Code Drop: Snowplowed

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#23 of Code Drop

Tess tries to be the wild one in her relationship, with mixed results. ; )

Code Drop: Snowplowed

by Tempo

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Snow crackled under the jackal's running shoes. She ducked under the antlers of a passing moose in a parka without breaking stride. Keeping a good pace and clad in expensive garb, she felt the cold, but not to a crippling degree. Snowdrifts piled up along the sidewalk, crunchy and dry under her footsteps. Running harder than usual, she grit her teeth against the winter wind. More annoying than the chill, though, was not being able to pin down her own frustration.

Life had been going fine. Nothing had started on fire in the apartment in months. Nothing had changed at work or in her relationship. Everything had been the same for a while. Work was keeping her and Erik busy.

She turned the corner, just like usual. On autopilot, she jogged past the same row of houses she always did. Her footfalls hit the snowy pavement in a regular rhythm. The same playlist she always ran to echoed through her headphones.

Slowing to pause at a lamp post, stretching, she huffed at the cold morning air. Maybe I've gotten used to Erik bringing chaos into my life? Maybe I'm, like, addicted to it now. Her eyes narrowed at the thought. She had been surprisingly okay with his shenanigans of late. And why was she thinking of a word like shenanigans? Clearly a symptom of retriever exposure.

Well, I can be spontaneous too. What's the craziest path I could take home? A look around confirmed she was less than a block away from the apartment. Varying from her route now would be really inefficient. Okay, I'll start being spontaneous when I get home. The jackal took a resolute sniff of freezing air. It felt good to have a plan.

I'll be the wild one for once. She tried to think what Erik would do. Then she thought of what Erik would do. I'll pounce that fluffy fool as soon as I get home. He'll be in the bedroom; I'll pose seductively at the hallway door and get his tail wagging with just a look. She glanced around to make sure no one could see, then practiced her sultry look. That put a smile on her muzzle. Contemplating all the ways to warm up with a hunky golden retriever, she trotted across yards and parking lots to their apartment building. When was the last time we had sex? Last week? Longer? With a little smirk, she resolved to make up for lost time.

Panted breath twisting in a fog before her, Tess scampered into the building and upstairs to her apartment. Key jangled from pocket to stiff paws and unlocked the front door. Once inside, she surrendered to shivering from exhaustion and the winter's chill. A scattering of snowflakes melted on her shoulders and arms. Whew! Morning runs seemed like such a great idea in the summer.

Grey morning light glinted cold through the ice coating the living room windows. The combination of her blood pumping and her need for warmth left the jackal thinking how nice it would be to cuddle up with her boyfriend. Maybe a little more than cuddling. Unlacing her shoes, she struggled out of her jacket and prowled back to the bedroom, ditching her running top along the way.

The bedroom lay empty and quiet.

Puzzled, the jackal shrugged out of her sports bra. She checked the bathroom, she slipped free of her shorts and leggings. Great. I've lost my dog. Retreating to the bedroom as her fur decompressed from the running gear, she plugged in her phone. As the screen lit up, it revealed a text she'd missed.

Erik Roreca: {Helping Hanna scavenge old hard drives for magnets. Back soon! /^_^/}

The jackal grumbled. Right. Saturday morning: his regularly scheduled hangout time with Hanna.

With a sigh, she slipped out of her panties and kicked her shed clothes into the hamper. Naked, she rubbed her hands together at the lingering chill. He didn't even take his boots, did he? She peeked around the doorframe to the entryway. Or a hat. Or jacket. Must be nice to be a walking furnace. A sudden shiver forced her retreat to bed. Her muzzle nuzzled into the blankets, seeking warmth, as she cupped her cold ears. Under her paws pads, the blankets retained a faint heat from her boyfriend's stocky golden retriever body. Her nose caught his scent in the sheets, which reminded her of the second reason she'd been so eager to get back to bed. Shaky thighs pressed together. A deep longing craved attention. Ideally it would be from her boyfriend, but it'd settle for her own paws. She obliged by sliding eager fingers down to meet her already tender slit. The outer lips still felt a little chilled, though everything past them had heated up nicely. Paw pads teased up and down her entrance as she lay on her side.

Her gaze caught on the phone charging on her nightstand. She smirked, reaching for it.

Tess Hurr: {You should hurry home... ; ) }

A single digit sunk into her, the texture of her paw pad stroking all her most sensitive spots. The dog frequently sent her naughty texts unsolicited, so it felt good to turn the tables on him. She stroked the fur of her thighs, spreading them as she worked her finger deeper.

The phone buzzed once.

Erik Roreca: {I will! We're driving up to pick up pizza. Any requests?}

Tess Hurr: {I request something hot and filling, delivered immediately. >: 9 }

That should get the point across. As the cool sunlight of a winter morning filtered through a frosted window, the wet sound of her fingering herself filled the room. Her hips slid against the sheets, her knees spreading to grant easier access. She thumbed her clit, brushing in delicate circles. Her arousal grew, fueled by the thought of a thick golden retriever cock stuffed to the hilt in her.

The phone buzzed again.

Erik Roreca: {Oh! Okay, I'll call in for delivery instead.}

She growled in lust and frustration. Maybe a little too thick... A second finger slipped into her passage, as demanded by the sweet ache of desire. She exhaled through her teeth and stroked faster as passion began to build within her. Her mind drifted back to previous encounters in this bed, when he'd held her in those big, strong arms and plowed her with that thick, hard cock. Mmmm, that's what I need right now. Yeah, I want to feel his knotted dick buried inside my tender jackal slit.

Masturbating under the covers, her knuckles brushed the sheets with each upstroke. Moisture clung to her finger fur, spreading to her inner thighs. Cold jackal toes wiggled against warm blankets. Her other paw rose to toy with her nipples, first one, then the other. She licked along the inside of her teeth, her mind wandering. Every time she got close to the edge, she backed off. A little anticipation might be nice. She'd had a thought just as she'd fallen asleep last night, as they cuddled up, too tired for anything else: for all the times they'd had sex, they almost never did it doggy style. Sure, she's miss out on the cute faces he made during orgasm, the way his ears swayed when he thrust, but sometimes a girl just wanted to be claimed the old-fashioned way. Maybe she'd have to bring that up to him.

Her ears perked to the front door creaking open, then closed. Footsteps padded down the hall. With a surge of naughty energy, the jackal rolled to all fours, her backside angled toward the hallway. Her tail swished, her rump in the air as she grinned back at her boyfriend as he padded into the bedroom.

"Hi Tessie! You wouldn't believe how many magnets we stuck to--" He wore a t-shirt and jeans, a bright green tennis ball in his jaws. Those blue, blue eyes went wide. The tennis ball dropped from Erik's mouth. A single bounce, then it rolled away on the old wooden floor. "Whoa." Without needing a word of encouragement, the dog fumbled out his pants, flailed out of his shirt, and danced out his boxers. Falling onto the bed, he scrambled to his knees, already panting with lust. Those heavy paws caressed her flanks. "Ooh, your fur's still cold. Let me warm it up." That big black nose sniffed with desire as it zeroed in on her slit. As he nuzzled under her tail, that broad tongue swept out to lap across her dripping lips.

With a thrill of excitement, the jackal angled her hips higher and spread her legs wider as that tongue started sneaking into her with each lick. She smiled into the pillow, tail brushing his floppy ears as it wagged.

With both paws caressing her rump, the retriever pulled back to take a breather. "You're already really wet." His blunt claws traced the base of her tail. He leaned in for a few more licks into her tender slit, sparking pleasure through her body. Hot breath teased through her thin pubic fur. His tongue ran laps around her entrance before he came up licking his lips. "Mmmm. And tasty."

The jackal shuddered as he teased her tail in ways only he knew. "Mmm..." She whimpered and waggled her backside at him. "Oh Erik, I want you inside me."

At her words, the red tip of his dick pulsed a little further from its sheath. He climbed further on the mattress until his powerful body covered hers. Those thick, gentle paws caressed down her flanks to cup her breasts. That stiff canine length rubbed under her slick lips, the friction igniting desire within her.

Instinct drove her to grind back against him. With a whimper of desire, she reached between her legs to trace paw pads along the underside of his shaft. She worked his sheath back and forth, feeling him stiffen at her touch. Her paw pads traced over the emerging tip, a gentle tease that left him whimpering with desire. He shuddered as she tilted him up to meet her entrance. A thin trace of precum soaked into the fur of her fingers.

"Mmm, that feels good..." The leaking tip pressed into her. The exquisite fullness of having him inside left her gasping for more. As he hilted, her eager lips pressed back his sheath to expose the full length of his cock to her. With a bark of pleasure, he swung a thrust into her waiting folds, hitting all sorts of lovely places within her.

Tess's ears pinned back in pleasure as he mounted her. Her hips rolled back against his every thrust and guided the delightful texture of his cock against every surface within her passage. "Oooohhh..."

He gripped her flanks, thrusts coming faster and harder. His furry balls bounced against the insides of her thighs. His silken tail dropped to brush along the backs of her calves. The bed rocked in time with their motions. "Umf! Umf! Umf!"

The jackal squeezed on that lovely girth, wanting more. Her paw pads danced over her stiff and tingling clit. Orgasm shot through her body, clutching at her breath, leaving her shuddering in its wake. She yelped into the pillow.

Strong paws seized her hips, driving them against his. His knot spread her wide as one final thrust stretched her. With a howl of pleasure, the retriever's back paws scrambled against the sheet. Shot after shot of rich canine cream sprayed her walls, its heat a spreading wave within her.

With a huffed release of tension, Erik's full weight settled atop her. His tongue lolled out the side of his muzzle as hot breath stirred the fur on the back of her neck. Tiny twitches, aftershocks of his orgasm, jostled his knotted cock deep inside her.

Tess never thought she'd appreciate being pressed into a mattress by a goofy golden retriever, but she had to admit it felt strangely secure. Even something as primal as his knot buried in her said he wasn't going anywhere.

A knock at the door.

Her ears rose through the haze of afterglow.

In the corner of her eye, she saw his floppy ears shoot up. That blocky muzzle locked on the front door as his head tilted with interest.

She grumbled into her paws. "Maybe it's the next apartment over." Her nose sunk under the pillow. "We'd better stay in bed, just to be safe."

Another knock. "Hello? Pronghorn Pizza."

Erik gasped with glee, his whole body wiggling atop her. "My pizza!"

"No. Bad boyfriend. Stay." Tess winced, stilled tied. "It's just Pronghorn. They overcook the crusts anyway."

A sad whine arose behind her. "We have to get the pizza, Tessie! Or we'll earn a black mark in the sacred pizza place database."

The jackal rolled her eyes. "I doubt that's a real thing."

"But what if it is?" Squirming against her, he whimpered with worry. "We can't take that chance!"

"Hello?" The voice at the door returned. "Anyone there? Pizza delivery."

"One second!" The retriever woofed down the hall, then tugged gingerly at the tie. "Hmm..."

"Yeah: we're tied." The jackal glowered back at her lover. "You won't be able to get up."

"We could..." He offered a hopeful smile and a slow wag. "...if we worked as a team."

She yapped in shock as he shifted toward the edge of the bed, his knot tugging her along. Her paws scuffed against the sheets. "Hey! Where're you going?"

The retriever whimpered in discomfort and determination. "The door." He scooted backward off the bed and got his paws under him. Those wide golden paws gripped her hips, lifting her with him. "Where's your bathrobe?"

Of course he's serious. Of course. "In the bathroom." With a growl, she stumbled to her feet. "This is a terrible idea."

Another knock at the door. "Pizza here. Not gettin' any hotter."

"Coming!" He shuffled backward, dragging her along by the tie. They fumbled down the hallway and, after a quick flail into the bathroom, retrieved the robe. With all the grace of an octopus wrestling towels, they managed to get the garment over her shoulders and fastened around her waist. Thanks to the hem-length tail slit, it even settled past where he'd tied her.

The jackal's ears burned with a blush. She should have been in bed enjoying the tie, not getting ready to humiliate herself in front of a pizza guy. This is what I get for trying to be spontaneous.

With her as decent as indecency allowed, Erik hurried her through the living room to the front door. With a yelp of effort, he managed to snag his wallet from the end table. "Hurry, Tessie! He could be leaving any second."

Blushing furiously, she reached for the doorknob. She tried not to think about how it was about the same size as the bulb of canine cock buried in her. Her whisper slipped through sharp teeth. "Just shut up and stay behind the door."

His nod devolved to nibbles down the side of her neck to her shoulder. Thick canine digits traced along the edge of her lips, around his knot, and into a delicate dance atop her clit.

The jackal bit back a laugh to chide: "Erik!"

"Can't help it." That stocky muzzle brushed into the fur at the nape of her neck. His paws traced under the back of the robe to tease her tail. "Too sexy."

~ ~ ~

The pizza delivery driver tapped his paw on the carpet. He had other deliveries to make on this run and the cheese wouldn't stay melted long in a cold car. People always ordered more pizza when the weather got unsafe to drive in--even if it meant he had to drive around to find their houses. All the snow had melted off his whiskers, then over the top of the insulated delivery bag, and finally on the sleeves of his jacket.

Just as he raised his knuckles to knock one last time, the door opened. A female canine poked her head around it --some kind of coyote or something. A bathrobe clung to her shoulders, which was about the extent of her he could see. For some reason, she stood hunched over. Maybe she'd fallen on the ice?

The cat cleared his throat. "That'll be--"

She shoved a wad of bills into his paw. "Here you go."

Stammering, he slid the pizza through the gap at the gentlest angle possible. Some of the cash fluttered loose, but he snatched it out of the air. "Need change?"

"Nope! Thanks! Bye!" A distinctly male voice called out from the other side. The door shut, leaving him alone in the apartment hallway.

The delivery cheetah stood grooming his whiskers with one slim paw. He'd long since broken the habit of analyzing the behaviors, motives, and odors of customers. They were all weirdos as far as he was concerned.

~ ~ ~

It had been too long since i posted a Code Drop story!

Art: avatar?user=80727&character=0&clevel=2 Slate

Edits: avatar?user=183033&character=0&clevel=2 sillyneko345, avatar?user=294382&character=0&clevel=2 archaesophilia, avatar?user=202306&character=0&clevel=2 Anakuro, avatar?user=272042&character=0&clevel=2 Slip Wolf, carlminez

Fave the art here:

Also! A special Code Drop story will be appearing in Sofawolf's new Hot Dish Volume 2. Stay tuned for details!

~ Tempo