DD's Pornstar Life: Bonus Chapter

Story by Moth of fuzzy grey on SoFurry

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#6 of DD's Pornstar Life

Oh boy, it's been more than a little while since my last upload. I haven't forgotten about it or abandoned it, but I just haven't been satisfied with any of my ideas following the cliffhanger in chapter 4. I'm starting to come back to it and I think I know what I want to do now. I'll find a way through the writer's block and finally get this story moving again.

In the meanwhile, this was one of the proto-chapter-5's that I wrote but didn't quite pan out the way I wanted. Mostly because it didn't continue the story, rather it's just retelling what's already happened from Bridgett's perspective. (I thought shifting perspectives would help get past that plotpoint, but it didn't quite work)

But with that said? I still like it. Because it does kinda give some insight into Bridgett and what her relationship with Graham is like. And also what made her go into the shoot with DD in the first place.

personally? I think the problem is that I kept focusing on turning this story into a relationship drama beyond Chapter 4's ending, that I forgot it's meant to be fun and sexy with just a few drops of drama. I need to remember that DD's still got AN ENTIRE PAST FULL of stories to tell and that the present day stuff with Bridgett and Graham is just the anchor.

So hopefully all this at least proves I haven't given up on this and I'll be getting it rolling again soon. To my handful of readers, thanks for being patient and I'll try my damned hardest to get chapter 5 up within the week.

Before I start, I just want to ask you to not judge me too harshly. At least wait till the end, because the story isn't that simple. You can still judge me or agree with me or just be totally indifferent when we get there but I need you to hear me out.

Growing up, I believed that girls who cheated were just slutty and shallow by default. Y'know, like most people tend to do when they're looking at the situation from the outside. Just like everybody else, when I'd hear about a girl cheating on their boyfriend I'd automatically think,

"How dare she? How could she be so disloyal? If their relationship is that hard-up, then they need to split-up!"

And I'd add the sassy head tilt and finger wag. I thought to myself that when I had a nice, steady boyfriend that I would never stoop to doing something so low and shameless. Though as you already know at this point, I kind of went out behind my boyfriend's back to shoot porn with a guy I'd never met before. So... That plan to stay faithful and loyal didn't exactly pan out. Believe me though, I still don't know what was going through my head at the time. If I really wanted to some strange, it wouldn't have been that hard to go out and find a one night stand. I knew I was attractive and I could land any guy I wanted, even if Graham made me feel otherwise. No, I had to go for the nuclear option that would leave permanent evidence and basically announce to the world that I got paid to have sex on camera with a total stranger.

These days I think I did it because I wanted to get caught. Like it was the next best thing to just lifting my skirt in broad daylight in front of him and tell all guys on the street to have at me. I wanted to see him get upset, I wanted to see him get passionate, I wanted him to lose it over me. Criticize me if you want but I'm a girl, dammit. I like wearing dresses, I like doing up my hair, I read trashy romance novels and I want my men to be MEN. I'd hoped Graham would see it or somebody would tell him and he'd get blindly furious over it, maybe even try to find DD and knock his lights out. At least then I would know he cared.

And when I say that, I mean... Graham is really nice. Well, he WAS really nice. Fuck, I guess he's still really nice but that doesn't mean I forgive him. Son of a bitch lies to my face for two years and then just expects me to accept it all because... it's too soon to talk about it, but for now? Let's just say he was a great boyfriend at the time. He was always really attentive and caring, he didn't mind listening to me ramble about my girlfriends and their gossip and he took me out on plenty of romantic dates at fancy restaurants. They were some of the best nights of my life until they were retroactively soured. I still regret not giving him a solid punch in the face when I had the chance.

Where things always went south was when it came to the bedroom. After such a lovely night on the town I always wanted him to come back to my place for a little 'happy ending' if you know what I'm saying. I mean come on, I get all dolled up in a slinky dress, curl my hair, put on some jewelry and put on make-up to look nice for him. The least he could do is take me home and hike up my dress to find that I wasn't wearing any panties and then TAKE me.

Unfortunately, that never got me any action with him and just made cold seats all the worse. He'd always prefer to drop me off at my apartment, tell me he loved me and give me a kiss goodbye. Which was sweet and made my heart melt but I couldn't help wanting a little more. In two years, I only ever once got him into bed with me and he backed out because he'd suddenly been hit with food poisoning. Which I'm absolutely certain was a blatant lie to get out of it. I don't know whether I can blame him for that or not but either way the memory still pisses me off.

So after I get dropped off, I go up to my bedroom and I'd just pull out Santiago. (that's what I named my vibrator. Well, the biggest one anyway) I'd come out to the couch and lift up the hem of my dress, reaching down to tease my clit a little. I'd lick my fingertips and use them against it, imaging him down there with his head between my legs, working his tongue against me. I'd imagine him saying something lame like "I didn't know I'd be having you for dessert~" or "I've never tasted anything as sweet as your pussy." He'd start to dive his tongue into me, swirling it around and lapping at me like he was starving for it. In reality It's just my fingers but I keep a pretty vivid imagination.

Of course, I'd want to return to favor and wrap my lips around his cock for a while. Hell, the only reason I wasn't down there already was because he was just such a peach and got to me first. I'd pull down the top of my dress, introduce my ladies to his gentleman and let them get to know each other before I got my mouth involved. I'd want to tease him at first, just gently round my tongue along the head and rub my thumb against the base of his shaft, before I'd eventually take it all in. I'd want to blow his mind and suddenly deepthroat it until I choked and even then, I'd want want him to grab my ears or my hair and just start fucking my mouth because he was losing control of himself.

Back in my less elaborate reality, I'd be practicing on Santiago and barely getting to the halfway before I gagged. Not because I couldn't do it but because I don't like that plastic-y taste. And... sometimes I'd accidentally turn him on and that'd cause problems.

I'd face the door when I did this, hoping he would just happen to walk in because he forgot something and find me spread-eagle and waiting. Or even better I'd be face-down-ass-up on the couch toying with Santiago and begging for Graham to 'give me the real thing.' Then he'd just be so awestruck and stand there, staring at me with wide eyes that zero right in on me, spreading my pussy and begging in a cute little voice for him to come over and fuck his 'naughty little bunny.' He never did come back around though. I once tried taking his phone so he'd HAVE to come back looking for it. That failed marvelously when he'd just call me from his mom's cell instead. (his parents are really great too by the way. We met on Christmas and they were lovely, save for being just a little too insistent on talking about marriage and grandchildren.) I even tried using it to take dirty pictures for him before I left it, but he never had anything to say about it. Not a single question even. Except for asking what we wanted to do friday night. He'd suggest a movie, I'd agree to it and we'd have another perfectly PG night out.

Now I know how this must all sound. Or at least how I must sound. I mean it when I say that he was a near perfect boyfriend and I really did love him. I just wanted to move to the next level and have a little intimacy is all. I know I've been describing something a little more colorful but if he'd just set me on the bed, give me a long, passionate kiss and curl up with me then I would've been perfectly happy. I know I shouldn't feel this way but when he'd ditch out on it all the time, it'd just make me feel so... unattractive. Like there was something wrong with me that he didn't want to talk about.

I'd tried to have serious talk about it before but he'd always change the subject or find a way out of the conversation. There was one night in particular where it hit a real apex. I'd had a little too much to drink when he'd brought me home from another vanilla date. I was a little sloppy and while I don't remember all the details, I know that I'd gotten pretty grabby. I had my hands all over his butt, his chest, rubbing against his bulge and just generally pawing at him like he was a canvas and I was using fingerpaints. I tried to get his hand beneath my dress to touch me but his hand would recoil like it was on a spring. He'd asked me to stop but I didn't listen. I just kept goading him and pestering him to follow me inside and have sex until he finally lost his temper.

He shoved me away and I tripped backwards on my heels. Somehow I went from piss drunk to sober in a split second, because while my memory is fuzzy before the fall, it's perfectly clear after my ass hit the concrete. I landed right on my tailbone and I felt this sharp, splitting pain shoot up my body. I let out a loud yelp of pain while Graham scrambled to help me up, looking horrified.


He basically went on like that for a straight minute. At that moment, I had no idea what to think anymore. He'd been dodging me for the last two years of dating, consistently finding a way out or just coming up with an excuse why he couldn't. I'd been cool with it for a while but two years dry was taking its toll on me. I wanted him and I wanted to BE wanted. That night was different than all the others because that was the first time he outright rejected me. He literally pushed me away like he was repulsed by me. I wanted to scream, cry, throw myself off the railing and kick his ass all at the same time.

He tried to hug me as soon as he helped me up but I kept him at a distance. I know I was drunk and behaving like an idiot. I know I probably overstepped the boundaries and made him uncomfortable. Maybe he was just really nervous? Maybe he had a micro-dick and thought I would laugh at him? Maybe he was really 2 dwarves in a disguise and didn't want to spoil the relationship we'd had, hell if I fucking knew. To me? It translated to,

"I'm ugly."

"He doesn't want to touch me."

"He hates me."

Don't ask me how that makes any sense, it didn't have to at that moment. I quietly told him I was sorry and disappeared into my apartment without hearing a single word from him. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear his stupid, safe, disney-esque romantic bullshit. After a good cry to myself in the shower and eating a tub of chocolate-mint ice cream by myself (while wearing the puffiest, most comfy robe I own) I went on the internet and made some bad decisions.

It's funny how absolutely terrible those decisions were but how good things became as a result. You've seen those ads in the sidebar on porn-sites right? The ones with lame little dick-magnet images or random pictures of naked girls saying "Lets meet up and fuck?" Don't pretend you haven't. Well while I searched through porn sites trying to see what beautiful, sexy people look like and curse why I wasn't able to hook Graham like they probably could, I caught a banner ad looking for local girls to come and do amateur shoots. Like a complete moron I clicked it. And like an even BIGGER moron, I actually signed up. I called the number, I left a message and then passed out in bed with my laptop still open to hardcore porn. I fell asleep to the sound of girls moaning, begging for cock, guys spouting cheesy "YEAH, YOU LIKE THAT SLUT" and generic shit like that. The entire night, I had these vivid and hazy dreams about being a pornstar. Seeing my face and my body in those videos getting railed in every hole by guys three times my size. Putting myself up for display for everybody to see and thinking about Grahm. Looking at his stupid, mopey face while he watched me lie back and take it. I don't remember everything from that dream, but I still remember every little detail in Grahm's sad little expression. I think I might have honestly climaxed in my sleep at that point.

I woke up to my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I was still a little foggy from the night before and I my head felt numb. I'd heard a woman's voice over the phone asking if I still wanted to audition. I had no idea what she was talking about and I just mumbled "what?"

"For the All-Internal-Sluts-9 compilation" She said. I would've assumed it was some morning show prank call or something, but she read that title to me like she was reading the ingredients on a cereal box. Later I'd find out that was DD's friend, Sherri and that her tone was pretty much always like that.

I hesitated for a second, trying to process the call while still waking up. Suddenly all the memories of last night came rushing back to me. The drinking, Graham shoving me away, all my self loathing and and body issues stampeded through my head. I reached over to wake up my laptop, slapping the spacebar and seeing about a dozen tabs of porn. Some of them started autoplaying at the same time, blasting mixed sounds of cheeky interviews and slapping noises. I felt this disgusted cringe go from the tip of my nose all the way to my ears, clicking to close out of the browser. That's when I was greeted with my desktop background of Graham and me at his parent's pool. We were both smiling, I had my stringy yellow bikini on and Graham had his hand on my shoulder. I could see his dad in the pool rolling off his floating chair, his little cousins running with squirt guns, his uncle standing at the grill with some goofy looking joke apron. It was this safe, happy little suburban image that made my body go rigid. The only thing that looked out of place was me. My bikini left almost nothing to the imagination but did he even acknowledge it? Was he even just a little excited? There he was, holding me at arms length like we were just 'buddies.' He shouldn't have been able to keep his hands off me, he should've been trying to peek at me or at the very least try to hide a boner or something. Instead he was just the totally behaved, well mannered Graham he always was.

My cringe turned into a sneer and I slapped my laptop shut. The confusion, hurt and anger all started coming back to me in full force. Last night I was sad and upset but this morning? I was angry.

"Hello? Whether you're celebrating or reevaluating your life choices, I still need an answer."

I held the phone up to my ear, still a little unsure if I wanted I really wanted to do this. I looked at my desktop again and reassured myself that I wanted to do it. I didn't care what I'd be doing, all I knew was that it would piss off Graham. It had to. If it didn't then I'd go berserk.

"I'm in. What do I have to do?"


[All-Internal-Sluts 9 - Bridgett - 25 - video 1]

DD: Okay, camera's rolling aaaand...great. I'm gonna apologize in advance for some of the stuff I'm gonna say, just roll with it if you can. If it's too weird then you don't have to say anything.

Bridgett: I think I'll be okay, I've seen enough of these to know how they play out.

DD: That's good! Sometimes I get girls in here who really... just don't get it, it's... anyway. One last time, are you sure you consent and are you ready to start?

Bridgett: Oh I'm ready. You don't have to hold back on me.

DD: Perfect. Allright, and 5... 4.... 3.... 2.... -finger snap- Allright, hello hello, we've got a cutie in here today! Oh my god, I just want to unwrap those tits right the fuck now. But we still have to get to know you first so. Let's try and blaze through that, because seriously. You're a knockout, hell, I feel like I'm way out of my league here.

Bridgett: -giggling- Well thank you, I appreciate that. I like it when people notice me.

DD: Well I'm noticing all kinds of stuff right here, god damn. Would you be offended if I said I wanted to fuck those tits?

Bridgett: Nope.

DD: Okay good, because I want to fuck those tits. Though you read the title, so you know the main event here.

Bridgett: I sure do.

DD: So you totally wouldn't be offended if I said I plan on filling that pussy like I'm putting out a fire?

Bridgett: You'd better hurry, I think I'm starting to burn up.

DD: Ho-ly shit, I think I love you. Give me a name, an age, where you come from and how long has it been since you had sex, GO.

Bridgett: My name is Bridgett, I'm twenty fiv-four-twenty THREE years old, I'm from Nevada and the last time I had sex was two yea-.... uh... two mont- two WEEKS ago. I'm pretty active but it's been a little bit of a dry spell so, I'm... looking forward to some fun today

DD: Allright allright, very nice, I'd ask some followup questions but I seriously can't keep my hands off any longer. Could you just slip off that top there and let me get a feel?

Bridgett: Of course! Don't be afraid to get real acquainted with the girls.

DD whisper: (you're doing great by the way, most girls don't pull off the playful banter so well)

DD: Oh. my. God. Those are ridiculous. This is not possible, nobody this hot would want to be here. Are you running your own online show where you punk porn actors or something?

Bridgett: -giggle- Nope, I'm just... I'm just a total... -inhale- I'm a real slut. I try to be good but once the cocks come out then I just can't help myself.

DD whispering: (remember, if it's too weird, you don't have to push it.)

Bridgett whispering: (It's okay, I'm just a little... excited is all. It's been a long time since I've been with a guy... on camera I mean, on camera.)

DD whispering: (oh, so you've done this before?)

Bridgett whispering: (N-not quite, it was just a camera, it wasn't like... going online or anything, it was just... uhh...)

DD whispering: (don't worry about, I'm not here to judge. I'll start up again and just keep rolling with it)

DD: Insatiable aren't we? Well you say you can't control yourself when the cocks come out, so how about [pause] this?

Bridgett: -shrill squeek- OH. OH wow, I. I. I uh. Oh my god...

Bridgett barely audible: (that's like three times as big as Graham, fuck...)

Bridgett: Uh, I... I think I'm the one out of my league here...

DD: YOU? You're the one who's smoking hot and YOU'RE intimidated? Sheezus, let me go out and buy a ring so I can just marry you right now.

Bridgett: What can I say? I mean, I'm-I'm still a- I'm still a total, huge slut but... I guess I just haven't found a guy who can... really satisfy me.

DD: Well how about we start you off easy then, how about we get to fucking those tits I can't tear my eyes off of?

Bridgett: I'd love to.

DD: Let's get started then ~


I let him do things to me that I hadn't even imagined doing with Graham. He had me in positions I didn't even know about. He said things to me that made me that were downright filthy, holding my legs open and relentlessly pounding on me asking me things like,

"How does that feel? Do you like this fat cock slamming your hungry little cunt?"

and I'd just cry "Yes!" over and over again. It didn't matter what he said or what he asked, I'd just scream for more and agree to anything he told me to do. At one point he pulled out and had me suck down his cock while it was still wet with my own juices. I tasted myself on his length and I didn't care. I almost choked myself trying to get it deeper, feeling it hit the back of my throat. I even got him to break character, because he'd drop the goofy frat-boy tone and give me these long, breathy moans that he'd try to hold back.

It was even better than what I wanted at first. I went into it thinking I'd just ride it out and then shove it in Graham's face. I could use it to get him fired up, get him jealous, get him angry. I'd still planned on that in the end, but there was something else that I got out of it. Something I'd needed for so long.

I was on all fours, with my face in the pillows and my ass up and presenting. I had one hand between my legs, playing with my clit and trying to keep my sexual energy up. I'd lost count of the positions or how many times I came. He was right behind me, his cock throbbing so hard that I could see the veins. His face looked like he was wearing down, pausing every other breath. I knew this would be the final burst before his finish. I felt him grip my ass hard, digging in his fingers.

"You ready? Because I'm not gonna stop this time." He said. I stuck my thumb between my teeth and gave him a cute little "Don't spill any~" I was ready to be used, I was ready to get rammed like the rest of me didn't exist, like I was just a sweet little pussy to fill.

But it didn't quite go that way. I felt his fingers gently brush through my tail and slowly slide along my back. His other hand went along my thighs, inside and out and up my side like he was exploring me for the first time. A shiver went through bones when dragged his fingers against my belly. I could feel a warmth coming off of him. I'd felt this intense heat from him during the entire session but this felt... safe. Comfortable. I was so vulnerable in that position and yet I felt like I could trust him with every part of me.

Instead of going in hard he slid into my lips softly, caressing around my tail as he did. I started to moan and I don't think I ever stopped. The way he moved was such a radical shift that I thought maybe another guy had taken his place. I could feel even the smallest details about his cock, the shape, the curve, the way it pushed against me. I like to think he was doing the same, drinking in my body with every inch of depth he could fit in my pussy.

When then rhythm started I couldn't help pushing back against him, trying to keep some timing of my own. It felt so different than everything else we'd done that afternoon. Everything had to be hard and loud with a lot of cameratime focused on being able to see my whole body. But now it was like he didn't care anymore. The camera was just sitting on the nightstand now at what I assumed would be a pretty lame angle. He leaned over, bringing his hands to my breasts, squeezing on me and playing with my nipples. My moaning got louder, echoing off of the walls. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, making my fur stand on end.

It didn't take long for him to reach his breaking point and I didn't blame him in the least. After that whole afternoon I was surprised his cock hadn't outright exploded. I just barely hear him whispering behind me, clutching my hips as he pushed himself deeper in my pussy with every thrust.

"I can't..." He whispered. "I can't..." He'd repeat it a few times, eventually working up to

"I can't hold it."

His voice made me melt. It sounded almost innocent when he said it, as if he was genuinely trying to last as long as he could. Even though he was in control it was like our positions had reversed. His cock only existed to please me and if he fired off his buckshot then he wouldn't be any good to me anymore. He wanted to keep fucking me so badly, to stay in that moment of pleasure. Hell, I almost felt guilty for being so irresistible for him.

"Then don't." I whispered under my breath. As soon as the words left my lips, I felt his hands clench onto me, his body pressed tight against mine and his cock throbbing while my walls tightened. The roaring groan, the warmth that was pouring into me, I think I came too just from the sheer intensity of the moment.

And then finally, the tension leaving our bodies like we were marionettes with our strings cut. I could just barely hear him whisper 'oh my god' behind me and a broad smile spread across my face. I looked over my shoulder, watching him try to steady himself. He was shaking. He looked he was dizzy and he was struggling to keep himself up.

And I did that. Me. He wouldn't get that from jacking off on his own. He wouldn't get that from some brainless bimbo off the street. He sure as hell didn't get that from a lame buddy-buddy hug at a family pool party. This sense of joy and accomplishment surged through me. I emptied every last drop from his balls and I felt good about it. Maybe that did make me a slut but it didn't matter. I got a sexual release that was about two years overdue.

Then I got stupid.

I wanted to see him again.