Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 18 – Good News or Bad News

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#18 of Legends

Next one.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 18 - Good News or Bad News

The next Morning

Luka woke up first and he wondered a bit first. He didn´t knew first of what had happened last night until his sight became clear and he saw Numa lying next to him. Over the night, his knot had slipped out of her but they both hadn´t moved. Even right now he didn´t wanted to move because he wanted to fully enjoy the look he was now getting. Never had he thought that he would get a mate or even get Numa as a mate but now she was it and he was the proudest Male in the entire world now or at last he felt like it.

„Do you like what you see?" She suddenly asks, letting him fall out of all thoughts.

„JEICKS....... Stop doing that. You know that you always give me a heart attack with such surprises. OHH... and yes. I really love what I see. " The last words he said with a light red blush on his face.

„HAHAHA... I know that you hate it but I will never stop it because I love to do that to you and besides.... I hope to get a payback sometime. " She said while she moved her Head up to face him.

„RRRR.... On that you can drink poison. " He said and then planted his lips on hers to kiss her.

Their lips began to wrestle and only a few seconds later, their tongues were at their War also. They were both so desperately lost in their Kisses that they didn´t recognized that their Bodies also began to move. Once they did they both did a deep blush because they were both in a confronting position. Exactly said, she was laying on her back and he was on top of her. And to top that, his Penis was already half erected and it moved over her already wet lips. They both didn´t knew of what to say until Luka began to move down from her.

„Luka please stop." Numa said and moved him back into position. "Finish what you started. "

„But we need to go home. You know that...... MOAN... " She had moved her slit over his whole Penis.

His erection became longer and it began to bounce up and down.

„I know that but ..... I need you in me again. Please! Fill me again with your wonderful burning hot Seed. Show me the animal....... AGAIN...... MMMMMHHHHHHH." He had pushed his Penis all at once into her.

On his way in, he erected fully and once each inch was in her, he said.

„You want the animal. Now you have it. "

He retreated until his tip was the only thing in her and then he pushed hard and fast back into her. This he did for a few times in a slow pace but from out of nowhere he speeded up and after 5 humps, he was at his full speed.

She was spend. From the moment he speeded up, her Mind said Bye because the pain was too much first and then the pleasure replaced it. She had spread all fours to the side. Her Tongue was hanging out of her mouth and her Eyes were moving wild and uncontrolled. Not to mention that she was moaning nonstop.

He felt his Orgasm began to build and his Knot began to form. This time he wanted to try out something. He hammered her until his knot had reached a size were he nearly wasn´t able to move into her. On that point he changed his humpings but not the speed. He moved himself all into her and then he humped her really short and fast, always getting sure that his Knot was not going out of her more than half.

It worked. After 4 of these humps, his knot had become too big to go out and that was the reason why he stopped to hold himself back. All he wanted know was to fill her up.

His Knot had swollen so much that he couldn´t move anymore much. His Orgasm was about to take place but to start it he needed a bit more pleasure. He tried all to get the missing piece but he couldn´t do anything. Then he became some great help. His last moving with his knot in her was too much for her to take. She screamed very loud and he felt a burning hot sensation around his Penis.

That was it. That was the missing piece he had needed. He bit down hard on his lips and mined all of his paws into the ground. Then he also screamed out his pleasure and came. This time he came harder than last time and she could swear that he filled her up with nearly double of the amount then last time but that was only a thought. He hadn´t more to give then last time. He only gave it to her with more Force and Love.

Once he had fired his second cum Wave he collapsed on top of her and she caught him with her Body and legs. They were both panting hard but really happy until she whispered into his Ear.

„If you wish, you can do that with me all over the Day, future Daddy. "

His Eyes flew open and he moved up in shock.

„D..... Did you said..... D..... Daddy?" He asks with a shaking Voice.

She only nodded yes with a bit fearing look on her face. Then nothing happened. For about a minute was only the wood been heard.

„ÄÄHHHMMM.... Well.... If you don´t want to b...... MMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He had cut her by planting his lips on hers.

He kissed her so hard and long that she had to claw herself free from him and do a heavy pant.

„I´m sorry Lovely. I was just..... I want to be a Daddy. I want to be their Daddy. " He said as an excuse and hold her close.

They stayed in this position for around 30 Minutes. Then he tried to pull and luckily he plobbed out of her. They both then instinctual moved up and began to clean themselves. Once that was done too, they both walked towards home.

On their way, they found a bush with some sweat Berries on it. They both took a few for the way back home. Not to forget that they ate 1 or 2 as breakfast.

They both also mated a second time at midday. Again Doggie style but this time he pinned her against a big tree and he did a knot fuck like in the morning. The Tie was taking an hour this time and so they both decided to run a bit to get back the missing time.

When the evening came they were both still running until Luka stopped on a tree with a big hole in it.

„Hello? Someone in there?" Luka shouted into the black hole but didn´t became a response.

„Seems like we are lucky today. " Numa said while she stretched herself a bit.

„Yeah. Probably. "

„What´s wrong, Hun? "

„I´m still fearing of what the nobles would say about us. They can..... " She had placed a paw on his mouth.

„Stop thinking of what will happen and what could. Enjoy the moment..... Enjoy your Life..... Enjoy.... The feelings when you are.... In me. " She kissed him and while she did she pawed him softly.

They both didn´t broke the kiss until he had fully swollen. She broke the kiss and quickly turned around to present herself to him.

„RRRRRRRR....... You are still needy?" Luka asks her with a lusty Voice.

„Yes. " Was her short answer.

„You know that you are drying me out if you keep up like this. "

„Just shut up and hammer my slit away. "

He moved himself behind her and did a few licks to stimulate her as she did with him a few moments ago. Once she was in the same Mode then him, he said to her while he moved on top of her.

„Seems like someone will get a good filling soon. Beg me for doing it. "

„Just fuck me..... NNNNHHHHH. "

He had moved over her slit with his tip but he hadn´t moved in. Instead he had only positioned himself right in the middle of her slit.

„I said beg for it little foxy."

He knew her to well. He knew that he only needed to wait until he got what he wanted.


He smiled triumphing when he drove his Penis into her again. This time he didn´t wasted time by waiting once in. This time he began to hammer her like a real Dog from the hole beginning and it didn´t took him long until his knot was rock hard pressing against her lips but he also wondered this time.

That´s strange. I already have the feeling but this is much too early. I.... I..... C..... CRAP!!!

He hammered himself into her for the final time. His knot went in and it tied them both immediately. He hadn´t even the chance of knot fucking her because her walls and his knot made it impossible to move and there was more. Once his Knot was in, they both had their Orgasm and they both swore that this one had been their best till now.

Once Luka was done they both collapsed to the ground and went asleep only a few minutes later.

On the next Day

They had both woken up early. The sun was just rising up and many other Pokémon were still sleeping.

They both did some stretching to wake their Bodies or at last Luka tried because once he was up she was on his Penis with her mouth, liking and sucking him hard.

„Wait..... MMMMHHHH..... Not before........ AAAAAHHHHHH..... Breakfast!" Luka said and tried to move away but she followed and said while she kept on working his Penis.

„This will be my breakfast. Nice Penis Bread with some sweat cum cream on it. * HAMMM *."

His Penis was in her mouth now and he couldn´t deny her will. She was the one who was in charge and she wanted his cum in her mouth. In return he was the one once they went over to Sex and that they both really enjoyed. They liked to be free. They liked it to do it when they want and where.

A few Minutes later, she got what she had wanted from him. Thanks for her very good work on him, she earned herself a rich and tasty cum bath. Once he had finished, he wanted to mount her like he did the last 2 Days but she didn´t let him. She always moved away when he tried to mount her saying that she wasn´t in the mode and right after his 4 try he gave up in disappointment. She saw that and gave him something other as a payback.

She told him that she would mate with him as many time he wanted when the evening had risen but for now she only could let him do licking her and that he did with delight.

Later on, they both ate some Berries and then they began to run towards home. It took them 6 hours to finally return home but something was strange or better said different. The town had changed in their opinion.

„Is it just me or had this town become littler than last time?" Numa asks Luka playfully.

„I think that we just grew up. Nothing more. " He answered cold.

„TSK... Killjoy. "

„Stop playing. We are...... Having some business to do. "

„Yeah, yeah. You are right. Let´s bring it behind us." Numa said and together they moved towards the castle.

Inside of the castle was many going on. Solomon and his Mate Conny had already set up some preparations for a Birthday party but they had somehow fallen behind in their plan.

„NO, No, No. Not there!!! Place the flowers in front of the windows and..... What is that thing doing here? Conny!!! I told you that this vase looks too ugly in my sight. " Solomon said while he was running back and forth like a worker.

„Come down Lovely. I know that the vase looks ugly but it was her most beloved one. " Conny answered and tried to calm him down.

„I know that she loved it but....." He was cut.


„Who´s there?" Conny asks.

„It´s me. Numa."

„And me Luka. "

Solomon became hasty and tried to move in different directions to do something but he only landed with a loud * BAMM * on the ground.

„Is everything fine Mom? Can we come in? "

„All fine. Come in. " Conny said while she moved down to her husband to help him up again.

The door opened and Numa and Luka moved into the room but Conny and Solomon were not looking at them because they first wanted to stay up.

„Your father is a little Nerve bundle today. He wants to do everything r........right. " Conny said and on the last word she looked at the 2. Solomon did the same once he was up but they both couldn´t say a word after they had seen them.

„Is everything alright with you? You are looking like you have seen a Ghost." Luka said with a smirk.

„N..... N...... Numa? Is that....... Really you?" Conny asks in fear.

„Yes Mom. It´s me. I hope I´m looking not too bad. "

„BAD? Are you kidding me? You look like a Top Model!" Solomon said. „I bet that you will find a Mate now much easier and..... " Numa cut her father by saying.

„I´m already having a Mate. "

This Message dropped in like a Bomb and Numa´s parents were standing there like a pillar of salt before Conny came back to sins.

„Tell me. Is your Mate in this Room right now? "

Numa shacked her Head for a Yes and right after she looked over to Luka. Solomon and Conny immediately understood and their faces became bright and proud.

„I knew that you 2 would someday become Mates but you know that this would cause some troubles also. " Solomon said.

„I.... We knew it yes but..... Who wants to deny a call of Nature..... And Destiny?" Luka said while he looked down to the earth like he had always done before.

„I have to agree with that. Just one more thing. Luka. Move your Head up and look me into the Eyes. " Solomon said while he positioned himself right in front of him and Luka did as he was told, even if he did it really slow.

Once his Eyes were on Solomon's level, Solomon said to him.

„Listen Luka. Stop looking down to the earth when you are standing in front of a Noble or me. You are now part of the family and that also means that the others have to lower their Eyes. Not you. "

„But....." Luka started but as cut by Solomon.

„There is no but. Just do it. "

„As you wish my Lord. "

„Stepfather sounds better to me. Don´t you think?"

Right at that moment, someone knocked on the door.

„Come in!" Conny shouted towards the door and a moment later a butler moved in.

„My Lords and Ladies. The Nobles are waiting in the main hall. "

„Thanks Walter. Tell them that we will come in a few minutes. "

„As you wish my Queen. " The butler said and moved out, closing the door behind him.

Once alone again, Luka asks in confusion.

„Why are the Nobles here? "

„They are here to celebrate Numa´s Birthday. And....... They are all hoping that she would choose one of them as a Mate today. " Conny answered.

„For that, they can wait very long. " Numa answered and everyone in the room began to laugh.

After a few seconds of laughing, everyone was coming down again and Solomon finally managed to say.

„We 2 will now go. Just wait here a few Minutes. Then come to the Main hall and present the news to everyone. "

Numa and Luka both nodded a yes, even if Luka´s yes was not clearly to be seen because his one was very short and fast. Once Numa´s parents had left the room Numa turned her Head to face Luka.

„Is everything alright my dear? You were so silent all over the time. "

„I´m fine. I´m just...... thinking of what lies ahead of ....... us now and I must say that....... I´m fearing myself. " Luka answered with his Head down again.

„Why? "

„Why what? "

„Why are you fearing? Everything will be good in the end. You know that I will be yours till the end of our Days so what are you fearing? "

„I´m fearing...... the future. They will never accept me as a king and so...... the land will fall back in chaos and war. Maybe we should...... „* HARD SLAP *

She had hammered her right paw into his face, letting him scream out a low pain cry.

„Don´t even think of saying that we shouldn´t marry. I already told you that I would lovely say farewell to the crown if I have to. The only think I want in my Life is you and nothing else. You are the reason why I life. You are the reason why I evolved and you are the one that I´m in Love with. So please, stop talking and thinking such nonsense. Now come on. Let us bring this thing behind us. I´m feeling a bit needy again and you know that I can´t stand it that long. "

On that answer he only gave her a low growl and together they walked towards the main hall's entrance. Once they had arrived, another butler hammered a staff 3 times on the ground and then he shouted out.

„Princess Numa and her Bodyguard Luka. "

The whole room became silent and everyone began to look towards the entrance and when Numa did the first step into the room, a murmur was going through it. Everyone was surprised of her beautiful Body or mainly the males. The females were only standing around in groups and began to talk with each other behind their paws.

Once Numa was a few steps in, Luka entered as well but he didn´t moved far. Once he had passed the door he moved to the side like he always did when it was becoming official. There he waited for what was coming next.

Numa had reached the throne and there she made a curtsey to great her parents. Then she turned around and began to speak to the Nobles.

„My Lords. Thanks to you for coming here today to celebrate my Birthday. I hope that you all will enjoy it. "

She took a deep breath before she spoke on.

„I also heard that you are hoping that I would choose a Mate today. Well.... For my sake or better said for your sake, I´m already having a Mate since 2 Days now. " She began to move back to the door.

„You all already know him quiet well I guess and to tell you all this. I will give birth to his child's within 8 Months so there is no need of disgusting something. "

Another murmur was going through the room until one of the nobles asks loud into the room.

„Who is your Mate? Show him to us! "

She had reached the door and turned around to face the nobles again. Once that was done she said.

„Ladies and Gentleman. Please say hello to my Mate. "

She moved her right paw up into the air, straight into Luka´s direction and he first didn´t made a move but then his Body won against his will and he stepped closer to her. Once close enough he tried to take her paw but before he could do it, he was tackled from the side and a Male Houndoom Noble was screaming at him.

„You will never become king! I will kill you and once your child's are born, I kill them too. You have lost all your rights as a highborn but now you are....... "

The Male was cut by Luka´s actions because he had moved back to his feats and had tackled the Male. All of this had only token 4 seconds and now Luka was screaming but not to the Male alone. He screamed into the Air to everyone.

„What makes you all special? Your Blood? Your Titles? Your Power? I don´t know why you all think that I would become a Tyrant like my father but these things I know. My Blood is as red as yours and titles are only a collection of worthless words. They don´t mean anything and for your powers? I can and I will take on each one of you if I have to because now I´m having a Mate to fight for and I will give my Life for her safety. And if anyone dares to touch her with bad thoughts, he or she can make his testament! "

Each one in the room was shocked. Even Numa was.

What the hell has happened wit_h_him in the last few minutes? Numa thought. First he feared the Nobles and now he wants to fight against each one.

_ _

„Is there anyone else in this room who has also a reason why I shouldn´t take Numa as a Mate? If yes, step forward and try your luck. " Luka said while he positioned himself right on Numa´s side.

She looked around and saw that no one did a move and then she looked onto Luka´s face. There she saw what she found very happy.

He is bluffing them! She still thought. He knows that they all hate him but they are also fearing him. HHHHMMMMM.....

„No one has something to say? Well then. If no one wants to say something then I will say something more. I will NOT become king until each one of the poor Pokémon in the land wants me to become one. That I swear by my Blood. " With this said, Luka bit down into his right paw, which he had moved to his mouth a few seconds ago, and began to drink his Blood.

The room was still silent until Numa said suddenly.

„This swear goes for me too!!! "

Immediately each one of the nobles began to scream no and when she moved her paw to her face, they wanted to stop her but Luka only needed to look really pissed and everyone stood still. Then it had been done. She had bitten down into her paw as well as he had done and now there was no turning back anymore.

They both then turned to face Solomon and Conny and once they did they moved their Bodies down to great them a final time.

„Your Majesties. If you allow us to go now, we both would be honored. " Luka said in a far more calm Voice.

Solomon first looked over to his Mate and then back at the 2.

„I allow it..... Under one condition. " Solomon finally said.

„And that is?" Numa now asks.

„This we will tell you tomorrow. Now you better move to the doctor's lab and let the doc look over your Bodies. " Conny answered.

Luka and Numa didn´t said something back. They only moved up their Bodies and once up they both quickly nodded yes. Then they both turned and began to move out. Once out of the room, they both quickly walked a few meters away from it and then they both stopped to release a very big exciting but happy breath.

„HHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...... It´s finally over!!! Damn!!! I really thought that I would have to fight against the whole bunch of Nobles!!!" Luka said.

„Don´t ask me. I was ready to protect myself or even you if something would have gone wrong. " Numa said back.

„Thanks Lovely. I knew that........ MMMMHHHHPPPPPFFFFF..... " She had cut him with a kiss and while she kissed him, she moved her paw up and down his length until he broke the kiss.

„P.... Please Numa......HAH..... HAAAAAHHHH......... Not here!!! We could get...... MMMMMHHHHHPPPPFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!" She had forced him into the kiss again and she had doubled her work on his length by moving faster up and down his length and with now both of her paws on his length.

He was already rock hard when he managed to break the kiss again or better said she let him go because she had other things in mind.

„HAH.... HAH...... AAAHHHHHH...... Please not....... Here! ..... MMMHHHH....... Let us go...... tttttoooooooooooo................."

It was no use. She was ignoring his pleads. Instead she had begun to suck his whole Penis.

„NNNNNAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH...... Stop it........ Pleeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeee......"

He tried to move away from here but once he had done a step she did also one and then she grabbed his Penis with both of her paws so hard that he had to freeze in position. Thanks to the grip he also shouted some pre into her mouth which she swallowed quickly away.

The salty taste of his sperm brought her to go crazy. She released his Penis and he did a happy breath but before he could do something other, she pushed him into a corner and there she pushed him on his back. Before he could react to this actions, she was above him with her slit on his Penis.

He blushed deeply red because he feared that someone would see them but this thought was only a short thought because she did it. She slammed his Penis into her pussy and once in she began to ride him.

They both moaned in union when she began to ride his Penis and he shot another pre shot into her. He didn´t cared anymore if someone would see them. The only thing that he cared for now was to fuck her still hot slit and he could swear that she wanted the same because her humpings became faster and harder.

They both had started only a few seconds ago but she was already humping him like crazy. His Knot was already bouncing at her entrance and his Balls were already hurting him. He wanted nothing more than to come but he couldn´t. Every time he was close to come, she slowed down or she didn´t let his knot bounce for a few humps. This was bringing him near the point of were his Balls were going to burst.

There she did it again. He was close and he badly wanted to come but she slowed down again. He became mad at her and he showed it to her by barking into her face.

„Stop ...... Teasing me!!! "

She didn´t answered. Instead she speeded a bit on letting him Moan in need again. Next she slowed down again but this time he had enough from it. He grabbed her waist with both paws and began to hammer her slit without mercy and it took him only 2 humps to fulfill his needs. He showed his Penis in as much as he could but he didn´t knotted her because she didn´t let him. She had pressed her hind legs together as close as possible, making her entrance to thin for his knot but in return she sent a feeling up his length. A feeling which was so stimulating that he came.

He came so hard that he painted their both Bodies with his cum. He painted them until he had fired his 6 shot. Then all was over.

They both layed there for a few minutes until they had gathered their powers back but when he tried to get up, she stopped him by slapping him once.

* SLAP *

„OUCH!!! What was that for? " Luka asks while he moved a paw over his check.

„You Bastard!" She answered.

„WHAT? "

„I wanted to enjoy this but you just humped into me and finished it. I wanted to ride you more you..... " Now he cut her harshly by barking again into her face.

„You call me a Bastard? You have had brought me 5 times close to come and then you stopped. Do you really thing that my Balls can save my Sperm without a limit? I was going to burst if I hadn´t cummed!!! Do you really want that? Do you really want that I lose my ability to reproduce? TELL ME!!! "

She was shocked of that answer. She hadn´t known that she had brought him 5 times near Cumming. That was the reason why she began to cry heavily while she managed to say.

„I´m sorry!!! I didn´t....... I just wanted to...... I don´t wanted to hurt you! I thought that you had been close for only 3 times! I don´t...... I don´t...... (Cry attack)."

He moved his face close to hers and licked some tears away while he said.

„Next time you better ask or you just listen to my words. Now come on. We better get clean before we go to the doc. "

„SNIFF....... SNIFF..... " Was her only answer while she slowly moved down from him.

While they both cleaned each other they recognized that their Sexes were hurting them hardly but they didn´t said a word.

1 Hour later

The doc had looked over them both and had fixed their paw wounds but he also had some other news for them. Good ones and bad ones. Bad ones only in their sight because they didn´t liked them.

The Good ones were first, their wounds would heal very fast and second, she was pregnant.

The Bad ones were first, they both had to stop mating because she was pregnant and because for the second reason. Her last actions on him had caused some little wounds all over his complete Penis and Balls. Especially his insides had been hurt and that needed some Days to be healed right. Otherwise they both would risk some serious hurting like impotence.

She felt really guilty for that and she swear to herself that she would never do that again. No matter how much she wanted it.

To be continue