Dragon's Embrace Chapter Four: Friends Or Something More?

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#4 of Dragon's Embrace


I thanked Jacob for the meal and then moved back to the floor by the couch. "You know you could sleep in the bed in the bedroom." he replied and shook my head. "No thanks. It's your room and your place. I feel safer here. The Floor is comfortable compared to what I'm used to." He nodded and didn't protest.

Instead he headed to his room this night instead of the couch and though I missed his quite presence in the night as I slept I didn't say anything when I woke up in the morning to the smell of coffee. I got up off the floor with a slight groan and stretched a bit. I heard his Mom chuckle a bit and when I opened my eyes I saw her sitting at the kitchen table with a mug in her hand.

"Find anything out?" She asked gesturing for me to come sit. I sat where she indicated and said "No I haven't. I got some information of minor interest but nothing has give me reason to pay anymore attention to them.

She nodded and then asked "So what do you think of Jacob?" I froze for a few moments before shaking it off and replying "He is well mannered and very kind. You raised him well." I had to fight to keep my mind on task and stop it from wandering towards Jacob.

"So did you convince him to sleep in his bedroom last night?" "You could say that." I replied reflecting that he had made the choice himself and I had nothing to do with it. I guess he assumed I would have taken the couch and technically I did just the corner of it though.

She observed me keenly and said "So tell me about yourself Saki.You seem to be quite reserved compared to most people your age." I flushed but decided to at least try to tell her a few things about myself not related to my abilities.

I'm sorry to say that it took me several moments to figure out something about myself that didn't involve my abilities. "I like the color of the sky on a clear day. So vibrant and full of life." I began determined to stop myself from feeling embarrassed.

The dragoness nodded and then replied. "I never told you my name have I? " I shook my head and she said "My name is Elanor. " "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Elanor." I replied looking her evenly in the eyes. She smiled at me in return and said "So have you met anyone around here your age?"

"Not really. I know Harry... I mean the Alpha and Jacob of course." I said averting my eyes towards the tabletop feeling slightly ashamed. She didn't comment and let me gather my thoughts. She went to work soon after and I was left alone in the empty house.

Try as I might i couldn't shake Jacob from my mind. I listened and heard Jacob gently snoring from his bedroom so I decided to take a walk and clear my head. I left a note for Jacob and made sure the door was locked behind me before I began walking down the block. If the weres thought it was odd to see a human walk the streets they gave no indication. I was not messed with or even noticed as I make my way towards what appeared to be a park in the distance. I sighed to myself as I walked as I began to examine my feelings for Jacob.

Despite only knowing him for a short time I felt myself drawn to him. I felt as If I could trust him and He didn't treat me like I was a freak. I admired and respected him for actually treating me like an actual person. During my musings I had entered the park and I looked around until I found the densest tree cover and I slid down behind one of the enormous trees and rested my back against the wood. The breeze played with my hair and I smiled softly as I settled more comfortable against the tree.

So do I want to be more then friends with Jacob?" I asked myself and then after a bit of thinking I decided that I wanted to be more. My next question Would he be ready for that?" I felt as if he would be and I was willing to take the risk. I just hope it didn't come back to bite me in the ass later. About an hour or so later I began the treck back taking my time as I was in no rush. I bet that Jacob would still be sleeping and I needed to rest for tonight.

Once back at the house I prepared myself for sleep a gentle smile on my face as I drifted off.


When I woke up the starry sky winked at me and I watched it sleepily for a few moments before I got up. I sniffed the air and smiled as I scented Saki and heard him sleeping. I paused and breathed in his scent once more before frowning. Seems he went out to the park Today I thought to myself as I moved to the bathroom to shower.

I expected him to stir during my shower and I wasn't disappointing. When I walked out of the bathroom his school bag was packing itself while he combed his short hair wincing here and there when he hit a tangle.

He noticed me and he smiled at me and my tail started to wag from the sudden warmth I sensed in his gaze, He seemed to be totally at ease with me. He wasn't tense and apparently he had only woke up his Telekenesis and not his telethapy .

Something feels different between us. I don't know what but I like it. I thought to myself as I approached him and grabbed my own bag as it floated over. He strapped his own on and then together we began to walk to school. I'm not ashamed to say I paid more attention to him on the way there instead of the scenery.

Once at school he and I went our separate ways. He left with me a smile and I hummed a tune as I went to my woodworking class and got to work on the sculpture once more. The hours melted by and until the bell rang I kept my happy tune going. When the bell rang I paused to wonder how Saki was doing in his classes before heading to my culinary class.


My first two hours of classes had gone smoothly. No one made me feel out of place or unwelcome. In fact the teachers seemed to go out of their way to make me feel like I belonged instead of feeling like an outsider. I appreciated their efforts but I was to used to being an outcast in every situation.

So while I did make conversation with the others in the class I made no effort to do more then casual chit chat. I did however listen to their conversations between one another and I did learn a great deal about the modern trends.

Of course I had no idea what half the things they talked about were and as I did not know how to use a computer there was no way I could figure these things out. I didn't want to look stupid by asking nor did I wish to tip my own hand by using my telethapy to find the answers.

The class work while slightly boring didn't frustrate me and they didn't treat me like I was stupid either which was good for their health as well as my state of mind.When the break in between class came I found myself sitting alone in the lobby sitting at one of the lunch tables. I'm in no rush to mingle so when a rather pale person sits across from me I am surprised.

"Hello" I say in way of greeting noting how their eyes smoulder as if they are trying to burn their way into my soul. He is wearing the garb of a classic goth and while I have nothing against gothic people and I think that most of them are cool this guy definitely rates 1000 on the creep-o-meter. "well you look quite tasty." Such a strange statement makes me raise an eyebrow. "Tasty? Pray tell how you would like to taste me." I say my tone Flirty to match the strangers. Though on the inside my internal alarms are going off like a fire truck siren. They certifiably don't look like a shifter. I would call them a human but the eyes do not belong on the face of a human.

I decide to try and lure this strange ... being to a quieter location. I act as if I suddenly have to go to the restroom and while I do not have the hearing or instincts of a were I do have the cunning of a sly fox on my side. I slip into the restroom and leave the back stall door slightly ajar. The stall is for handicapped people and as I wait for him to enter I awaken my telethapy and prepare my telekenesis.

The stranger enters the stall and pretends that he has the wrong one but we both know that he is lieing through his teeth. "I'm Melvin" he said and the way he spoke with a slight purr made me shiver. "What's the matter?" he asks and his hands go to my waist. There is the strength of ten men in those hands there is no way I can escape their grasp. Not by pure physical strength alone.

_ Do I play the pitiful defenseless human for a bit longer or do I let my power show? _ ** ** As I debate this Melvin attempts to penetrate my mind with his psionic powers. I scoff at the weak attempt and brush them aside making him react in shock. "Hey Melvin close your mouth before something flies in their and has babies."

THAT brought him back to reality and yet he is still holding me. Melvin moves closer to me and seems to be trying to hypnotize me with his voice and his eyes. There is almost no space between us and I decide _ To hell with it _! let my mind feild explode into existence and send the strongest psychic pulse I can manage at Melvin.

He is hit but it seems to do little to shake him. Instead he bares his fangs at me and I move to scream but my mouth is coverd then he bends towards my neck and I forget about holding back my power I forget I'm not supposed to show my powers I forget everything but my own pure terror as my power lashes out like a wild cornered animal and the whole restroom shakes violently as Melvin is thrown against the wall and a huge dent is made in the tiles. I collapse to the ground coughing and catching my breath while Melvin has undergone a startling transformation he is struggling and hissing at me his fangs cleary visible.

His eyes blaze like the very fires of hell and the way he looks at me I feel as If I will soon have a one way ticket there. There are sounds of running feet and an alarm is going off in the school. Several people crowd into the restroom with the teachers being in front of the line.

I am still standing where Melvin had been holding me seconds before and I use my Telekinesis to rip out both of his fangs before the strain makes me feel woozy. Of course he doesn't need his fangs to cuase damage but it does handicap him to a point. I hit the floor and my power releases him as I feel several drops of blood drip from my nose and they hit the floor.

Melvin is assesing the situation I'm sure and I hope he doesn't come after me. I am aware my position is weaker then the crowds and even with the presence of people I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to act. My brain feels as if someone drove a spear through it's center and my weak mind feild is fluttering around me as I struggle to stay concious.

"Grab him!" Someone in the crowd says and I'm not sure what him they are refering too. The crowd does surge forward but not one of them touches me. The shifters do seem to have some trouble holding onto Melvin but in the end they are able to escort him outside. During this time I dimly notice gentle arms helping me stand and holding me up. They have blue scales and it takes me longer then usual to identify them. "Jacob?" I manage to ask.

A chuckle close to my ear answers my question for me and then I hear him say "We really need to stop meeting like this." I would have luaghed in return or even nodded but it takes to much effort to the point that Jacob has to carry me in his arms to the Nurse's office.


I don't know what happened in that restroom between the defanged wonder Melvin and Saki. However it seems that Saki came off worse in the end. I don't want to leave his side and yet I must when the nurse comes in to examine him.

Inside my mindscape I sit near Joshua and my worried expression is mirrored on his face as well. _ Do you think he will make it? I ask Joshua. Joshua has no reply but instead turns to my dragon Monroe in the corner. I follow his gaze to see that Monroe is awake. i walk over to him and sit by his side. " How are you?" _ I ask him softly. I not expecting him to answer but his eyes tell me all I need to know.

I hug his neck gingerly and then slowly release it. He makes the effort to lick my hand and I chuckle slightly before kissing him on the muzzle and retreating back to the outside world. Once there I see that the nurse had finished with Saki and even though he has perfect physical health he still looks shellshocked.

I'm unsure if loud noises will agitate him or not.so I spoke softly. "Saki can you hear me?" It seems to take a few moments for either my words to register or for him to think of a suitable reply without biting my head off. "Yes I can hear you." He sounds as if he has been drinking sand his throat is so dry and I can barley hear him.

He clears his throat and then says "Thank you for helping me over here. Any idea what they are going to do to Melvin? Oh and for the record I don't Fancy him. Though I wouldn't say no to you and I meeting up behind closed doors." He says this while smiline at me with such warmth I'm sure I begin to blush.