Stolen 01: Stolen

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#1 of [2005] Stolen

This is the second story I wrote. Again, it was written a long, long time ago, and published to the Digiartists' Domain. After Lost in the Woods I never completely finished another series, which is quite unfortunate. I've got to work on my follow through.

Anyway, this is an unfinished story, and unfortunately it gets rather convoluted where the names come through, because there are multiple Veemon involved. At the time I didn't want to call them all Veemon, but I didn't want to name them something else, so I gave them all initial-based nicknames. If I were to write this again, that's one thing I'd change.

Some chapters of Stolen contain rape. Those chapters will be marked appropriately.

Of all my old work, Stolen is probably the series I'm least proud of. My current work is much better, so please don't let this discourage you from checking it out!

Stolen by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published January 31, 2005

Davis, Cody, DemiVeemon and Upamon sat on the beach, enjoying a summer day. The rest of the DigiDestined had chosen to go on a camping trip rather than enjoy some time at home, and they four were left to themselves on this day, as their parents had gone to visit some friends for a while. They were both left with Cody's grandparents, who weren't too particular on how they spent their day, as long as they were careful and home before nightfall.

"Davis, I'm bored!" complained DemiVeemon. "Can't we play a game or something?"

"Yeah!" agreed Upamon. "If I sit still under this sun any longer, I'll end up as crispy as your grandma's homemade potato chips! Which reminds me, when's lunch?"

Cody laughed. "Upamon, you're always hungry! Alright, time to do something fun!"

Davis was on his feet already. "Yeah, I was just thinking of something to do. How about volleyball?"

Cody shrugged. "We don't have a net."

"That's alright, Cody!" Davis said. "Let's see...." He ran to another part of the beach, returning with one of the stools that the lifeguards no longer used and a long pole. He ran back and got another stool, then set the two stools several feet apart and the pole across them. He grinned at Cody. "We can use this! You just have to hit the ball over the pole!"

Within minutes, the four friends were enjoying a fun game of volleyball. Though the Digimon were small at their In-Training levels, they were able to hit the ball pretty well. Things were going great for Cody and Davis and their Digimon partners.

Meanwhile, on the camping trip, the other DigiDestined were worried. A Digimon had been appearing in various parts of the real world. Nobody had seen it yet, since the places in which it appeared were usually clear of people and Digimon alike. But Ken had seen it, and had immediately sent an e-mail to the other DigiDestined. Davis and Cody had been too caught up in their volleyball game to notice their D-Terminals' alarm about the e-mail, but the rest of the DigiDestined got it, and their biggest concern was where it would go next.

They sat around their campfire, each with an expression of deep thought written on their faces. T.K. read Ken's message over and over again:


A Digimon has been appearing in the real world! Nobody knows how or why. In fact, only two people other than myself have actually seen it: two DigiDestined named Cameron and Jake. The Digimon in question "Diginapped" their Digimon partners, and they have no idea where this Digimon has disappeared to now. Both of them have gone looking for their Digimon, and have identified the kidnapper as Arkadimon. Be very careful for now, and try to figure out reasons why this is happening and how to stop him from kidnapping more Digimon. I'm at Izzy's right now and we're doing the same. Stay safe!


Davis hit the ball hard in what was meant to be a perfect, point-scoring spike. Unfortunately, the ball soared over the heads of Cody and Upamon, hitting ground outside the court and beginning to roll away.

"Oops," said Davis, grinning. "Guess the court's not that long after all!"

"I'll get it, Davis!" DemiVeemon ran after the ball, which had stopped rolling some yards away from the court. DemiVeemon was just about to turn back when a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It appeared to be a Digimon.

"Hello there," it said, its low growl of a voice carrying a menacing note. DemiVeemon suddenly glowed with a yellow light. When the light disappeared, Veemon was standing there.

"Wha...? I Digivolved! Who are you?"

The Digimon only charged at Veemon with amazing speed. Veemon turned to run, but only found himself hanging by his tail from the Digimon's claw.

"Veemon, NO!" cried Davis, grabbing his D3 and his D-Terminal. "DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!"

Veemon was ready. "Veemon, armor-Digivolve to... FLAMEDRAMON, THE FIRE OF COURAGE!" By now, Upamon had already Digivolved to Armadillomon, and Cody quickly made him armor-Digivolve to Digmon.

Flamedramon was able to fly on his own. He yanked his tail out of the unknown Digimon's grasp. "FIRE ROCKET!"

But the Digimon disappeared, and the fireballs went hurtling into the sand of the beach. Flamedramon looked around for it, confused, until something tapped his shoulder, and the same menacing voice from before said, "Behind you." Flamedramon turned just in time to see the large fist coming straight at him. The next thing he knew, he was Veemon again, and sitting at the base of a telephone pole, stars crowning him. Dazed, he stared up at the Digimon. He wanted to run, to at least move, but he couldn't.

Digmon glared at the large Digimon. "GOLD RUSH!" The attack had no effect. Digmon began attacking rapidly from every angle he could, but the Digimon just ignored him and glared at the trembling Veemon at the base of the telephone pole.

Finally, Veemon found his strength. "VEE HEADBUTT!" But with the wave of a hand the Digimon sent Veemon right to the ground again. Davis began to panic, and he grabbed his D-Terminal to send an e-mail to the others. The Digimon seemed to realize this, so he grabbed Veemon, letting his claws dig hard into his sides. Veemon screamed in pain as the others stared in horror at the blood that was oozing from between the huge Digimon's claws. Davis, desperate to get his partner back, tried to take a run at the Digimon himself, but Digmon stopped him.

"You can't do anything, Davis!" he said. "I can't either! I've hit him everywhere and it's like he didn't even feel it!"

Tears were streaming down Davis' cheeks. "B-but... Veemon..." he stammered.

"DAVIIIS!" Veemon cried. Just after that, the Digimon and Veemon disappeared in a flash of bright light. Davis, stunned, stood up. Instead of the sadness and fear of losing his partner that was on his face before, there was now rage.

"Cody, Digmon, let's go," he said. "We've got to find Veemon...."

To Be Continued...

Lost in the Woods 15: Rescue

**Rescue** by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published January 31, 2005 Flamon's friends came up with several plans over the next few days to get Flamon out of the cave. Every plan was a "sure success" to them, but every time they tried it, they...

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Lost in the Woods 14: A Random Attack

**A Random Attack** by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published January 31, 2005 Veemon stared at the spot where Flamon had been laying before. Nothing was there now but a bit of blood. Veemon had to tell the others. "Veemon, digivolve to......

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Lost in the Woods 13: Flamon

**Flamon** by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally published January 31, 2005 Veemon woke early the next morning with Agumon's arm around him. The fire had died out, and the sun was just beginning to appear. Veemon sat up and waited for his lover to wake...

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