Shattered Glass: Chapter 13

Story by Yoshifan1 on SoFurry

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Chapter 13. It would've been uploaded sooner if we hadn't had all these attacks of So Furry

Shattered Glass: Chapter 13      11/03/15    Wally's perspective   The school board has had me become ambassador for the events, but how am I going to be one? Am I supposed to go up to people I might suspect are LGBTQ? I might receive a smack for that. I ponder on this as I make my way to my lunch period. I hug my art binder to my sides as I see Cameron. Maybe he won't punch me, but I shouldn't ask so soon. I sit by him. He smiles and we start eating our lunch. I break the ice by saying, "How's your past few days been?"    "Oh. Nothing special. Why weren't you here yesterday?"     "Oh-um, I'd rather not talk about it."      "I heard through the meeting that SOMEONE got elected ambassador!"      "What! How the Hell do you know that!"       "My father works on the counsil. He isn't the main guy with creepy eyes, but he basically is to take his place soon."     "Oh. And I suppose you heard about the whole thing then."     "I actually watched the meeting footage."      "Whatever happened to privacy!?" I blush looking down at the ground. Is he to hate me?   He pulls my chin up and does something that I could only hope for. He brings his lips to mine for a quick second and says, "Ambassador, you have your first person."   He walks away as lunch is over. I am left stunned as I remember the kiss. It was quick, but passionate. All the happy feelings surge inside me. I can't help but walk towards art with a smile.********  I walk outside the school building after school to see Cameron waiting by a pole. I quickly walk up to him and ask, "How did you know I have a crush on you!"     "Well, at the waterpark, you were staring at me, you weren't afraid to get a shake with me and you even gave me your phone number. And I believed something was off about you. I'm just glad that I wasn't wrong."     "Whatever. Are we-?"    "Whatever you're comfortable with."   I pull him in to a larger kiss. We stood there for a few seconds, enjoying the taste of eachothers lips. We soon part. And we laughed. I have never done that before. I didn't think I ever would. It felt so great!    "Hey, I'll see you tomorrow... Boyfriend.."   I leave as the last word suprisingly rolls off my tounge. I see his brown eyes look deep into mine and I smile. "Oh. By the way. You'll want this if you're going to the Gay Pride Event."  Without even looking back, I toss the flyer to him in a badass motion. I start walking towards my house. Maybe I have made some progress as embassador.11/03/15   Kyle's perspectiveI sling my arm around my boyfriend. He was beaming with pride as several people swarmed him almost forming a cone around him. They called us heroes even though we

weren't the ones to take the bully down. They were asking which one of us gave the punch to Bruce in the bathroom. We were drowned out trying to tell them it was a seventh grader. Finally, we just accepted it. A few people curiously peered at the flyers I was holding. A few took some and bid us thanks.       We walk out of the school that had been my torturer, but now, maybe I wouldn't have to fear it. I wouldn't have to fear for John meeting the same fate my previous boyfriend had. John pulls me into a kiss and we walk over to where Wally was waiting for us, on a bench. We asked how his day went. It seems to have gone good since he was grinning hugely and his eyes looked alive. He explains to us that he got kissed by Cameron, and how he is his first person to come to the event through an ambassador. We smile and give him congrats on his new boyfriend and we start our seperate ways home from school. Wally ended by telling us on how excited he was for school tomorrow. We made our way once inside our house to John's bedroom, where we shared our worries and kissed to release them. 11/03/15Bruce(the bully's) perspective   Haha! I crumple a flyer for the gay pride event in my hands. They're now SUPPORTING them!? These roaches need to know when they've been stepped on! I look to my phone to call my friend Wayne. Obviously, a lesson was need to be taught.     "Hello?"      "Hey Wayne."      "Bruce? What's wrong?"      "You're chance to get back at the fag who put you in prison is approaching..."       "What are you suggesting, Bruce?"        "Purification. All of them. They're having an event to celebrate the fags. They don't need any more support."         "I see. Is Kyle suffering?"         "He has now met his love John. He also seems to have picked up a little gay rat!"         "The little gay rat got my brother suspended for one day. He deserves to be punished.Once this is done, Bruce, all the filth from our town will be gone."         "I know. It's time to purify the filth......"      I hang up with him and look to the flyer that I had stolen from a kid. 11/20/15. That is the date the world will be a safer place. 11/15/15Wally's perspectiveI walk out of the school building from my previous math exam. It was a hard paper. 60 questions. No calculator. God! It took me forever! I see Cam sitting against a bench on the school grounds. He waves to me and I walk fastly towards him, my heart sky high. The trees sway to our feet, almost bowing. I walk over to him. I smile. He gets up.

A group of highschoolers quickly walk over to where he was standing. I feel nervous. I quicken my pace to Cam. I screamed out as I saw the highschoolers tackle him and throw him over the bench that was where we

were supposed to meet. I run. I see one of the five have a knife. I quicken my run to a sprint. I see the enemy look into me. I saw anger, but suprisingly, fear. He sees me running and thrusts the knife straight into the chest of Cameron. I run faster, making the killers run away. I finally get to Camreon. I quickly pull out my phone and call the police, looking into Camreon's eyes and telling him not to leave me. I cry. "W-Why you! Please! Please don't leave me! I love you! And you're the only person who loves me. John, Kyle, and even my mom doesn't even love me like you!" I brush his hair back behind his eyes and kiss him. I sobbed as I tried to give him love and assurance that he would live. When I hug him. He hugs back with one arm, and smiles. He breaks our hug, and looks into my eyes. "Even if we've been together for only a week, you're totally special. You're sweet, smart, funny, and you make me feel actually good about myself. I wanted to give you this." He hands me the ring around his neck. I put it around my neck. He smiles,"I used it as a symbol of strength. I have overcome many hardships, as you, but you're going to need it more than I do. It's also my hope to find someone who loves me for me. It's time for you to meet someone who you deserve."        "But-but I want you! You're so special to me!"  "As you are to me, but I cannot make promises I can't keep. I l-love you." He kisses me and he slowly backs down into my arms. I hug him tight, wrapping my arms around his slender body. I cry onto his shoulder. I clutch his ring in my hand. The police come by, they take my love away to me. I am greeted by a blanket, as the police ask me questions. They ask me if I have family. I hesitate, do I want to burden my mother? I reply that I just really want to see John and Kyle. I sit in the back of the truck, the chilling wind making it even more evident that I'm alone. It starts to rain as we drive to the police station. As the car drives away, I see a figure, lurking in the shadows.   11/15/15.  John's perspective    6:00 pm.    I lean against Kyle on my bed watching tv. We hear the terribly written comedy. Suddenly, Kyle picks up his phone, and he says some worried yeses. He wakes me up and says we have to go now. I followed him without question as we ...drove to the police station? When had we become criminals? I round the corner in this damp, damn rat habitat. We are guided to the next room. I walk into the doorway to see Wally... He runs up and hugs us as if we're going to go away. He cries into our chests as he yelps,"I couldn't save him! He's gone! He's dead!"    We sit down and Wally let's out his story.... It was horrifying. We had met Cameron, and he was really nice. Wally and him were always together. They went to the movies, went to arcades, and just overall loved eachother. He got killed, just like Kyle's loss. He was scared, he no longer was angry, self confident, or

strong. His spirit was dead. A thirteen year old should never have to experience what he's gone through. Death takes the life of two victims, the one dying, and then the one who's still alive. He constantly cried, "If I'd been faster.." He started blaming himself                                  We hug him, Kyle especially since he had the experience in the area. He signaled me to back off of Wally. He's been damaged and the next stage of loss is anger. We need to let him sort this pn his own. We stayed in the office. Wally soon fell asleep, no doubt having nightmares. Kyle stroked his hair back and forth, trying to make Wally feel comfortable. It's 9:00pm; his mom needs to know. I dial his mom and ask her to come to the station. She came busting down the hallway, but she became quiet when she saw Wally sleeping on Kyle's chest. She woke him up and walked him home. Around the corner of the door, he looked back worriedly.   We're alone and I look to Kyle. We hug and just stare at eachother. We don't need to speak, because we're both thinking about how Wally was going to be. He was hurt, my little bro had to go through what Kyle had to. The rain drips down the windows and we leave in silence.11/15/1511pm. Bruce, the bullies pov.   I hear the raspy voice on my phone.    "Is it done?" "Yes. It was a breeze."  "And the kid?"   "Wally's heartbroken, Kyle and John also have seen a loss in morale."   "Ahh.. This is a successful start for the Florida Gay Massacre."    "Yes, it's set in motion, it's only a matter of time before we get to purify."   We laugh, I end the call and plan ahead. "Hmm.. There seems to be an opening at the central bridge."******************