Venata - Room for One More

Story by Skabaard on SoFurry

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I'm not really sure how I feel about this one. I don't think I could really get into writing the transformation from the point of view of Venata. It was more to practice with points of view. In fact, I might go back and write a short that's just the transformation from the perspective of Lily, I feel like, with her personality, it would be rather interesting, actually.

At any rate, tell me what you think! Does it suck? Am I full of manure and it's actually amazing? Let me know!

Up next, hopefully what is going to be one hell of a threesome! (Something else I've wanted to write just for the experience of trying to keep three people pleasured without getting mixed up. We'll see.)

Room for One More

Written By: Skabaard

Venata sat on a rough, rocky outcropping, staring up through one of the rare holes in the thick forest canopy. It was a pleasantly cool night, and the full moon hung low in the sky, having only just risen as the sun dropped reluctantly below the horizon. She smiled privately at the orb of silver as a brisk wind ruffled her long, blond hair, floating it around her shoulders. Autumn was on in full force, and the nights were growing chilly. She was excited to see her first winter in the forest, especially since the deer and other game had returned to the trees.

She leaned back, splaying her long, powerful body out along the rocks as she stretched out to her full length. She felt delightfully lazy, unwilling to do much of anything but lounge placidly. Her tawny, yellow-brown fur insulated her perfectly against the gentle wind, and she ran a languid finger along the line of her lean, muscular body.

"A show without an audience is a terrible waste, you know..."

Venata yelped and practically bounced upright as the voice emanated from behind her. She peered sheepishly over her shoulder at Lily, who had managed to sneak up on her at last. "That's not fair." Venata grumbled, "I was distracted."

The petite girl wandered closer smoothing her cloak around her shoulders and slipping her stowed crossbow off of her back to the ground. "By what? Fondling yourself? I hardly think that counts, Seven. You never know when I might strike, even when you're most... vulnerable."

"Climb up here and I'll show you how vulnerable I am." Venata growled without menace. Lily grinned and did as she was told, scrambling up the rock to plop herself down next to her lupine friend. Venata threw a strong arm over Lily's slender shoulders and pulled her into a warm hug. Lily reciprocated, and she snuggled closer.

"Seven?" the wiry young woman said hesitantly. Venata hummed curiously. "I... I was talking to the big furball a little bit ago, and I think... I think I want you to take me."

Venata grinned and ruffled Lily's reddish-brown, cinnamon-colored hair. "Sure thing!" she quipped merrily, "Where did you want me to take you? Ooh! There's this place to the north where the river takes a turn into a sheer cliff. The waterfall is lovely, and it catches the moonlight wonderfully. I think you'd like it."

"That sounds nice, Seven." she whispered after a moment, "and I'd love to go there with you. Sometime soon. But that's not what... what I mean. I want... I want you to make me like you. I want to be one of you."

The wolf jerked in realization. She looked down at Lily, whose dark green eyes glimmered wetly. "W-what?"

Lily leaned in and ran her hand affectionately along Venata's thigh. "Like I said. I was talking to Ulric about it, and he explained it to me as best he could, but I want you to be the one to do it. I need you to be the one to do it. He told me to talk to you about it while he went to get something to eat. I guess it makes you hungry. Will you? Will you take me? Please."

Venata vividly remembered her first meal. It was the hungriest she had ever been. "Are you sure? It... It will hurt, more than you've ever hurt."

"I shot you, remember, and stabbed you. You certainly sounded like it hurt you at the time, but you survived, and we're still friends. I can deal with pain. I've had to bury everything I've ever loved. That hurt too, but I'm still here, and you're helping me to love again." She traced a meaningful finger around Venata's muscle, too embarrassed to lift her eyes to the wolf's. "Is there room for me... in your pack...?"

Venata shifted, hooking a finger under Lily's chin, lifting her head so she could meet her eyes. The moon was still low in the sky, and they were close to the glade, only a few minutes' walk. There would be time to do the deed before Lily would have to wait for the next cycle. "Yes." Venata breathed, "I think I could open up a spot, as long as you don't mind fighting over me with Ulric."

Lily sagged with relief, chuckling. "Please..." she said through a confident grin, "I could take him with one arm tied behind my back. But I promise to let him at you sometimes. I'd hate to be cruel."

Now that she had turned her thoughts to the possibility, every fiber of her being screamed to take the frail form pressed into her side. Instinct tore at her reason, and she bared her fangs without thought. Lily paled, but didn't shy away, and Venata had to force herself to take a shaky, steadying breath. "Yes..." hissed the wolf, "I can do it. I want to do it. My instincts have been shouting at me to do it almost since I met you, but it was never the right time."

The self-sure woman took Venata's viciously clawed hand and slid off of the rocks, pulling Venata with her. She spun, putting her back to the outcropping and pulled Venata into her as she flicked open the clasp that held her cloak on her shoulders. The simple, dark gray cloth floated to the ground as she leaned back, leaving herself open to the wolf. "Now's the time Seven, but first I need to tell you something. Something important."

Venata cocked her head interrogatively, and Lily hesitantly smiled. Taking one of Venata's hands in both of hers, Lily pulled her arm down and laid Venata's fingers on her crotch. Venata's eyebrows rose at the feeling of a distinctly unfeminine bulge under the loose fabric of Lily's pants. That explained why Lily had been so cautious in disallowing any of the wolves to see her nude. "I've still got all the requisite lady-parts." she mumbled softly, a shamed blush burning her cheeks, "I was born with... everything. I promise I'm not some demon-spawn or the result of some horrible experimentation, but if you don't... want me anymore, I understand. It usually freaks people out when they figure it out, but at least if I hide it, people treat me like a human being and not some mutant. I'm sorry I hid it from you for so long, but I didn't want you to hate me, and after that whole... business I was afraid you'd... I mean I didn't know if... I... I'm sorry."

Venata swallowed heavily, but after everything she had seen, this was hardly weird. What this fragile young woman must have been through... Venata hushed her soothingly and left her hand where it was as she took Lily's other hand and pulled it to her own crotch. Lily squeaked as her blush transitioned from ashamed to embarrassed. "I was born with it." Venata mirrored in a gentle whisper, "Born and reborn, and you've been staring at it since we met. Does it feel good, to finally touch it? Is it also softer than it looks?" She took an aggressive step forward, shoving Lily back against the rock. "You should feel the inside; it's even better."

"Damnit, Seven." Lily whimpered, shaking, "Stop fucking with me; I'm serious."

"So am I. And this is me... not turning away, not spurning you, and asking for more. You want something from me. And I want desperately to give it to you, but I need something from you first. I need you to trust me. Coming clean was a good start, and I'm not going to throw it back in your face, but I need you to trust me absolutely. Just trust me."

Lily whined. "I do trust you, stupid. It's not like telling you this is easy. The last person I let in like this... l-left me. He called me a freak and ran away. I'm so scared, Seven."

"Don't be." Venata continued in a soft whisper, "I've got you, and I'm going to take care of you. Just trust me."

The frail-seeming woman verbally assented, turning to jelly in Venata's strong arms as she practically melted against the stone behind her. Venata pressed inward, laying her body against what she could of Lily's. Finally invited, the wolf's hand left her crotch and trailed up her body, delicately feeling it along the way. Lily's baggy clothing hid deceptively feminine curves, but she was otherwise covered in tough, wiry muscle. "You're going to be strong, I can tell, stronger than me." She groped Lily's arm, feeling the taut muscle dance under her skin. "I was soft before Ulric claimed me, and the wolf within you builds on what you already have. You'll be as beautiful as you are now, with gorgeous, dark red fur that will shine under the moon" She smiled wryly. "You'll be shorter than me... by a few inches. Kannic is going to be so upset when he sees you taller than him. Your lovely curves will stay, grow with you. Everything will be more sensitive, your skin, your eyes, your ears. You'll want to run everywhere, to test yourself as much as you want to be touched and smelled. You won't be able to stop your tail from wagging when you're happy, as annoying as it gets." She tightened her grip as she slipped a claw into Lily's shirt, tearing it open just enough to bare her slim shoulder. "It's going to hurt, hurt to the exclusion of all else. I'll be right there next to you, but you'll be alone with that agony as it burns away what you used to be. Is that really what you want?"

"Yes!" hissed Lily direly. Venata nodded and closed her eyes, feeling her way down Lily's neck in a trail of lupine kisses. Her lips parted, and she bared her fangs as Lily's soft skin slipped between her teeth, the needle-sharp points resting against Lily's flesh. "Do it." Lily growled into Venata's ear, and with an alien tingle up her spine that felt wonderfully right, she bit down into Lily's shoulder.

Lily grunted with the pain of the bite, her body tensing beneath Venata as she sank her teeth into Lily's muscle. She bit hard, only releasing Lily after a few long seconds, making sure she had done what needed to be done. She pulled back, panting as if she had gone through some great physical ordeal as Lily's blood dripped from her fangs. "You... you taste good." she said distantly, "I never asked Ulric what I tasted like."

She wasn't answered as Lily thrashed, clamping her hands down on the wound in her shoulder and moaning pitifully. Venata's wounds had taken hours to close, but, perhaps because of the proximity to the apex of the full moon, the holes in Lily's skin were closing rapidly, and before she could go through too much unnecessary pain, Lily blinked numbly as her wound sealed itself off completely. Venata bent back down and licked Lily's shoulder clean, lapping up the blood the youth had shed as Lily grunted and shook against her as the power Venata had instilled in her sank down into her bones.

"Seven!" she cried, twitching fitfully, "Fuck! Fuck. F-fuck... Seven, I... Oh... that... tingles." She gasped, arching her back as she gritted her teeth with sudden tension. "Oh shit! S-Seven! Let me up! I need to go! Now! Right now! Fuck!" She shoved Venata away with abrupt urgency and tore off into the forest in a blind sprint.

Venata grinned and took off after her at an easy lope. Lily didn't even look where she put her feet, knowing instinctively hew she needed to move her legs. Venata hadn't been in this much of a hurry, but she remembered the feeling. At least Lily knew what was happening, unlike she had when it had been her time. Only a few minutes later, and Lily tore through the foliage and into the familiar glade. Venata must have taken longer than she had suspected, that or the moon was sped along on its course across the heavens, because a perfectly circular pool of wan, silvery light poured through the hole in the thick canopy above the center of the clearing.

Lily slowed as she panted and stepped along the grass toward the moonlight. Venata followed and watched in fascination following a few steps behind. Lily's feet would take her where she needed to go, just as Venata's had those months ago. Lily sighed audibly when she passed over the threshold, illuminating herself by the moon. Venata stopped at the outline of the light. She didn't know why, and she doubted that anything bad would come of it, but it seemed almost sacrilegious to get too close to Lily before it was her time. Lily ignored Venata like she didn't exist. Venata didn't mind, and she settled down to wait and watch.

The soon-to-be-wolf moaned softly, beads of sweat appearing on her skin as she began to heat up from within. She slipped a hand under her shirt and pulled it up over her head, baring her back to Venata as she tossed the seemingly offensive cloth to the side. Venata gasped sharply. Lily's back was crosshatched with pale, angry scars, like she had been whipped to within an inch of her life. She peeked over her shoulder at Venata with a private smile, showing her audience the elegant curve of her breast before she returned her back to the wolf.

Lily swallowed heavily before she poked her thumbs under the waist of her pants and started to work them down her hips, slowly peeling them off her tight, compact rear, giving Venata a striptease whether that was her intent or not. Then she slid her fingers through her short hair and let her hands fall onto her body. She caressed herself gingerly, as if she was just discovering herself, and her fingers lingered where her tapered waist met her relatively wide hips.

Venata could only see her back, but she knew exactly where Lily's hand went when they crossed in front of her crotch. Up until that point in her life, Venata had never felt more supremely sexual than just before her own transformation. She watched silently as Lily touched herself with greater and greater urgency. The wolf could see trails of feminine fluid oozing down Lily's thighs and her sensitive nose picked up the trembling woman's scent.

Lily must have known that her time was limited, because she wasted none of it, vigorously pleasuring herself until she was spurting fitfully into the grass from both of her sexes. She whimpered, however, when, just as Venata's had, her release cut off like it had been stolen from her. She didn't have time to mourn it, though, when something in the sky caught her attention and she slowly lifted her head, peering through the hole in the leafy ceiling at what Venata knew would be the moon.

She lifted a languid arm, almost as if to reach out and lovingly stroke the burning orb. It was the most entrancing in those last few seconds, but eventually Lily's wobbling legs buckled, dropping her to her knees. Venata couldn't help but wince as Lily let out a high-pitched, ragged scream. Her agonized cry accompanied the sounds of crackling bones as her entire body started to writhe beneath her skin. Lily curled in on herself, folding her arms over her stomach as she bent nearly in half, crying out in terrifying pain.

Venata watched her spine push out from her back as her chest deepened. Her body lengthened as thick bands of unyielding muscle wrapped around her frame. Her shoulders cracked loudly and surged wider as she threw her head back and screeched in misery. Venata couldn't see her front, or her arms, but she knew what they must look like as the changes swept across her body. Thick claws would sprout from her fingertips as her arms thickened with dense, corded muscle and stretched longer. Her chest heaved with each agonized breath, and left her lungs in anguished cries that rattled her chest.

The sleek lines of her back twitched and writhed as the transformation crept down her body. Her waist thickened with muscle, staying tapered compared to the breadth of her shoulders and the sudden flare of her hips as her pelvis popped and widened, her tight rump swelling out with a graceful curve of lean flesh.

Her voice suddenly dropped an octave as her changes crawled up her neck, and her vocal chords twisted and morphed. Venata listened intently as Lily's new voices came into being. Her voice was light and musical, and as it was joined by it bestial counterpart, it deepened, but retained its mellifluous quality. The metallic timbre vibrated pleasantly in Venata's ears, despite it coming from Lily's torment. It made Venata's fur stand on end.

Abruptly, her pained cries died out, and there was a brief moment of relative silence as her body continued to surge outward with meaty, popping sounds. Her ears began to inch up her head, lengthening to triangular, lupine points. "Yes." Lily moaned, both in pleasure and in pain, "Yes! Bigger." Her new vocalization accompanied the emergence of a thick coat of dark, red-brown fur from her skin, starting at the tips of her ears and sweeping down her entire body. She steadily gained control over her body and voice, and she started to touch herself as her bones continued to crack and grow, giving new muscle room to expand.

The end of her spine bulged out, growing longer as it slid out of her back, growing fur until she had a bushy tail to match Venata's own. Her hips spread apart again, giving her thighs room to thicken dramatically with bundles of tough muscle that writhed up under her new coat of fur. Lily grunted as the bones of her legs cracked loudly, allowing her legs to take on their new, digitigrade shape. Her calves likewise twitched and grew, and Venata knew she had certainly been right; Lily was going to be frightfully powerful.

"More..." whined the transforming wolf, "Please, more. More." Her swelling body seemed eager to please, and the delicate bones of her face crunched noisily as her mouth and nose pushed forward from her head, slowly, agonizingly stretching into a long, lupine muzzle that split open to show off lengthy, canine teeth that visibly grew to their full, intimidating size. "Not done... Not done!" she cried, her voice long since losing its pained tone, "Nngh! Bigger! Yes!"

She still had inches to add to her height, and pounds and pounds of muscle to mount to her bones, despite having taken the appearance of a wolf like Venata. She silently urged her on. The last few moments were the most blissful, finally coming into the form you were meant to take. She stayed hunched over on herself, desperately pleading for the wolf raging within her to give her more as her legs lengthened and her entire frame thickened and stretched noisily outward. She gradually passed seven feet in height, and still put on a few more inches before her body shuddered to a reluctant halt. Still, she shook with wanton, pent up energy.

She threw her head back again, her arms flexing mightily as she dug her fingers urgently into her crotch. She cried out in ecstasy as she twitched and thrashed, her entire body tensing in time with the jerking of her forceful ministrations. She put her huge new body to immediate and decisive use as she violently pleasured herself, mindlessly intent on continuing her stolen orgasm. She closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth as she voiced nothing more than an angry hiss as she bucked her hips up into her hands and came wetly. A whimper squeaked out of her throat as she soaked her hands, and Venata could see arcing ropes of pearlescent fluid as she shot them across the clearing.

"Ah!" Lily whined as she slowly came down off of her transformative high, "F-fuck... H-holy fucking fuck." She shuddered weakly and collapsed onto her hands and knees, the process apparently done as she gasped for breath. "Shiiiiiiit... Fuck... Bitch... Ass... Fuck!" She slurred a long string of meaningless words, more of them "fuck" than not, but she slowly got her breathing under control and her tail stopped drooping with exhaustion, perking up and beginning to wag slowly from side to side. She then hesitated, and she lifted her head to the moon and parted her lips in a low, breathy howl that echoed through the glade before her head drooped again.

Venata took a hesitant step forward into the light, calling meekly, "Lily?"

The newly baptized wolf lifted a frightfully clawed hand, gesturing for another minute as she took the opportunity to get a pawed foot beneath her. She slowly, hesitantly hefted herself to her toes and straightened her back, rolling thick new shoulders as she shook her head clear of the haze that had swamped it a moment ago. She pivoted on a foot, turning slowly toward Venata, "Hey, S-Seven." she said with a touch of embarrassment in her vibrant voices, "How... do I look?"

Venata gaped at what she saw. "I was right." she said in a slow whisper as she took another step forward, "You're beautiful."

A bush of darker red blazed through the fine fur on Lily's cheeks, and she awkwardly shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her dark green eyes gleamed brightly in the moonlight as she awaited Venata's approval. Venata was still taller, but only by the predicted few inches, and Lily's frame was much thicker with ropes of corded muscle that twitched under her fur with each slight motion. She wasn't huge and bulky like Ulric so much as she was lean and wiry, but her body packed on it noticeably more strength that Venata's still-impressive frame.

Breasts, large and hefty, but still modest and perky sat seemingly weightlessly on her chest, and flowed with her flawless hourglass figure. Her legs were a match for the rest of her body, thick and able to carry the weight of her new body effortlessly. The cleft between her legs was a sticky mess, and the tapered head of a cherry-red canine cock was still slowly receding into the thick sheath at her crotch, hesitating as Lily grew excited from showing off her new body. She slipped a dignified hand over her crotch, murmuring weakly, "It... got a lot bigger than it was. It's... heavy now." she shifted her hand lower to likewise hide the furred sac that held gonads the size of her old fists. Lily hissed as her hand jumped back, forced outward by something pushing from her loins, and Lily hissed, "S-stop staring at it or it won't go down! I don't know how Furball keeps his in his pants..."

"Practice..." Venata answered, reluctantly tearing her eyes away and stepping casually forward, "You'll have fun with how easy it is to break his resolve though." She walked up to Lily and hugged her stiff body. As she did, she buried her nose in the new wolf's hair, smelling of her deeply. She had the same scent, sweet and floral, and it made Venata smile.

It seemed Lily got a nose-full of her own, because she mumbled low in her throat, "Y-you smell nice."

Venata grinned more widely as Lily awkwardly returned her embrace, "Thank you. Are you going to want to sniff the butt now, or later?"

"Mm..." mused Lily dreamily, "Later."

"That can be arranged." Venata pulled a hand back to grope a bicep she couldn't hope to fit in her fingers. "You're strong, so very, delightfully strong. What does it feel like, all these big, hard muscles?"

"I don't know." Lily replied, flexing for her, "I feel tight all over, like I need to stretch. I want to run and work myself."

"That can also be arranged."

Lily grinned, her fangs shining in the pale light. "Good. Catch me if you can, Seven." Without another word, she tore herself free from Venata's arms and bounded into the tree in the direction they had come in a wild gallop. Venata yelped and cried out after her as she fell into the chase. Despite having been like her for only a few minutes, Lily ran like she had lived in the forest her entire life, and she gradually pulled away from her pursuer, Lily's strong, new legs hurling her at a mind-numbing speed.

Venata growled when she could no longer see Lily's receding back and she threw herself headlong into the trees, having to skid to a stop after a minute when she saw Lily back up on the rocks they had vacated only a bit ago. "About time." Lily whined as she leaned back into the stony outcropping, "You're going to have to be faster than that to catch me."

"You took me by surprise!" Venata complained, "That was hardly a fair race!"

"Excuses, excuses." Lily yawned as she scratched a claw idly along her collarbone. She hopped down from the rocks and practically tackled Venata to the ground, wrapping her up into an unforgivingly tight hug that crushed their chests into one another. "Thanks, Seven, but I think I remember something about something to eat? I'm starving."

Pushing Lily off of her with an unnecessarily loud grunt of effort, Venata clambered back to her feet, brushing dust from her fur. "That's Ulric's job, not mine. I'm inclined to just let you flail around as you chase around some deer." Lily pouted forlornly, her wagging tail betraying her excitement at the prospect of a meal. "Fine... fine. Ulric's going to be out to the east, come on. Just know that those puppy-dog eyes aren't going to work with me."

"Give it time." Lily called out behind her as Venata strode back into the trees. When she didn't hear Lily following her, she stopped and turned around. Lily stood next to the rocks, her well-used crossbow resting in her claws. Lily looked thoughtful for a long moment as she peered down. Eventually she knelt slowly down and laid with gentle, reverent care her father's crossbow against the rocks. She touched it longingly for a few seconds longer before she stood and jogged back over to Venata, looking at her expectantly. "Well come on, slowpoke! Let's get out of here! I wasn't kidding about being hungry enough to eat a horse! Just try to give me a workout, alright?"