Silver – The right Paw of the Devil – Chapter 5 - Family business

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#5 of Legends

Next chapter.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Silver - The right Paw of the Devil - Chapter 5 - Family business

The next morning

It was already midday when Alissa woke up. She was looking dazed and yawned loud to wake herself. Her Yawn woke Silver and he managed to say.

„YAWNNNNNN...... God... I don´t know when I have sleep this good for the last time.... YAWN... "

„Me too..... YAWN.... It seems like that it´s already midday. OH Well we bettaaaaa...... " Alissa started to say but broke once she saw onto Silver.


„HMMMM???? What´s wrong? Why are you looking so strange at me?" Silver asks.

„D..... Do you.... Feel good?" She asks babbling.

„I never felt greater than now. Why?" Silver asks her now with a bit of fear.

„Y.... YOU..... River.... now." She said and got up.

He followed her of the rand of the River and there she said.

„L...Look. "

„Look at what?" He now asks in total confusion and fear.

„Just look into the water. You.... You wouldn´t believe me if I would tell you. "

Still confused he moved his face over the River and got shocked.

„WHAT THE HELL.....!!! IS THIS REALLY ME?? " He shouted while he did a big step backwards.

He got shocked because his Face or better said his Body had changed. His Scar had gone and where it had been was now only a red line. He moved his paws to his face to test if he was still dreaming when he got the next shock. His Right paw had also changed. The Silvery color of his paw had become dim and some white fur had begun to grow on it.

„Am I..... Am I still.... Is this a dream or....?" He started but couldn´t end because he couldn´t thought this far this time.

„N..... No. It´s not a dream. " Alissa answered.

„Please Alissa. Hurt me. "

„WHAT? "

„Please, slap me into my face. "

„WHY? "

„Just do it, please. "

„O..... OK." She wasn´t really sure to do it but.....

* SLAP *

.....She did it.

„OUCH..... A....HAHA...... AHAHAHAHAHAHA..... IT´S NOT A DREAM!!! JUHU!!! I´M FREE!!!! HE´S GONE. THE DEVIL HAS GONE!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA." Silver screamed out while he began to dance around.

He danced for some minutes until he stopped in front of Alissa´s face saying.

„Thanks to you I´m finally free. Now we can..... We can......" His face became a bit dark but only for a second because Alissa moved her mouth to his after she said.

„We can and will have a family together sooner or later. "

She kissed him. This time with much more passion. They both opened their mouths and let their tongues start to wrestle. They kissed with so much passion that their Bodies began to hunger for more. That was the reason why they moved one paw down onto each other until they reached their Sexes. In the next moment they were both moaning because they had touched each other and that was also the reason why Silver broke the kiss.

„HA....HA.... That was...... awesome but...... I think that we should...... better wait with...... with... Sex. "

„B.....But I want you.... I want to feel you in me really badly since...... since...... you licked me." She said blushing. „I want to feel my Big and Beautiful Doggie. "

„Stop calling me that. I´m not beautiful. I´m only just a normal Male Arcanine. Nothing more or less. "

„No. You are not normal." A Voice said from the side, letting them both look sideways.

They both saw that Zero was sitting on a tree next to them.

„What do you mean with not normal? I´m looking like a normal Arcanine now. " Silver asks.

„You maybe look like one but your powers are still in you. " Zero answered.

„WHAT? Do you mean that I´m still cursed? "

„NO, no, no. You never have been cursed also. "

„Then what..... Wait a minute. How do you know that I´m not cursed and that my powers are still in me? "

„HAHAHA.... Because I can see through you."

Silver thought about that set for a minute and then he asks.

„Who are you? "

Zero laughed again and his Body began to glow white. The light got higher and higher until it faded and revealed Mew.

„MEW??? " Both asking together while they both lowering their Head.

„Yes it´s me but move up your Heads. We´re friends and not Master and servant. " Mew answered while he flew around them.

„I´m..... We´re...... Sorry Zero, ÄH Mew." Silver tried to say.

„Zero is my Name and we let it stay. Now to answer your question. You have never been cursed. "

„But my powers..."

„You were only so strong and fast because you trained yourself like a Berserk. Have you forgotten that? "

„No but..... Did I really became so strong because of doing some sit-ups and.... and... "

„And all the other stuff you did? Yes you do. "

„And my Scar and my Body color change?"

„Well.... How could I tell right and understand able? HHMMMM...... The Scar and your Color had been..... Visualization of your divided Soul. "

„A divided Soul? HMMMM.... Why is it now fixed? Not that I wouldn´t have something against it. "

„You have opened up your Heart to the one person of your Life. She was all that you had needed to fix it. "

„Al.....right. What was your job? "

„HAHAHA. To look over you 2 once you met and before.... well... I wanted to know you before I start the Job. "

„Does that mean that.... you..... He knew about our.... problems?" Alissa know asks.

„Do you really think that he is blind? He can see us all down here and he knew each problem from each of us. And if he is able to help he helps but sometimes it takes over years to fix something right. Not to say that you 2 were a cause of something like that. But now all will come right. And I mean all. Well.... that was it for me. From here on you 2 are creating your own life stream now and I hope that you 2 do the right things at the right time. Especially of the..... Äähmmm.... special thing that is coming to you within a few Days. "

„What do you mean with special?" Silver asks in confusion.

„That you have to find out alone. I can tell you only this. Arceus is always watching you and he is in a very good mode. Goodbye my friends."

With these words told, Mew flew away, leaving the couple alone.

„Well. Seems like a mysterious start of the Day. Don´t you think?" Alissa asks Silver and he answered.

„HMM.... Yeah but I wouldn´t call it mysterious. "

„But? "

„One of the best Days in our Life. " He said smiling brightly.

„HMMM..... So seen..... Your right..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...."

The Rest of the Day had nothing special. They ran to find a save place that they could call home, collected some Food and talked about these and that.

On the next Day, they found their new Home. A big old Cave with a hot fountain and a lake in their near. They both liked the place from the whole beginning and this was also why they began to build up a nest in it. Normally they wouldn´t do it but their hormones brought them to. Then three Days later in the late evening.

„YAWN.... What a wonderful Day. Nothing special happen. No fight, no death, only pure and simple nothing. Hah. Sounds like paradise on earth to me. " Silver said while he stretched himself.

„Hhmm...Nnnnhhh..." Alissa simply nodded yes.

„Hey what´s wrong? You have said nearly nothing the hole Day. Are you feeling sick? "

„I.... I... don´t know. "

„Don´t know what? Come on. Tell me. "

„I.... I.... Silver.... ÄHHH Cloud.... God dammit. I cannot.... Can you tell me your real name, please? "

„HAHAHA... Is that the thing that bothers you? Well Cloud is my real Name. Silver was just the Name of my other side. "

„I see... Cloud. Can I ask you something really.... important? "

„Every time. Spill it out. "

„Can I....I... CAN I SUCK YOUR DICK?" She nearly screamed out.

„OHHH.... ÄHHMMMM.... Well...... " He blushed and looked away.

„I´m sorry. I don´t want to.... " He cut her by saying.

„Only if you let me lick your slit. "

He had caught her of guard. Of course she wanted him to lick her but he had simply said it too early.

„Got a deal?" He asks her after a few seconds of silence.

„You got more than a deal. " She answered.

„Really? What did I got then?" He asks now a bit playfully and she answered while she tackled him softly.

„You got my never ending Love my dear. "

He was now laying on his back with her on his stomach. They both began to look into each other's Eyes and quickly got lost in them. All they both saw was Burning Love at its full high. They then moved their mouths close and only a split-second later they kissed. While they kissed they let their paws move alongside each other Body until they reached each other's private area. He was first on her slit and he immediately began to finger her with one paw. His other paw moved up to her back and there he stroked her softly.

She on the other side moved all of her attention on his Penis. She had moved one paw towards his Balls while her other paw was working on his length. They both became aroused very fast and it didn´t took long until she began to bring some more actions to their Lovemaking. She broke the kiss, moved her Body up from him and turned. While she turned he lost his grip but quickly got it back once she had turned fully. Now she was hanging with her Head over his Penis while her slit was over his Mouth. They both looked with dreaming Eyes over the thing that was directly in front them and they became even more aroused from looking.

It was Cloud then who did the next move. He softly pushed her Back down towards his mouth and once it was close enough he let his tongue go to work by doing a lick over her pussy lips. She moaned and her Body shacked slightly. He did another slow and long lick and she reacted the same way.

„Seems like that you liked that. Don´t you?" He asks her and she answered.

„Y.... Yes.... I.... I...... TTTTTTSSSSSS......."

He had licked her a third time and now she was on the move. After the third lick she lowered her front and did a lick over his half erected Penis. He stopped immediately and nearly bit down on his tongue because of the immense wave of pleasure that was running through his Body. Now she did 2 licks in a row and he reacted by erecting fully. All of his 9 inches were standing tall right in front of her face ready for the next part that was on its way.

„OHH.... GOD!!!! You don´t.....know how long.....PANT....... I have dreamed...... of your Dick... MOAN..... And your magic...... AAAAHHHHHH..... Tongue..." Alissa said right before she took all of his inches into her mouth.

He closed his Eyes and moaned really high once he felt her mouth closing around his Base. He was in heaven and even more. He had also dreamed of this to happen just like she did but only in his day dreams and when she was not looking.

* SUCK *

* SUCK *


* She stopped and he growled in anger.

„Please go on. It feels so good!!!" He pleaded.

„No. No. No..... PANT.... Now is your turn. Keep on lick........ AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! " She started but stopped because he knew what she had wanted to say.

He did 2 more licks on her lips and then he began to lick her inside. Now she was the one who was in heaven and higher. Since the first Day she had secretly hoped that he would use his tongue again to lick her inside and now he was doing it. He did lick after lick and then she yelped. He had found her secret spot but he didn´t knew that it was it because she was his first. He removed his tongue and said to her.

„I´m sorry...... Did I hurt...... you much? "

„No.... please lick.... me there again.... PLEASE." She answered while she began to stroke his dick hard and fast.

„NNNNNNHHHHHHH..... But I..... I..... "

„You didn´t hurt me...... It.... It´s only my........ G- Spot that you..... Found..... Please keep.... going... I´m so...... so....... HHHHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNN...."

He had moved into her again and licked only over her G-Spot. She bit down hard on her lips to stop her urges. Otherwise she would surely had painted his face right now but that she didn´t wanted now. Not until he had filled her mouth. That was why she moved back to work on his dick. She took his length into her mouth and began to move down and up with her Head while she squeezed both of his Balls with her paws.

That was it. She only needed to squeeze him 2 times before she felt his Balls tighten and heard him moan really deep. Then she felt the first wave of his seed on her tongue followed quickly by a second and a third wave. After he had fired the third wave he did his last lick. This time he somehow managed to be everywhere with his tongue. It was like that his tongue had become her walls and she couldn't hold it back any longer.

After they had both fired their last shot , for him after his 5 shot and for her after her 4, they both separated and laid themselves close to each other and face to face.

„And ...." He started. „Did you liked it? "

„I..... Cannot wait to...... to..... Feel him in me. " She said with a deep blush.

„Just like me. "

They both then shared a last kiss and then they both felt asleep.

On the next morning

They both woke up late but happy. They did some breakfast and while they were eating he came up with an idea.

„How about.... MMMMHHHHH..... Meeting your parents? "

" ...... " She didn´t replayed.

„Is something wrong? "

„I..... HHHMMMMM........ Why do you want to meet them? "

„Why not? I mean..... Isn´t it good to know them when they are going to become my stepparents? "

„Well actually..... ÄHHH... I.... "

He saw that she was fighting against something and he said finally.

„Stop fighting yourself. If you don´t wanted to see them, then I´m fine with it. "

She smiled on that answer of his but she said in return.

„Thanks but...... HHHHAAAAAHHHHHH..... We are going to them. Even if I hate it to see them. "

The rest of the breakfast went on silent. Once they had eaten all they both began their walk.

„How far is it from here?" Cloud asks.

„Not far. It´s..... They are living in the capital city." She answered with her Head hanging on half past 5.

Seeing her in this state made him a bit mad and that was the reason why he asks.

„Want to tell me what the problem is with your parents? "

„I...... I...... I ran away from home and now........ " She started but didn´t ended.

„Now you are fearing that you are not welcomed anymore. Right? "

„Yes but there is more. "

He stopped.

„What more?" He asks.

„The reason why I ran away. " She answered.

„Want to tell me? "

„They.... they.... They wanted that I marry the king of the northern Territory. The same king who had ordered my death. The same asshole that is leading the war against the whole land. And this only to save this land from an invasion. How could...... " She was cut.

„TSCH......There is no need to say more. I can totally understand you and to tell you this. I will be always there for you. I will protect you from all that is bad and wrong. "

„I know. That´s why I´m loving you so much but you cannot be on several places if something maybe happens. "

„OHHHH.... I can. Have you forgotten that I´m a devil?" He said with a big grin and she began to smile with him.

„No I have not....... H......HA....... HAHAHAHAHAHA."

On midday they arrived at the capital and he asks her.

„Which house is it? "

And she answered while pointing on it with her paw.

„This one. "

He looked into the direction and was caught off guard. She was pointing on the castle. He looked back at her and wanted to say something but she was faster.

„Come on. I told you that they wanted me to marry a king, so what does that makes me automatically? HMMMM.... Right. I´m the princess of this land."

The last words she said a bit too loud and everyone looked onto her.

„UPS!!!" Was all she could say afterwards and she then tried to hide her face but it was too late because one the villagers called out.

„She is it! Our princess is back! SHE IS BACK!!!!! "

Everyone gathered around her. They surrounded her so close that Cloud was moved away hardly and she didn´t became some air. Seeing her surrounded like this made him a bit angry and he shouted.

„Make some space and let her take some air or do you want to kill her? "

No one listened. Instead they moved together more closely and she was trapped inside.

„MOVE AWAY FROM HER!!!!" He now shouted very loud.

He shouted it so loud that everyone in the whole town got shocked. Especially those ones who were standing in front of him. Not to mention that everyone had a tinnitus now. Even Alissa had one for a second but she didn´t cared about that now. She used the situation and sprung towards his side. Then they moved on towards the castle. Once reached they were stopped by a guard.

„Freeze! Who are you and what is your business here?" The Guard said.

„Get out of the way or didn´t you recognized your princess?" Silver said in a dry tone.

„I know who she is but who are you? "

„Me? I´m her Bodyguard. "

„And your Business? "

„What kind of Business does a Bodyguard has? HMMM....? Use your little brain? "

„Hey. Don´t be mad with me. I´m only doing my job here. A boring ...... no matter. Please follow me."

The guard said and turned around. They walked through the front gate and were lured towards the main hall. It seemed like that some kind of Audience was running because in the main hall were many Pokémon standing who were talking to others. Once they reached the hall entrance one of the Guards drops his spear hard to the ground and called out.


Immediately there was silence in the hall and everyone looked towards the entrance. Once seen everyone began to whisper with others or himself. Alissa and Silver didn´t cared about that. They both slowly walked into the room while she was a bit in front of him. They both then stopped right in front of the Kings Throne.

„OHO... Look who has finally come back. Have you finally give into your destiny my daughter?" The king asks.

„HMMMM..... I´m happy to see you too father. Are you still thinking that you can control me this way?" Alissa answered and Silver smiled slightly behind her.

„Still a rebel. No matter. Now is the time to give you a mate. And I´m happy that.... " She cut him hard.

„NO THANKS. I´m already having a mate. "

„WHAT? WHO? This Bodyguard? HAH... Who is he? Is he a noble or is he a Vagabond? "

„At last I´m an honorable man and not such an asshole like you?" Silver answered harshly.

„Who do you think you are talking with? Show some respect when a king is talking to you."

„A King? Respect? I´m sorry. I don´t see a King that is worthy of earning my respect. "

„THAT´S ENOUGH!!! GUARDS!!! Take him into prison. Maybe a night in the cold will teach him a lesson. Valet. Take my daughter to her room and dress her up. She looks like a Bandit. So dirty. "

The King said and turned around to look away but when he heard someone screaming he turned back. Right in front of him were three guards laying on the ground, holding their stomachs while Silver and Alissa were standing there smiling.

„What the...... Stand up and do what I have told you. " The king said embraced.

„They will not stand up or better said that they cannot until I let them or an hour has past. " Silver said back.

„OHHHH YOU.... Did I must do all on my own? " The king said and did a step towards Silver.

„I wouldn't do that if I were you. "

„HAHA.... I´m not you. "

„I know. By the way. Are you not missing something?" Silver asks the king while he pointed on his head.

„WHAT? HOW DID YOU? " The King was stunned because Silver had stolen the king's crown and was now carrying it on his Head.

„How have you done that? Who are you? Tell me! "

„How have I done that? Well I simply took it of your Head and who am I? Well..... I better show you. "

Silver took the crown from his Head and laid it on the ground. Then he began to gather his power like always when he transforms but this time something was different. Normally he just let his hate flow out of him but now he felt something more powerful. Something good and he prayed in his mind. Please. Let it happen.

His Body began to glow and only 5 seconds later he changed but again something was different. His Color was not the same like last time and his Body changed other too. Last time the Silver Color stopped at his Scar and didn´t moved on but now his whole Body went Silver. Except for his Tail, Eyes and his Head Hair. They became Golden with silvery sparkles in it.

Everyone was speechless. Even Alissa was until she managed to say to her father.

„May I introduce? My mate and future father of my Childs. Silver. The right paw of the ......" She stopped because he was not looking like a Devil anymore. He looked more like an Angel to her and that was the reason why she said in the end.

„The right Paw of Arceus. "

Still shocked the king then managed to say.

„Oh my God.... Everyone get out and no word to someone of what you have seen in here."

It needed 10 minutes till the last one was out of the hall because some of the people couldn´t do a move. Now Silver and Alissa were alone with the King and Queen.

„Maybe we should...... I think that we didn´t had a good Start. I apologize for that." The King said towards Silver.

„Maybe? Maybe? I think that..... " Silver started in an angry Voice but then he was cut by Alissa.

„Before you maybe say something that you would regret afterwards. You better come down my dear. "

After she had said that she gave him a quick kiss on his check and he finally came down. Not to mention that his Body changed back to normal.

„Seems like that even a devil has a heart. " The Queen said with a smile and Silver looked blushing aside while he answered.

„Yeah and he is lucky that he had finally found it. "

„And we couldn´t be more proud that it had found our daughter. " The king added.

„Really? I can remember that you said a few minutes ago that she should ....." Again Silver was cut but this time from the king.

„Do you really think that I would give HIM my daughter at free will? I had to make a decision. Save my land and it´s people by giving my daughter in return or saving my daughter and pay with the blood of my people and the loss of the land. How had you chosen in my position? "

„I..... Well..... To tell you the truth..... I don´t know. "

„See. I was only lucky that she ran away from home and searched her luck in the wild. And to tell you this my daughter. You did a wonderful and wise choice."

„Thanks father. "

„All in all I could say that I´m happy now. Even when our land is now more in danger than it normally would be. "

„Why´s that?" Silver asks.

„Haven´t you heard it? There is a Bounty standing on your Head Silver. "

„How high? "

„20 000 Poke dollar for your living Body. 50 000 for your Dead Body."

„50 000 for my dead? HMMM..... Seems like that he really hates me but there is no need to worry now. ..... "

„There is more to tell."

„What else? "

„He want her still as his mate and he has already given the order that when she isn´t a virgin anymore she....... she is free for raping by his troops once they entering this Land. When she is already having Childs then this Childs should be.... castrated in public. "

A moment of silence came but then Silver said

„HMMMM.... HA....HAHAHA....... Let him come. I will be ready for him. "

„And what is with the land and its people?" The king asks with a trembling Voice.

Silver didn´t said a word and turned leaving the king standing there speechless. He then moved towards the exit but before he was out he said.

„When the land is in danger call for me and I will help you out but don´t misunderstand me. I´m only doing this because I love your daughter and I will life with her in this land in peace. Now please excuse me. I´m always getting sick in castle´s with so many people hanging around. I will wait outside."

Once said he vanished, leaving Alissa and her parents alone.

„Is he always so rude to others?" The king asks.

„I don´t know for sure. We didn´t met others in the past Days. The only think that I could say is that he didn´t like it to be under some control or too many people around him. " Alissa answered.

„Hmmmm..... So he is a lone wolf. "

„Kind of but if you would have seen him acting around you would surely say that he ..... Is only a Pokémon that had a really bad past. "

„Sounds like that you know more about him already than us. Want to tell us?" The Queen asks.

„Not now. I mean not all now. We don´t have time for this. Maybe when we meet again. "

She than told her parents what had happened in the past few months. She told them all until she reached the point of where they had moved over the border. There she only said.

„I will stop at this point because it´s already late and I..... We are having some plans for the night. "

„HMMMM..... Fine. But why didn´t you two stay here? I mean...... " The king started but was cut by Alissa.

„Sorry but we two are having some things together. We both are hating castles and we want our free space. And before I forget it. I´m not a princess anymore. I simply want to life a live as a wife and mother. Nothing more or less and now I say farewell to you. "

„I understand but please...... Come and visit us from time to time. Especially once your Childs are..... I mean.... " Again the king was cut.

„Don´t worry. Once they are born you will get to known it and once they are old enough you will see them. I promise it. "

With these words said she also left the Hall, leaving her parents behind her.

„She is such an ass. " The king said.

„HAHA.... Just like you my dear. " The Queen answered.

„OH Come on. I´m not even slightly like her. "

„You are and that´s because I love you so much. And I would bet that Silver love her because of that fact too. "

To be Continue