Balloon Boy

Story by Brozin Flamepelt on SoFurry

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Balloon Boy

I know that most people are going to hate me for this, but I like BB. He is lonely, causes rage, and most people don't appreciate him. Kinda reminds me of myself.

But no time for self pity, on to theories.

So it has become a popular theory that Balloon Boy is a hallucination, and I personally have my doubts as well as beliefs in that. The reason for doubt is that since you play as more than one security guard in the second game (3 I think) why would they all hallucinate the same thing? People don't all have the same psychological reactions to fear, and therefore all have different hallucinations, so how do you explain that? I actually made a reasonable argument. If the Marionette is supernatural, than maybe it can cause hallucinations as well. Maybe it wants to make you rage and scream and cry and wish you never installed the game by having a laughing child who has Balloons do absolutely nothing to you except stop a flashlight and still end up making you die. Just saying that makes me upset.

So now, what about BB's endoskeleton? When most people see it they just say "There isn't anything in his mouth, so he doesn't have one!" which is the most uneducated excuse I have ever heard about a video game. BB is completely different than the other animatronics. He is short, fat, annoying, and his only apparent purpose is HANDING OUT FRICKING BALLOONS. Why does he need the fancy abilities and appearance that the others have? Also, what makes people think that animatronics ALL have endoskeletons? I mean, BB is made entirely out of metal. He has his robotic parts completely hidden away! Not every automated thing has visible wires and gears and such! The problem with his animatronics that actually bothers me personally is his joints. They don't EXIST. No, seriously. From the images of Balloon Boy I have seen (All of them) he has no elbows or knees. Just rounded pieces for each segment of his arms. They don't make any sense. The only way that they can possibly allow him to move is magnetic technology that connects between the individual segments so that his movement is normal. That is the only way I see that makes any sense, though maybe I saw wrong and there is some space and parts between.

Now his voice box. People have this weird assumption that his voice is also supernatural. If so, why does he only say "Hi!" "Hey!" and "Hello?" I mean, he just sounds like a kid. If the Marionette created him, why those few choice words? Wouldn't it attempt to scare you? It seems much more likely that his voice box is concealed inside his belly portion. It explains why his voice kinda echoes. The sound rattles inside him a bit.

When BB enters the vent he loses his sign and balloon, which reappear when he is in the office. So where do they go? Well, if you think back to my theory on BB's magnetic joints, then look at the holes in his hands when he is in the vent, the answer seems kind of simple. He can remove them. So, he takes them off, and sense he has the same holes on both hands, the balloon has a magnet at the end of its strings, so he attaches them to his feet to crawl through the vent, then puts them back on in the office.

Mr. Endoskeleton

Mr.Endoskeleton At first glance most people say that this is Golden Freddy's (Fredbear) missing endoskeleton that the murderer of the five children discarded so that he could use the Golden Freddy suit. This however, is not possible. In the second...
