Life is But a Game

Story by Spear on SoFurry

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I'll be honest, this is far from my best story. I might even say I downright don't like it. The idea of people being stuck in a game has been done before, but I wanted to take a stab at it and add, "What if said game was basically Second Life?"

Wind blew over the green field, the grass and trees rustling together. Dew from the previous night's rain was carried with it, providing a grassy and earthy scent to the air. White puffy clouds lazily grazed over the ocean blue sky while a white fennec fox laid under them, pointing at them and talking to himself about the forms they took. Wearing an equally-white robe, oddly pointed hat, and a brown, wooden staff laying next to him, he looked like a generic mage, but at peace, satisfied with laying in the vast, empty environment, nothing but him and nature as far as his yellow eye could see.

"These graphics are amazing!" the vulpine exclaimed to himself, and pulled his hand away form the sky, instead to his side. "The music kind of sucks, though."

After poking his hand at the empty air beside him, a blue window popped up with various sub-menus. After tapping at a few mid-air buttons, he found the music options, and muted it. The blaring, generic, happy music immediately ceased, leaving only the sound of the surrounding nature left. After taking a deep breath, enjoying the fresh, natural smell, the fox rose up from the ground and stretched. Numerous bones creaked, and he moaned in bliss. Once he took on last gaze upon the clouds, he pressed a floating blue square in the bottom-left corner of his vision, opening the player control menu, and accessed the Friends list.

Several names appeared highlighted to signify their presence, and the fox clicked on one of them: Ous. Instead of any other window appearing his vision, a small microphone symbol showed instead. "Hey, bird brains," he teased with a small chortle.

"Hey there, Eno. Haven't lifted your tail enough for today?" the young, smooth voices sarcastically asked. "I was about to head into a new forest area with the others. You want to come?"

That surprised him. "New? I didn't know anything new was added."

A satisfied hum came from the bird's voice. "Yep, it was just added today. So, coming?"

With an electric buzz, a blue box popped in the center of his vision, obscuring most of what he could see through its transparent message box. It was an invite to join Ous' group and immediately be teleported. He cracked his knuckles, and pressed Accept.

A painfully cold black light enveloped his being, seeming to suck the life out of him. He tried to gasp for a breath to scream with, but nothing came out. A numbness spread from his throat and down throughout his whole body, reaching and freezing his lungs. Stiffness overtook him, and unable to move or scream, all he could do was close his eyes and pass out.

There was little way for him to tell how much time had passed before a portal opened in mid-air, and dumped Eno to the ground. The ground audibly compacted upon impact, and the fox's bones creaked. Knowing nothing anymore but pain and suffering, after taking in the first breath of his lucky new life, he used it to scream in agony.

The first thing he thought was that it might have been some kind of joke on part of the raven. Perhaps he got back at him for his previous comment. After shaking his head to get some dirt off of it, he looked around. All that surrounded him were trees and the grassy ground in every direction. Though the sun was up before, this particular area was in a night setting. Either it had unique lighting, or the fox had been out for awhile.

He checked the friends list again. Ous and the others were still online, but when he tried to send any of them messages, they would not respond. The mini-top in the top-right corner of his view was only black. He tapped the map a few times as if to clear it up as if it were a bad TV signal. It had no effect, and he growled. "Damn it!"

With a heavy gulp, after looking around, he decided to take a step forward into a random shadow-infested direction. He may be completely lost, but he still might randomly find the others. "Ous? Lia? Pyb? You guys out there?" he yelled out. Nothing but a haunting wind passed by his ears, almost sounding like whispers. The whole scene made him shiver in fear, and his thin mage robes certainly were not helping with the weather. "This isn't even a snow area, why is it so damn cold?"

He hugged himself to block some of the chilly wind, holding his staff in front of his chest for every bit of extra protection he could get. Soon, his blood itself felt like icy slush, making it difficult to even keep walking. After taking a seat against a large tree, he curled up and blew on his hands. Lying conveniently next to him was a coat, which he wasted no time placing on himself. "Ah, much better!" The fox sighed to himself happily for a brief moment, but then looked down at the coat. It was made of thick brown leather, and contained the familiar musk of a wolf.

"Lia?" He sniffed it again. It definitely belonged to one of his friends. Knowing this, along with being much warmer, he regained the strength to stand back on his feet, and run. A faint aroma matching that of the coat formed a trail in the air, and he followed it. A subtle sound caused his ears to flicker, which he could not completely identify. But it was in the same direction as the scent. As he came closer, he stopped in his tracks, for a clear, loud moan filled the forest. Birds that had been sitting in the nearby trees suddenly fluttered away in reaction. Slowly, he crawled on all fours to a tree, and peered around it.

A gray wolf lied in the open next to a fire, legs bouncing in the air as they were held up by the strong, large hands of another horse-like creature, but its body was twisted like burnt metal. Saliva poured over Lia's cheek while his tongue dangled from his open maw. Pre steadily flowed from his pulsing knotted dick, while a massive horse dick plunged repeatedly into the helpless wolf. That wolf whom he had liked for so long, and not just for the game, was...

"Well, I guess they did add a lot of new things to the patch after all," the fox whispered to himself. So deeply entranced was the fox that as he watched the dark-furred horse, the thing's eyes glowing green, its fingers elongated, Eno almost missed the numbers floating around the two. A green meter floating above the wolf steadily drained, while a yellow bar was more slowly depleting above the horse-monster. At this rate, Lia only had a few moments left before he would be finished. At that thought, Eno wondered if running out of "health" in this context would cause one to perish and respawn, or...

Lia screamed. The green above him had begun to blink red, and without wasting any time, Eno stood up, twirled his staff around, and yelled, "Heal!" A couple seconds later, the wolf's health was recovered. Eno's proud smile quickly faded, however, when the horse slowly twisted its head around and took notice of its new enemy, but looked back to his original prey a moment later. Apparently, it was not enough intervention to make the creature change targets. At least Lia was pretty happy, wagging away and still moaning like a drunk fool.

"Mmm, Eno," the slutty wolf called out, and waved at his friend to come over. "Why don't you help out a pal and take the other end?" He then tapped at the air in front of him a few times.

A window came up before his eyes, asking if he would accept a party invitation. "The other end? What?" The horse, maw open as a demonic moan came from it, turned its view back to the wolf, and kept plowing the hole squeezing its veiny dick. Its softball-sized balls slapped against the wolf's body as pre pooled underneath the two, having overflown from the canine's body. But that was not what Eno stared at. Rather, he found himself unable to remove his eyes from the soft, pink flesh right under the monster's tail, and the fox licked his lips. "I see. Well, I guess since you asked so nicely, I won't mind giving a hand." Invite accepted.

With a smirk, he grabbed the tying his mage robe, and pulled. The garment almost instantly fell to the ground on its own, allowing the cold air to strike him directly, though the warmth of the fire and of his arousal kept him warm. He looked down, and saw his shiny red flesh protruding from its soft white sheath. "Well, that is pretty new," he muttered to himself as he reached down for a grope. A gasp escaped his muzzle, the sudden electrical rush of lust and pleasure having felt real. "A-ah, pretty good."

While he was off in his own world, enjoying his new body, the horse was finally showing some signs of fatigue. Sweat poured down its body, dripping from it like a leaky faucet. It gave a nice musky scent to go with all the sex in the air, along with something more practical.

"How perverted," the fox sneered, and slapped his hard, knotted fox length over the sweat-covered horse rump. It was busily thrusting into his friend, still ignoring him. Lia's health looked fine for now, and the horse was well-drained at this point. The horse breathed heavily, moaning and clawing at the wolf's chest as he did, and scratched along the wolf's chest. Now covered in an adequate amount of his own natural slickness, along with the horse monster's sweat, he rubbed his shaft against the warm hole bouncing before himself. Eno grabbed the horse's cheeks, spread them wide, and pressed his dripping tip against the inviting entrance. Almost too easily, he slid inside, and threw his head back with a loud moan.

Finally, the horse took notice of Eno, and tried to shove himself off of his current fuck toy. Lia, however, wrapped his thighs around the monster as soon as they had been let go, and pulled it closer. "Nuh uh, you're not gettin' away when I'm this close!" Eno, thankful for the help, now could enjoy himself. This was no longer about the game, or even helping his friend. It was pure lust.

When the creature reached back to grab Eno, he quickly browsed his spell menu for Bind. It was one of the basic spells all mages started with, and simply allows the caster to immobilize either a target's legs or hands, normally either disabling movement or attacks. But Lia already had the horse in his gasp. Glowing pink cuffs suddenly snapped around the horse's wrists, forcing him to rest his hands on the wolf's chest for support. All the monster could do was try to finish his current prey, and so it gave it its all. Eno practically did not even need to thrust, and simply hugged the beast around the waist and kept close, the horse's own thrusting letting his cock slide in and out. It might have been somewhat loose, but it was still intense with warmth. Every thrust forward made Lia bounce on the ground, and every push back slid the horse over the thick knot. He grabbed the ass, squeezing the cheeks over his throbbing member. Soon, the monster's movements subtly changed. No longer did the horse seem to be pushing back against him by mere fact of his compromised position, they seemed very intentionally, and instead its thrusting into Lia became poorly paced, and he no longer even fully entered the wolf.

"Hey, damn it, what's going on with you?" Lia growled, and tried to pull the horse back in with his scissor grip. Though he could keep the monster from getting away, he couldn't keep it inside.

The horse's stamina bar was low, and so his health was beginning to go drop. "He doesn't seem able to last long with two going at it," Eno chuckled.

Lia was going to try to get everything he could out of it. He grabbed the horse's weakened arms, and pulled them. The creature fell forward, chest against chest, and Eno laid on top of them in a pile. Each time the fox pulled up, the horse did as well, trying to following the dick in perverted eagerness. Meanwhile, Lia smothered his lips against the equine's, forcing a kiss while the oversized dick plowed in him.

Just when the two could feel themselves getting close - panting and sweating heavily, groaning and clawing at the monster uncontrollably - it screamed a distracting, blood-curling cry, and then completely dissipated into a cloud of gray smoke. A light chime sound echoed in their ears, and a yellow plus sign glowed on the top of their vision.

"Well, at least we leveled up," Eno sighed, and began to put his clothes back on. Meanwhile, the wolf was jerking himself, trying desperately to get off. "You should hold off, you know. Your health seems like it drains as you do that. If it works like the rest of the game, you'll respawn and lose experience if you... you know."

With a defeated sigh, Lia crawled over to his pile of dirty clothes, and wore them. "Fine, fine, but when we're done here, you owe me - and I'm not talking about the game," he grinned. The garments were simple, but adequate for what the canine needed. A brown leather jacket with a faded red shirt underneath, and torn black pants. For his weapon, instead of having a sheath strapped to his side or back, it was simply stuffed in a backpack with the zipper closed as much as possible against the protruding blade. It looked silly, but it was the cheapest thing he could obtain to hold his weapon. It also gave a bonus to his inventory capacity, so as far as Lia was concerned, it was the best sheath in the game.

"Alright, now down to business." The fox crossed his arms, and stared at his friend seriously. "What happened? Where are the others?"

At the mentioning of others, , Lia looked down and hugged his arms uncomfortably. "I, I don't know."

"What do you mean that you don't know? You were with them, weren't you?" Desperation mixed with anger in his tone.

"I don't know!" he repeated with a stomp to the ground. "I got an invite, and then there was this cold darkness. I felt like I was dying, and then I was here. They wouldn't reply to my messages, so I wandered about, and encountered that monster."

While he was being told all that his friend knew, Eno's look became more scared. He raised hand, and bit it to calm himself. "I, I experienced the same thing..."

"No kidding, hm?" the wolf asked rhetorically. He tapped his finger against his chin in deep thought, and then laughed. It startled Eno, who looked to him in confusion. "The others must've experienced the same thing then, and we're all in this glitchy part of the new update. That's probably why the teleports went all wonky. Let's go find them."

The snow-colored vulpine lowered his ears slightly. "We don't really know how much of that is true. I hope they're okay," he muttered to himself.

The surroundings became oddly quiet. No longer did freezing wind blow, the tree leaves ceasing to rustle. Only the sounds of their feet treading along the grass aimlessly and their own voices calling out for the others kept the two company. When Eno stepped on a twig, the two jumped in surprise, as a large chakat poked its head around a tree, a big grin on his face as he stepped past the tree. The creature's heavy balls slapped against the thighs they hung between loudly, and a thick, pre-dripping cock dragged itself over the ground as it approached.

"You two look..." the creature chuckled as he licked his lips with a long, forked and barbed tongue. "Delicious."

The other two look at each other for a moment, then back at the new monster. Sparks begin to hover near the creature, who looks around in confusion for a moment right before an intense light jettisoned from the ground, enveloping the monster completely. "Fuu-!" After the white light exploded, it sent the monster's data to its respawn point.

"Enemy teleportation spell? Yeah, I'm not really into those types of things either." Lia shrugged, and kept walking normally as before.

A large shadow began to sweep over their surroundings, and a moment later, everything was pitch black. Lia audibly groaned, to which Eno hurriedly replied, "Just wait a second!" After a few taps at his spell menu, a small flame came into being, floating above his head. The light had a short radius, and the flickering of the flame was distracting. Still, it pierced through the black, and gave everything a gentle orange glow. As a bonus, it made them feel a little warmer.

"Better than nothing," the fox smiled sheepishly.

Lia gave a quick thumbs up. "Yeah, thanks. I really hate how fast night comes in this game. You'd think that would've been one of the things they'd have updated."

"Maybe we should just log out and call them or something. That might be better than wandering around at this point," Eno suggested. Without waiting for a reply, he opened his menu and tried to quit the game. But tapping to confirm, the game simply did not close. "Huh?"

A snort came from the wolf. "Did you forget how to use your menu?" But after trying to log out and failing himself, he bared his fangs and growled. "Well, it's not funny anymore. What gives?"

"I have no idea!" He made no attempt to hide his panic, simply pressing the button over and over, no matter how many times it failed. Suddenly, a gray hand grabbed his wrist, holding it still.

Perfectly emerald eyes stared down into his. As they shimmered in the fire's light, a soft smile curled on the wolf's lips. He leaned in, close enough to get a blush from confused, still-scared fox. "Calm down," he whispered. "We'll find them, alright? Let's just keep going."

"But..." the fox began, but he was cut off with a sudden wet warm against his mouth. Cannon-like musk fluttered into his nose, and the wolf's tongue tasted vaguely like a fresh fruit. With his vision blurred from emotion, he slowly closed his eyes, and pressed his lips back against the other male's muzzle. After a long moment, Lia pulled back, and patted the white one's head.

"If you're too worried about it, stay here. I'll go find them." There could be little more confidence in the wolf's voice. He truly believed his own words, and had the cockiest grin on his face to go along with it.

As if radiating out of Lia, he could feel the contagious courage fill his veins and heart. Eno shook his head, and held up a clenched fist. "No, I... I can help. I want to help!"

"Good." Lia smiled happily, and looked around. "Well, wandering around hasn't done much. Neither has calling out for them. Heck, I'm surprised there weren't more fights. Just that one."

"Yeah. This clearly isn't a normal area. Just one reason for us to stay close." Upon mentioning that, he realized they were still close enough that Eno could feel the wolf's body heat more than the flame above his head. Slightly embarrassed, he backed away, to which Lia did not pay mind to. "We need a new strategy to find them."

"Sure, but what? You have any ideas? Maybe we can make a bunch of explosions and fires until we tire ourselves out?" he suggested randomly with a short laugh.

Eno walked a few feet to a nearby tree, and leaned on it for support. As he thought, his face wrinkled, and his eyes became distant. "If we just had him in our party, he'd show up on the mini-map, even if no detail was given in the static blackout on the thing. We'd know the general direction, at least."

"No point in thinking about the impossible, though." Lia held his hands behind his head. "Don't you have some sort of life-sensing spells?"

He nodded. "Yes, but it only shows enemies. They wouldn't show neutral targets, or allies."

"Then you've found your solution." Lia walked closer to the fox, and leaned in with a toothy smile. "Just make them your enemies, right?"

At first, Eno gave him a sarcastic look. But his face quickly became an expression of sudden enlightenment. "Oh! Duh, of course!" With the tap of his name floating above his health bar, a question in a box floated before him with a large red exclamation warning.

'Would you like to enter PvP mode? (While in this mode outside of the Arena, parties are disabled, you cannot be healed or recover health naturally, heal other players or characters, trade or drop items, or change equipment. You must wait one minute before changing back to MvP mode, and cannot change back to PvP mode afterward for one hour.)'

After confirming, a burst of red engulfed his body. "We won't be able to help each other much now," Eno whimpered. "But at I can try to find them." Once he selected the spell, a yellow orb formed in his hand, and he tossed it up. It rose further than the fox could have thrown it, and then exploded in a halo. As it did, the two's mini-maps stirred alive. A long moment passed as both held their breath, waiting for anything.

"It was worth a try," Lia exhaled in disappointment. "I guess we should've expected that to not do much when the map won't even work right. Sorry for getitng your hopes up."

"Wait." The fox held up a hand, and pointed to his map. "I think I see something!"

Excitement immediately swept over the canine's face. "Really?! I was making it completely up, I had no idea if your mage crap works in PvP the same way."

As Lia laughed it off, Eno ignored making a remark about how to not bluff optimism, it being one of the many things he hated. "Er, for now, let's go this way!" he pointed, and immediately began to run in that direction. Lia took a moment to follow.

"How far are they, or can you not tell?" his friend called out from behind as he stumbled over his own feet.

"No, I can't tell exactly," the fox panted, already out of breath. It suddenly occurred to him that the two were video game nerds, and that moving around fast like they were was not something they were particularly skilled at. "They, they... just show up on the edge limit of the map, I only know the direction..."

Sweat poured from the foxes' skin, drenching his fur until it felt as heavy as the clothes on his back. The cloth and leather that strapped over his furred skin soaked up the musky, salty liquid, becoming as much heavier than normal. It alone fatigued him, and he could barely keep going. But every time the vulpine's strength wavered, he looked over his shoulder to see Lia fumbling clumsily behind him, and yet still keeping up. No amount of strain could tire that wolf, and his relentlessness shined in his eyes like diamonds. Each time Eno saw that, his own determination became complete once more.

The natural organic scent of leaves, dirt, and the general surroundings of a forest were gradually replaced with something else. As the two drew closer to the dots on Eno's screen, a foul stench of burning filled his sensitive nose. The cold black coal on the end of his muzzle wiggled in place until he sneezed, and wiped it clean with the sleeve of his mage robe. "We're getting close, I think," the fox called out to his ally without looking back this time. By now, there was a dim yellowish red light in the distance. Not even the map was necessary now: It was obvious that it was their destination, and the dots corresponded with its direction.

"I see it, too!" Lia yelled, and ran past his fox friend, even as he called out for him to wait.

The two reached the light, to what appeared to be the entrance of a cave. Waves of heat scorched the ground near the entrance, leaving black coals where grass once swayed. They raised their arms, covering their faces from the heat and the bright flames whose light scorched their eyes, causing water to run down their cheeks and instantly evaporate.

Eno coughed, a little cloud of smoke coming from his maw. "At least it's not so cold now," he managed to gag out from under his robe, which was pulled over his nose to block what little smoke it was able. "I think they're inside here."

"This is bad for my fur, you know," the wolf scoffed, and held his muzzle in a palm.

Although uncomfortably warm, the temperature was not so dangerous as to prevent their entry. Inside, the cave went straight down into an underground cavern, its rubbed walls glowing like a shining gold. It provided both a natural light and heat source - assuming that it was, in fact, natural. The temperature rose as the two descended, and they became slightly dehydrated.

"Don't you know a water spell, man?" the gray-fur asked, leaning on his knees and panting as he took a break.

Eno took a moment to sit on the ground. At least it wasn't glowing with heat like the walls, and was comparatively cool. "Yes, if you're okay with a ball of water slamming into your face."

"At this point, I think I can accept that condition." He truly did look tired and strained. Salty fluid was dribbling from his chin, and he looked ready to have a gallon of water before taking a year-long nap.

"You're starting to lose health; your stamina bar's empty," the fox said with concern, reaching out to touch Lia's cheek. The sweat felt near-boiling, and his fur was painfully hot to touch. "Alright. I'll try it, but even if it restores any stamina, it might damage you a little. I'll just use the level one version of the spell."

After pressing the command for it, Eno could feel his arms begin to mechanically move on their own. Gradually, his palm glew a dull blue, until a round ball began to take shape. The animation for it was almost identical to his tracking spell from before, save for the difference in color. Even when it hurled from his palm and smacked the wolf in the face, the halo-like explosion was identical, although much smaller. The impact caused Lia to fall over to his back, and his face to become unviewable underneath the cloud of blue that was hovering unrealistically over his face from the spell, like a fog of magic dust. A sizeable chunk of health was taken from him, and he did not budge for some time, which worried Eno. As the fox approached his friend on the ground and leaned down to him, Lia jumped back up on his feet, clenching his hands and flexing his muscles while he water dripped from him. The stamina bar was back to full, and every drop of excitement had returned to him.

"Much better, Ensies!" the wolf exclaimed, appearing completely rejuvenated. Or rather, mostly. "Go easy on the face next time, though."

"I can't control something like that." Eno sighed, and then thought about his own thirst. Without many other options, he blasted himself in his open maw with a ball of water as well, and shook himself dry after. Lia chuckled a little at the site, and Eno made a blushing pout at his friend.

As they continued down the glowing cavern, the two only got more sweaty. Although they were rehydrated, it would not last long if they kept going with no change. "We, we have to..." Eno began without finishing his own sentence. A silent gray finger pressed itself against the fox's lips, with Lia smiled knowingly. Gently, the wolf's hands squeezed at the fox's chest before his fingers felt around the strings that tied the garment together, and upon pulling on them, the mage's clothes fell to the ground, revealing the fox's pure white fur underneath. Eno hugged himself shyly, and looked down to the ground.

"I could've done that myself, you know," he whispered.

"I know," Lia replied, and gave his friend's ear a nip. "But it's more fun this way." After having waited for Eno to return the favor, he saw that the fox was too shy, and simply removed his own clothes. The metallic grinding of the zipper going down on the canine's pants only elicited even more redness from the vulpine, and Lia gave a bit of a wiggle with his hips, even though there were no eyes on him. Although naked, he kept the backpack on himself with his weapon and supplies, and Eno similarly kept the mage's staff firmly gripped in his two palms.

Eno cleared his throat while his eyes , against his will, wandered from the ground and to the wolf's body repeatedly. Now that he was closer, and there was no horse in the way, those plump round balls and plump sheath were right before him, putting his somewhat smaller package to shame. All he could do was try to ignore it. "A-anyways, let's start moving."

"Sure thing, foxboy," Lia nodded, and gave his shorter friend a pat on his head, and they continued.

The ground finally ceased to descend to a lower depth, and the light around the walls were far less bright, though the heat was still present. The walls expanded wide, past their field of view beyond where the light faded into black. "Hello?" Lia called out, listening to his voice echo around. After a moment of no response, he looked over to his friend with a skeptical look. "You're sure they're here, right?"

"Positive!" the fox confidently declared, and then looked down. "...I think."

Constant rumbling started to fill the room, echoing just as Lia's voice had. They crouched low on the ground for a basic stealth bonus, and walked towards the noise. But just when it became louder upon their approach, it suddenly stopped, and so did they in their tracks. Light flooded the area, the walls suddenly becoming bright like the rest of the cave, revealing a large, circular room. Stalactites hung from the high ceiling, water loudly dripping to the floor. Nothing was in the room, except for a bed in the center with two figures laying on top of it. A yellow cat busily purred away while a black raven had his wings draped over them, hiding their activities.

The corvid turned his head, peering at the other two with gentle red eyes and a soft smile. "Oh, you two finally made it? Welcome, welcome!"

"Mmm, yes," Pyb, the yellow feline, purred happily. His hazel eyes looked to have a drunken look. "Sorry, I would have clapped for your guys' entry, but as you can see, my hands are tied!" At that, he tugged on the rope that connected his wrists with the bed posts, and giggled.

"That's not really that funny," Eno whispered to himself from behind a facepalm.

Ous pushed himself up from the bed, and stood in front of it with his hands calmly resting on his hips. Naturally, the bird had modified his appearance in the game to look perfect: a lightly toned body, light in weight, and feathers that never ceased to glisten in the slightest amount of reflected light. A bobbing dick stood in plain view, the bird showing no shame. White stained his thighs, and a pool formed around Pub and was dribbling down the side of the bed.

A loud yawn echoed in the room, and the bird partially hid his beak behind a hand. "Sorry, you came a bit late into everything, and as you might be able to guess, I've already done quite a bit of work!"

Eno stared at them, stuttering as he tried to say something. Lia spoke for him, patting his friend's shoulder. "Well, sorry for interrupting you two. We've been looking all over for you. Have you two really just been doing _this_the whole time?"

"Hm? Isn't it obvious by now?" Ous asked, tilting his head curiously. "I invited you all here. It's the new area of the game. Slightly modified, of course. How do you like it?"

The fox seemed confused. "Huh? What do you mean modified?"

Lia, however, answered casually. "You know how it is, man. Thing has ups and downs. Some of these random encounters aren't so hot."

"Well, I'm glad you're liking my work. You've always been an easy one to please, Lia. The encounters are still something I'm trying to hammer out. I haven't quite got them down yet," The raven proceeded to step closer to the two. Each time he did, his plump package slapped against his thighs audibly, a thin string of lube connected to his tip. He stopped a few feet from them, and looked to Eno. "I mean, I'm the one who teleported you here, correct? That wasn't an accident. I wanted to show you the little hideout I made. Seems there's a flaw in the update; I was able to make a little area of my own."

Lia seemed somewhat annoyed that he had been called 'easy', Eno began to question. "You know the teleport hurt, right? And then the party wouldn't form from a distance. Lia had to invite me once I actually found him. The mini-map doesn't work right, and the temperatures hare are really messed up and random. Why?"

"Like I said, I'm still hammering out a lot of these oddities," Ous explained sweetly, and moved a hand to the fox's shoulder to give it a squeeze. "Though, I did know the teleport would hurt. Can't help that, it's just part of the program to change your data to enable you to access this area."

Lia pouted. "But man, that _really_hurt. Jerk." Ous simply shrugged in reply. "So, what do you plan from here on? Just a bunch of animated text-fucking?"

"Hah, no. I would never waste my time doing so insignificant and petty," Ous shook his head with a chuckle, waving a hand dismissively. "No. I plan to exploit this to Hell and back. I'll change the entire game like this, and get everyone addicted. No one will ever be able to cease to play this future MMO animated sex game! And I will be the king of it all."

Lia gasped, and took a step back. "That's completely evil!"

"That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard," Eno stated monotonously.

Ous laughed manically."Once I claim victory, it won't matter what either of you think!" The bird took a step back, and bent his knees slightly. It plainly looked like a fighting stance, and he grinned. "So, I notice you two are in PvP mode. Was that the only way you could find me?"

"Yeah, it was," Lia growled, getting in a similar stance and reaching for his sword. "We'll stop you from mentally enslaving the world, no matter what it takes. Right, Eno?"

"Y-, yeah!" Eno nodded, and held his staff out in front of himself confidently. "Seeing as this is completely stupid, we'll just have to knock some sense back into you!"

Lia pulled the sword out from his backpack, and rushed towards the black bird. The blade loudly sliced the air, but nothing more. A shadow lingered over him, and the wolf looked up to see Ous flapping his wings, with his arms crossed and a cocky grin plastered on his beak. "What, you think that's enough?" the bird mocked, but his facial expression changed when Lia pointed back to his fox friend, who was busily moving his hands around as he cast a spell.

Meanwhile, Pyb had chewed off the constraints and wiggles free from the bed. Before Eno could do anything of merit, the cat pounced at him. Eno froze in surprise, not to mention that he was unable to cancel his spell in time to do anything else. But in mid-air, before he slammed into Eno, two gray arms caught him and twirled him aside. The feline landed on all fours, but a second later, the wolf had pushed him over with his foot and pinned himself atop the other male.

"I know that other attack should have hit," Lia narrowed his eyes, and gripped tightly at the cat's shoulders. "I think I know how this game works in this area now." Then, he grabbed Pyb by the scruff of the neck, and smothers the cat's face into his package, moaning lightly afterward. With a blush, Pyb slowly stuck his tongue out and traced it along the musk-laden sheath tapping against his lips.

Frantically, Eno called out to his friend, "Hey, don't do that. You'll just drain yourself!" In the midst of it all the action, his focus had been lost, and he failed to cast his spell.

"You have other things to worry about!" Ous laughed as he dived down at the distracted fox, tackling him to the ground. As the fox squirmed under him, he could feel the vulpine's shaft grind against him inadvertently, with Eno's face scrunching up with suppressed pleasure. "Oh, you don't have to hold back with me. You can give in to all your inner desires," he whispered, leaning in to the fox's ear and giving a lick. "I won't tell anyone."

"N-no one?" he asked with a shaky voice before shaking his head. "Wait, no! I won't fall for that?"

Ous grinned, thinking of the statement as a challenge. "You won't?" A sharp talon teasingly traced over the vulpine's balls, pressing into them firmly and going over the fox's sheath. The raven's eyes gleamed, a special ability influencing his unaware prey. "Too bad, I had so much to offer..."

As the bird slowly pushed himself off, a pair of white hands grabbed his wrists and kept him close. "Wait," Eno demanded.

Pre dripped over the yellow fur below Lia's cock, pooling over the cat's forehead, as Pyb kept lapping over the canine-flavored meat. Electric joy ran up his spine, and Lia couldn't help but grab the cat's ears and force the warm, wet muzzle over his shaft. A thrust met the cat's lips as it descended upon his length, and he dug his claws into the feline with a loud, lustful bark. While he started to pull back, a small grin formed on Pyb's face, until his lips became too sore from the slow, heavy thrusting from the wolf, whose eyes were glowing purple. The chuckles that came from the cat made some saliva and pre mixture ooze out over Lia's crotch, soaking his sac, knowing that the hypnotism spell had gone completely unnoticed.

Drool dribbled down the side of the fox's cheek as his tongue lazily stuck out, pooling around his head while he rocked back and forth on the ground. A thick, red pulsing hunk of avian was busily pummeling away at his ass, the ripples of force radiating through his cheeks with every impact. A dopey grin covered Eno's face, while he hugged the bird around the back to keep their backs close together. Their body heats mingled, and sweat poured from Ous, dribbling down over the vulpine, utterly soaking his fur. Every thrust made him yip, and he bit his tongue to suppress his noises out of embarrassment, but the red blush shined through his white fur and betrayed him, much to raven's amusement.

"At least one of us is getting close," Ous teased, nodding towards the nearly depleted yellow bar floating above his fox prey. Meanwhile, his own bar was not even halfway gone. "Lucky for me, archers get bonus stamina. Guess we know how this is ending already, don't we?"

Eno panted, "Sh, shut up..." A palm gently slapped the raven's beak, who did not appear to react to it even in thought, simply continuing on.

Hands squeezed the gray ass bouncing on his chest, with Pyb at the same time trying to open his mouth up even more to tease the knot. Lia gritted his fangs, banging the flared bulb against the cat's face enough to make his nose bleed just slightly. With those frantic movements, the saliva-coated knot tried to plunge in the awaiting maw, but Pyb kept a hand on it to keep it from doing that. Just as the wolf tossed his head back for a final howl, Eno could be heard doing much the same.

"Fuck!" The fox was yelling continuously, and eventually leaned up to kiss the beak just to silence himself. He did not want to hear himself, did not want to be forced to face his own embarrassment. But as he kissed, he could feel something inside himself fading. It was not until the last moment, when it was too late, that he realized his health was almost gone. A wave of pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt washed over him, making his whole body feel numb and stiff. A single talon poked against Eno's cock, keeping it pinned against himself, so that as the waves of cum rushed out, they splashed on the fox's chest and cheek, blending in with his fur.

They all laid atop one another, panting and smelling one another's breath and musk. Eventually, feeling that the time of playing was over, Ous pulled out of his fox hole. White flowed out of the gaped hole, pooling around Eno's rump and warming his furred cheeks, while the avian's dick pulsed and bobbed in content. Lia crumpled over the feline's head, beads of semen dribbling down his chin and collecting over his chest, until Pyb simply pushed the wolf to off and to the side, and then wiped his face clean.

The two evil-doers stood up, and next to one other, looking down to their respective play toys. "And now," the bird began with a sinister, mocking voice, "you shall all obey. This stupid game, this world, is ours."

"Yes, master," Lia mumbled, crawling on all fours and nuzzling the feline's heavy yellow package. The barbed dick cut against his lips in the rubbed kiss painfully, which he didn't mind, perhaps related to the purple still smoking from his eyes.

Eno lapped over the raven's spent cock over and over, swallowing mouthfuls of his own salivation, and his new owner's flavor. "Wh, whatever you say!"

While the sluts lapped over them, Ous and Pyb looked at each other, and laughed as yellow plus signs glowed above them.