Therese and Jemma

Story by FlynnCoyote on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions and paid work

A story commission I picked up from someone.

Kind of willing vore, followed by some not so willing vore. Cat and mouse in their traditional roles.

It was three weeks now since Jemma had started living in this place. The small grey mouse girl had been stricken by the house owner's surprising level of tolerance, to the point where Jemma was not even forced to live in a hole in the wall lies a mouse normally would. Therese, the white tabby who owned the place had proven exceptionally generous. And exceptionally pretty. Therese's eyes were a brilliant blue and her white fur was softer than anything Jemma had felt. The two had taken to watching movies most nights after the cat had come home from work. It had been harmless fun. They got along like best friends inside of a few days and since then had just gotten closer and closer. It was only after these few weeks that the pair had realized they were both of a close age to each other, and both of similar tastes.

On this night, Therese had decided to lie down on her bed in nothing but her underwear to minimize the summer heat. Jemma had curled up on the cat's belly, also in nothing but her underwear. Some lame movie was already on when Therese switched on the TV but neither of them was really interested in what was going on there. Instead Jemma was splaying her body out, her tiny rear perched in the cat's belly button and her arms brushing steadily through the soft fur. 'Aren't you too hot to sit there?' Therese asked grinning. 'Worth it.' Jemma giggled, rolling over and looking back into the cat's face through the giant mounds that were her breasts. She spread her arms and nuzzled into the soft fluff again, then started to crawl up and nestled just under Therese's chin. 'You're such a sucker.' Therese purred. She cocked her head a bit and rubbed her cheek across the mouse's back gently. 'Mff...' Jemma stood up and nuzzled herself into the cat's cheek, suddenly noticing she was looking directly into Therese's giant blue eye. She grinned and held onto the cheek fur, being lifted when the cat put her head back up. Both of them giggled again as Jemma climbed up and sat herself on the bridge of Therese's nose. 'This spot is comfy. I'm gonna stay here.' 'Nuu, you're in my way!' Therese laughed. She shook her head, catching the mouse by surprise and causing her to slip over and catch herself just before falling. Suddenly Jemma found herself facing directly into the cat's lips. 'Ooh, kiss!' She called, leaning in close. The giant soft lips curled into a smile before pursing around her tiny face and giving her a long wet kiss. 'Haa, eww!' She pulled back a little, slowly climbing back up on top of Therese's nose. 'Mmh. Nice huh?' The cat grinned, then ran her tongue over her lips. 'Oh, very nice.' 'Oh no, are you gonna eat me now?' Jemma asked in pretend fear. 'Maybe, I have your taste now.' Therese blinked seductively and caught Jemma's dangling tail with her tongue, eliciting a small surprised squeak. She slurped in it like a noodle, rocking the mouse's position a little before grinning again. 'And you are delicious.' 'Uhm... really?' Jemma blushed, leaning down and patting her hand onto the soft lips of her friend. Therese nodded, also blushing. With a slow deliberate motion, Jemma lowered herself feet first over her friend's nose and teased her lips with her own feet. 'Now you're just asking for it.' Therese moaned. Her lips parted and a slow steady wave of breath washed over and between Jemma's legs. A long slippery tongue followed suit, leaving a sticky layer of drool all over her bottom half. The mouse moaned in pleasure, her heart increasing as the cat continued to lap at her feet several more times. At last she couldn't help herself any more and let go of the soft fur she'd been holding on to. From looking into Therese's beautiful blue eyes to suddenly lying on her back on the cat's tongue and looking at the roof of her mouth, Jemma had never felt a rush like this before. 'Oooh.' Therese's voice echoed all around her, accompanied by hot wet and rapid breaths. The smell was strong, and unmistakably that of Therese's favourite chicken dinners. Jemma rolled over, nuzzling into the soft but coarse surface of the cat's tongue. Both of them were enjoying this far more than they could have expected, there was something unmistakably affectionate about this, and yet at the same time the sense of how dangerous this was also lingered in the back of both of their minds. The mouse looked around as Therese worked her tongue slowly below her. Light from the TV across the room illuminated the glistening maw, allowing the mouse to see every detail as she shifted and rubbed her body all over the cat's loving tongue. It was such a confusing feeling to them both. Therese was playing with her best friend in her own mouth, a little mouse who she would normally consider no more than food. She couldn't place what had made her be so generous instead, but at this very moment she was torn between her instinct and her new friendship. Jemma found herself running her fingers over the pointed teeth at the front of Therese's maw. It was so odd to think that this place had been the last sight of other mice before she had come along. Nuzzling into the tongue again, she was suddenly staring into the steadily rippling darkness of the cat's throat. Therese closed her mouth and curled her tongue around her tiny morsel sized friend, realizing just how easy it would be to gulp her down even by accident. She leaned over and fumbled through the drawer unit beside her bed, fetching out her sewing kit and removing a roll of string. It was not something she had planned, but at the same time it wouldn't hurt to be careful. As her lips opened again, Jemma giggled and poked her head out. 'What are you doing? That was spooky and dark... But sexy.' 'Aaah.' Therese lolled out her tongue, causing Jemma to slide out into her hand. 'I just wanted to give you this so you don't end up, umm. Here just hold it, real tight.' She unrolled the string to a decent length and handed the end to the mouse. Jemma giggled and wrapped it around her hand before nuzzling herself into Therese's soft lips. Therese moaned and smiled, giving Jemma another kiss before slurping her back in. Jemma's muffled moans and giggles were accompanied by squirms and thrusts against the cat's tongue, making the feline realize her tiny friend was enjoying this in more ways than one. She clutched the string in her hand and wondered if she could up the stakes a bit. Tilting her head back a little, she opened her maw just enough to let the light filter in and show Jemma enough to guess her intent. 'Ooh, are we going to play dangerous?' Jemma shivered and gulped. Her heart started to beat rapidly and she gripped her string even tighter. Therese had a moment of second thought, but it vanished as soon as Jemma slid herself across her tongue to stare down her dark throat. Oh yes, she was going to do this now, that doubt was gone. Jemma's heart raced as she slid her body over Therese's tongue, her breaths short and rapid as she tilted her head over the brink of her friend's gullet. She felt the inhale before the sudden shift beneath her. The drool throughout the cat's maw pooled around her as Therese finally swallowed. Jemma held her breath as Therese's powerful gullet forced her down towards an awaiting stomach. Therese gasped and started to pant. Part of her could hardly believe what she had just done, while the rest of her was loving every single moment of it. Her mouth lolled open as she felt the string following her prey down into her depths. Sitting up slowly, she waited for the string to stop moving before slowly and sensually placing her hand over her stomach. She couldn't feel anything, but just knowing was giving her a rush like no other; that her friend was trapped inside her and could die if she let it happen. The thought was so empowering. Jemma couldn't see anything, but she felt the almost unbearable heat and heard the disgustingly wet throb of every heartbeat. She sat leaned up against the slimy pulsating walls and slowly took her first breath since arriving here. It was difficult, there was little air to be had and it was overloaded with humidity and the foul stench of Therese's last meal still fermenting mere inches from where she sat. Clutching the string tightly in her hand, she began to slowly crawl around. She hadn't moved far before the slick surface caused her to slip down further, one of her feet and the tip of her tail splashing into a viscous fluid in the lower pit of the odorous digestive pit. She panicked and scrambled, slipping even deeper into the acidic pit before managing to heft herself out with the aid of the string. She wondered how long Therese would hold her and further, if she would even survive as much. Therese had managed to calm herself and now sat back down, once more clutching the string that could save her friend's life. She wondered when she should pull her friend back out, and was hoping not to cut the time too short. But at the same time she knew enough about the digestive system to know that her stomach was far from being a safe place for a mouse, or anyone for that matter. She certainly hadn't felt for the safety of any mouse she had eaten in the past. A darker thought crossed her mind as she contemplated what might become of Little Jemma if she delayed. After all, they hadn't been friends for all that long. A mere three weeks was nothing special in the grand scheme, and Jemma was just a mouse at the end of the day... She felt the string pull suddenly. That was as close to a signal as the mouse could have given, so with slightly shaky hands she began to pull the string back up... Jemma sighed with relief as the string began to pull her towards the top of this foul smelling pit. Though it was an undeniable rush to be inside her friend like this, there was no escaping the fact that she would die if she stayed here too long. She felt the tightened entrance almost threatening to trap her but managed to wedge her arm in enough to pull herself through. Holding onto her one salvation tight with both hands, she was once again forced to all but hold her breath through the tight confines of Therese's gullet, contorting her body to avoid her bones breaking as she was pulled through the cat's epiglottis. Therese tried and failed to stifle a cough as she pulled Jemma into her hand. Wiping away the drool and other juices from her lips and chin, she lifted Jemma back up to ensure that her friend was still alright. 'Jemma... are you okay?' Jemma coughed and wiped the juices from her face before she looked up. 'Y-yea I'm okay...' She took a few deep breaths and shakily stood up. 'That was amazing. I can't believe we actually did that!' Her excitement was infectious and Therese found herself sharing the same excited grin and exhilarated laugh as each other. 'Ohh what a fun game we've come up with.' Therese murmured, licking her lips seductively then nuzzling Jemma tenderly. The dripping juices from her insides brushed off the mouse onto her fur, but she ignored them and kept rubbing her lips and muzzle across her mouse friend's tiny drenched body. 'We should do this again.' Her maw opened wider and she ran her tongue over Jemma's suddenly shivering form. To her surprise Jemma pushed her tongue away. 'Umm, I don't think I can go through that again. I-it was fun but... I think it's too dangerous.' Therese looked disappointedly down at the mouse, only now noticing the reddening on the skin of her feet and tail. 'Oh, does that hurt?' Therese asked. She didn't know why, but the sight of her friend having suffered the first moments of being digested alive made her suddenly want this all the more. But why? Was it because as a cat, and her instinct demanded that Jemma be her prey? That same dark thought from earlier suddenly pushed itself to the fore of her mind. She was a cat. Jemma was a mouse. If it wasn't her, it would ultimately just be some other cat that eventually ate this mouse. Jemma nuzzled back into Therese's fur affectionately, becoming somewhat nervous when the cat's giant tongue once more lapped over her. 'Uh, uhm... Therese?' 'Shhh.' Therese lifted Jemma up to her eyes and blinked slowly with a large smile. The string slipped from Jemma's now limp hand as the realization dawned on her. The game was over and now the cat wanted from her what nature demanded. A surprising calm had taken Jemma's mind. Of all ends, this was one that a mouse quite often lived their life expecting to meet. Therese's instinct had been something Jemma secretly feared for the last three weeks. But at the same time her feelings towards the, admittedly beautiful, feline had been steadily growing even to the point of some strange attraction. Jemma closed her eyes. She felt the heat of the cat's breath before the gently lap of her tongue lifted her once more into the humid maw. Her entire body shaking, half of her wanting to struggle, to flee or at least resist, while the other half had already accepted her fate. And the tiniest fragment in between actually dared to welcome this, the fledgling feelings that had been growing in their short time together making the idea of this sacrifice almost... Not welcome. But better Therese than some crueller alternative. Jemma rolled over the tongue, her hands reflexively grabbing hold to either side to try and hold herself here. The waiting throat flexed in front of her, loosing wafts of that same hot pungent breath from before. Jemma was caught in the harsh realization that even a creature as beautiful and sweet natured as Therese was still a carnivore at her core. Whatever bonds they may have had would mean nothing once overruled by primal urges like this. Therese seemed to be hesitant for a split second, before her predatory instinct finally won out and Jemma once more felt the powerful muscles of the feline's throat pulling her towards what this time would be her doom. Once more her breath was kept from her by the crushing confines of Therese's merciless gullet for a few moments before the sudden drop onto a slick pulsating crease of the stomach wall. There was no purchase this time, no slowing her fall with a piece of string and she continued to slide straight into the rocking stew that lay in the bottom of this pit. The slight burns on her feet and tail lit up in pain almost immediately and Jemma kicked about uselessly. There was no purchase on the slick lined walls to pull herself out of the unrelenting fluids that steadily ate away at her fur and skin. Her breathing became more rapid and a slow moaning escaped her lips, this time one of fear and pain. Even though she couldn't see anything in the pitch black, her eyes darted frantically all around her. There was nothing to see. Only sound and pain. A steady throb of the walls around her eliciting a constant cocking of the digestive acids up and down her back, sliding her steadily further under. The distant but ever present heartbeat of the predator all around her. Jemma made one last effort to pull herself up, to make one last effort to survive a few more minutes. But her fingers just slipped again, dropping her almost entirely under the stomach's acids. Only her cheeks up remained above the fluids, propped against the throbbing wall and slowly rocking Jemma into her last sleep.