Family Bonding Pt.2 The Present

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What Present the tyke asked. Ask a question, get an answer.

Standard Disclaimer. Age, location, preferences, ect ect. PS: Let me know if you think there should be a next installment. Comments always welcome. Too shy to make a public one? Go ahead and Message me.

"What present Daddy?"

It was such an innocent question from his son. That curled grin along the lion's muzzle, deepening along the sides with that flash of fang in the glint of ivory. "Well, baby boy, the kind of playing that you saw me and your other Daddy doing that you said you were big enough for. Remember?" Memory for a tyke his age was a spotty thing when it came to the majority of things, but like all living creatures, the boy knew what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how he wanted it. With the scent and taste of his father's cum still saturating his tongue, the heavy heat of that massive spike of meat laying just beneath his perched frame, it was obvious that 'this' happened to be one of those things he wanted to remember. A rapid bouncing, the only answer for the older feline's question that wave of giggling that stuttered his son's purring, even as the boys arms uncurled from his father's neck, to drift lower.

A squirming shift on the seat, the still half rigid length of his Daddy's spent cock bouncing up into the air from that jut out of the peeled back sheath, rather than laying pinned beneath him, and butter soft hands cupped the smooth sensitive skin as the tyke's purring deepened into that husky rowling. "Oh yes, Daddy! I 'member! Big Daddy said he was gonna breed you wif kittens!"

A sudden wide eyed stare, the implications, or rather, the words themselves, suddenly finding a home in the tyke's head when he said them himself. "Does dat mean I'mma have brufers?!" Excitement, nearly making the words a squeal as those silken paws tightened in their hold on his father's cock.

For his part, Victor let that thick laughter rumble free even as his hips jerked an involuntary buck soaking his boy's fur in a jet of that clear sap leaking freely once more from that tapered point of his prick. "No honey, I'm not going to have Kittens. That was your other Daddy's way of saying he was about to cum when we're making love. Like mates do."

"So.. Yous gonna make love like we mates?" The inquisitive curiosity in the boy's eyes, casting a shine in the emerald that matched the larger lion's own at the words while those paws went back to their slow stroking. Even as instinct overtook the omega kit and that small muzzle lowered with the husky purring to lap a slow, loving caress of the tongue's length across that drooling hole.

Little licks, were a god send for the lion, if his son had done anything else, it was likely they wouldn't have made it off from the couch. As it was his body locked at the desire inducing sight, more than the sensation. That casual lean down, without thought behind it, put the small muzzle even with the shaft that'd been buried to it's depths so recently, a straight shot to the older lion's libido. A low rowling sound of his own, hands shifting from their cuddling hold, wrapping one firmly around the waist as the other planted to a grip at his son's cheeks hefting the smaller feline in his arms when he straightened them both off from the couch and started that prowling gait through the living room for the hall and stairs. The stairs themselves taken two a time, put them into the lion's bedroom shared with his mate, and the tyke settled down to that massive bed with the larger lion planting hands on hips.

The grin stretching his muzzle, coupling that bend of rounded ears forward, perked out of the mane's depths as he gave a slow nod. "Oh yes, baby boy, you said you wanted to do what your Daddies did. So we're going to do just that." One hand came up from his hips, and gave the spinning shift of a single digit in the air. "Lay back in the middle of the bed baby boy, and when we're all done, you can sleep up here with me and your Daddy as our little Mate."

A squeak of surprise, followed by that small maw getting buried beneath his father's arm as giggling trailed after the pair before he was planted on the bed. Small eyes went wide as saucers, his own ears perking up and the excitement of hearing those words, earning the lashing twitch of that growing tuft at his tail's tip from side to side before the tyke scrambled with a complete lack of grace. Innocent with no so innocent desires, the boy was splayed on his back, tail pinned between his legs by his own weight, with that perch of his head on the mounded pillows leaving his frame open to his father's inspection, the tawny cream fur, lightening near that small sheath, still peeled back with the tyke's rigid cocklet jutting free in it all it's glory. It was kept slick and wet with the instinct driven drop of one hand to his own groin, sliding that mix of cum and saliva from his father's cock along his own, leaving it glistening much like the older lion's as the boy stared up at one of the two rocks of his world.

"You are, absolutely, beautiful , son."

It wasn't' the first time either of his daddies had told him that, and it wasn't the first time it caused his stomach to flutter at the tone. The baser side of the tyke, loosening restraints and tension drained from him as the boy started purring from the compliment, eyes drifting to slits that stayed fixed in their innocent hunger on his father's body, even as that gripping hand along his own shaft gave those short minute strokes that filled the bedroom with the wet sound of flesh sliding against flesh. The feline arrogance, prominent in the boy as much as his fathers, given that preening pose, even as he sent those shivers of heat running through his own frame from that slow jerking.

For Victor, it might as well have been an open invitation, that thick chuckle broke back into his own purring and the larger lion slipped against the foot of the bed, digging one leg in while arms fell forward with hands sinking to brace his weight. The scent in the air, his and his mate's, their love, and now their son's mingled to a heady perfume that slitted his own eyes and forced those rounded ears back in a pin beneath the mane. A brushed nuzzle, that blunt muzzle the right calf, a soft nip of fangs against the back of the night, getting a squeak and shiver from the tyke, before the lion's attention shifted to the left thigh, that long slide of the tongue, slicking through the short pelt to his son's groin, before lapping across the slick fingers and that immature shaft's tip in a movement reminiscent of his son's.

Another squeak that turned into that soft rowling snarl from his son, playful heat, when the hand left that cocklet and twisted into his father's mane, along with the second hand and tugged, when he felt the elder lion pause to give another, longer lick at the now fully exposed shaft. Bucking hips, a sudden twisting withering bend of his spine, and that opened maw mewling cry before the older cat's soft chuckle rumbled as he continued his progress up his son's body. That blunt maw, hovering over the boy's which still gaped slightly from that mewling cry. Panting breaths scented with his father's musk hitting the lion's nose, and that dipping bend of his neck settled the lion nose to nose with his child.

"You can say no, baby boy. Your other father and I made a promise, you'd never be forced into anything by anyone, and we'd be there for you for everything you want or need." That small voice in the back of the lion's head, was busy demanding he simply hunch his hips forward. Spreading those small cheeks apart until that tapered point found that taut pucker and he had his son mewling in a wrap around his cock with it buried to the hilt in the tyke, but it was a voice the elder lion was very good at ignoring.

Desire, lust, innocent, youth, no hint of naivety in the tyke's eyes though when he heard his Daddy talking. That lick to his cocklet, the burning warmth of that massive frame dwarfing his own from his father's hover over him, more than enough to send the boy into that special place he loved to find when he was with either of his fathers. It was where he felt most protected, most wanted, most needed, and the boy craned his muzzle up in response. That small maw parting even further with the darting run of that pink tongue digging along his father's. Lapping against the blackened flesh of the elder lion's lips to curl in and under, sliding across fang and gum with those kittenish mewls all the answer he could vocalize at the moment.

A heavy groan, and Victor's exhale parted his muzzle to his son's tongue, letting that darting pink vanish into the crimson before shifting weight to one arm and his knees, catching his son's maw with the freed hand and a tilt of his head turned that lust laden stare on the boy's eyes. "No more kissing like a child, my little Kitten. If you're going to be our mate, you'll have to kiss like a mate." The slow grin, peeled his muzzle back, flashing fang and a few more teeth before relaxing the expression. "Pull your lips back like that, baby." Once he did, the elder lion took that last step to claiming his son for him and his mate.

A dipping sink of his head, his own lips peeled back, and that delicate prick of the larger jaws against his son's locked their teeth, with that thicker tongue pushing out, spreading urging his son's jaws to open to match his own, and when he felt that shift against them, the older lion let his lips fall forward, sealing them in that kiss as the kit followed suit. That motion, locked them in the intimate kiss, that thicker tongue, sinking past that bridge of fangs, and into the moist heat of his son's mouth with a coiling tangle and flick. The dense muscle sharing the flavor of his own, while peeling the taste of his son's maw from the source, coaxing that immature kit's tongue into the tangling dance as the lion's purring deepened to the dull thunderstorm while he lost himself in the kiss with his son. A fantasy made reality for the elder cat, the first time that small maw had been wrapped around his cock, nursing at the pre cum that oozed forth to sate the kitten's appetite. For his part, the poor Kitten was overwhelmed at the first few seconds. He'd been kissed by his daddies, sure. Ever kid he knew had by their parents. A lick to the jowls, and nuzzle to the cheek, but he'd never thought of something like 'this'. The heat of his father's maw, opening to his own, that thick muscle laying claim to the tyke's mouth, the heat from his Daddy's body, the scent of the larger lion dominating his nose. The tyke was assaulted on multiple levels, and it was simply too much for his body to take. A mewling squeal, muffled in the kiss, hands no longer simply stroking in his Daddy's mane, but buried deep with arms wrapping around broad shoulders, pulling himself from the bed, as small legs wrapped the larger feline's waist, tightening to lift him as much as the arms, burrowing into his father's hovering body, pinning that leaking cock between them, rubbing across his own, as he gave himself over the kiss and that orgasm it pulled out of his over burdened body. A quaking spasm, that fluttered through his limbs, dropping and lifting him at the contractions of that little cocklet, before he was left panting through his nose, basking in the afterglow and found himself nursing on his father's tongue as the larger lion shifted his grip from the boy's maw to stroking along his head between those rounded ears where that mane would grow soon enough.

Eventually breaking that lock of tooth to tooth, the elder lion drew his muzzle from his son's the emeralds giving that dark gleam of satisfied desire at the look glazing his son's eyes, coupled with the boy's panting shivers as his body worked through the aftershocks of that orgasm. "Nnn.. That's it, Kitten... Tell me, do you like kissing your Daddy like a mate should?"

The only real response the boy could provide, was that nodding of his head like a bobble head. Pleasure slacked muscle finally dropping him to the bed, twin strands of saliva that'd connected his muzzle to his father's snapping in the light and painting the fur along his maw as the boy fell the short distance to the mattress. Still purring a storm, stomach and chest fur slick from the leaking pre cum of the elder cat, the tyke turned speechless eyes up on his Daddy who already happened to be moving.

"Very good, Kitten. That's how you'll kiss both of your Daddies from now on." The knowing smile tugging at his maw, disappearing from the little feline's sight as his body shifted down the length of the cub's body. Knees dragging along the bed, with the shifting twist of both hands back to the mattress. Nose hovering over the damp fur, drinking in that mix of the youthful flesh hidden beneath the short pelt, and his own pre seed marking it with his musk on the path down. A bump of the nose, blackened flesh nudging against that tightly up drawn sac to the base of the peeled back sheath, tongue snaking out in a broad lick that crawled across the silken soft fur, peeling it apart to the hot skin beneath and sending another wanton mewling sound out of his son's throat.

Not his end destination though. Another shift, the bending of his spine and that draw of legs up, planting his knees more solidly beneath him, turning the balance solely to his legs as those hands curled in. Cupping the kit's thighs and drawing them apart to bare more of the boy's body to that hungry gaze. Ears flicked up from the mane, that drift of the emeralds across his son's body to his face, at the same time the elder lion's arms curled low enough to shift the hands from thighs to the tight muscled cheeks. Just big enough for either palm, cupping the furred globes from the bed and into that hover in the air, as fingers shifted to the crease, drawing them apart to bare that cleft and the pink flesh framed in the same tawny cream fur as the rest of his boy. His pinned stare, really looking solely for what it found. That spark of curiosity and trust, shimmering in the eyes that matched his own as they looked down the length of his boy's body. A slight twitch of that muzzle at the corners, and the elder lion lowered the distance. Nose brushing the short fur beneath the sac, drawing in the scent off from his son's perineum as that tongue curled out and darted the long lick that crawled the length of that parted cleft. Fur, then that framed flesh.

Pink skin that radiated the heated nature of their bodies, sliding beneath his tongue. He could feel the first reaction in his boy's body. Cheeks tensed, thighs quivering on either side of his head, though it was that pink ring that drew the bulk of his attention. The way it puckered and quivered in a reflexive twitch to the invasive touch, along with the mewling groan from his son. Nerves toyed and played with to the point those zones of contact were willing and wanting, begging for the next, or even the first touch.

"D-d-d-adddddeeeee!" The glaze in his eyes, deepening at the fresh bolt of pleasure. It wasn't like when his daddies touched him there to clean him, he wasn't that sensitive then! But now, now it was like his Daddy had nursed on his little cocklet for the pleasure that bolted through the boy's spine and settled in his stomach.

That cry was all he needed. The elder lion had his son lifted in that tilt along the bed, weight resting on the boy's shoulders while that tail hung in the space between the bed and base of his spine. Twin cheeks held apart with those fingers nudged between, and that muzzle dipped straight between the furred globes to send breath in a hot wash across that virgin ring, the second drag of his tongue, leaving the skin slick and glistening with the father's saliva, and that delicate nudge, pinned the fangs to flesh, framing that already framed hole with his maw. The position let him give the stiffness to his tongue, as the tip trailed that circling stroke and coil along the hole. Coaxing the nerves in that outer band of muscle to relax against the pleasurable touch. Each swirling path, gliding to the center of the puckered flesh and nudging that gathered drool straight to the barely blocked entrance to his son's body.

It could have been a minute, or it could have been an hour, for the two of them, one lost to the pleasures of that first contact, the other lost to listening to the mewling groans, the sighing moans of his child in perfect bliss beneath his hands and tongue. Eventually that taut ring, had relaxed. That constricting pucker of muscle had slacked, and the father was able to start gliding that nimble muscle deeper into his son's body. Hot flesh, wrapped oh so lovingly around his tongue, breeched wider, as he nudged more of the slick muscle deeper, feeling that butt up against the inner ring, hiding the true entrance to his son. When he felt that second barrier, the elder lion simply let his eyes slip shut. That seal of lips curled in, fangs tight to the now slightly swollen rim of that outer ring, and with the buried tongue sunk in that minute amount to touch the inner ring, he let the jaws close enough to pin his own tongue between his teeth.

It was the thundering purr that resonated out of his chest, that got more than that mewling response from his son. The moment that sound hit the air, the vibrations traveled through his jaws, the bone of the teeth sitting against that impaling tongue transferred the vibration straight to that tender channel and the budding inner ring earning the outright squeal of shock and delight from the tyke. A trashing head, hands spasming open and closed on the bed, fisting grips to the comforter beneath him while his body bucked and withered in his father's hands to try and claim 'MORE' of that sensation. All it took to part that inner ring really, the muscle gave way, and the father's tongue delved deeper into his son. Scraping along his teeth as it was pushed from his maw, letting that purring vibration travel then length of his boy's depths in time to the invading tongue.

Drawing back, Victor let the full length of his tongue drift free from his son's almost pliant hole, grinning like a fiend as he lifted his muzzle enough to give his son that coiled grin. "Like that did you Kitten?"

"Gosh! Oh gosh DADDY!" Breathless, shell shocked, a muzzle that could barely pull itself from that pleasure stunned slack nature as the kitten looked up the length of his frame to his father's grinning face. "More Daddy, Please? Please Daddy! I want to be your mate too! You and Big Daddy's!" His tone, mingled desperation, desire, want, need, even the faint edges of demand, slipping from his small maw even as that now unattended pucker flexed and rippled.

Low laughter, the kind reserved for dark corners, and behind bedroom doors, filled the cub's ears, when Victor turned his attention back to his son's body. That gleaming gaze, locking to that glistening hole, no longer pink and tight, but swollen a darker reddish shade, the faintest of gaps at the center from the prolonged split around his tongue, wetting his appetite for more of his son's taste, and more was what the lion took. That rebury of the muzzle, sinking that pink length back to the depths of his son's body, earning them both the boy's ecstatic cry filling the air and that milking spasm of his body as another orgasm crashed through the tyke's frame, turning the squeal into a mewling moan of pure satisfaction. Careful not to lose himself in the act this time, Victor made that conscious effort, to draw that pink muscle back to his own maw, letting the saliva coat the elder cat's tongue thoroughly. Only to sink it back into his son, slicking that hole and the passage beyond to the depths he could reach by straining his tongue until the stretch pulled at the root in his maw. Each pull back, carefully measured to scrape across that budding, though still immature prostate. Earning more of those rippling convulsions of the muscle, letting it adjust to being splayed open, impaled ,and still flexing around the invader.

Once that ring was soaked to the point that each draw back of the pink tongue drew an answering fall of saliva from his son's rim, coating the fur along that cleft as it drooled out from the now swollen and reddened flesh to the fur beyond, the elder lion lifted his muzzle, curling his hands in that kneading flex of fingers. "Now baby boy, Daddy's going to make you his little Mate for real."

That deep thundering purr hadn't stilled, the leaking sap from his cock, making a well defined puddle on the bed, the heavy scent of adult desire, long since flooding the tyke's nose and keeping that switch thrown wide. The eager nodding, beyond the ability to speak at the moment, and the boy's body withered again beneath his father's stare. The kitten turned into a puddle of wanton desire by the man's touch and tasting, more than willing to take to his new 'role' in his eyes. It was the lowering sensation, along with the sight of his legs falling, that earned a protesting snarl from the tyke. Turning to a stuttering yowl when he felt that tapered, though still thick, tip of his daddy's cock nestling in between his cheeks, finding that swollen hole, and sending that spike of heat through him from it's flesh to flesh touch. Another mewling sound of pure desire from the boy.

"Slowly, Kitten. It'll hurt a bit, you might be a big boy, but you still have a small body. So I'm going to take my time, baby boy. But don't you worry. Before I'm done, you'll be a thoroughly bred little Kitten." The elder feline made no attempt to hide that deep note of possessive satisfaction, when he felt that pointed tip, nestle against the spit soaked hole. A slow roll of his hips, and the lion drew his boy into him, sheathing that tapered cock slowly. Tip spreading that reddened ring further than the tongue had, earning a sudden gasp from the cub, and as he sank more, the next inch, and then the next, steadily spreading his son's hole wider, and wider, the elder feline watched for those signs of pain, the wincing, minute flinches, even his son's little cocklet, which had yet to soften back to his sheath. The first sign, came a fourth of the way into his boy, earning the lion's pause, even as that baser primal nature demanded he thrust, to finish sinking into that warm sheath he was invading. A clench of teeth, muscle and tendon standing visible even beneath his pelt from the strain of fighting instinct.

For his part, the poor kit couldn't have even pictured in his wildest dreams, how he was feeling. The moment he felt his Daddy's cock touching down against his ring, that shivering sensation, cold and hot traveled up and down the length of his frame, wanton desire and fear mingling as one. But the moment he felt himself opening, that spreading ring, rippling against the tapered veined shaft sinking into him, the tyke was completely, and utterly lost. A fullness he'd never known, slowly working it's way into his body, as muscles and nerves reacted to the sudden friction of being stroked in ways that they'd never been touched before. The thickness, something he wasn't even noticing, other than that it went from a full feeling, to something that felt deeper, more right to his slight frame, and then it started to become too much, earning that surge of cold and fear within the blanket of lust and want. That was when he felt his daddy pause. The heavy beat of his Daddy's heart, thundering into his own body, from that spire of cock partially sunk into his tail hole, waiting and biding it's time before sliding deeper as the pain disappeared and the heat roared it's way back earning more mewling and moaning from the boy.

Once he felt the boy's body relax, opening to more, it came with his son's mewling. A sure sign that he was more than ready for more of his father's cock. That deep satisfaction only went deeper, with more of the thick girth splitting his boy's body open a new plumbed hole that had him releasing the grip on those cheeks and falling forward to the bed in a lean over without releasing the balanced seat on his knees. His son's frame held off from the bed and on his cock by the thick thighs curling forward and under him, letting gravity and that natural tightness keep the progress into that tender violation slow and steady as he leaned forward enough to put his muzzle even with his son's.

"You're so fucking tight , Kitten... Daddy's going to have to breed you fast the first time. There's no other way for him to do it with how tight you are. But don't worry. I promise I'll keep you nice and full all night long. And we'll make sure you get filled plenty of times tonight. Does that sound good?" That deep lean, coupled the crane of his neck, a brush of his maw against his son's cheek to cheek in the nuzzle.

For his part, the tyke gave a dumb nod, struck speechless as more of that thick spike parted his tender hole, and marked that virgin passage as his father's new home. Arms slung up, not registering what his Daddy meant by the words, but he was dimly aware of the term all night. That meant he was going to get to feel this slice of heaven all night?! A fresh burst of love and desire, not so innocent now, and the boy's arms were off from the bed, hands trading their clenching grasp on the blanket for his father's mane, and that wrap of limbs coupled the legs around the waist, as the limbs tightened to burrow deeper into that protective, and seductive heat and scent, muscle and fur, over him, the boy did what neither one of them had expected.

The moment limbs tightened, he forced himself rapidly down that remaining length of the shaft, the pre cum spurting regularly and constantly into his small frame from his father's cock, thankfully making the passage slick enough there was no burn beyond that searing friction of untouched silken muscle wrapping the rigid steel of his father's shaft. A coughing roar, pain and pleasure bolting through him like a tsunami and sending the boy's body into convulsions that milked his daddy's cock as even that bulge of flesh at the base, keeping the sheath peeled back, drove flush into his body, locking them together. A velvet vice of no longer virginal desire, clenching in time to the flexing throbs of his own cocklet between them. Each pulse of pleasure, sending a fresh bolt of pressure along that channel, running the length of that thick cock and forcing the immature prostate to ripple against it, trapping the boy in an almost endless wave of orgasmic sensation.

For his part, Victor should have suspected something of the like. His son's arms around him, he'd assumed the boy merely wanted another kiss, but the legs around his waist, and then that coughing roar, hit him before he really registered what his son had done. Disbelief, warred with pride, and possessive desire, only to be swept away when that tight sheath constricted in along his cock, the fluttering, traveled from the depths of his son's body, from that tapered tip, to the very root of his cock, squeezing it's length in that silken vice of heat before rippling in a kiss of muscle along that bulge of flesh, rapidly firming from the spongy give to a knot that locked them together. His own spine snapped rigid, head craning back and maw parting in that window shattering basso roar as the lion's sac contracted, drawn tight beneath his own sheath with the flexing pulse of cum traveling in that distending thickening of the shaft to the tip before spilling that claiming seed into the depths of his son's body. The musky heat, unable to flow back along that plumbed path of the cock, pooled it's way deeper into his son with each jet, forcing more every time his little body clenched along the elder lion's cock. One arm braced in on his son's back, snaking between the boy's hovering frame and the bed, pulling him tight enough that not even their pelts could keep flesh from touching flesh their torsos.

Leverage spilled them both upright, the elder lion sitting back on his heels, toes curled and claws fully unsheathed to the air as his hips milked jerking short thrusts that did nothing to actually move his cock within his son, merely riding the motions of his climax out until he was left drained past the point of his pulsing prick offering even the slightest drip of cum to that vice like hole. His son, long since having regulated himself to shocky purrs and shudders,

That was the sight that Jack walked in on, with a whistle pushing past the leopard's muzzle, jeans already popped open, and shirt overhead. The sight of his mate, sheath deep in their son. The little kitten, blissed out of his mind, and his own mate, in nearly the same state. Framed in the center of their bed, the heavy scent of sex and desire nearly tangible for the buff spotted cat, who was left stock still in the doorway, eyes growing wide, at the spectacle in front of him.