Caught in the shower

Story by Wolfy soft paws on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at a proper story. I'm not brilliant with paragraphs but I did my best. If people like this I will write a sequel. Enjoy! :)

Jack was the last to shower. He stripped off and headed to the shower area. The wolf switched on the water and began to soap up his fur. His sheath began to swell as he thought about one of his teammates, a large, muscular lion. He pulled his sheath back, exposing his knot. He used one paw to stroke his rapidly growing wolfhood and the other to fondle his swollen nuts. "Oh yes harder big boy, fuck me harder." His paw moved faster and faster as he neared orgasm. He was so close now..."Having fun?" The wolf spun around and saw his football coach, a large German Shepherd. In his paw he held a camera phone. click "Coach Barnes! How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough you little pervert." What would your parents say if they knew what you were getting up to after practice? This isn't the first time is it?" Jack was scared now. His wolfhood had softened and retreated back into its sheath. "Please don't tell my parents sir." The large canine stepped forward. He spun Jack around and pinned him against the shower wall. Jack could feel the dog's hot breath on the back of his neck. He twisted the wolf's arm behind his back, making him cry out. "Listen carefully boy. From now on you will do as I say. If not, that picture I took will end up all over the internet. Your parents will find out and it'll be your word against mine. Understood?" The poor wolf could only nod. "Yes sir." The Shepherd licked the back of the wolf's ear and gave it a sharp nip, making him yelp. Jack could feel something hard under his tail and realized the dog was aroused. He struggled but the large canine was too strong. "Please don't hurt me sir!" The dog chuckled. He released his grip on the wolf and stepped back. "I will text you my address later. You will go straight to my house after school tomorrow." "But what do I tell my parents?," the wolf asked. "I'm sure you'll figure something out. My house tomorrow. Be there." With that the Shepherd turned and left, whistling a merry tune to himself. Jack quickly dried off, got dressed and left for home."You've hardly touched your tea son. Is everything OK?" Jack forced a smile. "I'm fine mum. Just tired." "Tough day at school?" Jack shrugged. "Yeah something like that. "I'm going to a friends house for tea tomorrow if that's O.K.?" His mum smiled. "No problem, just don't be back too late."Jack could not sleep. He had too much on his mind. How had coach Barnes gotten his number? Did he really want to see him tomorrow? What did he want? The wolf's thoughts were broken by the sound of his mobile. He flipped it open and read the message. It read:My address is 21 Fleet St. It's only a few blocks from where you live. Be there tomorrow after school. If you're not there you know what will happen.Jack decided to try and get some sleep. He would deal with tomorrow when it came. He tossed and

turned but eventually managed to drift off.Jack woke the next morning with a knot in his stomach. He was dreading going to his coach's house later but he did not see any other option. His words echoed in the wolf's head. Your word against mine. He got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning son," said his mum cheerily. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah," Jack lied. she put a plate of toast in front of him. "Eat up and get ready for school." The wolf wasn't hungry but forced his breakfast down anyway. He looked at the clock and realized he should be heading off. He said goodbye to his mum, grabbed his backpack and headed for the door. "Have a good day in school son. And have a nice time at your friends later."Jack tried to focus on his lessons but he could not get the events of yesterday out of his mind. What did coach Barnes have planned for him later? Would he keep his word and not tell his parents what he had been getting up to after football? "Daydreaming again are we Jack?" The wolf looked up to see his teacher staring at him. "Uh, sorry sir, I didn't get much sleep last night." He tutted. "Did you at least manage to get your homework done?" Homework was the last thing on his mind right now. "No sir I forgot."Jack sat staring at his dinner. The events of yesterday went round and round in his head. "Hey there Jack!" His thoughts were broken by the sound of a familiar voice. He looked up and saw his friend James. The fox sat opposite him. "You OK Jack? You look like you have something on your mind." Jack forced another smile. "Yeah I'm fine mate. Just tired that's all." Jack could see coach Barnes on the opposite table. The Shepherd caught his eye and smiled, making the wolf shiver. To anyone else it would've looked like a nice, friendly smile but Jack knew better."Home time kids! Get your homework done tonight and have it in by tomorrow. No excuses." Jack grabbed his backpack and got ready to leave. "And Jack?" The wolf turned to face his teacher. "Get to bed early tonight. I want you bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow." "Um, yes sir I will do that." Once he was outside he checked the address on his phone. 25 Fleet St. It didn't take him long to get there. He sighed, raised a paw and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood coach Barnes. The large canine grinned down at him. "So you made it. Well don't just stand there boy, come inside."