The Werewolf Movie

Story by Funrir Woulfe on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

The Werewolf Movie

Written By - Warren Walter Woulfe ( AKA ) Funrir Woulfe

The Werewolf Movie

  • a tall tail -

I guess I should start when it all started, I was hired to play a werewolf in a movie, not becuse I was an actor, but becuae I was a big guy and I was just what the film-makers were looking for, there were other big & beffey guys there for he audition, but I guess they wanted someone who wouldn't mind long hours in make-up to look like a werewolf.

Also helpped I wasn't afraid to do my own stunts as well, and the guy playing my human conterpart was easy for me to get along with during the auditions, we learned that after the fact, guess the reason they didn't tell us before so we'd a bit more natural in reacting to him during the aditions, Needless to say I got the part, the others didn't.

A short time later I was in the make-up room at the crack of dawn getting made up to look like a werewolf, because the process took awhile I took a nap, I wanted to be surprized be the end result, who ever was doing it, the end result was amazing, I no longer looked human at all, I looked so much like what a real werewolf would look like.

That is if there was shuch a thing, after all it's all make-believe, or so I thought at the time, little did I know before I got deep into this movie and this role and this part, the first scene they were doing was a ritual, actrors were in robes & there was candles & markings on the ground, we were on location for this scene.

The guy playing my human counterpart was on the slab for the start of the scene, take after take was ruined, as the actors in robes kept messing up the ritual lines, we only had so much time to film as this location was private land, it once had indians living on it a long time ago, now was owned by some other folks who rented it out.

Anyway the director decided to film the scene with me on the slab, as the idea was they preformed the ritual and the guy who was on the slab became me who was the werewolf, so I got on the slab, they did the ritual again, they got it right on the first take, perfect the director called then we all had lunch.

It was funny watching the other actors reactions as I ate lunch still made up as the werewolf, guess the were as impressed with the make-up as I was when I first saw it. I felt a tingling sensation at the base of my spine, I figured it was the anamitronic tail as it was made to wag every now and then, it was so life-like I thought to myself.

We shot some more scenes on this location seeing as we had it for the day, some shots of me running in the woods here, it felt great to just run around like I was some wild animal, I was really getting into my part you might say, little did I know at the time. Had I'd known what was happening to me I wonder if I would of kept going.

It was pretty late when we left the location, everyone even myself was tired, we all went home, I couldn't put my finger on it at the time but something was different, then when we started, a nagging feeling I was forgeting something, I dragged myself into bed & slept the rest of the night as I had to get up early again.

Needless to say I was in for a shock the next morning. I was still in make-up when I looked in the mirror the next day. I jumpped just a bit & then remembered that it was just make-up. Except it wasn't, the more I looked at it, the more real it looked, pores, the whiskers moved, the nose twitched as I breathed in & out.

Okay, I told myself, get a grip, it's just animatronics, except that they didn't do that, just the tail, they didn't go into that details, the camera wasn't going to be close enough for fine details like the nose working or the whiskers wiggling about. I suddenly recalled the ritual that was done, how did it go again.

Before I knew it I was looking up infromation about werewolves online, and more about the rituals involved in making one, the writters of the film must of done the same, as the ritual they performed as I was on the slab was the same as the one I found online. I slumpped back in my chair in disbelief, what did they do to me, I wondered.

No it's a trick I told myself. I yankked a single strand of fur out, ouch, it hurt like heck to do that. Okay, I'm dreaming I told myself, any second I'm gonna wake up & not be a werewolf. The phone rung. I was running late for today's shoot, this time we'll be at the studio. I had to think of an excuse quick, but as long as I looked the part.

I showed up anyway, the make-up guy said he was sorry he left me in make-up from the night before & helped me over to the make-up room. Where he discovered I was attached to it now, and how, I told him what I thought had happened with the ritual the other day, he said he'd keep it our little secret, who knows what would happen if the others knew.

I was a real werewolf pretending to be a fake one for this movie, that seems to what happened with the ritual I somehow bonded with the make-up and the animatronics to become an actual werewolf dduring the ritual that first day of shooting. It wasn't done changing me as well. As the film progressed over the months, my body became more muscular.

I figured the full moons over the months we filmed changed me further, I just hoped it would be over once we were done filming, once the film wrapped up there was a film wrap party, I showed up as is, folks congradualated the make-up guy on his impressive work, not really knowing that early during the filming the ritual had done this to me.

I was glad it was all over, I wanted to hide from the world, seeing what I had become, by accident, I really didn't blame anyone, they were just being true to the mythology. Yet there I was, a living breathing werewolf after a few months of doing a werewolf movie, little did I know, things were just starting for me.

The next day after all the press had died down and the film was released and a huge hit at the box office and all the talk shows had talked to me, and the make-up guy of course. I woke up bleary eyed & stood up. THUNK, my head hit the ceiling. I held onto my head for awhile. I don't remember the ceiling being lowered.

It wasn't, during all this time I was growing larger, I looked into the mirror in the bathroom, hunched over, I was massive, I had more mass then I ever would of just by lifting for years on end. I stood up slowly, I still was bent over, I guessed I was around ten feet large, holy heck I was huge, freakishly so.

Okay get a grip I told myself, perhaps it's done changing me. One thing was certain I couldn't live a normal life, not like this anyway. My gaze wandered down my big beefy body. I would put the biggest body bulider to shame. I was also hung like you wouldn't believe, heck, I didn't believe it as well until I touched it to see if it was really prt of me.

It was part of me allright, even if it was an odd combo of a wolf's & a man's plumbing down there, I figured this is what it must feel like to be uncut, as that's more or less what it looked like to my own eyes. I noticed I could focus my eyes as if I had bonoculars on. I didn't of course, I could look out the bathroom door & down the hallway.

It was a bit disorintating at first, but I found I could look at my clock, next to my bed at the far end of the hallway, I also could hear things far away as well, my ears twitched & turned toward sounds I knew were not in my house at all, children playing outside, birds singing in trees, and so forth and so on blocks away from me.

I found I could smell things that were far away as well, this being a werewolf wasn't so bad it seemed to me, just a bit on the big side as far as heigth & mass goes, but other then that had better eyes & ears & smell then I had before any of this happened. The other downside is I couldn't stand my own clothes due to my scenitive nose.

Granted I couldn't fit into my old clothes anymore due to my sheer size, so I jotted down my new measurments & got new clothes online, good thing they don't ask questions, just took my measurments to get me new threads to fit my new body. I didn't get much in way of new clothes, as I was covered in thick fur after all.

I figured It'd be pointless to shave as it'd all just grow back even thicker then it was right now, I looked in the full sized mirror in my bedroom, it seemed like only yesterday I fit in that mirror. Now I was all bulgey & thick & tall like, the mirror was too small for my frame. Much too small for my huge frame I though as I looked.

My house became more & more like a cave then a house, I didn't bother to clean up tufts of wolf fuzz that collected here & there around the house, also every chair I sat in gave up trying to hold me in it, I sat mostly on the couch once every chair became splinters from my huge mass, I guess I was just too much werewolf from them to hold me.

I couldn't figure how to become human at all, I figured unlike movies, once you change, you can't change back, where would all this mass go I was getting anyway, eatting was no problem, I just ordered food to be delivered to my house, no questions asked. Granted once they saw me they just said it was an impessive costume.

Yea, coustme, right, keep the change. My transformation wasn't done however, 10ft became 12ft in a few months time, I was hoping for a call from the studio, prying they'd make a sequel where the guy gets cured from another ritual. Not that I didn't know if this was reverseable or if I was stuck like this forever.

How long do werewolves live I wondered, perhaps I was looking at this the wrong way. Perhaps I now could do things others couldn't do. I could be a superhero, why not, I was super strong, I had super hearing, super eye-sight, super smell, why not I told myself, here I am just waiting for a call that might never come.

So I made a crude outfit from bedcovers as that's one of the few things that could still cover my ample plumbing on me with out too much difficulty. I then whent out into the dark to fight crime. Well, needless to say it's easyer to say then to do. Even though I was stopping crooks, people kinda freaked out.

Not everyday one runs into a 12ft large talking wolf after all. Well, that idea was a bust trying to be a hero when folks aren't sure what to make out of a giant talking wolf. Let's face it I was a freak, all by mistake, not my fault really, and to think my transformation wasn't done with me yet, not by a long shot.

My daily routine became a blur to the point I could only measure time by how big I was getting, and how small my house seemed as I grew larger, after a certain point I just sold the house as it became too small for my needs and I wasn't taking care of it anyway. I felt much better being out in the open & wilderness close by anyway.

I was stillg growing as well, not that it mattered to me, out in the wilderness I had no need for shelter or clothes or anything that I had before, granted the only way I knew I was still getting bigger is the fact that the tree tops that used to be over me are below me now.

How big I was going to get, I didn't know, but one thing was sure, the full moon triggered it, the rest of the time I didn't grow, I just relaxed, messed around, ran here & there, enjoyed myself and my size for what it was. I had no idea how large I had become because I never wandered back to the city to see.

One day someone was hiking around in the wilderness. It was a human, I could tell by the smell, I remember that smell as it was on my clothes so long ago it seems like another lifetime. I watched them, they were so tiny to me, hardly a threat to big old me, so I just watched them from above, remaining as still as I could.

His or my cuoriousity drew us together. It was the make-up guy from the movie, somewhat older then when we first met, but still him, he was looking for me to tell the truth, he didn't expect to find me, let alone find I was hundreds of feet larger then the last time he saw me. This is when I learned, there was no cure for me.

I would keep growing for as long as I lived, and no one knew how long werewolves lived, even myself, so I decided to write down what had happen to me, perhaps someday they'll make a movie about it, then I won't be alone anymore, that will be intresting to see. Another one like myself going through the same process.

It's still not done with me yet.