After School 1 - Eva's New Club

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#1 of After School

The years soon passed after the leaving party and life went on for Eva and co. Jessica attended the local university to receive a qualification in accountancy and went on to become a successful accountant. Kit had continued her life guarding degree into an advanced level to become a swimming coach. Shaon found herself a nice partner to settle down with to live a long and rich life. Leaving his guilt behind, Kazufox grabbed himself a job and stayed with Jessica, visiting her often. The only person no-one had seen was Eva; she had kept her life after school quite secret through shame or otherwise.

The day had been a long one as the tired sun began to set in the west, getting ready to sleep for the next day ahead. The many people rushed home after dark with their papers and bags just to repeat it all the next day. Joining them was Jessica as she closed her front door behind her and threw her bag in the corner. It had been a demanding shift for her and all she wanted to do was relax alone. It troubled here, however, to hear a fumbling in the kitchen and the smell of food cooking. As quietly as she could, Jess picked up a near-by vase and crept slowly towards the kitchen. On a hesitant count to three she burst through the door brandishing the vase high. To her surprise she found a much more matured Eva Young cooking on her stove. Eva turned with a grin to greet the dog, "Jess, long time no see! I hope you still like pancakes!" After a quick snack and re-introduction the two sat in the lounge chatting merrily away. "It's so great to see you!" chucked Jess as she swirled her wine merrily in the glass. "You too and may I say you look as sexy as ever!" giggled Eva. Ignoring her long lost friend, she continued with her questioning, "So what did you want?" Eva placed her wine glass onto the table and hid her excitement as best she could, "Well I've been working for the past few years as an adult actress to earn money; money which have painstakingly saved. Finally my dream can come true for which I offer you a piece of this; a job if you will." The thoughts of strippers and prostitutes rushed through her head as she enquired, "And may I ask what job this is?"

After dragging Jess to her car and driving deep into town, the two finally stopped and parked up on the curb. Eva jumped from her seat and pointed up at the sign on a barren shop. The windows were covered in tape with a big ‘SOLD' sign stuck to the window. Jess could just make out the sign, "'Tails Up Erotic Club?' Oh no Eva! I'm not working as a pole dancer or stripper." "Of course not," interrupted Eva, "I want you as co-manager, my personal assistant. Someone for accounts and general managing of the club itself, working by my side!" Spotting the budding smile emerging on Eva's face, Jess had hesitations. "I dunno Eva," she began with a frown, "It'll be a lot of work getting this place together..." "Ah but that's the beauty of it!" announced Eva. She fumbled in her pocket to produce a small, shiny key in the shape of a heart. Unlocking the doors and flicking on the lights set Jess into disbelief. Before her was an interior of such inviting proportions it seemed to have been fashioned by Lord's and Lady's alike. The scarlet carpets was complimented with white shag rugs combined with white leather sofas. The walls were decorated by pictures of famous adult stars of both genders, autographed and held within prestige golden frames. A main stage fitted with rowed lights and tall pole stretch into the middle of the floor with chairs surrounding it. To the right stretched a bar across the whole of the east wall with various drinks and snacks sheltered behind it. Even a disco ball with scaffold pink lights gave the scene a final funky swing for the pure perfection of it all. "Well whadda ya think?" Eva posed, a squeal in her voice to indicated her excitement. "It's..." Jess was completely lost for words. "Oh oh wait you haven't seen the best bit!" cried Eva as she hauled her astounded friend to the bar. Perching themselves on the stalls, Eva tapped the bar as a fumbling was heard from the back. A small, medium built male skunk of a large, whiskey tail and pink fur came into view and took his place behind the bar. He wore a neat waiter's uniform and a pleasant smile. His hands seemed quite elegant to match his darker pink hair. "Ah Eva," he remarked, "What'll it be?" "Two Pink Tails please and keep them coming." "Oh Eva I'm fine," intervened Jess knowing the trouble being drunk would get her into. "Oh come on! You haven't seen the best part!" The skunk spun two bottles hastily in his hand and gracefully poured them into a cup. Throwing a bottle from behind his back he snatched it suddenly from the air and allowed the liquid to cascade through the air and stylishly into the tall glasses. "His name is Fik. His full name is Ryan Fikley but Fik's a sort of pet name. We meet in ‘the business' and I decided to hire him as my bartender." "Plus I get to watch the beautiful girls," chuckled Fik as he presented the fizzing, pink cocktails in front of the two. Jess stared intently at the drink, as if taking a sip would ruin it's pristine design and quirk. Eva held her glass high with a smile, "To ‘Tail's Up'. To us!" It only took a glimpse at Eva's trademark grin to melt Jess' heart and bring back the memories of old times. With pride she picked up the glass, "To us!" leaving a ping to symbolize the new partnership.

It had only been a few hours and yet the camaraderie of the pair had continued well on into the night. With little tolerance to alcohol Jess had reached a point of complete drunken revelry that her restraint had all but disappeared. Jess slammed the empty glass back on the counter with a inebriated grin, "Tho...those are really, really good! Wh...what's in ‘em?" "A mixture of strong, clear spirits mixed with drops of lemon extract lightly salted and mixture with a ‘Tails Up!' recipe to give the pink colour and cool flavour," replied Fik as he poured another. "Good, I'll have another!" With a sigh Fik handed Jess the drink and turned Eva, "May I go now?" "Of course, thank you Fik." Fik departed from the scene to leave the girls alone in the bar. "Go'*hic*‘od work on the bar Eva it's sssssoooooo awesome!" Jess' wavering eyes soon spied the pole on stage as she picked up her cocktail and stumbled up to it with a cheeky smile on her face. "How ‘bout a lap dance?" giggled Eva as she took her place on a sofa below the pole. Using the pole as best she could (after 5 Pink Tails) she rubbed herself slowly up and down against the pole, thrusting her hips in and out against it. Eva stuck out her tongue as she slowly twisted her clit softly between her fingers. Misplacing her step, Jess fell sniggering of the stage and onto of Eva. She thrust her hand down into Eva's panties and plunged her hand into her crotch. Eva cried in ecstasy as the dog pulled her in for a kiss.

The morning after hit a naked Jess hard with the usual pounding headache waiting for as she stirred. She seemed to be in a bedroom of some description in a large twin bed. Rubbing her eyes into life and with a big stretch she was ready to wake up. A lump in the bed next to her was something of a mystery to her. She pulled the covers away to find Eva in the same bare state as she was, sound asleep with only a faint breath to be heard. Jess recoiled in horror in thought of what had transpired; had she truly lost her virginity to her best friend? She checked herself all over for any signs of a raunchy encounter from the evening past. "Looking for these?" sniggered a cheeky voice from her side. A smiling Eva held a pair of white panties from her finger as Jess snatched them away. " were quick to get rid of them last night..." "We...didn't..." "Are you sure about that?" As Jess tried desperately to scan her mind of the night before, Eva pulled herself from the sheets and pulled on some clothes with a nervous Jess after chasing her. "Eva, just tell me!" Eva turned to the dog with a smirk and began to rub herself, "Oh Jess your tongue felt so good last night!" As Eva left giggling, Jess checked her breath by breathing on her hand, sniffing at the air for an signs. "Eva this isn't funny..." "Says you, I'm loving this!" "It was the drink." "Of course it was. For a virgin you were so good last night!" "SHUT UP!!!" (((THE CONTINUATION OF THE SCHOOL SERIES IS FINALLY HERE!!! The overwhelming support I have found through the school series has persuaded me to write more. I need staff to help with ‘Tail's Up' so read my journal. Remember; Eva needs you! Eva Young, Jessica Banks and Ryan Fikley are under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR.)))