Solomon – The Son of the Legendary Silver – Chapter 12 – A Strong Bound is formed

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#12 of Legends


A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Solomon - The Son of the Legendary Silver - Chapter 12 - A Strong Bound is formed

On the next Morning

Solomon and Conny woke up early. They both hadn´t moved all over the night and now their Bodies were hurting them for it until they moved. They both got up slowly and with cracking bones. Once they stood they turned to face each other and once they did, they both smiled brightly all over their faces. Next they moved together and only a split second later they kissed. Seconds became minutes for them until they broke the kiss. She then wanted to go on by rubbing his protection but once she was close, they both heard Silver saying.

„I´m sorry to interrupt but I really need to talk with you Solomon. "

Even if it was hard for them both they agreed and Solomon walked to his Father´s side while Conny moved a bit away to not disturb them.

„What do you want to talk with me Father?" Solomon asks nervous.

„Solomon. I need to ask you this. Do you have even slightly thought of what you did when you mated with her? " Silver asks with a cold face.

„Well ..... I..... "

„Do you know what I should tell your mother that you have found ..... The love of your life and that she will gave birth to your children in a few months? Do you know in what trouble you bring me?" Silver now asks with a bright smile on his face while Solomon began to relax slightly before he said.

„Well.... How about telling her this way you ask me? "

„HAHAHA.... You are right.... HAHAHA. "

„Father.... I´m sorry."

„For what? "

„For being so nasty to you all over the past two years..... And.... And... " Silver cut his Son by laying his both paws on his shoulder.

„Solomon. I´m proud of you no matter what. And to tell you this. I liked our disgusting and I want you to bring them on anytime, anywhere. And now go back to her and.... OH before I forget. Here " Silver gave his Son 2 Big leaves with Berries on it. " It´s better when you eat them first before you two get back to some sweat action or else you sleep all over the Day and that would be against my plans for you 2. "

„Plans? What kind of plans? "

„Sorry. HIHI. They will be my secret until you will find out. Very well. I´m leaving now and please.... take your time with her. This is your Day. But don´t forget this. Be home at Midday with her to see my secret plans. "

With this said, Silver turned around and moved away, leaving a confused Solomon behind. God Dammit! I hate it when he does this. Solomon thought to himself while he moved the two leaves back to Conny. While they both ate, Solomon´s thoughts were running in his Head and once they finished, she again wanted to move on him but he did a step back and asks her.

„Can you maybe wait a bit longer? "

„Why should I? I have waited so long for him."

„I know that you need him just like...... I need you but.... please.... Let me first bring you.... to a special place.... There..... I´m yours without...... NNNNHHHHH..... Any resistance. "

„You tell me that you would do all I want if I only let you bring me to this special place? "

„Yes. I swear it that it will be so. "

„HMMM..... Fine but I need something from you first before we go. "

„And that issssssssssssss....." She had pawed him hard while she answered.

„I need him still but now I want him in my mouth and your cream in my tummy."

She pawed him very fast and hard and it took him only a minute to stand fully erected in front of her. She then moved her paws under his knot and there she tickled some sensitive spots with one paw while her other one was playing with his Balls. His length also had attention. She licked all over it with her tongue, stealing some pre from his tip once he released some. After some long licks she did the next step by moving his whole length into her mouth. Feeling her mouth around his sensitive flesh, brought him near his edge and he curved his claws into the ground while he had his Eyes closed. Inside of her mouth, she played with his length by moving it from side to side only interrupted by a tight grip on it. Each time she grabbed his length he went really close but she never let him go over until he had enough.

When she grabbed and released him one time to many, he grabbed her head with both of his paws and humped her mouth a few times before he shot his hot cum into it. He fired some hard shots deep into her trout. So deep that she couldn´t take some breathes until he finished and let her Head go. She gagged hard and spilled out some of his cum. He on the other Paw was breathing very hard and was close to collapse but he managed to stand and to go on by pulling her back towards him.

„HEY!!! I didn´t said that I want you to........ MOAN...... " She started but he cut her with his sweat action on her.

He had begun to lick her slit and in between two licks he said.

„You maybe didn´t said but who am I supposed to be when I´m not returning the favor you gave me? "

After this said, his tongue was back on her slit and she moaned deeply with each lick. Some Pre began to move out of her slit and once he had licked it away, his tongue was in her and she moaned very loud. She was hoping that he would carry her quickly to her Orgasm like last time but she got disappointed this time. He teased her like she did on him a few moments ago and she hated it.

„Please.... MOAN... Bring me over...... MOAN..... Let me come..... Let me come.....NOW."

She said and made herself ready for it but instead of doing it he retreated and said to her with a devilish smile.

„What? You don´t like it to be teased? Well.... Now you know what I felt a few moments ago."

Once finished, he was back on work and this time, he shot her over her edge by pressing his complete tongue into her at once. Giving a bit extra pressure on her G-Spot.

She came as hard as he did but he was very good prepared for her fluids and swallowed all away within a second it came out.

After she had given her last shot she began to collapse but she never hit the ground because he stopped her fall by going under her Body and taking her up onto his back. Once she was on his back he started to move. First he was taking his time but when he heard that her breathes were becoming stronger, he speeded up, little by little until he was running in a steady pace.

„Are you fine back there?" He shouted towards her and she answered.

„I´m fine. Why? "

„Can you maybe handle more speed? "

„I don´t know. "

„OK. A little test run then? "

„Go on. "

He began to increase his speed and first she was holding herself good but then she had to grab very tight because his speed became nearly insane.

„PLEASE!!! SLOWER!!!! " She shouted but he answered.

„WHAT??? FASTER??? OK!!! "


His paws began to spread fire on each contact with the ground and her complete Body began to fly over his back. She already had her Eyes closed and wished that he would feel it and stopped but nothing happened. Then suddenly, she was on his back again and she didn´t felt some Air around her. She thought that he had stopped and opened her Eyes only to throw them open because she couldn´t believe what she saw. They were still running but they were so fast that some kind of Barrier had formed in front of them, holding the wind away.

(Author Note: The scene that comes now was inspired by the film Krull. Maybe you know which scene I mean :-))

„Have you ever run this fast before?" Conny asks.

„No. And to tell you this. My Body is feeling strange too. It´s nearly over floating with energy. I even cannot stop running now and..... ÄHM...... FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!! CLIFF AHEAD!!!!" Solomon shouted suddenly and she looked forward.


But it was already too late. They had reached the cliff and it was a high one. She closed her Eyes and began to pray but then she heard him saying.

„Stop praying and look! "

She slowly opened her Eyes like she was told and then she couldn´t believe what she saw. They were flying or better said running through the Air. It was like that his burning paws were building up some kind of a bridge under them while he ran.

„WHAT THE HELL!!! IS THIS SOMEKIND OF ILLUSION?" She shouted and he answered.


He Howled in Happiness because he liked the sight that they were having now and she also began to howl after him. She even stopped grabbing his Neck for some seconds and moved her Body up to feel the wind on her Stomach. Some Bird Pokémon flew close to them and looked a bit confused to them but then Solomon smiled and they smiled back.

Soon he became a bit tired and his Body began to go down by slowing the pace.

„Listen everyone. This is your Captain speaking. We are about to land. Please move comfortable and..... CCCRRRROOOOWWWLLLLL...... Give..... The.... Captain..... Some..... Air.... COUGHT. " Solomon said while she grabbed his Neck hard again.

Once they landed, she released her grip and he took some deep breathes while he moved slower and slower. They then reached a clearing and he finally said to her.

„We made it. "

Conny began to look around and found a little lake with a waterfall on it and a stone formation.

„OH!!! Beautiful!!! When did you found this place? "

„On the first Day of the journey. I wanted some free space away from my father and then I found this place and now I´m sharing it with the love my life."

„Thank you my dear but didn´t you said that it would be an hour away? "

„Normally yes but... the flight had made it much faster and easier. Besides. Having more time for us isn´t this bad, or?"

„RRRRRR....." She purred like a little Kat.

„HMM.... I count this as a yes. By the way. Can you swim? "

„Swim? Yes. Why? "

„Want a little round with me in the lake?" Solomon now playfully asks.

„When it´s not cold.... YES. "

„Then let us find out. JUHU!!!! "



They both had jumped into the water and quickly found out that the water was burning hot. As if it was made for Fire Pokémon only and they both enjoyed it really much. They both swam in circles and tried to catch each other. Once they did they kissed and divided only to do it again until they both swam to the rand. There they both looked deep into each other's Eyes and then did a really much passionate Kiss. While they kissed they both began to paw each other. Once he was as hard as possible he broke the kiss and said to her.

„I love you Conny and I need you know."

„Just like me....NNNNHHHH..... Please put him in and kill that fire in me again. " She answered and turned herself so that her back was facing him.

A few moments later he placed himself right behind her and did some soft humps on his search for her slit. Thanks to her tails he found her slit very fast and moved all of his inches again into her. They both deeply moaned with each inch that disappeared in her and once it was all in she relaxed fully. Knowing that she would now receive a nice and hard ride.

There. He had made his first hard hump and she moaned hardly. There. Another one. He then stopped and moved his both front paws over hers and his back paws were moved onto her back. Then he let his emotions go on its own and his Body began to act. First he did some hard and short humps without any rhythm but then he slowed down and did some long Humps, letting his Penis slide out till his tip was left in and then he showed himself into her again a bit faster.

Thanks to the warm water and his passion, she quickly reached a high level and began to tighten around his Penis. Feeling her walls with each hump tightening he speeded up until he was on his full " Normal " speed but then he did something that he hadn´t done the last time. He stopped again and took a deep breath. Then he said into her Ear.

„Now get ready to get humped like you never had been before. "

He then set on his work on her with full speed but then he went still faster and faster. He used his Agility attack to gain more speed and it worked. The water around them was doing some big waves while he humped her like a wild Beast. His Knot was already hammering on her entrance and with every hump he did, he moved her Body more and more out of the lake. She on the other hand had already give up. His pounding was far too much for her to handle. She was just lying there on the ground. All paws stretched away. Her mouth open with her tongue hanging out to the side and her Eyes were looking somewhere into the Air. In her Mind, she was flying again until he did his last hump.

His Knot went past her lips and he bit himself very hard because the pleasure that he was now receiving was unbearable for him too. His hard humpings had brought him much further than last time and the pressure in his Balls had become insane. That was the reason why, once he started to come, he did a nonstop shot just because of his thought that his Balls would explode if he would stop.

It was a picture for the gods. She was only laying there, totally spent and happy while he was standing above her with his Eyes shut and his mouth open but with his fangs closed. He was also pressing very hard with his back into her. So hard that he moved her Body a bit more out of the water. Then the moment came and the pressure inside of him began to go down finally and was replaced by a powerful afterglow. Once he could control himself a bit he moved a step aside only to drop down and panting really hard just like her.

They were both spent and they were both happy about it. She because she felt satisfied since a few Days. Not to mention that her Body Heat had been blasted away by his humpings and his Seed. And he on the other side was also feeling satisfied because he had mated the female of his Life again and the pressure that had been built over the hours, or better said minutes, had been eliminated. It was also no wonder that they both stayed tied up for about 1.30 hours till his knot slid out.

Once it was out, they both moved out of the lake to dry themselves and to over jump the waiting time they blowed themselves again. This time in a 69. Once done Solomon then said happily.

„I´m so proud that I have you as my mate. I cannot even think anymore of living alone like I did in my past. You are just so perfect. OH GOD! I Love You Conny. "

„The same goes for me. Well then. Do you want another flight with me?" Conny answered and asks.

„You don´t know how much I want you again but for my sake..... I promised to be home at midday and now it´s nearly time. I hate it that I have sworn it but now it´s too late and I never have broken an oath before. I.... I´m so..... " She cut him by laying a paw on his mouth.

„TTTTSSSSCCCHHHH.... I understand. I can wait till it´s getting dark but then I want to feel my Pussy filled again with your cream and this more than one time."

„You want to get sure that the Job is done right, right? "

„Not even this. I waited so many Years for the right one and I went through so many heats without a Male inside of me that I..... I..... CRAP!!! I think that I.... I.... "

„You think that you are a Sex hungry beast who wanted to feel a Penis nearly every minute inside of her Pussy right? "

„Y..... Yes but.... " Now he cut her with his paw on her mouth.

„TSSCCHHHH..... I´m feeling exactly the same and I can tell you this. I will fuck you till your pregnancy hurts you and once our child is born, I will fuck you each Day if you want to. "

„P.... Promise? "

He took her paw with his and said while he pressed a bit harder.

„I promise this with my blood if I have to. "

„There is no need to..... Mmmmmmmppppppffffff...... " They both kissed again and while they did, they looked into each other's Eyes and saw only one thing there. Burning and never-ending Love.

1 Hour later

Conny and Solomon arrived at the frontier Gate. They were greeted by a Military formation what they both found strange.

Another 2 hours later

They both arrived at the town gates and began to wonder immediately because the town was empty.

„Where are the people that are living here?" Conny asks.

„I don´t know. Maybe in the castle. " Solomon answered while they move on.

A few minutes later they both arrived at the castle but again they wondered. The Gates were open wide but there was no one to be seen. No Guards, no people, only Solomon and Conny were there until suddenly someone said from aside.....

„Welcome back home! "

.... And gave them a nearly heart attack. The Pokémon that had said hello was Zero, who was smiling brightly all over his face.

„PANT..... PANT...... Don´t...... Pant..... Do that again...... PANT... Pant " Solomon said while he came down from the shock.

„I´m sorry. I don´t want to shock you this much. " Zero answered still smiling.

„Were .... Are..... They all..... Went?" Now Conny asks.

„Follow me and I show you. "

They did as they were told. Zero then leaded them through the whole castle until they were standing in front of a Big Double door.

„The Church? What do they all want in here?" Solomon asks a bit confused and Zero then answered witch a heavenly smile

„They are here to celebrate.... Your wedding. "

Conny and Solomon were both speechless. Of course they had both thought about marry but not this fast. After 2 Minutes of silence, Solomon finally came up with he set.

„Let me guess. This was my father's idea. Right? "

„Bulls Eye. " Was Zero´s only answer.

„But why now?" Conny asks. " I mean.... I really like to marry him but..... Why.... "

„Why not now? It´s the perfect time for it. You see. It´s pretty warm out there. The war is still a bit farer away and you are in Heat. So what time is better than this."

„Hmm.... You are right but.... " Solomon cut Conny by saying directly into her Ear.

„Let us do it. "

„A.... Are you sure? "

„I am but before we enter the church, we better take a bath. We are both smelling and looking like beggar. "

„There is no need to. " Zero suddenly said. „Just go through the door and all will be right.

Solomon and Conny were now both unsure of what to do but then they looked into each other's Eyes and only a second later, Solomon opened the double door.

The hall was immediately filled with light, Organ music and many applauding. They both then began to walk through the door and once they did a step into the church, their Bodies began to glow while Zero said with glowing Eyes.

„This is a present from our god to you! "

The light became very high and then it faded. Once gone, everyone in the room couldn´t believe his Eyes. Solomon and Conny had changed. Their Bodies were now clean and their furs were made very fine.

He was looking like a real Soldier. He wore a Gala uniform or some pieces of it and a prince crown was on his Head. She on the other hand was wearing a white band that was going all around her Body and on the band, Roses of different colors were seen. She also was wearing a crown but hers was more tiny and beautifully.

They both then moved towards the altar were the cardinal and Solomon's parents were already waiting for them. Once reached, Solomon said to his father.

„You little chiseler. Since when did you had planned all of this? "

„Since the Day you were born and since I saw the look of you 2 when you are looking into each other's Eyes. You are having the same look like your mother is having when she sees me. " Silver answered with a smile.

„So. " Alissa started. „You are the female who had caught my Sons Love."

„Yes my Queen. " Conny answered while she lowered her Head in total respect.

„Stop calling me Queen and move up your Head. You are now part of this family and I have to say that he made a very beautiful choice. "

Alissa moved close to her Ear and whispered into Connies Ear.

„I only hope that he is a good lover and father. "

And Conny whispered back.

„A Lover? He is a rocket of a Lover and a father? Well. We will see in a few months if he is a good father. "

Both females then began to laugh while the Boys were standing there a bit isolated. Then the cardinal took on word.

„Well then. If you have all said what needed to be said, then let us begin. "

The ceremony began and it was going all well until they reached the point where the rings had to be exchanged.

„Were are the rings father?" Solomon asks.

„Rings? UPS......... CRAP WERE ARE THEY...... " Silver began to search but then he heard Zero in his mind.

„You are only lucky that you know me."

A little box formed in front of Silvers face and in it were 2 Golden rings and one of them was carrying a big red Ruby.

„I found them. Sorry for let you waiting. " Silver said while he turned around.

„Thanks Zero. " Solomon said back with a little smile, letting Silver do a „TSK ".

A few Minutes later the Ceremony ended and everyone was happy. The rest of the Day was only party time. Each one ate, drank and a few pairs or love couples disappeared somewhere to answer the call of nature on their way. Conny and Solomon were no difference. As soon as they could, they moved towards their room to let the Day pass by again and of course they had some special fun. Meanwhile Silver and Zero were standing on a balcony, looking into the distance.

„Do you think that he will attack us soon?" Silver asks.

„I bet that he is already planning something. " Zero answered.

„You bet? That means that he is already in charge and we better do some preparations as well. "

„There is no need to hurry now. Let them enjoy a few Days in peace before you move them. Especially our 2 fresh Married ones. "

„I will but under one condition! "

„And that is? "

„You know what I want to know. "

„And you know what I´ve told you about it. "

„Yeah. I know but you also know what I had told you in return. "

„OOOHHHHH!!!!!! YOU....... " They were both suddenly cut by a Voice in their Heads.

„Tell him. "

„WHAT? Are you sure, my Lord?" Zero asks into the Air.

„I am. Beside he wouldn´t stop asking you until you would gave in or something else would happen. "

„Very well. If you say it, I do it. "

„But only tell him the future of HIS child. Not theirs. "

„NO!!! PLEASE!!! Tell me all. " Silver now shouted into the Air.

„Do you really want to disgust this with a GOD? " Came as an answer and Silver became quickly silent.

„Fine. Now go on Zero and show him to give us 2 some peace."

„Yes my Lord! "

Zero flew close to Silvers Head and said to him.

„Close your Eyes and don´t move. I will show you this only once. "

Silver did as he was told and then he saw all that was laying ahead. He saw some bad pictures with many death Pokémon but he saw also many happy Pokémon who were enjoying some peace and in the middle of it was always he with his family. He also saw his Child and he had to smile brightly because he saw that this child had no special abilities and was also having a family. The only thing he didn´t saw were he or a she. That little secret Zero didn´t showed him but he didn´t cared about that. The only thing he had always wanted to know was that his family would life in peace in the end.

Once the Vision faded, Silver opened his Eyes but he only saw a blank wall. Zero had gone home without a word of goodbye but that wasn´t something new for him also even if he hated it sometimes when he did that.

To be continue....