Awake and Alive: Survival

Story by wolfruss77 on SoFurry

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#1 of Awake and Alive

Rick and his friend Tyler have been stranded on an island full of Dinosaurs after their boat sank. Now the two fight to survive against the odds and wait for rescue but will a female raptor a male T-rex along with an amazing discovery lead to rescue or a grisly end for our heroes. Male Human OCXFemale Raptor. Lemon at the end.

The following story was taken from my account on I apologize for any grammatical issues or spelling errors in the story and I assure you the reader that they are there only because I am too lazy to fix them. Now on to the story!

Awake and Alive: Survival

Running, that's all I could think about at the moment. Running, it might seem tiring to you but I have been doing this for a while now. It's one of the most important things to do when surviving on this god forsaken island. I looked to my left to see my best friend Tyler ducking under a log before rolling to his feet and continuing to run alongside me. He is likely one of if not the only thing that has kept me sane throughout this whole ordeal.

My name is Rick Stanton and me and my friend Tyler have been stuck here for a month and you might think that, me, a seventeen year old and Tyler a nineteen year old, living on this island would freak out pretty fast. However I actually read enough survival stories to know what to do and Tyler has always been used to being on his own and was an avid hunter. You just don't know when something gonna pop out and in this jungle, it happens a lot around here thank god for horror movies they made me pay attention to my surroundings. Sometimes I wonder when help or rescue will arrive. Hell, I'll take a shrimp or clam boat at this point.

When we first got to this as a result of a boating incident we had a nagging suspicion about where we had landed. It had been raining from the storm that had caused our boat to sink, then again it probably wasn't a good idea to go on a boating trip with Tyler and his father Dan who plot a course that was too close to this particular island. We had struggled ashore after the boat had sunk and soon blacked out we awoke the next day and scoured the beach for anything that could have washed ashore. We found a few things namely Tyler's Bear Archery Brave 3 bow set that he had used to shoot fish near the boat, a few flares, and Dan. Dan had drowned at sea and had been washed up on the beach Tyler... had been quite for a long time as we buried him and awhile after.

After burying Dan we had started to head inland to find a spot to make camp it didn't take us long to discover that we were indeed on the island we feared we were on. That first night we slept high in the trees.

The next day we found the bunker that was now our home. I had found an old military radio in our hideout. Of course, as everything else here it is old and busted. I've been looking for the parts, but no such luck. The building happens to be a security outpost. The only entrance is the garage and front door, thankfully Tyler had reinforced the garage door so nothing big could break in. We lucked out and found a solar power and water generator. Do you know how much power is stored from years of unused solar power? A lot. The water generator comes from a stream running below the building; luckily the stream is small enough to not let big things like compys though, but enough for fish to pass though.

We had found a lot of useful stuff in the bunker as well like some weapons such as tranquilizer guns and a knife. But the most important thing I found is a modern long lasting bow and a lot of arrows that I shared with Tyler. Some people think that guns are better, but let me ask you something. If you go for one use tranq bullets or reusable arrows then which one would you use? Plus as Tyler had pointed out when I thought of using a sniper rifle with bullets we had found "guns make a lot of noise and bows are relatively silent". So we use it for defense of the bunker although with all the traps we have set up it doesn't come into play much.

Back to me, I was running from some triceratops that looked like normal ones you would expect to see. I would be jumping and ducking the trees and roots in the path, but these guys were plowing through like it was nothing, thank-god Tyler and me had gotten really good at parkour. We had to reach the area where the outpost was in order to be safe from these things. There is another smaller bunker looking building nearby that will take us there without going through open plains; which is dangerous. You don't want another dinosaur chasing you now do you?

Rick jump over a fallen tree to end up at the bottom of a small embankment. He found a small crevice on the side of the embankment to hide for a moment. Tyler quickly joined him and they waited. The thundering hoof beats of the triceratops passed over them. Rick looked out of their hiding place to see the triceratops continue on into the dense jungle.

They came out and stayed couched to listen to the area. Rick closed his eyes to listen carefully. If there was one thing that all of this island life had taught him and Tyler is 'be aware of your surroundings...or else'. He slowly took the bow on his back and an arrow. He notched it silently and waited. He soon heard some scampering on his left. He pulled the arrow back and readied to fire it. The scampering came closer and closer. 'That's close enough.' He opened his eyes and aimed to the left to see some leaves moving, although they weren't making a sound, it was obvious that something was there. He let go of the arrow and it went away silently though the air. It went into the bushes and out came a cry of pain. He knew he struck gold.

He went over to find a regular size compy with an arrow though it's midsection. "Nice shot." Tyler told him as he pulled the arrow out and picked up the compy. The two then ran all the way to the bunker quickly with their weapons on their backs and a bleeding compy. They had to cover up the smell fast, otherwise the most dangerous thing on the island would be there in a heartbeat, and no, it is not the T-rex. It is the god dam raptors that are biggest problem here. They are able to track a smell of blood from a long ways away and could you say SMART; Rick had some hunter's smell masker near the building to hide the smell so they had to make it there quickly.

They came though the last thicket of forest and emerged in front of a gray bunker that he had been looking for. He put the compy near the door and then looked around for an emergency box that Rick had filled with some scent masker. Finding it, Rick pulled out a powder filled can and started to spread around the area of the clearing of the bunker. If they were lucky then any predator would pass by without a thought. He finished up with a bit more placed around the edges and the door to make sure.

They then took the underground tunnel to the outpost to finally cook the thing. They had eaten raw meat from fresh kills before they had found a working stove. Rick couldn't wait to savior the taste of the fresh meat. After a few days on the island, he turned from a city kid to an island survivor. If someone told him that he couldn't survive on an island for a week, he would laugh his ass off at this. 'A week, try a month.'

He came upon the underground door to the outpost and felt relief at this. The two had been out on the jungle for two days and couldn't wait for some sleep on their beds. He opened the door to find himself in the maintenance tunnel. There are three outgoing tunnels, but only one is unblocked from cave-ins. He went upstairs to end up in the lobby. The only place he needs to be is upstairs. He went up the spiral staircase followed by Tyler to their home. He emerged to the living room to find that his IPod is still playing 'Crawling Back to You' by Daughtry. 'I can't believe that I left that on.' Although it was at a low setting, it was dangerous to leave it like that. He certainly didn't want any dinos snooping around here. The IPod had luckily survived the boat incident and it helped their mentality immensely being able to listen to music, Rick quickly turned it off and went to kitchen to cook up some compy while Tyler went off to check the booby-traps around the bunker. Good thing they now had something fresh, five day old meat is bad, even with a freezer. He put down the compy on the cutting board to start slicing the good parts; everything else goes in the incinerator. All those years of cutting chicken with his dad paid off to get some food in his stomach. Once he finished with cutting them apart, he sliced in some places on the meat to make a small crevice. He then took some salt to marinate it overnight. Once he finishes that he placed them all in the fridge in a large bowl. He would cook them tomorrow. Now, he had to eat leftovers.

After he and Tyler, who had returned from checking the traps, finished eating Rick let out a big burp that went unexcused, after all who cares about table manners on this island? Rick took off the tactical vest he had found in the armory and often wore. He then took off his tactical pants to be in his 'inside clothes' as he called it; a half pants and light shirt. He placed them both on the table and went to sleep on his makeshift bed he made out of good ones he found Tyler quickly doing the same before going to what he licked to call "The Nest" which was a small balcony area that was adjacent to Rick's room. The balcony had a roof and large windows that Tyler had set camouflage netting in front of to obscure any predator's sight of the rooms' occupants. Rick settled in for a decent night's sleep as the moon rose to signal it nighttime. He started to wonder what else this island has in store for him. It had been a month of living hell, but this is how humans use to live way back when so he's not that worried.

The Velociraptor pack was running toward whatever made that bloodied smell. Whatever it was, it smells fresh and possibly good to eat. They came upon a clearing that had the building the humans made. How they hated the humans. They had trapped them and tortured them for a long time. Now they were free, but still the human signs of living there once where still there. The pack sniffed to find the trail, but it disappeared. They all started to split up to find out where the smell is, leaving one in the clearing. The remaining raptor came upon some white powder and took a whiff. When the powder hit its nostrils it itched so much that the raptor sneezed it out again and again. When it was gone the raptor found that the sneezing powder ran in a circle around the building. There was even a bit around the entrance.

Unlike the others in its pack, this one raptor was a bit special. It found human life to be fascinating. The raptor would collect human items such as their clothing and personal items they carried from the mainland, although it didn't know about the mainland. It turned its head to enter the door, which was slightly open but still had a bar across it. The raptor knew enough of human buildings to know how to open them and even unlock and lock too.

When it was about to pull the bar it heard a raptor call, three cries that meant trouble. It turned to the direction of the call and ran though the canopy forest quickly to get there. While it was jumping and sometimes sliding though trees, it heard more cries that came from the pack. Apparently they were trying to help too. The cries kept getting smaller in time until there was none left. The raptor stopped when a loud roar that shook the area and left the raptor unsteady came. The raptor knew this roar. It was the victorious roar of the T-rex, as the humans called it, which signaled they won.

Realization set in on the lone raptor. It ran through the forest to end up in the clearing where the battle had taken place. It stopped short of running into the clearing and couched down in the heavy grass area. It found it's brethren on the ground dead and not one, but three T-rex. Apparently one of its pack members had made a mistake and ran into the family. The rexes looked around for a bit, savoring their victory then went into the forest. The raptor emerged into the clearing to find that every raptor in the pack was killed. Now that its pack was dead the raptor realized that without a good number of pack mates it couldn't defend its territory, it was probably already taken by now. The raptor starts to walk back toward where the human building was hoping to find whatever made the blood scent in order to find a meal before moving on.

The raptor came upon the bunker again and ran straight for the door. It took the bar on the inside by using its front claw. The raptor lifted the bar until it slide back to fall off. Once the bar was off it opened the door to hear a heavy creek as it opened. It started to walk down the hallway, its killing claw clicking against the floor every time it took a step.

It soon came upon the building interior lobby. It started to sniff around and found that the smell is coming from upstairs. It took one step forward before hearing a high pitched whining sound coming from its right. It turned its head toward the sound and found, what the humans called rope, running though something. The raptor was then lifted up in the air in a large net with its body placed in an upward curve. The raptor tried to use its claws to cut the net, but it was too tough. It quickly gave up and just hanged there. Suddenly it heard the sound of footfalls, two sets to be exact. First it was thumps then clacks and it hit the stairs. It turned its head to see two humans one carrying a bow and the other a rifle at the ready coming down the stairs.

Tyler and Rick walked calmly down the stairs after hearing one of their traps go off. They were surprised to find they had caught a raptor in the net. They stopped halfway and Rick lowered his bow before leaning against the rail with a smirk on his face. The raptor turned its head toward him and gave a raptor hiss. Then it just proceeded to stare at him. The smirk on his face grew bigger until he proclaimed "Well we caught us a big one."

Rick gazed at the unfortunate raptor suspended in his and Tyler's trap. The raptor was a dark white color with a gray underbelly. Its claws were pure black, so black in fact that it was reflective enough for Rick to see his reflection in if he got close enough. The raptor continued to gaze at them with silver colored eyes that seemed to hold a sense of wisdom in them uncommon among other raptors. The only imperfection on the raptor was a gruesome scar that ran from her right eye to the left of the front most part of her head. The scar itself was an inch wide and was a darkened color indicating it was inflected a long time ago.

"So what are we going to do with this one?" Rick asked Tyler who stood next to him and was gazing at the raptor with the rifle ready. Tyler regarded the raptor before them for a while before replying. "Well we have plenty of food for now and cleaning all the edible meat off a raptor is going to be a bitch so...I'll just kill it than burn the body." Tyler answered as he took out a machete they had found in the bunker and approached the helpless raptor.

Rick quickly looked at the raptor again before his black reddish eyes locked with the silver eyes of the raptor. Rick saw the unmistakable look of horror cross the raptors eyes as it saw Tyler approaching it with the machete, and was that sadness as well? Suddenly Rick knew he couldn't let Tyler kill the raptor. "Wait!" Rick shouted just as Tyler got close enough to give a deathblow to the raptor throat.

Tyler stopped before turning his head to gaze at Rick with his dark brown eyes that seemed to be now filled with a dangerous light, borrowed into his own. "Why?" The simple word uttered from Tyler's lips carried an edge in them that Tyler always got when he was about to make a kill. The edge had only appeared after his father's death but it carried enough venom in it to send a chill down Rick's spine. Rick gathered his courage before replying "There is no need to kill it, as you said we have plenty of food and hunters like yourself don't kill needlessly." Rick answered as confidently as he could.

"If we let it go it will bring others from its pack here to eat us." Tyler argued his voice still having the same edge in his voice. Rick clenched his fist in nervousness. He knew what Tyler said was true but he felt somehow connected with the raptor, and he knew he couldn't bear to see it killed. "Please just don't kill it, I'll be responsible for the consequences...just please let it go." Rick finished lowering his eyes to stare at the ground. Tyler seemed to stare at him for an eternity before he let out a sigh.

"Fine, but just so you know this is a bad idea." He finally replied before using the machete to cut the rope suspending the raptor and then backing up and raising his rifle as the raptor untangled itself from the net. Once the raptor was free it stood there for a minute looking at the two humans before locking eyes with Rick. It regarded him for a moment before lowering its head in what could only be interpreted as a thank you, before turning back to the opened door and running out at full sprint. Tyler quickly approached the door and closed it. Turning back to Rick after closing the door "I'll be staying awake tonight, let's get up stairs." He stated before brushing past him and up the stairs. "Thanks" Rick called up after him. "...What are friends for?" Tyler replied over his shoulder with a slight smile as he disappeared into the second floor.

"I can't believe it humans on the island! The most hated species had returned to the island, and...they had let me go." The raptor thought as it ran through the jungle. "What should I do now though I can't go back to our nesting area now that the packs gone...wait Angel's pack! They were always nice to us and they even accepted lone raptors before maybe they'll let me join them." The raptors thought happily as it changed its course and headed toward Angle's packs territory.

: Rick's POV:

The following morning Rick woke up to the morning rays of sunlight filtering in through a skylight above. Rubbing his eyes he sat up and proceeded to get dressed in his usual hunting gear before heading down to the lobby where Tyler waited for him. Turning to a mirror in his room he regarded the reflection of himself.

The soon to be 18 year old was thin from working in the jungle and watching his diet; he was also muscular from said demand of working in the jungle. His white skin was pale from trying to stay in the shadows cast by the large trees in the jungle. His white hair was long and unkempt and covered his eyes. He wore a black raincoat that covered him like a cloak under which he wore some body armor that they had found in one of the many buildings that littered the island, which protected him from injury while running through thick foliage.

After descending down the stairs to the first floor Rick glanced over at his best friend Tyler as he checked his bow. Tyler stood at 6'1 with short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes that when not looking like they might kill you at a glance held a calmness that Rick found somewhat eased his fears about surviving on the island. Tyler had an athletic build of a sprinter and toned muscles. He wore a black short sleeved under armor that was very breathable under a dark grey long sleeved shirt. He also wore brown hiking boots and baggy camouflage pants that had a number of pockets that various equipment go in that they may need on any expeditions.

"So what's the game plan for today?" Tyler asked Rick once he noticed him coming down the stairs. Rick thought for a minute before coming up with a plan. "We'll check out the facility we saw last week by the river. We may be able to find some parts for the radio or something else useful there." Tyler nodded "Sounds like a plan, let's get moving then." The two of them walked out of the bunker and set a course to the complex unaware of what awaited them there.

: Tyler's POV:

After about a two hour hike from the bunker we arrived at the facility we were going to check out. The facility looked like it was only one story from the front however as it was built on a cliff, it had many sub-fools that's windows could be seen looking out at the land from their positions on the cliff face. "Scientists _probably wanted a good view of their creations as they played god."_Tyler couldn't help think as he and Rick approached the facility. They entered the front door which was slightly ajar making warning bell go off in Tyler's head causing himself and rick to share a glance before pulling their guns (or in Rick's case a bow) off their backs and into a ready to fire position as they entered the facility.

The two human emerged into what could only have been a lobby like area complete with a reception desk with a sign above it that said Tours in big white letters. The two friends made their way over to the desk to search for anything useful. "Why did they have tours here? I thought site B was the factory floor away from the tourists?" Rick ask out loud as they searched. "Maybe it was for VIP's or INGEN executives to help show their operation." Tyler shrugged "Doesn't matter now anyway, their dead and INGEN is almost gone because of this whole fuck up." Tyler answered before noticing a drawer that was labeled "Audio Tours". Opening the drawer Tyler found ten audio devices with earphones. "These could be useful, take the batteries out of eight of them and bag them, well keep two of them so that they can tell us what rooms are what to help us scavenge." Tyler told Rick who nodded before shoving eight of the devices into a backpack they had brought with them. Tyler took one of the remaining two devices and placed one headphone into his left ear before pressing the play button and putting the device into a pants pocket.

"Welcome honored guest to your VIP tour of INGEN's TDC or Technology development facility. This is where our dedicated scientists make future technology to integrate into the park. Please proceed to the room with the red A above the door to begin the tour." The audio device began as Rick and Tyler glanced around before spotting a door a large letter eye above it and walked through the open door. The two humans walked down a hallway and opened a door on the far side and found themselves on a walkway overlooking a room with test tubes along shelves that were scattered around the room. As the two gazed at the room below them the audio tour continued "This is the DNA storage facility where scientists keep blood samples from all dinosaur species as well as other indigenous animals found on the island. The DNA in this room is used for analysis and comparison to Species X and possible insight for projects like Utopia, Elipson, and Enforcer. Please proceed to the next room, the Hatchery."

"What the hell is it talking about Elipson, Utopia, Enforcer, Species X, what the hell where they doing here?" Rick thought as he and Tyler made their way to the next room. "Maybe I don't want to know." He thought as they opened the door to the hatchery.

: Meanwhile somewhere in the jungle:

Angel sighed as it watched her packs two newest additions. The two baby raptors where busy playing with their mother Abba at one of the five nests. While Angel was happy for the new members the fact that they were the only two to hatch out of the 28 eggs that had been laid amongst three pairs was troubling. For the last four mating periods the number of live young that where born had plummeted from the usual 18 or on a good year 25 to a measly 2 or 3. When they had 18 or so hatchlings maybe 6 or 7 would survive to adult hood but now with only two young ones the raptor pack now faced the possibility that none of their young would survive childhood.

Angel couldn't help but think that her species was doomed to die as from what she heard all other raptor packs had the similar problem with exception of the Black-neck pack that for some reason seemed to multiply and now had over 42 raptors! Angel's pack consisted of only 11 including herself and the two young ones. Other species on the island didn't have this problem, was her species cursed or something?! Her pack had done all they could to try and have as many offspring hatch as possible. The females had all been fed well the eggs had been kept warm and where never left unattended. Angle had even refused to take a mate and have eggs herself so she could hunt and bring back more food for the others. She saw that as her duty as Alpha, not that she couldn't have hatchling if she wanted to.

Angel was a very fit raptor that was slightly taller than average. She had a gorgeous (for raptors) dark green hide with a tan underbelly with black streaks that went across her back. She had attractive amber colored eyes that had made a good many male raptors attempt to court her, she hadn't met one strong enough as of yet. Suddenly one of the four male members of her pack approached her "Alpha Angel we found a raptor from the White-Claw pack in our territory she said that she wishes to speak to you." The raptor stated.

Angel followed the other raptor out of the nesting area and toward three other raptors standing a ways away. Two of the three raptors where two of the other male pack members while the third was a stranger with a dark colored body and white claws. "You wanted to speak with me white claw?" Angel said to the new raptor that lowered its self to show respect.

"Y-yes my name is Lucy and the white-claw pack was killed yesterday by a family of T-rex. I'm the only one that survived and heard that your pack accepted outsiders so..." The raptor, now identified as Lucy, trailed off. "So you came here to ask to join our pack." Angel finished to which Lucy nodded. "Well while it means we will have one more mouth to feed our numbers are dwindling to a point where we can't afford to turn you away. Welcome to the Outcast pack don't cause trouble and do your part and we won't have problems." Angel said as she began to turn around to head back to the nesting area.

Seeing Angel about to leave Lucy spoke up "Ummm... Alpha Angel there was something else I wanted to tell you. I saw a pair of humans living in an old building a few miles to the west." Angel stopped in her tracks before slowly turning around and looking Lucy in the eye "Are you sure?" Angel asked looking intently at her newest pack mate. "Yes I'm sure." Lucy answered her.

Angel nodded "Humans! What are they doing here after all this time? Could they be responsible for the low number of young?" Angel thought before addressing Lucy "Thank you for the news, I believe you must be tired from the trip here go and get some food our hunting group returned a little while ago with some compys." Angel told Lucy before turning to address her three male pack members Sawtooth after she has eaten show her around the territory. Luke go to Abba and help take care of both your young. Adam I am going to see these human for myself take care of things while I'm gone and tell everyone there is going to be a pack meeting when I return." Angel ordered to which the three raptors gave a chirp of acknowledgment before running off to do their tasks. Angel then turned and ran toward where Lucy had seen the humans "Let's see if these humans are going to be a hassle or a meal" She thought as she ran toward her destination.

Tyler and Rick stood within a rather ornate office. The hatchery room they had come from had been somewhat of a disappointment as most of the hard ware was destroyed from whatever animals had come in earlier or years of no maintenance, however Rick had been able to scavenge some parts for the radio and although they still needed more to get the thing running it was a huge moral boost for the two humans.

After the hatchery the audio tour had taken them to the office they now stood in, which was apparently the director of the facilities office. Red carpet ran from the door to in front of the large wooden desk. Paintings and bookshelves lined the wall making the room look pleasant and visually soothing... unless you counted the dead body in the back of the room. Apparently the director of the facility hadn't made it out and instead stayed behind to retrieve something which was evident by the open safe in the back of the room.

Tyler walked over to the safe simply stepping over the body on the way without seemingly to care. Once he reached the safe he looked inside before turning around and addressing Rick. "There is some weird stuff in here check it out." Tyler said while gesturing for Rick to join him which Rick quickly did while stepping around the body with a slight hesitation. When Rick made it to where Tyler was he looked inside the safe to discover a set of ear pieces one for the left and one for the right as well as a few different syringes with some type of liquid in them. Also lying on the bottom of the safe was some type of journal, likely the directors. Tyler picked up the Journal and began to read after flipping to a random page.

"August 13th: Finally a breakthrough with project Utopia! After years of painstakingly documenting the different species calls we've been able to decipher their language! Imagine our surprise when we found that the more intelligent species not only had a language used by all individuals of the species but was also very similar to all the other species on the island! Using this data we have made a translator device in the form of an earpiece that will translate the sounds of the animals, although the amount that it can translate has varies from species to species we suspect that the predators like the T-rex, and Velociraptors as well as a few of the more intelligent herbivore species like the Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, and Parasaurolophus are likely the best candidates for a near perfect translation. This is a huge step forward to being able to communicate with the animals however we have yet to find a way to enable the animals to understand us." Tyler finished the entry as the two humans gazed at the earpieces in shock.

"T-they made a devise to understand dinosaurs." Rick said aloud to reaffirm what he just heard.

Tyler gazed at the earpiece for a few seconds than casually picked up the left one, put it in his ear and pressed a small button he found at the end. Suddenly Tyler winced and held his had up to his ear for a second before gradually lowering it.

"Well might as well see if it works." Tyler said when he saw Rick staring at him questioningly. Who after his replied picked up the other one and repeated the action with his right ear.

Tyler looked at the book and read another lengthy entry made some time after the first. "October 15: It's done! After a lengthy process of trial and error we determined that the best way for us to communicate with the animals is to rewrite their biological makeup to allow their brain to automatically interoperate human speech. We made the necessary modifications and injected them into the latest batch of eggs however none of the new animals seem to be able to utilize this change. We suspect that it may take one or two more generations of animals for their bodies to become used to the improvements and be able to utilize them. I'll try and convince Hammond to allow us to artificially impregnate the animals so they can have offspring that will be able to utilize the improvements." Tyler finished before closing the book with a look of disgust. "The greatest minds of our time fucking playing god... they got what was coming to them." Tyler said as he stuffed the book into his backpack then after a moment's hesitation the vials as well saying "Might as well."

"So...the dinosaurs won't be able to understand us?" Rick asked. Tyler gave a thoughtful look before replying "They should... it's been 30 or so years since the incident so the animals definitely had young since then. So it's possible they can understand us. They likely don't notice because of the lack of humans that where around by the time they were born."

"Then what about that raptor from earlier?" Rick asked. "Hmmm...maybe but it was likely to panicked to notice." Tyler answered before looking at a map on the wall that showed what appeared to be a layout of the facility. The map was very detailed showing a layout of each floor and the names of the rooms. The two humans decided that they would head toward the armory then over to a large room that was labeled "Hatchery 2" hoping that they would find more parts for the radio. Taking one last look around the office Tyler and Rick set off.

Meanwhile in the nearby jungle Angel was rather tired, she had found the building that her new pack mate Lucy had encountered the humans in and had followed their scent to another building. Now she stood hidden in the foliage debating wither to go inside or wait for the humans to come out. Deciding that she wanted to get back to her pack quickly she made her way inside...

The two humans where now making their way to the 2nd hatchery after they made a quick stop in the armory. To their surprise it had been fully stocked with weapons and ammo, however due to their rather limited capacity of transportation Tyler was the only one that could take one as he had the room in his backpack for the ammo. He now held a spas-12 shotgun and as many rounds as he could stuff into his pockets and backpack as he could, he had even found some armor piercing rounds for it lying around the armory. Now Tyler cradled the gun like a new born baby and Rick could even have sworn he heard him muttering something that sounded like "My precious" a few times.

It was getting rather late in the day as the two made their way to the entrance of the chamber that was at the end of a long hallway to their surprise the door was open and was reinforced steel with no windows and beyond which was utter blackness, that is until they found a light switch. Next to the door was a sign that said WARNING DOOR LOCKS AUTOMATICALY PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH SECURITY ROOM TO OPEN.

"Since I doubt that we'll get an answer if we call please don't...close...the door." Tyler trailed off as he gazed past Ricks shoulders at something. Turning around Rick's heart stopped for a second, at the end of the hall they had just come from and now blocking their way out stood a raptor. The raptor was slightly taller than average and had a dark green hide with a tan underbelly with black streaks that went across its back. Its amber colored eyes where focused on the two humans standing at the other end of the hall. Tyler stared at the raptor and said in a low growl so only Rick could hear "Rick...get inside... and close the door."

It had taken forever to track the humans scent through the complex. Angel had been slightly uncomfortable when she found the rooms with broken egg fragments. However it's what she smelled all over the building that disturbed her the most, something was here and it smelt... wrong.

She had quickened her pace and had found herself at the beginning of a long corridor at the end of the corridor was a metal door that led to a room that was shrouded in blackness, but also what attracted her attention to it was that the weird smell seamed to radiate from beyond that blackness. Angel knew that she should never go through that door as it lead to something that felt like death.

So preoccupied with the door or what lay beyond it was she that it took her a few seconds to notice the two humans on either side of the door. The two were staring at her in backing away slightly toward the door. As Angel met the white hared one's eyes it saw that it was indeed afraid of her but not as much as she expected from the stories her ancestors had told her about them. Also in those eyes she saw what appeared to be a strong will to survive along with a keen mind and determination, something she didn't see in many male raptors. However when she locked eyes with the other human that had noticed her first she was rather shocked by what she saw or rather didn't see. This human's eyes held a dangerous glint to them that reminded her of a raptor about to make a kill but at the same time also had a keen mind. However what shocked her was that unlike the first human this one was more like an empty shell, he (Angel was fairly sure they were both male) had absolutely no well to survive no look of slight hesitance that all animals even predators had at the possibility of getting injured. He just stood their staring right back at her.

Suddenly the two humans bolted threw the doorway. "Wait don't..." but it was too late as the door slammed shut. Angel panicked she still needed to know what the humans where doing on the island! Quickly Angel ran toward the exit, maybe there was another way to get to them from outside. "Wait don't..." a feminine voice shouted as Rick shut the door. The two humans stood there for a second in complete darkness before Rick asked what they were both wondering. "Did that raptor just talk?"

"I guess these ear pieces work after all." Tyler said in a chuckle. "But what was she about to say a..." Tyler stopped as the two heard something scuttling the room they were now locked in. The two spun around only to be met by the dark. Fishing out a flashlight they had brought with them Tyler flicked it on and scanned the room. Suddenly something darted across the lights path but before they could follow it the light coming from the flashlight flickered and died. Silence fell throughout the room for a few moments before Tyler's voice spoke up "Rick...who's turn was it to charge the flash light?"

"I thought it was yours." Rick responded. The sounds of scuttling increased as Rick and Tyler met in what they believed to be, the center of the room. By the sounds coming from around them they had more than one dino to worry about. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!" Rick thought in his head when the light went out and bathed the room he and Tyler where now standing, in complete and utter blackness. The sounds of their pursuers echoed around the room making it impossible to pinpoint their sources.

"How many you think, 5... 6?" Rick asked out loud knowing that unlike them their pursuers already knew where they were and could see them just fine. Tyler, who at this point was back to back with Rick now, pumped a round into his spas-12 shotgun before scanning the room looking for any telltale shadow that could signify their enemy's location. Suddenly a pair of bright white eyes came into existence in front of Tyler then another... and another. Soon dozens of pairs of white eyes were staring at them from every direction. "I think there's more than that." Tyler deadpanned.

The sound of excited chirping came from all around them. The earpiece in Rick and Tyler's ears translated it into a chorus repeating one word that made both shudder "Food" Just after that a shadow shoot toward Rick so that now he could see a mouth full of sharp dagger like teeth. "Fuck!" Rick couldn't help repeat to himself as he brought the rifle he was carrying around and prepared for the fight of his life. BANG!! Rick fired a round directly into the set of oncoming jaws sending it's now deceased owner flying back into the darkness. Behind him Tyler shot off a round at a target approaching him spattering the things brains out of what little remained of its head and sending the body back as well before he readjusted his aim and pumped in a new round and repeating the process to a 2nd target to his right.

Rick caught movement to his left and quickly brought his weapon up and fired a round at a shadow, before being rewarded with a pained cry from its owner. "We have to get out of here, there are too many!" Rick shouted as he popped another target that was moving to his right. Tyler, who had taken out another two targets and had just finished reloading, nodded before taking a hand and fishing out a canister from his left thigh pocket. Pulling a pin Tyler shouted "Look away!"

Just as Rick looked away from where Tyler had thrown the canister a bright flash accompanied by a small concussion came from where he had thrown the canister. Thanks to the brief flash of light both Tyler, who had also turned around to look away from where he had tossed the flash bang, and Rick where able to make out another door on the other side of the room where they had come in that could be pushed open. Without a second thought the two raced for it as the pained screams of their pursuers rang out from the effects of the flash bang.

When the two reached the door Rick who was slightly ahead of Tyler threw it open and the two glimpsed a sliver of light at the end of a corridor that shoed a set of stairs. "Fucking go for it!" Tyler yelled as the two raced toward the stairs. When the two reached the bottom of the stairs they saw that at the top was a metal door that was open and from which daylight shined threw. The two humans began to madly dash up the stairs the sounds of their pursuers reaching them coming down the corridor. As the two made it to the doorway something jumped onto Tyler's back as he leaped forward threw the door closely followed by Rick who turned around and slammed the door shut then sliding a heavy looking bolt lock across and threw a latch in the wall locking it.

Turning around Rick was greeted with the sight of Tyler standing and breathing hard over a red colored dino with white eyes that had no pupils and would stand (if it wasn't currently on its back) at about 3 feet tall with sharp teeth. However the intimidation factor of the reptile was significantly reduced thanks to the machete sticking out of its chest. The dino was letting out pained squawks as Tyler stepped over it before putting his shotgun in its mouth and pulling the trigger. "Yea, fuck you too." Tyler said out loud as he removed his machete from the now headless dino's chest. Tyler looked over at Rick before giving a slight tired smile "Seriously... fuck Hatcheries" and without another word the two very tired humans began the walk home, without noticing the raptor hiding in the brush a ways away studying them with her amber eyes.

After the two humans had left the clearing Angel stepped out of the brush and examined the mystery dino. After giving an experimental sniff it suddenly dawned on her what this creature was.

"A pale-eyed one!" Angel thought, stories of these creatures portrayed them as night stalkers and where whispered amongst the various raptor packs as hunters that preyed upon any raptors that wandered away from the nesting areas alone. It was also a great story to make sure hatchlings behaved. While she, like many other raptors, had herd the strange chirps in the night but she had never actually seen what caused them.

Angel regarded the pale-eyes for a moment before looking at the door one of the humans had locked. "If the only the door I was at before and this one are the only ways for the pale-eyes to get out then..." Angel turned to the forest where the humans had disappeared. "Those humans just stopped the threat of the pale-eyed ones." Angel thought amazed that two humans could unknowingly cause such a big change on the island.

Angel gazed at the sun and noted its low position in the shy indicating that it was getting late. Deciding she should probably get back to her pack she started to make her own way home mentally telling herself to keep an eye on the humans that just did all of the dinosaurs on the island a favor.

"I fucking hate the jungle!" Rick thought as another branch scratched his face. Both he and Tyler where about half way to the bunker, but because of their fatigue they weren't being as careful as they usually would be. In front of him Tyler was stumbling through the brush muttering cusses at all of the roots that nearly caused him to stumble.

Not only did they have a rather long walk to get to the compound but also their lengthy tour of said compound, the fight for their lives, the running for said lives, and now the long-ass walk back had caused even their impressive stamina to diminish to a point where the only thing keeping them going was the promise of a comfortable sleep in the bunker upon their return.

Rick breathed a sigh of relief when they stumbled upon a clearing they could take a short break in. Just as the two were about to sit down and rest their legs a deep sigh accompanied by a warm breeze hit them causing them to slowly turn to the cause. What greeted them was the sight of an adult male T-rex lying down in-front of the two humans gazing at them.

He had a very dark colored hide with a lighter version of the color on his underbelly. He had white claws and a scar running along from the middle of his spine on his back that circled around to a spot between the points of his collar bones which looked like a big hole was caused there. His big yellow eyes bored into the two humans' in-front of him. "Man mother nature is being a bitch today!" Tyler thought as he calmly whispered to Rick. "Don't move...his visions based on mov..."

"I already saw you move human; I can see and hear you." The T-rex said in a monotone voice. "Well shit, there goes that plan." Tyler thought before he noticed that the T-rex hadn't attempted to attack them yet. The T-rex regarded them for a while without moving. "Well... as interesting as it is that I can understand you could you please move along I'm not in the mood to eat or talk to you." The T-rex said in the same monotone as before.

"I take it back, mother nature, I Love You!" Tyler mentally cheered in relief when suddenly Rick stepped forward and asked "What's wrong?" Tyler looked at Rick in agitation "Damn your sentimental side Rick he just told us he doesn't want to talk to us so let's not try and piss of the large carnivore with large teeth and is only, like... 15 feet away from us!" Tyler mentally scolded Rick.

The T-rex simply looked at Rick for a moment before replying "My family... my mate and son... their dead." The T-rex finished in a whisper. That statement caused Tyler to look at the T-rex with a look of sympathy and understanding; after all he had lost the last of his family when his dad died, so he could defiantly understand what the guy was going through. "What happened to them?" Rick asked.

"They were murdered by a rival, he was always jealous of what I had! A family, more strength, more hunting ability...he did it to get back at me the cur!" The T-rex finished in a roar that startled a number of birds into taking flight and causing Tyler to take a wary step back but Rick stood firm. The T-rex calmed down again before continuing. "I made it my purpose in life to hunt down the mongrel and kill him which I did, but now my life has no meaning so now I wait here to die and join my family."

"You can't just give up like this! You still can live a happy life!" Rick argued. The T-rex chuckled "You remind me of my son always trying to cheer me up and argue with me when I was moody... but no human, this time I just wish to join my f- Arrgghhh!" The T-rex roared in pain as Rick stepped up and kicked him hard in the balls.

Tyler's eyes widened and his jaw hit the ground. "Oh fuck! That's it, we're dead. This is going to be hard to explain at the pearly gates, Hi my name's Tyler and I died because my friend walked up to a T-rex and kicked it in the balls! They'll likely send me to hell on principle!" Tyler thought in a panic.

Before either Tyler or the T-rex could do anything more Rick spoke up. "Is this what your family would want? For you to just give up on living and lay around in sorrow waiting to die!" Rick shouted "No! They would want you to try and keep living and find happiness! If you're so concerned about having family then... well you said yourself that I remind you of your son so I'll be your family!" Rick finished. Silence reigned around the clearing. "... What?" Both Tyler and the T-rex thought.

The T-rex stood up and looked down at Rick below him a glint coming into his eyes. "Aaaaannnnnnndddd we're dead." Tyler thought morbidly as he heard the T-rex letting out a deep growl, however soon the growl turned into a sound that was like a chuckle and then full out laughter. "Hahahahaha...Oh I like you human, very amusing." The T-rex said after it stopped laughing. "I suppose that my family would want me to keep living, for them as well as myself." The dino reasoned before leaning down so that he was lying down again. "Come on hop on, I'll give you a lift home."

"Tyler too?" Rick asked. "...Who?" The T-rex looked over to see Tyler standing there and his eyes widened as if noticing him for the first time. "Oh yes didn't notice you there. Sure you hop on too." "...Well fuck you too." Tyler thought as he gave a glare to the T-rex but joined Rick in climbing onto the T-rex's back. The T-rex stood and after some directions from Rick started walking toward the direction of the bunker "My name is Rick, Rick Stanton... yours?" Rick asked from the T-rex's back. "Scar... so tell me what brings two humans here?" The now identified Scar asked. "Well it all started when the ship we were on sank..." Rick began.

The two humans and one T-rex stood in-front of the bunker a half hour later. Rick had spent the trip telling Scar about his and Tyler's stay on the island so far and about the ear pieces that allowed them to understand dino language as well as their mad dash to escape the strange dinos' in the compound. They now stood outside the bunker after getting off Scar's back. Scar looked around the area. "Not bad... I may sleep here from now on...if that's alright with you." Scar asked gazing at Rick and Tyler. "...Sure" Tyler said after giving it some thought. "Not many dinos would try and approach a T-rex even one that was sleeping. Having him here could keep animals away!" He thought.

"Of course, feel free to crash here anytime you want." Rick answered before giving a yawn. "Well I'm tired I'm heading to bed see you in the morning." Rick said as he made his way to the door, unlocked it and walked inside. Scar laid down near a small stream that ran near the bunkers right side, the same one that Tyler and Rick fished from, and laid down to sleep before he noticed Tyler standing in-front of him looking him in the eye. "Something you need?" Scar asked wondering what Tyler could want.

"I just wanted to tell you that Rick was serious about his offer to be your son. I can tell you could use someone like that and also he could use a father figure right now." Tyler paused looking back toward the bunkers entrance "I've done the best I can but I'm more of an older brother like figure at best and a somewhat dangerous stranger at worst. So for both your sakes, consider accepting his offer and treat him as a son. Just a suggestion." Tyler finished as he began to walk away. Scar was shocked by the sincerity in Tyler's words. "Maybe he is nicer than I originally thought." Scar thought before Tyler stopped and turned back around.

"Oh and if you ever try and harm Rick, I don't care how big you are, I will kill you and mount your head above the door as a warning to all the others." And with that Tyler walked to the door and went inside, closing it behind him and leaving Scar alone. "...Or maybe not." Scar thought before he shook it off as he laid his head down and drifted off to sleep

: Outcast pack nesting Grounds, 4 days later:

Angel woke up from another peaceful sleep which she had enjoyed the last four nights. Once she had arrived from following the humans four days ago she had been bombarded with questions about the human's presence on the island. Apparently Lucy had told the others about the humans she had met and expectedly many of her pack where concerned that the humans where to capture their young. Angel couldn't fault them for their concern, with the few number of young and the stories of young raptors disappearing they had heard from other packs they had valued reason to be worried.

Their fears however where lessened when Angel had told them how the two humans had basically rid them of the Pale-eyed ones by locking them inside a compound with no way out. The pack where ecstatic that they wouldn't have to listen to the frightening chirping that plagued them at night and the white eyes that they sometimes caught staring at them in the shadows. They had celebrated with a feast of freshly caught compys, during which they also officially welcomed Lucy to the pack. Their well-fed bellies helped lure the entire pack to sleep listening to the natural sounds of the jungle around them.

The next day however came around and their pack was facing a crisis. One of Abba's two hatchlings named Tiv had wandered away from the nest during the night. Abba was a wreck, staring sadly at her nest where just the night before Tiv had slumbered. Her remaining hatchling stood by her side chirping mournfully for her brother. Angel left two of the packs other females and Luck to console Abba and protect the nest site meanwhile Angel and the 5 other raptors made their way through the jungle following Tiv's trail.

Tyler woke up groggily to another sunny day... in a predator infested hell hole of an island with little hope of escape, but it was a hell hole he had become accustomed to. While he prepared to leave he thought back on the events of the last four days. During this time Rick had often accompanied Scar when the T-rex went hunting, the two had hit it off right away and much to Tyler's relief had developed a father-son relationship that significantly helped their mind set. While the two were doing that Tyler had made a few trips back and forth from the complex they had barely escaped from and brought back more ammunition, an AK-47 assault rifle, and more documents about the goings-on on the island. Rick hadn't asked about what was on the documents either due to lack of interest or because of wanting to spend more time with Scar, however Tyler found them very interesting and enlightening. He also promised to bring some of them up to John Hammond if they managed to get off the island.

Tyler made his way outside the bunker and into the jungle to begin hunting noticing on the way that Scar was gone likely hunting again and that Rick was likely with him since he hadn't seen him in the bunker. Tyler made his way to a small river where he found a tree that gave him a good view of the shore and waited for something to come to drink. Tyler was still waiting in the tree thirty minutes later when he noticed something wash up on shore from the river; looking closer Tyler realized that it was a baby raptor.

The raptor had a tan hide except for its back that was a crimson red that ran from the base of its tail up to the top of its head. The raptor was very young only coming up to Tyler's calf when standing which right then it wasn't... instead it was lying motionless on the riverbank.

Tyler glanced around and deciding that the coast was clear climbed down the tree and made his way over to the dino. When he was next to it he crouched down and prodded it with a finger and much to his surprise it stirred before looking up at Tyler with half lidded eyes "Daddy?" it chirped in a weak male voice before falling back asleep due to exhaustion.

"Poor little thing is exhausted and probably cold from the river and with it being cold-blooded and everything it'll likely die soon unless I help it." Tyler leaned his head back and groaned "It just had to call me daddy didn't I'm getting soft. Note to self: blame Rick for making me soft." He thought as he quickly gathered up the raptor after tucking in his shirt and placing the raptor between his under armor and the sweatshirt he had on so it could warm up faster. Tyler looked around "Where did this guy even come from?" he asked aloud before deciding to head back to the bunker and think about what to do.

On the way back to the bunker Tyler felt the little dino stir and peak its head out from the collar of his sweatshirt before looking up at him. "Who you? What your name? Where am I? It feel nice in here. You have food? I hungry. Where mommy Abba?" The baby raptor asked in an excited voice. "Whoa, whoa easy there slow down, my name is Tyler and I'm human as for where you are I found you washed up on the river bank and I put you in my shirt to get you warm faster...what's your name?" Tyler asked after a moment of thought.

"Me named Tiv! Momma Abba and Papa Luke talk 'bout human with Alpha Angel and new pack mate Lucy. Alpha Angel watches humans, don't know why... not for food me hope, big bro Tyler nice. Tiv no want eat. Big bro Tyler Tiv stay where it feel nice?" Tiv asked. "Umm sure you can stay in the shirt, as for food I'll get you some in a bit, you like compys right?" Tyler asked to which Tiv gave an elated chirp "Yea! Compy, compy!"

"Well that's a yes... and I'm big bro Tyler now?" Tyler thought seeing Tiv's reaction before he remembered what Tiv said "So this Alpha Angel has been watching us has is a she right? Wonder if it's the same one we saw in the compound or the one Rick caught in the net?" Deciding to question Tiv about this later the duo finally arrived at the bunker. Making his way in without setting off the traps Tyler made his way over to the food storage are and retrieved some of the compy meat they had in storage. "We'll have to go hunting and catch a few more we're getting a little low." Tyler thought as he cut the meat into small pieces and began to feed it to Tiv who happily ate it while staying in Tyler's shirt.

After the Tiv had eaten his fill Tyler decided to question him. "So Tiv where is your momma Abba?" Tiv looked at him a moment before replying "Momma Abba at nest, me want to explore so left. Me got lost, fell into cold water. Can Tiv go home now Tiv miss Momma Abba, Papa Luke, and sister Liz?" upon hearing this Tyler began asking Tiv what his home was like and threw some genius detective work on Tyler's part he discovered that the nest was about a two day tripe North.

Tyler looked at Tiv whose head was peeking out from his shirt and sighed "Yep I am definitely getting soft." He thought as he wrote a note to Rick and placed it on the door to the bunker. After collecting some supplies he looked up at the sun he saw that it was still fairly early and thus he began his adventure of returning Tiv to the nest. "Big bro Tyler, we there yet?" Tiv asked. "Fuck this is going to be a long trip" Tyler thought as he cradled his new AK-47 and made his way into the jungle.

The Raptors where resigning themselves to the fact that Tiv was likely dead. They had searched for the last five hours with no signs of the hatchling. They had followed Tiv's trail to a river to a spot where the pack would use a fallen tree that reached across the river to cross only to find that said tree had collapsed. Even though they had hoped otherwise all had little doubt that Tiv had likely been on it when it collapsed.

Abba and her remaining hatchling where next to hysterics and seemed to be in depression ever since they had heard the news. Tiv's sister Flower cried herself to sleep alongside her mother with a noticeable space in the nest left unoccupied next to them. The sight of the heartbroken mother and daughter filled the raptors with grief and they resolved to have one last search for Tiv.

Meanwhile unknown to all a boat sat anchored just off the coast nearby a group of 6 people stood gazing at the jungle in front of them. The group was comprised of burly men with camouflage jackets and pants, every single one of them had some form of fire arm and enough ammo to wage a small war. Behind them sat a few empty cages that they had just finished unloading from the ship. On their jackets was the word INGEN in bold yellow letters. The group had landed on the island the day before with simple orders from their employers capture a dino at any cost. The pay for this particular job was two million US dollars... each. "Let's get on with it." One of the hunters said in a gruff voice. The rest of the group nodded and made their way into the jungle disappearing amongst the trees.

"Must...not...strangle...little...annoyance!" Tyler tried to control himself from attempting to murder Tiv who had asked if 'they were there yet' for the 57 time in the last hour. The human and baby raptor had been walking for a few hours now with the only form of communication being Tiv asking "Are we there yet?" and Tyler responding with a "No" every time while trying to get through the dense foliage of the jungle and ignore the bugs that bit him constantly. Normally Tyler wouldn't have been bothered by these things however the constant questions from the little raptor that currently rested inside his pack and whose head was sticking out to observe the scene around him, was frying Tyler's nerves. The only thing at this point that was keeping Tyler sane was the knowledge that they were getting fairly close to Tiv's packs nesting area... according to Tiv.

"Hey big bro Tyler...?" Tiv said in a questioning voice like he was about to ask a question. "I swear for the love of god... if he asks 'if we are there yet' one more time..." Tyler thought before his thoughts were interrupted by Tiv. "Are we there yet?" The little raptor repeated yet again. "That's it! He's a shish kabob!" Tyler snapped however before he could turn around to confront the little dino Tiv seemed to sniff the air before shouting.

"The pack! The pack! I smell the pack, Alpha Kara and new friend Lucy close!" Tiv announced happily "Thank God!!!" Tyler thought in jubilation at the prospect of Tiv not asking if they were there yet again. Tyler turned to Tiv and addressed him "How close are they to us?" Tyler asked. Tiv sniffed the air a bit more before replying "Where here but moving away...that way!" Tiv announced pointing his snout off to Tyler's left. "Well we better catch up to them then huh." Tyler announced as he redoubled his efforts to make progress in the direction Tiv had indicated. Little did the two know of what had befallen the pack only an hour earlier...

Angel, Lucy, Luke, Sawtooth, and the two other female pack members Mist and Star had been searching for Tiv for 4 hours after leaving the nesting area. Currently the group was resting before they would resume the search. Lucy felt like her powerful legs where as stiff as the branches of a tree, her dark white hide had never been useful at blending in so she had never been called to hunt much and was thus not as fit as other raptors. She gazed at her reflection in her reflective black claws and saw how tired she was her white hide was marred by scratches here or there from running through the brush and not being careful and although they wouldn't scar they were still irritating, all in all she looked tired although this didn't take away the fact that among raptors she was considered a beauty. Lucy looked up from gazing at her reflection and took a moment to regard her new pack mates who were resting around her.

Angel sat 5 yards to her left resting her powerful and sleek green and black striped figure, seemingly, untouched by their prolonged venture through the jungle. Lucy had noticed that out of all the raptors there Angel was defiantly the most fit, here powerful frame showing strength while still being sleek in appearance which was proved to be a testament to how quickly she moved through the brush agilely avoiding branched and roots that the others could not. Her amber colored eyes where closed taking a short reprieve before they continued the search.

Across from Lucy and facing away from her was Sawtooth who was cuddling next to Mist his mate. Sawtooth had a brown hide and tan underbelly his teeth had a jagged appearance to them for which he was named. He was the youngest member of the Outcast pack at around 15 in raptor years but was defiantly the most energetic, not including Tiv.

His mate Mist was one of the most docile raptors Lucy had ever known, she was always friendly and had a very soothing and calm personality which was complemented by her dark blue hide and teal colored eyes. Although she and Sawtooth where technically mates they hadn't mated yet due to Sawtooth's young age.

A little a ways from them was Star who was mates with Adam and the last female member of the pack. Star had a dull grey colored hide that was common amongst many raptors but the trait that made her stand out was her bright yellow eyes that seemed to radiate warmth but scared the dung right out of you if you saw them staring at you from the jungle at night.

Shifting her gaze to her immediate right Lucy's heart ached at the sight of Luke. Luke was sprawled out a little further out from the others gazing forlornly out at the jungle as if hoping his missing son Tiv would leap out of the jungle, run up and nuzzle him. He had a dark blue hide and white underbelly but the blue had seemingly lost most of its luster and his green eyes showed the inner turmoil and anguish he felt. Deciding to try and relieve some of the raptors misery Lucy spoke up "Don't worry Luke we'll find him." Lucy spoke in a soothing voice.

Luke turned to Lucy and gave the raptor equivalent of a small smile "I hope so Lucy, it's just... you should have seen how happy and overjoyed Abba was when two of our eggs hatched. With the way things were going with the low amount of eggs that hatch every mating season and year after year of our clutches being... failures, we had given up hope that we would be able to raise our own young." Unnoticed by the two Angel seemed to flinch, Luke continued "I had started to think that maybe it was me... was I not doing something right, was it somehow my fault that we had no young! My doing that caused Abba and the rest of the pack to work to provide the best conditions for hatching our eggs, for my mate to get her hopes up only to see her crushing disappointment when it was all for not." At this point Luke closed his eyes at the pain of those memories.

After a while he continued "Then one day it finally happened, we had been blessed with two hatchlings... a little boy Tiv and a little girl Flower. Oh you should have seen the joy in Abba's eyes that first day as she nuzzled them! We finally had a family and we thought things where perfect, then this, one of our hatchlings just...gone. The look of Abba's when she realized..." Luke looked down and closed his eyes again to control his raging emotions before looking up with determination in his eyes "I can't let my mate experience more anguish Lucy; I have to find my son." Luke's voice changed to one of determination. Lucy let a sense of relief wash over her as Luke seemed to fill with a new sense of purpose. Suddenly she felt something fast collide with her side accompanied by a sharp sting on her left flank. Attempting to get up she was floored by a sense of wariness that seemed to flood her system and prevent her from moving feeling her eyes close against her will she heard a loud bang and the sound of Angel's shout. "Sawtooth!!"

"Just...a little...further" Tyler thought as he made his way through the jungle toward where Tiv could smell his pack went. As the pair made their way through the dense foliage a gust of wind brought anew scent to both Tiv and Tyler that made the both of them stop for a second before Tyler quadrupled his efforts, crashing through the jungle to make it to the pack, after all the coppery scent of blood is not one that can be confused after being exposed to it as long as Tyler has.

In his mad dash Tyler suddenly found himself in a clearing about 20 feet in diameter, however it was the scene within the clearing that captured the pair's attention.

"S-Sawtooth." Tiv said in a stunned and grieving voice as they regarded the remains of a single male raptor before them. The brown hided raptor's body was covered in his own blood which was not surprising since the left of his chest looked like it had imploded.

"Stay here for a sec." Tyler said as he gently took Tiv from his pack and placed him on the ground at the clearings edge then made his way over to the body. Upon inspecting the body Tyler instantly knew a few things; one that whatever killed the raptor wasn't another dino as the wound didn't look like it had been made by either tooth or claw. Second, the raptor had been flung a short distance by an impact as the raptor hadn't landed correctly and broken one of its arms. Lastly the raptor had not died immediately and suffered for a few seconds from a broken arm as well as no lungs or liver and a completely exposed chest as the heart, vertebra, and head where all undamaged which unfortunately suggested the raptor lived for a few seconds before expiring.

"Poor bastard" Tyler thought, feeling sympathy for the dead creature. As he observed the area around the body he noticed that the raptor and a few others had been resting here based on the grass being pressed down where they had laid. From the traces they had been abused and had been taken out rather quickly by what Tyler knew was a group of at least 4 humans judging by the boot prints. It was then that Tyler noticed the drag marks indicating that the humans had taken all but one of the animals. The one they hadn't taken was apparently left to dye as Tyler could see a trail leading into the brush that indicated the raptor had broken its leg and had dragged itself away in the direction Tiv had said his packs nesting area was, however Tyler doubted the raptor would make it.

"Tiv hop back in." Tyler called to Tiv who slowly made his way over to Tyler while casting sorrow filled glances at the body of his deceased pack mate before crawling into Tyler's pack which he had lowered to allow him access. With Tiv securely in place Tyler put his pack back on and made his way back into the brush following the injured raptor "First I'll return Tiv and then I'll track down these guys and see about getting me and Rick off this island."_Tyler thought as he made his way through the brush quickly in pursuit of the wounded raptor. Suddenly Tyler felt a wetness hitting the back of his neck, casting a glance over his shoulder Tyler saw Tiv with his head poking out of his pack looking forward and with a clear substance coming from his eyes. Turning back to look where he was going Tyler couldn't help but think about the sight he just saw _"Huh... I didn't know dinos could cry."

Rick was having an amazingly good day. Why you may ask, well first he could ride around on Scar's back so he didn't have to struggle through the jungle ... which was awesome. Secondly he was learning from Scar who was teaching him how to identify all the different dinosaur tracks where and where all the different dino's territory was so Rick wouldn't get killed by accidently walking into a raptor packs territory...which was awesome. He was also benefiting from the perks of having a T-rex as a father-like figure meaning no dino's would fuck with him when Scar was nearby...which was really awesome. Rick hoped Tyler was enjoying himself as much as he was but somehow doubted that was the case.

Yep, right now Rick's life was good until he and scar stumbled upon a footprint that Rick didn't need Scar's help to identify. The size 13 hiking boot was easily distinguishable in the mud heading in the direction of a known herbivore waterhole. Since Scar couldn't go anywhere without alerting practically anything of his approach and Rick not wanting to scare his potential rescuers away, Scar waited in a clearing as Rick followed the track into the jungle.

Tyler had been following the injured raptor's trail for 15 minutes before finding the raptor resting in a clearing. The raptor had a dull grey hide and bright yellow eyes; it also had a gash along its left leg that looked broken. The raptor was currently lying down likely too tired to continue on the injured leg.

As Tyler inspected the raptor from the brush surrounding the raptors clearing he felt the wind shift to where he was now up wind of the raptor who took a sniff of the air before it's eyes widened then quickly snapped shut as the raptor remained perfectly still with its eyes closed but still tense. "Cleaver girl is trying to lure me out by playing dead." Tyler thought in admiration at how quickly the raptor had come up with its plan "Allen Grant was right these things are god dam smart." Tyler made his way into the clearing but before he could address the raptor Tiv decided to intervene.

"Aunt Star!" Tiv shouted as Tiv jumped out of Tyler's pack and ran to the injured Raptor now identified as Star. Startled by the sound of Tiv's voice Stars eyes shot open as her head turned to see Tiv jump from the humans pack and run toward her. "T-Tiv!? Where have you been we've been looking everywhere for you?" The female raptor said as Tiv came up and nuzzled snouts with her.

"I fell in water. I swam for really long time then big bro Tyler came and saved me. He made me all warm and fed me compy! I love compy!" Tiv said as he soon went into a rant about how much he loved compy that the older raptor and Tyler only half listened to as they were busy inspecting each other. The two continued to stare at each other before Tyler gave a half wave "Uh...yo?" Silence descended on the clearing as Tiv was now looking between the raptor and human. Suddenly Star's head shoot back "It talks!"

"Yes and Tiv likes compy, now that everything obvious has been stated can we get to the part where I check your leg?" Tyler replied in a bored but serious voice. "It can understand us!" Star exclaimed. "I thought we were done stating the obvious?" Tyler said in a dead pan. Star's posture shifted as she readied herself to try and protect Tiv from the human as best as her injured condition would allow. "Tiv get back this human will kill you!" She commanded the hatchling. "No he won't! Big bro Tyler saved Tiv he won't hurt Tiv because we family!" Tiv said in a cheerful voice.

"No Tiv he's a human, they will wait till you are tired then will kill you like they did Sawtooth!" Star shouted as tears threatened to spill from her eyes at the mention of her dead pack-mate. However Tiv walked between her and Tyler, who hadn't moved throughout this whole exchange before replying. "No Big bro Tyler not like other human's, big bro Tyler no hurt Sawtooth. Tyler best big bro ever, he good human!" The baby raptor said in defense of his friend likely thinking that he was protecting his 'big bro' completely unaware that Tyler could kill them both with two shoots from his shotgun.

Star regarded the human for a few moments before seeming to relax slightly "...Fine, but I will be watching you human!" Star hissed to which Tyler gave a nod before slowly approaching the raptor to examine her leg. Star tensed as the human approached and bent down to examine her wound. She felt her hid tingle at the alien feeling of his hands running over her leg examining the severity of the injury. After a bit the human looked up from his examination to observe the clearing they were in.

"Well, thankfully it's not broken just badly sprained you're lucky though, if you manage to stay off of it for a while it will be heal in a week or two." Tyler said as he looked about the clearing before finding a fallen tree branch and ripping one of his sleeves off fashioned a make shift splint. "You will be defenseless out in the open like this we need another raptor to carry you back to your nest as I don't think that splint will hold your weight if you attempt to stand on your leg. How close are we to your nest?" Tyler asked Star. "... It's not far, a little bit in that direction." Star said pointing her snout to the east. "However I can't make it there on my leg, it's also too dangerous for Tiv to go alone and you can't go there because the pack would rip you to pieces. We have to save the others!" Star resolved.

"Don't you mean I have to save the others?" Tyler said in a resigned voice only to see the two raptors confused looks before explaining "You can't go anywhere with your leg like that and I don't think heading into what I suspect is a poachers camp with a baby raptor is a good idea for said baby raptors safety. So yes, I have to save you friends." Tyler explained before he stood up and stretched a bit before addressing them. "Stay in the clearing I'll be back with you pack mate...hopefully." Tyler declared as he turned around slinging his pack over his shoulders and readying his SPAS-12 shotgun. Star watched in amazement as the human that was risking his life to help herself and her pack disappeared into the jungle.

Rick couldn't believe what he was seeing, in front of him, standing at the edge of a large clearing where two humans! Both of the humans where armed with high powered rifles and where dressed in fatigues and facing away from him. One was covering the other while he looked through a pair of binoculars at the large river that passed through the clearing where herds of herbivores where grazing. Deciding to confront the two Rick stepped out of the woods behind them, causing the two to spin around drawing their weapons, however they stopped themselves from firing when they saw another human standing before them. Rick tried to reassure them "Hey am I glad to see you, it has been a long time since I have seen a friendly face!" Rick said with a small smile as he held his gun with one hand pointing into the air while holding the other hand up to show he wasn't a threat. His attempt failed.

"Drop the gun! Hands where we can see them!" One of the two humans yelled as both of them raised their rifles and took aim at Rick's chest. Rick obeyed and dropped the rifle he had been carrying, while also noticing the INGEN logo's on the side of the humans' fatigues. As soon as he noticed the logo his demeanor changed.

"Why the hell is INGEN here?" Rick thought as he carefully regarded the two INGEN workers that cautiously made their way over to him. Once they were close enough one of them kicked Rick's rifle away so he wouldn't be able to grab it. The other then closed the distance between him and Rick the kneed him in the stomach, causing the wind to be knocked out of him and collapse to the ground, where the INGEN employee grabbed him and threw him into a nearby tree. As Rick tried to regain his senses the INGEN employee tied him to the tree before his partner lowered his gun, now feeling confident that Rick posed no threat.

One of the two men approached Rick and grabbed him by his hair. "Who are you?" He asked in a gruff voice. "Rick Stanton" Rick replied "What are you doing here?" The man asked while pulling Ricks hair, sending the message that Rick shouldn't lie. "I had a boating accident two and a half months back. Benn here ever since." Rick replied. The man seemed to regard him for a while before asking in a cold voice "Is there anyone else here?" Rick was not going to answer but then he felt something that caused him to smile "Yea my father figure is here with me."

"Where is he?" The man bellowed before striking Rick with the butt of his rifle, creating a cut on Rick's cheek. Rick grunted in pain before he felt another tremor... much closer than the last. Rick gave a small smile "Oh he's close and he won't be too happy when he sees me tied up and injured." The man that had been interrogating him gave a smirk "What could one man-" the man started to say before he was interrupted by his partner "Did you feel that?"

Not a second later the trees fifty yards away parted to reveal none other than Scar in all his seven ton, 13 foot tall glory. Scar saw the three humans noticed and noticed the blood on Rick's cheek. Suddenly Scar leveled a glare at the other two humans that could melt tank armor with the amount of fiery hate they held within them. "Don't move" The INGEN employee that had been interrogating Rick whispered. "Its vision is based on movement." Just then Scar drew his head back and released a bellowing roar of "GET AWAY FROM MY SON!!!!" directly at the two INGEN employees who only heard the defining roar of one of the most feared dinos on the island.

Rick smiled at what Scar had shouted before turning back to the two humans and said "My father figure says hello..." To which the two humans looked at him in shocked disbelief which was interrupted by a shorter roar from Scar "NOW!" Rick smirked again at the two INGEN employees and, in the coldest voice he could muster, said "... and goodbye." Just as Rick finished saying this Scar started running toward the two men who tried to run but didn't make it.

One was cursed under Scars left foot, killing him instantly. This left Rick's interrogator to scramble another five feet before Scar's jaws descended and bit the entire top portion of the man from the stomach up. The man was then lifted screaming in pain into the air where Scar shook him around a few times, tearing the man apart and ripping him in half sending blood and guts everywhere. Scar threw what was left of the man into the jungle and then gave a victorious roar into the sky. "Bad...ass." Rick thought as he watched the spectacle. His attention was then caught by the sight of approaching storm clouds blowing in from the coast. Deciding it would be best to hurry home Rick called over to Scar who was walking back to him "Sooo... how do I get out of these ropes?"

Tyler crouched on top of a small hill overlooking the camp the poachers where using. Above him the storm clouds released gallon upon gallon of water down to the island below, already Tyler was soaked to the bone and although he should have been freezing he didn't feel cold. Tyler was in what he could only describe as the hunter mode, a state of being where he mentally blocked off all other distractions and focused solely on a single task. The current task that Tyler was occupied with was carful regarding and assessing the camp below him.

The camp had three large tents in the center of the camp that where surrounded by metal cages of various sizes on the North, East, and south sides of the camp. The west side was the beach along with a patrol boat that was anchored close to the beach, probably used to evacuate quickly if they needed to escape the camp. The cages seemed to have been arranged in three different rows around the camp, most of them where empty however from where Tyler crouched he could make out what looked to be three cages that where occupied based on the varying noises coming from the camp and when one of the patrolling poachers would look in to them at their occupants. From what Tyler could hear he could hear one of them was a Stegosaurus.

The poachers themselves where mostly centered around the middle of the camp. One of them was working the radio in one of the large open tents, Tyler decided to call him Techy. Another poacher was standing behind him and giving directions making Tyler believe him to be the leader of the group, because of his bald head Tyler called him Chrome-Dome. There was one man in another smaller tent that was used as the groups sleeping area, he was lying on a cot getting some shut eye. Tyler decided to call him sleeper. One man was on the patrol boat smoking, Tyler thus called him Smoker. There were two other poachers that were patrolling the camp individually one of them Tyler called Sniper because he was carrying a Dragunov sniper rifle, and the other he called Country because of the cowboy hat he wore. "Looks like I will have to go down there and find them." Tyler thought as he couldn't tell which cage held the raptors. Without a second thought Tyler began to make his way down toward the camp.

The first thing Lucy was aware of was the concerned voice of Angel trying to rouse her. "Lucy...Lucy wake-up!" Lucy slowly was able to open her eyes to see the concerned look of her new alpha Angel staring down at her. "Come on you have to get up, humans have captured us." Angel told her causing Lucy's body to kick start and her senses come back to her. Lucy looked at the cage she and the rest of her pack mates were trapped in.

The cage itself stood at 8 feet tall and 8 feet wide, it was big enough that all her pack mates and she could fit inside although there wasn't much room to walk around. The cages walls were grey and solid on three sides with bars at the side that opened up, however the spaces between the bars where too small for a raptor to fit its head through. Looking around Lucy noticed that two of her pack mates were missing. "Where are Star and Sawtooth?" Lucy asked.

Angel looked down with a sorrow filled look in her eye "Star was injured in the humans ambush; they left her to die in the jungle. Sawtooth...Sawtooth didn't make it." Angel said in a pained voice at the loss of one of her pack mates. Lucy glanced over at Mist who was in the corner of the cage staring at the ground and not reacting to anything that was happening. Before Lucy could go over and try to console her rattling was heard from the direction of the cage bars.

Lucy, Angel, and Luke who was standing beside Angel turned to see a human standing in front of the bars giving a smug smirk at the raptors. "I can't believe I was worried about coming to this island." The human stated which surprised the raptors as they could understand what he was saying. "I heard all this talk about the big scary dinosaurs and especially about the super dangerous velociraptor, but look at you lot now! You aren't so scary now and I killed that other raptor friend of yours no problem in the clearing!" The male human boasted. Mist's head suddenly shoot up with a look of rage set on her features. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT HIM! I'LL KILL YOU FOR KILLING HIM!" She shouted as she threw herself at the bars of the cage.

The human simply laughed at the enraged raptors attempts at killing him. "Stop your screeching lizard, you can't touch me because you're in there and I'm out here and that cage will make sure you can never get to me." The human said before a new voice originated behind him "But I can". Before the man could turn to find the one that spoke the raptors saw another human seem to materialize out of the shadows from between two containers and grab the man's mouth to silence him before plunging a large blade threw the man's back to come out his chest.

The poacher tried to scream in pain as he clutched at the machete blade protruding from his chest but his screams where muffled by the hand over his mouth. Suddenly the hand pulled him down at the same time that the machete was removed. The hand brought him down to the ground on his back, above him he saw the dark outline of a human clutching a machete in the air aimed down at him before the shadowy figure plunged it into his throat and severing his windpipe.

As the man tried futile to breath he subconsciously noticed that the figure had removed the hand over his mouth and stood over him. The last thing he saw a face that was briefly illuminated by the first lightning strike of the storm above them, and the eyes of his killer that showed a glint of pleasure at his death then he knew no more.

Tyler watched as the last of life left the man he called Country as lightning flashed off to the right and the boom of thunder resounded off the camp as if signaling his first human kill. At this point Tyler expected some remorse to come into his mind like many people said happens, but it never did the only thing he felt was how surprisingly easy it was to till the man. Shaking the feeling off Tyler pulled his machete out of the dead man's throat before turning to the cage with the raptors in it. Lucy and her pack could only stand there silently and stare at this human that had come out of nowhere and killed the other. The human took it's blade from the others neck and looked over at the raptors. The two groups stared at each other for a while before the human broke the silence. "Uhhh...Yo?"

Tyler could not believe it, his first encounter with a pack of raptors that weren't trying to kill him and his opener was yo!? "I need to work on my social skills." Tyler thought as he searched Country's body and found a set of keys. Looking up he saw that the raptors where still staring at him without moving. Tyler steadily approached the cage and tried the keys only to find that none of them worked. "Damn none are the right key." Tyler cursed silently.

"One of the other humans had it." A female voice spoke up in front of him from the cage. Looking up Tyler came face to snout with a raptor that was inches from his face. "I didn't even hear her move." Tyler thought impressed as he regarded the female raptor before him in detail.

The raptor was an adult that probably would be in her mid-twenties if she was human based on the fact that she didn't have any of the wrinkled hide around the arms that occurred when a raptor reached mid-life. Her hid was dark green with a tan underbelly and black streaks that went across her back. She had a very sleek appearance indicating she was likely very agile and fast but also had excellent muscle structure which indicated she was also fairly strong to. The other raptors seemed to give her some distance which seemed to indicate that she was the packs alpha.

Remembering Tiv's long rant about his pack Tyler realized this must be "Alpha Angel", Tyler could only agree with his assessment as this raptor was one of the most intimidating ones he had ever seen on the island. Tyler looked up at the raptors eyes which where an amber color and was taken by surprise by what he saw in them. Tyler believed one could tell a lot from one's eyes and what Tyler saw in this particular pair was a deep protectiveness, likely for her pack, as well as some loneliness which was almost hidden but what mesmerized Tyler was the last and most prominent attribute he saw in her gaze. What he saw was a burning desire to live that seemed to be like a giant bonfire and brought a light and intensity to her gaze that made Tyler brake away eye contact.

"Did you see which one?" Tyler asked as he gazed down at the keys he pocketed trying to avoid the females gaze. Tyler remembered that he once held a similar look in his eyes when he had a reason to look forward to the next day, however now his eyes held a cold hollowness that had taken him unprepared when he had glanced at his reflection in a puddle while out hunting. The reason he couldn't bring himself to have eye contact with the raptor in front of him was a feeling of shame and inferiority that he felt toward himself when under the gaze of the raptor before him. Tyler heard a gasp from one of the other raptors in the cage before Angel spoke in an unsure voice. "You understand what I'm saying?" Tyler gave a nod while tapping the device he and Rick both had a copy of. "Yea with some help, but more of that later which human had the key to your cage?" He asked while turning to look at the interior of the camp.

Angel gave a nod "He was tall but lacked any fur on his head." Tyler gave a nod "Alright Mr. Chrome-Dome it is then." He thought as he readied his shotgun and sheathed his machete. Without turning around Tyler spoke over his shoulder. "Be back if a bit be ready to leave quickly." Tyler announced before he took off at a jog to the center of the camp. The human took off toward the center of the camp after promising to be back. Angel turned to her pack mates "Alright you heard him be ready to go when he gets back."

"Why should we trust him, he's human, one of them. They killed Sawtooth we should just kill him and the rest of his kind." Stated Mist from her corner of the cage. Angel rounded on her "We have to trust him, he is one of the ones that ended the terror of the pale-eyed one's. He has shown that he is not with these humans, just look at the body in-front of the cage if you need a reminder of that!" Angel snapped causing Mist to lower her head with a whimper. Angel relaxed at seeing Mist cower. She hadn't meant to be as aggressive as she had just been and had to remind herself that humans had just killed Mist's mate, she had a right to be upset.

Angel sighed "I know you are upset Mist but you can't judge all human based on the actions of a few. If this was the case then the humans should be able to kill all of us for when the black stripes killed all those humans in the tall grass all those years ago." Angel stated as she regarded Mist's reaction. Mist looked deep in thought before she looked up again "You are correct alpha Angel I apologize for my comment, but how do we know he will release us." Lucy who had remained silent spoke up "He was one of the humans that caught me in the human building than let me go, I think he will keep his word."

The pack reluctantly agreed before turning back to the cage door and waiting for the human. After waiting 10 minutes they were beginning to question wither or not the human had decided to leave them when that heard shouts gunshots, and the bellow of a Stegosaurus on a rampage. "It looks like the human is attempting to-" Angel was cut off when a loud roar echoed throughout the area that sent a chill of fear down the packs spines. The roar belonged to the Spinosaurus, the most feared predator on the island, Angel could only pray the human hurried or all of them would be dead.

Things had officially gone to FUBAR for Tyler. He had taken out the other sentry Sniper silently and had crept closer to the main camp but couldn't find an opening to take any of the remaining poachers out without alerting the others. He had made his way over the other cages and discovered two other dinos had been caught. One was like he thought a Stegosaurus who he believed to be male he unlocked it's cage and moved on to the next dino that turned out to be a young Parasaurolophus around a teenager in human terms of age.

He had approached the female dino and inspected her, she came up to his shoulders when on all fours and had a pink coloration on its crest along with a light blue down its back with the rest being a dark grey. As Tyler approached he had witnessed the young dino apparently asleep when she had heard him approach and open her eyes. The emerald orbs that regarded him at first had held fear and curiosity however as Tyler explained that he was releasing her she thanked him profusely before shuffling off into the woods.

Then thing went to shit, Tyler had again snuck close to the center of the camp and again after seeing no opening decided "screw it" and simply walked out into the opening. The poachers had simply watched in stunned silence as Tyler walked up to Chrome-Dome and shot him point blank with his shotgun. Tyler had fully expected to be blown apart in the next few seconds but apparently Mother Nature finally decided to give him a break in the form of a pissed off Stegosaurus. The Stegosaurus came from between two cages and charged right through the camps communications tent sending Techy running for his life only to be killed by a spiked tail that impaled his body and then flung it over some cages.

Taking advantage of the distraction Tyler leaned down over Chrome-Dome's body and after a short search found a set of keys. With only two poachers left being Sleeper and Smoker who was on the boat Tyler made his way over to the largest tent in the area to see if he could find any useful supplies. Once in he had been surprised to see the large form of a Spinosaurus held down by large metal beams controlled by an electronic lock. Tyler knew, he just knew that what he did next was probably the most inspired act of stupidity ever conceived by man... he unlocked and retracted the metal pylons by inserting a key from the set he got from Chrome-Dome and pressing a green button on the electronic control mechanism began the process of retracting the beams.

However Tyler didn't stick around he had quickly made his way over to a set of supply creates when he had heard the sound of gunfire from his right. Diving behind a small 4 foot high metal create Tyler realized that Smoker had decided to get into the fight and was opening up with a .50 Caliber machine gun from the safety of the patrol boat. As round impacted all around the supply creates Tyler remembered a memory from his childhood.

: Flashback:

A six year old Tyler sat down in a clearing in the woods, before him stood a large man that had been teaching him survival tips for the past week. The man was an acquaintance of his dad and had offered to look after Tyler for a week while his dad was hunting in Africa. The man's name was Chayton and he was into country music particularly Johnny Cash who Tyler had been forced to at least appreciate as he wasn't really into country. "Now remember Tyler..." Chayton had lectured "...the key to any survival situation is an understanding of your surroundings. Take the time to see what you can use around you because nine times out of ten there is something nearby that can help you survive."

: End Flashback:

Tyler, remembering the advice glanced around the supply containers and saw his salvation. No more than 10 feet away propped up against another create was an RPG, likely brought for use against some of the larger dinos on the island. However Tyler couldn't get to it while Smoker was shooting that .50 cal at him. Suddenly a loud roar echoed throughout the camp and the large tent was ripped off the ground as the Spinosaurus stood to its feet. Smoker seeing this alpha predator get to its feet adjusted his aim to the dino when he saw it bit down on Sleeper who had just emerged from between two cages, bisecting him at the waist.

Tyler seeing his chance had lunged toward the RPG before grabbing it and removing the safety pin. Setting it on his shoulder Tyler looked down the weapon as he aimed it at the patrol boat where Smoker was laying into the Spino causing it to roar in pain from the barrage of lead. Tyler steadied his aim and then pulled the trigger. Smoker turned just in time to see Tyler aiming the RPG at him and then a plume of smoke came from the back of the weapon as the rocket propelled grenade shoot out toward him. Before he could bring himself to try and escape the projectile the round impacted the patrol boat near the fuel tank reducing the craft to a large fireball as the sound of the explosion resounded around the camp.

Gazing at the fireball for a few seconds Tyler looked over toward the Spino who was gazing at him. The Spino regarded him for a couple of seconds before lowering his head in what Tyler believed was a nod of acknowledgement before turning around and retreating into the jungle. Tyler sat there in the rain catching his breath for a minute before getting to his feet and making his way back to the raptor packs cage. On the way the physical exertion of his recent activities caught up with Tyler as he felt a wave of wariness wash over him and pain shot threw his left shoulder from a graze he received from the .50 cal but regardless trudged on.

After a couple of minutes Tyler arrived back at the cage housing the raptors and began to unlock the door. With a click the door unlocked and Tyler opened the door and stepped back as the pack made its way out of the cage. Tyler watched as the raptors walked by him when he noticed two had stopped. One was the alpha Angel and the other was a raptor that Tyler realized was the same one that had walked into him and Rick's bunker. "Thank you human, for releasing us. However I must ask why did you?" Angel asked with an inquisitive look on her face. Tyler gave a shrug "I promised Tiv I would."

"Tiv! You have seen my son!?" A male raptor asked with an excited voice. "This must be Tiv's father Luke." Tyler realized. "Yea I left him with Star about 2 miles east of here, he's fine." Angel regarded him for a second before bowing her head, shocking her pack mates. "I thank you for helping the hatchling and my pack. If there is anything you need, I-" Angel was cut off by Tyler. "Don't mention it... ever." Tyler said as he turned and began to make his way toward the jungle. "Just go get Tiv and Star and take them back to your nest, it's dangerous out there." He stated as he disappeared into the jungle.

Tyler arrived back at the bunker three hours later at midnight to a very bizarre sight. Scar was laying down next to an uprooted tree that lay on its side with Rick tied to the trunk. "What is it with today?" Tyler asked himself as he approached Rick who looked at him with a sheepish smile. After cutting him down with his machete Tyler began to make his way over to the bunker door. "Explain why tomorrow." Tyler said over his shoulder to Rick. "Uhh...ok. How was your day?" Rick asked, all he got was a weary groan as Tyler entered the bunker to fall to blissful and merciful sleep.

It had been two days since Angel and her pack mates had been captured by the humans before being saved by another and things had settled down slightly. After the human had left Angel and the others had followed the human's directions and had meet up with a wounded Star and happy Tiv. They had been able to help get Star back to the nesting ground where she had stayed to heal her leg witch was aided by the wrappings the human had put on it.

Speaking of the human Angel couldn't get her mind off of him for some odd reason. Something about him just snapped her attention to him and held it like a priceless treasure just unearthed. Whenever she attempted to understand what was it that had her so fixated on him she only got so far as knowing it was something she saw in his eyes and in his barring, it reminded her of an alpha raptor. A thought she immediately tried to dismiss and forget for he was human after all.

Of course it hadn't helped her try and forget the human when Tiv constantly talked about him, although it had helped with the packs grief over the death of Sawtooth. The baby raptors constant retelling of how he met the human and their journey to reunite with the pack seemed to brighten the mood of the other raptors, even Mist who had been quite for the first day after they returned seemed to enjoy the retellings. To the point where she returned to hunting duty's and even conversed as she normally would with her pack mates, although a little subdued.

Angel had listened to the way Tiv talked about the human whose name was apparently Tyler. It had thrown her and Tiv's parents as well as his sister Flower for a loop when he spoke of him as 'Big Brother Tyler' a position that despite herself and Tiv's parents best efforts to explain that he wasn't his brother Tiv was adamant in his belief that his human savior was family. Much to the others dismay even Flower started to address the human Tyler as "Big Brother", all of this combined with the her fascination with the human and the fact that her pack owed him a debt made her next course of action clear. Steeping up from her empty nest Angel called out across the nesting grounds "Lucy I have a task for you."

Rick was busy relaxing after successfully hunting a compy earlier in the day. Now it was early afternoon and he had decided to stay out of the blistering heat that, when mixed with the humidity of the jungle, made life generally suck. As he rested on his bed he thought back over the events of the last few days. Although he had tried to play it off it had been a terrifying experience seeing Scar kill the pair of poachers, they were human just as he was and to see them killed in such grotesque a manner had terrified him. He had even avoided Scar the next day before Tyler confronted him about it. Tyler had made him realize that yes, while they were humans in the end they were little different from the dinos on the island, "If they attempted to kill you, better you kill them first." Tyler had explained. Scar had done what he needed to in order to protect him and it was hard for Scar to see Rick avoid him for doing what he had done as Rick's pseudo-father.

After Tyler's explanation Rick had apologized to Scar and had re-bonded with him later that very day. Although when Rick heard what had happened to Tyler he couldn't help at but laugh at how the baby raptor Tiv had addressed him as "Big Brother Tyler" and had jokingly asked if Tyler was going soft which earned him a cold glare from said individual who then left earlier this day to quote "Satisfy the need to kill something." Rick determined that maybe he shouldn't call Tyler soft anymore by the way Tyler had glared at him when he said 'kill something'.

Despite the events with the poachers Rick couldn't help but feel that things were looking up for them. Just a few hours ago Rick had seen from a ridge a building that they may be able to find radio parts in. If they got a lift from Scar they could go check it out the nest day. Rick was broken from his planning by the sound of an alarm going off signaling that the net trap they had by the entrance had been deployed. Grabbing his high powered rifle from the wall next to his bed he cautiously made his way out of the room and toward the stairs.

Lucy felt like an idiot...scratch that, a she felt like an incompetent who gave new definition to the word idiot. "Seriously, who falls into the same trap twice in a row?!" Lucy thought as she hung again from the net gust inside the humans dwelling. Her new packs alpha Angel had instructed her to go to the human dwelling and ask the human known as Tyler if he could visit the packs nesting ground to meet her. Lucy had eagerly accepted the job and had sped off to complete it however when she arrived at the humans dwelling she had foolishly made her way inside and fallen into the same trap she had upon her first visit. Lucy then heard footsteps cautiously making their way down the stairs, doing her best to twist her head for a better view despite the net she saw a human appear coming down the stairs. "Well here goes." Lucy thought as she opened her snout to speak. As Rick descended the stares rifle at the ready he couldn't help but be surprised to see the same raptor they had caught the first time again in the net. He debated what to do with the raptor before he heard the raptor speak.

"You can let me go human?" The raptor said in a feminine voice that Rick couldn't help but find pleasing. The raptor struggled in the net for a few seconds before she looked to him again. "...Please" Rick didn't even think twice about it and giving a shrug un-sheathing a knife he kept at his waist and cut her down. He then dragged the net to a corner in the room and set it up again for another trap. As he finished thus he heard some soft clicking behind him, and turning back around saw the raptor moving towards him.

"Need something?" He asked. "Yes but before that..." Lucy paused before asking the one question that's been bugging her. "Why did you release me when I first came here? Oh and what was your name?" Rick gave a smirk "Oh where are my manners? My names Rick if you're so inclined to know and you are?" he asked as he regarded the raptor. Lucy cocked her head to the side "Lucy." Rick raised an eyebrow having recognized the name from Tyler's retelling. "You wouldn't happen to know a baby raptor by the name of Tiv would you?" He asked.

Lucy nodded her head eagerly "Yes actually that is why I'm here. My packs alpha Angel wanted to speak with the human Tyler who saved Tiv and a few of others two days ago." Rick relaxed deeming the raptor didn't mean harm "Well he is out for a bit should be back tonight. If you want to speak to him you should make yourself at home while you wait." He instructed before gesturing to a couch and then heading off to the large ice box that they stored food in. He came back with a compy which he offered to Lucy who eagerly accepted it.

After eating the compy Lucy walked over to a rug before laying on it to wait for the human, Tyler, to retune. A few minutes of awkward silence reigned for a while between the two before Rick decided to break it. "So... how's living with a new pack? I heard from Tyler who heard from Tiv that you're the latest member of the, Outcast Pack was it?" Rick asked. Lucy nodded her head eagerly "Oh it's been wonderful everyone is really nice and doesn't treat me like... well there really nice." Lucy stopped herself from saying what she was going to originally, no need to bring up bad memories.

Rick noticed the slip and the brief flash of sadness in the raptors eyes. "I may not be any of my business but if you have something to say, say it." Rick proclaimed before seeing the questioning look Lucy was giving him and began to explain. "If you hold something in forever it will nip away at you. Day after day it will keep grinding away at you before it consumes you and takes up every living second of you thought. What you need to do is vent your thoughts, trust me you will feel belter afterward." Lucy gave him an incredulous look "And you think I should vent to you?" She asked.

Rick shrugged "Hey I'm not a raptor. I won't judge you like one of your pack mates would, so actually I might be ideal to vent on." Rick explained Lucy looked at the human for a while before she decided he was right, after all there was no one else here and like he said he wouldn't judge her. "I-My old pack hated me." Lucy managed to force out, and metaphorically the dame broke. "I was in charge of protecting our alpha's nest while the others were out hunting two years ago. After a while I heard noises coming from close by so I listened and realized that it was another pack of raptors, likely searching for our nest. I decided to try and lure them away so I snuck closer to them and then revealed myself before I ran off into the jungle. They chased me for a while before I managed to lose them and then returned to the nest but when I got there i-it..." Lucy choked as she started to cry.

"W-while I had lured them away some of them must have found the nest because everything was destroyed, the nests the eggs.... When my pack mates retuned and saw the destruction they flew into a rage and attacked me. They bit, clawed, and slammed by body for what felt like hours before the alpha stopped them before approaching me and gave me this scare to show my incompetence." Lucy explained in a rush before she gave a few more choked sobs before continuing in an anguished whisper

"After that they all hated me, no one talked to me, no one so much as looked at me without a look of utter hatred." Lucy finished before she lowered her head and started to break down in sobs. Rick couldn't help but feel sympathy for the poor raptor in front of him so he sat up and went to her. Her tears were now streaking down her triangular face which he then held on both sides. He lifted her head enough to meet his eyes with hers. "You can vent it all, let it all out." He comforted her with kindness in his eyes.

Lucy started to cry more and almost went limp before Rick eased her down to where she was lying down with her head on his chest while he sat on the ground with his back against the sofa and his arms holding her head comfortingly against him. There the two stayed while Lucy cried all the tears she had been keeping in for a large portion of her life while Rick whispered soothingly to her. Eventually Lucy cries became quitter before eventually falling to sleep. Her small quiet snoring almost sounded like a lullaby to Rick which combined with the bugs outside making their nighttime sounds lulled Rick who just held her head to him into sleep as the two joined creatures a human and raptor slept and allowed themselves to be in the comfort of the other and the darkness around him.

Tyler entered the bunker late at night, around midnight in his opinion. He had spent the day hunting and exploring the island. He had found a few more abandoned buildings that he had left unexplored and had even explored a little of the mountainous area in the southern side of the island. To his surprise he had found the area had few big dinosaurs which he believed was a result of the uneven footing heightening the chances of falling which would spell death for the unfortunate dino. Now however Tyler just wanted to lie down in his bed and catch some sleep before mourning. Making his way through the bunker he glanced into the room that served as the living room. "Let's see trap still good, door locked windows secure, Rick asleep with the raptor, all good." Tyler thought before he headed for the stairs.



"Huh?" Tyler froze just before he put a foot on the first step and without turning around walked backwards until he was back in the door way before he turned his head back to the living room's contents. Rick was sleeping with his back against the sofa with a content smile on his face while a raptor, a female by the look of it, slept next to him with her head in his lap and a contented look on her snout as well. Tyler regarded the raptor for a minute before he recognized her as Lucy the same raptor they had caught previously and member of Tiv's pack.

Tyler looked at the pair for a couple minutes before give Rick's sleeping form a glare "I swear if she has hatchlings I'll straight up murder you." Tyler thought as he saw Rick flinch in his sleep as he felt Tyler's killing intent laced glare on him. Deciding that he would find out what the raptor was doing their tomorrow Tyler made his way up the stairs to bed to sleep. His dreams were haunted by visions of baby raptors with heads that resembled Rick's calling him "Big Brother Tyler".

Tyler woke as the sunlight hit his eyes and the morning sounds of the jungle outside reached him. He was sweating and remembering his dreams during the night couldn't stop a shudder going down his spine. "No amount of therapy will help me repress that." Tyler said to himself as he got out of bed before heading to his closet to get a change in clothes.

Rick woke up to the sounds of morning bird calls in the jungle outside three hours later. He looked down at his lap when he felt a weight there and saw Lucy's head in his lap with a contented look on her still sleeping face. Rick couldn't help but give a caring smile at the sight before he stroked the side of her snout causing her to lean into his touch and...was she purring? Sure enough the female in his lap was giving a happy purr at Rick's warm hand stroking her snout before she eventually awoke from the felling. Lucy regarded her surrounding confused as to where she was for a moment before she remembered the events of the previous night which caused her to remember her encounter with Rick. She then noticed her position in Ricks lap and the human in question looking down at her with an amused smile.

"Morning" Rick said with an amused tone. Lucy shot up to her full height and lowered her head toward the human while apologizing profusely. "Hey it's ok. To tell you the truth Lucy I kind of enjoyed it." Rick said with a smile which caused Lucy to look at the ground in embarrassment. If raptors could blush she would certainly be right now. Suddenly the two heard a voice speak up from the food storage area "Hey if you're up breakfast is ready in here!" Tyler's voice shouted. The raptor and human looked at each other for a second before Rick asked "You think he saw us?" Before Lucy could answer Tyler spoke up again "And bring your mate in here to she's eating too!"

"I think that is a yes." Lucy answered before the two made their way to the food preservation room where they were greeted by the smell of cooked meat. When they entered the room they saw Tyler distributing three servings of cooked compy meat into two plates which also had some edible leaves that served as a substitute for salad and a bowl with nothing else in it. He then set all three on a table along with some scavenged silverware before sitting down in one of the two chairs. Without looking up he gave a lazy wave over to the two. "Sorry we only have two chairs and neither could fit a raptor so sorry. Why don't you join me and tell me why you're here." Tyler stated as he began to eat his breakfast. The two quickly joined him and began to eat their provided meals while Lucy explained how she was sent by Angel to ask for Tyler's presence while also tasting cooked compy for the first time.

After listening to Lucy explain her presence in the bunker and finishing his meal Tyler looked to the ceiling for a bit before looking to Lucy "Can he come too?" Tyler asked while gesturing with his thumb to Rick who just finished his meal. "Of course" Lucy said with a quick nod and sounding excited at the prospect of Rick accompanying them. Tyler gave a nod before he stood and stretched "Well better get ready. Just let me grab some things... you to Rick bring your equipment." Tyler announced before he left the room to retrieve his gear.

Ten minutes later Tyler was at the door of the bunker wearing a long-sleeved camouflage hoodie and Tan cargo pants along with a black backpack. He also had his SPAS-12 shotgun in his hands and his machete strapped to his left thigh. Rick was also there in his usual clothing along with another black backpack. He was carrying one of the two hunting rifles in his hands and also had his bow slung around his left shoulder along with a hunting knife strapped to his right waist. Tyler saw that both of them where ready to go before turning to Lucy who stood by the open bunker door "Lead on" and with that the two humans walked after Lucy out the door before locking it and followed the raptor into the jungle.

Tyler and Rick had been following Lucy for the last two hours in silence basking in the sounds of the jungle around them. Rick had spent the time wondering what the rest of the raptor pack would be like while Tyler was just dreading having Tiv's annoying but endearing chatter but also found himself thinking of the packs alpha female Angel. The two humans where broken from their thinking by the voice of Lucy "Here we are." The raptor announced as the group suddenly emerged from the foliage into a small clearing that was still shaded from overhanging branches. Looking around Tyler saw six nests with two of them looked like they were made for a single raptor while the other four looked like they were for families, however all but one where occupied. The raptors of the outcast pack where there waiting for them.

Tyler suddenly heard a happy and excited chirp of "BIG BROTHER TYLER!!!" before a small blur collided with his left leg. _"Uugh, and so my torture begins anew."_Tyler thought as Tiv nuzzled his leg. "Mama Abba this Big Bro Tyler. Look-it, look-it! Sister Flower its Big Brother Tyler!" Tiv shouted happily. "Yay!! Big Brother Tyler!!!" shouted a new feminine voice as Tyler saw a blur crash into his other leg which turned out to be a baby female raptor with light blue scales and a greyish underbelly.

"Ohhhh sweet god there are two of them!" Tyler thought in despair as he turned from the two raptors to see an adult female raptor looking at him and the two young raptors with amusement, surprise, and a little bewilderment. Tyler guessed that this was Abba, Tiv's mother so he said the first thing that came to his mind. "So... you don't have any other kids do you?" Tyler asked in an apprehensive voice. This seemed to break the raptor out of her stupor as she began to let out a barking sound that Tyler realized was laughter.

"No those two are my only pride and joys." Abba said in a caring voice. Tyler took the time to examine Abba. The raptor had a grey hide and tan underbelly, her body was about average for a raptor in terms of muscle but what caught his attention where here green eyes that seemed to emit caring warmth in them.

Tyler's examination was broken by a male raptor he recognized as Luke walked up next to Abba "Tiv, Flower stop bothering Tyler and get over here. Angle needs to speak with him." Luke ordered in a caring but firm tone that made the two young raptors stop nuzzling Tyler and walk over to their father, although with a bit of disappointment. After the two were at their father's side two raptors approached. One was a male raptor with a brown hide and a copper underbelly. He was heavily muscled making Tyler think he was likely more reliant on strength. The other raptor though he knew instantly after all he had just been thinking of her and now there Angel stood looking like the alpha she was.

Angel stood before Tyler and Rick and appraised the two humans for a bit while Lucy walked over to join her pack mates. After a couple of minute examining the two with Angel spending a noticeable time longer on Tyler Angel stepped back "Greeting's humans, I am Angel alpha of the Outcast Pack. This is my beta Adam." Angel introduced indicating the copper raptor just behind her. "While I admit to knowing Tyler as the human who saved myself along with the majority of my pack a few days ago, I do not recognize you." Angel stated as she directed her gaze to Rick. "My name is Rick, alpha Angel. I am a friend of Tyler here." Rick introduced himself to the raptor.

Angel gave a nod to Rick before retuning her attention to the two of them "Now while I am thankful for Tyler's assistance earlier, I must ask what you are doing on this island?" Angel asked. Rick decided to answer "We aren't here on purpose alpha Angel. An accident occurred at sea and stranded us here almost three months ago. We have been trying to find a way off the island by assembling a radio that is almost done."

"What is this radio?" Angel asked in confusion Rick scratched his head "Well it's something that allows humans to communicate over long distances, with it we will be able to get someone to help us leave the island." Rick explained. "Ah... I see, and you said it was almost complete?" Angel asked. Rick nodded "Yes I only one or two more parts from one of the old buildings around the island to finish it then help can be here in less than three days."

"Ah... I see." Angel said in a plain tone. For a second Tyler could have sworn he heard regret and a quick glimpse in his direction. "And in the meantime what are you planning to do?" Rick shrugged "Well usually we just hunt, sleep, or explore the island. Sometimes though we try and secure the building we are living in more so that a dino won't kill us in our sleep."

"Is it not safe where you are living?" Angel asked in surprise. This time Tyler decided to answer "Not really. We have some traps to ward off the occasional raptor, as Lucy can attest to." Tyler said while glancing over to the female raptor who looked down at the ground in embarrassment. "However if a group of raptors showed up or where a little more original in trying to find a way in other than the front door, we would be in trouble." Tyler stated in a bored tone as if commenting on the weather. Angel and the rest of the Outcast pack where a little put off about how non-caring Tyler was about the fact that his nest was so vulnerable. Angel thought for a second before coming to a decision. "Alright then tonight you shall sleep here with us."



Silence greeted her decision before the two humans and other raptor where able to process her words. "WHAT!?"

A collective feeling of shock was shared throughout the nesting area at Angel's announcement. "A-alpha Angel you want the humans to stay here at our nests over night!?" a male raptor with a black hide and grey underbelly questioned, only for Angel to round on him with a heated glare. "Yes I do Jagger are you questioning by decision?" Angel said in a tone that cut through the surrounding air like a knife. Jagger reeled his head back and shock at her tone before looking at the ground "N-no alpha Angel." He replied begrudgingly before he turned and made his way over to one of the large nests followed by a female raptor with a silver-grey hide and white underbelly who Tyler assumed was his mate.

"But alpha, where will they sleep?" Adam asked as he regarded the two humans. "Rick can sleep with me!" Lucy announced in an excited voice until she realized everyone was looking at her with bewildered looks. "I mean... my nest is big enough for one more person to fit so...yeah." Lucy mumbled in embarrassment as she lowered her gaze to the ground to ignore the looks she was receiving from the others. "Subtle" Tyler sarcastically thought as he turned his attention to Angel who gave a hesitant nod. "...Very well. Rick will share Lucy's nest. Tyler you will be sharing with... Mist" Angel announced although hesitantly. Unbeknownst to the others she really wanted to share with Tyler for some reason but knew it would be seen as highly improper for her as alpha to share her nest with anyone but her the one that was her mate. "Stupid rules...Where did that come from?" Angel thought before an outburst from Mist snapped her out of her thought.

"What! No! I don't want that human to sleep with me!" Mist shouted in protest. Angel sighed before addressing the irate raptor "Mist I know you are not exactly fond of humans but you are the only one with a nest big enough for another to sleep in so as your alpha I ask you to put aside you hatred for one night...please." Angel said in a pleading tone.

Mist seemed conflicted as she thought for a little while before, with a sigh, she nodded then turned and walked to her nest which was the furthest out. Angel gave a thankful nod to the retreating raptor before she looked up and saw that darkness was quickly descending before turning to the two humans and the other raptors. "We should all turn in soon as well. Tyler Rick I hope you rest well and enjoy your stay with us until your departure in the morning." With that said the group parted ways with Rick and Lucy heading over to Lucy's nest and Tyler following the path Mist had took while the rest of the raptors went to their own nests. "Well hopefully this won't be weird." Where the thoughts of both Tyler and Rick as they made their way to their sleeping area for the night.

"_Aannnddd it's weird."_Tyler thought an hour later as he lay on the right most side of the nest with his back turned to Mist who was sleeping on the far left side of the nest and as far away from him as she could get. Despite both of their attempts at creating space the two where only two inches from each other and thus the level of unease the two felt was only barely lessened by the space. Neither of the two had slept at all as Tyler was waiting for the raptor to attack him and Mist was trying to not get closer to the human despite his natural body heat being an enticing reason for her to move closer. After a minute or two Mist gave an involuntary shiver as a cold breeze swept through the nest area.

Tyler sighed before he announced in a whisper "Your cold." The way he said the announcement made it sound more like he was just stating a fact than asking her if she was cold. "Hmph, I'll be fine human." Mist announced before she gave another shiver as another gust came through. "No you won't, here..." Tyler said as he scouted closer to Mist until most of her back was against his and enough body heat was being transferred for her to be comfortable. "I don't need you help human." Mist hissed as she turned to look at Tyler with a glare despite the fact that she noted that the heat from his body made her much more comfortable. "Why do you hate me? I didn't kill your mate." Tyler asked without looking over at her. "I know it's not my place to tell you this but you need to move on. Hell you just yelled at your own pack alpha a while ago, that kind of behavior would have gotten you killed in other packs."

"What do you know of loss human?" Mist said in an angered voice. However her anger left her suddenly when Tyler quickly turned his head and looked Mist in the eyes with a glare of such anger that it caused Mist to shiver again but this time in fear. "I know plenty about loss, raptor." Tyler stated in an icy tone that could freeze ones soul. "However unlike your sorry self I have learned to move on. Something you need to do as well, if you want to continue living that is." Tyler stated before he slowly turned back around to face away from her.

Mist was silent as the shock she felt at seeing and hearing the raw emotion in the humans voice and eyes. Eventually the shock settled and with a bit of hesitation Mist asked the same question she herself had been trying to answer since Sawtooth's death. "H-how do I move on?" She asked in an almost pleading voice to the silent human. Tyler didn't speak for several seconds and Mist was beginning to think he wouldn't answer but just as she gave up hope she heard him say in a calm tone "You find yourself a goal, something you can live for and die for."

Mist blinked before she lowered her head "But I don't have any goals to live for." She replied in a resigned voice. "Then borrow someone else's." Mists head shot up as she looked at Tyler, who was still facing away from her, in bewilderment. "Huh?" was her intelligent reply. "If you have no goal to strive toward then help someone else achieve theirs." Tyler elaborated "Take up someone else's because and if that succeeds take up another one. Keep going until you find something for you to strive for." Tyler looked back over his shoulder and locked eyes with the stunned raptor. "If you do that, you will find a reason to live or die helping another either way it will be better than wallowing in self-pity." Having said his peace Tyler turned back around but Mist was now left with another question one she wanted the answer to.

"What do you live for Tyler?" Mist asked the human who had just given her a spark of hope for finding future happiness. Tyler sat up and looked over at Mist as if contemplating whether or not to answer her before shrugging and nodded his head over to Rick's prone form. "For him" At Mists questioning look he elaborated. "I'm the one that invited him on this trip. It's my fault he is stuck here on this island and my fault if he dies. He wants to get off the island, that's his goal, so since I don't have anything to really live for anymore I'll live to see him get off this island." Tyler finished explaining.

"What about yourself don't you want to get off the island and live?" Mist asked to which Tyler shrugged and lay back down with his back to her. "That is so low on my priority list it doesn't even register. So long as Rick gets off the island my safety is irreverent." Tyler said in a low voice before drifting off to sleep. Mist couldn't help but feel a little sad for the human but also saw the logic behind his mentality. Deciding to try his approach she settled down to sleep resting her side against Tyler's back, for some reason doing so seemed right. A few minutes later Mist fell into the first nice and nightmare free sleep she had in days. Both the human and raptor didn't notice their entire conversation was heard by certain female alpha who looked sadly at Tyler, remembering what he said before heading to her nest from her concealed position in the jungle.

Rick never thought the first time he would sleep with a girl would be in a nest surrounded by jungle. Then again he never thought the girl would be a raptor either. This was a fairly new experience for him as he did have a girlfriend back home named Lisa but she was a bitch who cheated on him and used him for his family's money. Rick had actual just broken up with her before going with Tyler and Dan on the tripe that got him stuck on the island.

When the two first had gotten in the nest it had been a little awkward so the two had made some small talk which somehow became a discussion on relationships. "I just don't see it happening Rick." Lucy stated in a depressed tone. "In my old pack the males where all jerks and now that I am in this one everyone's real nice but already taken. It just feels like fate is telling me I'll never find a mate." Rick was sitting cross legged next to Lucy who was lying down with her head in his lap. As he listened to Lucy's comment he gave her a reassuring rub on the top of her head. "I know how you feel Lucy, back home I was never too popular with girls and the one girlfriend I had was a real bitch and after dating her for a month I ended up breaking up with her."

Lucy raised her head in surprise "What? Why weren't you popular amongst the females of you home?" Rick sighed before answering "Well where I come from a lot of the girls where shallow, not all but a lot. They either where with a guy for money or as a trophy to show off to their friends with. Now given a lot of guys where the same way but back home it just seemed like everyone was obsessed with having meaningless sex with someone for a night before moving on to the next person. I wanted to find someone I actually cared about to be in a relationship with. It also didn't help that I was considered about average in the looks department and was considered as a weirdo for not trying to hook up with anyone."

"Hook up?" Lucy asked questioningly. "Having sex" Rick explained. "Wait you mean others would mate with someone who wasn't their mate?" Lucy asked in a surprised and appalled tone as if the very idea was horrendous. "Yeah not all people are like that, mind you, but most where. So that is why I'm not really the best at the whole finding a mate thing." Rick finished. "But you're so nice! I can't believe no one saw that! I would have asked to be your mate as soon as I could!" Lucy stated before she realized what she just said and blushed which appeared as a slight reddening on her usually white hide just under her eyes and all the way down her snout.

"Subtle... where did that come from?" Tyler wondered at the sudden thought that entered his head as he looked around the silent area around him before shrugging and going back to sleep. Rick looked at the blushing raptor in amusement "Oh... would you now?" Rick said in a teasing tone before he gave a slight smile and looked at Lucy with a thankful gaze. "Thank you, and personally I would defiantly date a girl like you in a heartbeat." Rick admitted with a slight blush. "R-really?" Lucy asked in surprise with her own blush growing.

Rick's face reddened causing him to turn away so Lucy wouldn't see "Y-yeah of course, even though I've only known you for a really short time I can tell you're really caring and upbeat. You're considerate of others and despite you not having an easy life you're trying to make the best of it and try to make others happy. A girl like you is one in a million and any guy would be lucky to have you." Rick stated as he turned back around to face Lucy when he got control over the blush on his face. Lucy just stared at Rick in shock, nobody had every complemented her like that before. In a moment of bravery she didn't know she possessed Lucy darted her head forward and caught Ricks lips in what Rick had described was a human version of a kiss earlier in their conversation.

Rick sat there in stunned silence as Lucy kissed him. Surprisingly he found himself enjoying the kiss and quickly became lost in the pleasant feeling it gave him. After a few seconds that seemed like hour to Rick Lucy retreated her head and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you" she stated her gratitude for his earlier comment shown in her eyes. Rick nodded his head slowly while not breaking eye contact "N-no problem" The two stayed there gazing at each other for a couple minutes before Rick averted his eyes in embarrassment. "W-we should probably get some sleep." Rick announced as he lay back down on his back.

"Y-yeah" Lucy replied as what just occurred between them hit her. Lucy decided that she wanted to sleep a little closer to Rick than she had originally planned and rested her side along his while placing her tail on top of his legs and her head on his chest with her snout ending just below his chin. "Goodnight Rick" Lucy stated in a teasing voice before closing her eyes. Rick allowed a contented smile to form on his face while he closed his eyes "Goodnight Lucy." And with that the raptor and human fell asleep even closer both physically and emotionally than they had awoken that morning.

The rays of sunlight filtering through the jungle canopy above was what awoke Rick from his blissful slumber. Dew was still clinging to the flora and ground around him but he quickly shook off what little was on him before standing and stretching out the soreness from his body. Looking around he noticed that Lucy was gone and likely getting breakfast which made him realize he hadn't eaten in a while either. Searching through his pocket he found a small map and looked for a place he and Tyler could raid for food on their way back to the bunker. After a quick glance he realized that the compound he had been meaning to check out for the last couple of days was on the way and would only require a 15 minute detour to reach. Putting the map away Rick began to walk back toward the center of the nesting area having decided to look for Tyler and the raptors.

As he arrived at the center of the nesting area he saw Tyler leaning against a tree looking bored and Jagger standing before him and by the looks of things trying to threaten him, key word try. Kava Jagger's mate was standing meekly in the background looking like she didn't want to be there. As he got closer Rick was able to make out what was being said "...and that's why you should stay away human." Jagger hissed Tyler just raised an eyebrow at the black hided raptor's attempt at intimidating him. "I don't see why I have to listen to you raptor. Last time I checked Angel was the alpha of this pack, so does that make you her bottom bitch?" Tyler asked in a mocking tone.

"How dare you insult me human?! Do you not realize that I could easily kill you?!" Jagger shrieked "Kill me of boredom maybe. Go try and act tough somewhere else Jagger before I decide to see if I can make a raptor hide belt." Tyler finished with a glare that made Jagger flinch before the raptor and stalked away. "This isn't over human. Come on Kava!" Jagger hissed over his shoulder. Kava gave an apologetic bow to Tyler who responded with an understanding nod before she turned and followed after Jagger. "What was that about?" Rick asked as he came to stand next to Tyler.

"Jagger wanted us to stay away from the pack. Seems to think that we aren't worthy of being near raptors or something equally as stupid. Angel and the rest are out hunting." Tyler explained before looking over to Rick with a smirk. "So how was spending the night with your girlfriend?" Rick faltered for a second before stuttering out a response. "W-what?!" Tyler rolled his eyes "Oh come on its blatantly obvious that you two like each other. I would be surprised if the other raptors hadn't picked up on it yesterday."

Rick scratched the back of his head in embarrassment "It was... nice. I honestly haven't slept that well in years." Tyler cast Rick a glance before looking back into the forest "Not even going to try and deny the whole girlfriend thing?" Rick looked up at the sky through a gap in the trees "Not really, in all honesty I wouldn't mind that. Take away the fact that she is a raptor and you have a personality that I would want in a girlfriend." Rick stated. Tyler looked at him for a second before shrugging "Well you know her better than I do and it's your life so who am I to judge." Tyler said. Rick gave a smile while not taking his eyes off the sky "Thanks Tyler."

"What are friends for?" Came a reply before the two settled into silence and waited for the other raptor to return. After two hours of waiting Rick and Tyler now found themselves walking through the jungle back toward the bunker this time however Angel, Lucy, Adam, and Kava where escorting them back. As the group made their way thru the jungle Adam and Angel where questioning Kava as to the whereabouts of her mate Jagger as when the raptors had returned from hunting he was nowhere to be found. According to Kava he had been in a rage after his confrontation with Tyler (the subject of said conversation angered Angel who decided to discipline Jagger later) and had stormed off into the jungle.

Suddenly the group came to a stop as a unique smell wafted over them. Taking a whiff Rick identified the smell. "Sulfur?" Just as he said this a series of blurs suddenly shot out from the undergrowth and pinned Tyler, Lucy, and Rick to the ground. Having being pinned on his back to the ground by a large clawed foot, Rick opened his eyes to see a male raptor with an all tan hide and a black streak running down his back pinning him with its killing claw poised to strike. Tyler and Lucy where in a similar position as him and Angel, Adam, and Kava where stopped from aiding them by three other raptors who stood between them and the pinned trio. "Black stripes!" Hissed Angel as she crouched into a ready stance "What is the meaning of this! You dare trespass into our territory!"

"Now, now, now Angel is that anyway to treat your new alpha?" A male voice spoke up as a large raptor made his way into the clearing. His hide was much like his fellow pack members but with the exception of numerous scars running all over his body. He was heavily muscled and his yellow eyes seemed to glow with an insane gleam that sent a shiver down ones spine. Angel's eyes widened in shock and her pupils dilated in fear of the new arrival "Vesh?! What are you doing here?" Angel asked in a frightened voice. Tyler, who was thinking up ways to kill the raptor pinning him in different fashions each ending with varying amounts of dismembered raptor body parts, couldn't help but be surprised in the frightened tone of the normally strong willed female.

"Well after all this time I've finally decided to take your packs territory for my own. Admittedly I couldn't have done this without first subjugating you. I couldn't simply kill you or your fellow pack mates would never accept me as their new alpha and there is also how your dear old father would do if he found out I killed you." Vesh stated witch made Tyler wonder about the whole father comment. "And so I decided that I needed to get you to submit to me and then your little pack mates would fall in line and I wouldn't have to fear about possible repercussions. But how would I do this, I asked myself, how would I get the legendary Angel to bow her pathetic head to me?" Vesh told in a snide and mocking voice.

"That's right, just keep up your monologue you little bastard." Tyler thought as he searched for a way to escape this situation. He had been midway through drawing his shotgun out before he was pinned and not the weapon was beneath him, however Tyler believed that he could pull it out and fire a round if he was quick enough. Looking over to Rick Tyler saw that the hunting rifle rick had was laying just out of his reach and if not for the raptor pinning him he could have easily grabbed the weapon, suddenly a plan formed in Tyler's head. Catching ricks eye Tyler stared at him before his eyes flickered to the rifle, the raptor pinning rick, his shotgun, and the raptor pinning him. Rick glanced around a bit before giving a slight nod that went un-noticed by the raptors who had their attention on Vesh and Angel.

Vesh continued his monologue "And that is when I received a pleasant surprise when I was approached by one of your members! Come on out here!" Vesh yelled to which, out of the underbrush, emerged none other than Jagger. Tyler heard Kava gasp and admittedly wasn't too surprised that Jagger betrayed them. "This one here told me how you seem to have a soft spot for these humans here and that you would be with them heading off to their home. So I decided to simplify this for you, submit to me and acknowledge me as your alpha or I will kill these two humans and your newest pack member." Vesh announced.

"Don't forget our deal alpha Vesh. Angel has to become my mate and I am given a beta position in your pack." Jagger stated causing another gasp from Kava. Angel at this point was in full alpha raptor rage mode and was desperately trying to stop herself from eviscerating Jagger on the spot. "You already have a mate you pathetic sack of compy droppings! I would never willingly be you mate!" Angel shouted in a rage. Jagger sneered before giving a dismissive snort "Please Kava means nothing to me, you on the other hand are a stunning female and are much more suited to be my mate than that pathetic female. Ahhhh, the nights we are going to have together. Oh and yes you will be my mate or the humans die, if you resist or refuse me in any way I will kill them in front of you. In fact you seem especially fond of that one, Tyler was it?" Jagger said as he made his way over to Tyler who was waiting for the perfect moment to begin his plan.

"Wait don't-" Angel tried to say but was cut off by Tyler's groan of pain as Jagger stepped on his right side and sank his killing claw into his right shoulder. Tyler managed to stop himself from screaming in pain but let out an agonized groan as he glared daggers at Jagger."Just a little longer" Tyler thought as he readied himself to enact his plan. Jagger sneered down at the human before removing his foot from Tyler's now bleeding shoulder and walked back over to stand beside Vesh before addressing Angel again "Now chose their lives or your happiness."

Angel looked resigned as she looked over the situation. Tyler, Rick, and Lucy where pinned and likely unable to help with Tyler also now wounded. Adam was in a ready stance next to her but was outnumbered by three other black stripes standing between them and Vesh who was near the pinned trio. Kava was mentally breaking down and was staring at Jagger with eyes full of heartbreak, betrayal, and sorrow. In total it looked like it would be her and Adam against three black stripes and Vesh, Jagger, and the three pinning Tyler Rick and Lucy. Not very good odds. Angel locked her gaze on Tyler who was still pinned beneath the foot of his black strip captor. She saw the wound on his shoulder bleeding heavily and a pained look on his face which despite the pain still held defiance in it. It was the sight of the wounded human that made up her mind. Angel couldn't let Tyler be killed. "I-I s-submi-"

Suddenly a deafening roar broke through the clearing causing all of its occupants to look toward the direction it came from. "Now!" Tyler thought as in one quick motion he pulled the shotgun out from under him and fired a slug at the raptor pinning Rick to the ground. The slug hit the raptor in the upper chest area piercing both its lungs and throwing it off of the human.

Rick quickly rolled over and grabbed the Remington off the ground before putting three shots into the neck of the raptor pinning Tyler before adjusting his aim and killing Lucy's captor via a bullet to the brain as it turned to look at him hearing the gunshots. All of this was done in less than two seconds and was only possible because of the humans close proximity to their targets. As the surviving raptors realized what had just occurred a loud roar again sounded throughout the clearing followed by the large form of a male Spinosaurus bursting from the tree line and clamping its jaws around one the black stripe raptors standing between Angel and Vesh. "Run!" Tyler shouted having correctly determined that the situation was now FUBAR. Anyone that still could broke off into the forest all heading away from the agonized cries of the black strip before it was silenced by the spino.

Rick and Lucy made their way through the undergrowth having put as much distance between them and the spino, unfortunately they had gotten separated from Tyler who had taken off in a different direction. Now the two found themselves in front of a medium size clearing about 50 yards in diameter. From the tree line to their right emerged Angel, Adam, and Kava who upon seeing the two quickly made their way over to them. "Are you both alright?" Adam asked concerned

Lucy nodded "Yes we are both fine. Did you see Tyler on your way here?" Angel looked down in shame "No we had to run too quickly to see what happened to him but I think he took off after Jagger." "WHAT!" Lucy exclaimed in shock "Is he insane?" to which Rick replied instantly with a "Yes" causing all present to sigh. Suddenly from the trees on the other side of the clearing from them emerged Jagger who looked a little haggard along with the two remaining black stripes and Vesh. "Jagger!" Angel shrieked in anger as she readied herself to attack. Jagger upon seeing her and Rick tried to attack the human but just as he made it halfway across the clearing he was tackled and pinned to the ground by a silver blur that turned out to be Kava.

"Worthless am I?" Kava said in a hushed voice that still cared throughout the now silent clearing. "A pathetic female am I?" Kava continued as she dug her killing claw into Jagger's side before working it around the wound causing the raptor to screech in pain. "K-Kava darling I didn't mean it. I- AHHH!!!" Kava cut off Jagger's apology with another twist of her killing claw. Rick noticed that Vesh and the other two black stripes had left the clearing fleeing from the now organized Outcast pack and leaving Jagger to his fate. "I gave you everything! I gave you my loyalty, my confidence, my love, everything! And you betrayed me, you through it all away and for what a position as beta? In order to mate with Angel!?" Kava said as she continued to wrench her claw into Jagger, all the while crying at what Jagger had done to her. Rick would have gone up and comforted her if she wasn't... you know murdering someone right then. "Well look what that has gotten you Jagger!" Kava shouted before pausing to catch her breath. Struggling through the pain Jagger tried again to plead with the angered female "K-Kava, my mate, I was forced to do it Vesh-"

"Shut up! You already made it clear you never considered me your mate so now I will make it official! Jagger, I Kava of the Outcast Pack with alpha Angel, beta Adam, and pack mate Lucy as my witnesses do hereby renounce you as my mate and swear to never mate, talk, or interact with you again!" Kava announced before standing up and walking away from the down raptor. "The only reason I don't kill you is because I don't want to further stain my claws with you blood. Goodbye Jagger." Kava announced with her head lowered while looking at the ground with tears falling from her face. The other raptors stood there in shock. In raptor society it was almost unheard for a mated couple to separate and much less a female revoking a male. However by doing so before her packs alpha and beta Kava had officially done something that most raptors would frown upon. If word got out and somehow it always did, Kava would be seen as a disgrace by other raptors regardless of what Jagger had done. "Y-you BITCH!!!" Jagger yelled before getting up and charging at Kava whose back was turned with the intention to kill the female.


The sound of a gun went off quickly followed by the sight of Jagger's head evaporating to a fine red mist before the body fell to the jungle floor. "That was for the shoulder ass-hole." A voice said making the group as one turn to see Tyler walking out from the tree line with smoke still coming out of the barrel of the SPAS-12 shotgun held in his left hand. "You're ok!" Angel shouted in relief before seeming to teleport next to him and examining his now bandaged shoulder wound. "Is your wound alright?" "Y-yeah it will need some stitches when I get back but no real issues." Tyler stated somewhat surprised by the alpha females worry. Returning his attention to the others Tyler saw that all seemed to be okay before Kava and him locked gazes before the female gave a nod of thanks to which he returned. "I think we should keep moving no telling when spino will decide to-"


"Ahhh fuck me" Tyler stated as the trees on one side of the clearing parted and not one but two spinos came into the clearing. "...Double fuck me" Tyler stated as the male of the two saw the group and began two charge toward Tyler who was the closest. However his charge was then only to be stopped by the other female spino who swatted him with her tail lightly upside the head. "Stop you idiot brother it is him that we seek!" The female spine stated in a surprisingly normal sounding female voice that wasn't deep like one might think. In fact if Tyler had to classify it he would say it was a British accent with aristocratic speech patterns and tone. How the supposedly dumbest dino on the island sounded like that was beyond his ability to comprehend.

"Huh?" the group thought The male spino stopped his charge before looking at the female "Sorry dear sister you know how I get after I kill something and that foul black strip I slew back there made me hungry!" The spino apologized/complained. "I know brother but due try and control your killing instincts until we hunt later. Now let us go and thank that human over there." The female spino stated while indicating Tyler with her tail. "Uhhh... me?" Tyler asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes you kind sir. I wanted to personally thank you for rescuing me earlier from those terribly dreadful humans with cages. I am known as Fiona and this is my brother Robert." the female spino stated before the male joined in "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance!" The now identified Fiona and Robert introduced themselves to the now dumbfounded group of humans and raptors. Getting his barring Tyler replied "Umm sorry I'm Tyler, this is Rick, Lucy, Angel, Adam, and Kava. It's... nice to meet you?" Tyler introduced hesitantly while pointing to each individual respectfully.

Fiona nodded to the group happily before returning her attention to Tyler "Well while I would prefer to stay and talk with my savior, me and my brother must go hunt for our brunch as the black strip from earlier has wet his appetite." Fiona stated in an apologetic voice. Robert nodded eagerly "Yes indeed we must! Terribly sorry good sirs and ladies but we must now take our leave. Until our next encounter!" Robert announced as the two turned and made their way into the jungle but not before Fiona turned around and over her shoulder shouted "Oh! And farewell my knight Tyler!" and with that the two disappeared into the jungle.



"Did that... just happen?" Tyler slowly asked. "Yep" replied Rick. "And did she call me her..." asked Tyler. "Yep" answered Rick.



"Well there's my one mind fuck of the day! I'm going to go sleep off the crazy!" Tyler replied with false cheer as he turned and began to make his way out of the clearing. "What about the other radio part we were going to get on the way?" Rick asked. "You want it, you and the raptors can get it. I'm done." Tyler stated over his shoulder with finality. Rick decided to turn in along with Tyler and decided to check out the facility the following day. The Outcast pack had escorted the two humans to the bunker before saying their goodbyes and heading back to the nest with the exception of Lucy who made up some BS excuse to stay with Rick for the night. Tyler at that point had stopped carrying and had proceeded upstairs to get some shut eye while Rick had fallen asleep in the living room with Lucy resting her head in his lap...again.

Lucy woke up the next morning with a groan, opening her eyes she saw that her head was still in Rick's lap and his hand was resting on her head. She slowly removed herself from him without waking him before standing up and gazing at her secret (not really) crush. Deciding to take a few seconds to look around the room Lucy saw that the windows showed the sun just rising above the horizon and peeking from the forest canopy. Lucy returned her gaze back to Rick only to find him gone. The couch was empty save for evidence of her being there. She looks around the room, but couldn't find the human at all. She was about to leave out the door to see if he had walked outside before she heard a whining sound. Lucy looked to her right and couldn't help but think one thing "Not again." before being picked up in a familiar net facing the door. Rick was just picking up his supplies from upstairs when he heard the door trap being triggered. He finished suiting up with the supplies he needed and headed downstairs. He quickly saw the trapped raptor that looked a little sheepish from being caught again and without much effort cut the rope with his knife.

Lucy didn't even struggle in the net because she knew it was ultimately useless. She fell to the ground with a heavy thud...again. She turned to see Rick in heavier clothes and his rifle along with his knife strapped to his back and on the back of his waist. Rick walked over to her and put his hand on her neck, slowly rubbing it. "You okay? I probably should have gotten rid of that trap so you wouldn't keep falling into it." He ended with a small chuckle and a smile. Oh, how Lucy loved that smile. It made her feel safe and secure in this world. Her only answer was a nod so as not to stop him from rubbing her neck. She made a strange sound that sounded odd even to her. "Are you purring?" Rick was surprised that raptors purred much like a cat and still be tough and dangerous looking killing machines. Deciding he liked the sound he kept rubbing her neck till eventually letting go, reluctantly.

Lucy seems saddened that he stopped his rubbing and looked at him with a face that told him to keep going. Rick laughed a bit at this. "Sorry, but I still am going to see that building I mentioned yesterday. Want to come along?" Lucy nodded happily. Rick walked through the door, avoiding the cut net on the floor with Lucy right behind him. As the pair walked outside Lucy heard snoring that sounded very deep. As Rick opened the door to the outside, he felt bright sunshine on his face. Taking a deep breath he smelled the scent of the grassland in the area and the creek that flowed nearby. He stepped out on the lush green grass Lucy walking behind him and looking around for the source of the snoring Rick had also heard. Finally Lucy's eyes land on a hulking figure that was lying down in a straight line near bunker. To her horror it was a T-rex. It had very dark colors with a lighter color on its underbelly along with very white claws and a scar running along from the middle of his spine on his back and circling around to a spot near the base of his neck. Lucy fearfully toke cautious steps in the hopes that she wouldn't wake the sleeping titian.

Rick had just finished locking up the bunker when he remembered something. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Lucy looked at him unbelievably. Did he not see the T-rex? Rick walked away towards the T-rex. "What are you doing?" Lucy yelled quietly. "What was this boy doing?" Rick stepped in front of the Rex, standing so close that he could feel its hot breath on him. He looked over at Lucy who appeared like she was close to a panic attack. Smiling smugly and turning to the T-rex, Rick reared his left leg up behind him before shouting "Hey wake up!" and kicking the Rex on the snout...hard.

" poor nose." The Rex yelled as it reared up from the pain and stood on his hind legs. The rex reached his forearms up to it in an attempt to alleviate the pain though his arms where not long enough. He looked down at Rick below him. "What...The...Hell Man!" The rex yelled. Rick stood where he was with a victorious smile on his face. "I know that you can't wake up that easily so I thought of another way instead of tapping your side." Lucy jaw fell open to a point where it just looked like it was dangling and squeaking like an old cartoon. She couldn't believe that Rick just did that.

"So you kicked me in the nose?!" The rex asked and whose breathing was now so heavy with anger that you could see his breath come out as steam. "It was that or the other one and I know how much you enjoyed that." Rick shrugged causing the rex to just grumble and head to the stream to drink. He passed Lucy who was still stuck in the same position with her jaw open in disbelief. Seeing her shocked state the rex shook his head and continued on. "Oh, we need a ride." Rick yelled to the T-rex who grumbled an okay before returning to his morning drink. Rick looks over to Lucy who was still in shock.

Lucy snapped out of her stunned state and looked at Rick. "Wha...who...why..." She took a deep breath and looked calm until, "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!" Lucy shouted in confusion. Rick covered one of his ears in pain from the earsplitting yell from Lucy. "I'll explain on the way. We're all set Scar whenever you're ready we can go." He said turning to Scar. Scar let out a sigh and lowered himself to the ground. "Get on." Moving to the rex, Rick climbed up onto his back to a spot where there was a depression at the base of his neck. Ricks looked over at Lucy who was standing there gazing at him dumbstruck. "What about her?" Rick asked Scar who shot a glance at Lucy before stating "Get on girl."

Lucy was apprehensive about following this request as riding on the back of a rex was not on the typical activities list for raptors but eventually agreed. She climbed onto his side carefully to make sure that she doesn't claw out his side and eventually onto his back finding a good spot behind Rick and with her legs dangled on each side. However it was obvious she was very unnerved by her new position so Rick decided to comfort her by reaching behind him and rubbing her neck. Immediately she began to calm down and started purring. "Everyone on?" Scar asked as he turned his head around to see them. Rick nodded his head while still rubbing Lucy's neck much to the observing Scar's amusement. "Hang on." Scar stated as he stood up and proceeded walk out of the clearing in the direction Rick pointed. Rick stops rubbing Lucy's neck and placed his hands in front of him to hold on causing Lucy to start whimpering at the loss of the rubbing, though her whimpers were drowning out from the stomping from Scar. Deciding that she could attempt to take her mind off of her position Lucy decided to question the rex she was on. "So...who are you?" Her words came out fearfully.

"I guess I can tell you about Scar since you've never met, if that's okay with you Scar?" Rick spoke up deciding to answer her instead. "Of course go ahead. She is staying with us." Scar answered as he kept his eyes on the trial ahead of him. "Well I guess I should start at the beginning. Scar was a father and a mate before all this, his mate and hatchling would stay behind while he hunted and kept his territory safe. One day after a hunt he came back to his nest and found both of them dead. Of course this made Scar VERY angry so went to find whoever killed them. When he did find him it wasn't who he expected." Rick waited for a minute to see if Scar wanted to say anything, but he took his silence told him otherwise. "It was his brother his own nest brother had killed his mate and hatchling. He knew it was him because he could still smell his mate's blood on him. As it turned out his brother was jealous of him so he decided to take matters into his own claws. Scar than battled and killed him and that was that. He returned to his nesting spot and just did nothing expect be miserable and wait to die. That's when me and Tyler found him. He was so much in misery that he didn't notice me until I was in front of him. He didn't lunge at me or even attempt to bite me. All he did was wallow in self-pity. I decided to comfort him and eventually I cheered him up. I may also have more or less asked him to be my dad as well. After that we took him to the bunker where I got to know him after a few days and now he stays at the bunker when he is not out hunting."

"We're here." Scar announced as he stopped in front of a building that was a large three story building. It had solar panels on the roof and on some of the grounds. Vines grew heavily on the walls and the foliage seeping inside anyway it could as the jungle attempted to reclaim the area. Rick ran to the door and found that it was unlocked. He hurried inside followed by Lucy, who after some difficultly managed to get off of Scar and onto solid ground. Scar stayed outside to guard against whoever came by and because he was too big to fit into most human buildings.

Rick looked through room after room, Lucy following closely behind him sniffing along the way for any sounds of trouble. She knew that the building has some significance for Rick and she was going to protect him should anything cross their path. Rick entered another room only to see a sight that left him gapping in shock. There fiddling with a hand held radio was none other than Tyler while his shotgun rested against a nearby wall and within easy reach. He turns around and smirked at Rick "About time you got here any longer and I would have left." Tyler stated as he stood up and retrieved his shotgun from the wall. "H-How" Rick asked dumbfounded. "I got here earlier because you didn't want to wake up with your raptor girlfriend in your lap." Tyler stated as he tossed the radio over to Rick who caught it. "That's all you need to finish the radio right?" Tyler asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yea" Rick nodded "I just need to install it and then we are good to finally leave this island."

"Your leaving?" a rather depressed voice sounded behind Rick who turned to see Lucy standing there with a shocked and heartbroken look. Seeing the look Rick decided to ask something he had been meaning to ask for a while. "Yeah...want to come?"

"WHAT?!" shrieked both Lucy and Tyler, one in surprise and the other in anger. "Y-you would really take me with you?" Lucy asked in a hesitant voice. No raptor had ever journeyed off the island before and the thought of going to the unknown land of the humans both excited Lucy and terrified her. Rick gave a reassuring smile "Of course I would take you with me Lucy. I don't want to leave you here and never see you again. You're too precious to me to leave behind." Lucy's heart jumped for joy at Rick's statement. While she and Rick had defiantly developed a strong relationship with each other Lucy hadn't known how Rick himself viewed his relationship with her. To hear him state that he valued their relationship to such a degree that he was willing to bring her with him when he left filled her with such joy that she thought her heart was glowing in happiness. Suddenly Ricks ear was roughly grabbed by Tyler "Outside now" he said in a menacing tone before dragging a now scarred Rick out the door before closing it. Tyler got right into Ricks face and snarled "What the hell are you doing."

"What do you mean?" Rick asked confused. "How the hell are you expecting to get Lucy off this island without someone finding out and killing her and sending us to prison? I am not escaping one prison just to get to another one." Tyler asked. "Well actually I was planning to bring Scar too." Rick commented. "..." Tyler stared at Rick with a deadpan expression for a full minute before speaking. "...Even assuming you were to get them to the mainland safely how are you going to keep them a secret from people like INGEN or find enough food to feed a Velociraptor and fully grown T-rex?" Rick looked down at the floor for a couple seconds before looking up and staring at Tyler with a determined glare "I will not leave them here. I will take them with me if they agree and anyone who has a problem with that will have to go through me." Tyler took a step back in surprise at Ricks declaration, it was not the statement itself that surprised him but the inferno that Rick held in his eyes. Within Ricks eye's Tyler could see his determination to stay with Lucy and Scar as a bonfire that reminded Tyler of the same look Angel had when he first saw her.

"Where do you find that kind of conviction?" Tyler thought enviously. "...Alright then" Tyler said after a minute "If your so determined to bring them with than how can I possibly stop you? Just... let me make the distress call once you get the radio working." Tyler said averting his gaze to the right before turning around and walking toward the exit of the building. Rick internally breathed a sigh of relief, he had been worried that Tyler would have been dead set on not bringing Lucy or Scar to the mainland but again he proved to be a friend Rick felt blest to have. "Thank you Tyler" Rick said with a thankful tone. Tyler didn't turn around but gave a dismissive shrug "What are friends for"

Lucy was still reeling from Rick's offer of going to the mainland with him. Truth be told she really did want to but she had never in her life thought she would actually get the chance. She was not too worried about Angel as she would likely be supportive. She was slightly concerned about meeting more humans but as long as she was with Rick she didn't care. So when Rick finally returned to the room and told her to follow him she had already made up her mind to accept his offer. When the pair eventually exited the building they saw Scar lounging around the buildings entrance. Looking around Rick guessed that Tyler's absence meant he was already heading back to the bunker and so approached Scar in order to extend his offer to him as well. Scar was surprised at first and a little hesitant to accept Ricks offer but Rick's assurance seemed to eventually win him over.

"If I won't be a burden to you and you want me to come with you that badly than yes, I will go." Scar stated to which Rick smiled before turning to Lucy. "And you Lucy? Will you come with me to the mainland?" Rick asked in a voice that portrayed just how nervous he really was of her refusing. Lucy found how worried he was of her rejecting his offer as charming and decided to be a little bold. Lucy walked right up to Rick and just as he opened his mouth to ask her what she was doing, she quickly darted the tip of her tongue into Rick's mouth. Rick for his part was shocked at Lucy's course of action and the only thing that shook him out of his shock was the feel of the tip of Lucy's tongue running around the top of his mouth. Deciding that he wouldn't be bested he used his tongue to begin a wrestling match with hers.

Lucy was enjoying the kiss immensely as the tongue wrestling match that she and Rick where currently doing was not something raptors usually did to her knowledge but was still very pleasurable to her. However the two had to stop there make out session due to the fact that their audience decided to remind them of his presence. "You know I'm still here right?" Scar's voice asked as the two broke apart and turned to see the T-rex looking at them with a raised non-existent brow. "Something I should know?"

"I'll tell you later Scar." Rick replied before returning his gaze to Lucy with a small smile "So... was that a yes?" Lucy chuckled and gave Rick a small lick on the cheek "Of course it is. I would follow you anywhere." Lucy said and it was true. Lucy had realized that over the short amount of time she had known Rick she had developed a bond with him that was so strong that she could not harbor the thought of not going with him. Rick gave a thankful smile "You should probably go and tell the pack of your decision then Rick stated to which Lucy nodded before giving a farewell and sprinting off into the jungle.

Later at the bunker Tyler sat down before the radio that Rick had just finished fixing. Now the repaired radio's range could finally reach the closest shipping lane to the island and hopefully rescue. The business of the rescue however had become complicated due to Ricks insistence that Lucy and Scar come with them. Not only would a typical vessel refuse to come to Isle Sorna themselves but they would likely get the US military to extract them, the same U.S. military that was responsible for making sure that no dino made it off the island. Letting Rick go ahead with his wish to bring Lucy and Scar would definitely go against their goal and Tyler highly doubted they would allow for such a transgression.

Tyler sighed as he prepared himself to do a lot of talking. Since the military would not allow them to bring the pair of dinos that meant the Tyler would have to convince a civilian vessel to not only enter the quarantine zone around the island but also brave the threat of dinos and get close enough to shore to extract a pair of humans along with a Velociraptor and a T-rex. Then keep said dinos on board despite their reputation and secretly escort them to the mainland. Suffice to say it was a tall order so much so that Tyler knew that almost any vessel would outright refuse their request, key word almost any vessel.

Switching the radio to the correct channel and frequency Tyler began broadcasting "Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is one of the surviving crew of the private vessel Summer Sail to any Star Line Corporation vessel on this frequency please respond over" Tyler repeated this message a few times before he suddenly received a response. "This is the Star Line Corporations cargo ship Enduring Traveler to Summer Sail survivor we read you on frequency 192.3612. Send your traffic." A male voice replied through the radio. The new human voice was pleasing to the ear for Tyler who had only heard his and Rick's voice for the last 3 months with the exception of the dinos voices portrayed by the translator. Shaking off the thought Tyler went back to the radio "I read you Enduring Traveler. We ship wrecked off the coast about three months ago on a reef. Suffered 1 dead but still have 2 survivors myself included. We are currently on Isla Sorna and are requesting pick up of four. I request that you really a message to an Adrian Price." This was the key to wither or not Tyler and Rick where going to get off the island. If the radio operator refused to relay the message than all hope of getting Lucy and Scar off the island with them was lost.

"...Understood Summer Sail, we will relay" came the positive response causing Tyler to slump in relief and causing Rick, who was standing in the back of the room to give a fist pump. "Understood Enduring Traveler much thanks. Message is as follows: Wolf requests pick up for him and friend along with two others from Isla Sorna. Bring heavy load vessel to Western side of the island at 1320 three days from now. Silence is the key. You got that Enduring Traveler?" Tyler relayed. After a pause the radio operator replied with an affirmative before signing off but after he gave them a "good luck" and ending the conversation. Tyler turned in his chair to Rick who was smiling "Well that's it, in 3 days we'll be out of here"

A day later in the United States Tyler's message was being read. To Adrian Price - "Wolf requests pick up for him and friend along with two others from Isla Sorna. Bring heavy load vessel to Western side of the island at 1320 three days from now. Silence is the key." Adrian Price had to reread the note almost 6 times before he was sure he was interpreting Tyler's message correctly.

Adrian stood at 5'10 and weighed 175 pounds of muscle which was fairly good in the 21 year olds opinion. He knew that most people would see him at first glance and think he was a prince charming type, what with his short blond windswept hair bright blue eyes and light tan. It also didn't really help that it he was the soon to be owner of a major shipping conglomerate that's net worth was measured in the billions. In other words he was a handsome soon to be multi-millionaire, it was no wonder that many girls from all different walks of life had attempted to get close to him. Unfortunately for them none of them really appealed to him as a potential wife, call him weird but despite being a multi-millionaire he wanted to marry someone he truly loved and be with for life. The last thing he needed was a women that would marry him just to divorce him in a couple years so that she could take some of his money, like what his mother did to his father.

Currently he was sitting inside his private office at the Price Shipping Headquarters building just outside Chicago. The office was fairly elegant with wood walls and a carpeted floor with the wall behind his desk being a one way window with a view of the Chicago skyline. The office sported an elegant rosewood desk, a black la z boy business chair that Adrian currently occupied, a 52 inch flat screen TV with Netflix, and a minibar on the left.

Yes, most people would defiantly assume Adrian Price was the typical spoiled rich kid that had all he could want in life. What most didn't know was that Adrian Price was good friends with a Tyler Coombs and as a result was an avid outdoorsman and hunter that could hit a silver dollar at .5 miles. It was thanks to this friendship with Tyler that Adrian was able to easily decipher the message in front of him as stating that his presumably dead friend was alive one Isla Sorna with another human and needed a pick up for them and two dinosaurs. While most people would see this as either an opportunity to get rich or a crazy request from an insane person, Adrian knew his friend was not the type to make crazy demands and Adrian was also not the type to risk another San Diego incident. However Adrian was willing to risk such a request in order to listen to what Tyler had to say in person. Moving to his page he pressed the button for his secretary "Stephany could you get me the current position and heading of the Elipsis and also get my private helicopter ready to go I have a sudden business meeting with a good friend."

"Hurry up! You don't want to be late do you?" After cutting down Lucy from the net trap again, Rick had abandon the idea of using a spray can and went with carving the left over notes into the walls of the building and on the side outside. The note was for any stranded human that came across the bunker to know what was inside and that they could use the bunker as a safe shelter. He was just finishing up the last word when Tyler decided this was enough time and yelled at Rick to hurry up. Rick carved the period in the end of the sentence and placed the knife into its sheath. He carved the number code into the wall for both the outside and inside door of the courtyard. Now all finish, Scar lower himself onto the ground for Rick, Tyler and Lucy to get on. When both of them are on he lifted himself from the ground and left the compound, but not before closing the door with his tail out of habit.

Over the next 3 hours the group made their way to the beach they were supposed to meet Tyler's contact at. While going through the jungle they were joined by the outcast pack who had decided to see them off. When they finally arrived Rick sat on the white sandy beach near where the water and was quickly joined by Lucy who regarded him with a worried look. "Don't worry whomever Tyler called will come, if Tyler trusts them we should as well." She nuzzled him gently to coax him out of his worry which helped a little. "Thanks Lucy." He looks back at the ocean for any sign of rescue, but still no sign.

Scar was conversing with Tyler and Angel looked over to see that Rick was now rubbing Lucy's neck, who rewarded him with a purr. Scar then shifted his gaze out to sea and saw something, a small black spec on the water that drew closer and closer. Rick, Lucy, Tyler, Angel and the rest of the outcast pack noticed it too. Rick regarded the object coming at the coast and suddenly realized the object was not a boat. Instead he determined that the object was an industrial LCAC or Landing Craft Air Cushion. This particular model seemed a mix between the military version and a civilian one as it was noticeably larger than the military one but looked to be almost as fast as the military version. "You guys hide now. I'll call you when ready." Rick said while pushing Lucy to the forest nearby before Tyler spoke up.

"Don't bother they're already expecting them." Rick looked over at Tyler with accusingly at the thought that he would tell someone they were bringing a pair of dinos with them but his friend seemed to shrug off the look and instead focused on the craft as it reached land. As they craft moved over the beach it held off away from the group as it slowly deflated. Finally when the process was done the ramp at the front of the vessel dropped to reveal a single man standing before them with a large smile. The man stood at 5'10 with a handsome face and pale complexion which in Rick's opinion made him seem like a womanizer. His short blond hair was almost covered by a green baseball cap and his bright blue eyes regarded their group with scrutiny and mirth. "Well, well, well look what I have here two supposed to be dead people and a group of dinos that are supposed to kill people all in one weird package deal." The man said as he seemed to focus on Tyler who gave a small smile before replying. "And look what we have here a regular prince charming that was confused for a girl by his own father when he was born."

"HEY WE AGREED NEVER TO TALK ABOUT THAT YOU ASS!" The man yelled as he marched up to Tyler. "What are you going to do about it bitch?" Tyler replied. "How about I tell people about you and that high school teacher Ms. Hensick!" Adrian replied triumphantly only for Tyler to retort "Hey that only happened three times and to be fair she was a solid 10!" Tyler replied before smiling and griping the man in a one armed hug. "Adrian good to see you been awhile."

"You to Tyler, I'm actually not too surprised that this island couldn't kill you." Adrian answered back with a smile before glancing over at Rick and the dinos. "So you going to introduce me to your friends?" Tyler nodded before motioning to Rick "This is Rick Stanton we've been friends for a couple of years but you've never had a chance to meet him before. Rick this is Adrian Price his family and mine have been close for 3 generations. He owns Star Shipping or at least will when his dad retires. He and I go hunting often during the normal school year which is likely why you haven't met yet."

Rick walked up and shook Adrian's hand while regarding the sniper wielding man with wariness, but Adrian just gave a disarming smile. "Good to meet you Rick hope having to live with Tyler that long wasn't too damaging to your psyche." Rick gave a small chuckle at the joke and relaxed "No he saved me enough times to make up for the emotional damage, and thanks for coming to pick us up." Rick gave a nod before turning to the large group dinos before raising a questioning brow "Sooo.... Care to explain our unique passengers? You two aren't going INGEN on me are you?" Tyler decided to answer "No see these devices around are necks?" Tyler asked while pointing to his own translator. "These allow us to understand their speech patterns and they can all apparently understand human speech because of INGEN's DNA manipulation. I'll talk to you more about it on the ship." Tyler finished while giving Adrian a look that earned a slight nod from his friend.

"Anyway the big T-rex is Scar he became my father figure while I was on the island and I consider him family." Rick introduced before pointing to Lucy "This is Lucy she is a good friend of mine. The two of them will be going with us back to the mainland." Rick explained. Adrian regarded the two before giving a nod "Well though it's a little strange meeting a dinosaur, it's still nice to meet you both. On the way back please try to not get sick and if you do please throw up over the side of the boat and not in it." Lucy gave an undignified huff at the assumption that she would get sick from a simple boat ride while Scar just accepted the advice. Adrian turned his attention to the other group of dinos composed of all raptors. "Are we taking this lot too?"

Tyler shook his head "No this is the Outcast pack. We made friends with them over our stay and they wanted to come and see us off. This is their alpha Angel." Tyler explained before introducing Angel who stepped forward. Adrian and Angel regarded each other for a bit before Adrian gave a slight bow of his head "I sympathize with you for having to deal with these two for so long." Angel gave out a hooting sound that was easily identified as amusement before giving a slight nod of her head. Adrian looked around for a bit more at the surrounding island before turning to the two humans "We should likely get moving before something decides to ruin the festivities. I'll give you both awhile to say your goodbyes." Adrian said before turning and making his way back to the LCAC.

Scar didn't really know the Outcast pack that well so he decided to make his way to the craft as well leaving Tyler, Rick, and Lucy behind to say farewell to the Outcast pack raptors. Lucy approached the group first and walked right up to Angel before bowing her head. "I know I've said it before but thank you again for taking me in. Although it was only a short time I will miss you all and will forever be grateful for your kindness." Angel gave what translated as a raptor smile before leaning down and rubbing her snout against the top of Lucy's bowed head. "It is no issue young one. It was our pleasure to have you as one of our own, even if it was for too short a time. Know that we wish only the best for you and as you leave us you go with my blessings... May you and Rick have a wonderful life together?" Angel stated with a quick glance at Rick which quickly reducing Lucy to a stuttering and embarrassed mess.

Rick for his part looked sheepish for a moment before bowing his head to Angel as well and thanking her for taking care of them, to which Angel merely returned the bow and hinted that if he hurt Lucy something harmful would befall him. As the raptor and human walked away Tyler presented himself before the entirety of the outcast pack. The first raptor to address Tyler was Tiv who chose to leap up into him and forcing the human to catch him. "Do you hav' to go big bro Tyler? I want you to stay here so we can play!" Tiv cried as he rubbed his snout against Tyler's chest. Tyler gave a small smile while looking down at the sad baby dino. "I have to go back Tiv, but don't worry I'm sure we will see each other again. When we do I promise to play with you for a whole week straight." Tyler told the dino who seemed to brighten up a good deal.

"R-really you promise?" Tiv asked in a quivering voice. Tyler just gave a reassuring smile "I promise, so until then you have to be a big bro to your sister ok. Make sure you look out for her and help mother Abba and alpha Angel by doing what they tell you to ok?" Tiv nodded happily before promising to be an even better big bro than Tyler before scampering back to his sister Flower and allowing Abba to approach. Abba gave a bow to Tyler before raising her head again and addressing him "I can't thank you enough for not only saving my son but also myself and our pack. I will forever be grateful to you." Abba said gratefully. Tyler gave a nod before giving the mother a reassuring smile "Everyone needs help at some point Abba. I'm just glad I got the chance to meet you all. You and your pack are one of the few bright spots I've found on this island and I will certainly miss you all. Despite only knowing you for a while I have to say you are a pretty amazing mom judging by what I've seen from Tiv and Flower."

Abba was honestly surprised at the remark Tyler had just made though it also filled her with a warmth of both relief and joy. Nobody previously had said so bluntly that she was a good mother and the fact that a person's whose opinion mattered to her like Tyler had said so meant a great deal to her. In truth she had been worried about wither or not she was doing things right as a mother even before Tiv had disappeared. When he had gone it had seemed to her like verification that she had failed as a mom and despite Tiv returning she had really never forgiven herself completely of the incident. When Tyler had told her that she was a good mother she felt like a large boulder had been removed from her shoulders and a nagging doubt in her gut had disappeared.

Abba smiled and gave Tyler's cheek a small appreciative lick in thanks "Thank you for the complement dear, it means a lot coming from you. If we never meet again after this know that I consider you apart of my family just like Tiv and Flower do." Abba said which drew a look of surprise from Tyler as she walked back to the group. Tyler was still reeling from the shock of Abba considering him family when the approach of Mist snapped him back to reality. The raptor had improved by leaps and bounds after his talk with her the night Rick and him had stayed the night at the outcast packs nest. The tearful look in her eyes now was for the departure of a good friend instead of the despair over a lost love. Mist seemed to struggle to find the words to express her sadness at seeing Tyler go but eventually settled for resting her head on Tyler's right shoulder in the raptor equivalent of a hug. "I'll miss you."

Those words spoken with such sincerity conveyed all she needed to the human who brought a hand up to rub her snout "I'll miss you to." The two stayed like that for a few minutes before Tyler used the hand rubbing her snout to direct her face directly in front of him so that he was looking into the female raptor's eyes. "Before I leave I want you to promise me that you will move on." Tyler said with a firmness in his tone and eyes. At Mist's confused look Tyler just sighed before explaining "You are a very beautiful raptor Mist and have a lot of your life ahead of you. I don't want Sawtooth's death to ruin your chances of finding happiness with someone else." Tyler explained. Mist gained a conflicted look as she averted her gave to the ground this action caused Tyler to realize what she was likely worried about. "You don't need to forget him" he said which brought Mists attention back to him. "You keep his memory close and treasure the memories you had together always in your heart but don't let them dictate the rest of your life. I think Sawtooth would have wanted you to be happy even if you took another mate." Mist gazed deeply into Tyler's eyes before giving a slight nod of her head. She then quickly gave Tyler a quick lick on the cheek before retreating back to the rest of her pack.

Finally Angel approached Tyler as Rick and Lucy boarded the industrial LCAC along with Scar and Adrian. Knowing that they didn't have long Tyler decided to start the goodbyes. "Well looks like this is goodbye huh?" Tyler announced with a bit of sadness in his tone. If he was honest with himself there was always something about Angel that set her apart from the other raptors and despite having limited interactions with the female Alpha, Tyler found himself quite attached to her. Angel for her part nodded "Indeed, I feel that I must thank you for your parting words to my pack mates. Your words meant a lot to them and relieved some of their burdens." Angel looked into Tyler's eyes again and both relived the first time their eyes had met when he had saved her and her pack from poachers. "I was right about you." Angel suddenly stated. Tyler rose a brow in confusion "Right about what?"

Angel gave a raptor version of a smile "You would have made a great Alpha male." The rest of the raptors of the Outcast pack gave a collective gasp in shock at their leader's statement. While Tyler thought the comment was a general complement the rest of the raptors knew what Angel really just said "You would have made a great mate." Not realizing the true meaning of the statement, as he was not a raptor, Tyler merely gave a small smile "Maybe, but you make a perfect Alpha female for the pack." Behind Angel Abba could only mentally smirk at what the human was unknowingly doing. "Oh Tyler, if only you knew what you were actually saying to poor Angel." She thought as she glanced at her Alpha and saw her almost glowing at the comment.

Angel grew weak at the knees at Tyler's comment but outwardly gave a happy nod at the complement. Angel knew what she wanted to say next but the true gravity of what she was about to say made her look toward the ground meekly and shuffle her left foot. "Maybe next time, if you ever come back to the island... you'll give it a try?" Angel asked in an uncharacteristic for her nervous voice. So soft was the question that only Tyler and Abba, who was closest heard the question but only one of them fully understood what the humans answer would entail.

Tyler for his part rose a somewhat confused brow at the strange request but decided to answer anyway "Uh yeah sure, we can give it a try if I ever find myself back here." Angel was almost leaping for joy at the humans answer and only her position of alpha held her back from doing so. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you looked at it her position did not stop her from showing her happiness in another form. Before Angel or anyone else could react the Alpha female unconsciously threw he head forward and darted the tip of her tongue into Tyler's mouth as he opened it to ask her if she was alright. Instead of attempting to begin a tongue wrestling match like a human would Angel displayed the raptor version which involved her running her tongue along Tyler's teeth and paying special attention to his canines. After a few seconds Angel realized what she was doing and quickly broke the kiss and backed up shakily "I-I ah... Hope to see you again soon Tyler!" Angel said as she darted into the jungle, all attempts at appearing as the strong Alpha female gone.

After a minute or two of stunned silence from all those on the beach Abba shook herself out of her stupor and laughed awkwardly "W-well I think that's our cue to leave lets go everyone" and without further ado the Outcast pack walked to the jungle and disappeared into the trees just as their last shouted goodbyes died out. Tyler stood rooted to the spot in shock for a couple more minutes before robotically turning around and boarding the LCAC. As he made his way past Adrian who was the only other person to see the little display, he muttered just loud enough for him to hear "Don't say a single damn thing." Adrian just chuckled and gave a nod before heading to the LCAC's control area along with Tyler and passing Rick and Lucy who were too busy getting Scar settled into the LCAC to notice the earlier drama. After a few minutes the LCAC had inflated its skirt and powered up its fans before slowly moving off the beach and over the water where it soon picked up speed and powered away eventually becoming a speck on the horizon before disappearing.

Rick looked out over the bow of the cargo ship Elipsis at the approaching California coastline. He had been surprised to hear that his family had moved since his island incarceration from Texas to California and now owned a ranch in northern California. He had at first expressed concern at how he was going to get Scar and Lucy there without alerting half the United States to a god damn T-rex and Velociraptor being on the mainland but Adrian had assured him that by keeping the two confined in the Elipsis large cargo hold that nobody would be able to see them and thus allow the ship to pass through the Panama Canal and into the Pacific. From there Adrian explained that his shipping company had fabricated a story to the police about transporting a large piece of a ship for repair at one of their inland facilities thus getting the entire highway cleared for a large truck to transport a very large shipping container to a building that belonged to Price Shipping that was within 10 miles of Rick's parents' home. From there the group would simply walk overland to the ranch Rick's family owned by sticking to a series of hiking trials that was illegal for other hikers to hike on as the area was recently purchased online by a certain Tyler Combs and turned into private property.

Reassured that transportation was covered Rick went back to conversing with Scar and Lucy for the duration of the trip. Tyler had stopped by a few times to talk with them but mostly kept to having hushed discussions with Adrian about something near the wheel house. After 2 weeks they were finally making their way into port at a private dock. Adrian had given the ok for Rick to let Lucy out on deck to see the mainland which is why he found the raptor standing next to him now as he gazed at the approaching port. After a few minutes Rick spoke up "Come on we better get down below and be ready to disembark" he stated before heading down to the cargo hold. Lucy looked back out at the view one last time before following him. She was almost to the cargo hold when she heard Scar saying something. "-get a fright from seeing me."

"Come on, he'll be happy that you took care of me." Ricks voice said in answer. "I don't know. What about Lucy?" Scar asked worriedly "Let us just hope for the best." Rick answered with a finality. Lucy entered the cargo hold to find Rick gathering his backpack and Rifle which he stuffed into a large gun bag supplied by one of the Ellipsis's crew. Scar was next to him stretching out his soreness from sleeping so long on the metal floor of the ship. "You know, I'd rather sleep on the soft earth than this." Scar said while working out a kink in his neck before finally it snapped with a crack. "Ah, that's better."

"Okay I'm all set." Rick announced while walking toward the side hatch that opened to the outside for unloading large cargo. Lucy and Scar followed without hesitation, until she remembered something. She turned her head back toward the front of the ship. "Won't we be using the entrance at the front of the ship?" she asked questioningly. Rick knew that she was talking about the large forward section of the ship that opened up to allow their LCAC to enter directly into the ship via a partially submerged loading ramp. "No, that is only to deploy and load the LCAC, the side entrance here is big enough for Scar to fit through and well put us onto the dock." Rick explained.

After a 15 minutes of waiting the ship finally docked and they were soon joined by Tyler and Adrian along with a few crewmen who by now where not afraid of Lucy or Scar and where now moving to open the hatch. Rick looked over at the raptor in near him finding her eyes the most interesting thing in the world right then. "You should know that I have a crazy person after me here." Lucy widened her eyes at this knew announcement "What do you mean crazy person, and why are they after you?" Rick lets out a big sigh and looked over to the hatch door that was now opening. "This girl that has it in her head that I am her destined husband. She tries to get me to be her boyfriend...err that's a potential mate for your line of thought, and I reject her every time, but she just keeps on coming after me no matter what I do."

Lucy suddenly growled angrily at the thought of this female "I can help with that." She offered. Rick looked over to Lucy with gratitude "Thanks Lucy." He said before he kissed her on the side of her snout. Lucy relaxed into the kiss as her anger melted away at the action. "Oh I can't stay made when he does that" She thought as the crewmen finished opening the hatch and lowering a large ramp down to the dock. Rick pulled away and saw her pleased reaction. "I'll properly thank you later when we get home" He stated before turning to walk down the ramp after Adrian and Tyler who were already descending onto the dock. Lucy remained frozen where Rick kissed her. "He's going to thank me properly later does that mean he is going to..." She thought before her mind descended into more mature content. Lucy was still trapped in her own little world when Scar walked up behind her toward the ramp "Wake up Lucy you can fantasize about my pseudo-son later. Right now you need to move so I can get out of this metal cage." He announced causing Lucy to jump in surprise and embarrassment. She started to walk down the ramp quickly followed by Scar.

As Rick watched the two dinos disembark down the ramp he couldn't help but thank the stars that that neither of the two got seasick on the way down and also quickly mastered the art of going over the side when they needed a bathroom break. Scar heaved a heavy sigh when he glanced around the dock and saw only a few Price Shipping employees who glanced at the two dinos uneasily but went about their work. He really didn't want to be made a spectacle out of and the fact that only a few trusted individuals where here from Price shipping made him feel relieved. Rick walked down the concrete dock leading to a group of buildings and a parking lot that currently had a large Semi Truck with a large cargo container on the back along with a few cars including a familiar mobile home.

The mobile homes door opened up to a man and a woman wearing regular civilian clothes that he recognized instantly even from this distance causing him to freeze in shock. His parents where here. A nudge from Tyler who was standing next to him spurned him slowly forward toward them. He made it about halfway before the pair recognized him and immediately broke into a run. Surprisingly his mother reached him first which could only be chalked up to motherly super powers, and quickly grabbed him into a suffocating hug quickly followed by his father. The two adults hugged him fiercely for a few minutes before bombarding him with questions. "Oh honey... my precious baby boy. I thought you were dead." His mother said threw sobs and happy tears as she gazed at her sons face. "Let me get a good look at you... oh you just as handsome as the last time I saw you." She said much to Rick's embarrassment. Ricks father gave a nod "Yep and looks like you gained some muscle to" his father added as despite the dirty t-shirt and pants Rick wore on the island his muscles in his arms and legs where still noticeable.

His mother stopped her examination of her sons face to examine the rest of his body before giving a displeased grunt "Look at the condition of your clothes though and you smell absolutely filthy, oh and you lost some weight too. Don't worry when we get home I'll fix that." His mother stated determinedly making his father take a nervous step away from his slightly scary wife. Rick and his parents then became aware of the large footsteps and clicking sounds of Lucy and Scar approaching. Rick looked over at the duo before looking back to his parents with a loving grin. "I want to introduce you to a few people first" He said as Lucy and Scar stopped fifteen yards away from the group. Rick's parents tensed up at the sight of Lucy and Scar before Lucy walked forward until she was behind Rick before bowing her head knowing the two would not understand her speech.

"This is Lucy, as you can see she is a Velociraptor and a close friend I made on the island." Rick introduced to his parents before explaining that the device around his neck allowed him to understand her speech pattern and that she could understand them just fine. Rick's mother took a hesitant step forward toward the raptor determined to at least greet the raptor as it appeared her son cared about her "H-hello Lucy, I'm Ricks mother Diana." She said giving a small return bow to the female raptor before slowly reaching a hand out and petting the top of Lucy's head. Lucy purred to show her apparition for the greeting and to ease Rick's mother's fears. After all she wanted to make a good impression to the mother of the one who she was seeing as more and more of a soon to be mate, with each passing day. Lucy's purrs made Diana and Ricks father relax and soon the pair where greeting Lucy like a good friend before their attention turned to the Large T-rex known as Scar.

"This is Scar a T-rex me and Tyler ran into on the island. He became a father figure to me over the course of my stay and really looked after me. He even saved my life once on the island." Rick introduced his second father figure to his original father and his mom. Surprisingly Rick's father went up to him Scar first "So you where the one that looked out for my boy?" Scar locked eyes with the smaller human but remained truthful in his response "Yes, for as long as I knew him." Rick's father stared into Scar's eyes for any falsehood before giving a smile "Thank you then for protecting my son when I couldn't. At least you kept him alive." Ricks father James stated before turning to Rick with a commanding stare that made the teen in question feel uncomfortable "You're still going to school next week." His father announced causing Rick to grown.

After greeting Scar, Rick's parents hugged Tyler as they had also been worried about him as well and especially thanked him when Scar informed them that Tyler was the one to keep an eye on Rick before Scar met him. After that the two adults thanked Adrian for everything to which the man just smiled and assured them that he was happy to help. "So," Rick stated causing his family everyone else to look at him. "What's for dinner?" Everyone laughed except Rick's mom who gained a determined look in her eyes before shepherding Rick and Lucy to the mobile home while Scar and Tyler moved to the semi-truck with Adrian. With the promise of delivering Scar to his house later Tyler and Rick parted ways for a while as Rick and Lucy boarded the mobile home and soon drove off to their new home. Lucy's head nodded off a little while later from where she slept on a couch in the mobile home before finally resting in Rick's lap. Rick reached down and gently rubbed Lucy's head and neck as small smile formed on her face. Rick felt her happiness just from looking at his lovely raptor. He knew that this would be a new life for him here but honestly he was never more content.

Tyler pulled uncomfortably at his collar again as he sat in a well-furnished lobby area. The white marble floors, walls, and ceilings where furnished with vibrant colored sofas and chairs along with paintings that Tyler thought belonged in the Louvre rather than the personal residence he was in. The room was completed with a grand rugs that was a vibrant maroon color and led to a pair of Grand oak doors with many depictions of animals from around the world with gold trim. On the right side of the door was a large desk with a young blond receptionist behind it typing away at a computer.

Tyler sat on one of the many sofa's in the area trying in vain to adjust the suit he was wearing to become slightly more comfortable. He had been sitting in this same spot for ten minutes so far waiting to meet the man whose office laid behind the pair of doors at the end of the hall. Unfortunately the man was currently in a meeting with the US Secretary of Defense for reasons that Tyler could guess but not confirm until he met the man. Tyler shifted his gaze to the two Secret Service members on the left hand side of the door waiting for the Secretary to emerge along with their third member.

The doors to the office swung open to reveal the Secretary of defense emerging along with his third bodyguard who was quickly joined by the other two from the lobby. The Secretary looked rather pissed though less so than when he had first entered from what the receptionist had told Tyler when she asked him to wait. The group quickly left the hallway heading for the elevator that would take them down from the fourth floor to the first and the exit of the residence.

Tyler's thoughts where broken by the receptionist speaking "Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Hammond will see you now." Tyler gave a quick nod of thanks to the young woman before opening the doors and entering the office beyond.

John Hammond, former head of INGEN but now head of Hammond industries and creator of the infamous Jurassic Park sat down behind a large oak desk looking rather ragged for lack of a better term. His white suit had multiple winkles in it and seemed rather worn down almost as much as the face and eyes of the elderly man that wore them. Though Tyler thought that this was likely due to the fact that Hammond had gone through the process of spending years building his dream that was Jurassic Park only for it to crumble down in a few days then was fired from a company he helped build that he then fought a secret business and legal war with for control over the denizens of Jurassic Park whilst simultaneously launching a large climb back into power with his new company of Hammond Industries. Yes Tyler though the rather tired appearance was acceptable for the man's circumstances.

"Ahh Mr. Hamilton a pleasure to meet you! I must apologize for getting right down to business but as you can imagine I'm rather tired today and am looking forward to a rather long nap and a bottle of scotch. So what exactly is so important that you wanted to meet with me and convince a number of rather wealthy individuals to push for this meeting?" Hammond asked in a rather tired but pleasant voice. Tyler wasted little time and approached the man's desk before laying a manila folder onto its surface and taking a seat in one of the two chairs. "Go ahead and get you scotch Mr. Hammond we will be here for a while and you will likely need it." Tyler stated as Hammond became rather pale as he gazed down at the folders title.


Species X, Utopia, Elipson, Enforcer

"It appears so" Hammond said as he eyed Tyler or more specifically the device behind his ear. The two sat in silence for a bit before Hammond spoke again. "You have been to the island?" Tyler nodded "Site B, yes. I found this device and a journal of a project director there." Tyler explained before he leaned forward. "Mr. Hammond I'll be frank with you. I know that your company did some shady experiments on that island I still don't know about. Thing is I don't plan on going to the authorities about this." Hammond looked up slightly surprised "You aren't?"

"No, I heard you have repurchased the island along with three of the other four correct? What are you planning to do and please be honest with me?" Tyler assured. Hammond sighed before leaning back in his chair "Jurassic Park is over, I understand that. However those creatures are still there, they are there because I created them and put them there. I want to see that they remain in their natural habitat on that island chain. The Costa Rica government has allowed me to reclaim the ownership of the island from INGEN and I have declared a Wildlife Sanctuary. The only problem is security which is why the Secretary of Defense was here a second ago." Hammond answered with a sigh.

"He doesn't want another San Diego incident." Tyler finished. "Yes, exactly he wanted to be clear that although I have reclaimed the island that I must prevent any of the animals from leaving the island. I agree with him but pointed out that groups like INGEN will continue to attempt to reclaim the animals. He recommended I institute a PMC into the area to attempt and thwart any who try but trusting a PMC with something like this... I am finding that almost impossible to do." Hammond explained. "What about you own PMC?" Tyler asked suddenly. "My what?" Hammond asked confused.

"What if you created a PMC with people you could trust and sent them to the island as the security force before your eventual science team?" Tyler explained. Hammond leaned forward and regarded the young man before him with scrutiny "and you wish to be a part of his... PMC?" Tyler nodded "Mr. Hammond I genuinely care about the wellbeing of the creatures on those islands and wish to clean up the mess INGEN left on them. To do that I need to be on the islands them-selves and I need man power and equipment. Plus your PMC could use someone like me, I survived for months on Site B and I know the area well. Just give me the equipment and resources and I can put together a group that can be put on that island for the long haul." Hammond leaned back "What exactly are you promising Mr. Hamilton?" Tyler looked Hammond in the eye with a predatory and serious gave "I promises to put a permanent research and military base on the Five Deaths."

Over the two weeks Rick had been back with his family things had returned to a relative sense of normalcy, well as normal as can be expected considering the whole living with his parents, a female Velociraptor that he had feelings for, and a T-rex that wandered around their property and the woods themselves. His parents had at first still been rather weary of both Lucy and Scar but after Rick had loaned both of them his translator they had had a conversation with the two dinos and where now very relaxed around the two of them. Though Lucy sometimes scared the two of them if she caught them by surprise.

Lucy herself had spent the two weeks either with Rick or exploring her new home when she wasn't eating, hunting, or sleeping. In all honesty the relationship between her and Rick had been kept secret from Ricks parents because Rick highly doubted they would understand much less approve. They hadn't been forced to live on the island and thus the influences of society still held sway over how they thought of such things. It also didn't help that they couldn't talk to Lucy as much as Rick could and thus not see who she truly was as an individual. In the meantime they would quietly cuddle when they could have a moment alone just relishing the close presence of the other. Scar even sometimes ran interference for the two of them by alerting them when his parents returned from work a practice that saved them a few times already.

Speaking of Scar, Rick really needed to thank Adrian as the large forest behind their house was owned by Star Shipping and officially labeled as Private Property for a local headquarters of Star Shipping. In total a large area of about 7000 acres of woodland was purchased and basically became a playground for Lucy and Scar. Scar had learned that the area had a rich deer population along with the occasional bear that kept him and Lucy fed and the hunting instincts sharp. It helped that the area was in the middle of nothing and the nearest neighbors where five miles down the road and only lived there for half the year.

Rick himself was still having some lingering issues with adjusting to modern life as if anything moved inside the house past nine pm he would instantly jump up and think a dino had gotten in before remembering where he was. Finally when it got to around midnight he had trouble getting to sleep because of the quietness of the area. Sure the woods had large amounts of bugs that made noises at night but nowhere near the symphony that was the jungle. Nature's musical performance back on the island was one of a few things Rick actually missed from the island along with the Outcast pack, the simplicity of survival, and the beautiful night sky. Still at least he had Lucy and Scar with him along with Tyler though he hadn't seen much of his fellow island survivor recently.

Rick was following through with his promise to his dad about school and he was going to start attending classes again when it picked back up next week. Therefor he was currently walking up the schools parking lot in order to acquire the key materials he needed for his class work so we could pass them with a C and be caught up with the rest of the class. He simply didn't have time to do every assignment he missed and decided to complete only the major grades that would allow him to reach a passing grade. _"Funny it took two three months of an island full of dinosaurs to make me lose my B average."_Rick thought as he stepped through the front doors of the school.

Unlike his old school which looked like the atypical American high school with brick walls, floors that never stayed clean, and nothing that appeared to be new this school had that school/office building look. The building itself was grey with large areas outside of what appeared to be a cafeteria area and looked like one of those fancy office buildings in down town areas that were trying to be distinctive from the many other offices in the city that surrounded them. The building was actually three stories and had an adjacent building that Rick thought must contain a gymnasium and another building that Rick couldn't identify but thought it might be an equipment shed.

As he walked through the front doors the inside of the building further demonstrated the difference of between this school and his previous one. The floor was a tan marble that was pleasing to the eye along with white walls that weren't the usual cinderblocks but drywall along with the floor. Instead of the usual industrial lighting covered by a plastic screen these halls were lite by small light fixtures that gave the entire building a calmer and relaxed feeling to it that Rick believed was to make the students feel a more homely vibe from the hallways. What lockers he could see where actual built into the wall and where larger than the typical ones. These where premium single-tier lockers about 66 inches high, 16 inches wide, and likely 16 inches deep if they kept to the normally square design and where a dark blue color. Rick took this all in as he made his way toward the office before quickly finding himself in front of the principal's office. Rick gave a short polite nock before he heard a female voice tell him to come on in, though for some reason the voice sounded slightly familiar. Rick opened the door and stepped into his office only to gape in chock at who was behind the desk "Ms. Hensick!?"

The women behind the desk was in fact a high school teacher from his last school and supposedly someone who had a relationship with Tyler. Ms. Hensick was fairly young for a teacher at 26 and even more so very young for a principle if her presence here was any indication. The woman had an hour glass figure that Rick remembered stood at about 6'2. She had long dirty blonde hair that ended just below her shoulders and complemented her silky skin that had a slight tan to it. Apparently her years behind a desk hadn't stopped her from physical activity as she had a very fit and attractive form with long legs that rick could see under the desk and only hidden slightly by an office skirt that Rick thought was purposefully short and only covered ¾ of her thigh. The skirt and the office jacket itself where grey and suitable for any female principle of office employee but the whole image was suddenly provocative on Ms. Hensick as along with the questionable skirt length the white button up shirt she wore beneath the jacket had the first two or three buttons undone and shoed a fair amount of cleavage. The look on her face didn't help much to abolish that notion either. Her thin pink lips held a playful smirk that was matched by the playful glint in her blue eyes together with her sharp features in her face gave the impression of a cat deciding to play with a mouse before eating it.

"Rick so good to see you again, please come in and take a seat!" Ms. Hensick said with a cheerful tone while indicating the chair siting before her own desk. Rick nervously made his way to the chair before sitting down and waiting for Ms. Hensick to begin. Ms. Hensick seemed to regard the door for a bit longer expectantly before frowning slightly and focusing her attention back to Rick with a questioning gaze. "Is your friend Tyler not here with you?" Rick shook his head "No he had some business to attend to but here will be around this weekend to formally get what materials he needs to finish his senior year."

"Oh pooh and I wanted to 'greet' him after not seeing him for so long. Oh well I'll see him next week I suppose." Ms. Hensick pouted before reaching into her desk draw and pulling out a stack of papers and giving Rick a friendly smile. "Well here you go all the major assignments you need to complete to catch up in you classes. I know it's a lot but if you're diligent about it you should have no trouble finishing it all." Rick took the papers offered to him and came to the conclusion that there must have been close to 30 assignments in the stack. "...Great" he sighed before standing up and thanking Ms. Hensick. "Thank you Ms. Hensick it was good to see you again after so long. I should head back and get started on some of these." Ms. Hensick nodded and watched as Rick made his way over to her door before stopping him with a call of his name. "Oh and Rick..." Rick turned around with a questioning look on his face only for Ms. Hensick to give him a coy smile "It's Mrs. Hensick now and don't tell Tyler I'm here, I want to surprise him." She stated before the door closed and Rick was left with a shocked expression. "I-is she making a pass on Tyler while married?!" Rick thought as he speed walked toward the exit and then out into the parking lot. "I cannot possibly feel more awkward than I do right now"

"Rick!" a girlish squeal sounded out from his right. "Unless I run into my ex while I'm here! Karma you bitch!" Rick thought in despair as his way was blocked by a blond haired girl who looked around the same age as Rick or maybe a little younger, walking up to him. She was staring at him with a beaming smile that Rick knew was fake and but a sway to her hips that was likely supposed to draw attention to her long legs that she was showing off with a short orange skirt. The skirt combined with her white tank top made it very obvious to Rick that she was trying to show herself off a little too much either for him (which he doubted) or for the parking lot full of students exiting school which Rick just now noticed (and believed to be her intended audience).


Rick's head is turned to the side from the slap she suddenly delivered to his right cheek. "How dare you make me worry about you so much puppy?! I was soooo worried about you when you disappeared but knew you wouldn't leave me and would eventually fight your way back to me!" she said in an overdramatic way likely for her audiences benefit. Normally Rick would have been amply confused by this performance but his prior experience with the individual in front of him allowed him to break down her little act. She was defiantly playing the distressed and love struck damsel in order to gain some sympathy and popularity with the student population while also slapping him to insinuate that it was somehow his fault he ended up on that island and that the thought of being with her somehow played a key role in him getting off the island alive.

Thankfully this plan had a few flaws. First it relied on the belief that Rick would jump at the chance to take her back which was very much the last thing he wanted to do. Second he had ended up on that island as an accident that had also taken the life of Tyler's father and stating otherwise pissed him off and finally the thought of her was one of the major reasons for him to have stayed ON the island. He was not going to play this game with her like the old Rick would have done he had too much respect for himself now for that. He turns his head back slowly to look at her, his face undeterred by her slap before a disgusted grimace graced his face.


The parking lot descended into stunned silence as Rick stared hard into the shocked girl in front of him that was holding her stinging cheek. Normally a guy would never hit a girl for any reason however such social taboos had been beaten out of Rick over the course of his experience which combined with the revolting actions of the person in front of him and his contempt for said individual made him honestly not give a shit at this point. "Never insinuate that I am in any way involved with someone like you ever again brat." Rick stated with a heated edge to his voice. If one where to compare his anger compared to Tyler's it would be similar to comparing a red hot poker stabbing into you to a shard of jagged ice, totally different but equally as painful and intimidating. Unlike Tyler's detached and cold realism and foreboding threats Ricks her like flames fueled by his utter loathing at the current time giving a seemingly hot edge to his words. "I would rather date a dinosaur than spend on more second in a relationship with you." Rick finished before he walked past her and got into his car before driving away without looking back and with a satisfied feeling in his chest.

Rick had returned to his house five hours ago before moving to take a shower and leaving Lucy to shift nervously where she stood expectantly in Rick's room waiting for him to emerge from the attached bathroom where he was taking a shower. The past two weeks with Rick and his family had reinstated a decision that Lucy had been hesitant to make back on the island. Mainly that she wanted Rick to be her mate. Lucy had been hesitant to make such a decision back on the island not because she didn't love Rick or didn't want him as a mate but simply because she wasn't sure it would work. Rick had wanted to leave the island and Lucy was not sure how Ricks pack or rather family would react to her much less accept her. She also was not sure that she and Rick where physically capable of mating. However Ricks family had accepted her as a member of the family after a few days of awkwardness and any doubts of Rick and her not being able to mate in the physical sense was buried by Tyler after an awkward conversation between him and her that left Lucy blushing in embarrassment after Tyler introduced her to a few things he called videos on something called the internet.

Now here Lucy was waiting for her desired mate to emerge into his room and discover her. Currently Lucy was standing by a king size mattress that Rick had put out on the floor for her to sleep on, usually it was in a corner of his room but now it was laying at the foot of Rick's bed where Lucy had dragged it while Rick was in the shower. She wasn't worried about Rick's parents because they had left the house to go eat at a business dinner at a restaurant in the city and wouldn't be back till around midnight. Growing impatient Lucy called out "Rick are you done yet?"

"You already took a long shower Lucy! I'll be done when I'm done." Rick called back annoyed. Truthfully Lucy had demanded that she be allowed a longer than normal shower in order for her to prepare for what she hoped would happen tonight, this meant that Rick had only been in the shower for three or four minutes instead of his usual ten to fifteen. She couldn't wait that long! "Maybe she should provide Rick some...incentive." She thought as she made her way to the door and quietly entered. Seeing the shower running and the curtains hiding its sole occupant a very raptor like smirk made its way across Lucy's muzzle. Rick did not notice the shadow slowly moving closer to the shower curtain or the almost nonexistent click of claws on tile as the raptor made her way toward the shower. The first warning he had in fact was the feeling of a raptor snout rubbing the back of his neck. Spinning around Rick was startled to find Lucy poking her head threw the side of the shower curtain.

"L-Lucy!? What are you doing in here, I'm in the shower!?" Rick asked startled as he tried to cover himself. "Weeeellll I got tired of waiting for you so I thought I'd hurry you up." Lucy purred as she rubbed her sniffing snout up and down his chest and stomach. Rick held down a laugh at the tickling sensation this created "W-well wait a little longer I'm not finished. What is so important anyway?" Ricks surprise guest simply purred as she brought her head up to his shoulder and nuzzled the side of his face. "Oh nothing much... just waiting for you to mate with me." Lucy said in as casual a voice as possible for her given the situation. "W-what!?" Rick asked shocked by his crushes answer/confession. Lucy pressed on knowing that this was her only chance to put everything into the air before she became too embarrassed to confess her feelings. "Yes, you see I love you Rick." Lucy announced as she look Rick in the eye. "I have loved you for a while now, I want you to love me, I want us to be together, I want you to say we will be together. I-I was just too afraid that you would say no or that we couldn't be together because of what we are." Lucy looked down in sadness at the memory of her doubts she had had just a week ago before a new determination filled her and she locked eyes with Rick again.

"But I know now that it is possible for us to be together and though we could never have hatchlings I would rather be with you and never a mother to being a mother but with someone else. I tried to wait a bit longer before I approached you with my feelings but it is mating season and I'm in heat! So Rick do you want to be my mate yes or no!" Lucy gave her ultimatum with a fierce glint in her eye that basically demanded he answer. Rick stood absolutely speechless and at the sight of a rapidly angrier velociraptor in front of him blurted out the first thing that came to his mind "Yes!"


A steady silence descended upon the pair only broken by the sound of the water hitting the bottom of the tub. Rick shook his head to get back his thoughts before a relaxed smile grew on his face as he reached out and scratched the top of Lucy's rough-hided head tenderly, to which she closed her eyes and purred quietly. "Yes. I would like to be your mate Lucy. I know that we are different species but I honestly couldn't care less." Lucy quickly recovered from the contact and then cocked her head upwards obviously asking Rick to rube the underside of her head to which he complied thus succeeding in making her purr slightly louder as he caressed the underside of her jaws as he continued to speak "I love you more than any girl I could ever have even imagined being with before. Your confident and strong but at the same time caring, tender, and sometimes a little clumsy and forgetful." Rick said with a chuckle at the memory of her falling into the net trap in the bunker. "But I honestly love those little quirks of yours. I wouldn't change you for the world." Rick said as he gazed lovingly into Lucy's eyes "So yes Lucy. I will be your mate from now until the day we die." Lucy happily moved forward and caught Rick's lips with a small tentative lick. "I love you Rick."

"Now that we have that out of the way I do really need you to join me in your room so how about a little, incentive" Lucy announced before she lowered her head down toward his manhood. Lucy brought her soft tongue out and licked up on Rick's muscular stomach her large tongue was slick and muscular and worked its way from his waist to the base of his chest running over his six pack and licking up some of the trails of water that spilled down his form. The warm moistness of it was a pleasurable sensation to Rick as he leaned his head up at the pleasant relaxing feeling is sent into him and the rising arousal it sent to his manhood. When it finally retreated back into her mouth she brought the tip of her snout to the head of his hardening member. He felt her hot breath brush over it in a pleasuring warm wave; blowing at his pubic hair, and making his member twitch in anticipation in full salute. "L-Lucy" Rick moaned as he watched and felt his member come into contact with her hot, slippery tongue.

Lucy poked the tip of her out of her maw only partially as the tip of it licked at the head of his member. She glanced up at him and chirped happily at the pleasant taste of her mate and saw him enjoying her ministrations. She pulled her tongue back in and now nudge at his member with her nose. Breathing its smell in heavily as her hot breath played over his manhood. Lucy propped his member on top of her snout as she sniffed at Rick's balls. Rick moaned quietly as he felt her warm tongue reach out and lap at his hanging sack, picking up one of his testicles with her hot, wet tongue before doing the same to the other. At the sound of his moaning Lucy played with his balls using her tongue a little more happy that those videos she saw where right. Her efforts were audible as a slicking, licking sound as her tongue came in and out of her mouth while she licked. Ricks member twitched on top of her snout as she pleasured him and a small bit of pre cum dripped from the tip of his member and onto the top of her snout. Lucy brought her snout once more to the tip of Rick's member and quickly began licking again with the tip of her tongue on its head and enjoying the taste of the pre that came from it.

The sensation was almost unbearably pleasurable to Rick and as Lucy licked more pre came up until she then began licking the length of his shaft, from base to tip almost sending him over the edge. Her warm moist tongue toying with the head of his member as she reached it. Her hot breath followed with every lick, making the oral all the more intense. Rick felt his pleasure building and building, making him uncertain of how much longer he could last. But she didn't stop, and he found himself not able to find the words to tell her he was close so she continued licking at his member, and every now and then going back to lick at his sack. He was moaning with every slippery hot stroke, and his breathing was coming harder as he tried to hold back the building climax, even holding on to the sides of the shower. But as she opened her mouth wider, trying to wrap her tongue around his member playfully, he couldn't hold back anymore. Her hot breath and her slick tongue finally succeeded in making him come to orgasm.

Rick felt his muscles tense in tingling pleasure as his member went into a twitching frenzy as it shot his hot seed into Lucy's mouth and onto her tongue. His seed came out violently, hitting the sides of Lucy's mouth even as she continued to work on his member. For a moment she was oblivious to what had happened but she quickly started to taste the strong flavor of his seed. She let his member be for a few moments as she licked her chops of the seed the coated them. "Ummm not bad, a little salty but altogether pleasing." Lucy announced as she tasted his seamen before looking into Ricks eyes with a coy look. "You know it you want to fully claim your right as my mate you only need to join me in your room so dry off quickly love." Lucy whispered before her head retreated from the shower and Rick heard her leave the bathroom.

A few seconds of silence went by before her words registered in Ricks mind and he shot out of the shower before drying himself in record time and running to the bathroom door and throwing it open. The sight that greeted him however made him freeze and made his breath hitch in his throat. Inside his bedroom bent over his bed and staring back at him was Lucy and not only that, she was quite leaned over and her tail was brought up and over to her side. The raptor was in an awkward looking position, as her head laid low to his bed sheets as she looked back at him. Rick then had a guess as to the friskiness when his gaze shifted to her rear. Lucy's lips where pink and puffy and appeared to be mildly salivating indicating that she was indeed very much in heat. He looked with an admitted strange and almost primal arousal as he saw the hints of pink that were betrayed by the soft slit.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Lucy asked seductively as she shook her rear enticingly. Rick quickly moved toward his new mate until he was standing up behind her as she crooned gently as she wiggled her backside ever so slightly. Rick took a deep breath as he tried to wrap his mind around what he was about to do. In all honesty Lucy was about the only person he felt comfortable with doing something like this with as the thought of spending his life with her was definitely appealing and satisfying for him. The fact that she was a different species that had gone extinct millions of years ago but was brought back by mad scientists didn't matter to much to him as she was just as sentient as any human he had met before and the fact that he had spent as much time as he had talking to her quickly took down what few barriers that stopped him from seeing her in a romantic light.

Rick decided that he should return the favor of Lucy's shower service and though he knew raptors likely didn't have usually have foreplay, he took a leap of faith and stepped close behind his crooning friend. Lucy turned her head to look forward and closed her eyes as she waited for what she thought was to come so she didn't see Rick get down on his knees. He smelt the strong smells of her slippery lower lips. On his knees, he was close enough behind her that he could rest his head on the base of her thigh. And using his hands he began to rub his fingers over her wet, very warm crevice. Lucy's eyes shot open at the feeling that Rick was sending into her body and though it wasn't what she had expected she couldn't deny that she loved every second of Ricks treatment as he ran the tips of his fingers into the split between her two lips, her fluids made their movement back and forth an ease. This made Lucy squirm even more as he began inserting his pointer and middle finger into her vagina. He ran the two fingers in and out of her as she chirped lowly in pleasure. As he sped up his fingering he began to wiggle his fingers about inside her. Her hot, slick insides squeezed tightly around his fingers. Massaging them and matching his rhythm.

It was during this treatment that Rick was surprised by the sight of a little nub that being hidden just within her lips that he frankly didn't think a raptor had but quickly knew what to do with. He pulled his fingers out and used both hands to gently spread her lips. He saw clearly the citreous and quickly began to massage it and being quickly rewarded by feeling Lucy squirm as she purred. He began to play with it using one hand and fingering her again with the other. Lucy for her part was given a pleasure that likely no raptor had ever experienced before as her mate brought her to euphoric levels of pleasure as he pleasured her as Rick fingered her faster. Making her croon loudly with her mouth open as she breathed more heavily. He began matching her muscle contractions around his fingers with his thrusting. Bringing her closer and closer to her climax. He began to thrust faster and faster, making a slicking smack as the base of his hand hit her outer lips while he fingered her powerfully. His other hand stimulating her clitoris as he worked his fingers in and out of her. Finally she could no longer take it.

"R-Rick!" Lucy screeched as her inner walls clamped down on Ricks fingers, squeezing them for dear life as her fluids bathed them in a sweet and tangy smelling liquid. After a while Rick was finally able to pull his fingers out of his mates twitching lips and positioned his rock hard cock at the entrance of Lucy's lips that was still dripping liquid like a waterfall. "Are you ready?" Rick asked his mate wondering if she could continue. "FOR FUCKS SAKE TAKE ME ALREADY!" Lucy practically screamed as she shot him an anger glare, obviously still ready for more. Rick needed no further prompting and quickly inserted his ready eight seven and a half inch member into her slit. Rick was temporarily floored as his member was assaulted by fast contracting muscles that massaged him with a wet and hot embrace. Pushing through the best feeling he had ever experienced, he quickly began thrusting quickly unable to hold back his baser desires any longer. Lucy let out a series of chirps matching his thrusts as she pushed back to meet his movements. They quickly developed a rhythm with his hips against hers as she wiggled her hind to meet his thrusts for extra pleasure. Rick reached forward and held the base of her muscular thighs and bringing a little extra force to his thrusts.

The pair increased their pace faster and faster, Lucy's velvety smooth, hot, wet, muscular insides meeting every hard speedy insertion of Rick's member. The slapping of Rick hips against Lucy's smooth leathery back side filled the room. Her low growling of pleasure and his moaning, plus both their heavy breathing added to the noise as the two lost themselves in the moment. Rick soon felt himself about to come again and quickly warned Lucy "L-Lucy, I-I'm about t-to..." Lucy didn't even need to think about her answer "I-inside don't w-worry! M-make me y-yours!" she said as she raised her head as high as she could while bent over for him and let out a shriek of ecstasy as she climaxed. It was not only her outward movements though, her insides were on fire with a flurry of pulsating muscular contractions as his cock was bathed in her fluids sending him over the edge and making him let out a moan as he shot his load deep into her warm insides where it mixed with her own fluids. He thrust hard a few more times into her as she went through the waves of her orgasm. Meanwhile he himself went through his own pleasure hurricane as his muscles twitched on their own. Trying to enjoy the last of the pleasure as he quickly thrust into her and held in while his muscles tensed up to fire. Her warm squeezing folds milked every last bit out of him as he continued to weakly thrust in and out of her slippery slick cavern.

The two of them stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Rick extracted himself from his mate who collapsed onto the mate beneath them her head down low as she panted. Lucy soon pulled her head up to look back at Rick who sat down next to her also panting. She chirped happily as she nuzzled the side of his face and the nape of his neck. "Love you" Lucy stated with a voice that conveyed the true weight of her feelings for her now official mate. "Love you to" Rick said with as much passion and feeling as Lucy as he rubbed her snout with his hand.

The bond that Rick and Lucy formed that night brought them together in ways neither had thought possible a few weeks before then. That bond would face its trials, have its ups and downs, and even threaten to be broken but it would always emerge stronger and more vibrant than either had could ever think possible. However the pair were unaware of this as they lay together basking in the others presence as they drifted to sleep, because come hell or high water as long as they had each other they would weather even the harshest of storms like the one that brought them together. In the end just like Rick himself had done on the island, their relationship would survive.

Awake and Alive: Survival