Commission: Flying High

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#3 of Mystery of the Sky Rock

Third part of the story for Nicobay

Ruby stretched out with a yawn and blinked, looking around. It took her a few moments to remember where, and what she was. The longneck grinned and stood up, mind falling back into the male role almost naturally. He'd always been a quick learner. Looking up at the sky told him that he still had a couple hours before he was due back at the meeting place to get his natural body back. Until then, well needless to say, he wanted to experiment a bit more with having a penis before he went back to just playing with them. Closing his eyes, Ruby let his mind race as he thought about the schedule of the valley inhabitants. This season, this time of day, most of the females would be at a secret little clearing for a...heh, special meeting. But there was one that would definitely be interested in a spot of erotic exercise. And best thing of all she was just a short walk away.

Or it would have been a short walk if he'd been in his normal body. The longneck body was surprisingly agile, but still only a fraction as maneuverable as Ruby's natural form. On the other hand, even though he had to walk nearly three times longer, he barely felt it. The stamina that longnecks had was just incredible. Then again, he already knew a bit about just how long they could keep going. A smirk tugged at his lips as his mind flashed back over the experiences he'd had in the very short time he'd been inside of this bull's body. Mm, yes they were very memorable. The smell, the feel, the rush of emotions, everything was just so intense.

Each time he blinked, there was Ali. Her face twisted around mid-cry as her insides rippled around him, body pushing back, wanting more, begging for more. Ruby's cheeks colored suddenly when he felt his slit bulging out. He licked his lips and grinned. Wouldn't be too long before he would take care of that.

Coming up to a cliff, Ruby angled her head and let out a few inquiring whistles. Didn't take more than a moment before a shape separated itself from the cliff and flitted down towards where he was waiting. Momma Flyer came down in an easy enough dive before backwinging. She flashed a smile at him as she landed on a taller rock. "Hello Littlefoot. Petrie isn't around right now, you just missed him."

Ruby flashed his best imitation of Littlefoot's cute, but shy grin. "Well, you see I wasn't looking for him. Not really." Lowering his head, the displaced swiftrunner pawed at the ground for just a moment, getting into the shy act as he avoided the flyer's questioning look. "See, I was kinda... Well, I heard that..." He willed a blush to his cheeks and cleared his throat. "I heard that you... enjoyed... larger males, and I was wondering if..."

Momma Flyer's eyes went wide for a second before a smile graced her features. "My dear, are you trying to proposition me?" He nodded, licking his lips as he looked over the female's sleek body. His vent bulged further, just barley containing the growing length. A shiver ran through the flyer's body, "Oh I love that look in your eyes. Lay down on your back." He scrambled to obey, propping himself up against a wind-smoothed rock.

The flyer dropped from her perch and easily drifted down to land just beyond his tail. Ruby lifted his head and watched as the female moved over him with a low purr. "So, where did you get your information?" Her eyes were shining as she braced her wing claws on his chest. Her moist vent kissed against his slit before drawing away. Ruby couldn't hold back anymore, and his cock surged out, as if chasing her. A quick shift of her hips pinned that growing length between their forms. He moaned as she crooned, rubbing against him nice and slow. Blood rushed to his member so fast that he felt like he was going to faint for a moment. She moved against him slowly, spreading her wetness against his length as she cooed about his size. His jaw shook as the older female climbed up his body so very slowly. Her scent tickled at his nose as she brought herself ever closer to his tip.

Mama flyer cooed and reached down to run her claws gently against his crown. Ruby groaned as her soft lips teased his head, just being slid back and forth against the female's entrance. "So, where did you hear about my particular fetishes, hmm?" He tried to form words, but it was actually astoundingly hard to get his mind to work properly. Possibly because all the blood was rushing to his manhood. She leaned forward and tapped his lips with her beak. "Not gonna speak up?"

Ruby managed to squeak out, "Heard it!"

She leaned forward slowly, her lips just starting to spread. "Oh? And where did you hear it?"

His mind was spinning as he gasped, trying to keep his gaze locked onto that tight little hole that was pressed against him. "H-heard some of the grown ups talking about it. He tried to swallow against his dry mouth as his cock throbbed with pure need. "Thought that maybe you'd..."

"Shhh," she placed a claw on his lips and smiled, "let me tell you something, dear." Ruby shivered as she leaned forward and whispered right into his ear. "You're plenty grown up for me."

She plunged her body down and arched her back with a lusty cry. His eyes crossed as she managed to wedge his cock into her body. The flyer's insides rolled against his length as she slid down, her belly bulging from the size of the meat being crammed into her form. Ruby's head fell back against the rock he was leaning against. It seemed nearly impossible to breath as he bottomed out inside of the smaller female. She felt as tight as Ali had been, but it was a different sort, less constricting. Where Ali's insides had been about to crush him with their sheer power, Mama Flyer twisted and shifted around him.

The female tucked against his body and shifted until she was more comfortable. Taking a slow breath, she began to move over his stiff length. She was only able to work a few inches, but even that small amount made her fill his ears with her moans. Craning his head, Ruby was able to get a look at the bulge his cock made in her gut. She was stretches so tight around him, that he would swear that he could almost see the veins on his girth. He could definitely make out the bulge made by his crown. And it seemed like the flyer definitely enjoyed that particular part of his body. She shivered and leaked more fluids whenever she moved on his thickness.

Her legs shifted so she could get a grip on his thighs with those powerful toes of hers. Lifting herself higher on his body, the flyer called out as she began to bound faster and further. Ruby clenched his teeth in a moan as her body began to visibly roll and ripple around him. Her beak tapped against his cheek, "Call me Mama, baby!"

Ruby gasped, hips stirring up towards the smaller dino. "Feels so good, Mama. Don't think I'm going to last much longer."

"That's a good boy. Tell Mama before you blow!" She began to slam herself down on him, grinding the entrance to her egg chamber against his tip. Grabbing his cheeks, she lifted his head so she could lick at his lips. His tongue, feeling thick and clumsy, tried to catch her smaller, more agile one. She began to clench harder against him, moaning as her claws pricked at his thick flesh. He moaned and tried to buck against her, but the lighter female simply bounced with every attempt he made. She moaned and trembled, pressing her head into his neck as she began to orgasm.

The longneck bull's eyes rolled back in his head at the feeling of that. He just barely managed to pant, "Mama, gonna pop!"

She lifted herself of him quickly, his wide tip popping out of her vent just an instant before his entire length stiffened. Juices squirted out of her body as she came off him, raining down on his aching flesh. Mama came back down, her lips sliding against the underside of his length as she wrapped her wings around him. Somehow, the flyer managed to sit herself firmly in his lap, body held tight to his length, before he came.

Thick seed blasted against her chin. Mama cooed and worked her body against his cock, leaning back to let him fire straight up into the air. She moved her head out of the way of his shots. Each blast of thick cum was shot into the air and came raining back down on her. Ruby huffed, body tensing with each spray as she put her entire body into keeping him going. The older female easily coaxed out more than the couple seconds Ruby had experienced with Ali. She kept rubbing, caressing, licking, and even nipping at his flesh to get every drop out. And she caught every last ounce of his sweet cream. Letting it run against her leathery hide or get lapped up by her tongue. The relentless female didn't begin to slow until he did. By the time she was done, his cock was doing nothing more than just dribbling. The flyer was purring, his thick seed drenching nearly every inch of her form.

Her rumbling deepened as she reached a wing claw down to stroke her stretched lips. The digits slid down and gave his vent a little rub, putting some pressure on his internal testes. "Well, I think I might have drained you for the moment." Leaning in, she ran her beak against his lips with a smile. "Maybe when you've recovered some, I can see about getting a nice, belly full of your spunk." Craning her head, the flyer trembled against his body as if imagining just what he'd do to her. She uttered a coo and swept her fingers through the thick spooge that was covering her hide. With a smile, she looked right into Ruby's eyes and licked it off her fingers. "Delicious."

Ruby groaned and felt his loins trying to stir at that sight, but he could only lay there in the borrowed body as she bade him a fond later and slipped off. Mama flyer took a few wobbly steps before spreading her wings and taking to the sky.

She had only gotten a few feet above the bluff before a figure blasted from the sky. Ruby's eyes widened and runner jerked his borrowed body as the flyer was tackled by a much larger brown form. Mama let out a startled yelp as she and her attacker crashed into the ground. The bull jerked upright, but was quickly pinned as another flyer slammed into his chest. Ruby was stunned as the breath was driven from his lungs, curling against the attacker some as he tried to catch some air. "Look what we got here." Ruby's eyes rolled as yet another flyer winged in and settled onto a rock, laughing.

Mama flyer was the first to recover, squirming under her attacker with a gasp. "Pterano, what are you doing here!?" Pterano, Ruby remembered hearing about that name. Petrie mentioned it several times, the flyer was his uncle. Looking at the other males, Ruby wondered who they were. He only gave the others a quick glance before looking at the siblings. Mama was pinned to the ground under Pterano's body, and the male was grinning down at her. Her cheeks colored as her brother rubbed his body against hers, smearing the longneck's cum across both their hides. "Th-the elders banished you for several more seasons." She glanced at the other flyers. "And why are they here?"

Petrie's uncle's voice quivered with his purr, "I just thought I'd slip in, check on my..." he chuckled, "nieces and nephews. On the way to the nest, my associates just happened to spot you and this longneck."

One of the males, perched on the rock Ruby had been leaning against, laughed; "Yeah, looked like you two were having a good ole rut, so we wanted to join in."

Pterano gave the male a dirty look and sneered. "Rinkus is right, even if he us crude." Turning his attention back to his sister, he ran his beak against hers lightly, "I had thought that maybe we could have a good romp, like the old times. And despite how good Sierra and he might be, there's just nothing like a good vent wrapped around me, even if it is as loose as yours." Ruby watched as emotions flashed across the flyer hen's face as she renewed her struggles under the male. He groaned at her, "Do love it when you squirm, Sister."

The two began to slap at each other with their wings, Mama trying to push the male off while Pterano was trying to contain her. As they rolled back and forth along the bluff, getting dangerously close to the ledge at times, Ruby caught glimpses of the male's length pinned between their bodies. The three males all watched as the siblings struggled against each other. Mama would start to slip away and Pterano would lunge and knock her back to the ground. Wings slapped against bodies. Feet scratched thighs. Beaks snapped and nipped at each other. A hard shove sent the pair against a tree. Pterano grunted and loosened his hold as his spine cracked into the trunk. Twisting around, Mama lunged from his hold and aimed for the skies.

Pterano recovered quickly, leaping up after her. He wrapped his wings around her body, pinning her arms against her sides. His wings covered most of her body, except for the female's damp and her lower belly. The two hung in the air for just a second before falling to the ground again. Pterano hit the ground first, bracing his feet as he held onto the female. Time seemed to slow for a moment as Mama fell towards him as well. As her body dropped, the male's cock surged upwards, veins throbbing along its length as it sprang up to full hardness in an instant. He was huge! The male's cock was about as thick as the longneck's was towards his base. His length tapered to a point, and looked to be nearly as long as the bull's member as well. The three bystanders watched with awe as Pterano's cock plunged right into his sister's body. Still wet from the brief romp with Ruby, her body spread out readily around his cock. But where the longneck couldn't fit his entire, thick cock into the female, the male flyer rather easily slotted his length right up to the hilt inside of her.

Mama gasped, feet kicking at the air helplessly as her juices dripped onto the ground below them. "P-pter-pterano, stop! We can't!"

He purred low in his throat and nipped at her neck as he began to bounce his sister on his cock. "You weren't complaining that night we made Petrie." Well, that certainly explained some things. Mama's cheeks flushed hotter as he started thrusting with the bounces. "Besides, I know the only thing you love more than a big cock spearing your egg chamber is an audience." The hen whimpered with delight, looking away from the three staring males as her brother slammed his body against hers faster now.

Ruby's eyes widened as he watched the flyers going at it just a few feet away. When he was just discovering sex, the runner loved to slip into bushes and spy on the adults. Learning little tricks. Uncovering secret kinks. And learning things about the grown ups that one would have never imagined. Although watching the siblings so close by showed her something entirely new about the flyer. Mama was in a constant struggle, seemingly torn between wanting to push into the big male, and wanting to break away from him. Her arms beat against the inside of his wings as her feet kicked futilely against the air. All the while, he continued to rut her with those shallow, rapid thrusts. The female tried to form words, tried to argue against her actions, but each time her mouth opened she couldn't do much more than moan her ecstasy for the world to hear.

Rinkus let out a low laugh as he leaned against his perch, making no effort to hide that his wing claws were stroking his own tapered length. "Think we'll get a turn with her?"

Sierra snorted, "Doubt it. The way he goes on and on about how good she is when he's..." the male trailed off and shook his head. "They'll be at it for hours, I bet." His eyes drifted over to the longneck. "Although, that don't mean we can't have any fun ourselves."

Distracted by the flyer siblings, Ruby didn't notice Sierra moving until something hard jabbed against his hip. The longneck cried out as the big male shoved his body forward, cramming his cock right into Ruby's untried back door. Unlike the other flyer males, who had a tapered length, this male had one that was surprisingly thick and had a corkscrew-like ridge that ran right up its length, turning the tip into nearly a drill. And he crammed every last inch of that dick right into Ruby's ass with only the barest of lubrication from his precum. Sierra purred as his wing claws scratched at the bull's thick hide. "Oh yeah, I love it when they squeal under me." A savage grin spread across his features as he slammed into Ruby's ass again. "Wonder if you're a better rut than Rinkus." Grabbing handfuls of his thick hide, the tom began to pepper him with short, quick bucks.

The male in question offered a coo as he forced Ruby's head down towards his own manhood. "Oh come on now, don't be like that, Sierra. Always give you plenty of loving, don't I?" He cackled and stabbed his cock against Ruby's face, smearing his own precum across the bull's muzzle. Craning his head around, he gave the longneck's flank a nip, "Don't make me force you to slurp my dick like a good whore." Wincing against each pinch or bite, Ruby opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the hard length. The cob moaned over him and leaned back to put both hands on Ruby's head. "That's a good boy right there."

Bucking forward, he smashed his groin into the bull's blunt muzzle, grinding against it before drawing away. Ruby closed his eyes against the scratching claws, he pressed his tongue against the thrusting member. While he missed that agile tongue he had as a swiftrunner, there was something to be said about that wide, powerful tongue that he had a longneck. He was able to easily force the dick against those blunt teeth of his, rubbing the smoothed edges against the tender flesh. Didn't take more than a second before he tasted the male's slightly fishy precum drooling onto his tongue. A smile fond its way onto Ruby's lips as his tongue rolled around the male's length.

"Ha...ha...ahhh fuck!" Rinkus slammed his body against Ruby's mouth and held himself there, smashing his groin into the longneck's face as he came into the male's mouth. Now that really made Ruby grin as he rolled his tongue against the length, just drinking down that thick, salty goodness. Just a couple seconds after blowing his wad, the male was backing away with his length already softening.

Sierra barked out a laugh, "Did the little whore make you blow already? Got more of a hair trigger than I thought, Rinky."

The flyer slumped against the ground, chest heaving as he shot a glare at the male that was pounding away at Ruby's rear. "Up yours, Ass Jackal. Should try out his mouth before you're done." Ruby huffed a bit as Sierra clawed at his hide and pulled himself up higher, grinding hard into his ass. He'd been rutted in the ass plenty of times, back in his normal body, but there was something vastly different about it now that he was in a male's body. There was an incredible sort of tension building in his gut as the male's spiraled member slithered against his insides.

Claws scratched at him as Sierra groaned, "I dunno, this piece of ass is pretty delicious. And then there's this." A hand wrapped around his hardening length and gave it a rough stroke. "No wonder we could hear that hen squealing so far off."

Ruby turned his head to watch the siblings as Sierra practically climbed on top of him to pound his cock just that much deeper into the longneck's pucker. Just as he looked over, Pterano shoved deep into Mama and blew his wad. The male's cock twitched as he pumped his seed right into her egg chamber. The flyer female hung limply in his grasp, eyes clouded with lust as she panted. Ruby let out a moan through clenched teeth as Sierra dug his cock right into the bull's prostate. His eye stayed locked onto the flyers though, watching that cum running out of the female's stretched vent.

Pterano whistled into her ear and took a couple waddling steps forward before tipping over. Mama gasped louder, her face right next to the bull's length. Her brother loomed over her and let out a low hiss as his beak snapped near her ear. "Sierra is right, this little longneck has a nice big cock." He ran his tongue across her cheek and crooned, "Bet you'd love for him to make another mess all over you while I rut you again. Wouldn't you, my dear?" Mama looked back, cheeks flushing bright as she uttered a deep moan. Without uttering a word, she crawled forward enough to take Ruby's cock into her mouth, agile tongue flicking against the thick post. The rooster crooned at his sister and reared back, latching onto her back as he began to pound hard into his sibling once again.

The bull arched his back and moaned, spreading his legs more to let the flyer hen slide her beak further along his length. She purred at him as her tongue swept along his cock and lapped up his precum. He arched and pushed against the male behind him as well. Sierra hissed and leaned over to bite at him with that powerful beak of his. Ruby felt pleasure start to build and surge as he offered a deep groaning noise, cock flaring against the hen's tender beak.

"Erghn, Fuck yeah!"

Mere seconds before he was going to explode, Sierra pushed his body tight against his backside and emptied his balls with a series of rapid thrusts, barely moving his hips. Ruby huffed as the male pulled out, cum leaking out of the longneck's tailhole and running down his tail. The tom barely moved away before Rinkus was practically crawling over Ruby's body. "Mm, my turn," he purred as he placed his hands on Ruby's rear. Leaning in, he ran his tongue around the male's pucker before plunging it in nice and deep. The bull stiffened in surprise as the male wedged his shorter beak against his backdoor and worked his tongue in deeper. Ruby arched up and let out a bellow as he exploded. His ass clamped down around the invading tongue as his heavy cum splashed across Mama's body.

Rinkus cackled as his tongue worked at the male's backdoor, working him dry. Once he'd made sure that Ruby was nice and empty, and his ass was squeaky clean, he decided it was time to mount up. The longneck groaned, head falling to the ground. He huffed as the flyer began scratching at his hide cock pounding against his thick hide. Pterano groaned at his sister and ran his beak through the mess Ruby had made, smearing the cum against her hide. "Look at this mess." Mama gurgled, her eyes rolling in her head as her body spasmed against the male, clawing weakly at the ground. Ruby felt the same way as his body began to ache so good.

Littlefoot let out a moan as hot cum splashed across her face. The runner looked up at the biters that were standing over her. Screech's cock jerked as he came, the male's claws scratching at her backside as he held on tight. Thud was over the male, his cock buried right up to its root as he pumped his seed deep into his partner. She'd lost count of how many times the males had traded off turns on her. Mixed cum drooled from her ass and slit, staining her pink hide. Even more cum was starting to dry on her face and chest, and the heavy flavor coated her tongue. She'd been hoping that hew new talents could get her out of this mess, wear the guys down. Didn't quiet work out as she'd hoped. Especially not once their boss showed up. Redclaw had directed the two biters through several poses with her, all the while having one of the males tease his erect member.

"Girl, come here."

She lifted her head at the growled command and saw that the sharptooth had his head propped against a tree and was laying on his back. He offered her a savage grin, showing off lots of teeth. His heavy cock, which was almost inconceivably huge, lay against his belly. Screech hissed and slapped her ass, "Get going before we get to move you." Yelping at the slap, especially since his claws drew welts, she scrambled to her feet and hurried over to the male. Redclaw motioned for her to climb up on him. The biters hissed with excitement as she climbed on top of the male, eyes looking at that massive member.

Redclaw thrummed under her as he let out a deep purr. The way her vibrated under her made her shiver as her insides quivered from the force of it. She moved higher on him, finding that the only good perch was to straddle his cock and press her sloppy slit right against his rigid flesh. Like the two biters, his length had some heavy ridges spanning the underside. His were fewer in number though, but far more pronounced. Cheeks flushed hot as his continued purring made her insides flutter. Littlefoot moved her body and huffed as those ridges popped against her abused vent. The predator arched his body forward and his cock stiffened against her soft body. "Mmmm, that's a good little runner. Now grind against me." Littlefoot just stared at him, mouth open as she panted. Redclaw's purring turned into a warning growl. "Either you do as I tell you, or I will see how much I can fit in you before something breaks."

With that looming over her head, there was really only one thing to do wasn't there?

She breathed out a moan as she rolled her body against the cock. His growl shifted back to that deep, delicious purr as she slid her wet slit against his cock. That noise only made things better for her since the noise traveled up through her legs and his cock. She let out a purr of her own, a silky noise compared to his thunderous rumbles. Arching against him, she wrapped both hands around his tip and began to stroke it. Thick, clear pre oozed from his tip and coated her fingers. Redclaw pushed up towards her and let out a throaty moan as she began to work the top of his cock with her hands, while grinding against the bottom with her sopping slot.

"Look at her go."

"Yeah, dirty little hen is loving is!"

Her cheeks flushed at the biter's remarks and tried to ignore them. Her clit rubbed against the ridges. Each one made her tail twitch as it popped over that raised line. Littlefoot began to breathe heavier, feeling like lightning was tingling up and down her spine. Craning forward, she let her tongue slide around his tip. Redclaw pushed towards her, making her bounce from the force of his thrust. Coming down against his length, she moaned louder and twisted her head around. Popping the tip of his rod into her mouth, she suckled on it with a moan. She moved faster over him, pushing on the male's turgid post while pulling it tighter against her frame. The heat radiating off the pole felt incredible as it soaked into her body. Everything about this was so strange, so exotic, that it just sent shivers racing down her spine.

Then there was his taste. Compared to the other male's she'd tasted over the last couple days, the biter's both had a very strong, incredibly salty taste. It was enough to make her face twist at the flavor of it, but leave her wanting more at the same time. Redclaw was something else entirely. While he tasted somewhat similar to the smaller males, his taste was far stronger and his precum was far thicker than the other males had been. It coated her tongue and oozed down her throat as she used her body to coax more from that burning length. Pushing her body against him harder, she moaned as her stomach fluttered.

Redclaw growled, the noise trembling up through her body as his good eye narrowed. Her only warning was a brief tensing of his hips before the male let out an ear-shattering roar. Startled by the bellow, she tightened her legs against his body and gasped in surprise. He exploded in her mouth right as she was sucking in air. His thick spunk blasted her mouth and overwhelmed her almost instantly. Littlefoot gagged and sputtered as she drew back and began coughing. The male's next blast caught her right in the face, covering her in a single spurt. The runner cried out as she went back, slit rippling along his tense cock. Her body jerked as she went rolling down the male's tail. The sharptooth hissed and rolled to his feet, "Thud, Screech, over here now."

Littlefoot lay on the ground, gasping for breath. Reaching up, she began to wipe the male's thick cum from her face as a shadow loomed over her. She looked up in time to watch as the male began to get stroked by his two followers. The biters both gripped Redclaw's still hard length with one hand while running their tongues over it. Their other hands were busy stroking their own lengths, still somehow hard after all this time. Littlefoot managed to wheeze a protest seconds before the big male peaked again. Thick cum splashed against her body, coating her pink hide with that thick, hot seed. The biters let out shorter, barking cries as they added to the mess, arching their hips forward. Rolling onto her back, she just lay there with burning cheeks, embarrassed at what was happening to her.

In seconds it was all over. She felt as if her entire body was covered in the male's seed. After the afternoon she'd been having, it might very well be. "Lift her up," came the thunderous rumble from Redclaw. Littlefoot moaned weakly as she was hauled up by the biters. Her mind began to race as she dangled between them. What was he going to do to her now? Visions of the big male trying to force his cock into her body danced though her mind. Sure, she'd managed to get Cera's body to take Topsy's length, but would she be able to do a similar feat with Ruby's?

Hot breath blasted against her body as the big male leaned in and examined her. She offered a low whimper as his head moved in even closer and bumped against her throat. Then the unexpected happened. Redclaw's thick tongue flicked out and began to sweep his own cum off her body. His purr rattled through her again as he cleaned he body with wipe sweeps of his tongue. Each time he licked an area clean, the big male followed it with a rough nuzzle. Her cheeks burned hotter as she squirmed in the biters' firm grasp. The tongue swept along her belly and up between her thighs. The runner gasped and jerked as his thick tongue shoved up into her body and swirled around. Her toes curled as it plunged in nice and deep and swept against her insides, cleaning up the mess the biters left behind. She squealed as her insides grabbed at the slick organ, squeezing it tightly. His purr turned into a deep chuckle as he pulled his head back and smacked his lips. "Delicious. Even tastier than your mother, little runner." That massive head swung up to fill her vision. His tongue swept out again, cleaning her muzzle before forcing its way into her mouth. Littlefoot's eyes shot wide as she gagged for a second as it slithered into her throat and came back out. Redclaw growl-purred and smirked, "I will enjoy the day you slide down my cock, little one. Till then."He turned and started off, the biters dropping her to the ground and hurrying after.

Littlefoot lay there for a long moment, just letting the sun dry her skin off a bit. She wanted to lay there and just doze off, but instead settled for just a few minutes of rest to let the ache start to leave her body. As tempted as it was to slip off, she knew that Ruby would skin her alive once she got back to her normal body. Rolling over onto her belly, she sighed and pushed herself up. A shiver raced through the runner's sleek body as the motion made her thighs rub together. Her mind raced back to moments ago, when Redclaw had that thick tongue of his squirming around inside of her body. Thighs squirmed against each other as she bit her lip and let out a whimpering noise. She shot a look off in the direction the sharpteeth had slipped off in and decided that it might be better if she took off as well.

It wouldn't take long for her to get to the hidden grotto that the other females were going to. And a quick stop off at a stream would erase the evidence of the little delay that the biters caused. What was lucky was that there just happened to be a nice little river. Scampering over a few rocks, she found what she was looking for. Once on top of the rocks, she jumped right off and into the water with a splash. Littlefoot rolled in the water for a moment, just floating. A kick and she drifted back to the surface. She paddled over to a calm spot and leaned against a rock, purring as the water washed over her form. Pulling herself up onto a largely flat rock, she twisted around to sit on her rear, tail and feet dangling into the water. She shivered as her fingers ran over her thighs, brushing over her vent. Her fingers gently probed her slit, feeling how the soft folds stretched over her digits. Definitely not as tight as earlier in the day, but more so than she thought it would be after the day she'd been having.

"Ruby dear, what are you doing?" The voice made her jump and gasp as her fingers hooked deeper into her slit. She tried to twist around quickly, while pulling her fingers out of her body, but ended up falling off the rock and landing with a splash in the river. A laugh reached her ears as she surfaced with a sputter. Bim, Ducky's mother, was looking down at her with bright eyes. "Didn't mean to scare you, hun. Was just on my way in when I saw you there." Taking a step forward, the Swimmer held out a hand towards her.

Taking it, Littlefoot offered a slight giggle; "Sorry, was just cleaning myself up a bit. Was a little... sidetracked on my way here."

"Uh-huh." The older female smirked and pulled the runner up. Sweeping her in close, the swimmer pressed her lips to the runner's mouth, tongue sweeping against Littlefoot's. The runner responded quickly, suckling on the tongue even as hers slipped over and around the invading muscle, dancing around Bim's mouth. The female's mouth tasted crisp, like the water plants that she favored eating. Reaching up, Littlefoot cupped her cheek and plunged her tongue deeper into the swimmer's long muzzle. A moan radiated through her body as the swimmer gladly tilted her head to deepen the embrace. The kiss went on for several long seconds, but was over all too soon. Bim broke away with a coo, a smile across her muzzle as she licked her lips. "Delicious." She ran her blunt nails over Littlefoot's neck, drawing a shiver from the runner. "Well, are you going to keep us waiting all day?" Swinging around, the larger female let her thick tail swing up over Littlefoot's head, showing off her swollen, pale green vent. Winking over her shoulder, Bim strolled up a little path, leaving Littlefoot to scramble after her.

If it hadn't been for Bim, she would have never found the path. It seemed to end right at a rock wall that was covered in thick vines and fronds. The larger female pushed aside the plants and started through them. With a mischievous grin, the runner darted in and slid her tongue over the female's slit in the moment that it was exposed. Bim gasped and thumped her playfully with her tail. "Naughty little Ruby."

"Sexy, slick swimmer."

The older female grinned, "Going to make your toes curl later for that." Shouldering aside the plants, the milf stepped out of the growth and into a glade with a nice, large pool of crystal clear water in the center.

Most of the valley's females were waiting there, and almost every one of them were already engaged in one form or carnal pleasures or another. Across the pond, Tria was pleasuring herself on a thick branch of a fallen tree. The branch had been chewed and rubbed down until it was smooth and vaguely resembled a male's penis. The large, motherly threehorn was rocking back and forth on it, grunting each time her form shifted. She put her entire body into each thrust, actually moving the massive trunk each time she slammed back. "Oh dear," cooed Bim, "I need to help her with that before she breaks something." Diving into the water, she darted over to the threehorn before surging out of the water and over the tree trunk. Littlefoot couldn't hear what was said to the much larger female, but the swimmer coaxed her off the toy, replacing the wood with her own hands and fingers.

She would have happily gone to join in, but there was something far more interesting going on far closer to her. Cera lay on her back, gasping and moaning as Ducky buried her muzzle into the threehorn's vent. Even from several feet away, Littlefoot could hear the hungry slurping and smacking of lips from the swimmer. Ali was there as well, her head ducked down under Ducky's tail, driving her thick tongue into the pale female's slit. Each long slurp made Ducky's hips lift before the tight vent gave way to the probing muscle and stretched wide open around it for just a second before the tongue slid out and trace over her back door. Ali's own tail was arched high, the longneck female rubbing her legs together to tease herself. By now those deliciously thick thighs were glistening with her juices as it trickled down her hide.

The sight of that made Littlefoot's mouth water.

The runner wasted no time in diving right in. Hurrying over, she purred a greeting towards Ali and placed her hands on the longneck's wide hips. "Looks a little lonely back here. Do you mind?"

Hips quivered under her touch and that tail stretched even higher up. "I would love to have some company." Littlefoot dove in before Ali even spread her legs open. Her agile tongue swept over the longneck's thick legs, hungrily lapping up that sweet, sweet honey. The longneck moaned and lifted her head, bumping her nose against Ducky's rear and shoving the swimmer against Cera. Littlefoot narrowed her eyes and took her time to clean the cow's body fully. For a moment, it seemed like a loosing battle. It seemed like Ali was leaking more of her sweet juices than she could ever hope to lap up.

By the time her tongue brushed over the cow's slit, Ali was squirming like crazy. The runner grinned and slipped two fingers into the slick folds and began to pump them as her lips curled around the female's swollen clit. The longneck uttered a deep cry as she arched her body, shoving her body against the eager runner. Twisting her fingers, Littlefoot began to feel around inside of the sweet little cow. Didn't take too long before her fingers found an area that made Ali squirm and gasp, insides shuddering around the probing fingers.

Littlefoot was really getting into eating out Ali when a head shoved under her tail. She squeaked and was bumped into the longneck before shivering as a tongue swept over her privates. Twisting her head around, she looked back with a moan as Cera rolled her head again, running her powerful tongue over her slit. The threehorn was on her side, leg kicked up to allow Ali's head to nestle between her thighs. The longneck was lapping hungrily at the sow's slit in between deep moans, cheeks colored a deep red. A quick look around showed that Ducky was off to the side, fingers buried in her own slit as she watched the three females.

A grin tugged at Littlefoot's mouth. Arching her body, the runner quickly moved over onto her back. Her legs wrapped around Cera's head, feet hooking against the threehorn's frill to pull herself closer. Wrapping her arms around Ali's thick, luscious tail, she pulled herself upwards and ran her tongue around the female's slit. Ali moaned and shivered, pressing down towards her face, body twitching. Littlefoot rolled and pushed her hips up towards Cera, feeling the female's beak rubbing against her soft folds as that powerful tongue slipped through her insides. Moaning up into Ali, she wiggled her tongue around and was rewarded with a shuddering cry and a gush of fluids against her face. She murred happily and licked at her face and the female's twitching slit.

"Hold on, Cera dear." The sow stopped licking and looked over as Bim strolled towards them, licking her own lips. "Now that I've got Tria settled, I would like to have a round with Ruby. If you don't mind." She winked and purred. "I'll show you a few tricks while I'm at it." The threehorn grinned and shuffled backwards. Littlefoot released her legs and fell back against the ground with a huff, looking towards the swimmer as she lay on the ground. Bim crooned and licked her lips again, making Littlefoot's eyes widen at just how long the female's tongue was. "Now just relax and let me show you something wonderful."

Littlefoot let her mouth hang open, panting heavily as the older female bent down between her legs. Bim gave her lap a sweet little kiss before turning her head. The swimmer's lips met her lower ones in a deep kiss. She only had an instant to brace herself before that tongue swept into her body. Mere seconds later, the runner was squirming and gasping. It felt like that tongue was everywhere at once! Bim's tongue danced from one spot to another as she slurped nosily against the pink female's sweet peach. Didn't take more than a few seconds before lights exploded behind Littlefoot's eyes, her body arching up off the ground as she squealed. It felt like her body was being filled with lightning made of pure pleasure. The female looked smug and nudged against her body, driving her tongue even deeper. Littlefoot groaned, grabbing at whatever she could as she felt something break loose inside of her.

Littlefoot gasped as she sat up suddenly. Oh skies above, she was still trembling from what the swimmer had done to her. With a heavy sigh, she flopped onto her back and looked skyward. It was starting to dim and take on a red tinge. Looked like a truly amazing day was soon coming to an end.

Oh no!

Sitting bolt upright, she tried to leap to her feet and make a mad dash back to where Ruby was waiting. It was only when the ground slammed into the dino's body than a realization struck. Seems like she... well he now, was back in his normal body. A frown creased the longneck's features as he stood slowly. After spending so much time in the runner's body, his own felt sluggish. Still, it was good to be home. Although he would miss having hands. Those things were pretty useful. Littlefoot took a moment to stretch out his body slowly, wincing at a dull ache under his tail. What had Ruby done while she was in his body? Well, considering the things he did while in her body, it probably wasn't that bad. Although he was starting to really enjoy this new found ability he had to jump from one body to another. Still had a lot to learn about it, but he was figuring out a few things. Thinking back, he remembered feeling something just before he left the runner's body and slipped back into his. Maybe, with a bit more practice he would be able to jump between more bodies. Now that had a lot of fun possibilities.

Laying back down, the longneck rolled over onto his back and looked up towards the sky, blinking slowly. It was growing dark, darker than it had been while he was still in Ruby's body. So apparently he'd been out for a bit. He blinked slowly towards the sky and yawned, was getting close to time for his to turn in for the evening.


Rolling his head, he saw Ali padding towards him, the female longneck moving slowly with her cheeks flushed a light red. "Ali?" He rolled over and quickly got to his feet, moving towards her.

Her cheeks were flushed cutely as she stopped, letting him come towards her. "Ruby said that you'd be here." Eyes lowered as she batted her eyelashes at him and giggled. "I...uh... Oh..." She must have started trying to say something a dozen times, always trailing off with one noise or another. A hint of doubt started to form in her eyes as her head started to turn away. Flashing back to how Ruby interacted with the cow, he stepped forward quickly. Ali reacted to the movement, head swinging back towards him as she took a half-step back. The cow froze the instant his lips touched hers, tongue forcing its way part her parted lips. For just a brief second, her tongue pushed against his like it was trying to push it out of her mouth. Then she leaned into it and parted her lips, pressing them to his. Ali suckled on his tongue with a soft moan as he locked lips with her. Littlefoot felt his groin stirring at the taste of the cute cow's mouth and how her tongue worked over his. He could feel that strange pull forming in the female. When he gave it a mental push, the cow gasped into his mouth, eyes shooting open. Pupils dilated for a moment before her lids drooped and she uttered a deep moan.

Ali broke the kiss, a strand of saliva connecting their tongues as she backed up. Swinging her body around, she spread her heavy thighs and swung her thick tail up and to the side, revealing her puffy lips. Her voice trembled as she moaned, "Littlefoot, I want you." It was his turn to moan when he saw those slick lips. They parted just a little as the female shifted, flashing her pink insides for his hungry eyes. Those petals called to him, begging him to spread them wide with his length. Leaning his head in under her tail, the bull kissed her other set of lips. Those wide hips pushed back towards his mouth as his tongue plunged into her folds and lapped at her soft insides. Her flavor was rich, insides so hot, and the female's muscles grabbed at his tongue and squeezed down on it. The taste and smell of the cow invaded his head and latched onto something deep and primal in his brain. Everything worked together to make his cock stiffen so quickly he felt light-headed. The heavy cock sprang upwards, smacking against his belly.

Littlefoot pulled away from her slit with a wet pop. Ali was watching him, cheeks flushed bright as she lowered her front and pushed her hips higher for him. That was more than enough of an invitation.

Rearing back onto his hind legs, he advanced on her. The cow moaned when she caught sight of his hard length, pressed tight against his belly. Her moan turned into a soft grunt when he settled his weight onto her wide, sturdy hips. Both of the longnecks were already breathing heavily by the time his broad tip nudged against her body. Cow and bull shifted together, quickly bringing his length in line with her entrance. His thick, broad ram touched against her soft gate. A quick jerk drove him past her lips and drove him several inches into her tunnel. Both called out, cow pushing back as the bull pushed forward. In one solid motion, he was buried up to his root inside of her, tip nudging against her inner gate.

There were no need for words as he started to thrust against her. Grunts and moans mixed with the slurp and squish of their mating. Leaning his head forward, he bit down onto her neck. Ali huffed and arched against the bite, breathing out his name. He moved his body and swung his tail up under hers, letting him push deeper against her with each thrust. The cow's body rocked under his with each massive pound. Her warmth soaked into his cock, making him feel like his post was on fire. It radiated from their groins and inched towards his balls, coaxing them to ready a nice, heavy load to pump into her. She felt far different from either Ruby or Cera. It might be since they were the same species, but it felt like Ali was made perfectly for him.

Jaws clenched as she moaned under him, insides rolling against his shaft as she peaked. She was clamping down around him so hard he thought she might break something. "Gonna cum."

He started to pull back, remembering earlier. Ali shoved back as his flared tip stretched her lips. "In me! Cum in me!" Littlefoot had to bite down on her shoulder again to keep from bellowing as he slammed his cock into her. Ali's insides fluttered around him, rolling over his length as his tip slammed against her cervix. She did the screaming for both of them as she peaked a second time right as he began to pump his cream into her.

They stood together for a long moment after he pumped his load into her. Ali stood still as he began to soften, cock slipping inside of her as the sheer volume of his cum started to drive him out. "Oh wow," he moaned softly, nuzzling at her shoulder where his blunt teeth had undoubtedly left a bruise.

"Yeah," Ali looked over at him, a goofy grin spreading across her features. Craning her head around, she kissed him, tongue slipping into his mouth.

"You two really put on a great show." They barely broke the kiss before a head shoved under Littlefoot's tail. He froze, gasping when a thick tongue pushed against his pucker. A shiver went through the male as the tongue plunged into his rear. Craning his head around, he saw that Shorty was the intruder. He worked his mouth, trying to form words, but each time something started up his throat, the fellow bull would lap at him again, pushing that tongue deep into his rear again. He bit his lip as Shorty's rimjob made his cock start to stir once more, the hard flesh spreading Ali's insides once more. After a few seconds of licking, the bull lifted his head and let it rest on Littlefoot's haunch with a grin. "My turn though."

If Littlefoot thought that his adoptive brother wanted a turn with Ali, he couldn't have been more wrong. Before he could do more than shuffle his feet, the bull lunged forward suddenly. Shorty's forelimbs clamped around his flank as the bull used his bulk to shove Littlefoot's tail aside. Ali grunted at the weight, legs trembling slightly, "Shorty, what are you doing?"

Trapped between the pair, Littlefoot felt his cheeks start to heat up as Shorty's cock jabbed against his backside. "Oh, just helping my dear brother." A hard tug and thrust brought the bull right on target. Littlefoot's breath hitched when the tip jabbed wetly against his pucker. The licking, and Ruby's playtime earlier, had him well prepared to take the male.

A hard buck forced his rear to spread open around the thick length. Littlefoot arched and gasped, eyes shooting wide open as the bull drove deep into his ass. Shorty's heavy jaws clamped down onto his shoulder. Blunt teeth dug into his flesh as the bull began to thrust, working himself deeper with each buck. Ali wobbled under the added weight and savage force before falling forward, landing on her belly with a grunt. Littlefoot moved quickly, bracing himself on the ground to keep from pressing down against her too hard. Shorty, on the other hand, simply rammed against him harder, their leathery hides smacking against each other with heavy thumps. That blush crept across Littlefoot's cheeks and started down his neck, his cock rock hard once more and throbbing inside of Ali.

Without even really thinking about it, he began to buck. Hips drove back against Shorty, following the bull backwards. All before slapping against the cow's backside, and shoved harder against her as his little, randy brother powered against him. Shorty ground himself against Littlefoot each time, making the bull's cock wiggle and shift inside of the cow's once creamed insides. Moisture and cum leaked out of her each time his cock wiggled. The scent pervaded the air, driving both bulls to start moving with a more urgent need. All three were moaning, groaning, grunting, and in Shorty's case, snarling.

Between Ali's clinging warmth and wetness, and Short's cock rubbing against something in his rear, Littlefoot was the first to go. Arching his body, he let out a cry as he began to cum, adding even more to the mess inside of the cow. His ass clamped and squeezed at the cock, making him tremble as he came even harder. Thick cum leaked out around the tight he made with Ali, oozing down along her thighs. She arched against him and warbled out her joy as her insides rolled against him, drawing his cock and seed deeper into her body. Shorty was the last to blow, voicing a wordless noise of lust before silencing himself by delivering a hard mating bite to Littlefoot's shoulder again. Littlefoot's cheeks flushed as the bull flooded his ass with thick seed.

The three stayed like that for a moment, the two bulls not moving until their lengths softened. Littlefoot's was the first to retreat, popping out of Ali's body with a wet plorp and releasing a short flood of their love cocktail. She craned her head around and lifted a leg, blushing at the cum leaking from her body. It was Shorty's turn next. He fell out of Littlefoot with a softer pop, barely any cum leaking out as he dismounted. "Well, that was fun. I might come back around later, especially if I hear you two going at it again. Right now though, I need a dip before bed." Head arched proudly, he strutted off towards the river, cock retreating into his male slit. Littlefoot shivered softly and looked towards Ali.

The cow smiled at him and blushed before curling slightly. "Come and lay down with me." Happily, he strolled over and lay down against her. Ali pressed against him and nuzzled into his neck before whispering. "Maybe we should go again later." Lifting her head, she kissed his throat, "See how much noise we can make."

He grinned at her and nipped her throat. "Bet I could get you to wake the whole valley." Ali's cheek flushed and she giggled, tucking against him as she settled in. Smothering a yawn, Littlefoot curled around the cow protectively and closed his eyes. He just had to rest for a few minutes then he'd be ready for more.

Ruby's heart was pounding in her throat as she raced towards her home cave. She'd been pretty surprised when she suddenly popped back into her own body. It was a nice surprise though since Bim's head was buried between her thighs. Her body was still quivering from the swimmer's oral attentions. Seems that whatever mythical mojo Littlefoot had picked up was no match for Bim's linguistic skills. There wasn't much that was. She was glad to be back in her own body. Although the temptation of the group of randy females was more temptation than she could stand. After some more play, and hearing the longneck moan his name, she'd encouraged Ali to go off to find Littlefoot. Hadn't taken much more than telling Ali where he was napping. At least where Ruby had decided to take a nap, but she doubted that Littlefoot would have moved far from there.

By the time she was ready to go, she had left both Ducky and Cera quivering and moaning, having picked up a few tricks during her time as a bull and a few tricks Bim talked her through. When she was finally ready to leave, she had to pour on the speed. Had to get back to her cave before her parents started the fun. And she knew that they would gladly start without her.

Couldn't have that happening, now could she?

Lowering her head, she darted through a wall of brush and leapt off the edge of a hill. She brought her feet down and started to slide down the hillside, sending small rocks scampering ahead of her. Bending her knees, the runner slid and skated down the slippery slope with practiced ease. Just before hitting the bottom, she leapt and hit the path at full speed.

It was a good thing she had too. By the time she reached the cave, her parents were already starting the fun. The older runners were locked in a heated kiss, tongues dancing around in their panting maws. Her mom had her fingers wrapped around her father's length, stroking it slowly. Mond's hips trembled as she let her fingers play over his head, smearing thick precum around his spear tip He broke the kiss with a brief, shuddering gasp as Topaz curled her fingers around him and eased down to his base. Eyes closed as he rubbed his cheek against her, thighs trembling as she stroked his base. "Oh, Topaz dear. You are such a wonderful tease."

The older female purred as she leaned in, kissing his throat. "And I will keep teasing you until Ruby dear arrives. You struck a bargain with her, one I am more than happy to uphold, so we will just wait for her to join us." Her mom peeked around Mond's neck, eyes sparkling as she winked at Ruby.

Mond's tail arched and thighs shook as he pushed against her hand, trying to push the handjob on further. "Oh you are such a tease, my dear."

"That is why you chose me as your mate." Her hand kept dancing away, just barely stroking his length as his hips jerked towards her. "Now, be a dear and sit." The pale pink female urged the gray male backwards. His feet kicked at the dirt as he scrambled to keep up with her pushing, letting out a grunt as a rock bumped against his thighs. Sitting heavily on the flat surface, he leaned back and spread his legs wide, giving his mate plenty of room in front of him. Topaz smiled as she knelt easily, looking up at him with nearly luminous green eyes as her tongue danced around his tip. His eyes shut tightly again as he breathed out a moan, jaw shaking. Topaz's tongue danced around his cock, head occasionally slipping down to take a couple inches of his length in.

Ruby bit back a low moan as she watched her mother expertly teasing her father. The runner's hand slipped down her belly and ran over her folds, dipping a finger past her swollen lips. Her fingers matched the older female's pace, slipping her finger deeper as the female's head bobbed lower and lower. Mond threw his head back and breathed out a groan, body arching forward.

Taking advantage of the distraction, she tip toed in quickly. Topaz looked over and smiled, shuffling aside to make enough room for her. She pushed in against her mother, rubbing her flank against the older female's. A shiver raced through Topaz as she pulled back, tongue lapping at the cock. Ruby licked her beak and moved in quickly as her mom pulled away. Her tongue replaced the older female's, cupping the underside of Mond's length. Placing her hands on the rock, Ruby arched her neck proudly and slipped down until she took her father to the very root of his length. His tip nudged against her throat, the female swallowing against it. Drawing back just a little, she began to bob and turn her head, using her tongue on different parts of him. Her hand strayed downwards, finding her slit again and slipping two fingers inside. She moaned at just how tender and sensitive she felt, wondering just what Littlefoot had done with her, but she could always ask him later.

Ruby drew back, tongue slithering around the drooling cock head. Her lips barely cleared his length before Topaz was leaning forward. The female wrapped her tongue around Ruby's. Without really even thinking, Ruby turned and twisted her head, meeting the older runner in a kiss, sandwiching the cock in their embrace. "Oh! Ooooh My," Mond moaned, hands falling to stroke both of their heads. "Seems I am the luckiest male in the Valley tonight, with these two bea...beauti..." he gasped as their tongues wrestled and fought around his cock, the females working their way up and down his length, letting his flesh slide between their lips. "OH MY!"

That was their only warning before Mond climaxed. Ruby and Topaz hurriedly broke the kiss and leaned in, nuzzling the cock and each other as it twitched and sprayed his sweet seed. Both females wrapped a hand around the length, their other currently busy between their respective legs, and began to pump and stroke him. Tongues lashed against flesh, teasing over it as his thick seed rained down upon their features. Working as a team, mother and daughter kept the runner male cumming for far longer than he should have normally. Ruby moaned as she slid her tongue around his tip, catching some of his cum in her mouth before ducking down to let her mother have a taste. Just how long had the older runner been teasing him, she had to wonder.

Mond fell backwards as his climax wound down, the male heaving and panting as hi head spun. The females purred in unison, so utterly pleased their work. They released the male as he slumped backwards, spent for the moment. Ruby turned towards her mother and giggled, "How long were you teasing him?"

Topaz ran her tongue over her lips and purred, "Maybe a little too long, now that I think about it. We made a mess out of it, didn't we?" Her eyes glimmered, "Let me help you clean up." Leaning in, she swept her tongue across Ruby's cheek. The runner purred and arched into the cleaning before starting to lick as well. A shiver passed through her as she tasted the sweet taste of her mother combined with the fruity taste of her father's seed. Topaz purred low in her throat and whispered, "Been a busy girl today, have we?"

Ruby's cheeks flushed as she giggled, "Can't even remember half of it."

Eyes sparkled as the older female smiled. "That's my girl." Topaz gave her another long lick, this time sweeping her tongue over Ruby's lips. Closing her mouth around the tongue, Ruby suckled on it before allowing her own to venture out. The lick turned into a kiss, mouths locking as hands began to explore each other's bodies. A gentle tug pulled her forward as the older female lay back. Ruby moved with her, not wanting to break the kiss. The runner females moved together, Ruby straddling Topaz's form as she lay on her back. The older female had to bend and Ruby had to stretch her neck to keep the kiss going, but it was worth it as their vents brushed against each other. Without really thinking about it, Ruby shifted one leg up over Topaz's, letting the older female hook her leg over Ruby's other. With their lower limbs twined just so, they were able to rub their vents against each other.

Ruby broke the kiss with a moan as her slick petals brushed over her mother's. Her tail arched up as she pushed and pulled with her legs, grinding against the female's swollen mound. Topaz lay her head back with a moan of her own, eyes shuttering as she pushed upwards. Using her tail, she lifted herself up, grinding into Ruby as she used her legs to help guide her daughter. The pair worked together, pushing up and down, shifting side to side as they panted. Ducking her head, Ruby licked and nipped at her mother's throat, moaning as the female's hands brushed over her sides.

"Hope you ladies don't mind if I join," Mond purred, hands trailing over Ruby's lifted rump. He was greeted by two breathless moans of acceptance and smiled, "Splendid." Gripping his cock by the base, he brought it down on Ruby's pink hip with a heavy smack. The runner female moaned as the cock sent ripples across her rear, leaving behind a spot of pre and a light stinging. She pushed up towards him, tail flagging to the side. Mond peppered her rear with those lovely, meaty slaps of his, each making her squirm.

Topaz huffed and rolled against Ruby's body, foot slipping out to scratch at Mond's thigh. "Are you going to tease our daughter all night?"

His hand drew back and came down with a heavy smack, kneading Ruby's hot cheek. "Not at all. I plan on making both of you lovelies scream throughout the night."

Ruby looked back and huffed, watching her father as he stroked his cock with one hand, coaxing life back into the member. "And how do you plan on doing that?" The male adopted a smug expression as he guided his cock lower.

"Like this."

Her back arched as he plunged into her folds, making her moan and shiver over her mother. Topaz's legs pulled at her, grinding their vents together even as Mond's groin slapped against hers. He gave her rear another slap and held on tight, using his weight to push her down into the older female's form. The male only gave her a few thrusts before he pulled out, slick cock sliding against her flesh. A little shift of his hips sent his hard flesh gliding between the two females. Ruby shivered as she felt his cock gliding under her pussy, and Topaz groaned as his ridges popped against her body. A few thrusts and he pull back further, tip brushing over hot folds. Topaz pushed up with her tail again, bringing herself in line just as he plunged forward again. Now it was the older female's turn to purr as her slick folds stretched out around his cock.

Mond kept repeating this, moving from one female to another with a quick stop in between to tease both. It wasn't long before all three runners were panting and moaning. Ruby trembled, sandwiched between her parents. Mond's fingers scratching, petting, and slapping her backside, while Topaz licked her panting mouth and ground her vent against Ruby's sopping hole. Surprisingly, it was the older female who sounded off first. Her body arched upwards as she trilled, juice squirting against Ruby and Mond. The younger female went second, her voice rising with her mother's, hips pressing tight and squirming against the soft petals. Mond was last to go, grip tightening on Ruby's hips as he thrust hard and fast, cock slipping and sliding between the squirting and writhing females. Finally, his voice rose in pleasure as he came, seed splashing across their puffy lips. Of course, being a good mate and father, he made sure to dip his length into each of his girls to plant at least a single spray into their needful tunnels before spilling the rest of his seed across their backsides.

Ruby purred as her mother's hands slid down, drawing shapes on the younger female's body with her mate's seed. Rolling her head, Ruby offered a lopsided grin. "So what next?"