Zero - The Story of the silent Hero – Chapter 20 – Understanding everything can be a burden

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#20 of Legends

Time to start the side Story. Or End of Main Line if you may think ^^.

Anyways. Have fun reading and as always stays and hopefully WILL Respected !!!

I cannot get rid of ALL errors and I will never can.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Zero - The Story of the silent Hero - Chapter 20 - Understanding everything can be a burden

It was a warm but cloudy Saturday evening in summer. Emil, a 6 years old Human Boy, was playing hide and seek with his friends in a park. They had already played this Game since an hour or 2 but they never became tired of playing it until something happened.

Emil was hiding behind a bush and tried to listen if someone of his friends was on the way to find him.

„HAHA... I bet that they need a Day or so to find.......... What was that? "

He had heard something in the distance.

„Was that a cry or just the wind? "

He tried to listen harder but the Noise wasn´t heard again.

„HHHMMM .... I could have sworn that........ "

He had heard the noise again.

„There!!! The Noise is coming from there!!! I have to..... " He was cut because one of his friends scared him from all of a sudden.

„GOTCHA!!! "


He had become so much shocked that he had done a wrong step and landed on his Ass hard.

„HAHAHAHA..... What a priceless look!!! Here come and take my Hand. "

Emil took it without saying anything. Even as he stayed, he didn´t said a word.

„Hey you!!! Earth to Emil.... Are you there?" His friend asks but didn´t became an answer.

Instead Emil began to move like he was in trance. He moved from his Bush to the other side of the way, directly into a little forest.

„HEY WAIT EMIL!!! YOU KNOW THAT THIS FOREST IS FORBIDDEN!!!! COME BACK!!!" His friend shouted at him but again he didn´t became an answer.

Emil walked into the forest, only leaded by the Mysterious Noise. Then suddenly the Noise became very clear.

„A Baby is crying but where?" Emil said to himself.

He did a few steps more and reached a little river. There he found what he had searched for.

„The Baby must be near me. I can hear him as if..... "

His look had moved over something pink that was laying half in the water. He moved over to it and then he became another shock. The pink form was a female Pokémon he didn´t knew and like each young Child, he moved out one hand to touch the Body but once he touched her, he wished that he hadn´t done it. He thought that he would feel some body Heat but she was only cold. He moved his Hand a bit up and down on her and then he felt that her Neck had been broken by something or someone. She was dead and nothing could have changed that.

„OOOHHHH..... Poor thing. May your Soul rest in peace now? " He said with a tear in his Eyes.

„But I still wonder. From where did the screams came if not from.....? " He stopped because her Body moved.

„What the.... That wasn´t from a Wave. Could it be....? " He carefully moved her Body around with his hand.

She had crossed her Small hands together over her Stomach as if she wanted protect something. Once he had moved her into a stable position he slowly moved her Paws away and revealed 2 other pink Bodies. 2 Babies, barely 4 Weeks old.

„Looks like that I have found the source of the cries. Let´s see. "

He carefully moved one of his hands over the first Baby. A female. He moved 2 of his fingers to her neck to feel her pulse but there wasn´t one and the Body was already stone cold.

„OH No... HAH... Rest in peace little one. " He said with a low Voice.

Next he wanted to do the same with the other Baby but before he could touch it, the Baby moved and screamed.

„TTTTSSSSSCCCCCCHHHHHH...... Come down..... I will not harm you. "

He slowly moved his hands to each side of the Baby and then he stopped. The Baby slowly stopped crying and looked right onto his Hands first. Then it looked directly into his Eyes and began to smile a bit while it moved himself into one of his hands.

Emil was totally perplex. He had seen some Pokémon Babies already but no one had done such a thing when he was around or at last he hadn´t noticed it but he liked the feeling of the Warm Body. Carefully, he took up his Hand with the Baby in it while he said.

„I bet that you are hungry. I only hope that you like some Miltank Milk. "

He stood up and began to move fast towards his Home.

After 5 Minutes of fast walking he reached a large Ranch where many different Pokémon were running or hanging around with each other or being in a very delight positions. Emil doesn´t cared all of this because he saw this nearly every day. His Parents were Pokémon breeders and someday he wanted to be one too but right now he was only thinking of the little Life in his Hands. He quickly ran into the house and in there, upstairs to his room. There he layed the Baby into his Bed and moved a little blanket over it to keep the Baby warm. Next he ran back down into the kitchen and began to search.

After 5 Minutes of searching he had to take notice that there wasn´t any Milk left and so he hadn´t had no other choice then to go into the stable to get some fresh milk but there was also a problem. He feared the stable. This place was always too scary for him and he had some bad Memories about this place too but now he had to do something. He took an old metal bucket and quickly ran towards the stable. On his way his Mother saw him and shouted while she was working with some Pokémon Youngsters.

„Hi Emil. Is something wrong? Why are you so hasty? "

But Emil only shouted back.

„Got no time Mom. I tell you later. "

Once he was inside of the stable some fear came up in him but he used a little trick to not think of the fear. He thought of the Baby and suddenly all fear had gone. Feeling free he moved over to the Miltanks, who were quietly eating or sleeping in a little stable.

One of them was sitting in his near so it was only logical that he ask this one first.

„Excuse me Miltank. "


„Can you maybe give me some Milk or do you know someone who can give? I have found a little Pokémon Baby that needs help and...... " He was cut by the Miltank who took the bucket and began to milk herself.

5 Minutes later

The Miltank finished and gave Emil the bucket back, half full with sweat milk. Emil took it and then he placed a big kiss on the Head of the Miltank. The Miltank blushed slightly until Emil said „Thank you! "To her.

With the milk, Emil ran back to the house and directly into his room. He quickly placed the bucket next to the Baby and then he took it into his left hand. With his right he took a dip of the milk onto his showing finger only to place it a few seconds later on the mouth of the Baby.

First the Baby showed no reaction and Emil feared the poorest but then the Baby open its mouth a bit and swallowed the drop away. Shortly afterwards it opened again its mouth and Emil understood what it wanted. He placed another drop on its lips and only a second later the drop had gone. This process he repeated until his Mother called him.

„Emil it´s time to eat! "

Some minutes passed with nothing happening. Then Emil heard his mother coming to his Room.

* KNOCK, KNOCK * Made it on the door.

„Emil! Can I come in?" His Mother asks and Emil answered.

„Yes. "

She opened the door and moved in. Once inside she said.

„Haven´t you heard me calling for lunch? "

„ÄÄHHHH.... I´m sorry. What did you said? "

„Emil! What is wrong with you? What are you hiding right in front of.........? OH MY GOD!!!! "

His Mother had moved close to him and then she had seen the little Baby.

„Emil? Where did you found that Pokémon? Doesn´t you know that taking it from its family would cause some trouble? "

She was awaiting a normal answer but instead she became an answer she wasn´t prepared for because he nearly screamed the answer out.

„Where did I found him? Right in the forest in front of us but I didn´t took him for personal interests. I found him lying under the death Bodies of his mother and sister. And before you ask it. They both died a quiet normal death in my Eyes so what was I supposed to do? Let the little one die also or......... "

„Of Course not. You did the right thing. It´s just that these Pokémon is one of the rarest ones in the entire world and..... " He cut her.

„That doesn´t matter to me. All that I have to know is that he had needed some help and help I will give him..... Sorry for screaming at you Mom. "

„It´s alright. Now go and eat something. I look over him. By the way. Does he has a Name? "

„Till now not so we should call him ..... What Pokémon species is he actually? "

„He is a Mew. "

„A Mew?..... I didn´t know that Pokémon species so let us call him Mew for now. "

* GROWL * Emil Stomach was heard loud.

„UPS. I better go and eat something before I look like him. "

„Yeah. Probably. " His Mother answered with a smile.

Once said he disappeared in the kitchen and his Mother began to look over the little Baby Mew.

„Well, well. Seems like that you hadn´t eaten something in the past 5 Days. You are only skin and Bones. "

She moved her right finger into the milk and then began to feed the Baby like Emil had done and while she did she thought about a Name.

„Hmmm.... A Name for a legend. It´s already hard to find a Name for a normal Pokémon but for a legend.... Too bad that you are so young. Otherwise you could maybe give me a help with your Name."

15 Minutes later

Emil came back from lunch and his mother had finished feeding the Baby. Now she was stimulating the stomach of the little one by massaging it softly.

„I´m finished Mom. " Emil said.

„Have you put all into the dishwasher?" His Mother asks back.

„Yep .... And maybe I´m having a Name for him. "

„Oh.... And that is? "

„How about .... Zero! "

„HMMM.... That´s a strange Name. How have you found it? "

„It found me. I was only thinking of the little one and BAMM there it was. Well what would you say little.... Little.... Brother. ?"

The Mew didn´t said a word as calculated but it did something. It smiled and it moved his Paws towards Emil as if he wanted to hug him.

„Seems like that we have a Name. Zero. I must remember that Name. But why did you call him brother?" Emil´s Mother said and ask.

„Why not? " Was Emil´s simple answer while he began to play with the little Zero.

„AHAHAHA.... Fine but you have to take notice that you are now an Adult and that you have to look over him all the time. "

„I know and I think he knows that too. Look. "

Emil showed his Mother his hands and inside of them was Zero. Sleeping.

„Do we have a Bed for him ready? "

„No we don´t have one. All are already forgiven to others. "

„AHHHHH.... Alright then. He sleeps with me tonight and tomorrow I will try to build one for him. "

„Well just go to sleep you youngster. And we will see what tomorrow brings. "

Emil then made himself ready for Bed but before he did that he layed Zero on one side of his Bed. Then he quickly moved into the toilet and dressed himself for bed. Once he came back he saw that Zero was crying in his sleep. Emil moved into his Bed as fast as he could and moved his Hand behind Zero. Then he lowly whispered into Ear.

„All save. You are not alone anymore. "

It worked. Once Zero felt Emil´s near, he came down.

20 Years later

The years had passed like nothing and Emil had become a well-known man in his town. He had become one of the best Pokémon breeders in the entire world because since that Day when he saved Zero, he was able to speak with the Pokémon. He had also opened a Daycare in his town but his farm still stayed and he liked it to work there but for his sake he was all alone with the work. Of course he had some helpers but the main work was all for him alone and that was the first reason why he felt each day sick inside until this Day.

It was early in the morning and Emil needed to buy some Pokémon food for his farm. That was the reason why he moved into town. Once done shopping he moved back to his farm but he didn´t came far.

He was standing on a crossing and waited till he got some space to move over it but right in the middle he collided with someone.

„OUCH!!! What the Hell.... Are you blind or...... ÄÄÄHHHHH " He couldn't spoke on because he saw what or better said who he had run into.

It was a female of his age with a map laying at her right hand.

„OH CRAP!!! I ´m sorry Ma´am. Can I.... OUCH!!!" Again he stopped but not because of her this time.

Someone had bite him into his right leg. First he thought that it was one of Zero´s jokes that he sometimes did but once he looked down to his legs he saw that an Espeon was laying under him.

„DOUBLE CRAP!!! Are you 2 ok? I really doesn´t wanted to hurt someone. "

„Eon... Espeon.... Es....... Eon!!!" The Espeon said while she looked a bit mad over to Emil but Emil threw a look back that was able to kill and the Espeon became silent.

„Nora! Watch your Manners. " The female said towards her Espeon before she said some words to Emil.

„Thanks for your kindness Sir but it was my fault. I´m new in this town and I´m in search for the Daycare."

„Troubles in reading Maps, right? "

„Yes. " Came back as a shy answer.

„Do you want me to bring you to the Daycare? "

„ÄÄÄHHHH no, no, no. I will try to find it myself. I have already taken enough of your time. Farewell. "

Without any more words, the female turned and walked away. Her Espeon said a few more words before she moved away as well but once she had said her text, Emil threw another killing look over to her. This time more intense than last time.

Emil was still looking towards the female when he suddenly felt something cold on his back head and heard a loud laugh.

„EEEEEEHHHHHHH...... ZERO YOU.....!!!! " Emil shouted while he was holding his Head with his right hand.




„You damn little..... That was cold. Too Cold. "

„I only wanted to cool you down. "

„Cool me down? From what? "

„From your thoughts about that hottie Girl over there. " Zero said while he pointed at the girl who just had left.

„Why do you think that I had some thoughts over her? " Emil said while he blushed a bit.

„Because you are having that special look on your face that you are always having when a young Lady shows up. HIHIHIHI...... But as far as I can see now I can only say this..... Emil is in Love.... Emil is in Love... "

„Would you just shut up!!!? " Emil said with a redder Head but Zero didn´t stopped.

„Ei, Ei, Ei... What I see there? An in Love Pair. Come on. Go and kiss her!!! "

„GRRR..... Now you pay for it!!!" Emil said with a now burning red Face and a really mad look.

He moved his Hand to his back and there he grabbed something. Zero immediately knew what it was and immediately he wanted to fly away but it was too late. Emil moved his hand back forward and revealed a Poke ball which he holds right in front of him, pointing at Zero. Zero tried his Best to gain some space because he really hated these Ball but it was no use. Emil only needed to say....

„Come back!!! "

... And the Ball did his Job. The red beam came out of the Ball and Zero was hit by it. While he disappeared he managed to say some last words.

„You bastard. Why always this waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy???? "

The Ball closed and Zero was trapped inside.

Emil moved his hand with his Ball a bit backwards and said to it.

„Because it´s the only way to keep you cool from not going onto my nerves...... Even if you are right as always. "


He then moved the Ball back to his back and then he took the bags with the Pokémon Food from the street. Afterwards he began to move on towards the Daycare but he didn´t came far again. He had moved for 5 minutes until he saw the Girl again with her Map and he decided to follow her.

All the way he followed her, he couldn´t do other than to smile because she leaded herself from one death end into another and back. All over the way she didn´t realized that Emil was following her. Only Nora did but didn´t said a word. Then all came what needed to come.

„Well .... I hope that I´m right now. " She said loud. " Now turn right and there we...... Are. "

She was standing right in front of a Wall.

„What the..... NOT AGAIN!!!! OOOHHH I will never find the Daycare and it´s already getting late. OOOOHHHHH DAMN!!!"

She moved down to her knees and Nora tried her best to calm her until Emil showed up on her back.

„Seems like that you still need some help. " He said.

„NO! Definitely not! " She answered hard while she moved up again.

„OK. Do as you like but.... When I´m looking onto the Sky and smell the Air..... A Storm is rising fast but you want to find the Daycare alone. It´s OK. I´m fine with that so I will wait there for you while I´m doing my work. See ya. "

Emil turned around and wanted to go but before he did a step she said.

„OK, OK. You won. Show me the fucking way but listen... I don´t owe you something."

„There is no need to pay me something. Just stop thinking that I want something from you. "

„Espeon..... Es.... Es..... " Luna said something in a low and mad Voice. Something that brought Emil to face her.

„NORA!!! Stop saying..... " The Girl started but was cut by Emil who shouted loud into Nora´s face.


Both, Nora and the Girl were now looking onto Emil in shock. Saying nothing. Then, a few moments later, Emil said while he began to leave.

„I go now. If you still want to go to the Daycare then come with me but..... Put her into her Ball before she says something stupid or foolish again. "

Then he moved on.

He had moved a few steps when he heard her calling.


He stopped and turned only to see her with Nora on her shoulder.

„Is something wrong with her ball or....? " Now she cut him by saying.

„She hasn´t has a Poke ball. She comes with me at her free will but before you say something. I have told her that she should stay quiet for the rest of the Day. "

Emil looked over to Nora and she quickly moved herself out of sight.

„Well.... As long as she will hold on it, I´m fine with it also. "

„Great. Now can we go please? "

„Go? Where do you want to go? "

„The Daycare. You told me that..... "

„We are already there. This is the Daycare building. " Emil said while he pointed onto the building behind the Wall.

„WHAT!!!!" The Girl said with a long face. Letting Emil and Nora began to laugh loud.

„THAT´S NOT FUNNY!!! STOP LAUGHING!!!" She screamed with a big blush on her face.

„HA.... AAHHH..... I´m....... I´m sorry but your look is....... Is...... NNNNHHHHH...... Priceless..... HAHAHAHAHAHA..... "

„PAH..... Boys!!! " The Girl said and moved past Emil with an angry look on her face.

When she moved past Emil, Nora began to slide down her shoulders because she was still laughing with her Eyes closed. Luckily, Emil saw her in the corner of his Eyes and caught her in midair. Once Nora felt his touch on her Body she stopped laughing and began to look at him in pure fear but what she then saw was something that she hadn´t expected. He had a smile on his face and his Voice was much friendlier.

„I´m sorry for fearing you Nora. It´s only that I...... Please take my apologize for being so loud to you. " He said to her while he somehow managed to move one of his hands into one of the pockets only to retreat it a few seconds later with some Pokémon food in it.

Once he moved his hand with the food under her mouth she began to sniff at it only to take a mouth full in the next moment. She had taken so many that she had big problems to swallow it down. Seeing this, Emil moved the pockets quickly to the ground and then he hammered his hand softly onto her back. 5 seconds later, the food had gone and Nora was laying on his left shoulder, breathing very hard.

„Seems like that someone is hungry, right?" Emil asks Nora and she nodded a slight yes.

„HAHA... Well. Let´s see. Do you want more from my food?"

She looked at him with needy Eyes and nodded yes very quickly and many times.

„Alright then. Let´s see. You apologize for your words and I will give you some food once we are in the Daycare. Does that sounds good to you? "

Nora thought of it for a few seconds and then she finally said.

„Es..... Espeon..... Es... „Translated" Sorry.... for my.... Words. "

Emil then smiled brightly while he moved one of his hands over her Head. Then he placed her on his right shoulder while he grabbed the bags with the food. Once done, he moved to the girl, who was already waiting for them. Together they walked on and began to talk.

„So. You can understand Pokémon? " The Girl asks Emil.

„Yes I can. "

„How? I mean why can you understand them? "

„I don´t know exactly. When I was young I couldn´t understand them until I met my first Pokémon. Since then I understood each word. "

„Hmmm..... That must be a special one. Can I see it? "

„Why not? But before I do, you need to do me a favor. "

„Hey!!! I already told you that..... " She started but stopped because he cut her by saying.

„I only want to know your Name. Nothing more or less. "

„OHHH.... ÄÄÄHHMMMM...... Yeah. Sorry. I´m Mila and this on your shoulder is Nora. My first Pokémon. "

„Nice to meet you 2. I´m Emil and this... " Emil moved his Hand to his back and grabbed Zero´s Poke ball. "..... Is my First Pokémon. Zero..... It´s your turn!!! "

He threw the Ball a few feets away and it opened. A White light showed itself and then it faded while the Ball jumped back into Emil´s hand. Once the light had gone, everyone looked into the direction of it but there wasn´t anything seen.

„ÄÄÄÄHHHHH..... Is that some kind of a trick or...... " Mila started but then she heard Emil calling.

„Stop playing mad Zero and show yourself!!! "

Nothing happened.

„ZERO!!!" Emil now shouted a bit louder and he moved the Ball up again.

Then, from out of nowhere, they heard some noises.

„Mew. Mew, mew, mew. MEW.... " And Zero finally appeared.

Mila and Nora were both standing there again in shock. They both had calculated with many things but this was far away from their wildest thoughts.

„Yeah, yeah I´m sorry brother. Now come here and introduce yourself to the Ladies. "

„MEW!!!" Was the only answer and Zero moved his Head aside with his Eyes closed.

„What do you want more? I already...... WOW..... Go easy on him, please. " Emil said because Mila had done a jump forward, only to grab Zero with both hands and hold him close to her face or better said she buried her face into his chest.

„A real Mew!!! HAHAHA.... I never thought that I would see one some Day!!! Oh you are such a lucky Guy to call a Mew your own!" Mila said once she let Zero go free.

„I don´t call him my own. He is just my brother. "

„I see... How did you caught him? "

„I...... I tell you later maybe....." Emil said and the four began to move again.

A few minutes later

"So....... We have arrive. The Daycare entrance. As promised. " Emil said with a smile.

The four were standing in front of a big entrance Door which open automatically for them. Once they had moved inside, the door closed and some Music began to play.

„SHANNON!!! ARE YOU THERE?" Emil shouted into the room.

„I´M IN THE BACK WITH THE EGGS EMIL!!!" Came back as an answer from the farthest corner of the room.


„A WHAT????? "

* BOOM * someone or something had dropped down hard.

„ARE YOU OK SHANNON?" Emil shouted.

He became no answer first but then a small figure came out of a side door. It was a young female, who was holding her Ass.

„OH Crap!!! That hurts!!!" The female said.

„I already told you not to move hasty. Are you hurt and did you broke an Egg?" Emil asks.

„No, no. I´m fine just like the eggs. No one was hit Boss. "

„Boss? He?" Mila asks while she pointed on Emil.

„Yep. He is my Boss or better said My Big Boss because he had built up this Daycare and..... " Mila cut Shannon by beginning to talk to Emil a bit hasty.

„You never said that you are the Boss of this Daycare. Why? "

„I simply hate it to be called like that. I ´m simply me and not one of those necktie wearer who are only sitting in an office chair behind a desk. Doing nothing more than counting money. And to say it this also.... You never asked me what position I had in here too."

„And he is the only one who can handle each Pokémon and trainer who come in here. And to tell you this!!! I´m his right hand. " The female said to move into the talk.

„How many times should I tell you that you should stop saying that SHANNON!!! " Emil said a bit angry.

„But I´m right with that. Doesn´t I? "

„Just because of the little fact that you are the only one who wants to work with me in here at free will. Don´t forget that. Now please wait here at the information and don´t do anything stupid. "

„Alright, alright.... Bastard. " The last word she said very low but Emil had heard it.

„You too my dear!!!" Was his answer of that and let Shannon stand there speechless.

Once the situation had cleared, Emil moved on and leaded Mila to a door with a bank in front of it. There he sat himself down and said to her while he feed Nora with some food as promised.

„Please sit down. "

She did it without a word but once she was sitting she said.

„Are you always so rude to your workers? "

„No. That was only to let her remember some facts that I told her a while ago. "

„That were? "

„The fact that she is only 15 and that I doesn´t want anything from her. "

„I understand. "

„So then tell me please. Why are you here exactly? "

„I ..... Need your help with..... 2 of my Pokémon. They are both heaving a serious problem I think. "

„Hmmm.... Sounds interesting. Can you call them? "

„Of course. " Mila answered and moved her both hands into her back.

A few seconds later she moved them forward again with 2 poke balls in it. In the next second she threw those into the Air and the Pokémon inside of them were revealed. A Male Growlithe and a female Umbreon.

Once they were out, Emil began to smile brightly before he said to Mila.

„I bet I know your problem. They are both a Love pair. Right? "

„How the hell...... Yes they are I think. "

„HAHAHA..... Don´t worry. I will help but before I do it I need another favor from you. "

„How many times should I ....." She started again but like last time he cut her.

„I want you to tell them that they can trust me and that they don´t need to do all that I´m telling them. "

„AAAHHHHH...... ÄÄÄÄÄHHHMMMMMÄÄÄÄÄ....... ÄÄÄÄÄHHHHMMMMMMM. " He had her surprised again and her look let him and their both Pokémon began to laugh again. She also blushed a bit while she said.

„Stop laughing you...... HAHAHAHA. "

He had begun to tickle her side.

„HAHAHAHA...... SSSSS......... Stop please....... "

He did it.

„HA...... HA...... HA..... Why did you did that?" Mila asks.

„I only wanted to sheer you up..... A Mad face doesn´t stand you, don´t you think? "

„I....... I...... I don´t know. "

„Then let us ask your Pokémon. What do you think ÄÄÄÄÄHHHHH.......? What are their Names? "

„Leon and Michelle. "

„Thanks. So Leon and Michelle. What do you think? Am I right or am I wrong? "

Both Pokémon quickly nodded yes with still a smile on their faces.

„How could you........ You Bastard. " The Bastard came out of her mouth very low.

„I know.... Well would you tell them please what I ask you for? "

„ÄHM... Of course. Listen you 2. I know that you are having some problems with each other. What exactly I don´t know but he surely knows. Please, do what he wants you to do if you can do it. If you cannot or want not, you only need to tell him and he will surely stop. Please would you do me the favor? "

Both Pokémon began to look onto each other for a few moments. Then they both nodded again yes.

„Thanks. " Mila said smiling.

„I have to thank you too. " Emil added. „Alright. Time to go. You can go into the Coffee shop and eat something. It will surely take some time and please don´t worry for them. I promise you that they will not be harmed. "

„I take you by your word if not. "

On that commend, Emil gave her a shy smile while they both got up from the bank. Next they divided. Mila moved down the hall towards the Coffee shop while Emil moved with the 2 Pokémon through the door, were they had sit right in front.

On Mila´s site

She walked down the hall, straight to the coffee shop when she suddenly was tackled from the side.

„DDDOOOOUUUUWWWWWWW........... What the hell was that?" Mila asks loud while she looked around.

„I´m sorry....... My fault!!!" A female Voice said from down her hind legs and Mila began to look there.

„You are Shannon right?"

„Yeah. That´s me but who are you? "

„I´m Mila. Nice to meet you. "

„You..... You are the female that came with Emil right? "

„Yeah. I´m here to fix some problems with my Pokémon. "

„Oh yes. That´s he can do very well. HAH.... No wonder if you think of the fact that he can talk with Pokémon. "

„To true...... OH.... Did I disturbed you at your work? "

„No, no, no. I´m already finished with it. I only wanted to wash some medicine tablets and then I wanted to go to eat something in the Coffee shop. "

„Can I help you with the washing? "

„Sure. Why not? "

They both moved into a little side room where they cleaned a few tablets, saying nothing. Then once they finished, they both moved to the coffee shop. Once there, they began to talk.

„DAMN!!! Where is the milk? Is there no milk left?" Shannon asks a bit loud while she moved over a little rack.

„Here!!! I found it behind the sugar. " Mila answered while she moved with her tablet to the cash box.

„AAHHHHHH...... Thanks. Now my Day is save. "

Both Girls paid and set themselves right in front of a Panorama window where many wild Pokémon where seen.

„OH look!!" Shannon said and pointed outside. " An Ursaring Pair in action. That´s really rare. "

Mila didn´t looked. Instead she was lost in thoughts of her 2 Pokémon and Emil.

„Hey!! Come on. Nothing will happen to your Pokémon. He would never set them out a risk. " Shannon said while she moved one hand to her left shoulder.

„HMMMMM..... What? Did you said something? " Mila answered with a surprised look.

„What are you thinking so hard? Come on! Tell me. "

„R...... RRRR...... Right now I´m..... I´m..... " She couldn´t formulate something but to her luck she didn´t needed to.

„You are asking yourself some questions about Emil, right? "

„Y..... Yes. "

„Ask me and maybe I can help you out. "

„Really? " Mila asks Shannon and Shannon nodded yes in response.

„OK..... ÄHM...... Do you...... Are you..... Do you..... "

„Wow.... This looks more bad then I thought. You must have been hit hard by him. "

„Hit? By what? "

„His Charm. "

„What? No way!!! "

„Come on. I know that I´m right because I´m having the same look every morning when I wake up and see my future Husband lying next to me in my thoughts. "

„T...... That´s not true....... " She blushed.

„HAHAHA..... Don´t worry. I´ll keep it my secret. Now ask me what you want. "

„Do you know......? Is he having a Girlfriend? "

„No. He haven´t had one yet and he never had his first time yet also I think. "

„Not had yet? WOW..... Just like me. " A Smile danced over Mila´s face. " Can you tell me more over him like his past or something? "

„Well.... Actually this is all I now. He never speaks much. There are Days were he doesn´t speak a word and on other Days he never stops. As if he tries to figure out something's that are uncalculated able like us Girls. "

„I see. And his Pokémon? "

„Which one do you mean? "

„Does he has more than one? "

„Yeah... He counts each Pokémon on his ranch to his own. Even if they are all wild and not caught by him they would give their Life's for him and clockwise because he has helped them like he now does for you and your Pokémon. "

„He is having a Ranch? Where and why does he has built up a Daycare when he has got a Ranch? "

„He build the Daycare because he hated those trainers who are only using Pokémon as Fight or Birth machines. I also think that on one Day something terrible had happened with one trainer there also. Here he can simply do all what the trainer want. Even if he hates it much. But on his Ranch, he let those ones come in who are in Love and only those ones. That´s why most times wild Pokémon come to him there, pleading for help. "

„HHHHHMMMMMM.... Did some trainers where allowed to be there with their Pokémon? "

„Till now..... Not even one. Everyone that came in here had only the thought of making Babies and sell them or making Babies who are only designed for Battle.... TSK...... As if nature wouldn´t do her best in Natural selection...... HAH..... Now to you. What brings you here? "

„Haven´t you heard what I told Emil? "

„No. I´m maybe a curiously Girl but I´m not having such good ears to hear you over 2 floors. "

„OH OK... I´m having a problem with 2 of my Pokémon. They are a Love couple I think but they are different species. I´ve had already tried all to help them but nothing worked. I was already ready to give up when I heard someone talking over this Daycare and the help he had become here. That´s why I traveled here to ask for help. "

„HAHAHA..... That explains many to me. One last question before we go back. Where is the Pokémon that came with you and Emil? I mean the Espeon that was sitting on his shoulder. "

„You mean Nora..... Well.... Now that you mention it, since Emil took my 2 Pokémon with him, I´ve not seen her around. "

„Are you not worried about her? "

„No..... From time to time she disappears for hours and then puff, she reappears as if she had been there since she disappeared. "

„I see. Well..... Let us bring back the tables. I bet that Emil is already done with your Pokémon and I´m sure that..... He needs your help. " The last set, Shannon said very low but Mila understood it.

She wanted to ask Shannon why but she didn´t tried it. 5 Minutes later, they were standing in front of the door where Emil had left Mila alone and so Shannon did as well. She left Mila alone with tons of thoughts and hopes.

At Emil´s side. 30 Minutes earlier

Emil had moved through the Door with Leon and Michelle on his side. They walked a long corridor with pictures of proud smiling Pokémon on the wall until they reached a door. There they stopped and Emil opened it saying.

„Michelle, you wait in here and please don´t try to open something would you? "

Michelle nodded yes and moved into the room. Once in, Emil closed the door and walked on with Leon.

A few meters away from the room where Michelle was now in, was another room which Emil now entered with Leon and once they were in, Emil closed the door. Inside of the room was only an office chair and a little table.

Emil moved straight to the chair and sat himself into it. Then he turned to face Leon only to tell him.

„Try to jump onto the table please. "

And Leon did it. First he tried it directly but the table was too high. Then he saw that Emil had moved a bit so that he could jump onto his legs and from there onto the table. Once done, Leon sat himself down directly in front of Emil who had now a full Body view.


„Well, well.... You are looking really good trained I must say and to talk like a breeder, your tool looks good too. " Emil said while he looked over Leon's Body. " Now tell me. What is the problem between Michelle and you? "

„What should I tell you? You don´t even understand my talking. " Leon said in Pokémon.

„Well..... You can simply tell me what your problem is and even if I wouldn´t understand you it wouldn´t be nice of you to talk like that. "

Leon was stunned for the first moment but then he managed to say.

„You..... You can understand me? How? Why? "

„I will tell you later. Now come on. Tell me what the problem between you 2 is. "

„ÄHHHMMMMM....... „Leon blushed deeply. " It has..... Something to do with...... My..... My...."

Emil took on advantage on that point.

„You are too big for her right? "

Leon's Head nearly exploded but it stayed and he quickly nodded a yes.

„Just as I thought. Now tell me please. How far would you go for her? "

„As far as I have to. " Leon answered with a hard Voice.

„Even if you would take some really hard pain or even death? "

„Yes I would take that too. "

„Why? "

„She is ..... My life and I only want to keep her happy. And if that would mean to give my Life away then.... I would.... Do it. "

„And do you think that she would let you do that? "

Some time passed in where he didn´t gave him an answer but then he said.

„She would surely try to stop me but...... " Emil stopped him by saying.

„You don´t need to tell me more but I have to tell you this before we start your operation. Once you start it, there will be no turning back and the pain you would go through can easily bring you to a heart attack. So it is up to you. Your chances are 50 to 50 that the operation would be a success or a Failure. It´s your choice. Take your time and once you're done, call for me. "

Emil got up from the chair and turned on place but he didn´t came far because Leon grabbed his left arm with both of his paws closely followed by his words.

„Tell me what to do and I will do it. "

Emil turned around while he said back.

„Are you sure? Like I said there will be no turning back. "

„I want it. " Leon now nearly screamed. „I want to be her real mate! I want to be the father of her child's!"

Emil smiled on that answer while he took Leon down from the table.

„Very well. Come with me please. "

Emil moved back to the entrance and Leon followed him. Emil opened the door and together they walked out of the room only to move one door further. The room they now walked into was a white operation room with many machines in it. Emil moved next to a table in the middle of the room and said to Leon while he pointed towards table.

„Come up here please and relax. "

Leon did as he was told. He jumped onto the table but relaxing wasn´t what he couldn´t do. Inside of his Head was all running in circles. That was why Emil did what he always did with such Males. He began to masturbate him with slow strokes while he softly moved his other hand over his back fur.

It worked perfectly as always. Leon muscles began to soften and Emil was able to move Leon into position. He moved the Growlithe onto his back and then he fixed his paws with straps. Then he moved some kind of a necklace around his neck. It had the function of holding his head down and it transmitted some Body information to a computer were Emil could check the Life signs.

Once Emil had put the necklace on, Leon asked him.

„What are you going to do with me exactly? "

„I´m going to change your Body. Or better said I will change your DNA and the size of your Penis. "

„My DNA? "

„Well.... if you want to have some child's with her you need to be changed. Otherwise you just have to wait for...... Your evolution into an Arcanine. "

„My Evolution....... " Leon moved back into thoughts while Emil did some preparations on a machine that was standing next to the table.

Suddenly Leon asks.

„Do the changings change back when I evolve? "

Emil stopped to think of his next answer wisely.

„To tell you the truth, I don´t know. Some Pokémon stayed changed and some had changed back and.... We couldn´t fix it again. "

„I see......HHHHAAAAAHHHHHH...... "

„If you want to stop now then....... " Emil was cut by Leon.

„Please tell Mila that..... I´m sorry. I know that she wanted to have an Arcanine someday but..... I love Michelle too much.... Sniff..... Tell her that..... I want to put my Paw on an Eternal stone once I´m up again. "

„I will... But it would be better if..... You ask her yourself. "

„How? She cannot understand Pokémon like you. "

„But she has a big heart and I´m sure that she would understand it. I would even bet that she is already carrying an Eternal stone in her back for you. "

Leon smiled on that thought.

2 Minutes later

Emil had done the last preparation on the machine and now he placed the last thing on Leon´s Body. It was something that was looking like a tube and he placed it right over his Penis or better said he moved the half erected Penis directly into it. Leon Moaned slightly once Emil let the tube slight down on his Penis and once it had been placed Leon asks.

„What...... Is this for? "

„This thing is part of the changing process. You see.... To start the changing.... You need a fully erected Penis which had cummed. It´s needed to encode your DNA and on this way the machine can calculate.... Your new size. "

„Did that mean that the machine will..... Milk me first? "

Emil blushed while he said „Yes. "

„Then it´s good that Michelle will not see it. "

„Sorry but....." Emil started and got a mad look from Leon.

„She will see the changing process. Not the Milking but all the rest. "

Now Leon became a bit more mad and loud.

„Are you crazy? I will not allow you to..... " Now Leon was cut by Emil very hard.

„There is no other way. You see.... You will have to be changed this way but changing her is a bit harder because for that part..... Real and undying Love is needed. Otherwise it would be no use of even trying it. She needs to see it and she needs to see you pulling the final Button to begin the operation. I´m really wishing that it would go other ways but it doesn´t. Sorry..... Deeply Sorry."

Leon´s look had changed from hate to fear but he didn´t said anything.

A moment later, Emil moved a little box into Leon´s right paw and said.

„The Button on this Box will start the Operation once it´s pressed. "

Leon did it immediately because he wanted to avoid the meeting with Michelle but nothing happened.

„It´s nice of you to try to avoid it but I need to press some Buttons on the desk on the other side of this window before it works. " Emil said while he moved towards the exit.

„You Bastard! " Emil heard lowly from behind him once he moved outside and closed the door.

When the door became closed, Leon heard a * Beep * from the machine in front of him and only a second later he began to moan.

The Machine had started her treatment on him.

2 Minutes later

Emil walked into the room were Michelle was waiting.

„I´m sorry for letting you wait so long. Leon wanted to know a bit too many from me. " Emil said with a smile.

„He wanted to know something? I bet he wanted to know where the toilet is. " Michelle answered with a smirk.

„No he doesn´t wanted to know that. "

„Not.... Then what did he..... Wait a second!!! You can understand what I say? "

„Yes I can. Is that really so rare in the world? "

„Rare? You are the only one in the entire world who can understand us Pokémon. Who teaches you that? "

„No one. "

„But..... But..... " Emil cut her by moving one finger onto her lips.

„I don´t know why I can understand you Pokémon but I know one thing. We don´t have much time to talk right now. We 2 need to make some quick decisions so follow me please."

Emil opened the door and together with Michelle he moved out of the room. They walked on the floor and passed the room where Leon was in. When they passed it, Michelle heard him moaning loud.

„Is he in this room with another female?" Michelle asks.

„What if yes?" Emil answered while he looked at her with one Eye.

„If yes..... You then better call for an emergency crew because I would castrate him while he humped that Bitch. Not to mention that those Bitch would pay also very hard for...... For.... "

„For Stealing what´s rightfully yours, right? "

„Right..... He promised me that I would be his first time once he should become able to... Mate. "

„HAHAHA.... Then I´m lucky to tell you that he will stay a full Man till his end. There is no female inside this room with him. "

„Really? But why did he moaned so hard if..... "

„Stop asking. You will see it in a few seconds why he moaned so loud. " Emil said while he stopped in front of a door that was the next one of the side where Leon was in.

Emil opened the door and walked into a large room with a big window on the right side. Michelle followed in his shadow and got a little bit shocked once she looked through that window.

She saw her Love laying on a table with some kind of machine in front of him and once she saw that this machine was connected with his Penis, which was standing in fully glory right now, she looked blushing away.

„Now I know why he moaned but why did you do THAT to him? "

„That is part of his Operation. You see, to change his size that he would fit you, we needed to know his fully potential. And I must say as a breeder that he would be a very good stud. His pre is already filled with high potential sperm. No wonder that you want him as the father of your child's. "

From one moment to another Michelle's look became really mad and she nearly screamed into Emil´s face.

„Do you really think that I only want him because his Penis is so great? I´m in Love with him and not with his dick. I´m in Love with his Soul and not with his Seed. I would give myself for him if I had to. "

Now Emil began to smile again but it was a more devilish one.

„If that is true then go over to that table and press the red Button to activate the machine." Emil said and pointed over to a table on the window.

Michelle turned and moved over to the table, with the will to press the Button but once she was standing in front of it, she stopped.

„What´s wrong? I thought that you don´t give a damn to his Penis right now. "

Hearing that, she moved out her paw but once it was above the Button she stopped again and asks.

„Will the Operation hurt him? "

„Yes. " Was Emil´s answer.

„How bad? "

„There is a 50 to 50 chance that he will die because of the pain. "

Michelle´s look shifted on that answer from Mad to fear and she slowly moved her paw back to the ground.

„What´s wrong?" Emil now asks with a bit more feeling in his Voice.

„I...... I.... I cannot do it. "

„Why? "

„I..... I..... I don´t want to lose him. "

„And your child wish? You cannot mate with him in this state right now. "

„I know but...... But...... I cannot live without him..... SNIFF..... I..... I..... Would kill myself if....... If..... He would die. " Michelle said while she was fighting some tears.

„So.... You would lovely life a Life without some child's only to be at his side. Is that right? "

„Y..... Y...... YES.... YES."

„HAHAHA.... Why do I know that? Hey Leon. What would you say about her choose?" Emil said while he moved close to a near microphone.

„I..... I..... I....... RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! " Right at that moment, the machine kicked Leon over the edge.

He released all in all 5 jets of pure, white cum which the machine swallowed away as quick as he released. Once he had finished and had regained some Air he said while he looked over to Michelle, who was still fighting some tears.

„Hunny..... I know how you feel right......Now and I know that..... Your biggest wish is to..... Have some Children with me...... And I have to thank you....... For trying to save....... Me on cost of your wish....... B..... But I cannot...... I hate to see you suffering when you..... Go all the time into heat....... And..... And...... And..... " Leon moved the Box with the Button up a bit so that Michelle was able to see it.

„Michelle ....... Please forgive...... Me..... But I cannot...... I will not see...... You suffering some.... Pain again because..... Of such a..... Little reason. "

First Michelle wasn´t even in the picture of what Leon meant but then it hit her hard and she began to scream towards Leon.


Leon didn´t listen. Instead he lowered one of Paw fingers and began to press the Button down while he said in the loveliest of all Voices.

„I Love you Michelle. "

On the other side of the Window, Michelle began to panic. She hammered her front paws on the window without efforts. Then she turned and began to scream to Emil.


But Emil only answered.

„Too late. "

Right at that moment, Michelle's Eyes and Ears went far open because she heard some sounds that she never had wanted to hear.

* BEEP *



She slowly turned her Head towards the window and once she saw what was going on, she began to cry heavy tears.

Leon had done it. He had activated the machine by pressing the last Button. Once he had done it the machine had stretched each one of the straps around his Body and only a split-second later, 20 Needles had moved into his Body were 8 of the needles had moved into his Penis and Balls.

He was in hell. His complete Body was crying in pain and it didn´t took long till he faded out.

Michelle on the other side of the window was in pain too but for her it was like if someone had stolen her Heart. She didn´t knew what to do first. Cry, scream, attack the window, collapse. She wanted to do all at once but she couldn´t. Her Body was like as if it was frozen and her look was fixed on her Mate who was only laying there on a table, with a pain filled face.

It was like as if hours had passed for her but it had been only minutes until Emil moved next to her saying.

„It´s alright. He will survive it or better said that he was never in danger. "

She slowly turned her Head towards Emil once she had heard it but she didn´t said anything. Only her look was questioning him.

„I´m sorry for lying you but I had to find out if you 2 were in true Love and as far as I can see now, you are in. "

She still didn´t said a word but her Eyes became watery. Seeing this, Emil took her Body up from the ground and layed her on his right shoulder. Next he whispered into her Ear.

„Let it out. Cry all your pain out and if you want to hurt me for the Lie..... Do it. "

Said, done.

She began to cry like a newborn but she didn´t did something to hurt Emil. She wanted to but her Body had lost all of its power. Emil knew that because he had already seen so many females in this state. That was the reason why he moved with her out of the room, heading towards the rooms in where she could sleep. This way brought him back to Mila who was sitting on the bank again, waiting for Emil and her Pokémon.

Once Emil got out of the door, she showed a happy face first but then her look became sad because she saw that Michelle was crying heavily.

„What has happened? " She asks Emil and he answered.

„I tell you later but don´t worry. Nothing bad has happened to them. "

Once said he walked past her and disappeared in another door on the other side of the Main hall.

About 5 minutes later, the first door opened and a Bed was rolled out with Leon in it.

„What the Hell??? I thought that..... Is he alright?" Mila now asks Shannon who was moving the Bed.

„Yes he is but don´t ask me something special. Emil will soon tell you all. " Shannon answered and rolled the bed the same way Emil took a few minutes ago.

Emil had reached a door and had opened, revealing a little room with 2 Beds in it or at last 1 Bed and a place for a second one.

„Good. " Emil said lowly to himself. „She has thought of that, this time. "

Michelle on his shoulder was still sobbing and crying but not this hard as a few minutes ago. Emil had moved close to the Bed and wanted to lay her down but before he moved her Body up from his shoulder, he heard her whispering with sobs.

„Please..... Help me...... To get...... Pregnant once he..... Is up again. "

Emil smiled once he heard that and he answered while he moved her from his shoulder.

„Don´t worry. I don´t need to help you. Mother Nature is already working on that little problem. It only needs some time and now rest. You need all of your energy for the next couple of Days. "

He then Layed her Body down onto the Bed and also placed a blanket over her Body. Next he silently moved out of the room, directly into Shannon´s way.

„UPS..... Sor...... " Shannon started but was cut by Emil.

„TTTTTTZZZZZZZZZZZZ...... Not so loud. They are both sleeping now. Just drive him in and then come to the Main hall. It is already getting late. "

„OK. " Shannon whispered back and drove the Bed in the room while Emil walked back to the Main hall. Once there he walked straight to Mila and once he reached her he sat himself to her side again like he had done an hour ago.

Mila immediately overrun him with questions about the 2 and Emil then told her all that had happened. Once he had finished she still had some questions left.

„Why have you played such a Game with them? Wasn´t it enough to ask them if they were both in Love?" Mila asks.

„Enough? No. It´s easy to say that you are in Love but to be in Love is something different and this way is the only way to find it out. It also had shown me something else. "

„Oh. And what? "

„Let me answer this question with another one. Do you have a room for the week where you can stay? "

„OOOHHHHH...... ÄÄÄÄHHHHHMMMMM.... Now that you mention it..... No. I haven´t have a room for the week. I was so hard in the search for the Daycare that I have forgotten it..... Dammit. "

„HAHAHA..... Why do I know that? HAHAHAHA.... Don´t worry. Just come with me. I´m having a room for you. "

„Really? But I...... " Emil cut her.

„You don´t need to pay me. "

„How did you....... Thanks. "

„Thank me when your Pokémon can finally life their Love. Now, come on. It´s getting late and I bet that you are tired. "

Right at that moment they heard an explosion.

„What the fuck??? " Emil said and got up from the Bank.

„From where did that came? " Mila asks but before Emil cold gave her an answer they heard another explosion.

„Seems like that someone is fighting in our training room but that cannot be. It´s already too late for this and the room is normally closed for....... " Emil didn´t moved on talking because something came up his mind.

Suddenly, he grabbed Mila´s right arm and tossed her up while he said to her.

„Quick. Follow me. "

He ran with her through the door, which they had sit next to. Once past he lured her through the floor towards a hallway. There he ran the stairs up with her until they reached the highest floor.

This floor hadn´t had some doors. Only a window was there and behind that window was only some smoke to be seen. Suddenly a flash filled the window and the smoke flew away, revealing 2 Pokémon, who were fighting each other.

„What the..... Why is Nora fighting on this room with......? What was his Name?" Mila asks Emil.

„Its Zero and I don´t know. " Emil answered.

„We should go in and stop them. "

„I think that .... We better stay out of this. "

„Why? "

„This isn´t a normal fight. "

„What? Why not? "

„HHHHAAAAHHHHH.... Normally Zero would avoid some fighting. He hates it to fight but right now..... Look at his face. He is..... Enjoying it just like Nora does. "

Mila then looked at Zero and got a little bit shocked. She saw a smile on his face and once she looked at Nora, she saw the same.

„You are right but what does that mean? "

„I really don´t know. The only thing we could do right now is watching them..... LOOK OUT!!! "


The 2 Pokémon had unleashed a really hard Psy wave. It had been so hard that the pressure of the attack had brought the window to break into pieces. Luckily Emil had seen that coming and had moved Mila and himself out of the way but some little pieces had hit his left arm.

„CRAP!!! That was close. " Emil said. " Are you alright Mila? "

„I am but.... your arm. " Mila answered.

„It´s just a stretch. Nothing more. "

„Thanks for saving me. " Mila said while she blushed a bit because she realized in which position she was.

She was pinned against a Wall, facing Emil directly. Right at that moment Emil blushed also and quickly moved away saying.

„I´m sorry."

He then moved back to the window and once he looked through it he said.

„Seems like that the fight is over. Come. Let us go to them. "

Together they moved a floor lower and there through a door which Emil had to open with a key. Once the door opened, a wave of smoke greeted them and once it had faded they both saw their Pokémon laying on the ground, panting very hard. Quickly they both moved to their partner, pulling them up from the ground.

„Hey little Brother. Are you alright? "

"....... Mew....... Mew...... "

Translator online

" ..... I´m...... Fine..... "

„Good. How is Nora doing Mila? Is she hurt?"

„She looks fine but she is totally exhausted. "

„Same here....... HAH..... Alright. Let us bring them into the next rooms. "

„Where? "

„Follow me. "

Emil said and began to move with Zero in his arms. Mila did the same and followed him. They walked through the door, which they came in, and moved to another that was next to the training room. Once reached, Emil said to Mila.

„Wait here. I´ll be back in a minute. "

„OK. "

Emil then moved through the door and closed it behind him. In the room was a little bed standing with a table on its side and on this table was a picture frame with a picture in it. This room was Zero´s private room and the picture showed Emil with the Baby Zero in his hands. Carefully Emil moved to the Bed and layed Zero down on it. Once done he asks Zero.

„Why did you 2 fought each other and how did she managed to enter the trainings room? "

„I..... I...... *COUGHT*..... I don´t know how she had...... * PANT * ....... managed it to enter...... the trainings room..... I only know that..... * PANT * ...... she was suddenly there and...... * COUGHT *.... attacked me. * PANT, PANT *"

„I understand..... Seems like that she is a tough fighter or can it be that you need a bit more training? "

"....... SS...... Stop teasing me........ * COUGHT *...... I am in full training....... Still....... * PANT *..... But she...... She let me look like a...... * PANT *..... Bloody starter. "

„Don´t blame yourself. You fought very well and I have to say that I´m proud of you in both ways. "

"..... B...... Both..... ?"

„Like I said. You fought very well and..... She would fit you very Good as your..... " Zero cut Emil hard.


„WOW.... Come down little brother. Relax. I only said it because you looked like you would enjoyed her presence each time she is in your near. "

„N...... Ne...... Never....... I..... I...... ZZZZZZZZZZZZ " Zero had fallen asleep because of the exhaustion.

„Poor little brother. I know what I have seen and I bet that soon you will realize it too. You are in Love with her and she is with you also. Now sleep well and dream of her. "

After Emil had said that he moved out of the room, closing the door behind him. Outside was Mila still waiting with Nora in her Arms.

„Does she said something? " Emil asks.

„Said yes but.... " Mila answered.

„UPS.... Sorry. I´m always forgetting that I´m the only one who can understand Pokémon. Sorry. "

"Yeah.... I would wish that I could understand them sometimes too. It would be surely interesting. "

„Not always. Sometimes I´m even wishing that I would never understand them. Now let us talk later. Give her to me and wait her please. I will bring her to bed and give her Body a little checkup. "

„Can I come with you this time? "

„Sorry again. This will be a patient, doctor talk. "

" ...... Bastard. "

She moved Nora a bit away from her Body and Emil softly took her with his hands. Once taken, he moved into the next room which was lying next to the room in where Zero was in.

The room was exactly looking like the other one and Emil did the same things he did with Zero. Once he had finished he said to Nora in a lower Voice.

„I´m glad that you are here. I´m glad that Zero isn´t the only one of his species. "

Nora didn´t answered. She was sleeping deep or at last she wanted to let Emil think that but she did a mistake. She moved her Eyes to hasty and that Emil had seen.

„Come on. I know that you are awake and there is no need in hiding your true form. "

She gave in and opened her Eyes while she asks him.

„Will you tell her or ..... Him and how did have found it out? "

„I will not tell them. There is surely a reason why you had masked yourself but I also need to warn you. Please don´t break his heart. He is a weak person in there and I´m sure that.... he would kill himself if...... You know what I mean and how I found it out? Well...... You must know that only 2 persons can enter the trainings room because the door has a Magical lock and the persons who can enter are me, because I´m having the only Key, and Zero who can enter and leave the room as much times as he wanted because the door was made for him and his kind. So now you see how I managed to find your secret out. "

" ...... So...... What now? "

„Like I said I will do nothing but as long as you are hurt and in this room you better stop masking yourself."

„But.... " Nora started but was softly cut by Emil.

„There is no but. They cannot see you from the outside and no one can enter here. "

„And.... Zero?"

„Don´t worry about him. I know him very good and because of the fight you gave him.... I bet that he will sleep over a whole Day. And now come on. Drop your mask. It would be much easier to recover for you when you drop it. "

She did as she was told. Her Body glowed for some seconds and then it revealed a young Mew female. Barely in Zero´s age. Right after that move, she dropped into a deep sleep for real and without saying anything more, Emil left the room and once he was out, he closed the door and took the Key with him.

„How is she doing? Is she badly hurt?...... Is..... Is"

Right after Emil had closed the door, he was bombarded with questions from Mila who wanted to know all.

„HEY!!! HEY!!! Stop!!! Come down first. There is nothing you have to fear. She only needs a long sleep and all will be fine. " Emil said to calm Mila down.

„UUUUUUFFFFFFFFFF...... That sounds good. I really thought that she..... They had hurt themselves bad. " Mila said with a relaxing face.

„So much action on one Day is really rare these times. I´m pretty exhausted now and I only want to go to bed. How about you? "

„Me too. I only hope that it isn´t far from here. I mean the place where you want to bring me. "

"Depends on what you count far. It´s about 20 minutes away from here, when you walk."

„Really? Why are we still waiting then? Let´s go. I´m feeling so tired all of a sudden. "

„Slow down.... I need to close the Daycare first before we can.... " Shannon, who had moved close from behind broke into the talk.

„I can do that. Just go you 2 and have some sweat dreams. "

Both Emil and Mila began to smile and Emil handled over his General Key. Then they took off.

They walked through a dark and deep wood and Mila began to fear a bit because the Night Pokémon began to play. She moved closer to Emil who seemed to be totally relaxed.

„Why are you so..... Cool? Are you not fearing.....the darkness?" Mila asks with a shaky Voice.

„No. I´m not fearing the Darkness because the darkness is my friend. " Emil answered with a little Horror in his Voice, letting her become a bit more feared.

„W..... What..... Do you mean with that? D..... Don´t..... T.....tttttt..... " She couldn´t finish because Emil began to laugh very loud.

„HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...... You should see your face right now. Only white in white. Come here. I tell you something. " He had moved his right Arm up so that she could move to his side closely and that she did. Then he began to talk while they moved on.

„You see. Each Pokémon in this wood knows me or nearly each one because I did so many things for them. That also means that they will do all for me as well which includes of letting me pass this wood unharmed each time I walk through it. "

„Didn´t they really not play you..... Some jokes or something? "

„Sometimes yes but not when someone is around me like you are now. "

„O..... K..... Still..... Can we go a bit faster? "

Emil didn't ´t gave her an answer. Instead he walked faster like she had wanted until he suddenly stopped. He looked around everywhere as if he was searching something.

„What wrong?" Mila asks but only got a * TTTTTTTZZZZZZZCCCCHHHHH * back

Then from right in front of them, a shadow sprung out of a Bush and right onto Emil. Mila began to scream in shock but was quickly silenced from a laughing Emil and some wet Noises.

She looked over to Emil and saw why he was laughing. A large Luxray was rapidly liking his face.

„HAHAHAHA..... Stop...... HAHAHA..... That´s enough Waxxer........ HAHAHA...... That tickles me......... "

The Luxray finally released Emil with a happy „Lux ", shortly followed by a questioning "Ray" because he had recognized Mila standing near.

It did a step closer and began to sniff at her Body.

„ÄÄÄHHHHH..... Is he a nice Luxray or........" Mila asks while the Luxray began to circle her.

„Don´t worry. He is a really nice one. " Emil answered to calm Mila.

„Can he stop smelling at me? I don´t really like that. "

„Surely he can. Hey Waxxer. Stop checking her out. She is my Guest at the Ranch and so I want you to treat her. Understood? "

The Luxray did as he was told but only after he had finished his round around her.

„I thought that they wouldn't play some jokes with you? "

„Normally yes but he is number for himself. He always does what he wanted and when he wanted. No wonder if you think of the fact that he is the king of this forest. "

„King? He? Don´t joke me? "

„I do not and please look at your words. "

„OH.... Yes.... I´m sorry Lux...... Waxxer. „Mila said while she moved one of her hands over Luxrays Head.

„Lux.... Lux.... Ray... Ray.... Luxray."

„What did he said? "

„He said that he accepts and that your Hand is feeling very soft. "

„OH. Thank you. Your Fur is also feeling very soft and warm. "

„HAHAHAHA......... OHHHH Look at that. He blushes because he got a compliment."

„Lux!!!!" The Luxray blushed even more but also released a spark towards Emil

* ZAP *


Right after that, the Luxray turned and jumped into a bush.

„What was that all about?" Mila asks Emil while she helped him up.

„That is a long Story to tell but to make it short. I knew his Parents since they were young and I helped his mother to give birth to him and once the time had come I helped him to find his Love and right now I´m counting the Days till his Childs are born. Which isn´t far away now. "

„His Parents? Since when are you doing this Job? "

„Since I´m able to walk. My parents were professional breeders and they never had that much money to employ some who looked over me the whole Day. That´s why I´m known so good in this wood. I simply played with most of them when I was young or I helped them. "

„I see but you didn´t answered my first question. "

„HAH..... We 2 are still playing a Game. He tests me each time I´m coming home if I can sense him or not. If yes I would dodge his attack. If not.... well you have seen the punishment. It´s only a Game between us 2"

„Alright. Did you ever have won? "

„From time to time but that was always luck. "

After that they both didn´t talked on until they reached a fence.

„Well. Here we are. Home sweet Home. "

„Where is the house? I cannot see it. "

„UPS.... Sorry. Just wait a second. RAICHU....... SEND SOME LIGHT!!!" The last words, Emil screamed out very loud into the Air.

A few seconds later, the Air was filled with thunder shocks and Mila finally saw the house.

„WOW...... Bigger than I thought. And you are living alone in this building? "

„Yeah..... For my sake yes. " Emil said with a sad look to the earth.

„Crap!!! Sorry I..... "

„I´m not that alone. I´m living with my little brother here and many other Pokémon but now come on. Let us get inside before we fall asleep out here...... YYYYAAAWWWWWNNNNN!!!!! "

Said, done. Together they walked into the house and inside Emil showed her all. First the Basement.

„Here we have the Living room. Not that hard to miss I guess. Here is the kitchen. If you need something just take. There is the main Toilet. Don´t worry it isn´t the only one in this house. Each floor has its own one. "

Then came the first Floor. The floor had three doors but Emil showed only 2 rooms.

Because normally this is Zero´s and my room. The other door to your left is the second toilet. " Emil then became silent and Mila took on word.

„What is in this room there? "

Emil needed some seconds to answer her and once he did, his Voice was low and filled with pain.

„That was the room of my parents and I have to tell you something. Please don´t go in there. "

„Alright but why not? "

„I...... It´s..... I don´t want to..... HAH..... I want to show it to the girl that I love and..... I want to share my first time with her in it. Until then...... this room should be closed as a symbol for me. "

„What kind of Symbol? "

„That there is still some hope. That she is still out there in search of me..... Sniff..... I´m sorry.... Sniff....Have a good night and a sweat dream. "

When Emil turned, Mila saw some tears leaving his face like a little rain shower and she thought to herself.

He must have been lonely for a long time. Just like me.

With these and other thoughts she made herself ready for bed but once she was in, she couldn´t find some sleep. Her thoughts were flying wildly around. Most of them were fixed onto Emil as if he was something special. Others were flying around Nora and Zero and the smile before their last attack.

It was already 2 in the morning when tiredness overtook her.

In her dream she was trapped in darkness and thoughts were flying everywhere, puts under by some unclear pictures. All of these things had one thing united. Emil.

She suddenly woke up by a strange noise. It was already 6 in the morning but she felt like she had only slept 1 hour. Her Body was crying with each step she did but she wanted to find out what had woken her.

She moved down the steps and walked into each room but there was never something. Even Emil wasn´t to be seen until she did a look outside.

He was standing in the middle of a field. Not moving a muscle.

She slowly moved out of the house and over to him and once she was close enough she heard him saying.

„Good Morning my Lady. Had a nice sleep? "

„YYYYYYYAAAAAWWWWWWNNNNNNN!!!!!" Was her only response.

„I guess that means no. Sorry for waking you up early but normally I didn´t need to take care of someone else. "

„What.... Are you..... Doing out here? "

„I´m praying. "

Now she was awake because that answer wasn´t what she had calculated with.

„For what are you praying? "

„Many things. For good weather, a not so hard Day, that each Baby on the world is having a nice Day and...... And...... That she finally founds me. " The last set he said so lowly that it was nearly impossible to be heard but Mila somehow managed it.

"Emil.... ÄHM..... Please forgive me now but..... How many Girlfriends did you have had in your Life?" Mila asks shyly.

„Pokémon Girls counted in or only Human ones? "

„Only Human. "

"....... Zero...... "

„What? Where is he? "

„HAHAHAHAHA..... NO, no, no. Not him..... HAHAHAHA..... I meant that I never had a Human Girlfriend. Only Pokémon Girls did like me and the way I am. "

„OOOHHHHHH!!!!! I´m sorry. "

„No need to. You couldn´t have known it...... SNIFFFFFFF...... AHHHHH... It´s going to be a wonderful Day. I bet that you are hungry right? "

„Well....." She stopped because her stomach wanted to say something.


OH Yeah. There is someone hungry like.... "


His Stomach said Hi.

„UPS....... We better hurry or our monsters are coming out to eat us. "

„YYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHH HAHAHAAHAHAHA.... " She started laughing very hard on that statement just like him.

Together they walked back to the house, still laughing. What they both didn´t knew, they both had been watched. Somehow, Zero had woken up early and had escaped the Daycare without being seen. He had wanted to talk and meditate with Emil but once he had seen the 2 he had decided to hide behind a tree and watch them.

„Seems like that my big brother is finally making some Nails with Heads. It was already time that someone had come to take the place at his side..... HHHHAAAAHHHHH..... Now I´m alone. " Zero said lowly to himself while he watched the 2 go back to the house.

„Who says that you are alone?" A Voice said from behind him, letting him jump around in shock.

„WHAT THE...... YOU!!!!!! "

Nora had sneak up behind him.

„How have you find me? Why are you already up? "

„I only followed you in some distance and I could you ask the same. You shouldn´t be up this early in this state. You are only 80 % recovered, I would say. "

„81 %!!! "

„Fine 81 but still not fully healed. "

„I.... I couldn´t sleep on. I felt that.... I needed to be here like every morning. "

„To do .... What? "

„Asking Arceus why I´m still alone. Asking him why he didn´t let me die when I was a child. "

„Are you not happy to life with your brother? "

„No, no, no. I am happy to life with him but.... He is a Human and not..... I only want to know that I´m not the only one..... I want to know..... Is there somewhere a..... Girl of my species waiting for me...... "

„Yeah...... I know what you mean. But trust me. You are not alone in the world and I bet that.... there is a Girl waiting for you and maybe she is already nearer you then you think. "

„How could you know that? "

" Instinct and hope because I was once in the same situation but then a wise Pokémon came to me and told me that my search wouldn´t last long anymore and that Male would be in the same state as I am. "

„And..... Did you found that Male? "

„Yes I did. "

„Did you told him? "

„No. "

„Why not? "

„I´m waiting for the right moment. "

„That is when? "

„When I can fulfill his biggest wish or dream. "

„That is? "

„Nothing for your Ears. Come on. Let us go back before they are starting to search for us. "

Without saying anything more they both slowly moved back to the Daycare. Normally they hadn´t needed more than 10 min to reach it but they both somehow wanted to move slow as if they wanted to stop time. They both wanted to enjoy each other's near and they wanted to know everything from each other. That was the reason why they both began to talk over this and that and they didn´t recognized that they both had stopped right in front of the Daycare where everyone could see them.

At the same time, Mila and Emil had made some Toast with Ham and eggs and right now they were sitting in the Kitchen looking TV while they talked about the News they saw. On this way they found out that they had nearly the same likes and dislikes. Then without any reason, Mila came up with an idea.

„Emil, I had an idea that I want you to know if you want to know it. "

„Tell me. "

„You said that I didn´t needed to pay for the room. Right? "

„Right. "

„Then please.... Let me help you at the ranch or the Daycare. "

„But why? I told that you don´t.... " He was cut by her.

„Please.... I don´t like it that much when someone gives me a Gift. Especially something like this. I´m always feeling guilty if I don´t could repay the Gift. "

„AAAHHHHH...... Well....... " He moved one Hand behind his Head and stroke himself there. " If you really wanted to then you could help me with the youngsters. "

„GREAT!!! " She nearly throw herself onto his neck. „UPS..... Sorry. Please show or tell me what to do. "

„Well first we better clean up the table before we do something else. "

She looked at him with Big Eyes before she broke out in a laugh attack.

„HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... You....... You are right........ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... "

After she had gathered herself they both cleaned the kitchen. Then, once done, they both walked outside.

„Where are we going?" Mila asks.

„Not far. " Emil answered and after 3 more steps he stopped.

„What now? "

„Make yourself ready. "

„For what? "

„You see...... PLAYTIME!!!!!" He shouted the last word very, very loud into the Air and it only took some seconds for an answer.

A wave of Dust was suddenly seen a few meters away, which was coming nearer and nearer them. Once the wave was close Mila suddenly felt something hitting her Body hard she dropped down to the earth.

Her Vision faded for some seconds but then she was moved back because something wet touched her face. She moved her Head a bit a tried to focus. A Little tongue was licking her face and once she focused more she saw the face of a Poochyena.

After it had licked her a few more time, the Poochyena moved down from her and she moved her front up to look around her. Everywhere around her were little Pokémon standing with unsure looks on their faces.

Mila tried to find Emil to get some help but once she found him she couldn´t ask because he was buried under 4 happy little Mon´s who were licking and kissing his face. Seeing him in this way brought her to smile because he looking like a 5 Years old child with his soft toy.

She slowly moved her Head back to see some still unsure looking Pokémon.

„OH..... What should I do now?" She asks herself but didn´t recognized that she spoke it out.

„Do as I do. " Emil answered.

Again Mila smiled but she was also still unsure herself. That was why she tried something out. The Poochyena was still sitting next to her. She slowly moved out on hand to reach him. When the Poochyena saw her Hand coming it quickly moved himself into some kind of protective Ball but once she touched it´s fur, it quickly gave up its protection and began to relax.

When the Poochyena was relaxed enough, Mila took it into her Hand and moved it right to her face. Once the Poochyena realized what was going on with him, it tried to move back into a Ball but Mila then did something that stopped the Poochyena. She licked his Nose or better said she quickly kissed the Nose tip. The Poochyena was now unsure then before but when it saw her Eyes and a quick blink from her, it began to smile brightly and began to kiss and lick her face as much as it could. The other ones quickly joined and quickly, she was buried under some really fluffy Bodies.

30 Minutes later Emil then finally said to the youngsters.

„Alright. Time for you to go now. School is waiting for you so go quickly home. "

And so they did. Except for one. A little Shinx was slowly moving back with his Head nearly between his front legs.

„What´s wrong with this one?" Mila asks.

„HAAHHHH...... I don´t know. He seems to be ill but I cannot find something. " Emil answered.

„What is his problem? "

„He had a broken front leg from playing wildly with the other a few weeks ago and since then he had some serious problems. First he couldn´t play with the others because of the plaster on his leg. Then once the plaster had gone came the second problem. The others doesn´t wanted to play with him because every time he wanted to touch someone he fires some sparks or a shock. I tried all that I knew to help him but now I´m out of ideas. "

Mila began to think and after a minute or so she began to smile while she said.

„I think I know the answer. "

She then turned around and asks the Shinx, who was still moving slowly.

„Hey Shinx. Do you want to play with you friends again? "

The Shinx stopped and turned its Head a bit.

Mila then moved closer to the Shinx and said while she began to investigate it´s paws.

„I don´t know if it works but you could better walk in the end and maybe your little electric problem will be solved with it also. "

The Shinx´s Eye´s began to water while it said


Mila smiled and began to look around in search of a metallic thing that was placed in the earth and she found something. A little rest of a metallic gate.

„That would be enough. Now I need 2 more things..... ÄHM Emil can you bring me a little chair and a Nail cutter? "

„Of course I can. Just wait here. I´ll be right back. " Emil said with a big smile and ran off. Leaving a dust trail behind him.

Mila then looked back down to the little Shinx who was at the verge of crying.

„OHHHH..... Stop crying little one. In the end, all will be good. You will see. Now try to tell me. Can you execute a Thunderbolt? " Mila said and ask but got only an asking look back.

„HMMMM..... OK. Do you can make some sparks? "

The Shinx moved a Paw back and a spark was produced.

„OH.... OK.... ÄHM.... Can you make some more sparks with your entire Body? "

„SHI?????? " Was the answer with another questioning look.

„Crap. How do I tell you that or better show? "

„There is no need to show him. He already knows what you want. DO YOU SHINX?" Emil said giving Mila and the Shinx a near heartache.

„WOAH....... Stop doing that!!! "

„Here.... The things you wanted and..... Sorry. "

„Accepted. Now what does he already know? "

„I mean that he already can the attack that you wanted. I have trained it with him and he is good but sometimes he is also a little playmaker. "

„Is that true?" Mila asks the Shinx and only got a shy look back while he moved one of his Paws to his back head.

„OOHHHHH..... You...... "

„SSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII......... " Mila had grabbed one of his checks and had pulled on it.

„OK. Now my little Playboy. Show me what you can. Fire at the metallic Gate over there and don´t hold back. " Mila now ordered and the Shinx did it.

First some blue sparks were coming out of his Body until he screamed a loud.....


..... And began to fire a big energy flash.

„WOUW..... Looks like an energy cannon to me. "

„But it´s only a Thunderbolt filled with 99 % of his energy. "

The attack took on for around a minute. Then it faded and the Shinx Body began to swing to the sides but before he hit the ground, Mila took his Body and moved it up. Afterwards she sit down on the chair and layed the Body of the Shinx on her legs with his legs spread into the Air. Next she took the Nail cutter with one hand and with the other she took one of his paws. Immediately, the Shinx began to move in Pain because she had taken the ones broken paw first.

„Come on little Boy. I thought that you are a brave one. " Mila said while she moved over one of his claw protections.

Once she began to remove the protection, the Shinx began to move insane. It was now clear that the claw was hurting him very much.

„Crap. I cannot cut it when he moves this wild. " Mila said.

„Let us change places and give him to me. I know how to freeze him for a little moment. " Emil said back.

„Well..... I hope that it has nothing to do with...... his privates. " Mila said blushing.

„Don´t worry. It´s a grip technic that you might know already. " Emil said while they both changed positions.

Now Emil was sitting on the chair and Mila moved the Shinx over. Once changed, Emil began to softly stroke over the back of the Shinx and he began to relax. Then without warning, Emil grabbed the back of the Shinx and immediately it freezes in position.

„The Baby grip? I didn´t know that this can function on Pokémon as well. " Mila said while she took the paw again.

„It´s not known that much and when they are getting older it loses his function. Now please hurry. I don´t know how long he will be freezes. "

Mila nodded and only a few seconds later, the claw was cut off. And to say it a bit dramatically, it was about time that the claw was cut off because it had begun to grow into the paw and the tip of it had divided into 2. The other 3 were a bit better but they had to go too.

All over the process, the Shinx cried heavy tears but stayed fixed until Mila had finished and Emil opened the grip. The Shinx curved itself into a Ball and cried out his pain.

Mila, who had moved the cutter aside, took the Shinx up from Emil´s legs and moved it up to her shoulder. There she began to softly move her Hand over the beck of the Shinx to calm him down and said in a very soft Voice.

„TTTTSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH...... It´s over little Boy..... You were very strong in the end.... Come on.... Stop crying..... All will be fine now. "

„Lux.... Luxray.... Lux.... Lux. " Made it suddenly behind her and Mila turned around in shock.

A Luxray was standing behind her with a mad face.

„What the.... Will it attack me?" Mila asks Emil in fear.

„No. She will not. Savannah. Stop it. She has helped your Son and did nothing bad to him. "

„Lux? "

„Yeah really. "

The face of the Luxray became friendly at that moment and Mila moved the Shinx down to her. Once close she licked the Shinx face to take away some tears. Then she turned herself a bit around and Mila layed the Shinx onto her back. Once done the Luxray wanted to walk away but before she did the Shinx said something under some sobs.

„SHI....... SHINX..... SHI..... INX ... INX"

Then the Luxray jumped away.

„What did he said to me? I hope it was nothing bad. "

„It wasn´t. He said in words.... Thank you. Thank you very much. "

Mila smiled on that words.

„I must say that I´m impressed. I would never had thought that this little claws would had caused such a problem. How did you know that?" Emil asks Mila.

„I´ve had read it once in a newspaper or magazine about that and I have to tell you that it was mainly your fault or the fault of the one who had made the Gypsum that the claws grew this bad."

* GULP * „That was me"* GULP * „Sorry little one. "

„Next time, you should leave some holes for the claws when you make a Gypsum. "

„Yeah.... Seems like that I can learn some things from you and I thought that I already knew all I needed. HAHAHAHAHA..... "

„Yep. That you can. Well... Does we have more to do? "

„No. Not yet. If you want it, we can give your Pokémon a Visit. "

„Great Idea. "

With this said, they both took the cutter and the chair back to the house and then they moved towards the Daycare. While they moved they talked over this and that until they reached their goal.

„Well..... I don´t think that it would make any sense to do that. " Mila said.

„OH Come on. You cannot be this shy. I mean..... Giving his Love a great..... Pleasure wouldn´t be that bad. Does it? "

„I..... Well..... UMMMM..... I don´t know..... "

„OK...... Last question for now. Do you already have a..... Mate or Boyfriend? "

„Mate No. Boyfriend....... "

„Don´t tell me that you are not even having a Boyfriend. A beautiful Lady like you is probably having a ton of Boyfriends. "

„I´m only having..... One but I don´t know if.... He counts me as his Girlfriend. "

„Then why don´t you asks him? "

„I..... I did it a few seconds ago. "


Mila nodded a yes while she began to look down to the earth in fear of his answer.

„OFFFF...... Of Course. I would lovely be your Boyfriend. "

Her face became shiny once she heard that. Even if she doesn´t know why, she really liked to be on his side just like him. Suddenly, Emil stopped and pushed Mila into the Bushes.

„OUWWW!!! Stop it!!!! I said that I want..... " He cut her.

„TTTSSSSSSCCCCCHHHHH!!!!! Look. Over there. " Emil said while he pointed over to the Daycare entrance.

Mila looked over to the point and then she smiled while she said.

„Oh No. Don´t tell me that they are now a couple too. "

„Well. I think that they are one. Even if they never would say it. "

They were both speaking over Zero and Nora who were still sitting on the bank, talking to each other.

„Should we go out to them? " Mila asks.

„And disturb them? Why should we be this......? " He stopped because Zero said loud in Pokémon.

„Who´s there in the Bush? Come out or get hurt!!! "

„Crap!!! Busted!!! " Emil said while he got up on his feet.

„Don´t worry brother! It´s only us. " He said while he moved out of the Bush.

Translator Online

„What the hell you 2 did in there? Did you spied us?" Nora asks.

„No. We didn´t. " Emil said evading.

„AHA.... You little perv.... NNNGHLLL.... " Emil had grabbed Zero neck with one hand.

„Don´t.... Even.... Think of that word!!!!"

„I..... I´m sorry..... Brother. " Zero said and Emil released the grip.

„Why did you did that? Nora and Mila both asking at the same time.

„NNNAAAHHHH..... I´m sorry. Sometimes I.... cannot control myself. Especially when someone calls me a pervert or something like that. "

"..... " No one said a word for a minute or two. Then.....

„Alright. Let us go inside and look over Michelle and Leon. Oh. By the way. You 2 will go back to your Beds and take some more rest. "

„But brother!!!! "

„AHHH.... That´s a doctors order Zero. Do you understand? "

„NNNNHHHHHH... Yes I do. " Zero´s Head moved down while he slowly moved into the Daycare.

„Would you please follow him Mila. I will take Nora with me to her Room. "

„OK. "

A Minute later, Emil and Nora were alone.

„Are you alright?" Emil asks Nora.

„I am but why did you broke the Mode we 2 were in? "

„It wasn´t my intention. It´s only the fact that Zero can hear too good. Even for a Mew. "


„How about that. I will let you 2 share a room. Would that help you? "

„Would you really do that? "

„If you can stay in that form overnight. Of course I would. "

Once he had said that, she jumped happily into his arms while she only said to him nonstop.

„Thank you!!! "

„Don´t thank me too early. My brother is a long sleeper and he snores often. "

„HAH.... Just like me." Came back as Nora curved into Emil's arms.

Emil began to smile and walked also through the entrance door. A few minutes later, they both arrived at her room and Emil opened the door only to get a little shock.

The room was empty. Only a note was hanging on the wall. On it was standing.

„Love is the way. Love is the finish. Your Bed is where your Heart had gone lost. KUPIEDO"

„TSK.... Shannon you little Beast. " Emil said to himself.

„What is that meaning?" Nora asks.

„Guess it. "

„I don´t know. "

„Your Bed is already on the side of your future Mate. "


„I really need to talk to Shannon about breaking my Style. "

They both shared another smile and then they walked out of the room towards Zero´s room. Once they got in they saw that Emil had been right. 2 Beds were standing in the room, close to each other and in one Zero was laying with some kind of a little blushed smile.

„AHA.... Seems like you encrypted Shannon´s puzzle. " Zero said.

„Yeah. It wasn´t that hard. " Emil answered.

„Yep. But why did she thinks that I´m in love with....... with...... Nora? "

„I don´t know. Why don´t you ask her next time when you see her? "

„I will. "

„Where is Mila right now? I thought that she would be here with you. "

„She was here but right now she is checking her other 2 Pokémon. "

„OHHH Yes...... FUCK...... I have had totally forgotten them...... CRAP!!! I better check them out as well. "

Emil had lied. He hadn´t forgotten them. All he had wanted was a reason to disappear quickly and that he had gotten. He quickly layed Nora on her Bed and only a second later, he was out of the room.

„So..... Now we are alone again. " Nora said lowly.

„Yeah..... I hate being alone. " Zero answered.

„Everyone hates that. "

„But not everyone is damned to life with it forever. "

" ?????? " Nora looked over to him with a big question mark on her face and then Zero began to explain.


Emil had reached the room in were Leon was in but once he opened it he found Michelle in the room as well with her Bed.

„OOOOHHHH Shannon!!!!! This will have an after play little girly!!!!" Emil said a bit louder

„Don´t be mad with her. I asked her to place her Bed here?" Mila answered.

„Why that? "

„When she and I entered here we found Michelle sleeping on the side of the Bed, holding his Paw tight with hers. That was why I ask her to drive her Bed in here so they can be together. "

„I see.... Were they were both awake? "

„He not but she was for a few seconds. "

„So she hadn´t had a good sleep. HHHHHMMMMM..... That is really good. "

„Why? "

„I tell you later. Let us go out now to avoid to wake them. "

„For that it´s a bit..... Too late. I´m awake. " Michelle said in a sleepy Voice.

„OH damn!!!! I´m sorry. Just sleep on. "

„I ..... I think..... I..... NNNNGGGGHHHHH....... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Emil had moved over to her bed and had pressed one of his fingers into her side. From that press she went back to sleep. Next Mila and Emil moved out of the room and outside Mila asks Emil.

„What was that move? "

„A little trick I´ve learned from my parents. When a Pokémon is going on your nerves or doesn´t want to sleep just press a finger into its side. If you hit the right spot you would send it to sleep immediately. "

„OK. HAH.... That I must recognized for later. So what now? "

„How about we eat something and then..... Well...... ÄHM..... I´m having some work but I don´t know..... If you want to see that. "

„Depends on the work. "

„I have to..... Bring three Pokémon pairs to mate each other. If they want it or not. "

„OHHH..... Well...... " She blushed deeply on only the thought.

„That is.... Nothing for me right now. I better go into the City and do a little shopping tour. "

„Yeah..... Shopping tour? Wait a second..... Wasn´t there...... HOLY HELL!!!! "

„What now? "

„I have to tell you something that I´ve had nearly forgotten. Something that is really important for Leon but let us go eat something first before I drop down and cannot move somewhere. "

That set brought a loud laugh out from her mouth but Emil didn´t said something against it. He laughed over it as well as her while they moved into the coffee shop. There they ate something and then they talked.

„HMMM...... Yummy..... I needed that. " Emil said while he moved a hand over his big Stomach.

„Me too. Now tell me. What is so much important for Leon? "

„Is it true that you always had wanted to call an Arcanine yours? "


„Is it also true that you had hoped that Leon would take that part? "

„Yes. Why you are asking me this and what the hell has that......... No.... Don´t tell me that..... He wants...... " Mila said and asks in fear because a thought had come up in her mind.

Emil nodded a yes before he said to Mila.

„I know that this is hard but it is his wish. He wants to stay a Growlithe forever. Only to..... Only because he loves Michelle so much. "

Mila was now close to scream out a No because it was the 3 Biggest wish from her to have an Arcanine.

Inside of her Head was now a war going on. She really had in mind to tell Leon that she would never let him use an eternal stone on himself and that she would train him each day so hard that he wouldn´t even think of mating until the Day he evolve.

„Trust me! They both wouldn´t ran away from you but they would be more than surely mad at you and I would set a bet that they wouldn´t want to fight or following your orders if you didn´t allow him to stay a Growlithe." Emil said to help her a bit with her thoughts and it worked.

She began to think of the past in were they had been so happy and she remembered how happy the 2 were together.

„I..... I cannot do it. " Mila suddenly said.

„Why not and what? "

„I cannot do it because...... I would kill them. If I would be so persistent in my wish then I would kill their Love in the end. That I can never do. Even if that means that...... I have to give up..... " She was cut because some loud noises were heard from her side.

" UMBREON..... Um... UM.... BRE...... EON...... UMREON. "

Emil and Mila looked down to the side and saw Michelle next to them.

„What did she said? "

„Well...... "

„Spill it out!! "

„She.... They...... "


„OK! OK! She said that you don´t need to give up your wish. "

„Why that? "

„UM..... Umbreon..... Eon.... eon..... Um"

„Are you serious? "

„What? "

„EON!! "

„TSK...... OH..... She said that she..... They both want to give you...... a price...... OUWWWWW!!!!" Michelle had bite him into his right leg.

„What? "

„Not a price..... AHHHHH..... They both want that you take their first Growlithe Baby as your own and raise it till the Day it evolves into an Arcanine. "

" ..... "

There was only silence until Mila got up from the table and moved away. Before she moved out of the room she said.

„Thanks for your offering Michelle but I cannot take it. They will be your child's and not mine but thanks for giving me the choice. "

She had left the room and Michelle was now alone with Emil.

„Do you think that she will buy a stone?" Michelle translated asks.

„I don´t know but I would risk a bet on it that she will. " Emil answered.

„I deeply hope it. I hate it to even think about it of what would happen if..... " Emil cut her softly by changing the theme.

„How is Leon doing? "

" .......... He´s fine. Only sleeping since yesterday...... I hope that he will wake up soon."

„Tomorrow he will surely wake up. Most Males are sleeping 3 Days after such an Operation. "

„Operation?.... That brings me on something. You said that Mother Nature is working on my problem and that I didn´t need an Operation? What makes you so serious in this? "

„OH Come on... Don´t tell me that you don´t know what Date we have and what will happen in a few weeks. "

Michelle began to think very hardly but she didn´t came on it until Emil moved a Mini Calendar out of his Jeans.

„Silly! Look! This Day is today and now.... let´s see..... In 2 weeks we have...... "

Michelle's Eyes went really wide from one moment to another because it had made click in her Head.

„OH ARCEUS!!! How could I forget this!!! In 2 weeks is springtime Full moon. " Michelle nearly screamed out.

„See..... That means that I don´t need to do anything on you. Your naturally Mating Season will start in around 10 Days so I really don´t need to do anything. "

Without a word, Michelle jumped onto the table and from there onto his legs. Once landed she pressed her whole Body into Emil Stomach while she said purring.

„Thank you for all you did for us. If we could do something for you in return then say it. "

„Thanks but there isn´t anything I want. "

„Really not? "

„Really ...... Not. "

„And what is with Mila?"

After this Question, Emil´s Head became light red.

„What is with her? "

„Come on... Even a blind one can see that you are having some feelings for her already. Go to her and ask her to stay longer at your Ranch. "

„I don´t see a reason why I should do that. " Emil said harshly while he moved Michelle down from his legs only to stay up in the next moment.

„I´m sorry. I don´t wanted to say something that hurts you. "

„You haven´t have hurt me..... It´s just that...... I don´t know what I should think over Mila. At one hand she is so........ Haha...... Beautiful and lovely and..... on the other side, she looks at me like every other girl did before. So cold and hard. "

Michelle walked past him towards the door but before she walked through it she said to Emil.

„I don´t really know how blind you are but for me..... She burns when you are around her and even if I don´t know what exactly had happened last night or in the morning, I can clearly see that she..... Is happier than in her complete past Life. "

Michelle then left the room, leaving Emil standing there, speechless and sunken deep in thoughts. Her complete past Life? Does that mean that she had the same fate as me? Does that means that she already knows that Nora is a Mew too?

_ _

These and more questions were flying around his Head for the rest of the Day only interrupted by his work here and there. Especially on the last mating. The Pair was a Leafeon couple but they hadn´t had some feelings for each other. Even more they hated themself. So it was no wonder that Emil wasn´t that much help and in the end he had no other choice then to follow the orders of their trainer.

He had to fix the female in a metallic structure and then he had to watch a brutal mating or more Rape which was repeated several times in were the females mind was broken to pieces.

Seeing a female broke this way, Emil became mad but he swallowed his hate down like always until the trainer left the Daycare.

„Shannon. I´m out of here for today!!! I cannot stay here a minute longer!!!" Emil said with a really mad face.

„A Rape again?" Was Shannon´s only answer.

„Rape? That wasn´t a Rape. That was...... OOOOHHHHHHNNNNNNGGGGG...... I would lovely push the Soul of that trainer into his female and let him then feel the mating.... Such brutal should be..... Should..... Be..... MURDERED!!!! "

Once said, Emil turned and began to leave. Shannon didn´t said a thing because she was shocked. She had often seen Emil in such a mode but today was different. He had never allowed his feelings to move so far into his Heart but today he had done it and that feared her.

I hope that this is only a phase and nothing more! Shannon thought to herself while she saw Emil leaving. She couldn´t knew that this was the last time for a while that she saw him inside of the Daycare.

On his way back home, Emil talked to himself loud.

„I hope you will Die in pain you pig!!! Let the beastliest one of your Males breed the weakest of your females who is in Love with another one of your Team...... Please, forgive me little Lady. I don´t wanted this to happen........ I..... I only hope that you will someday be together with your Love. "

10 minutes later he arrived home with the same mad mode. Once he entered his house he stopped for a second. All was looking different. Everything was cleaned, smelled like Flowers and even his Poke balls had new colors. Emil was still wondering but not for long. It only needed a few more seconds and he was in the Bad mode again. That was why he took his things and moved upwards onto the first floor.

There he nearly ran into Mila who had left her room to meet him. She looked at him with happy Eyes first but then she began to fear a bit because his sight was like one of a Demon.

Without one word said, Emil disappeared in another room and closed the door from the inside with a Key.

„Emil?? Is something wrong? Can I help you?" Mila asks while she knocked on the door but as an answer she only got.

„Leave me alone please. "

She did it even if she doesn´t really wanted it somehow. She walked down the stairs only to run into Shannon who had entered the ranch to see if Emil needed some help.

„What the.... How did you came in here?" Mila asks

„I got a second Key for the front door. Tell me. Is he already here? "

„Yes he is but....."

„He has jailed himself right? "

„Right! "

„Then it is much worse this time then last time. " Shannon said while she had moved her Head to the side.

„What do you mean with „Last time"? "

„Can I sit down first? "

„OH.... Of course. My Fault. Sorry. "

Once Shannon was sitting on a chair, she began to talk.

„You know that Emil is normally not showing some feelings or some really bad feelings, right? "

„A Bit. Yes. "

„Well... Normally he hides his bad side but sometimes it breaks out. This is most times when a trainer did a really bad thing to his Pokémon. Just like today. "

„What went wrong? Did a female hurt a Male with a Bite?" Mila said with a smile on her face.

„No. Not a Male. The last mating wasn´t a mating. It turned out into a brutal Rape. "

„Oh my God. No. "

„The female doesn´t wanted to mate with the chosen Male because she was already in Love with another Pokémon of this trainer but this stupid fool wanted to breed her with only this Male. That was why he ordered Emil to fix her tight and help the Male to enter her. "

„Why didn´t he said no. I would have done that. "

„He too but one of our House rules is ..... The Customer is the king and we have to follow him. "

„What an idiotic rule is that? Who had built it and why? "

„Ask Emil. He did them all. "

"....... " Mila became a sorry face.

„If you maybe want to help him. Let it. He only needs time to....... " Suddenly an alarm bell rang loud through the house.

Both, Mila and Shannon were unsure of what they should do when they heard a door sprung open upstairs. A few seconds later they heard some fast steps on the stairs and again a few seconds later they saw Emil running past the kitchen and they heard only one word from him.


The girl's didn´t knew what he had meant so they followed him as quick as they could. Luckily he wasn´t very fast and they could quickly catch him.

„Where are you running?" Mila asks but didn´t got an answer.

„Come on. Tell us." Shannon said but didn´t got an answer also.

Then suddenly Emil said.

„Stay back! I handle this! "

They had reached a grassy area and on that Area was a fight going on.

A big Feraligatr was fighting against a Luxray, who was protecting a little Growlithe.

The Luxray had some trouble against the Feraligatr and the Growlithe was shaking in fear. Mila did a closer look and discovered that the Luxray was Waxxer and the Growlithe was a Girl. Barely 5 Years old.

Mila then wanted to say something to Emil but she was cut by a strange new Male Voice.

„Feraligatr!!! Hydro Cannon!! Shoot that pest out of the way so that we can do some more mating Business. "

Once they had heard that, Emil´s hands became like iron fists and he said in a very hard and dry Voice.

„Not again!!! This time you will eat your own Medicine!!! "

The Feraligatr started his Attack and Emil reacted like he was in fast forward mode. He grabbed one of his Poke balls from his back, jumped out of the protection and screamed loud while he threw the Ball.


It all worked. Waxxer quickly got down and protected the Growlithe with his Body. Then a Lopunny appeared out of the Poke ball and began to fire a tremendous Ice Beam. The Feraligatr hadn´t had some time to react. It was immediately frozen tight together with his attack.

„Who the fuck are you and why are you disturbing my Business?" The Male Voice asks.

„I am your Enemy and you are on my Land!!! Move your Badass out of my Land before you pay for entering it!!!" Emil answered.

„Wait a second. You are these Guy from the Daycare. Are you here to help me again breeding one of my Males? Well I appre....... " Emil cut him very hard and loud.


A shadow appeared right in front of him. It was the other trainer.

„OOOHHHH..... I´m freezing. Don´t make me laugh old man. What will you do against me? Hit my ass with a staff or what? "

„HAHAHA..... You really think that I´m using such dumpy things..... HAHAHA..... NO!!! I will show you the pain you gave the Leafeon today. I will show you how much she had to suffer under the raping. Not to mention that I will...... take her and your Bulbasaur away from you!!! "



„Come here Mila. " Shannon said. " Now we will see a good Pokémon fight. "

Both trainer began to move in position but before the fight started the other trainer asks Emil.

„Are you ready to lose? "

„HAH..... I should ask you this." Emil answered.

„Me??? Loosing??? Do you know who you are fighting against? "

„A rotten short-tailed bandicoot rat which has only one thing in mind. To hurt each female in the world by raping her. "

„YOU...... YOU....... NNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHH...... ARCANINE COME OUT AND COOK THIS RABBIT!!!!" The trainer shouted and threw a Ball.

Only a second later the Ball opened and a Big Arcanine was showed. Emil smiled brightly but said nothing.

„OK.... You didn´t want to attack first, then I will. Arcanine..... Heat collar!!! "

The Arcanine began to collect the fire in his mouth but Emil still didn´t said anything and his Lopunny didn´t did anything to protect itself.

„What is he doing? He will lose if..... " Mila started but was cut by Shannon.

„Just watch. The other trainer has lost already but he didn´t know it till now. "

Mila did what Shannon said.

The Attack was fired and it headed straight for Emil´s Lopunny which was still standing in place. Then, shortly before the impact, something happened. The attack began rapidly to loose in size and when it hit, the attack had nearly gone.

„Is that all you got for us? I thought that you have said that you are strong? "

„Y..... You will see how strong!!!! Arcanine.... Flamethrower!!! "

Again the Arcanine fired but the result was the same. Once near, the attack faded and on the impact it had again nearly gone.

„Perfidy!!! Are your Pokémon so value to you? "

„What the Hell is going on here? Normally my attacks work perfectly. "

„Normally yes but normally you are having some low class trainers against you. Come on Celestia. Show him what a REAL attack is!!!" Emil said and in a blink of an Eye the Lopunny was facing the Arcanine directly.

First she opened its cover by using attract. Then she began to unload. Her fists were flying everywhere onto the Arcanines Body. Once she was done with her fists she began to use her feets. Again she let them go everywhere but she began to focus on his lower section but before she did some serious damage down there Emil did a hand move and the Lopunny stopped it´s attacks. Then it did a little jump back and waited there.

„You better call your friend back or he will get hurt badly!!!" Emil said

„My friend? He is not my friend!!! He is just a tool in my Hands and nothing more!!!" The trainer answered.

„TSK..... Why do I knew that? Celestia..... END IT NOW!!! "

The Lopunny did a quick jump forward and hammered it´s right knee under the skin of the Arcanine, nearly breaking it in 2.

The attack sent the Arcanine into the Air for some seconds and once it landed, it was knocked out.

„Well done my dear. Now come back to my side please. " Emil said smiling to his Lopunny and it did what he had wanted. She jumped back to his Side and there she sat down while he padded her Head a few times which she seems to really enjoy.

„Come back you worthless thing!" The trainer said while he called back his Arcanine. „Now it´s time to play some real Games!!! Meganium!! GO!!! "

Once the Meganium was formed, Emil could clearly see that this Pokémon had a big problem. It was ill but the trainer doesn´t seemed to care.

„Well... I should change my meaning over you. " Emil said with his Eyes closed.

„Did you finally saw in that I´m better then you?" The trainer asks.

„NO!!! Definitely not!!! Each trainer knows that an ill Pokémon cannot fight but you........ GGGAAHHHHH..... LET´S END THIS!!!! SEBASTIAN!!! IT´S YOUR TIME!!! "

Emil threw another Ball and a Lucario came out of it.

„HAH.... This will be easy!!! " The trainer said. " Meganium Leaf Storm"

The Meganium didn´t moved. Instead it broke in and began to spill out some Blood.

„What are you doing? I said AT...... " Emil cut the trainer by screaming.


A Second later, the Lucario appeared behind the trainer and hammered one of his fists into the trainers neck, sending him flying a few feeds away. On the landing the trainer was knocked out immediately and Emil quickly ran to him to get the Poke balls.

„Quick check!! NNNNGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! This trainer is a walking failure!!! Nearly each one of his Pokémon is ill or less trained. TSK..... And such persons are allowed to train Pokémon.... Meganium come back and get some rest. " Emil said and called the Meganium back.

2 Minutes later, the trainer came back to life.

„NNNGGGGHHHH...... Where am I? "

„Were you belong!!! On the ground!!!" Emil answered while he was standing above him.

„YOU!!!!! WHAT THE...... " The trainer tried to grab one of his Poke balls but he grabbed only some Air. " Where are my Poke balls!!! "

„Right there!!!" Emil said while he pointed over to a stump. On it were 6 Poke balls laying and the trainer immediately moved himself up to ran over there but once he was up, Emil hammered his right fist into the trainer's stomach hard.


The trainer broke down to his knees and in the next moment Emil took its Head into a sleeper hold. Then he lowered his own Head and said in a more then Devilish Voice.

„You will never get these Pokémon back!!! You have failed as a trainer and now I will take your trainer License away as well. "

A second later, Emil was holding the trainers Pokedex in his Hand.

„NNNNGGGGGHHHHHHH....... You will pay for this!!! I will....... Rocky...... NNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Emil had increased his grip a bit.

Next he put the Pokedex into his jacket and then he took out a metal plate. This plate he holds in front of the trainer while he said to him a bit proud or happy.

„Rocky will do nothing to me. Do you see this? Yes.... I´m a Pokémon Ranger and this area is a Pokémon wildlife resort and I bet that you know the punishment for wildering in such resorts. "


„Now I let you choose of what I will do. Do you still want to go to Rocky and tell her what you did or do you want a second chance as a trainer? "

„NNNNNNNHHHHH...... Trainer....... Please........ * PANT * * PANT* * PANT*"

Emil had released the grip.

„Vice choice. Now then. Here are the rules to get your Pokedex back. You will stay at the Daycare for one Month. There you will work with other Pokémon and I hope that you will learn some respect there. If not..... Well.... Then you can say farewell to Pokémon training. UNDERSTOOD? "

The trainer didn´t said a word. He only nodded a yes.

„Good. SHANNON, MILA!!! PLEASE COME HERE!!!" Emil said and called.

One Minute later, the 2 Girls were standing on Emil´s side and Emil gave Shannon the Pokedex.

„You know what to do with it. "

„Yep. "

„Now go with her. She will give you a room in the Daycare. " Emil said to the trainer.

„What ..... Will my other...... Pokémon?" The trainer asks in fear.

„Like I said. The Leafeon and the Bulbasaur you will never get back. The others..... Well if you managed to cure them in the Daycare and if they still wanted to be at your side, you will have those ones back but till then they are free. "

Without some more words, Shannon left the place together with the trainer and it´s poke balls. Once they were out of sight Emil said to his both Pokémon.

„Thank you for helping me out this quick..... OH and Celestia. I hope that you will come to your checkups once it is time. Yes? You know how much I would be happy if...... "

The Lopunny had layed a paw on Emil´s mouth to silence him. Then she nodded a quick yes while she began to blush deeply just like Sebastian. Then they both jumped into the night.

„Don´t tell me that these 2 are...... " Mila started but was cut softly.

„They are. They are since they were cubs. They both spend every minute together and within this year..... Well...... I hope that I don´t need to change one of them for.....for..... You know. "

„Yeah.... By the way.... Could it be that..... That? "

„That what? "

„It may be sounds weird but..... How old are you? "

„Why are you asking me that? "

„Please..... I need to know to become sure of something. "

„Fine. I´m 26 and you? "

„25...... This Hand move you did on the fight ..... Do you do it often when you fight? "

„I don´t know. "

„Why not? "

„I hate fighting and I never pay some attention on my movements when I´m fighting. But now tell me why are you asking me this? "

„These strange move remembered me on something of my past but..... It cannot be. You cannot be him. "

„Him? Who do you mean?" Emil face became a bit black because he had lowered his face and the darkness took over. "

„It doesn´t matter. Forget my question. " She answered while she also moved her Head down.

Right at that moment when the darkness hit her Eyes, he was looking at her face and right at that moment a flash moved over his inner Eyes.

What was that? He thought to himself. A Memory? But on what? This Eyes....Fuck ... I know that I know this Eyes but from where and why? THINK YOU IDIOT!!! THINK!!!!!

_ _

„Hey!!! Are you dreaming? " Mila asks, pushing him out of his thoughts.

„What...??? No I'm ok. I was just thinking of some things. "

„Want to tell me? "

„Sorry. It´s private. "

She wasn´t quite happy with that answer because she was also thinking of a Memory but she gave him his will like he had done for her.

The next morning

Mila woke up early like always. She got up from her bed and moved slowly into the bath were she made herself ready for the Day. Once finished, she left the bath and walked into the kitchen to make some coffee with breakfast. On her way to the kitchen she saw that Emil hadn´t slept on the Sofa like he had done in the past Days. She could clearly tell that he hadn´t even slept somewhere else.

Seeing him not in his place let her somehow began to worry and she began to search him. First she searched the whole house but she didn´t found him. Next she moved out and looked over the whole area but there she only found a few Pokémon who were sleeping on the ground. She already wanted to go back into the house when her sight traveled over the old stable. Something from the inside was catching her attention and so she walked into it.

First she saw only some Miltanks sleeping in some areas but then she found an open door and behind it were some steps going down. She had never seen that door or had paid attention but now she somehow wanted to find out of what was down there. Once she did the first step on the first stair some lights were lit up.

„WOW!!! That is scary. " She said while she moved on.

The stairs brought her to a metal door who wasn´t closed. She carefully opened the door and then she found Emil, sleeping with his Head on a table. First she wanted to go back because she had found him but then her attention was again called because the room was looking strangely. She opened the door more and walked in. From out of nowhere, she was standing in some kind of a Laboratory with many Computers and tables. Many of the Computers were out except for 2.

On the first one was a picture of a Meganium and some numbers were flying over it. She moved closer to it and then all became clear. On the Monitor was standing.

Healing process on run.

Subjects health at 35 %.

Remaining time to heal completely: 5 Days, 7 Hours

„So that´s what he has done the whole night? This Lab is for Pokémon who are having some injuries. Hmmm..... I never knew that he is a doctor...... Crap.... I need to get him known more. Definitely. "

She then slowly moved over to the second screen on which he was sleeping. When she had reached it she couldn´t do other than to smile first because she looked at his face.

OH Wow!! She thought. He looks so peacefully and cute. OH..... I would lovely give him a kiss to wake him up but I bet that he had worked very long so I better let him sleep.

Then all came different.

The Computer, which they were both standing in front, made a loud „BEEB"and he jumped up saying.

„Yes I´m here, Sir!!! "

After a second he realized were he was and set himself down again in the office chair.

„UPS!!! Must have fallen asleep. " He said to himself. " What time is it already? "

„It´s 8 in the morning. " Mila answered from behind him.

„AH good not too late for....... HOLY HELL!!!!"

He jumped up from the chair again and turned around in shock, facing her directly.

„What are you doing here? How did you get here?...... How..... Why..... ?"

„HAHAHA..... Come down. I´m not a Ghost or something. "

It took him a few seconds to recover but then he said.

„I´m sorry. I´m not known to such situations. Normally I´m alone in here. "

„Alone? Doesn´t your brother looks over you sometimes when you are here? "

„No..... He hates this room very much because he can´t see blood or hates to see some. "

„AHHHH..... Ok. Now tell me what you did on this Computer. It looks so strange. All these numbers and signs. What do they mean? "

„Well... Simply said.... I tried to cure something that cannot be cured or restored. "

„And what did you...... ÄÄÄÄÄHHHHHH...... Forget it!!!" She had seen the background picture on the Monitor.

It was the outline of a Leafeon and more she didn´t needed to know except one thing.

„Did you had achieved a victory? "

He looked down to the earth and said.

„Hell no.... * BAMM * " He had hammered a hand on the table.

„FUCKING BASTARD!!! I can nearly restore each part of a Body but........ But...... Oh how should I tell her mate what I had to do to her..... How will he react on me..... It´s not fair!!! "

He moved down to his knees while some tears formed on his face.

„You were not responsible for this. You had to follow some instructions. " Mila said to calm him down.

„No...... I..... Had only to say no and all would be good.... I´m the Leader of this Daycare..... I´m...... I´m......... God dammit.... I hate myself so much!!!! "

He couldn´t hold it back any longer. He began to cry like a Baby.

Mila tried all to calm him but it was no use. So she could only do one thing for him. She kneeled down in front of him, moved his tear covered face up a bit and then she moved his Head to her shoulder. There she holds him until he was finished, what took around 5 minutes or so.

When he had finally made it, Mila looked at the Monitor and then she said.

„Look Emil. There is something blinking on the Monitor. "

„Sniff......Sniff...... " Was the only thing he said.

„The blinking is a word written in green. " She felt that he moved up his Head.

„It says success. What does that mean? "

He suddenly moved his Head away from her shoulder to look at the Monitor too and then she saw that his mimics became more than happy.

„I..... I...... SNIFF...... SNIFF..... " He tried to say something.


„What? "

„S...... Seems like that God...... has shown some mercy on me...... Maybe I cannot..... Restore a Hymn but...... I can give them....... at last the feeling of it....... When..... When..... " She cut him.

„That´s good. Now then come on and finish your job while I do the rest of the work. "

„A...... Are you really sure? It is....... Much work to do up there. "

„Don´t worry. I can do it and I think that I will get some help. "

At that moment, Emil recognized that Waxxer was standing in the door.

„Waxxer? You are also here? "

„LUXRAY..... Lux, Lux... "

„Really? "

„Ray!! "

„He says that he and the others will help you as much as they can. "

„Thanks. " Was the only thing Mila said back.

„Waxxer, before I forget it. How is the little girl? Did she was hurt last night? "

" ...... Luxray, Luxray, Ray.... LUX, LUX ...."

„Oh great news. Please tell her that I´m sorry for forgetting her last night. "

The Luxray only nodded a yes and left.

„What did he told you over the little Growlithe? "

„He said that she is fine and I came in time to save them both. "

„That´s are good news but why are you still looking so unhappy? "

„It´s because....... HAH...... I still have to tell...... The Bulbasaur the bad news over his Mate. "

„OHHHH..... Should I stay here and give you a helping hand? "

„No..... SNIFF.... I have to do it alone but....... SNIFF..... Thanks."

Mila then got up and walked out of the room.

Once she was out she saw Waxxer standing at the top stair, waiting for her and once she was up there too he said to her.

„Luxray.... Lux.... Ray..... "

„I´m sorry Waxxer but I cannot understand you. " Mila answered.

Waxxer then bit softly into her jeans and began to drag her out of the stable.

„HEH.... Stop dragging me. I´m coming with you at free will. " Mila said after a few drags and Waxxer released her finally.

A few steps later they were both standing on the entrance of the stable and there were many different Pokémon standing.

A little Eevee stepped forward and did some strange paw movements.

„Me? You want to help me?" Mila said and got a quick yes answer.

„Alright but why me? Emil did all the work and I did nothing. "

„EEE..... Eevee..... Ee...... Eevee. "

„What? Dammit I wish I could understand you all just like him. "

„The little one in front of you said that you did many more things then I. " Emil said from behind her, letting her jump in surprise.

„Emil you...... You said that.... " Mila started but was cut by him.

„All is fine now and now please.... Let me enjoy the morning before something bad happens. Come here you little beast...... HAHAHAHA"

Emil had begun to play with the little Eevee and the rest of the children quickly followed. The others began to do the rest like cleaning up or take out the trash.

Mila did the most work but while she worked she was in deep thoughts. Why did the little Eevee said that I did many more things? What did he meant? I did nothing special since I´m here. OK I helped here and there but still what did he meant? "

He meant that since you are here, Emil is much happier. Even if just three Days have passed till now, he is happier than he was in the last 3 Years.

„What the..... Who said this?" Mila asks loud.

That was me...... Down here!!!

Mila slowly looked a bit down and saw a Ninetails sitting directly in front of her.

„UPS..... Sorry. I didn´t saw you coming in. "

That was my opinion.

Something like an Aura had surrounded her for the time the Ninetails had spoken.

„Excuse me but are you using telepathic on me to communicate? "


„OK.... So it goes then. HAH.... I never thought that it would be that easy to communicate with Pokémon. ÄHHHMMMMM.... Could you help me out a bit? "

Of course I will translate for you.

„How the..... Crap.... Of course.... You can read my mind also. "

Yes.... HAHA..... But to calm you.... I will not tell anyone which thoughts you are having right now over Emil and yourself.

„Thoughts? What thoughts?" Mila asks blushing.

Right this thoughts you are having right now......

At that moment, Emil came into the room.

„AH.... There you are. How is all going?" Mila asks him.

„All is fine now. " Was the only thing Emil was able to say while he sat himself down on a chair.

Mila slowly moved to him and once she was at his side she asks.

„And.... What he told you? "

„Who?" Emil asks back.

„The Bulbasaur. "

„HAAAHHHHH..... He already knew it. "

„Really? How? "

„Those damn sick trainer.... He forced the Bulbasaur to look the raping from outside only because he had lost a single fight. You only have to think about it. He lost only one fight and gets this way punished...... NNNNNHHHHHH..... I could...... BAAHHHH"

Mila moved a Hand over Emil's Head while she said in a calming Voice.

„Come on. Forget this fool. You have let him pay already and his Pokémon are on their way of getting cured. What do you want more? "

„I know but still...... I cannot other.... I´m build this way..... Each thing that is bad hurts me and I cannot do something against it. "

„You can do something. Just talk to someone over it. "

„And who? No one wants to listen to me. "

„And what is with your Brother or...... Me? "

„My brother has stopped listening and....... Well..... You are only staying..... For 4 more Days so why...... " She cut him.

„Time doesn´t matter. I´m here right now so tell me what you want. "

He then told her what had happened in his Life till now but there was a part that he doesn´t wanted to tell and that part was the most interesting part in Mila´s Eyes but she gave him his will and didn´t moved on in this.

He on the other side felt free right after he had told her the most of his Life.

„Thanks. I really needed that!" Emil said.

„Always again..... UPS..... Look at the watch!!! It´s already this late.... We need to go and pick up our friends from the Daycare. " Mila said and began to panic a bit.

„You can go there but I will never go there again. This place hurts me far too much. "

„But who will show me the way? You know how bad my orientation is. "

„That´s why Laila will lead you. "

„Laila? Who´s that now? "

„The little Lady you already talked with....OUCH!!!!" The Ninetails had bit him into his left leg softly before she barked.

„NINE..... NINETAILS!!!! "

„OK.OK... My tall Lady will lead you. "

30 Minutes later

Mila and the Ninetails were walking to the Daycare when Laila suddenly said

It´s good that he had finally spoke to someone over his problems. They had already begun to destroy his Soul.

„That´s true but I didn´t knew that he had this much trouble. "

You call this trouble?...... HAHAHA...... Then you should be lucky because this was only the good side of his Life.

„What do you mean? Didn´t he told me all? "

No, he didn´t. There is a part of his Life that is closed away from everyone. If I had to describe it then I would say that it is a place filled with coldness and darkness. There he is living since a few years and no one had managed to get him out there till now.

„I don´t want to ask but.... How cold and dark is this side. "

Deadly! Was Laila´s answer and Mila began to feel sick in her Body.

Right at this moment they reached the Daycare and once they moved in, they heard some good known sounds.

„I told to stay in your Bed! You cannot go out now! You are still weak and your Body isn´t healed yet! I SAID STOP!!!! "

Then they both heard some sounds.

" Grow..... Grow....... Lit..... Lit..... Growlithe."

„Eon.... Umbreon.... UM... Um.... Breon!!! "

„OH NO. What are they on now?" Mila said to herself loud.

The Growlithe says that he wanted to see his trainer no matter what and the Umbreon is trying to stop him just like Shannon is on.

„TSK..... As always. Leon wants something and Michelle has to stop him. HIHIHI.... No wonder that they both Love each other this much. "

Mila then moved towards the door of the room in where Leon had slept the last 2 Days. Once she stood in the door, she was greeted by 2 really happy Pokémon.

„Hey you 2. Do you have missed me?" Mila said while she moved down to great them.



She doesn´t needed a translation for that because both Pokémon jumped at the same time into her arms. They jumped so hard that Mila began to struggle until Laila gave her some support from the back. Meanwhile Michelle and Leon were both happily licking Mila´s face and she smiled over it or even more laughed because their tongues were tickling her.

„HAHAHA...... I missed you 2...... HAHAHAHA....... Please stop....... HAHAHAHA.... That tickles..... "

Finally, both Pokémon stopped their invasion and Mila moved them down to the earth. Once there she said to Leon.

„You are looking better like last time but Shannon is right. You have to stay in Bed until she says that it´s OK to walk. "

" GGGGGRRRRRROOOOOWWWW........... Growlithe...... Grow...... "

„What?" Mila asks Laila.

He is quiet unhappy because he wanted to go with you to see the Ranch he had heard about.

" GROW ?"

" NINETAILS...... Tails.... "

" Growl.... Growl..... "


I just told him that I´m translating for you.

„AH.... Fine..... Leon, before I forget. You ask Emil about something special that I should bring you once you are awake. "

The Growlithe nodded a yes.

„Tell me now, please. Are you really wanted to do this? You know how much I..... " She stopped because the Growlithe had moved a paw on her left foot.

„GROWLITHE, GROWLITHE, GROWLITHE...... GROW...... THE....... LITHE...... Growlithe...... GROWL..... LIT.... GROWLITHE!!! "

Again she looked over to the Ninetails.

He said he knows it but he begs you for doing it. What does he meant?

„He meant this. "

Mila moved the eternal stone out of her side pocket. Next she moved down to her knees and placed the stone on the ground. Then she said with a fake smile.

„I hope that you 2 will be happy forever. "

Everyone in the room could clearly see that she was unhappy with the plea and she still wished that Leon would someday become a proud Arcanine but at that moment she had told her set, Leon moved out a paw and touched the stone. Immediately, he began to glow white but only for 2 seconds.

„It is done. " Mila said while she moved her Head to the side to hide a tear.

Now I understand it.

„Understand what? "

Doesn´t matter right now. Are you ready to go back?

„That depends on Shannon. "

„What depends on me?" Shannon asks perplex.

„If you let me take them with me or not? "

„Like I said. He should stay in bed..... But...... "

„But what? "

„AAHHHH ...... Take them with you but promise me that you didn´t let him out of his Ball until you are at Emil´s ranch. OH... and let him take a look over him each day until he is fully healed. "

„I will bind him on his bed if he tries to escape. " Mila answered as a joke.

„I hope so. " Shannon said smiling. „Now then, call the 2 back and we can search the other 2. "

„What do you mean with search? Are they are not at their rooms? "

„When I looked in the morning they were both gone and I....." At this moment Zero flow into the room closely followed by Nora on the ground.

„Mew.... Mew, Mew"

„AAAHHHH there you are. Good!!! Now that we have all together you can call or take each one and get back to Emil. He is surely waiting for you all already. " Shannon said while she began to clean Leon's bed.

„Alright and thanks for all. Leon, Michelle. It´s time to go. Come back!!!" Mila said while she holds up 2 Poke balls.

A second later, they both had disappeared into their Balls and Mila looked over to Zero and Nora.

„Nora please come and make yourself comfortable on my shoulder. Zero..... Well I cannot command you something but...... " Zero cut her by saying.

„Mew, Mew....Mew....MEW!! "

„What?" Mila asks Laila.

He said that the girlfriend of his brother can command him as well as his brother can as long as you don´t call him into his Poke ball.

" HAHA ..... Don´t worry Zero. If you doesn´t want to be in your Ball then I will not call you into it. Now come on. My other shoulder is free if you want. "

Zero began to smile as bright as the sun and he immediately flow to Mila´s shoulder, placing himself there so that he was laying comfortable and not disturbing.

„Fine. Now go and tell Emil that all is fine and that I will call him when I need his help. "

„I will. Bye Shannon. "

„Bye. "

10 Minutes later

Mila was walking back to the Ranch but half on their way, Laila stopped and made a turn to the left, away from the path.

„What is it? Why are we leaving the way?" Mila asks.

Don´t worry. Just follow me.

She leaded Mila to a little grass area were some cubs and youngsters were playing.

„Why did you brought me here?" Mila asks while she moved Nora and Zero down from her shoulders.

Emil told me before we left that I should bring you here once we had gathered everyone.

„OK but still why and where are their Parents? I thought that Cubs were never left alone by them. "

Why.... I don´t know but for their Parents...... Laila looked aside with a sad look.

„What´s with them?" Mila now asks a bit with fear.

Most of them were..... Caught by trainers or better said..... All were caught and the Babies were left behind to die because they thought that they were too weak to become some use for them.

„No.... Please no..... These poor little creatures..... But from where are they? I thought that catching Pokémon is forbidden here? "

In here it is yes but outside of the reservation we are free to get caught.

„Yeah that´s true.... but how did they get here? "

On one Day, Emil found a little Baby that was nearly death and he began to feet and raise it and on that Day he gave us the order to search everywhere for such Babies who had lost their Parents and bring them here so he could look over them while we Pokémon raise them.

„Isn´t this too much for you Pokémon? I mean, most of you are having own Cubs to raise and feet. "

It is yes but what makes one hungry mouth more to feet? Besides there are pairs who want a cub but cannot have one because of something went wrong on their first birth or other things. They don´t need to hunger here or fearing the loneliness, except that you are not having a problem like this little one there is having.

_ _

Laila pointed over to a little Growlithe cub that was sitting alone on a tree, a bit away from the others.

„What is wrong with her and isn´t this the one who Emil saved from this idiotic trainer?" Mila asks.

„She cannot control her fire right and yes. She is the one from yesterday. "

„What´s her Name? "

„Her Name is Sima and she is around 1 Human Year old. "

„One Year ..... HHHMMMMM..... "

Mila slowly began to move over to her. Immediately the other Pokémon became a shock of her appearance and began to run wildly everywhere because they feared to be caught until Laila shouted out a loud.


It was something like a sign to them that they were save but they still didn´t trusted her until all came clear.

Mila had reached the Growlithe and had kneeled down right in front of her. The Growlithe had begun to move into a protective stand which let Mila somehow began to smile. Then it happened. Mila reached out on hand for her Head when the Growlithe attacked and bit down into her Hand. Immediately Zero, Nora and Laila wanted to come to aid but Mila did a Hand sign telling them that everything was alright with her. Next she smiled down to the Cub and asks her in a very lovely Voice.

„And? Do I taste good? "

Immediately, the Growlith´s Eyes shot open and she moved them up to Mila´s face. Once reached she began to release her slowly with a look that could break stones. Her Eyes became watery and she began to lick Mila´s hand.

„Don´t worry my little dear. I´m fine with this so come on. Tears don´t stand you. Hmm... I bet that you are ticklish just like Leon was. " Mila said and began to move a finger over the little Growlith's side.

Nearly at the moment when Mila touched her side she began to yelp but not in pain. Mila had been right. She was ticklish there and now Mila began to „Attack „her sides.

The little Girl began to scream in pleasure under the tickling attack and everyone became relaxed until some flames were coming out of the little Body. Everyone around Mila then made itself ready to run away but then Mila did something with the Growlithe.

She placed a finger on each side of the Growlith's neck and began to softly press there. Immediately the flames began to disappear and the Eyes of the little Growlithe shot open in surprise, looking in disbelieve at Mila who was still smiling.

After a few Moment´s, Laila moved close and asks.

How did you stopped her?

„When Leon was in this Age, he had the same problem and I've had read in a newspaper that this problem would come from an overstimulated Brain or so. I don´t know exactly what the problem really is but I know that this method I used always helped until Leon was able to control himself. "

Seems like that Emil can learn much from you, I think.

„I don´t think so. "

Why not?

„I´m not staying long enough for teaching him something. "

Hmm.... Alright then..... What is with your Hand? Do you need some healing? "

„No. I´m fine just like when he bit me on that Day, I only need a bandage. "

He? Did you mean your Growlithe?

„Yeah. " Mila moved up her Jumper arm a bit, revealing some old Bite-marks on her Lower arm. „Like I said he was at her age and he had went through the same suffering. "

I see..... Want to do it again?

„Do what? "

Raise a helpless Cub.

„I...... I don´t really know if I´m..... Having the right...... For it and who knows if she wants me as a trainer? "

The answers are simple. Look at her now!

Mila did it and once she saw the little cub she saw something that she had missed a bit somehow. The Eyes of the Cub were burning with desire and hope. Mila now couldn´t do other than to smile and say to the little cub.

„Well.... I don´t.... know but are you really...... WOW!!! "

The Growlithe had jumped at her and Mila had caught her on her chest. There the Cub began to yelp in need while she curved her Body into her chest. She did exactly the same things Leon had done back then.

Seems like that she has made her decision. Now it´s up to you.

„OH God!!! I hate you three!!! "

Us three??

„First Emil because he does some nice things to me like this one. Second you because you lie about the fire types. "

Lie? Where did I lie......? UPS...... Sorry.... I sometimes forget that I´m a fire type as well.

„HEHE...... And finally you little Sima because you will surely give me some hard times when I´m training you like Leon did. "

The little Cub began to smile of that words before exhaustion took her and she sleptin Mila´s arms.

„Seems like she was tired. "

No wonder. She was up for about 6 Hours.

„She couldn't sleep because she played too much right? "

Wrong. The others didn´t let her sleep because they played too noisy.

„Well.... This times are over now. Now she will get a Life that she will hopefully enjoy. "

I bet that she will do it. Now come on. I bet that Emil is already waiting for us with some food.

Another 10 Minutes later

The five arrived at the Ranch and like Laila had said, Emil was waiting for them with some Pokémon food at hand.

„Ahh... There you are. It´s been time that you came back. Food is already getting cold inside. "

Sorry. It took us a little longer than planned. * GROWL*

„HAHA.... Seems like someone is hungry. "

Laila nodded a quick yes.

„Here.... A little snack for your way to your mate. He is already waiting for you with some "special food. "

Laila smiled brightly on that set and only some seconds later she had eaten her snack and had ran off.

„What did you meant with special food?" Mila asks.

„They äääähhhhh...... They blow each other every time before they eat and I bet that once they have finished they will get it on very hard because she is in Season. "

„Really? I didn´t recognized that. How could you? "

„I know her for my entire Life. She was my first Pokémon that I managed to catch. By the way. It looks like that you had some luck ether. " Emil said while he looked at Mila´s arms.

„Yeah and for that I really have thank you. "

„Why me? She wants to go with you. I haven´t done something. "

„I know but you told Laila to go with me to her and for that I...... I...... " Mila couldn't say something on but she didn´t knew why.

Instead her Body moved on its own and she quickly kissed Emil´s right check. He immediately blushed deep red while he did a step back and moved a hand over his right check.

„Thanks for being so nicely to me. I.... I.... don´t know how I could thank you for all you did to me right now. " Mila said with a blush of her own.

„I.... I..... There is no need to thank me...... I.... It´s all inclusive. "

He smiled shyly after that and she began to laugh over the look.

The rest of the Day went on normal. Mila did some housework's, because Emil was not good at that, except for cooking. Meanwhile Emil looked over Leon´s Body and said afterwards to him.

„You are looking good but you have to stay 2 Days in Bed before I allow you to move freely over my Ranch. "

Of course Leon wanted to protest against it but Emil made his Point clear.

„Listen Leon. You are not in the Position of asking. You follow my order or you will..... " Emil pressed a Button on a Bed that was standing close to them in Emil´s Labor.

Immediately some straps flow around on the bed and it became clear what Emil wanted.

"..... You will be placed in this straps and released 2 Days later. So it´s up to you. Peacefully sleep or hard Nightmare. What will be it? "

With only these 2 options left, Leon gave in and said.

„OK. Peacefully sleep. "

„And I will get sure of it. " Michelle added from the side.

„Good. But remember. No..... " Michelle cut Emil

„I know. I know. I can handle myself. "

„I hope so. "

„HHHHAAAAAHHHHHH 2 Boring Days ahead..... And I´ve had hoped to run somewhere around with you my Lovely. " Leon said with sadness.

„Don´t worry my dear. This 2 Days will surely fly by very quickly. " Michelle answered to shear him up.

They both then began to exchange some kisses. Emil on the other side somehow began to feel sick on that picture and he quickly but silently left the 2. Outside of his Labor was Zero already waiting for him.

„What is it bro?" Emil asks.

„I wanted to check if you are alright. "

„Why that? "

„Simply said you get sick very often when a Love pair shows their feelings and that makes me always sick. Why didn´t you returned the kiss that she gave you a few hours ago? "

„The reason is private and not for your Ears. Understood? "

„NO!!! Tell me! "

„I said no. "

„TELL..... ME...... NOW!!! "

"........ " * SLAP *

„MEW!!! "

Instead of answering, Emil had given Zero a not so hard slap on his check but it was hard enough to let the Mew fly back a few feets. Immediately Emil felt sorry and he tried to change all but Zero moved away with the words.

„When you are still wanting to be alone then Die in eternal Darkness.... YOU FOOL!!! "

Zero then flew away, leaving a nearly broken Emil behind. Dammit! He thought to himself. Why have I done this? Why am I always so strangely acting when a Pair shows their Love? God why did you made me like this? Why are you letting me go through such pain? Have I done something wrong in a past Life? WWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY????? "

Some single tears began to run over Emil´s face before he ran out of the stable and into the forest.

Mila had seen him and had asked herself of what had happened. Then Zero came in sight and she asked him.

„What has happened? Where Emil did ran? "

„TSK....." Came only from Zero and then he disappeared right in front of her.

„And what was that now? "

Mila was left without answers so she did the only thing she could do. She ran behind Emil into the forest.

The forest was pitch black. No wonder because it was already late evening. There were no Pokémon to be seen also.

Mila feared and on each noise she nearly became a heart attack but she didn´t stopped her search for Emil. Fuck! She thought. Where could he be? He hadn´t that much time and he hadn´t run that fast...... HHHHUUUUUHHHHHH!!!!..... What was that? A Noise? Or a Pokémon? OH GOD!!! Emil Please!!! Where are you?

Suddenly she heard a familiar Voice in her Head and she became happy to hear it.

He is not far. Just go the way to your right and you will find him. Ohh and don´t fear anything. This forest is save. No one will lay a hand or Paw on you as long as you help us like you did before.

Thanks Laila. Mila answered in her Head and walked the way to right.

Soon she reached a little opening in the forest and once she stepped into it she closed her Eyes and opened them again because she thought that she was in a dream. Right in front of her was a little lake and on the Head of the lake was a Waterfall.

The water was flowing down like it would be dancing. It jumped from the left to the right and back and right in front of that was Emil sitting with his Head between his moved up knees.

Mila tried her best to not shock him when she moved slowly to him.

„What has happened, Emil?" She asks but as an answer she only became.

"...... SNIFF...... SNIFF....... "

Now she was standing next to him and moved a hand to his shoulder but once reached he moved it out of the way while he said under some sobs.

" ..... Please.... Leave..... "

But she didn´t left. Instead she moved again close to him and this time she moved both of her hands to both of his shoulders.

„TSSSCCCCCHHHHHH...... Tell me what happened. "

Her both hands reached him and this time he didn´t made a move to resist. Instead he moved up his Head a bit but not that much.

"...... SNIFF..... SNIFF..... " Was heard from him again until he suddenly began to talk under the sobs.

„It´s all so wrong...... SNIFF..... Why me? ..... Why is all going wrong on me?..... Why can nothing good happen to me? "

She softly began to massage his shoulders and he talked on.

„My Life is such a Lie...... SNIFF..... I am able to create Life with my Hands...... I can make it possible for different Pokémon species to mate each other but...... But...... SNIFF.... When it goes for Love........ Ssssssssnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffffffffffff....... I cannot....... Find someone for me and........ And...... I hate it to see others in .........In......... " His Sobbing's became harder.

„I´m always surrounded with Love.......SNIFF ...... But no Female.........SNIFF...... Gives me some.... I´m so alone........ God hates me....... I wish I´m dea...... „* SLAP * „OUSCHH!!!!"

Mila had slapped him on his Back head hard and immediately he moved his Hands back to protect himself there. That was what she had wanted. She quickly moved in front of him and kneeled down to face him. Once their Heads were same level, she moved his Head so that she was eyeing him. Then she directly said into his tear covered face.

„Stop talking such fucking nonsense. You are not alone and you had never been alone. Look around you, you fool. Am I´m not a female or is Shannon not one? And what about Laila and all the other Pokémon females you helped?"

Emil tried to give her an answer but he was only able to move his lips without saying something. That was why Mila moved on with washing his Head.

„You are right with your hands. You have already created much Life with them but I bet that they can give Love as well. You only need to believe in yourself that you will find her one Day. "

„W..... When? ..... I´m not...... Becoming younger..... I want...... Want..... A Family. " Was the only thing he now managed to say while he began to think. _ Why am I suddenly feeling so light? Why does she is so good to me?.... These Eyes!!! Dammit!!! Where have I seen them before?_

„You will have a family one Day. I´m pretty sure of that and who says that you will be old when you find her? It could be possible that you will find her tomorrow or...... " Now she did a gulp before she ended the set. "..... You maybe have already found her but you don´t know it yet. "

His Eyes became empty and she smiled on that look. Then his dams broke and he began to cry out all of his Pain.

It took him 5 minutes or more until his Eyes became dry but he finally felt free. Free from all Pain and bad thoughts of his Mind.

Mila never had stopped smiling. Even now she was and he began to ask himself why she did that.

„Why.... Smiling....... SNIFF"

„I don´t know. I only need to look at you and I cannot do other. "

" .... SNIFF..... SNIFF..... "

„Come big Boy. Let us go back. The night is already getting old and I´m feeling a bit tired after this Day. "

Together they moved up and started walking back to the Ranch. On the way they both began to talk over different things and they both started holding hands but they didn´t realized that.

„You are kidding me right? " Emil said joking.

„No I didn´t. I´m a Coordinator. " Mila answered with a smirk.

„HAHA..... Funny... So. How many bands do you already having if I´m allowed to ask? "

„I´m already having 4. "

„4? ... That means that you need only 1 more but ....the festival is in 3 weeks and until then, there is only one contest left. Why don´t you go and win it? "

„I.... I want to let Michelle and Leon enjoy some peace. Besides. ... I never liked these contests. "

„Not like them? But why are you doing them right away then? "

„I want to ..... Find an answer. "

„To what question? "

„Why did he disappeared so quickly and where is he now? "

„He?.... Who do you mean?" Emil face became dark because he feared the answer somehow.

„When I was 17, I saw a trainer at a contest and I have to say that he was a very good one. His Opening show was always a number 1 hit, if I might say so, and his fighting style was always so cool. It was said that he was on the best way to become one of the world's best trainers but then he disappeared from one Day to another and it was said that he had a terrible accident and died but I cannot believe it. Somehow I feel that..... He is still alive somewhere. "

„What was his Name?" Emil now asks with a deep black face.

„I only now his second Name. It is or was Shimone. "

Suddenly, Emil face became normal and he started to laugh very loud.

„What´s so funny? "

„HAHAHAHAHAHA...... That is so funny....... HAHAHAHAHAHA......... "

„You are an ass. I told you a piece of my Life and you are lau..... " Emil cut her by giving her a card.

„What is that now?" She asks.

„Read it and see. " Was Emil´s answer.

She did it and on the first Line, her both Eyes shot open wide.

„ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? " She shouted out.

„No I don´t. You were in the search for me. HAHAHAHAHA..... Emil Shimone, at your service my Lady. " Emil said playfully.

„T..... That´s a....... A..... A ....." She couldn´t find some words.

„HAHAHAHA..... Now you are looking funny. Dammit! Where is a Camera when you need one...? "

„OH YOU!!!! HAHAHAHA....... I have so many questions that I want to ask you now but I.... " He cut her softly by saying.

„I know but please tomorrow. I´m too tired for some explanations now. "

She wasn´t really happy about that answer but she appreciated it.

They both then reached the ranch but no one of them said a word. They both made themselves ready for Bed but before they moved into Bed, Emil had a little surprise for her.

He waited on the floor, right in front of her Bedroom. When Mila finally came out of the shower and walked to the door he said to her while his hands moved to her Head.

„I have to thank you for your actions on the lake. "

She moved backwards but only a step because he had turned her so that she was standing against a wall.

„There is no need to!!! " She said protectively.

He took her Head with both of his Hands and moved his closer.

„I have to. Otherwise my Mind will punish me again. "

„You.... You have.....Not..... MMMMMMHHHHHHHH!!!" His Lips had met hers.

Her Eyes began to shake in her Head. Is this really happening? She thought. First I met the Hero of my younger Days and now he is kissing me..... OH DAMN!!! NO. Please!!! Don´t stop!!! "

He moved his Head away and said while he moved with his Fingers over her checks.

„Thank you for kicking my ass hard and good night. "

„G...... G..... Good...... Night....... „She babbled back and Emil moved away.

She moved one of her hands to her lips and once touched, she moved it back to face it. Once she realized that he had really kissed her, she began to smile all over her face and began to dance into her room.

What they both didn´t knew was that they had been spied. Michelle, Waxxer, Nora and Zero had hide on the corner of the floor and now each one of them had also a big smile on their face. Especially Zero who was somehow feeling proud over himself.

„My friends. " Zero started once Emil and Mila had disappeared in their rooms. „We need to unite them forever. "

„Yeah. " Waxxer said.

„But we need to be careful. " Was Michelle´s answer.

„I only hope that we will have enough time left. " Nora added and everyone nodded yes.

5 Days later

The week had passed fast and now it was Sunday morning. Mila had woken up early and was already working in the stable when she heard Emil talking to someone. He was behind a wall and she carefully moved up behind that wall and listened.

„Are you crazy?" Emil said and Mila wondered to who he was talking until.

" Es..... Espeon, Es. "

" Luxray, LUX !!"

„I cannot do that!!! "

„Um... Umbreon! Eon!! "

„I.... I..... That´s..... "

„MEW!!! MEW, MEW!!! "

„I ..... I..... I cannot!! "

„You cannot what?" Mila asks while she moved into the opening.

„I cannot ask you to stay long....... MILA!!! GASP!!!! How long did you stayed there?" Emil said in shock after he realized that she was behind him.

„I stood there long enough and to tell you that. I would lovely stay longer if you allow me of course. "

* GULP * „But..... The contest? "

„Who cares? Next Year will be a new one. "

„N..... No.... "Emil said with closed eyes.

„Is something wrong? "

„Yes!!! There is something wrong. "

„What? "

„I don´t want you to stop your journey only because of me or your 2 Pokémon here. "

„But I don´t ....." Emil cut her harshly by grabbing her hand.

„NO!!! You go there and win this damn Contest! If not, you would only hurt yourself for not even tried it. Trust me. I know what I am talking about. "

She looked him deep in the Eyes before she said to him.

„Fine.... I go but in return I want something from you. "

„What? "

„If I win, I want you to come with me to the festival AND I want to see one of your opening shows. "


„This or I will not leave. "

Emil did a few deep Gulps before he answered.

„D.... Deal.... But you have to win or I will not do anything. "

She jumped around his neck and gave him a kiss on his mouth. This kiss he returned with his tongue going into her mouth. They stayed so for around 3 Minutes until they heard a familiar Voice from down their feeds.

" Es.... Espeon... Es.... Eon !!!"

" UPS !! You are right. That will be a little problem. " Emil said after they had broken the kiss.

„What´s wrong now?" Mila asks.

„Nora said that you are currently only having her and no one else but you need at last three to fight at that contest. "

„OH CRAP!!! " She screamed. „I know that I´ve had forgotten something. "

„Lucario, LU, LU"

„LO, Lopunny, LO"

"NNNNNHHHH???? Celestia? Sebastian? What do you want here?" Emil asks surprised.

„Lopunny, Lopunny, Lo. "


„Luca, Lucario. "

„Well..... If she wants it then thanks. "

„If I want what? " Mila asks

„They both want to help you out in that contest. They want to fight at your side. "

„R....REALLY?" Mila now asks a bit louder and as an answer, the Lucario and the Lopunny nodded a Yes.

„OH THANK YOU 2!!!" Mila threw herself around their both necks to hug them close. Letting the 2 start to blush a bit.

After a minute she let them go and faced Emil again.

„Is it really OK for you? I mean they are both your Pokémon and not mine. "

„Why should I not be fine with it? Besides they are not mine. I caught them yes but I always let them decide of what they do."

„OH OK.... I..... ÄHM.... I would be honored if you would help me out." Mila said towards Sebastian and Celestia.

As an answer, they both handled her their Poke balls out.

„OH HOW can I ever repay you for this? "

„Lucario, rio..."

„Lo!!! "

„What?" Mila asks Emil but he didn´t answered her immediately. Instead he blushed deeply first before he babbled out an answer.

„T.... T...... There is no need to thank them o..... Or me. "

„HHHMMMMM...... Fine. I will start tomorrow in the early morning. Now come on. Let us go to work. I bet that the youngsters are already waiting for us. "

And so it was. The youngsters were already playing with each other when Mila and Emil came to them.

The rest of the Day was nothing special. They played. Cleaned up some rooms. Cooked and ate and in the evening they both shared some passionate kisses.

The next Day

Like Mila had said, she left really early. Luckily Celestia and Sebastian were already waiting for her together with Emil, who looked a bit dozed. They said each other farewell and then Mila went away.

3 Days later, Contest Day

All over the Morning, Mila had been nervous. Surely she had already some experience in this but now something was different. She felt alone and she deeply wished that Emil would now on her side but he wasn´t.

Fuck!!! She thought. Why can I not concentrate myself like always?

This and other thoughts were running through her head when she suddenly heard a Voice over a speaker.

„Number 56. Please come to the information at the entrance. I repeat. Number 56. Please come to the information at the entrance. "

OHHHH..... What now? Mila thought because she was Number 56.

5 Minutes later

Mila reached the information and said to the Woman behind the desk.

„Hello. I´m Number 56. You called? "

„Yes Ma´am. The Man behind you wanted to speak with you. " The Woman answered.

Mila then slowly turned around and then she gulped deeply. Behind her was Emil standing with a bright smile.

„What the..... Why are you here? I.... I mean..... " Mila started but couldn´t end because her insides where running wild.

„I wanted to be here. You see. The last few Days were so..... So...... terrible boring. I needed a little time-out. Besides here is someone who wanted to speak with you also some words. "

Emil then slowly opened his jacked and a little Nose came out. It was Sima and she wasn´t very happy with Mila because once she saw her she began to bark.

„Grow...Growlithe... Grow.... Grow.... Lithe. "

„Seems like that someone is angry. " Emil said.

„Why that. HMMMMM? Did I missed......? UPS.... I´m sorry Sima. I was so much in thoughts that I had forgotten you. Please forgive me. "

Mila moved one hand softly over Sima´s head and the little one began to smile.

„Do you want to stay and watch the show?" Mila now asks Emil.

„Of course I want but are you ready to do it? "

„Surely. Why are you asking? "

„You are looking like that you are going to explode any minute. I can see that you are really nervous. "

„Well......... Yes I am Nervous. What if I do a failure? What if I did not make it into the next round? What if...... " Emil put one of his Hands on her mouth to silence her.

„If you only thinking like that you will do a failure for sure. Start thinking of something different like...... the last few Days. Go out there and give your best and be happy. There is no one who will hurt you if you are doing a failure. "

„But.... They are your Pokémon and...... "

„And they will always give their best as long as you give them some support. They are your Pokémon now so go out there and show the world of what kind of wood you are made of. "

Next Emil did something that send Mila´s mind somewhere else. He lend in close and whispered into her Ear.

„I will always be there for you. "

She blushed deeply but only for some seconds because a Voice was heard over the Speakers.

„Number 56. Please come to the state. I repeat. Number 56. Please come to the state. "

They both didn´t said something more. They only gave each other a last look and then Emil turned himself and began to walk towards the seats.

Mila did the same and ran to the state.

She managed it right in time and the fans outside were already calling for some action. Then her show began.

Emil was sitting in the middle of the Arena with Sima sitting on his shoulder.

„Now look closely Sima. This is the reason why she had forgotten you and..... maybe you will do the same things someday for her. " Emil said to the little Pokémon right before Mila began to perform.

The Music began to play and immediately Emil began to feel strange. What the Hell is this feeling from all of a sudden? He thought first but then his Head began to hurt and Mila started to throw her 2 Poke balls.

What is this.....? NO!!! It cannot be...... This Music...... This Movements....... NNNNHHHHHH.....

All inside of Emil's Head was running and crashing wildly. Then suddenly, the Pain had gone and only one thing stayed in his Head. It was a Memory of his last battle.

Now I know it again..... This Eyes..... This endless blue Eyes..... Oh how could I ever forget this???

Right at this Moment, He was dragged back to reality because Mila´s show had ended and everyone stood up to applauded her. Next the result was shown and she had managed to get the full point hit.

She was happy. No, more excited. She was so much excited that she nearly ran into Emil when she was on her way back to the Cabin.

„UPS. Sorry Emil. Did you saw it? Did you? I won. I won. Oh I never had such a high point hit. HIHIHIHI.... Thank you.... Thank...... What´s wrong with you all of a sudden?" She asks in the end because Emil was looking some kind of strange in her Eyes.

„Nothing. I just have to go back now to make some things ready for your return. " Emil answered.

„Already? But you have just arrived yet. Please stay a bit longer. Come. Let us get some lunch. " Mila asks in a pleading Voice.

„I´m sorry my dear. What I have to do back home is too important for...... For...... For us both. "

„Us.... both? What do you mean?" Mila asks a bit in fear and hope.

„Something beautiful. I promise that. "

„All...... Alright then.... but you will miss my fights. Why don´t you..... " Emil cut her by saying.

„I will see them over TV. Please.... Don´t make it that hard for me. I.... I have to go.... OHHH.... Nearly forgot something. "

„That is? "

„I need Sebastian and Celestia as well. Please... give me their Balls. "

„But I need them. Without them I´m only having Nora and..... " Again Emil cut her.

„I know, I know. Here. Take this one for them. "

He handled her another Poke ball and she slowly gave him the other 2. Once done she said.

„Are you really sure that one Pokémon would be enough? .... I mean that..... " Another cut.

„Trust me. With him you are invincible for each enemy and now I take my leave. I see you in the evening then my Lady. "

Without one word more, he turned and walked towards the exit, leaving Mila alone. She had hoped that he would stay a bit longer so she could show him what she could do but now she was alone again and she felt sad until she found something written under the Poke ball.

„I believe in you." Was standing on it and she suddenly didn´t felt alone anymore.

I promise you that I will come back as a winner..... My Love!!! She swore to herself while she moved back to the Cabin.

The rest of the contest was really an easy win for Mila because the Pokémon, that Emil had given her, was Zero who had been moved into his Ball again against his will but once he had seen Mila and had recognized that he was in a middle of a contest, he decided to help her.

Now she was gathering all of her things in the Cabin. Nora and Zero were helping her with it as much as they could and now she was standing in the Exit door.

„HHHMMMMM..... Where was this fucking Bus station that I had seen......? " Mila said " I could have sworn that it was laying right next to this Exit. We better check..... " She suddenly heard a familiar Voice.


She looked around to find Leon but instead she only found a big Arcanine walking towards her.

„HHHMMMMM...... I thought that I had heard Leon but there is only this.... beautiful Arcanine. Well... anyway ... let´s get.... " Again she heard the Voice. This time from in front of her where the Arcanine was standing.

„This cannot be. You are not.......... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! "

She had seen a movement on the Arcanine´s back and a moment later a little nose came out of the Arcanines fur.

„ÄÄÄHHHHH..... Leon?" Mila asks softly but got a shock when the Pokémon suddenly jumped out of the fur and into her stomach.


Mila dropped down to the Earth and she immediately moved one hand to her ass.

„DAMN!!!! Who was.......? "

She stopped because she saw who it had been. It was Sima, who was now curving her Body in her Stomach.

„OOOOHHHHHH..... It was you my little Lady..... OOOOHHHHHH..... Are you still mad with me? "

Sima looked at her with Puppy Eyes and Mila didn´t need more to get the answer.

„Thank you my little Lady but please. Next time you try not to jump this hard into me HHHMMMM.... "

Sima´s Eyes became a bit watery as if she was saying Sorry.

„Don´t worry..... Let´s see.... Did he had brought you all the way here? "

Sima nodded a quick yes and pointed over to the Arcanines neck. There, Mila found a letter hanging around it.

„OHO..... A Currier Pokémon I guess. " Mila said but the Arcanine nodded a quick no.

„Not.... Fine..... Let´s see what is standing in this letter. "

Mila took the letter from the Arcanines neck and opened it. In the letter case was a little message that was telling the following.

Dear Mila,

As part of the promise I gave you a few hours ago, I will let you enjoy a ride on an Arcanines back. I bet that this was the reason why you wanted an Arcanine for yourself. If not.... enjoy it still but be warned. He is one of my fastest Pokémon and I mean fast.

See you in a few minutes.


„OH Emil!!!!" Was the only thing Mila could say because he had been right. She had always wanted to ride on Leon´s back while they were on their Journey and now Emil gave her what she had ever wanted.

„Well...... Let´s see how fast you are. " Mila said while she moved her Body up on the Arcanines Body.

Once she was up she looked down to Nora and Zero with a smile. Then she slowly moved out their 2 Poke balls but this time Nora and Zero began to protest against it.

„You 2 want to walk the way back?" Mila asks and became a quick but steady Yes nodding from them.

„Very well but Zero. If I see only a little scrap on Nora I will hurt you! "

„MEW!!! " Zero answered with a smile and then they both moved a bit away to give the Arcanine some moving space.

Once the Arcanine had turned, Mila took some pieces of its fur into her Hands, took a deep breath and then she said.

„Let´s go. "

The Arcanine began to walk first but it moved faster and faster with each step and once they had reached the City exit, the Arcanine began to switch his movement speed into hyper speed.

Mila was in heaven. She had always dreamed that she would someday ride on an Arcanines back and now she was riding on one. Even if it wasn´t Leon's back she still enjoyed it very much but then she said something that she regretted in the next moment.

„Emil wrote that you are fast but I think that you are a bit slow........ WWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! "

The Arcanine answered her by tripling his current speed and Mila began to fly on his back.

It took them only 5 Minutes from the Arena to the Ranch and when they reached, they saw Emil waiting for them. Or at last the Arcanine saw him because Mila was fighting against her tiredness from the very fast run.

Emil saw them coming and he screamed out very fast and loud.

„STOP!!! "

The Arcanine pushed down it´s breaks and stopped right in front of Emil.

„Hi my friend. Did something happened or why were you so fast?" Emil asks.

„Arcanine.... AR..... AR..... " Was the Arcanine's answer.

„HAHAHA..... Well...... I warned her but she still needs to find out for herself..... NNNNNHIHIHI... Please take my Sorry for her. I bet that she has learned her lesson. "

The Arcanine smiled and growled an answer back.

„THX my friend. Now..... Let's get you free from your burden. I bet that your mate and child's are waiting for you. "

Emil moved to the Arcanines side and there he picked Mila up from its Body. She had lost the fight against her tiredness or simply said, she had been knocked out from the intense speed.

Once Emil had taken Mila from its back, the Arcanine lowly barked a quick farewell and then only a dust wave was seen from it.

Emil walked with Mila on his Arms towards a bank that he placed in front of the entrance door a few minutes ago because he had somehow known that Mila couldn´t resist in finding out of how fast the Arcanine would be. Once reached, he sat himself down on it and then he placed her Body on it so that her Head was resting on his legs while the rest of her had enough space to lay on the rest of the bank.

When he had placed her, he began to look over her Body and began to think that she was the beautiful lest female in the entire world.

He stayed in his position now only looking into her face. Minutes passed but for him it were Days or months. He liked it to watch her and he could easily tell that she liked the position she was in also because she didn´t moved and had a big smile on her face.

Then came the moment when she opened her Eyes.

„Good Morning my Lady. Slept well?" Emil said in a joking Voice and face.

„Slept? ..... Where am I....? The last thing I knew is..... CRAP!!!! " Mila said first but then she moved herself to fast upwards and....


.... Hit his chin with her Head.

„OUCH!!!! " They both said and start to hold on their hit zone.

„I´m sorry, Emil.... I..... I thought that I was still riding on the Arcanine.... Damn was he fast... "

„HAHAHA..... OUCH..... Don´t say that I didn´t warned you. "

„Did you trained him to be this fast? "

„A bit. But most of his speed is born on because his parents are....... let me say a not normal couple. "

„Let me guess. An Arcanine and a Linoone. "

„Nearly but wrong. An Arcanine and a Ponyta. "

" ........ O...... K..... That is a really strange combination. "

„Yeah.... Love goes it´s ways and sometimes....... It goes strange ways. " Emil looked down to the earth as if something began to hurt him.

Mila saw that and before she could form some words to cheer him up, she asks the following.

„Laila told me that you are hiding something from me. Something that could kill you..... Please tell me it. "

Once said she deeply regretted it that she had ask him but his reaction was much more different then she had thought.

„Yes. Now is the time that you have to know it."

He took a deep breath before he went on.

„It´s been 8 Years now that my Life had changed and.... to be honest, the reason was..... You."

She wanted to ask him why here but he told her before she could ask it.

„On that Day, when you saw me live on state, I saw you also and..... Your Eyes broke into my Heart and hold it tight. You see.... For the first time in my Life I felt something.... Warm and sweat and....... "

He took another breath.

„I wanted to meet you after the show but I never found you. I looked everywhere for that young, red-haired Lady who took my heart into prison but I never found you again. I really tried all but in the end I had to discover that.... I was betrayed and helpless. "

Mila now only looked asking onto him and Emil went on saying.

„I had asked my promoter for help and he said that I shouldn´t worry. He said that he would help me but in the end I found out that he only helped himself by letting me work for him. That was the reason why I faked my death but that was also wrong in the end I think. "

Another deep breath. This time filled by a little sob.

„I was free to search you but without a fix point to start I couldn´t start. That was why I..... Started to hide myself from the world. I felt so helpless but somehow I made my way. I tried to smile and I tried to help where I could but then reality took place. "

His Eyes became watery.

„My.... My.... SNIFF.... My Parents died on a Car accident and my world collapsed because I had sworn to myself that..... That..... That I would show them someday their Grandchild's..... SNIFF....."

Mila moved close to him and removed some tears from his face with her fingers.

„SNIFF..... My world had gone and I hadn´t had a reason to life on.... SNIFF..... That was why I wanted to make a..... Suicide..... SNIFF....... I wanted to jump from a balcony to finish myself but once I was ready I...... I couldn´t do it...... SNIFF...... Somehow I..... I felt that there was still a...... A person who wanted me alive...... A Person who..... Wanted to share her life with me. "

He looked with glassy Eyes into her Eyes.

„A Person who ..... Loved only me. "

A Low wind moved over them but none of them did a move or said something for a minute. Then.

„I know that I´m not having the right to hold you here but.... " Mila cut him by quickly saying.

„You have the right!!! "

„Really?..... Th...... Thank you..... SNIFF...... Please wait here for me. I´ll be back in a minute or 2. "

Emil moved up from the bank and went inside the house. There he moved into the bathroom and there he moved his head under a tap. Next he let some warm water rush over his Head and once he was finished, he looked into a mirror asking himself.

„Do you really want to do this? Do you really want to ask her? "

He thought about it for some seconds and then his Heart answered short and quick.

„Yes I want it. "

With these thought in mind he quickly unzipped his clothes and moved into a corner of the bathroom. There were some different clothes hanging on the Wall. A red jacket with ornaments, a White T-Shirt and a pitch black jeans.

It was his old coordinator dress and he thought to himself before he took the T-shirt. I Hope that it still fits me.

5 Minutes later

Mila was still sitting on the bank, playing with Sima a bit, who had sneaked up from behind her.

„NNNNNNHHHHHH..... OH Sima what should I do? I would lovely ask him the question of all questions but...... I´m fearing his reaction. I don´t want to lose him again. I.... GGAAAAHHHH!!! "

The little Growlithe looked into Mila´s Eyes with a questioning look but Mila didn´t went on. Instead she moved herself back against the bank and closed her Eyes.

A few seconds later she opened them again because she heard Emil walking out of the house. She wanted to ask him something but once she saw him, she could only sit there with wide Eyes and an open mouth.

He was standing right in front of her with a really big smile because first, his old clothes were still fitting him and second her look of disbelieve was priceless.

„So..... You like what you see?" Was his playfully question and she answered.

„ÄHM..... ÄÄHHHHH...... ÄHMA.... "

„HAHAHA..... You are looking so cute with this face. "

„Tha...... Tha..... Nks...... "

She couldn´t form a clear set or word because her mind was driving a wild race against her Heart.

„HAHA..... Come on. Let me show you something. "

Emil took her left hand with his right and began to walk with her on his side. They walked to the farthest corner of the house and there into a little piece of the forest. While they walked, her mind had become clear a bit and she managed to ask.

„Where are we heading?"

„Just wait. Then you see it. " Was Emil´s answer.

After a few more steps, they reached an open grassy area and on that Area was a little state standing.

„Was this your trainings place?" Mila asks.

„Yes but...... Last time I went here, it was nearly broken down but now it looks like..... New. " Emil said back but before they both could form a maybe answer they heard and saw some Pokémon coming out of the other side of the forest.

„Please.... Don´t tell me that you did that?" Emil said to them but instead of gaining a no he became a Yes from everyone.

" ...... Thank you....... Very much my friends. "

" Lux.... LUXTRA.... Lux, Lux. "

" ..... SNIFF..... Yeah. You are right. I try to..... Put myself together for some more..... Time. "

Emil then turned around to face Mila and once he did he asks her.

„Tell me please. Where are Zero and Nora now? "

„They..... They both wanted to walk home instead of coming with me on the Arcanines back. " Mila answered.

„HHHMMM.... So it is time for them also. "

„What do you mean? "

„You will know it tomorrow. Now sit down please. " While he had talked he had leaded her to a chair, which 2 of the wild Pokémon had brought with them. Next he took Sima from her and got a heavy protest from the little Pokémon but he knew how to silence her. He moved close to his Head and whispered into her Ear.

„I know that you want to stay at her side but please, leave us 2 alone now. In return I promise you that I will be your father after tonight. "

He moved her slowly a bit back to look at her reaction and once he had moved her far enough, she did a really happy bark, telling him that she was ok with that arrangement.

Emil smiled brightly over her answer and said to one of his Pokémon friends, which was standing near to him.

„Please. Take her away and look over her for the night. "

The Pokémon did a Yes nod and once Emil had placed Sima on its back, the Pokémon slowly moved away. Once the Pokémon was out of sight Emil moved back to Mila and once he had reached her, he took her right Hand with his and said while he kneeled down in front of her.

„I know that I had promised you to play an opening show for you but I cannot do it. Instead I want to play a show that I had ...... build for this one moment. " He took a deep breath. " The moment when I´m right in front of the female who had managed to steal my heart with only a look of her Ocean blue Eyes..... Mila.... I love you with every piece of my entire Body. "

He took another deep breath and he moved his free hand into one of his Coats bag.

„I know that we 2 know each other only for a few Days now but I knew that I want to share the rest of my Life with you so please...... "

He took his hand out again and showed her what he had in it. 2 Golden rings with diamonds on it.

„Mila.... I want you to think of an answer while I´m showing you the show. Please..... Be my Wife..... Please.... Be the mother of our children. "

He layed both rings into her hand and moved up onto state.

Mila was stunned. Am I dreaming? She thought. Did he really had ask me to be his Wife? Did he really wants to have children with me?

Her Heart began to fight her Mind because her Heart had already decided but her Mind was still struggling. Then came the moment when the show started.

To be continue