Saying goodbye...

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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I had to say goodbye to my beautiful mate tonight, I thought writing down what I felt would make a nice story.

With one last thrust I can feel your love pour into me. I feel your claws slide painfully down my body, I can hear your moans of gratitude flowing through my body, and can't help my body gently falling down on top of you.

Your hot breaths brushing through my hair, my ear flickering as they do. We share a laugh. Sharing the amusement of us making love in the back of your car in the deserted industrial area near my home. Laughing that we are able to share this moment, enjoying each other's company.

I look up at you, smiling as my eyes gaze at your black fur, the green gently coming through from the streetlight glare. I move up to you and gently place my maw abasing yours, sharing the intimate touch of our lips.

Our lower bodies still. Even though you were so deep inside me, our deep intimate session was over, and your parts are always so sensitive.

I didn't mean for it to, but as I move to far toward you slip free, a loud groan coming from you as your sensitive area lay there free from my clenching ring.

My head slides over your shoulder and into our neck, giving your fur gentle kisses as we slowly catch our breath in the heated car.

In that moment, nothing mattered. Nothing except the fact that you were there. You were there below me, keeping me warm, making me feel like I matter. Making my entire existence mean something.

You know I'm not happy at my home, you know I am depressed and that you sped Ning the day, laughing and teasing each each other makes the days easier. Knowing that you are in the world, knowing that you care.

Even if I cannot touch you all the time, it makes the times when I can so much more meaningful.

You are my world. You are my meaning for breathing. My meaning for going on and not giving up on the world.

Soon I have to open a door, the both of us moan in pleasure as the cold, piercing breeze brushing over us and making us just lay there in the foggy windowed car.

"I need you to move sweetie." You told me, I knew I was crushing you but I didn't want to move off you, I didn't want to get off your lap and separate us, but I had to stop hurting you.

I opened the door, further and climbed out. Smiling and laughing as my butt naked body was open to the deserted area around me. You begin to get dressed, and I start to look for my change of clothes. You begin to reset the car.

The seat goes up, the blankets and the pillows in the boot, we both are now clothed and I'm in the seat next to you, my body in your arms and again the world melts away. My problems at home feel like nothing. I am with you, so my hating mind is laid to rest.

You say you need to go. You say you have a long drive a head of you and my heart begins to crumble with in my chest. I don want you gone, I don't want the only person who makes me feel happy and loved to go... But I know you have to go. I know you have to leave me, I know you have work in the morning.

But I have to fit the tears that are forcing there way free.

You tell me to stop being silly, but I can't help these feeling. I'm not going to be seeing you for fourteen days. For two weeks I'm going to miss you, for two weeks I'm going to be craving your touch, I'm going to be missing your kisses... I'm going to be aching for you.

Soon I have sat myself up from your arms and you are driving me home. My hearts breaking and cracking with every turn of your wheels. I don't say anything as we drive, not wanting to show you just how weak I can be.

The car rolls in front of my house and lean into you, nuzzling at your neck and whirling softly. I kiss you again, and again, and again, and again. I want your taste to stay there, I want your lips to stay with mine, but no matter how hard I try I can't taste you after you are gone.

I grab my phone, my wallet, my gum and then with another forced smile I look at you.


I close the door behind me and slowly walk up my driveway, my bottom lip trembling as I do. I get to my door and text my sister to let me in so the stupid dogs won't bark and wake the baby.

As I walk to far forward I hear your car take off. I turn and walk to the bottom of my drive way, watching you go. Watching your silver car get smaller and smaller. I turn so I don't have to see you disappear.

I begin to breath harder, I feel like my chest is breaking and for the shorted time I am hyperventilating. You were gone, when I needed you to stay. You weren't holding me when I was falling apart.

But I know you couldn't be. I know you have a job and that with out it things would be harder.

The garage door begins to open and I wipe my eyes, and force my breathing back to normal. Emotion is not something I can show to my sister, she is not like you.

I take one last look down the street you left me down. A shiver of my bottom lip as I don't see you any more.

But I know I will see you again, I know that soon I will hear your voice, I will taste your lips and moan as you make love to me.

Even though the tears are flowing down my cheeks as I write, I know to be strong for you. I know that things must be with way, and I know there is nothing to be done.

"We will be together soon baby." I tell myself as I lay in my bed. Closing my eyes and gently focusing on my tingling rear, and smiling as it reminds me of how you made me feel only a short while ago.

How close you were to me. How much love you showed for me. How much pleasure spread through my body as your hips bucked into me...

You are my gorgeous fur dragon. My beautiful mate. Even though I am sad when I say goodbye, don't think I'm not happy.


You make me happy~