Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver – Chapter 7 – Family problems

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#7 of Legends

Here I go again ^^.

I have finally managed to look through the rest of the Stories but I don´t know if I can upload them all today or if I can manage to put my focus on it because My Abook is totally fascinating me currently.

Rest stays as ever

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 7 - Family problems

20 Years and 8 Months had passed since Silver and Alissa had mated on their first time. 5 Months later, in deep winter, she had laid an egg and another 4 months later, in spring, her Son had arrived on the world. They had given him the Name Solomon because they both thought that it would fit him perfectly.

Since that Day many years had passed and they had lived them all in peace and harmony until War came back to them. It was on Solomon's 18 Birthday when an Urgent Message arrived. Alissa´s parents had been assassinated and now the Land was without a ruler. Having lost her Parents, Alissa got really mad and so it was Silver who interfered. He simply took the crown of the land, even if he had always hated it, and made himself a ruler with Alissa as his Queen but no one had ask Solomon if he wanted to be a prince.

Since that Day he carried some Hate in his Heart too but not because of the assignation. He simply hated the fact that he was now standing under some rules and that he couldn´t do whatever he wanted to do. No matter how hard he tried to escape, he was caught by them in the next moment. Then, on his 19 Birthday, he decided to write himself into the Army but only 2 Months later, his father took the command of the troops. He trained them hard and Solomon was trained extra hard. When the troops had to give 100 %, he had to give 120 %. This brought them to the now following situation.

„YOU CALL THIS SCOUTING? " Silver shouted loudly over to little bunch in the field. „I CAN STILL SEE YOU WITHOUT SOME HELP. GO BACK TO THE START AND TRY AGAIN. "

„Dad!!!" Solomon said from a bit downer.

„What is it my Son? "

„The troops are already training since morning. Why don't you give them some time to recover? "

„Son! We don´t have time for something like this. By the way. Why are you not at the side of your Unit? Go and help them. Maybe they learn a bit more. "

Solomon didn´t gave him an answer and moved back to his Unit.

„And? What does he said?" One of the Men asks.

„Sorry Boys. He will not stop. " Solomon answered.

„HAH.... We will die by training before the war comes. What an end. "

„Stop talking like that. I...... " He was cut by a loud call.

„UNIT 4. Move into action. "

That was his Unit and the Men moved up but then Solomon said.

„Sit down men. We will not do something. "

„But your father.... " One of the men started but was cut.

„My father is my problem. I´m your commander and I order you to stay and recover. "

Then they heard Silver calling loud.


But Solomon said.

„You stay. "

Then 2 Minutes of silence were spread. Then Silver came up and faced Solomon directly.

„What is the problem now? "

„I ordered them to get some Air. " Solomon answered.

„You are not in the position to order something. Men move up your asses and.... " Solomon cut his father harshly.

„You stay were you are. "

„What the...... "

The Air between Silver and Solomon began to move and it only took a word to let them both explode. Solomon's unit saw that and quietly moved away from them. Suddenly they heard.

„Are you trying to rebel against me?" Silver asks with a loud Voice.

„If it´s for the sake of my Men, YES!" Solomon answered.

„Fine. Then take their place and move to the line. "

„I will not. "

„Tsk.... Still thinking that he is free. Listen Son. You have to..... " Silver was now cut harshly by his Son.

„I have to do nothing that you say to me and you know why? Because you are NOT my Commander or King or something like that. I´m even not having a father anymore!!! "

Hearing him saying this let Silver´s mind go insane.

„I´m still your father and I don´t want....." Again he was cut harsh.

„You are not my father. I have lost my father on my 18 Birthday. You are only the Tyrant that he had wanted to fight no matter what. "

„RRRRRR....... GO TO YOUR ROOM!!! NOW!!!! " Silver now shouted really angry.

„NO SIR. " Solomon shouted back.

* BAMM *

Silver had landed a fist strike in Solomon's face.

„That only proves me right. You are a Tyrant now. Very well. This Game I can play as well. "

* BAMM *

Solomon had also landed a fist strike and after this one a fight broke out.

Silver and his Son were both fighting very good and it was not to be seen who was going to win until the fighting speed reached a high point. Solomon was fast but hadn´t the stamina of his father and he quickly faded in speed. Then Silver did a really hard hit and transmitted Solomon a few feets away. He landed really hard and Silver said half glorying.

„You better give up now or it will end Bloody!!! "

But instead of a Capitulation Solomon moved up while he only said more than once.

„I hate you! "

Then from all of a sudden, he vanished and reappeared right in front of Silver. Then Silver did some steps back, holding his stomach with one paw.

„CRAP.... What the Hell was that? I haven´t even seen his attack coming...... PANT..... How can he....... " Silver stopped because he saw something that let him freeze.

Solomon's Body began to change. It began to glow Golden just like him when he transformed but Solomon's transformation was different. More Powerful and self-destructive.

OH FUCK!!! Silver thought. This will not end well. He cannot control it. I have to.... His thoughts were cut because Solomon´s transformation came suddenly to an end and he collapsed. Silver immediately ran to his side and did a breath of relieve once he was close because Solomon was still breathing. Without some more words Silver moved Solomon's Body onto his back and moved with him towards the castle. In there he brought him to his room and laid him on his Bed. Then he left the room and moved towards his Bedroom where Alissa was already waiting for him.

„Hi there, Hunny. " Alissa said smiling.

„OH.... Hi. " Silver answered.

„Seems like that you had to fight a recruit. Did you won? "

„No. It was a draw but.... " Silver stopped for a second not sure if he should tell her the truth.

„But what? Come on. You know that you can tell me all. "

„HAH...... I fought against Solomon. "

„What? Why that? "

„He had challenged me by.... distracting my orders."

„HMMM.... Seems like that he is like you were in the past. "

„Not quiet. He is having a serious problem. "

„What now? "

„He can transform himself like me but he cannot control it."

„OH no. I had hoped that he would never do that. How big is his power? "

„If not controlled he could...... easily destroy himself and the whole land."

„So powerful? That means that he is carrying a lot of hate within itself. Do you know what he hates this much? "

„Me. "

„Why that? "

„He said that I died on the Day were I took the crown and that I had become a heartless Tyrant. "

„That is not true. You are not heartless."

„Is that so? I mean, since that Day...... I had never had some time for him anymore and I always..... Choose what´s right for him without asking him. "

„But you always mean it good. "

„Yeah I know but he wants to choose for himself. Maybe I should let him do it. Maybe I should.... "

„TSSCHHHHHH....... All will come right in the future. I know it. "

With these words said they both kissed each other and some minutes later they both rocked the Bed really hard. Meanwhile, Solomon had woken up and had walked onto his Balcony, looking into the distance while he thought to himself.

What am I doing here? This place and life is so useless to me. My father is death for me. My mother is never there when I need help. And I even cannot find some peace in my dreams.

Since a few weeks, he had only one dream. He was sitting in a Cage made of Water and he could always see the same. The land in front of him was burning and the people on it were working in some kind of a mine. A big creature made of smoke was hanging over them with a laughing face. Then the scenario shifted and his cage filled with water. Outside he could see his parents fighting against the creature but only in a blink of an Eye they were replaced by tombstones with their names on it. Another blink later. The Cage was nearly full of water and he was fighting for his life without some efforts. On the outside of his cage he could saw a strange white figure and he could her some cries but he never saw a face. Then the figure was suddenly hulled in the smoke of the creature and a death scream was heard covered by another loud laugh from the Creature. Then the cage was full with water and on that moment he always woke up, covered in his sweat.

„Why is this happening to me? Who is this creature and these strange white Pokémon? Why.... Why..... Why... " Solomon took his Head with both paws because the questions began to hurt him.

„Do you really wanted to know why you are having these problems?" A Voice asks him from the side.

„Who´s there? Come out you little peeping Tom." Solomon said while jumped into defensive position.

„Answer me. Do you really wanted to know why you are having this dream?" The Voice said from another direction without showing the source of it.

„Yes. I want to know. Tell me. " Solomon now shouted back angrily.

„A Scout with a message will come tomorrow with an important mission in hand. Do all you have to do to go onto that mission and you will find your answers. "

„What? Why don´t you tell me? ..... Hello?..... HELLLLLOOOOOOO...... " No answer came back.

„Dammit. I wanted to know something but I got only more answers. TSK...... My life is so useless. "

Solomon then slowly moved back inside and laid himself back on his Bed where he quickly felt into sleep. In his dream all repeated until he woke up in the morning.

To be Continue