How It Goes - Part 15

Story by Patcher on SoFurry

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#16 of How It Goes

Happy new year!

I thought I would kick off the new year with another installment. There is not much to say.

Next part will be posted next week, barring emergency circumstances.

Do enjoy.

"You two snogged," Cecil repeats incredulously.

"For about half an hour, according to Bax."

"You told Theo, right?"

"First thing I did."

"Was he mad?"

"That's what bothers me," Scott sighs into his paws. "He wasn't mad at all. Chuckled about it, said he hopes it doesn't happen again."

"Right." Cecil picks up a single chip and gazes at it. "You're one lucky fucker, you know that, right?"

"Yay, horray," Scott mutters flatly. "Reprimands."

"Sorry, but you are," Cecil continues with a hint of frustration. "I mean, do you just have the chillest boyfriend in the world?`"

"I suppose it makes us even," Scott mumbles.


"Long story short," Scott sighs, "He and Brian had a threesome with a gal we know."

"Jegus, what have I been missing?"

"Nothing much." Scott shifts and makes to get from his chair. "Sorry for bothering you."

"Don't be like that. I said I'd listen, didn't I? I'm just... well. A bit jealous." Cecil claps Scott on the shoulder, before he adds, "No, you're not flaunting anything."

Scott gazes at his lap. Cecil pushes aside the plate of chips, more than half the portion left, and yawns.

"I feel like I'm lost," Scott admits. "I got all these questions in my head... I want answers, but I don't know how to word them, or whom to ask..."

"Hit me," Cecil says cheerfully.

"Why is it that almost all my friends want me?" Scott asks, exasperatedly. "Seriously, it gets my goat. I really don't understand why."

"Because..." Cecil hums. "You're confident."

"What." Scott stares at the bunny, who grins.

"You know who you are, and what you like. You're honest, but not rude. You're accommodating, but not a doormat. You're open about yourself. You're never swayed by public trends, you're not fickle... You can be a bit of a handful sometimes, but all in all, you're likeable." Cecil smiles. "At least, that's why I liked you."

"Past tense?"

"In that way, I mean. After that conversation, I essentially started getting over it. Closure, y'know?"

"I'm glad to hear that," Scott smiles weakly.

"Any other questions in which I can grant my brilliant insight?"

"Why doesn't it bother me when Theo goes and screws somebody else, but I feel like tearing out my insides when I go and snog somebody?"

"Ah," Cecil says simply. "I haven't got a clue."

"Great help you are."

"Bit difficult to grant insight into areas where I am, effectively, a virgin."

"Thanks anyway." Scott sighs against the table surface. "I don't know what to do with this Oscar-Theo-bollocks."

"Throw a party," Cecil grins.

"What? Why?"

"Get people together. Y'know, gather your friends, get some music, add crisps and sweets, vodka and other drinks; in the process, introduce your two bears and see how they get along."

"I'ven't hosted a party before, let alone been to one," Scott protests.

"Neither have I. Barely been to one; to wit: once with Stewart. I'd rather not recount what happened, really." Cecil waggles a finger. "But if you host it, it's bound to not be too sordid an affair."

"Only last time I was at a party Brian and Tom shagged," Scott mutters. "Not like I know where Tom is nowadays anyway."

"Speaking of Tom, blimey, I can't believe I forgot," Cecil says with half a gasp. "I saw him the other day."

Scott looks up. "Really?"

"Yeah. He's a bartender over at the Ox de L'Amour."


"Ox de L'Amour?" Cecil gestures. "Kidlington? One of the largest gay bars in the city?"

"Dad mentioned something about Kidlington..."

"You really didn't know?"

Scott shakes his head.

"Well, I don't really blame him for being quiet about it, if what I hear about the place's true. He said as much."

Scott gazes at his half-eaten, now cold burger.

"Well, you're in need of a distraction," Cecil grins. "Let's go there now."

"Wait, what?"

Cecil gets up from his seat and grabs Scott by the arm. "To the Ox! Should be harmless tonight, it's the middle of the week and everything. From what this other bartender told me, Tom works every night, so I'm sure we'll find him."

Before Scott can protest, Cecil slips into his coat and goes to pay. Scott gets up and half-heartedly slips on his jacket, when Cecil storms over to him, grabs him by the arm, and drags him out of Sesame.

"So this is the Ox?"


"Are we even old enough to..."

"Yep. Can't buy the harder drinks but we don't drink anyway."

Scott glances up at the glowing neon sign. Ox de L'Amour flashes in startling pink and turquoise, with a bull draped behind the letters, groin covered by the x, a rose in his mouth. His reverie is broken when Cecil pulls him towards the door, and pushes him in.

Leather-bound couches drape the walls. Tobacco and alcohol tinges the air. Only a couple patrons carry a conversation in one of the corners; the place is otherwise deserted but for a weasel, in a sharp rosewood-coloured vest, behind the counters

"'Ello," the weasel says merrily.

"Hello," Cecil grins. "Is Tom in today?"

"He's in the back. Want me to go fetch 'im?"

"Please," Scott says quietly. The weasel goes into the back room, and shortly after, he returns with the otter, dressed in a similar red vest and looking grumpy. He casts a glance at Cecil, and then at Scott.



"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you."

Tom's expression is blank. "Well, here I am."

"Can we talk?" Scott says in half a whimper. Tom glances over at the weasel, who's sweeping over the counters with a tablecloth.

"Walt, mind if I?"

"Go ahead, quiet night." The weasel smiles. "Don't take too long, though. Rather not be alone."

With a sigh, Tom goes into the back room; when he returns, it's without the vest. "Let's go outside."

"I'll stay inside," Cecil says, as he glances at the weasel. "Leave you two alone to talk."

The evening breeze greets them, warm and gentle, as they go out on the bar's terrace. Tom heads to the far end of the enclosure, and settles down next to a small table. Scott sits down on the opposite side.

"Why didn't you tell me you left?" Scott asks quietly, a note of indignation in his voice. "Why did you just leave?"

"I've been busy," Tom mumbles quietly, though he looks annoyed.

"You've been busy," Scott parrots. "That's it?"

"No..." Tom sighs after a while. "No. Scott... I wanted to be alone. I'm eighteen, I got kicked out of my home. I didn't want to mooch of your dad, so I applied for a job here. Didn't think I'd get it, but I did. Kidlington's a bit far off, so I got a place."


"I should've told you, I know. I'm sorry."

Scott gazes at the otter. Tom stares at the ground, his ears splayed.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks carefully.

"Yeah, I am," Tom nods, looking up. "I've got a nice job with decent pay, and it's good to feel independent."

"What about school, though? I thought you were looking forward to uni."

Tom looks away. "I was, but then... well. Everything happened, didn't it?"


"Scott, I'm not going to continue," Tom says firmly. "I'll be fine, okay?"

Scott gazes at the otter for a while before he nods. "Of course you'll be. I'm just worried..."

"Don't be worried," Tom smiles, and he gets up from his seat. The soft breeze washes over his face, and his whiskers quiver. "I should get back to work now, though."

Scott gets up as well. Tom starts moving towards the door, but Scott grabs him by the hand, and pulls him close. Their noses touch. "I miss you, Tom."

Tom smiles weakly, and leans forward until their foreheads bump. "I miss you too, Scott. I just need to do this for myself..."

"Try to stay in touch," Scott whispers.

"I will." Scott nods, and pulls Tom into a hug. Tom sighs into the nape of Scott's neck.

"You realise you two look more like a couple than you and Theo ever did, right?" Cecil comments as they leave the Ox.

"We do?" Scott replies, with a tinge of worry.

"Yep," Cecil says, with a fixed grin.

Scott lowers his head. "Oh."

"Well, just my impression, y'know?" Cecil puts his arms behind his head as they walk to the bus stop. "I've never really seen you and Theo together. You and Tom do seem really close, though."

Scott says nothing. He raises his head to look at the sky instead, ears splayed.

"Did you hear the rumour, by the way, about Brian and Theo?" Cecil says casually.


"I heard people talking about it in the school halls. They think Theo and Brian are an item."

"So the world's ripe with misconceptions."

"Poignant," Cecil snickers. Scott gazes along the road when a bus turns the corner at the end of the street: No. 14. Scott bites his lower lip, before he signals the driver.

"Scott?" Cecil asks, confused. "That's not your bus, is it?"

"Going to Theo's," Scott replies quietly as the tires screech in front of the two of them.

"Oh, right."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Scott says. With a soft sigh, he hugs Cecil with one arm. "Sorry."

Before Cecil can respond, Scott gets on the bus.

From behind the door, Scott can hear the creak of a couch, and footsteps shortly after. The door is unlocked, and it swings open.

"Scott?" Theo says, taken aback. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"

"Can I stay the night?" Scott whispers. He notes the smell of beer on Theo's breath.

"I..." Theo throws a glance over his back. "Yeah, of course, only I've got..."

Scott looks past Theo. Slumped in the couch or otherwise on chairs around the table are Colton, Byrne, Patterson and Travers. All eyes are on Theo and Scott.

"I'm sorry," Scott mumbles.

"No, don't be," Theo says hurriedly. "If you want I'll ask them to leave. It's pretty late anyway."

"You don't have to..."

Theo lays an arm around Scott and guides him inside gently.

"Hoy," Colton calls out to Scott. Byrne nods, Patterson does a curt gesture easily mistaken for a wave, and Travers only glares momentarily before he averts his gaze. Theo walks him towards the bedroom.

"We'll take our leave," Travers says simply as he rises from the couch. Theo looks abashed, but nods all the same as the four of them leave. Scott buries his face into Theo's neck, eyes closed, listening to the footsteps, the rattle of keys, the door opening and closing. The bear leads Scott into the bedroom and sits him down. He mumbles something about locking the door, and leaves the wolf sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What's the matter?" Theo asks softly as he returns to sit down next to Scott. Scott covers his face with one paw.

"I'm about to..." Scott croaks. He stares down at his knees, his body trembling. He tries to speak, but his voice cracks. He buries his face in his hands. When Theo pulls him into a tight hug, Scott presses his head into Theo's neck, his palms drenched.