he kept his promise to respect his answer. He didn't want to be eaten. His heart sank as the wyvern grinned at his answer, like he had played directly into his hands. But if he had answered yes then he would have eaten him... What could be worse than being eaten?

He was soon to find out apparently. The wyvern stood up from whatever seat he had been in and unfastened his pants, dropping them to the ground and stepping out of them. Naked, he lifted one of his legs and planted it on the chair, squatting a bit as he did so, Fang did his best not to watch, but the fear made it difficult to look away.

Fang could not even imagine what was in store for him. The wyvern grabbed a bottle of dish soap that was near the edge of the table to his side and squeezed a blob of it onto the surface on the table. He tossed the bottle to the side and moved Fang's body towards the glob, plunging his face into the green liquid soap.

Fang sputtered in surprise as the apple scented soap filled his mouth and nose, just narrowly avoiding getting the stuff in his eyes by shutting them fast. He spat to get the stuff out of his mouth as the wyvern slid its finger over his head to spread the it around. Fang whined automatically as the giant handled him, and seconds later his head and arms were covered with soap, the scent of fake green apple overpowering anything else.

The wyvern the positioned Fang in front of him, squatting a bit more and pressing his other hand underneath his own tail to push it up. Fang suddenly realized what his fate entailed. "No... NO! Okay! Okay eat me! Please just eat me and get it over with please!" He shouted, getting a short knowing chuckle from the wyvern above him as the hand positioned him underneath his squatted bottom.

The tan leathery hide turned to black from the shadows that pointed to his tailhole. Fang felt his body being lifted straight up at a horrifyingly fast rate. He started to scream as he shot towards the wyvern's tailhole, feeling stronger warmth as he was moved closer and closer. He instinctively shot his arms out in front of him, hoping to catch himself and prevent what was about to happen.

His arms hit the wyvern's butt and bent back behind him as his head made contact to the tight ring of flesh and darkness. His face slid into the tight tube in less than a second, his arms left to flail outside, and try to pry himself loose. They accomplished nothing but sliding up the slanting flesh to pin themselves between the wyvern's anal flesh and his own head. The paw that held him forced his body up again. His face slid against the slick walls of flesh, the soap making his body slide inside the dragon's behind easily.

The tight warm tube clung to his body, cutting off all air and light. The heat was more intense than he expected it would be, his face was enveloped in it, flesh squishing around every nook and bend around his head to press in on him from all sides. He used his free legs to kick madly, whimpering silently into the flesh that pressed his mouth closed.

Another push forced him in deeper, the tight constriction around his body sliding down to reach his lower stomach, his arms bunched up uncomfortably at his sides, unable to move any part of his body more than a fraction of an inch before the tight tailhole walls snapped him back into place. His heart pounded in his chest faster than he had ever experienced before, he didn't know what to do, struggling didn't help him at all.

His ears were met with the constant slick sliding sound of wet fur on flesh as his body was pressed farther and farther into the beast. The squelching noise was unrelenting, the flesh pressed against his ears cut off all other sound but that, and it was maddening. He began to feel some fast tugs on his body as the flesh squeezed in on him, pulling his deeper into the abyss. The slimy walls squeezed him relentlessly, he writhed in terror and discomfort, unable to move and panicking madly. The felt a finger placed gingerly between his legs and that panic skyrocketed.

The pressure applied between his legs mixed with the lubrication of the soap made quick work of him. He felt the tight ring of the wyvern's anus claim him up to his groin, his thighs, his knees, his angles, and finally his toes met the heat of the wyvern's insides. He squeezed his legs around the wyvern's finger, hoping a fruitless hope that he would be pulled back out when he eventually retrieved his finger. His hopes were crushed as the finger slid easily out form between his legs, the slick dragon skin rubbing against his furry legs as his last contact with the outside world left him alone in this dark tight tube.

The finger slide out and the flesh responded, snapping his legs together and clenching around his entire body, flesh pressing in on him from all sides save for the tip of his nose and the soles of his paws, the scent of apple still lingering in his nostrils. He squirmed helplessly, turning his head and filling his ears with the sound of churning flesh. He tried to pry his legs apart, to reposition his arms, to bend his body, but the warm meat prison always straightened his body back out, in the same position, gripping him endlessly.

He felt the world shift around him, the tube becoming somehow tighter, and he moaned in terror. The wyvern must have stood back up. The realization finally dawned on him... It was over, there was no escape. The whole ordeal must have lasted ten to twenty second so far, but if felt like ages and ages. He could still feel his fur slide against the fleshy walls around him as some quick tight clenches pulled him farther and farther upward into the wyvern's body.

Jhai gasped in ecstasy as he slid the tiny wolf up into his body. The soap was an excellent idea, the little furry slid in easily, spreading his tailhole taught and squirming within him. He pushed him in as deep as he could with his outstretched finger, the soap allowing him to pull it back out and leave the living little wolf within him.

He remained squatting for a few moments more, feeling the helpless prey inside of him move around and clenched his anal muscles to tug him farther up inside of him. He rubbed at the outside of his tailhole as he straightened his body back up, exhaling a shuddering breath as he felt the shift effect his prey. This was his absolute favorite part of any encounter he had. No matter which way they enter him, they were always trapped within his own body for eternity. They belonged to him now.

The wolf continued squirming within his body as he pulled his pants back on. He liked to think of doing this as sealing up his prey's only hope at escape. He grinned as he started walking for the back door. It had only been five minutes, but he didn't want the wolf's friend to see him leaving the scene. He stepped back out into the night, prey still squirming helplessly inside of him, the cool air feeling good on his skin.