The Secret - Part 29

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#33 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

'Tis the weekend before Yule, and Melanie and Karl spend an intimate evening in Melanie's first foursome with both of her parents, while the kids seduce their babysitter...

The Secret - part 29

By DoggyStyle57 - January 2015


Dianna sat on the couch in the family room of her best friend Melanie Kelley's home, feeling rather stunned. Her two godchildren - Melanie's ten year old daughter, Ryan; and eight year old Hans Bernerholdt, who was the son of Melanie's live-in lover, Karl Bernerholdt - had just asked her to have sex with both of them.

The 22 year old, purple furred Samoyed girl had known for several weeks now that her new godchildren were quite sexually active with each other. That in itself wasn't too big of a surprise, considering that Melanie had only been eleven when she conceived Ryan - when an adult seduced her and took her virginity - and considering that Melanie had remained very interested in sex ever since. Dianna also knew that her own lover, Mossflower, had at least been engaging in oral sex with kids roughly her own age since she was ten, with the consent of Mossy's parents. Dianna hadn't had such an early start. She had her first oral sex experience at 14, and had kept her virginity until she was 22, giving it to Karl just a few months ago, so that he could impregnate her. Yet, as she had just admitted to the kids, her own youngest lover had been a 12 year old girl, when Dianna was 17. Hans and Ryan were the youngest children that she had ever heard of being in a stable, sexually active relationship. But Dianna could accept that some kids matured earlier than others, and that some families allowed their kids to engage in sex at very young ages, as long as the kids were not being forced to do it.

What stunned her was that the kids seemed certain that it would be just fine with Mistress Mossflower and with their parents if they both had sex with Dianna! She was frantically trying to assimilate that idea, and to determine how to ask her Mistress and the kids' parents if that was acceptable. For that matter, she wasn't sure how she felt about the idea herself, even if her mate and Karl and Melanie all were fine with it! Was she _really_okay with the idea of engaging in sex with such young children?

Dianna had been okay with being naked with the kids, but she really hadn't expected to become aroused by watching Hans and Ryan making love to each other. Hans had called her out on that, and though she had tried to deny it, the wetness that still lingered between her thighs proved that she had indeed been aroused.

If Melanie or Karl had come back and had wanted to have one more evening in bed with Dianna, she would hardly have hesitated to call her Mistress for permission, and she would have expected Mossflower to grant it. True, Mossy had been rather possessive of Dianna for the past week, ever since they confirmed that Dianna was pregnant with Karl's child. But Dianna and her Mistress both agreed that it would be okay, even after they were handfasted, for either of them to have sex with others, as long as they both were open with each other about who else they wanted to mate with.

But would Mossy really_be okay with an adult and a _child_having sex with each other? It certainly wasn't the sort of topic that came up in normal conversations, even between lovers. She was pretty sure that all of Mossy's past lovers had been rather close to her own age. As far as she was aware, mating with Karl, who was about ten years older than Mossy or Dianna, was the largest age gap that either Mossy or herself had ever experienced, and that was still all adults involved. The only time Dianna had ever heard Mossy talk about an adult and a child having sex was when speaking of the adult Collie that had seduced Melanie and who had run off after taking her virginity and impregnating her. Mossy hadn't had _anything_positive to say about _that guy, to be certain! But her complaints did seem mostly to be centered on his recklessly deflowering and impregnating the young Melanie and then abandoning her, and not on the fact that they had sex at all.

"I just brought your whole bag with me," Hans said as he returned. He was carrying Dianna's small overnight bag with his right hand, while holding two other items in his left hand. "And I grabbed a few things from mom and dad's bedroom that we may want - mom's strap-on toy, and some lube."

Dianna was startled that the boy was already back. She had been so lost in her own introspection that she hadn't even noticed his return until he spoke. "Oh! I... Well, before I call anyone, I have to ask... Why? Why do both of you kids want to have sex with me?"

"Ummmm, because sex is fun, an' because we like you and wanna make you feel good too?" Hans offered. "It wouldn't hurt anything, right? I mean, you're _already_pregnant, and we won't do anything unless we're all okay with it. We think you're really pretty, an' we both trust you an' auntie Mossy more than just about any other adult ladies that I can think of."

"We could also both learn a lot from you," Ryan added. "I'm pretty sure that you and auntie Mossy have lots more experience with girl on girl sex than anyone else that we know. Like, you've been doing it with girls for six years, right? And auntie Mossy's been doing it even longer. I could ask mom, but I know she didn't really start with girls until Mossy became her lover, about a year ago. You won't be 'corrupting' me or anything. I've fooled around with a few girls my age, and I liked having sex with them, almost as much as I like mating with Hans. So I already know I'm bisexual. But I've never done it with any girl that really loves other girls as much as you do. I'll bet you could teach both of us a lot about how to please a girl in bed. And I know if you teach that stuff to Hans, he'll be a better lover for me. Please? It isn't weirding you out that we're asking you, is it?"

"Well, it _is_pretty weird to me to think about having sex with kids," Dianna admitted. "You're both less than half my age! But all the other kids your age that I've ever known were still virgins - not people that make love every day, like you two do. I... Well, I suppose I can ask and see if it's all right. But if Mossy or your parents say no, then that's your answer, all right?"

"Sounds fair to me!" Hans replied, handing Dianna the bag that she still hadn't taken from her.

Dianna got her cell phone out of her bag, and called her Mistress first.


"Hello dear!" Mossflower answered, after hearing her lover's custom ring tone.

"Mistress? I'm not catching you at a bad time, am I?" Dianna asked.

"Not at all," Mossy replied. "I'm back home, and... assembling my little surprise for you. What's wrong? You sound worried, and I would have thought that if our godchildren gave you any difficulty, it would be their parents and grandparents you would call. I really have no experience with babysitting young ones, you know. I never tried being a babysitter when I was young, because all the adults in the commune looked after all the kids."

"Well, it _is_about the kids, but not a 'problem', really," Dianna said. "They... they've made a request of me, and I need the advice and consent of my Mistress before I can answer them. I'll need their parents' permission too, but it won't matter if you say I should tell them no."

"Oh?" Mossflower replied. "And what have our godchildren requested, that could possibly require my advice and consent as your Mistress? Do they want you to take them to see a movie, and you need my permission to speak outside their home? I already granted that you could talk as needed all evening and tomorrow morning. I wouldn't advise going out though, even if you could borrow a vehicle from Melanie's family. The roads are getting icy again."

"No Mistress. They don't want to leave the house," Dianna said. "They... they both want to have sex with me!"

"Really?" Mossy replied. She was silent for a moment and then said, "Well, they are_just as precocious as Ryan's mother was at about that age, aren't they? And I suppose I _should have anticipated such a request from them eventually, given how often they mate with each other, and how interested they were that one time when we allowed them to watch Karl and Melanie having sex with the two of us. Tell me, my Pet, how do you feel about their request?"

"Mistress, I never... I mean, they're so young, yet... well, they already mate with each other like minks in heat," Dianna answered. "And... I... got aroused, watching Hans going down on Ryan. Enough so that Hans noticed the change in my scent and asked me to join them in bed. And Ryan wants me to train Hans to be better at going down on her, though he already seems to do that for her with an alarming degree of skill, for such a young boy."

"Well, if you all want to proceed, I suppose I can give you my blessing, provided their parents also approve," Mossy said. "I did, after all, encourage Karl and Melanie to allow the children to watch them mating, and I allowed them to watch all of us in bed. So I will take responsibility for the consequences of my inflaming their curiosity. Perhaps, however, my submissive little Pet would be more comfortable with the idea if you offered Ryan your leash and allowed her to be your Mistress for the night? I wouldn't object to that. She seems to have a natural dominant streak, the way she keeps Hans in thrall to her. Melanie mentioned to me once that the boy already has a leash and collar that Ryan uses on him. You might find it amusing if she puts a collar on Hans tonight, as well as yourself. Let me talk to Ryan for a moment before you hang up."

"Yes, Mistress," Dianna said, handing the phone to her goddaughter. "Ryan? Mistress wants to speak to you."

"Hi auntie Mossy!" Ryan said cheerfully. "So, is it all right if we play with Dianna in bed tonight? We both really wanna have fun with her."

"So my Pet has informed me," Mossy replied. "Tell me, dear, have your parents explained how to play Dominance and submission games to you? Mistress and Pets? Do you understand what it really means when your mother puts a collar and leash on your father, or vice versa, for fun in the bedroom, and what your responsibilities are if you assume the role of 'Mistress', even temporarily?"

"Umm humm! I play that game with Hans too!" Ryan said eagerly. "He looks so cute with a collar and leash! Mama explained safewords to us too, an' we both have 'em. Mine is 'Pink', and his safeword is 'Gargoyle'."

"Well then, would you like to borrow my Pet for the evening, and be her Mistress? Will you promise me to take very good care of her?" Mossy asked. "Her safeword is whistling three times."

"Can I? OH! That would be a lotta fun!" Ryan said, bubbling with excitement.

"Yes dear. You may put leashes and collars on my Pet and on that young stud puppy of yours, and have fun with each other tonight, provided that your parents also approve," Mossy said. "But for anything other than sex, you must still obey Dianna. No ordering her to let you stay up past your bed times, or other mischief! And do not expect to play that way with her every time you see her! You may consider this offer of her services an early Yule present from me, to you and to Hans. I won't say for certain that we will allow either Dianna or I to have sex with you again after this. Though perhaps we might, if you're both very good! Give the phone back to Dianna now, my dear."

"Thank you auntie Mossy! Yes, I understand. We'll call mama next. Here's auntie Dianna now," Ryan said, handing the phone back to her godmother.

"I'm here, Mistress," Dianna said as soon as she got the phone back.

"Call Melanie or Karl, and if they approve, you may proceed, my Pet, and have fun tonight," Mossy said to Dianna. "I think I can trust Ryan to be your Mistress for the night, without me supervising her. I've told her your safeword, and you can use it to stop the scene, if she seems to be doing something wrong. As much as it would be amusing to watch all of you, I really do have other tasks I must finish tonight, while you are out of the apartment. I shall expect a full report from you on the evening's activities when I reclaim you tomorrow though, my Pet! Good night, dear."

"Good night, Mistress. And... thank you... I think," Dianna said, hanging up the phone, and dialing Melanie's cell number.


On the other side of the duplex, Karl, Melanie, Andrew and Colleen were just finishing their glasses of wine and snuggling naked on her parents' bed, each girl with the other's usual partner in their embrace, when Melanie's cell phone went off in her purse on the bedside table. She fetched the phone and answered it, after glancing at the caller ID on the display.

"Hello? Is something wrong, Dianna?" she asked

"No. Just... something unexpected has come up," Dianna said from her end of the call. "Ryan and Hans have told me that they have your permission to have sex with an adult that you trust, if that adult wants to and asks you first. Is that true?"

"Yes, that is correct," Melanie replied, taking the phone out into the hall outside the bedroom. She didn't mind if Karl or her parents eventually knew what this conversation seemed to developing into, but she wanted to give Dianna her full attention, so she wouldn't misunderstand anything her friend was saying. "Except for a few bad experiences with irresponsible individuals, I quite enjoyed having sex with adults when I was Ryan's age, and I think our children can learn a lot from a more experienced partner. But Karl and I would prefer that they restrict that activity to people that we have pre-approved. It's much safer than allowing them to mate with random adults, and they understand and accept our reasons for that restriction. Why do you ask?"

"The kids, they... they want to have sex with me!" Dianna said.

"I see. And do you_want to have sex with _them? Is that why you're calling?" Melanie replied.

"I... well, I _did_get aroused watching them mating with each other. I... guess I don't mind joining them, and I called my Mistress and _she_approved. She even suggested allowing Ryan to be Mistress for the night for myself and for Hans!" Dianna said. "But only if you and Karl approve of that sort of activity, of course! You... do you think I should say yes?"

"And harm none, do as ye will, dear," Melanie replied. "Karl and I trust you completely with our children. We know you won't harm them. They both do understand how the Mistress and Pet game is played, and Ryan acts as Hans' Mistress occasionally. Have they told you that as well?"

"Yes, and they told us their safewords, and Mistress told Ryan mine," Dianna said. "So, you're really okay with them mating with me?"

"Ryan will probably quite enjoy being the Mistress for both of you tonight, and I doubt she would ask you to do anything you haven't done before and enjoyed. As long as it's all consensual and you already have the permission of your Mistress, I see no harm in it, and Karl would agree with me," Melanie stated. "Does Mossy also want to assist in training them?"

"She... didn't say that in so many words," Dianna replied. "But she did say that if she wasn't busy tonight, she would find it amusing to watch the three of us. She wants a full report from me tomorrow."

"Well, of course you should tell your Mistress all about it! Just as the children will give Karl and I a full report in the morning," Melanie said. "I'll admit, Karl and I would like to watch that too! Perhaps, on some other night, your Mistress, Karl and I can watch you and the children sporting with each other. But we're still much too involved in our own evening's plans tonight to come back over there before the morning. You already know where I keep my sex toys, as do the children. Do you need anything else?"

"You... think we'll be doing this again? Really?" Dianna replied. "Well, I suppose we'll see how this goes, and then decide if it will happen again. I don't think we need anything else, thank you. We'll call if anything else comes up."

"All right then, good night, and we'll see you in the morning," Melanie said, hanging up the phone.


When Melanie walked back into the bedroom, Karl looked at her and asked, "Problem with the kids?"

"Ummm, no. Dianna wanted a clarification on the children's rules and limits," Melanie said. She didn't want her evening's planned activities side-tracked with a discussion of the children's adventuresome plans. "Now, I believe you two studs were about to put on a show for my mother and I? Go to it, gentlemen!"

Melanie's mother, Colleen, somewhat reluctantly relinquished her position between her husband and Karl, and she moved to stand beside her daughter at the foot of the bed. "Have fun with Andrew, Karl," she told her future son in law. "Give us a good show, boys!"

"Ready, Karl?" Andrew Kelly asked. "Receiving oral sex from a male feels just like getting it from a female. I'll go first, unless you would prefer to take the lead, or if you'd prefer for us to sixty-nine and do it at the same time. When it's your turn to do the sucking, just think about what you love the most when Melanie sucks your cock, and do that for me. It's quite simple, really."

"You lead, and I'll follow. Where do you want me?" Karl asked. "Melanie likes it best if I sit on the side of the bed so she can kneel on the floor while she sucks me off. Or sometimes she'll lie on her back on the bed with her head hanging over the edge, and allow me to fuck her throat while I stand beside the bed."

"Sit on the edge, son," Andrew said, standing beside the bed. "Getting your throat fucked on your back like that is no beginner's trick. You don't want to try that position until you can easily take a cock into your throat in a more comfortable and controlled way. There you go. Now just relax, and let me make you feel marvelous."

Karl sat on the edge of the bed and spread his thighs as he would for Melanie, and tried not to look away as his lover's father knelt before him and started sucking his cock.

Andrew slowly took Karl's thick shaft into his muzzle, and didn't stop until his nose pushed up against the Bernese Mountain Dog's tummy fur. He swallowed as the tip pushed into his throat, and hummed the whole time, setting up a tantalizing vibration in his throat.

"Oh my!" Karl groaned, as his cock popped into the older Collie's throat. "Damn that feels good!"

Andrew slowly backed off again, took a playful lick along Karl's length, and said, "Thank you, son. You taste pretty nice, I must say! I can still taste my wife's juices on your cock. I'll have to dip my wick back into my daughter a few times before you suck me, so you can taste Melanie's juices on my cock. I bet you'll love that."

Karl's cock throbbed when Andrew casually mentioned fucking his daughter again, and he groaned again as the older male began to quite efficiently bob his head up and down, sucking Karl off. He watched carefully, noting how Andrew took a deep breath before taking all of Karl's length into his throat, how and when he swallowed to ease the shaft's passage into his throat, and then how he took another breath through his nose as soon as Karl withdrew enough to clear the way. Before long, Karl began to knot up and spurt pre-cum, and Andrew shortened his strokes, so his nose stopped against Karl's rapidly engorging knot on each down stroke. Karl hadn't really thought about it when Melanie or any other female gave him head, but he realized now that all the people he had been with also refrained from allowing his knot to form behind their teeth. Once he began to thicken, his knot might stick there like a ball gag, and he certainly didn't want his partner to suffocate! He would have to be careful about that himself, when it was his turn.

"Ohhhh, that's so sexy! My lover's first blow job from an adult male!" Melanie murred, feeling herself up while she watched her father sucking her lover's cock. "Show him how it's done, daddy!"

"They certainly are sexy, aren't they dear?" Her mom agreed. "Karl, I _do_think that Andrew does this more because he knows it pleases me to watch him with another male, rather than because he particularly likes sex with other men. But he's pretty good at it, isn't he?"

"He certainly is," Karl said earnestly, as he began panting heavily. "I think I'd... still rather.. be in Melanie's mouth... But this does... UNghhhh! Ohhhhhh, this does feel good!" He threw his head back and sighed as his seed flooded right down Andrew's throat.

"I think daddy had a good idea," Melanie said. "I'm nice and wet, and he's as stiff as a baseball bat. Fuck me a little next, daddy, and then let Karl lick my pussy juices off your cock!"

Andrew kept sucking until the flow of Karl's semen ended, and then he licked the Bernese male's shaft clean before replying to his little girl. "I certainly won't turn down that offer, daughter! On the bed beside your mate, so he and your mother can get a good look at my cock entering you!"

Karl propped himself up with one arm and he held Melanie's hand in his as he watched her mating with her father again. "This is certainly a night to remember," he said, squeezing his lover's hand in his grasp and staring openly at her father's cock sliding in and out of her, glistening with her juices.

"Get on your knees when you're ready, son, and I'll withdraw and offer you my cock while standing in front of you," Andrew said.

"Give Melanie and I room on either side to watch this," Colleen requested.

"All right," Karl said. He got on his knees with his back to the bed, and Colleen knelt on the far side of him from Melanie and Andrew.

"Here you go, young man. Fresh from my daughter's cunt to your mouth!" Andrew said, pulling out of Melanie and moving in front of her lover.

Melanie slid off the bed, going back to fingering herself again before her knees even hit the floor, and watched as her lover took her father's cock tentatively into his mouth. "You can do it, Karl! Suck my daddy's cock! Ohhhh! I'm watching the very first time you've ever had a cock in your mouth!"

Karl took a deep breath, opened his muzzle, and started sucking on Andrew's cock. At first all he could taste was Melanie. But as he gained confidence and continued sucking, he began to taste Andrew's precum as well, spurting against his tongue. The taste of the precum was quite different than tasting a male's full load in one of his lover's cunts, but not at all bad, really. It was sort of savory, and not as bitter or as thick as he had expected it to be after licking two loads of Andrew's cum from Melanie earlier. He briefly tried to swallow the full length of Andrew's cock, the way the Collie father had done for him, but he gagged and couldn't get it into his throat. He pulled back, sputtering and coughing, and then resumed sucking on the other male's cock as best he could, determined to give as well as he had gotten.

"Take it easy son," Andrew said reassuringly. "Throat fucking takes practice. Don't push yourself too hard to do it. Some people never get the knack of it, and what you're doing right now feels splendid as it is! You're doing well, my boy! Keep that up and I'll be filling your belly soon enough! Just remember to swallow a lot when the flow increases."

"Ohhh, this is so hot!" Melanie said. "Fuck his mouth daddy! Feed him your cream!"

Andrew knotted up and groaned as he began to dump his full load into Karl's mouth. "Ohhh yes! That's it, my boy! Well done! Swallow as much as you can!"

Karl didn't reply, since his mouth was completely occupied. But he did swallow several times, and managed to keep most of Andrew's creamy load from spilling out the sides of his muzzle. His cock was also as hard as a rock, despite having just cum in Andrew's mouth minutes earlier!

"I'd certainly say he's enjoying himself dear," Colleen said, giving Karl's throbbing cock a friendly squeeze with one hand. "I'd better get some lube on your butt, Andrew. I think he's going to be quite ready to bugger the hell out of you, as soon as you finish cumming in his mouth!"

As soon as Karl came up for air, Melanie grabbed her lover and gave him a sloppy and very passionate French kiss, savoring the taste of her father's seed in Karl's mouth. "Mummmmmm!" she murred into his muzzle, as her mom applied lube to Andrew's tail hole. Then she allowed him to breathe again and said, "Well done, lover! Now fuck my daddy's butt just like you love to fuck mine! Can he tie with you daddy?"

"Well, I guess I'll try to take his knot, if he can managed to get all of that monster into my ass in the first place," Andrew said, as he lay his torso on the bed and spread his ass cheeks wide with both hands. "Come on, son. Please the ladies and pleasure yourself with my ass! Let's see if it will all fit in my backside!"

"Well, I already know this feels just like fucking a woman's ass," Karl said, as he lined up his cock with the older collie's back door, and slowly started to enter him. "And both Melanie and Hans can take my knot up the backside, so you should too, 'dad'. Just tell me if there's anything I should be doing differently, okay?"

"Ohhhh yeah! Urf! Just take it slow, son! You're thicker than the other males I've done this with, for sure!" Andrew said, grunting a bit and trying to relax his ass to accept Karl's massive shaft. "Huff! That's good. You're pushing at the ring of muscles that's about 6 inches in, where the rectum turns and becomes the descending colon. This is where you need to take it slow, and adjust your angle to one side or the other to get the tip into the ring, and not pushing against the side of the bend."

"Damn you're tight!" Karl said, as he felt the resisting point that Andrew was mentioning. "Yeah, I've felt that before. Just have to... There! I can feel the tip easing in deeper now. Just relax, and it should straighten out enough for me to slip all the way in."

"Yeah, I feel it. Just take it slow. Wow... That feels so huge!" Andrew said. "I think I can make it though. Keep trying! Yeah, I feel it sliding the rest of the way in now."

They all gave a collective sigh when Karl finally had his pubic fur flush with Andrew's butt.

"That's it! Damn! You took every inch of me, Andrew!" Karl said. "Geeze, you're so tight I'm hardly gonna be able to move before I knot up and cum! You sure you're going to be okay with my knot? Last chance to back out!"

"Yeah, I've taken a two and a half inch butt plug before, and your knot's what? About three inches? As long as you don't try to force it out before it goes back down, I'm good. I was more worried about your shaft's length and thickness than I was about your knot, Karl," Andrew said. "Actually... Whew! It's a lot to take, but it feels damned good!"

"Okay, here goes," Karl said, and he slowly thrust in and out with smooth, short thrusts, not moving more than two or three inches out before thrusting back in again. After about a dozen thrusts he groaned and said, "That's done it! Tying! Oh damn!"

"Good job, boys!" Melanie said, kissing her daddy and then her lover. "Well mom, while they're stuck, you wanna 69 with me for a bit?"

"I thought you'd never ask, dear!" Her mother replied, getting onto the bed beside her husband. "If I get ant more wet, it'll be dripping down to my knees! Come to mama, Melanie dear! Let's make each other cum!"

"Well, a show like that isn't going to help me to get unknotted any time soon, but I'm not complaining," Karl said, as he continued to spurt into Andrew's bowels. "You doing okay, dad?"

"Uhhf! Y-yeah... Wow... I wouldn't want to make a habit of this, but it's an experience to remember, I'll say that!" Andrew stated. "How often does my daughter do this with you?"

"Well, probably not more than one or two times a week, for getting fully knotted by me up the ass," Karl said. "I don't want to ruin her, so we do it sparingly."

"Don't worry, daddy," Melanie said, looking up from between her mother's thighs. "If it hurts, or if I think I'm not up to it, I'll tell him and we'll just do something else. Karl's very careful not to hurt anyone he mates with."

"I'm sure he is," Andrew said, patting his daughter's thigh. "He was pretty careful with me just now."


On the other side of the duplex, Dianna and the kids had gathered a few things in the family room, and were ready to begin 'playing'. Hans and Dianna were both wearing nothing but leather collars and cuffs, and Ryan had just snapped the ends of two six foot leashes onto the rings on each of their collars. With the leashes in her right hand, the naked collie puppy girl stood before her kneeling lover and godmother and asked, "Dianna? Hans? Do both of you accept me as your Mistress for the night, and agree to obey me about sexy stuff all night, until we call and end to it, or until one of us says our safeword?"

"I do, Mistress," Hans eagerly replied, tail wagging.

"Yes, Mistress, provided it is only until the morning, and only for matters relating to our mutual sexual pleasure, as my Mistress Mossflower has agreed I may do tonight," Dianna replied. Her own tail was wagging slowly as she got into her submissive mindset.

"Then I agree to love an' protect you, and to guide you so we all have lotsa fun tonight, and I thank you now for your service!" Ryan stated. She grinned and tugged on Dianna's leash, and said, "Come over to the couch with me, my pretty purple Pet! I wanna have you show me just how good you are at licking a girl! You come too, Hans! Watch close, an' learn as much as you can!"

Dianna and Hans followed Ryan to the couch, both of them crawling on hands and knees, and when the puppy girl had made herself comfy and spread her legs, Dianna knelt submissively between the child's thighs, and Hans knelt to Dianna's left, watching with interest.

"Serve me, my Pet!" Ryan said with a giggle, as she pulled on Dianna's leash until her godmother's nose was touching her moist young crotch. "Lick me really good!"

Dianna took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the aroused young girl, and said "Yes, Mistress!" Then she parted Ryan's folds with both hands, and gently pushed the young puppy's clitoral hood back with her fingertips to expose her clitty. She blew lightly on the child's clitoris, and then began licking it gently with just the very tip of her tongue, teasing Ryan with the lightest of tongue touches.

"OH! Oh, that feels really good, my Pet!" Ryan exclaimed, as she wriggled her butt and placed both hands on Dianna's head, urging the adult to press her muzzle tighter into Ryan's damp crotch.

"She tastes good, doesn't she, auntie Dianna?" Hans asked. "I saw how ya blew on her nubbin. I'll try that next time!"

Dianna had to agree that Ryan tasted very nice - much like her mother, Melanie tasted. But Dianna's mouth was much too busy to reply to her godson. She opened her muzzle wider and probed deeply into Ryan's intimate recesses, slithering her tongue into the child's vagina and eliciting a surprised 'Yip!' from her temporary Mistress. As Ryan got even wetter, Dianna eagerly lapped at the little puppy's crotch, sucking down her girly juices, rubbing her face in the other girl's crotch and nosing at the girl's clitty until her own muzzle was soaking wet with girl cream.

"Oh! Oh yeah! Goddess! I'm gonna cummmmm!" Ryan gasped, her hips bucking as she climaxed intensely. "Ahhhhwoooo! Ohhhh yeah! Good girl!" she howled and sighed.

But Dianna wasn't done yet! She inserted two fingers into Ryan's thoroughly soaked love canal and started finger fucking her, all the while licking and sucking on Ryan's clitty and licking her soft young folds. She didn't slow down until her young Mistress finished climaxing for a third time in less than three minutes!

"OH! ... Oh wow! ... I can... hardly breathe!" Ryan gasped. "Sit... Sit beside me... an' let Hans... do you now. Make her happy, puppy! See if... you can make her... cum at least twice!"

"Yes Mistress!" Hans replied happily. He'd wanted to get his tongue into Dianna's crotch for most of the night, and he eagerly crawled into position, tail wagging, as soon as Dianna was seated on the couch.

"Start slowly, Hans," Dianna said helpfully. "Just barely touch the clitoris at first, and then build the intensity. Oh! Yes, just like that! Very good!" she said, as the boy began to follow her guidance. "Mummmm, I can tell you do this a lot! Now nibble at the inner lips, Hans, but be gentle. And nibble my clit, too. Ahhhh! Like that, yes! Good boy! Now lick deeper. Fuck me with that big tongue of yours! See how deep you can get it into me!"

Ryan slid off the couch and knelt beside Hans, to get a closer look at her boyfriend licking Dianna's crotch. She fingered herself until Dianna began to cum, but didn't try yet for another climax for herself. "Good Pets!" Ryan said encouragingly, as Dianna closed her eyes and began to pant and shake all over as she had her orgasm. "Make her cum lots an' lots, Hans!"

"OH! H-he is, Mistress! V-very good, Hans! Ohhhh yessss! So good!" Dianna exclaimed.

"Good enough that you wanna ask him to fuck you, my Pet? Do you wanna feel his cock inside you now, so he can keep making you cum?" Ryan asked.

"I... Y-yes, Mistress," Dianna replied hesitantly. "He... he can fuck me."

"Then beg for him to fuck you, Pet," Ryan said. "Tell him how much you wanna feel his hard young cock filling you with his creamy load! Make us believe you really want it!"

"P-please Hans! I want... I want you to fuck me! Fuck me now, Hans! Fuck me, just like your father did! Like you're trying to make a baby with me too!" Dianna said, half crazed with lust from the puppy's skillful licking.

"Yes ma'am!" Hans said eagerly. He quickly knelt between his godmother's thighs and thrust his rock hard cock balls deep inside her in the first stroke.

"OH! Oh my! You feel as big as your father!" Dianna gasped, as the sudden fullness in her most intimate place pushed her right into another orgasm. "Fuck me, Hans! Fuck me hard and fast!"

"Do it, Hans!" Ryan commanded. "Fuck her hard and cum inside her!"

Hans bucked his hips wildly, almost slipping out as he eagerly sought his release in the purple canine lady's body. "You're so pretty, Miss Dianna!" he said as he fucked her. "Thank you so much for this! It feels so great!"

"Nunghhh!" Dianna groaned incoherently, grabbing the edge of the couch with both hands and throwing her head back as she climaxed again and again. She could already feel the boy's knot firming up, popping in and out as if he was fisting her and fucking her at the same time, and it was driving her wild. She clamped her legs around his waist and pulled him in tight, seating his knot firmly within her and grinding her hips to bring them both off faster, while not giving him any chance to withdraw. She could feel the tip of his cock rubbing across her sealed cervical opening, threatening to poke right into her womb, but being denied entry by her already pregnant state. His tip prodded almost painfully at the back recesses of her vagina and his shaft and engorged knot filled her completely. Then the dam burst for Hans, and she could feel his hot, sticky seed flooding her insides.

"Ohhhh yeah! There it goes!" Hans groaned happily. His tail was wagging as fast as his hips were bucking, and that made his tail spin round in circles like an infant puppy that hadn't yet learned to properly wag it. "Kiss me, Mistress!" he pleaded.

"Good job, my Pets!" Ryan said, hugging her young lover and kissing him passionately, while laying a hand on Dianna's belly and feeling her lover's knot throbbing inside the belly of their godmother. "Fill her up good, 'cause I wanna lick your cum outa her when you're done!"

"That... that _was_very good, Hans!" Dianna said, once she could get her breath back. "You and your father are the only two males that have ever managed to make me cum. Thank you."

"Told ya he was great!" Ryan said proudly. "Now aren't ya glad you said yes?"

"I am, yes," Dianna said, looking across the room at the clock. "But by the time he can pull out of me and you've licked me clean, it will be bed time for you two!"

"Awww, all right," Ryan said, "But I wanna have you sleep in our bed with us tonight, an' maybe we can do a little more in the morning? Please?"

"As my Mistress commands," Dianna said with a grin. "After all, I did agree you could be my Mistress until tomorrow morning."

The Secret - Part 30

The Secret - part 30 By DoggyStyle57 - June 2016 12/15/2012 On her parents' side of the duplex, Melanie Kelley and her mother, Colleen Kelley, both shuddered and groaned as they 69'ed with each other, and the tricolor collie mother and daughter...

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The Secret - Part 28

The Secret - part 28 By DoggyStyle57 - December 2014 12/15/2012 Melanie Kelley lay comfortably atop her father, Andrew, who had just made love to her for the first time, and who was still knotted quite firmly within his daughter. The two collies...

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The Secret - Part 27

The Secret - part 27 By DoggyStyle57 - December 2014 12/15/2012 On the weekend before Yule, Mossflower and Dianna arrived at the home of their best friends, Melanie Kelley and Karl Bernerholdt, right after dinner time on Saturday evening. Their...

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