SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 13

Story by ulyferal on SoFurry

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#13 of SWAT Kat: Joining a Pride

Chapter 13: Meeting the Pride

While Felina was having her problems with her uncle's pride members in Megakat City, her uncle was trying to put up with the many greetings he'd had to do since getting up that morning. It was now late afternoon and he was hardily tired of all the necks he had to sniff.

He had been given a tour of the compound including the impressive master residence and meeting hall of the pride. The King and Queen lived in the large mansion but there was a very large central meeting hall in what would have been considered a ballroom of the mansion.

The walls were covered in strange desert themed wall hangings. The floor had a tribal pattern set with black, sand, fiery orange and earth toned colored tiles. Around this center pattern were many cushions of various sizes meant to sit on. There were no tables or chairs here. The area was enormous. Many types of spears were mounted on the walls as well. In each corner of the room, large planters were filled with some kind of huge plants that had wide fan-like leaves that stretched out over the floor. Also set in the corners, not far from the planters, were large stone pillars with something he couldn't see on top. Tendaji explained these were torches. During special ceremonies like the one they were waiting to do, these pillars were set aflame.

It was truly awe-inspiring. He was suitably impressed.

As they began to exit the mansion, a beautiful lioness, being followed by a small entourage, halted them.

"May I speak with you a moment Tendaji?" She called out with authority.

"Yes, my Queen." Ten said, halting immediately. Feral studied her as he stood a step behind his mate.

She had long tawny hair that hung loosely down her back, a beautiful heart shaped face and deep copper furred coat. She was dressed in an outfit that surprised him by it's simplicity. She wore a cool green patterned blouse, a pair of comfortable dark blue slacks, and black tennis shoes.

Apparently, they didn't have rigid clothing rule for royalty here.

Queen Marjani studied Feral appraisingly before returning her attention to Tendaji.

"I wanted to tell you some good news. The King will be returning within three days so we'll be able to have the ceremony the day after his return." She told him with a warm smile.

Tendaji sighed with relief. "That is definitely good news, my Queen."

"I thought it might be." She said with a small smirk then turned to Feral. "How goes the greeting part of your stay, Ulysses?" She asked him.

"Umm, I've been able to meet at least thirty so far, your majesty." Feral said quietly.

"That's very good. Sounds as if you will be done before my husband returns. I hope everyone is treating you with respect and acceptance. If there are any problems, I wish to be notified immediately." She said.

"Everyone's been polite, helpful and accepting, your majesty. You have a beautiful place here. The ceremony room is truly magnificent." Feral said politely.

Marjani smiled, "I'm glad you like it. Well, I'll let you get on with your day. Enjoy yourselves." She said as she moved on past them.

"You as well, my Queen." Tendaji said warmly. He wrapped an arm around his mate and hugged tight. "That is excellent news! Now all you have to do is finish greeting the pride."

"That is good news and it means I'll be able to return to work soon." Feral sighed in relief. His mate grimaced at that comment but knew he wouldn't sway his mate from returning to his home.

They made off across the compound to see a large group of kittens at their day care center. Feral wasn't really looking forward to this at all. As they entered the brightly colored and designed interior, they were greeted by a bedlam of noise.

Kittens were running here and there, chasing, playing with toys, climbing trees that had been allowed to grow through the building, or sitting quietly coloring and reading at a small grouping of tables near a sunny window.

"The best way to greet the kits is to sit down among them and let them come to you. It's quicker and faster that way." Ten said then he moved to speak with one of the caretakers standing near the tree. He spoke to her for a few minutes then returned to Ulysses' side.

The caretaker gave a roar and, to Feral's amazement, the kittens instantly shut up and stared at her attentively.

"Okay, my little ones, we have a newcomer to the pride. He is the mate of Tendaji and will be presented to the pride in just a few days. I want each of you to say hello to Ulysses and greet him as you've been taught." She ordered, smiling at each of them.

Hesitantly in twos and threes, the kittens approached Feral who had sat down cross-legged on the floor as Tendaji had instructed. The littlest kittens crawled up his lap and nuzzled his face and he returned the greeting gently.

He felt a warmth flow through his body at how strange and wonderful this actually was. These kittens accepted him without hesitation. They weren't fearful like the kittens in Megakat City were. It was an unusual feeling.

When the youngest were done the older ones made their move. One that seemed the oldest of them all stared at him for a moment and sniffed deeply.

"Why do you smell like a tom and a queen?" She asked, a frown on her pretty little face.

"Because I was born with both sexes." Feral said, not certain how much he should explain to such young kittens.

The she-kat furrowed her brow, thinking hard. "Does that mean you can have kittens of your own?" She asked after several long minutes of thought.

Feral blinked at her in surprise. This was a very bright kitten. "Yes, it does." He answered.

Her face lit up with a big smile. "Ohhh...that's a great thing you can do." She said excitedly then turned to Tendaji. "You lucky! He's nice for a mate." She said grinning.

"Why thank you Tara. He is indeed." Ten said smiling warmly back at her.

She gave Feral an enthusiastic greeting and he felt inclined to hug her for it. Still smiling happily, she took off to join her friends. Since she was the last of the kittens to greet him, Feral climbed smoothly to his feet.

Before he could leave, the three caretakers also greeted him. They gave him sunny smiles and waved as the two of them left the building.

"You were a great hit, my love." Tendaji said with a grin.

"It felt really nice. They are very sweet and obedient kittens." Feral said. "I also noted they are quite fearless as well. Is that something to do with being lions or training?" He asked curiously.

"Both actually. Our kittens are born with a great deal of self confidence and fearlessness. The rest is taught, like self defense, how to protect yourselves and others, when to run and when to fight and, especially, how to identify your pride mates." Tendaji explained.

"Well, you obvious do a good job of it." Feral complimented.

"Thanks. Now let's see if we can catch some more of the adults before lunch." Ten said heading off.

"Oh joy!" Feral muttered as he followed his mate.

Over the next few days, Feral finally finished with all the lions living in the compound, just in time for the King to arrive by limo late one afternoon, a day later. That night there was a feast in honor of his safe return. Tendaji formally presented Feral to the King and Queen, giving each the proper greeting then he was required to greet Tendaji's siblings that had been with the King on his trip.

The last sibling to come up and greet Feral was Nakato, one of the oldest pair of twins. Feral had to work hard not to bristle when this brother greeted him. Something about the older lion made him uneasy and suspicious.

"Well, what a nice catch for a mate, Ten." He purred as he nuzzled and sniffed Feral's neck a little longer than was polite. "He's heavenly."

"Thank you, Naki." Ten said politely, not really liking how his brother was greeting his mate.

When Nakato finally left after giving Feral a lingering look that made his fur stand up, his mate leaned close.

"Watch him, Uly. My brother is the black sheep of the family. He is a constant source of discord within the pride. My father has to bail him out trouble a lot." Ten said grimly.

"I suspected as much. He sets my enforcer instincts on edge. I'll be wary of him." Feral promised.

Nakato sat next to his sister at the huge feast table where they were enjoying dinner with their King. He stared at Ten's prize as he ate. 'How had he managed to find and take to mate an hermaphrodite?' He wondered moodily. 'It's unfair that my younger brother is so fortunate in a lot of things; a good job away from the pride, father dotes on him, no twin to nag or spy on him and now he has an unusual mate.' He eyed his brother jealously. 'As the oldest, those things should rightfully be mine. I think I will keep a close eye on that Kat and wait for my chance to make him mine.' His mind plotted as the feast wound down and everyone went home to sleep.

Tomorrow would be an extremely busy day as they prepared for the ceremony in the evening.

Feral and Ten headed for their room unmolested, to dark tom's relief. Stepping into their quarters, Ulysses stretched. He should be tired but he was feeling unusually hot and needy. He turned and wrapped an arm around Ten, kissing him passionately.

Tendaji was caught by surprise but willingly surrendered to his mate's sudden burst of sexual desire.

They kissed for several minutes until Ulysses urgently wanted to feel Ten's nude body against his. His fingers began to quickly divest his mate of his clothes. Grinning at his mate's enthusiasm, he helped Uly strip as well. They moved slowly, removing piece after piece as they headed for the bed.

Only underwear was left when Ulysses pushed his mate to the bed and covered him with his own body. He kissed and nibbled Ten's face then moved to his nipples, taking one then the other and sucking on them until they were taut peaks. He let one of his paws drift down and grip the hardening cock, teasing Ten.

Growling, Ten wanted to get in on this so flipped them, putting him on top. Uly's eyes stared hotly up at Ten as he took one of Feral's overlarge nipples to suck and nibble on. Feral groaned and bucked under him. He moved to the other nipple and licked then blew cool air on it until it became as hard as a pebble. His mate cried out and writhed at that. Kissing his way down Uly's torso, Ten paused to dip his tongue into the dark tom's belly button. He dug his fingers into the tom's boxers and pulled them down in one smooth movement.

Ulysses helped by raising his hips. With them out of the way, Ten slipped his palms under Uly's buttocks and kneaded them hard then brought his face down into the vee between his mate's legs. Licking the swollen cock for several minutes, drew long groans of lust from Uly which turned to loud cries of pleasure when Ten dipped his tongue into his mate's dripping vaginal opening.

Stabbing his tongue into the sweet offering then laving the clitoris drove his mate nuts. Ten was forced to hold his mate's hips down or get smacked in the face as Uly humped upward urgently.

Feral was nearly mad with need. It felt as if he were on fire as he reached down his body to grab his mate by the shoulders and yank him back up to kiss savagely. His fingers ripped Ten's boxers off and literally demanded with a fiery look for his mate to get on with it. Teasing was not on the agenda right now.

Smirking at his mate's impatience, Ten obliged and lined himself up and plunged in. Growling in relief, Feral wrapped his body tightly around his mate and met every one of Ten's thrusts, driving them to orgasm fast and hot.

Twin screams of completion penetrated the thick door as Nakato stood listening. His mouth hung open as he caught and savored the scent coming from the room with his sense organ at the back of his mouth. He snapped his mouth closed and growled softly as he quickly left the area before someone saw him hanging about.

He was more determined than ever to take this tom before the ceremony irrevocably bound him to Tendaji.