Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 16 - The Death of a Legend

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#16 of Legends

next one

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 16 - The Death of a Legend

1 Year later

Conny had hold word. She had taught Numa nearly all over being a nurse and to her surprise, Numa had learned all very quickly and without a word of contradiction. She had learned all so fast that she had let her alone with Luka only a week later. Numa had been so good at her work that Luka had been able to walk a month earlier then the doctor had told after he had looked a week later after Conny had left her daughter alone.

Today was now the Day when each Child had it´s very first School day and to Numa´s and Luka´s luck, they had been chosen to be together in one class.

The Day had started normal with a big ceremony in the schools main hall where Solomon, who was now king of the united land, spoke some words to the Children. Once he had finished, each child was called by Name and got shown to its first class Members and room. Now 2 Lessons had been over and it was the first break where each Child played outside for about 45 Minutes.

Each one was playing except Luka. Somehow, each one was avoiding him and to make it more badly, each Child was looking at him with fear or hate filled Eyes. Numa, who saw this, came close to him and asked him.

„Do you know what is going on? Why is everyone avoiding you? "

„Come on. You know the answer. " Luka answered.

He had told her that this would happen someday because he was the Son of a Tyrant but Numa had never thought that it would show this way. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a little stone hit Luka´s face and a Young Male Voice was heard.

„UPS.... OH..... Did I hurt the Tyrant´s Son? OH I´m sorry for that. HAHAHA."

Numa looked into the direction from where the Voice came and saw a little Charmander standing in front of a bunch of 5 other different Fire Pokémon. The Charmander had the Name Dymo and was good known to Numa and Luka because he was the Son of a Noble.

„Don´t you have something other to do right now Dymo? Maybe go somewhere hiding and rubbing yourself like you always do when you are alone. " Numa said with a dry Voice, letting the Charmanders face go deeply red.

„How dare you? " Dymo suddenly shouted back while he took a bigger stone and threw it into her direction.

The Stone flew so fast that Numa hadn´t had some time to move away so she closed her Eyes and awaited the impact but nothing happened. Instead she heard a deep growl from in front of her and she decided to open her Eyes.

Luka was standing in front of her with the Stone in his right paw and she saw that he was really pissed off.

„How dare you to throw a stone onto a female you little Rattata? I´m fine with it when you throw a stone on me but when I see you do this again to a female, then I will come and do THIS with your Head! " Luka said in a deep Voice and right after he had finished, he crushed the Stone in his paw as if it was nothing.

Each one of the group did a deep gulp and began to retreat slowly. Even Dymo did so but before he left he said.

„Someday, you both will pay for this. "

Then he was of and Luka relaxed while he moved around to face Numa.

„T.... Thanks for helping me but please..... Just let them do on me what they wanted to do next time. " He said after he looked into her Eyes.

„Why should I do that? This is not right what they did. " Numa answered with a hard look back.

„You maybe think that it is not right but in my sight they are right. "

„Only because your father was a Tyrant? "

„Yes. "

* SLAP * Numa had given Luka a hard slap on his check and then she nearly barked into his face.

„Wake up you fool! Your father was your father and you are you. I cannot see or remember that you did something bad to anyone so stop thinking that you were responsible for his doings. "

Before Luka could answer this, the school bell rang and they had to go back to their classroom.

4 Years Later

They both had grown up to teenagers and they had also build up a name on their campus because they always helped the younger ones when they were in trouble. They had also never spoke over their first Day and what they had talked until today.

Today was a really bad Day for them because something bad had happened. Their Grandparents Silver and Alissa had died over night on decay and they both had been the last ones who had seen them alive.

„I cannot believe that they are death now. " Numa said while she was near some tears.

„But it is so..... SNIFF..... They are now on Arceus side..... SNIFF.... Looking all over us as Angels. " Solomon said while he moved some tears away from his face.

„We will miss them. They had always had an open Ear for everyone and helped were they could. " Conny said while she moved her Head to Solomons shoulder to get some comfort there.

Luka didn´t said a thing the whole time. He even hadn´t had some tears in his Eyes. He was just standing there as if he was some kind of statue until he moved away from everyone. Out of a balcony. There looked into the distance with an empty look.

After some minutes, Solomon came out too, with Numa on his side.

„No one should seek the loneliness. Especially in such times like this one now. " Solomon said to Luka but didn´t became an answer from him.

„Why are you so silent Luka? Don´t you.... SNIFF.... feel some pain too? "

Again they both didn´t got an answer.

„Come on Numa. We better leave him alone for now. I think that he.... " Solomon started but was suddenly cut by Luka who began to talk.

„This isn´t right. This isn´t right! "

„What isn´t right Luka?" Numa ask.

„Once when I was a young child I asked him to kill me but he didn´t did it. Instead he helped me cure my wounds and raised me like I was his own child. And now he is death and I couldn´t do anything against it. This is so fucking wrong! "

„You cannot avoid it. We all have to die. And now it was their time to go. "

„I know but still it feels not right.... SNIFF.... I...... I..... I deeply wish that..... OH CRAP..... I WANT TO HAVE THEM BACK!!!! "

Once finished Luka collapsed to the ground and began to cry heavily. Numa saw that and slowly moved over to him. Once near enough, she liked his tears away and he moved his head up a bit to look into her Eyes with his. A few seconds later, Luka threw himself onto her and let himself go. Closely followed by her. Solomon, who was still standing a bit aside decided to let them alone and so he moved back to Conny, who was already waiting for him.

While he had been outside, the other 2 Boys had finally arrived and were waiting for him.

„Where are Numa and Luka, Hun?" Conny asks

„They are both on the Balcony back there. " Solomon answered.

„Why didn´t you brought them with you?" Nightshade now asks.

„I think that we better let them alone until they both want to see us again. "

„I understand. Well. How about you brother? " Shade asks Boil.

„How should I feel right now HMMM? " Boil answered cold.

„Ey! Easy! We are not here to fight like always!" Solomon interfered to break the situation.

„He started it. Not me, father. "

„As always. You were never something. Always the others. "

„GRRR.... Stop wearing your Nose this high, BROTHER! "

„And when I do not? "

„Then I will come to break both of your Noses to have some quiet!" A Voice suddenly said from the Side and everyone looked into the direction.

Numa and Luka had returned from the Balcony and Numa had stopped her brothers from start a fight. Shade and his brother Boil immediately stopped and lowered their Heads because when they had been Childs, Numa had broken their Noses once to avoid some fighting and since then she had some kind of Leader status under her brothers.

„You 2 will never stop this uselessness, do you? Always trying to find a reason to fight each other. Why do you never get tired of this? " Numa asks with a devilish smile.

„It´s only Boys Gaming Sister. By the way Luka. How´s your Business going on with a female? Do you have one already or did you still in search?" Shade asks with a smile also.

Instead of answering Shade, Luka only turned and moved away towards his Room. Shade´s smile became even bigger and brighter until he heard someone saying behind him.

„SHADE!!! "

„What? "

* BAMM *

Numa had hammered her paw into her brother's face hardly. It was so hardly that he had to spill out one of his molars.

„You know to good that each girl in the Kingdom is hating him and will surely kill herself before she would go out with him. " Numa barked into her brother's face.

" ..... SPILL..... Yes I know but that is no reason to..... CCCCCCRRRRROOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLL..... " Numa had cut her brother by grabbing his neck with one of her paws really hard.

„Listen you little Dick. You maybe are a playmate who can jump from back to back or from slit to slit without getting some problems but you will never understand him! You will never be in his situation so shut your mouth or I´ll will do it for you. UNDERSTOOD? "

Shade quickly nodded yes and she released him.

„Fine. Now please forgive my leave but I´ll will see if I can fix his Soul or what´s left from it. "

With these words said, she left the group.

„What the hell was that? " Shade asks into the round.

„It seems like that her mother instincts had been woken up and she tried to protect Luka. " Boil answered.

„HMM .... I think that she is only protecting him because he hasn´t learned it yet. " Shade said with a tried smirk.

„You both are wrong and now you better shut up or I´ll finish her start on you both!" Conny nearly screamed into the round and immediately there was silence again.

„Seems like it had been a long Day for everyone. How about we go to bed now and have some rest. " Solomon said after a minute of silence.

„Good Idea, Hun. See you tomorrow then. " Conny answered with a smile.

Once everyone had said goodnight, they divided into separate directions.

„Did I saw what I meant a few minutes ago? " Solomon asks Conny on their way to their Bedroom.

„If you mean Numa and Luka. Yes you saw it. " Conny answered.

„Why didn´t they told us that they are..... A couple? I mean that..... " Solomon was cut by his Mate.

„You know what would happen when it would come out. Everyone in the Kingdom would blame them and want us to divide them. And I bet that they both knew it. Otherwise they would surely had done it already. "

She was nearly right. They both knew the problem with the folks but they both didn´t knew what the other one was feeling for himself.

On the next Morning

They were all sitting on a long table with their faces down. All? No. Not all. Luka wasn´t there because wasn´t in the condition to meet someone. Especially Shade because shade had brought him near the edge of suicide with his talk on the past Day.

Numa had moved into Luka´s room right in Time to stop Luka from jumping down the Balcony and since that evening, she had watched over him till the Morning had come.

Once each one met for breakfast, she fought a fight against Shade to hammer her hate on his face until Solomon moved in. She told him all about Luka and Solomon got angry also but he didn´t used his fists. Instead he released Numa and she finished the job. Right afterwards she moved back to Luka´s room only to come back 20 minutes later to eat something and to gather some food for Luka.

To be continue