Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 15 – Light in the darkest hour

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#15 of Legends


A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 15 - Light in the darkest hour

4 Days Later

The Land was free and each one knew it. Everywhere were parties going on even if Silver had told everyone not to celebrate but they seeming not to care about being punished.

After the Day of the capturing, Silver had moved on towards home with his Son and a few Soldiers, including Luka and a doctor who looked over him.

The Doctor had told Silver that Luka´s Life was standing on edge and that he maybe didn´t survived the journey but now they were standing in front of the frontier and Luka was still alive. A few hours later they had arrived back home were Silver´s and Solomon´s families were already waiting for them.

„HEY!!! Where are my little Babies???" Solomon asks once he saw his child's.

„Daddy!!! MOM, Dad is back!!!" Numa screamed out and ran toward her father closely followed by her brothers.

Once close enough, each child threw himself onto the neck of their fathers and began to press its Nose into his Fur.

„Hi there Shade. Have you missed me?" Silver asks lovely his Son but as an answer he only became a sniff and some cries.

„OHHH!!!! Come on. Tears? Is that a way of greeting your father? "

„SNIFF..... Sniff.... N...... No..... But..... SNIFF..... I cannot hold it back.... I missed you too much..... Father...... * CRY *"

„HAHAHA..... It´s alright my little Son. Let it all out. "

And so he did.

Solomon's children on the other side didn´t cried but they were very close to it.

Alissa and Conny moved close once their child's let them and the Love pairs began to kiss until the doctor came to ask.

„I´m sorry my Lord. Where should we bring the Boy? "

„To the Guestroom. By the way, how is he doing?" Silver asks.

„He is.... doing well but still.... "

„I understand. Just bring him there and do all that you can do for him. "

„Yes my Lord."

Once the Doctor had moved away, Conny asks Solomon.

„Over who did they talked? "

And Solomon answered.

„They talked over the Son of the death King. We had found him in a room together with a Nanny and we decided to give the Boy a chance. Even if we were both sure that he wouldn´t make it because...... well...... Go and look for yourself but leave the child's out. The look is too horrible. "

Conny did as she was told. Just like Alissa, who had listened. Both Girls walked to the guest room and went in once they were there but what they both didn´t knew was that they had a follower. Numa had always a little problem. She was too curious and that had brought her many times into trouble.

Once Conny and Alissa had entered the room, Numa quickly and quietly moved into the room as well and once she was in she saw the Boy, laying on a Bed, breathing very hard and low. Only covered by a blanket. She then saw that Conny slowly removed the blanket only to quickly move it back into position and doing a step back. Then she heard the girls talking.

„Now I know why he said that they thought that he wouldn´t give him long. These wounds are terrible. I cannot imagine of what kind of pain he is going through and had walked through. " Conny said to Alissa.

„Yeah. I have to admit. I only ask myself who had did this to him. " Alissa said but then they both got another shock because the Boy talk them who it had been.

„I..... It was...... My...... Father. "

„Oh my God!!! Your own father did that? Then it´s good that he is death now. " Alissa said with a feared face.

„ALISSA!!!" Conny said a bit loud and Alissa immediately said.

„UPS. I´m sorry. I wasn´t allowed to say.... " She was cut by Luka.

„It´s..... *COUGHT*..... Alright... He was a.... *COUGHT*..... Monster after all...... And..... And..... " He didn´t finished because his stomach was about to come out his mouth.

He hardly tried to avoid it but he was standing on lost ground. He breathed 2 times very hard but then he opened his mouth while he was holding his Head to the side and then the mass came out of him. Nearly a minute long he stayed in this position until he finally finished the mess. Right after this had happened, he drifted into sleep and Alissa and Conny were standing there with some green faces, holding a paw in front of their mouths. Only a minute later they both ran out of the room to get some Air.

Numa used this chance to move to the Boy. Once she was near she smelled the ugly smell of his outcome and she decided to do something against it. She moved to the place where the mess was laying and then she gathered all of her strength in her mouth only to blast it out in a fireball. Even if she was very young, she had already discovered that her Body was holding among of powers and she used them to help other Childs or she just simply trained herself. Once she had burned all away, she got shocked because her Mother had returned to clean the mess also.

„Numa? What are you doing here?" Conny asks.

„AAAHHHHH...... Mother!!!! Don´t scare me like that?" Numa answered.

„You are not allowed to be here. You had heard what your father had said. "

„I only wanted to play with him. Is that wrong?" Numa said with a tear in her Eye.

„No, no, no. It isn´t wrong but he cannot play now. He is ill and he needs some peace. Not an energy bundle like you are. "

„But.... But.... Why do I cannot just..... Look over him while I´m playing? "

„NUMA!!! I SAID NO. " Conny now said loud.

She had said it a bit too loud because Luka woke up from it and did some Cough's followed by some brown spills.

„Crap. There you have it. He´s awake. Now go out. We talk later..... NUMA!!! "

She didn´t listen to her mother. Instead she moved quickly over to Luka and layed her front paws on his stomach and as if someone had pulled a trigger on him, Luka came down and opened his Eyes slowly. Once his Eyes caught her, he managed to say.

„Am.... I´m... Death.... Now? "

„What do you mean with death? I don´t know this word. " Numa answered with a questioning look.

„He thinks that he is an Angel now and asks you if this is right Numa." Conny said.

„OHH..... No. You are not an Angel. " Numa said smiling to Luka.

„Fuck...... I´ve had hoped...... That this....... COUGHT...... COUGHT..... "

„Hey! Want to play a game with me?" Numa asks still smiling.

„Numa! I told you that he is Sick and needs some rest. " Conny said a bit louder.

„But Mom! "

„NUMA!! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND WAIT THERE!!!" Conny now shouted angrily.

Numa´s Eyes began to fill with tears but before they came out Luka said something to her that let her go on smiling again.

„Not...... Today but..... Maybe..... Tomorrow. "

" .... SNIFF..... P.... Promised....? "

„Promised.... But only...... If you stop.... Crying and...... Be a nice..... Little Girl. "

Instead of saying something back she gave him a kiss on his checks, letting him start to blush a bit. Then she moved out of the room and Conny moved close to Luka.

„Thank You for the help. She can become a Bullhead sometimes. How are you feeling? "

„I..... Don´t.... Know..... My Body is...... Pure Pain but...... But...... COUGHT..... COUGHT..... SPILL. "

„WOW Easy. You need all of your power to recover. Here, drink this. "

Conny moved a little pod under his mouth with some Water in it and he quickly swallowed all away.

„COUGHT..... COUGHT..... COUGHT.... Taste..... Terrible..... COUGHT..... COUGHT... " Luka said right after he had finished.

„HAHAHA.... Medicine always taste terrible. Don´t you think? By the way. Can you move a bit so that I can bind your wounds new? "

He nodded yes in response and Conny slowly moved the blanket away. Right after this, she began to retreat the old bandages and once she had done it she began to place the new ones. While she did all of this, she talked to Luka over something's.

„My Mate told me that you said that you wished to be death when he found you and a few minutes ago you ask my daughter nearly the same question. Why are you seeking the death? "

„I..... Didn´t want.... To become like..... My father. " Was Luka´s answer.

„What tells you that you maybe become like him? "

„The same..... Blood flows.... Through my Veins..... The same..... W..... Weakness to resist..... The Power of...... Being a..... RULER....... AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! "

Conny had dragged the bandage a bit too hard around his Body and he screamed it out.

„UPS! I´m sorry. "

„PANT.... PANT...."

„Tell me please. Do you like my daughter? "

„Why should I...... Not? "

„AHHH..... No matter..... SOOOO..... Done. Now sleep a bit. I will come back in 2 hours to renew the bandages. "

„T.... Thanks for your..... Help my....... Lady. "

Conny smiled a little when he said my Lady and then she left him. Outside the room was Solomon standing with Numa on his side and once Conny saw her, she became angry.

„Numa! I told you to go to your Room! Why are you.....? " Solomon cut her.

„I told her to stay here with me because I need to talk to you 2. "

„OWWW.... OK but we 2 are not done yet little Lady. So what do you want from us Hun? "

Solomon began to smile all over his face while he looked down to his daughter. Then he ask her.

„Do you want to do me a favor my little Lady? "

„Always father. Always." Numa answered smiling.

„Alright then. Do you want to look over Luka and help him heal? "

Numa immediately wanted to say something but then she stopped and thought of it for a second before she answered.

„Yes but ..... I don´t know how to do it. "

„That´s no problem. I bet your Mother can help with that. " Solomon said while he now looked into Connies face.

„Are you kidding me? She is just 5. Not even slightly ready to learn something. "

„OH ..... She has already learned flamethrower and I bet that she can learn to be a nurse. " Solomon said back with a sly grin.

„TSK..... You know that I...... Cannot say no to you when you look like this. This is unfair! "

„That´s why I´m doing it. " Solomon now said with a very big grin.

„HHAAAAHHHH.... Alright but be aware Numa. I´m maybe your Mother but you will go through the same lessons as I did with my mother and I will not be easy on you. "

„Un..... MMMHHHH..... Understood Mother. "

„Good. Now go to your room and take some rest. Tomorrow will be a hard Day for you. "

Numa then nodded yes and gave each one of her Parents a last kiss before she moved to her room. After she had gone Alissa said to Solomon.

„Alright. Who are you? "

„What do you mean?" Solomon asks back

„You look like my Mate but you didn´t even act slightly like him so... Who are you? "

Solomons Body began to glow suddenly and a second later it disappeared. Conny looked everywhere but didn´t saw anything. Then she heard a Voice saying.

„I hate it when my camouflage is broken. Especially when it´s one of you 4 who broke it. "

Conny remembered the Voice from years earlier and asked into the Air.

„Zero? Is that you? Where are you? "

„Yes it´s me but sorry I cannot stay that long to answer you all of your questions but listen to this. It is very much important that you teach your daughter all of being a nurse right now and that she uses this abilities on Luka as soon as possible ALONE. "

The word alone was hammering into her Head. It was doing this so hardly that she asks.

„Why did she have to do it alone? "

But she didn´t became an answer and so she had to admit that it had to be very important as well as teaching Numa to be a nurse.

To be continue