The best Birthday Present - Chapter 2 - Telling the truth and paying the price

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#2 of Birthday


A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The best Birthday Present - Chapter 2 - Telling the truth and paying the price

1 month had passed since the day she had been saved from raping and her try to heal Kadin. Luckily she had been successfully in it and one week afterwards, he had woken up.

On that day , the first thing that he had seen was her face, which was smiling brightly in his Face and in return he smiled back or at last he tried but thanks to the machines, that were still connected to him, he failed it.

Since that Day, she tried to be at his side as many times as possible and every time when she was at his side, he somehow felt stronger than before and today the machines were finally moved away or most of them.

„Alright now. "The doctor said. „Now hold your breath until I say something. "

Kadin did as he was told. The breathing machine pumped some air into his lounge and then the doctor pushed a button to let it stop. Then he quickly began to move away all of its components on Kadin's Body until only the tube in his mouth was left.

„Now then... when I say it breathe out as hard as you could. " The doctor again said while he took the end of the tube into his hand.

„Ready? ...... Now breathe!!! "

The doctor began to drag the tube out of kadins mouth and a few seconds later.

„Bbbbrrrrrllllaaaassshhhh..... COUGHT..... COUGHT...... COUGHT...... UUUUHHHHHHH...... COUGHT.......PANT..... PANT.... "

It was out and Kadin began to breathe on his own and after he had taken some really deep breaths he said.

„Th.....Thank you.....Doctor....."

„There is no need to thank me. " The doctor said back. „If you want to thank someone then thank her. She is the reason why you are still alive. "

The doctor pointed over to Tashima, who was of course sitting next to his side. Kadin slowly moved his head over to her and when he saw her, he began to smile while he said.

„You? You are the reason why I´m still living? ..... How? "

„That is a long story. " She said back with a light blush on her face.

„Well... It seems like that I´m not going somewhere soon. "

„HAHAHA... Yeah. Ok then. I will tell you but first I have to say you this.... Thank you for saving me from becoming an adult. "

„What do you mean with......? OH.... ÄHM..... Yeah.... That..... " His look became sad and a few tears began to run down his face.

In the meantime, the doctor had taken away all that he had to be and then he said

„I will leave you two alone now. As it seems, you are having much to talk about but Tashima please... don´t let him become too much frustrated or something. He isn´t healthy after all. "

Tashima nodded a yes and then the doctor left the room.

Once he was out, Kadin asked her.

„What did he meant? What happened while I was out? "

„Kadin please.... You heard him... " Tashima said in a calm voice.

„Tashima please!!! I need to know it. "

„F....Fine.... HAHHH......On that Day when you saved me..... The Police caught your brothers on that position you gave them but..... But..... "

His look became fearing and he said.

„Please no..... Don´t tell me that.... They had..... "

Tashima nodded a yes and he nearly screamed out in frustration.

„NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... NO...... I had hoped that...... * Sniff *.... How many females? "

„Each one had one. "

".............. " Tears began to run down his face and Tashima used her paws to catch them while she said.

„Calm down. It wasn´t your fault. The three had been caught by one of their traps. You couldn´t.... " He suddenly cut her by bursting out.

„YOU DON´T KNOW ANYTHING!!! IT WAS MY FAULT!!! All of these was my fault.... Aaallll.... * SNIFF *"

He rolled himself to the side and away from her after he had said that and there he let his tears run out like a waterfall. Tashima felt somehow sorry for him but while she looked over him a feeling of hate came up in her Body. That was why she jumped onto his bed, dragged him back onto his back, stepped onto his upper chest where he wasn´t wounded and gave him the hardest slap into his face that she was able to give.

* SLAP!!! *



He didn´t answered. Instead he only looked onto her with big Eyes and an open mouth.

„It´s true. I did not know why you are the reason but I know that you hadn´t done anything bad on a female. Otherwise you wouldn´t had told the cops your hideout and had risk your Life for me. "

Again he didn´t said a word but it was clearly seen that he tried to hold back his tears now and once he had managed that, after some minutes, he asked her.

„P....please tell me.... H.....How old..... You are... "

„Me? I have become 12 on the day you saved me. Why do you ask?" She asked perplexed.

„12???? .... * SNIFF *..... HA.....HAHAHAHA....."

„What´s so funny about that? "

„I.... I´m.... laughing over myself..... I´m 13 but I´m......Not as wise as you. "

„Me? Wise?.... That is something that..... No one had ever said to me.... " She began to blush.

"Don´t you...... Like that? "

„OOHHHH.... No, no, no, I´m fine. I like that compliment. Really..... "

The rest of the Day, they both spend with talking over this and that and they often smiled and laughed. Yet she was able to figure out that he was holding something back. Something that he really wanted to tell but couldn´t tell her.

1 Month later

He had become more and more healthy within each day but till today, his wound on his side hadn´t healed completely and normally he had to stay in bed but today was a special day for him.

Today was the day of the Court proceeding of his brothers and he wanted to be on their side. No matter what they would say to him.

The hall, in were the trial was taking place, was full of people and some reporters. Yep. There were even Pokémon who had found some interests in the reporter job and they were nearly as nerving as their Human idols.

There were also many of those females under them that they had raped or had wanted to.


The judge, a 50 years old Noctowl, hammered his hammer on his table and then said.

„The session of the grand jury has opened. Please bring in the accused. "

A side door opened and one after one of the Brothers was brought in.

Each one had a special necklace on his neck and their paws were bond in chains. Once each one of them was in place, the judge started to talk.

„Now then. Let´s start with.... " The main door suddenly opened and Kadin was driven in with his wheelchair, closely followed by Tashima, who pushed the chair, and her parents, who were also helping to push.

Once he was close to his brothers, the Flareon growled angrily.

„You traitor!!! "

Kadin didn´t answered and the judge said a bit perplexed.

„Kadin. You are not indicted. "

„Sir... The indictment says The Olson Brothers. Is that correct?" Kadin asked back.

„It´s correct. Yes. "

„Then I´m indicted because I´m still one of the Olson Brothers. "

„As you wish. The indictment points that are standing against you are... Tried raping's 5 times. Rapes 28 times. Tried kills 3 times and successfully kills also 3 times. Now after you heard that. What are you pleading for?" The judge said and asked the four and one after one of the three brothers said.

„Not Guilty. "

Then it was up to Kadin and he said without hesitation.

„Guilty. "

A murmur of wondering ran through the room and the judge said.

„Written it into my protocol. Now let´s begin the process. Kadin. You are the only one that said guilty and your current health is not looking very good so I will ask you out first. Please come to my side. "

Kadin did as he was told or better said Tashima pushed the chair slowly towards the right side of the judge's place. Once there she placed the chair and then she asked the judge.

„Sir....Can I stay at his side? "

And the judge answered.

„Of course but you are not allowed to speak. "

„Thanks sir. "

„Now then Kadin. Do you swear to say only the truth and nothing but the truth as long as Arceus helps you? "

„I swear it. "

„Good. Now tell us all of what had happened to you in the past years. "

„Well....first of all I have to correct something. "

„What? "

„It´s not....." Kadin was cut by his Flareon brother.

„SHUT UP YOU T......EON!!!! "

The judge had push a button on his table and the necklace on the neck of the Flareon came to life by sending an electro shock trough it´s body.

„You are not allowed to speak now. " The judge said afterwards. „Go on please Kadin. "

„Thanks.....It must have to be called....Tried raping's 10 times. Rapes 40 times. Tried kills 6 times and...... Kills 10 times...I´m sorry for those who had thought that..... Their girl had somehow survived and got lost. "

A few females in the backroom began to cry and their partners began to Hugh them close.

„Want to know some details?" Kadin asked after a moment of silence.

„Yes, please. Tell us all that you know. " The Noctowl said back and then Kadin began to tell everything.

He told them of every single action the three had done on each girl. How they chased them or killed them and even of how they brutally raped them. In between the Flareon tried to interfere but got always a shock back that stopped him. Then, after 1 hour, Kadin came to an end and everyone in the room had to do a deep gulp before some screams became loud.




And more such things were screamed until the Noctowl began to silence everyone by hypnotizing them. Once they were all silent, he said to them.

„I know how you feel because my daughter got killed by them and I want nothing more than to kill them by myself. Yet I´m bound to the rules of our land and I have to give them a fair chance. "

He then did a snip with his wing and everyone came back to sins. Afterwards he asked Kadin.

„Is there something more that you have to tell us? "

"No sir." Kadin answered but then the Flareon threw in.

„NO? You forgot to tell them who had the idea for the raping's. "

For a few minutes Kadin sad there and said nothing but then he said.

„It was me. I´m the one who had the idea of raping them. "

A shock of disbelieve ran through the room until Kadin spoke on.

„But tell me my brother. Did I ever raped one girl? HHHHMMMMM..... Did I ever.... * COUGHT *.... Did something mad to them?"

„TSK..... No.... But that didn´t speaks you free. You are as guilty as we are and to speak of the raping's that you have so detailed displayed to everyone I have to tell you something. " The Flareon began to smile devilish while he talked on. " You fool... You could have mated with so many girls out there and had some pups with them now. Yet.... We three are the only once that have spread our genes around and you are going out without one. "

" ..... * COUGHT *..... HAH...... AHAHAHAHAHA * COUGHT * * COUGHT * " Kadin began to spill out some blood while he laughed.

„What´s so funny?" The Flareon asked with a now questioning look on his face.

„You are the fool. " Kadin said after some deep breathes. „Look around you now. There are a few females here that you had raped and tell me if you see some pups around them. "

The Flareon did and then, once he had found a few females that he had been sure of being in heat and they had raped, said to Kadin.

„Don´t tell me that you bastard has....." Kadin cut him now with a devilish smile of his own.

„I did. They never became pregnant. None of them did...... COUGHT, COUGHT.....NNNNHHHHH.... "

Kadin spilled out more blood and was on the edge to fall out of the chair. However. The Flareon began to heat up in pure hate and even the necklace couldn´t stop him. Then on a definite heat level the Flareon shouted out before he let a heat collar fly towards Kadin.


Some guards tried to stop the attack but they were stopped by the other 2 brothers who jumped into their Bodies to stop them.

It looked like that the attack would hit the target but then something happened that the Flareon hadn´t calculated with. Tashima jumped in front of Kadin and fired a shadow ball against the fire.

Within the past month , she had trained with her father to protect herself if such a situation like she gone through would happen again and first it looked like she would manage it to stop the fire but then the Flareon intense the fire and the Ball was pushed backwards. Yet, she had managed it to buy some time for Kadin to regroup and gather some water in his mouth and before the shadow ball broke, he unleashed a hydro pump attack.

The water reached the fire right in time and when the attacks collided, they became equal.

Seeing that draw brought out even some more hate within the Flareon and he pushed himself over his limit. The fire then quickly began to gain some ground but then again something happened.

Tashima had dashed unseen behind the Flareon and now she hammered her right paw right upwards into his unprotected Balls. Immediately, the Flareon stopped the attack, did a really high yelp and began to cover his back but not for long because Tashima was now standing in front of him with a really big smile on her face.

„Doesn´t liked that? OOOHHHH..... Then you will like this. " Where her words before she jumped up and hammered her hardest attack into his face. Iron tail.

On the hit, the Flareon began to fly backwards and straight into a wall. There it left a hole in it and sank down to the ground, with only stars in his Eyes. Meanwhile the guards had taken care of the other 2 brothers and Tashima became proud for what she had done but only for a few seconds because in the corner of her Eye she saw something that brought her heart somehow to stop.

Kadin had dropped down from his wheelchair and was now spilling out blood nonstop and his wound on his side had also started to bleed.

Like in slow motion she ran to him and while she did that she screamed.


When she finally reached Kadin she said in pure fear.

„Come on Kadin. Hold out. You cannot die now. I will not allow you to go yet. "

Like on instinct, she took his left paw with her right and then she did a helping hand attack just like last time when she saved him but this time, something unexpected happened. She began to feel some pain in her Body. A Pain that nearly came up so fast that she was knocked out by it. Yet she managed it to take it and she recognized from where the pain came.

This must be the pain that he feels right now. She thought to herself. Please Arceus.... Lent me some strength to help him to survive.

She managed it to hold up the attack for some moments but then the pain became far too strong for her. She began to fade away and before she blacked out, she broke the helping hand attack but luckily the doctor showed up at that moment and with his last words in her Ear, she faded.

„Good work, Little Lady. "

To be continue.