Tale 4-1 - Taking the Step Out of Stepmother

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#17 of Treetop Shorts Collection

Jason had long had an issue with just how attractive his new stepmother was. And unfortunately, he was going to have to spend an entire week with her, alone. Just how was he going to survive this without embarrassing himself? He couldn't let on that he thought she was absolutely gorgeous. She would be horrified. Right?

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Jason couldn't stand it. He sat quietly on the sofa as he watched his father dote upon the woman he married only two months ago. The trim and fit leopard wanted to look away, but he couldn't. The large, burly leopard he had known all his life was wrapped up around a young, sleek, woman covered in fur of pure ebony possessing a luster he'd only seen in the best air-brushed magazines. She was only a few years older than the high school grad, but that didn't bother him too much. She was kind, friendly, witty, and in the brief times they didn't see eye to eye, she could hold her ground easily. Her personality didn't bother him in the slightest. She was perfect for his dad. The problem was that she was astoundingly attractive. The last few months of his senior year saw him receive innumerable comments about 'how hot his dad's girlfriend was'. Had that been the end of it, that would have been fine.

There was a reason why Jason was sitting. He'd not been able to get up since she gave his shoulders a firm rubbing ten minutes ago. He could swear she was pushing her chest into his back on purpose if he didn't know better.

"I'm gonna miss you two while I'm gone. Hate these company retreats. Off to god knows where to listen to motivational speakers drone on about productivity and 'what's good for the company'. I'd rather take you two on a vacation." The large, heavily muscled feline squeezed his new wife against his form, making her purr loudly as she pressed her cheek into his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too, honey. But don't you worry about us. We can take care of ourselves. Isn't that right, Jason?" Elissa turned, flashing that trademark smile at him, her pale jade eyes cutting right to his very soul.

The younger of the two males blushed furiously and averted his gaze, squeezing his legs together, crossed in an attempt to conceal 'the truth', "Yeah, we'll be fine. I've got an exercise routine to keep me in shape between seasons," He paused, hesitant to offer the suggestion, "We can... work out together."

"That's my boy," Bernard grinned, "You're gonna be the best thing college football has ever seen if you keep that up! Now... my cab's waiting for me. Gotta go. See you both in a week! Take care of each other!"

"Don't wander off and get lost!" Elissa teased, reluctantly letting him go.

"Yeah... don't wanna hafta send out a search party for you."

Bernard laughed and slipped away from his new wife, collecting his bags before heading out the door. He offered his family a final farewell before climbing into the cab he barely fit inside and it drove off. Jason and Eliss stood at the front door watching it vanish down the street, left to their own devices. The lady sighed as she stared at the last spot where her husband had been visible.

"Well, that's it. It's just us now." She turned about and wrapped her arms around the spotted young man, making his cheeks flush all over again.

"Y-yeah... just us, mom." The word fit nicely for him. It even helped to sooth his libido. Unfortunately, it didn't have the desired effect on her.

"C'mon inside. I'll fix us some lunch and we'll put on a scary movie. I love a good thriller." She batted her eyes at her stepson in the way he simply couldn't say no.

Before he could process what was happening, the had eaten a couple of rather tasty sandwiches and were already halfway through the latest cheesy horror flick on pay-per-view. It was only then that he realized that she was curled up against his side, her head resting on his shoulder. It wasn't exactly the most motherly kind of contact, but quietly, not even wanting to admit it to himself, he enjoyed it.

When the movie ended, the black feline queued up another and snuggled in even closer, running a hand across Jason's stomach. Any unwitting viewer might have thought they were a couple themselves.

"You know, I miss your dad already, but it does make a considerable difference having someone just as handsome to spend my time with."

Jason could not find the words to respond. He was sure anything that came out would be heard as a stutter. He could only hope her hand didn't trace any lower than it already was, lest she find his shame waiting.

And then his nightmare was complete.

The delicate caress of the black leopard slipped lower over his abdomen until her fingers were stroking over the pronounced bulge in his groin. She was actually seeking it out! Was she mad!?

"Ooo, someone's happy to see me. How long has that been there?" She looked up at him, beaming a fine grin.

Jason meanwhile simply squeezed his eyes shut, hoping it would all dissolve away as if it were a bad dream. Then her hand tightened, squeezing his constricting pants around the tender region the fabric struggled to contain. He couldn't stay quiet.

"Gaaah!! It's been there since the day dad brought you home! Alright!? Can we please not do this!? It's already weird enough having a super-hot stepmom! I don't need this getting stranger!" He clapped his lips shut, almost literally biting his tongue. Perhaps that was a tad harsh. And yet, it didn't frighten her off in the slightest.

"Oooh, you think I'm 'super-hot' do you? That's so sweet of you." With that, Elissa climbed into his lap, straddling his hips. Her arms found their way around his neck and her groin met with his, grinding away firmly. It left Jason squirming away strongly, pushing against her shoulders to stop her from going any further. Deep in the recesses of his mind, a tiny voice was screaming, demanding to know why he wasn't diving into bed with her.

"This isn't right! You're married to my dad! You're my stepmom!"

Elissa's eyes flashed playfully, "I know... kinky isn't it?" She leaned forward in spite of his attempts to push her off, pressing her lips ever so delicately against his. Jason was suddenly dizzy and his efforts slowed considerably. When she finally pulled back, she tugged his lower lip with her sensually.

"It... it's... it's not right. It'll crush dad." The gold-hued leopard's voice was weak and confused. He was trying so hard to 'do the right thing'.

"Oh he might get a little jealous, but only because he didn't get to watch. Now, why don't I help you out of those uncomfortable clothes?"

A shiver ran up Jason's spine. Was his dad in on this? Was this what he meant by 'take care of one another'? His mind raced as he began to let that tiny voice grow louder. Deft fingers began working the clasp on his trousers. Before he could react, he was free. A delighted coo escaped from the dark feline, marveling at her stepson's endowments.

The warm, moist contact of the lady's tongue found its way to the pink, throbbing spire, forcing a moan from the spotted fellow's lips. His entire body trembled. He had fantasized about this very thing countless times since they were introduced. Now it was beginning to come to pass. This wasn't just a dream was it? No, it was far too real. A different moist warmth surrounded the tender length, stealing the feline's breath away.

"Ooo, I see that runs in the family!" Elissa had somehow slipped out of her panties without him noticing. Was he in that much of a daze? No, she had only adjusted her skirt a bit. Had she gone without underwear the entire day!? Again Jason moaned.

In only a few short seconds, she had pressed her hips down against his completely, the two of them mashed against one another as tightly as she could muster on her own. Her purrs remained constant as she leaned in, pressing her full, buxom chest against his smooth, chiseled pectorals. She had a thing for athletic types. It was how she met Bernard after all. A delicate twist here sent lightning up her spine and she gasped happily. Her form rolled gently against her stepson, kissing him slowly and sensually to help draw out his more animalistic urges. He could scarcely believe what was happening, and it was absolutely amazing!

The spotted male shivered and grit his teeth, his form turning rigid as the lady atop him continued her work, grinding away oh so very deliciously slowly. It was all just a bit too much for him to take. His voice began to rise, his jaw hanging open, making it difficult for Elissa to shower him with the affection she was so eager to share. She knew what was coming and grinned all the while, pushing down against him just as he cried out. The warm gush she sought welled up in her abdomen, filling her with its delightful heat. She purred, giggling a little as she kept locked on top of the boy, not letting him leak out of her in the slightest.

"Mmm, that's not going to do. We're going to have to build up your stamina. I didn't even get close." She breathed in his ear. His pants and squirms amused her even as she buried her nose into his neck, licking and nibbled away sensually. Jason was gone. His mind had shattered the minute climax hit him. It wasn't going to be the last time. Elissa would make sure of that.

Without even dismounting, the dark lady turned and pushed her stepson onto his back, laying out across the sofa, now sitting up atop him, her hands on his chest. She was already wanting to dive into round two. If the noises that came from his father's bedroom were evidence at all, she was insatiable.

The springs under them squeaked and groaned as she exacted her satisfaction from the soon-to-be college boy. Her hips slammed down against his firmly, forcing him deep into her silky interior. Before long, he found his hands moving to rest on those muscular thighs, guiding his stepmother in their lovemaking, but only out of instinct. She could tell he still was conflicted on the matter, and that made it all the more enticing for her.

Harder she pushed down against him, slowly beginning to gasp as her own moment of triumph approached. She had felt him empty himself into her twice more before she felt the tingle begin to claim her. Her head tilted back and her voice began to fill the room. Her walls clenched tightly around her stepson's invader, not letting it escape her grasp just yet. A quiver passed through her from within, the young man so disillusioned he was oblivious to all that was going on around him. Elissa's cries climbed higher and higher until she reached a crescendo. Her body locked with Jason's, clamping down almost painfully on his spire. Another quick spurt of sticky ooze filled her belly as she milked him one more time.

Gradually, the dark feline leaned forward, laying out flat atop the spotted male. She panted along with him, nuzzling into his throat just under his chin. Her coos and purrs were the only sound he could hear. Her arms slipped around his chest as she cuddled with her new boyfriend, rather pleased with his performance. It was his first time she was certain, but he still fared well.

"That's more like it. You've got your daddy's size, but you haven't quite worked up to his skill level yet," Jason could hear the grin in her voice, "I can help you with that. C'mon, I need a change of scenery. I wanna see how comfy your bed is." With that, she was off him. It was one smooth motion that left him feeling cold. A surprisingly strong arm tugged him up off his back, then onto his feet. The young man's mattress was going to get one hell of a workout. Jason was unable to resist. He followed along obediently, though stumbling here and there as his pants fell to his ankles and slipped off on the way.

Their destination was a sizable bed, queen at least, amidst a tasteful collection of football paraphernalia. The sheets were ruffled and tossed aside as the dark lady sat her stepson down on the edge. Her hands slipped up under his shirt and tugged it over his head, leaving him completely naked. Once she had gotten the sight she wanted, Elissa stepped back and began to undress as well. Slowly. Her grin betrayed just how amused she was with the ease at which she could arouse the young man. She returned to his lap, pressing in close. Her ample, supple breasts were so very warm to the touch, beckoning one of the leopard's hands to cup them.

From there, Jason's mind turned to a fevered blur of passion. He wasn't sure how much time passed. All he knew was it was intense and he was exhausted. As he lay there recovering from their latest bout, the black-furred feline ran her tongue sensually across his cheek, whispering something into his ear. In his dazed state, he couldn't make it out, and yet he somehow knew what it was she wanted. Elissa rolled onto her back and spread her legs, knees lifted off the bed. Jason rolled over after her, sliding down her form until the tender petals he had fantasized about lay before him. His eyes closed and he pressed his muzzle into her groin, rumbling away quietly in his throat.

A gasp of delight came from above as the warm breath washed over the lady. Her hands caressed over his head as he began his work; the broad, rough feline tongue doing wonders for her. The fragrance was sweet and her nectar was plentiful. He could drink her dry if he was so inclined. And that was that last clear thought he had. As his step-mother mewled and sighed blissfully, she took things in a different direction.

The young man felt the world before him open up and he pressed onward, exploring her interior much to her approval. Her scent was intoxicating, and so incredibly powerful. He could not think of anything else. The more he licked, the deeper he found he could reach. He didn't even find it curious that the warmth of her embrace was creeping up over him. It was a soothing sensation, one that lulled him towards a restful state of mind. Elissa meanwhile simply purred and arched her back, rolling her hips carefully and slowly. She knew he was unaware of what was happening, and that's how she wanted it.

Soft lewd noises surrounded the leopard. That comforting warmth that had washed over his face spread quickly over his head and neck. A gentle squeeze tugged on him as he found himself ushered into a warm, dark place. A steady heartbeat soon drowned out everything else. The warmth that was washing over him slowly, enveloping his chest in mere moments. His arms fell limp at his sides as Elissa's noises of lustful delight filled the room. The massage passing over him continued to reach lower and soon, the pleasant heat claimed his entire form. A distant, yet strangely nearby, cry of elation rose, then fell. All he could think of was how comfortable he was, in spite of being forced to curl up. In mere moments, sleep took him.

Elissa sighed happily as she lay on her back atop his bed. Her hands stroked over her rather large motherly belly. Here and there she could make out subtle features of her step-son's form through her luxurious black fur. She had been wanting to do this since the day she met the boy. As she relished her pregnant form, the sound of her cell phone split the silence. She rolled over, weighed down by Jason's napping form. Oh how that weight felt so absolutely marvelous. She reached over and collected her phone out of her clothing. It was Bernard.

"Hey honey. Got there okay? Jason? We're getting along great! What are we up to? Funny story."