Stolen 04: Arkadimon's Entertainment

Story by Find12 on SoFurry

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#4 of [2005] Stolen

This is the second story I wrote. Again, it was written a long, long time ago, and published to the Digiartists' Domain. After Lost in the Woods I never completely finished another series, which is quite unfortunate. I've got to work on my follow through.

Anyway, this is an unfinished story, and unfortunately it gets rather convoluted where the names come through, because there are multiple Veemon involved. At the time I didn't want to call them all Veemon, but I didn't want to name them something else, so I gave them all initial-based nicknames. If I were to write this again, that's one thing I'd change.

Some chapters of Stolen contain rape. Those chapters will be marked appropriately.


Of all my old work, Stolen is probably the series I'm least proud of. My current work is much better, so please don't let this discourage you from checking it out!

Arkadimon's Entertainment by 12 as Da WOLFE Originally posted February 14, 2005

Monodramon and Ryo were still unconscious the next morning. Armadillomon had used some medicine from the medicine box Davis had thought to bring on their wounds, and now Armadillomon, Davis and Cody were sitting around the campfire with Gabumon and Agumon, who were very confused about what had happened.

"All I know," said Gabumon, "is that something or someone grabbed me out of nowhere and was choking me, and then shoved something down my throat. That's the last thing I remember."

Agumon agreed. "My story's just about the same. We would never do anything like this...."

Cody grinned. "That's what I was hoping you'd say."

"Now all we have to do is figure out who it was," said Davis. "Looks like Jake and Cameron will have to wait a bit longer...."

Veemon, J.V., and V.C. continued to work. They had no idea what they were doing, but they didn't need to in order to know that their task was very difficult. The stones they were moving were getting larger and heavier. It wasn't long before the three of them were feeling sore and weak. J.V. fell onto the ground after moving a particularly big one, feeling a bit lightheaded.

"Why's this guy need a castle anyway?" he complained. "He's got this... place all to himself. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted and this is pointless!"

V.C. nodded. "Think he'll let us take a break?"

"I don't know," said Veemon, sitting next to J.V. "But I'm with J.V. How long will we have to do this anyway?"

"I guess until we're done," replied V.C., sitting on Veemon's other side. "Let's just hope he doesn't want it big."

There was a sudden whooshing noise, and, out of nowhere, Arkadimon appeared in front of them.

"You do know that I can hear every word you say, right?"

V.C. rolled his eyes. "Just terrific. Well, can we stop for a while? We're so tired...."

Arkadimon smirked. "Deal with it."

J.V. stood up angrily. "Now that's just not fair! Who do you think you are?! Don't you know we a break every now and then to at least keep us alive?!"

Arkadimon looked at J.V. as if he were considering him. J.V. stared back at him, beginning to regret his outburst. Without warning, Arkadimon grabbed J.V.

"Hey, no!" cried Veemon. V.C. joined in with a "Put him down!" But Arkadimon paid no attention to them. J.V. shut his eyes tightly, and before he knew it, he and Arkadimon were in a completely different room. He found himself on the ground in front of Arkadimon.

"You need to be punished for opening that big mouth of yours," said Arkadimon. J.V. began trembling in fear. Arkadimon sat down in front of him.

"First, I want you to clean my feet--with your tongue."

J.V. stared. What an unusual punishment! "No way!" he said.

Arkadimon glared. "Would you like something more painful?"

J.V. sighed and got to his knees, bending over to lick at one of Arkadimon's bare feet. They had a funny taste to them. It was one that J.V. didn't like. Still, he kept licking.

After a while of this, J.V. noticed a lot of movement from Arkadimon. Afraid even to look at him, J.V. concentrated on licking the toes, which were beginning to wiggle and curl.

Arkadimon was loving the pleasurable sensations coming from his feet. There was no method to J.V.'s licking, but the feeling was still wonderful to him. He began to rub his sixteen-inch member, feeling J.V.'s tongue moving around on his toes. Poor J.V. did the best he could to get every inch of Arkadimon's feet, for fear of what the Ultimate could do to him if he didn't. When he was done, he stood up straight--only to be drenched with cum from Arkadimon. J.V. was too afraid to show it, but he was feeling incredibly disgusted by it. He stood stock-still, covered from head to toe in cum.

"Do you think that was enough punishment for you?" asked Arkadimon. J.V. nodded hopefully. Arkadimon shook his head.


Suddenly, vine-like tentacles shot out from Arkadimon and wrapped themselves around him. J.V. gasped, fear gripping his heart.

"Have fun," said Arkadimon, leaving the room. The tentacles began moving around slowly over his body. J.V. gave a sharp cry of pain as two of them rammed into his pouch and yanked out his limp member.

"NO!" cried J.V., realizing what was about to happen to him. "Somebody help!" Nobody else knew what was happening. Veemon and V.C. were laboring in the other room, hoping that J.V. was okay, while Arkadimon watched, amused, on his monitor in another room. Three of the tentacles grabbed J.V.'s tail, pulling it upward to make room for the one that rammed itself into his tail hole. J.V. screamed in pain, feeling it go deeper and deeper as the one gripping his limp cock began moving back and forth, rubbing it to full hardness, jerking it roughly. The first tentacle stopped for a second as another one joined it. Blood spurted from J.V.'s tail hole as they continued to move deeper and farther into his body.

Pain coursed through every vein in J.V.'s body. Tears were streaming endlessly down his cheeks. "STOOOP!" he yelled, hoping that someone would hear him that would help. But it was to no avail. Instead, two more tentacles whipped his chest, punishing him for the yelling. Still more began whipping his buttocks, making him jump from the sting. J.V.'s cries of pain echoed through the room, but no farther. The tentacles that had whipped his chest joined the other two in his tail hole, which was now being painfully stretched even more. The first two moved even farther into him. J.V. gasped as he felt them enter his stomach. They were poking around inside him, looking for a way to go still farther. The other two rammed into his rear passage, coated with blood. It was the most painful thing that J.V. had ever felt in his life. The one in front of him had somehow begun to suck on his prick wildly, and hard. J.V. couldn't help the precum that streamed from it.

By now, J.V. was positively screaming in pain. More and more tentacles were joining the ones inside him. He felt three of them inside his throat. They began ramming in and out, entering his mouth every now and then. Still five more continued around his rear. Blood was covering the ground. Breathing was difficult. And still they pummeled into him. The tentacle on his penis suddenly left to join the others inside him. J.V. screamed once again before cum began spurting from his own dick. It mixed with the blood on the ground as the tentacles inside of him all erupted at once. A thick, ice-cold substance filled him from the rear, and also from the ones in his throat. J.V. had no choice but to swallow it. It had a terribly bitter taste. All of the tentacles continued to fill him, making him cum long and hard.

Suddenly, it was all over. The tentacles pulled away from him as he fell to the ground, sobbing, his tail hole stretched beyond belief and aching painfully, his entire body ravaged by the tentacles that had gone completely through his body, his butt red and sore from the whipping it had received covered in blood and tears and the ice-cold fluid that had come from the tentacles, as well as a bit of his own semen. Arkadimon entered the room casually.

"Now, who's the boss?" Arkadimon mused. J.V. only sobbed harder, feeling too much pain to respond. Arkadimon picked him up by the tail and took him to the workroom, where Veemon and V.C. stared in disbelief at the mess Arkadimon had made of their friend. Arkadimon tossed him carelessly to the ground.

"You two have the rest of the day to fix him up," he said to Veemon and V.C. "And then it's back to work. For all three of you." Without another word, Arkadimon left.

Veemon turned to the sobbing Digimon on the ground. He had obviously been raped again. He was covered in semen and blood, and Veemon didn't even know what the odd, light-blue slime was. He had two red marks on his chest and many more on his rear end. His tail hole was stretched to a size large enough to fit a fist in. V.C. stared in numb silence as Veemon gently lifted J.V.'s head, wiping his tears.

"It's okay, J.V.," he said comfortingly. "It's all over now. We won't let it happen again."

J.V. felt a lot better knowing that he at least had two Digimon that would stay on his side. He slowly turned his head to Veemon. Hatred was coursing through every part of Veemon's being. "I'll get you for this, Arkadimon," he said. "I swear. I'll get you for hurting my friend...."

The words sent a shudder through J.V. His sobbing eventually died down to hiccups. V.C. seemed to thaw out a bit and began to help in any way he could. Together, he and Veemon carried J.V. to a washroom where they gently cleaned him up with warm water and some soap, and then back to their cell, where they found a small amount of pain medication left by Arkadimon. It wasn't nearly enough to have much of an effect, but it would have to do. J.V. lay with his head in Veemon's lap as V.C. carefully gave him every medicine they could. Then, Veemon rocked back and forth, stroking his head gently until he fell asleep. V.C. sighed.

"You think he'll be ready to work again tomorrow?"

"Not a chance," replied Veemon. "We're going to have to work twice as hard tomorrow to cover for him.

Arkadimon sat in his room, thought on his face. He'd watched one of the Veemon say that he'd be out to get him for what had happened to J.V.

I'll have to keep an eye on that one,_he thought. The look he had seen in Veemon's eyes on his screen had actually frightened him. A pure fire burned in them, and hatred pulsed through his gaze. Arkadimon shuddered, but then shrugged off the feeling. _Nah, he thought. He won't be able to do a thing to me once I'm through with him. None of them will.... Not one....

To Be Continued...