Sky Mistress

Story by Fyreworks on SoFurry

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#3 of Unending Expansions

This was to be story 3 of 6 in the Unending Expansions book. Its all about a very dominant lady dragon with a slightly crazed personality, enslaving a countryside and bending its occupants to her will. Contains lots of submissive people, transformation, size change, inflation, bursting, and sex.

Sky Mistress

Nobody was really quite sure when it all started, all we're sure of is the current state of affairs. Our small country is plagued from within, its population being preyed on by monsters. If it isn't werewolves in the forests, trolls under bridges, or goblins everywhere you look, its that damned Dragon up in the hills. And the worst of it, there really doesn't seem to be anything any of us can do about it. Our small nation is bordered on all sides by other countries, all of which don't want us bringing our problems with us into their lands.

It is only on one small strip of land that we are not bordered by hostile or indifferent foreigners, this little bit being ocean front property. In total, our nation is an odd one to look at. The northern front is mostly mountains, populated by the great dragon that is the source of most of our troubles. To the east and west are forests and grasslands, populated by other creatures who don't much like our company. That leaves us with the one and only port town of Wrenshaw, named after the first man to lay claim to the location.

Home to around 25,000 people, give or take, with the numbers dwindling at an unhealthy rate. You see, we still need to eek out a living in this hostile location, and that means leaving the town walls to farm, going out onto the sea to fish, and heading north from time to time to gather resources from the hillside. The Dragon in residence doesn't seem overly interested in the native copper and other light metals that could be practically harvested by hand on the rocky hills, so a few people could run up with baskets and hopefully walk off with much needed booty.

Unfortunately for us all, the werewolves were both stealthy and fast, and in the employ of the Dragon. They would capture whomever they could get their hands on from time to time, and bring them kicking and screaming to the caves up in the mountains. They were never heard from again. Nobody knew just what went on there, but in the end the Dragon was the only real threat. The goblins were an annoyance that could be solved via armed conflict. But any time a force came out of the walls, and entered the forests where the monsters lived, they would soon be captured or killed outright. The forests were definitely their home territory.

So this was life for the people of Wrenshaw, left to toil as they could in the fields by day, and hide in their houses at night. For all one knew, you could be next when the Werewolves came a knocking. For one fellow, this had been his life since his birth, and it would likely continue as such well past his death. For now however, he was more concerned with reading his history book. He was studying to be one of the new historians in their small yet fairly well stocked city library, and as such he had access to as many texts as he might want.

Learning the history of the town and local areas was one of the requirements for working in the Library, and he took to it with gusto. As it turned out, the city was founded almost 200 years ago according to the personal journals of Sir Wrenshaw himself. The journals were old and fragile, something the common citizen didn't even know existed, let alone had permission to poke through. Back then this was apparently an uninhabited place in the world, with only the mild threat of nomadic goblin tribes to worry about.

As the lad poked deeper into the histories, he noticed when things began to change. It was about 10 years into the then villages history when people began to go missing. A year or two before that somebody had mentioned seeing a great flying reptile passing overhead, circling from time to time during the days before vanishing in the distance. In each report, the creature seemed distressed in some manner, but the subject was never expanded upon.

From the point of where people started to go missing, the troubles continued. Now it was two centuries later, and things had only gotten worse. Just last week a pair of farmers were snatched up, and several days before that 3 of 7 people sent up into the mountains to gather ore never came back. Worker mortality rate was a standard accounting entry in every position in town, even librarian. The thought that he could one day be snatched out of his bed in the middle of the night... It sent a shiver down ones spine.

The master Librarian found him reading by lamp-light down in the sub-basement of the library after several hours, and finally told him to go home for the night. There was such a thing as too much study, after all. The sun was going down, and it was best to be indoors by full dark. Things roamed the streets at night, as everyone knew.

So some minutes later he found himself sitting in his small chambers above a local inn, rented both for some of the coin he made here and there both in the library, plus helping out in the kitchens below. He wasn't needed tonight however, so he spent his time closing up the windows for the evening, lighting his single oil lamp, and eating a meagre supper of cold bread and cheese.

That done, he produced the journal from under his long robe-like shirt once more, and resumed reading the histories. He knew the head Librarian would have his head if he knew such a valuable artifact had gone missing, but he just couldn't help himself. There was something to be learned here, that much was certain.

So he read late into the night, ignoring the sounds from outside that may have kept many the citizen up in terror anyways. It seemed that the Dragon that now terrorized the city had taken years to really start doing anything, which made him wonder what had changed. Had the village done something to the Dragon to get its wrath? Dragons were very long lived, so it was likely a young dragon could take revenge upon a city for untold hundreds of years.

Ideas began forming in his mind, links fitting themselves together with hair-brained schemes and half baked logic. He resolved to seek out the town council the next morning, and demand a plan of action to deal with the Dragon once and for all. Perhaps a peace offering would solve the problem? After all, years long feuds in town had been solved in the past by a simple apology, perhaps the same would apply here.

That done in his mind, he finally went to bed, and had a relatively dreamless sleep.

The following morning found the fellow at the town hall, waiting for his chance to speak. After cases of petty crimes had been looked after, and others had spoken, he finally approached the council and said his peace. He took a few minutes to detail everything, but finally his argument came to a close.

"... So basically, I think we should try and find out just what the Dragons problem is, and see if we can fix it! I've read the histories of this place, and never have I seen anyone try such a thing. We should really send a few men right to the mouth of its cave..."

The town elder raised his hand for silence, and eyed the younger man with a cold Grey eye.

"Just a moment there Tobias. We all know you're becoming a learned man under the wing of our elder librarian, but that doesn't mean you yet know everything. The tales tell of many such attempts in the past, all of which failed. We've tried smoking the dragon out, going in armed, setting fires, and even collapsing the cave itself. Nothing has worked."

Tobias, or Toby as he preferred to be called, frowned at all the hostile attempts to deal with the Dragon problem. Obviously they had only made the creature more angry with the city and its population. Evidently the council just didn't understand the concept of peaceful resolutions.

"I'm not talking about any of that Elder. Has anyone ever tried to talk to the creature? Or perhaps offer peace, or gifts?"

The elder shook his head, looking somewhat irked.

"Of course not. Everyone knows you can't deal with these foul beasts. They'd kill anyone who made the attempt. No, you simply need to learn to deal with things like there rest of us do. Running around with insane schemes is only going to give people false hope, and maybe get more of our valuable citizens lost to the hills. I forbid you to speak of this again. Now, if nobody else has any business..."

That ended the conversation and the meeting as far as everyone else was concerned. Toby was left standing there quite angry with everyone around him, knowing that there was a potential solution just sitting there plain as day that nobody had even attempted yet. They were all certain that it was doomed to failure before it even started. How would they know? If nobody had tried it yet, then nobody knew.

This he thought, had to change.

He went back to his room above the Inn and began to figure out a plan of action for himself. One person stood a better chance of sneaking up to the hills than a whole group. He could wear his dark clothing and travel at night, hoping to move undetected by even the skillful werewolves. He had always been good at hiding and running around as a youth, so perhaps those old game related skills could come in handy.

Food was easy to obtain, as his access to the kitchens below let him gather rations for a few days, plus a sturdy wineskin to carry water in. He knew there was a stream running up the hills into the mountain itself, so getting it re-filled wouldn't be too much trouble. That night he found himself wearing black stained leathers complete with soft soled boots and gloves. The last touch was something he'd made himself several years back, namely a black cloth hood that he could further obscure his features with. Complete with a few forwards facing folds of cloth, all that stood out was the bridge of his nose and eyes.

He looked like one of the fabled shadow-warriors from the east, often spoken of in stories told to children late at night. They could go anywhere, do anything, and no Dragon would ever gobble them up for supper! Perhaps a real warrior of shadow would be the towns hero for a change, rather than frighten children in the dark.

To complete the ensemble he fetched out a small dark-leather backpack from under his bed, and filled it with his supplies. Last but not least, he strapped on a leg sheath that contained a long and very useful hunting knife. Some might wonder why a librarian in training would have gear that might belong to some fabled assassin. Toby wondered about that himself at times, but he was a strange man with strange tastes. And as he had thought many times in the past, and had now proven to himself, the equipment might just come in useful some day.

As most of the cities lights went out for the night, he silently crept out of his third-story window, and lowered himself onto the next ledge below. From there it was onto a low roof, then down to the ground. He carefully crept along in the darkness, eyes well focused from the moonlight above. It was less than half an hour before he crept past the northern guard post and exited the town entirely, jogging as quietly as possible north towards the hills.

For better or for worst, he wasn't coming back until he had his answers.

Chapter 2: The caves.

It took two nerve wracking days to approach the hills, travelling at night and staying hidden during the day. Hiding was no mean feat, as most of the river banks were quite clear of any scrub. That meant hiding in low bushes, under piles of leaves, dead-fall trees, or whatever else was at hand. More than once Toby awoke from a light slumber to hear creatures walking nearby, sometimes right past him without ever noticing his presence. It was a good thing he was a light sleeper!

On the night of his third day travelling, he finally climbed high enough into the hills to actually start calling the place mountains. He knew the cave was higher up, perhaps a few hours climb if he remained quiet and careful. Fortunately for him he seemed to be alone in the area, minus the ever present knowledge of a potentially angry Dragon somewhere above. After several hours of climbing up dark paths, feeling his way around boulders, and scaling a cliff-face, he finally found himself at a yawning cave entrance.

He kept flat to the ground to stay out of the moonlight, and crawled around on hands and knees looking for a good way in. His eye caught a deeper shadow off to one side, and as he inspected the area he discovered a smaller tunnel of sorts running along-side the main cave. It would do for now, as he slithered inside as quietly as he could. He decided this little tunnel must have at one point been an outflow for water, or perhaps an air-vent supplying the cave system proper. It was too small to stand up in, forcing him to crawl on all fours the entire way. There was no evidence of recent or even regular use, so he hoped to avoid detection for the time being.

The only worry in his mind was that the tunnel would never meet up with the cave, and he'd have to turn around and go back. He crawled along slowly for what seemed like hours, the complete dark of the tunnel robbing him of any time sense. He was getting more worried with each passing moment, when out of the darkness came a sliver of light. He held perfectly still, fearing detection. The light did not move however, and was apparently stationary.

Sliding along on his belly, the young fellow took a peek around what revealed itself to be a sharp turn in the tunnel, and saw that it broke away into a large hole. Looking down, he saw quite the sight. It was a fairly large internal cave, and by the looks of things he was about 20 feet off the floor level. Inside was a collection of bodies, their race and colouration difficult to determine in the muted light. The entire cave was lit only by a few small lamps and the occasional torch. From below came the sounds of slumber, many creatures resting with relative comfort on a giant carpet of what appeared to be straw.

He decided observation was in order for the time being, and set up shop for the night. He was tired despite his daytime naps, and backed himself away from the opening and back around the tunnel corner. He ate a quick meal of stale bread and preserved meats, washed it down with river water, and settled down on his own pack for the night. He was asleep in moments, fairly secure in the cramped tunnel and near complete darkness.

The following morning he awoke when the people below did, the various sounds of so many bodies getting up and doing their thing rousing him from his slumber. He carefully crept back to the hole in the tunnel, and once again peeked around the corner. The lamps were up higher now, and there was also some light from above, apparently out of a skylight. The increased light let him clearly see whom was down there, and he was surprised to say the least. It was people from the village! Some faces he recognized, though they appeared weary and badly in need of a shave. Other than that they seemed to be in good health, not starved or sick.

As he watched, the group filed out of the cave and into the larger one beyond. The sounds of work soon followed, as who knows what began for the day. He looked ahead, and saw that he could just barely climb over the hole in the tunnel, and continue along it. Doing so, he once again began crawling around in the dark, eventually coming to a much larger hole. It was as if the whole tunnel had worn away into the main cave. He could go no further from this point, and settled down to watch. The people were much farther down this time, the main cave obviously having a lower floor.

As he watched, he saw the little forms walking this way and that, in no great hurry but obviously working. Some were carrying water, others pales of food. Some were being pushed along by strange looking creatures indeed. They looked like men, but they were reptilian. Held somewhere in between the two forms by dark magics, at least as far as Toby knew. A stray beam of light reflected off muted green scales, which made his eyes adjust to what at first had just seemed shadow filling up a good portion of the cave. It was the Dragon! It was simply huge, easily over a hundred feet in length, and possessing copious bulk. The dragon was quite fat by the looks of it, and was being tended to by all the captured humans.

As he listened, he caught faint conversation, most directed towards the dragon. They called it "Mistress, she, and her". Obviously this dragon was a female then. They fed her from large trays of various food-stuffs. They gave her water to drink in the same manner, and dozens more crawled all about her body washing the fat leathery flesh with hints of scale running here and there. In total he counted perhaps 4 dozen humans running around, and 6 of those human-like reptiles. Some even had hints of dragon-like features about their person, such as dwarfed wings or frills on their heads.

The smells of cooking food came from somewhere behind the great bulk of laying dragon, and eventually more people came out and fed the prepared morsels to their mistress. He guessed they must either be broken or enslaved via magical means, because other than the few souls being specifically herded about, everyone seemed rather placid and focused on their task. Hours passed by, and eventually the large Dragon rumbled something and waved a thick looking paw. The servants went back to their side cave, while the half dozen reptile creatures stayed behind. They approached her head, and held a quiet conversation. Two of the more developed ones finally nodded their heads, and the other four went back to the cave as well.

The two remaining went back further into the cave, and returned with a set of large bellows. They looked like the pair that had gone missing from the town smithy back when Toby was a child. As he watched, they set the bellows down on the ground, and hooked the large air-holes to some kind of tube. It had connections for both bellows, and the other end trailed down to a fat looking plug of some kind. The two said something to their mistress, and with obvious effort she lifted her great hind-quarters up off the ground a ways.

Thus she exposed two large vents under the base of her tail. They selected the forward one, and slid the large plug within. A brief look of pleasure passed over the large Dragons body, followed by a faint ethereal glow. There was obviously magic at work here, if any of the books Toby had read were to be held accurate. The great dragon sat down again, the tube running back out from under her hind-quarters. She looked back and nodded her great head at the two servants, and they began to pump the bellows.

The large dragon began to rumble with obvious pleasure, forepaws kneading up and down on the rock surface of her cave, a thin line of drool escaping the corners of her maw. As Toby watched, he found himself enthralled by the scene. Bit by bit, the large dragon appeared to be swelling up larger. But it was as if she was getting larger and fatter, not blown up like a wine-skin with air. While this was all going on, the transformations of the two servants continued. Their limbs became more like a dragons, and their tails got longer. Eventually they looked completely like dragons, but still balanced on two legs instead of four.

This kept changing as they kept pumping, the pair also looking aroused as they continued to expand their mistress. She gained several feet in either direction, fat tail wriggling around with obvious delight. One of her servants followed by the other dropped down onto all fours, then resumed working at the bellows as much as they could. The magic at work here must have been strange indeed, for now instead of transforming they too were gaining size and mass. Their hides were taking on the same shade of leathery green their mistress sported, but theirs was getting shiny and lighter looking to the eye.

They swelled up to double their previous size as the minutes stretched by, growing distended features and thick limbs, complete with now gigantic underbellies. Both were obviously male, their arousal standing inflated and rather gigantic. He estimated that each of the strangely bloated dragons to be about 15 feet in length now and 8 feet tall, bloating up bigger and rounder the more they pumped. But their was apparently a limit to these strange creatures. One suddenly burst loudly, deflating like a ruptured sheep's bladder into a crumpled heap. The other kept pumping as much as he could, before his massive stomach prevented him from reaching the bellows anymore.

Eventually the loud panting of the big dragon mistress stopped, and she turned her great head to see what was going on. She seemed both sad and not overly surprised to see the deflated husk of one of her servants, plus the bloated mass of the other. Slowly but surely she lifted her great bulk off the ground, and managed to tug out the hose with a rear claw. Turning around, she bent her snout down and slurped up the deflated mass of dragon, gulping it down in one swift action. The other she rolled with her nose further back into the cavern, for what use was unknown. At the merest touch the great bloated ball of dragon servant had an explosive release of a sort, getting its seed all over itself and the ground. The larger dragon only chuckled somewhat, and continued rolling. His fate was unknown, but he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.

Toby slowly dragged himself back towards the living quarters of the servants, the sounds of heavy rut in progress behind him. It was quite obvious now what the bloated fellow had in store for him, though it was a wonder if he'd survive the night without exploding like the other fellow. Back above the living quarters, he saw the small group of apparently new-faces talking amongst themselves, under the watchful eyes of the four half-changed dragon men.

"I'm telling you, we have to get out of here! This place does something to you... What, I don't know. But Jerry over there, he was one of us yesterday! Now look at him, placid as a sheep. Almost eager to get back out there and help out that bloated beast..."

The others nodded, looking with worry around them at the sea of relatively happy faces. They were all calm, resting, some sleeping. Others showed subtle signs of change, more leathery skin, a fleck of scale here and there, the stub of a tail. At least Toby now had a rough idea of what was going on up here. The Dragon was abducting people, using them to be her slaves, and apparently become part of this grand spell of self pleasure. Obviously the magic was making the slaves enjoy the place, as well as become her dragon play-things.

What he didn't know however is why this all was happening. The bellows had only been gone for 15 years, so one would think this little expansion-game of hers was relatively new. That would explain the rising trend of missing people since that time. She was needing new slaves every now and again, as she lost old ones.

Toby spent days up in the tunnels, watching the activities of everyone below. After a few days a large popping noise was heard further back in the tunnel, followed by a slurping noise. Apparently her latest surviving play-thing had worn out, and burst. She waddled back out to her usual place that afternoon, and once again submitted to being fed, washed, watered, and rubbed down at random. She seemed sullen, perhaps unhappy at the loss of her toy. It was a likely reason, as she seemed quite animate and pleased both while getting expanded the few nights prior, and since taking her puffy dragon back to play.

She also seemed somewhat smaller today, as if the expansion from the bellows had worn off. Toby couldn't be sure however, as the muted light of the cave didn't exactly give a clear sense of scale. As his meagre supply of food and water began to run dry, he decided on a course of action. He had to sneak in and join the slave community. Then, he had to keep his head about himself long enough to try and open up a dialogue with the dragon. It was so crazy, it just might work! With no further thought on advanced planning or escape, he removed his leathers and tried to dress like everyone else was. The largely male population were simply wearing pants, with no shoes or shirt. Toby hated to lose his leathers, but the plan demanded it.

Removing his hood, shoes, shirt, and undershirt, he stood simply in his dark pants. He decided they were in too good a condition to really pass, so he spent some hours roughing them up against the stone walls. Sufficiently tattered looking, he ate the last of his rations, drank the last gulp from the water-skin, and carefully climbed out of the hole. Practically everyone was asleep by then, only the four partially transformed creatures standing at watch and milling around.

In the dark they did not see him slide down the rounded wall of the cavern, nor exit the shadows behind some rocks and take his place on the floor. Toby was tired from the day, and slid into a deep sleep. He was at least with other people again, and didn't even notice the magic already worming its way into his thoughts. He had dreams of the dragon mistress, and generally felt happy in her presence. After all, she was a good mistress, a nice mistress... Surely she would do them no harm.

There was no going back now.

Chapter 3: Going Scaly.

The next day he was awoken by everyone else getting up, and tried his best to keep his head down and generally stay unnoticed. He obediently exited the room with the rest, and avoided the gaze of the four guards. Following a party to the kitchens, he soon found himself busy preparing food for the day. A bowl was thrust into his hands at one point, and he was encouraged to eat by some of the other people. After all, mistress wouldn't want him going hungry. He wondered where that thought came from, as he ate a sufficient ration of meat and bread, washed down with clear cool water. Then he got back to making food for mistress, and was soon handing off larger platters to the feeders.

This went on for hours, and about the time his stomach told him it was time for lunch, he was fed again. After that he was directed to go wash mistress with the others, everyone else still none-the-wiser to his presence. Obviously they didn't pay too much attention to one another, even the newcomers. He spent many strangely satisfying hours laying on the broad and well padded back of their great green dragon host, scrubbing away with soap and water, and a stiff brush. There really wasn't anything to clean off other than the odd spot of cave dust, but apparently mistress liked the attention. Besides, she really was warm and soft. Not unpleasant to be around at all.

After that he was lead by the others back to a giant pool of sorts that was filled with warm water. There he was encouraged to wash himself off as well, and did the best he could despite being surrounded by so many other naked bodies. After fetching some drinking water for mistress, he was lead back to the cave for the night, given a small meal, and left there to sleep if he so chose.

This went on for several days, before he decided to make his move. He'd been noticing his thoughts drifting more towards liking being here, and decided this must be part of the magic at work. Still in control of himself for the most part, he made himself noticed. After taking a platter of food to mistress, he paused to actually place the morsels into her great maw by hand, rather than letting her shovel it all off with her wide tongue. The extra attention was noticed by the great green beast, as he golden eyes focused on his much smaller form.

"Did that suit you mistress? I felt you might enjoy being fed, rather than feeding yourself."

She gave a brief rumble of self pleasure, making a facial expression that apparently passed for a smile. Toby decided to press his luck a tad, and hung around for a moment to strike up a conversation.

"I must say mistress, you are looking rather fine featured today. The freshly washed scales sparkle so in the skylight. I have only been here a short time, but I find myself... enamoured by your grace. Thank you for making me a part of this great commune."

That said, he bowed carefully and went back for another task. A great golden eye watched him leave, the large green dragon randomly rumbling to herself both with pleasure and curiosity. Whomever this slave was, he was certainly well spoken and possessing good manners. She made a note to watch this one, he might make an interesting play mate. Most of the slaves simply grunted at her or gave one word replies to questions. Even her transformed consorts didn't talk much, being lost in the sexual bliss of their transformations, and her rut.

Toby saw the tip of the dragons tail flicking around a little more than usual, and was pleased with himself. He'd been noticed by the dragon, but nobody else had even batted an eyebrow. He was well on his way to solving everyone's problems, or so he thought. But first, it was bath time again. Both for himself and mistress. Oh, so much work to do, but so rewarding...

This kept up for a few more days and nights, before the large dragon wanted another go at her favourite toy. She was keenly aware at the recent loss of two of her more advanced consorts as well, and decided to have some more. Eventually everyone present would complete the transformation into a dragon like her. But those directly engaged in her pleasure with the pumps sped along at an alarming rate. The side effect was their mutual expansion, and usual bursting. Still, she always got more slaves, so it wasn't a big deal. Still, she wouldn't have minded if she could keep her toys around a little bit longer, perhaps for a lifetime... But no, this was the best she could do for herself right now. It had been working all these years, and it likely would keep doing so for some time to come.

Toby was of course selected to come and join the fun, mistress having come to enjoy speaking with the articulate fellow. The increased contact had been showing on him, as he was sporting a nub-like tail projection now, as well as claws instead of fingernails. He was perhaps more eager than planned to come out and man the bellows, joined by one of the guards to show him how it all worked. They hooked their mistress up to the pumps once more by the plug in her vent, and began to work the bellows up and down. Toby felt pleasure radiating from their mistress, and watched as she shifted and grew in size. She was definitely getting bigger from this close up perspective, and fatter too. Her bulk spread out like a distended water-skin over the cave floor, pushing against her limbs as she expanded.

The other guard became more dragon-like as Toby watched, and he observed his own body doing much the same. He kept pumping faster and harder, picking up the slack from the other guard as he became a full dragon, once again getting shiny looking and bloating up into a great bloated ball. Soon he couldn't pump at all, and merely rocked back and forth on his own bloat, engorged with arousal and making a right mess of himself. Toby made up the work and kept pumping eagerly, soon looking like a bipedal dragon minus a few human tidbits, like a pale tint to his leathery skin and more hand-like paws instead of that of a full on dragon. What was left of his pants exploded off his frame as his own arousal stood at attention, sticking out at least 2 feet in-front of him. His body had grown too, sprouting up to over 8 feet in height, while he started to develop more rounded features and a steadily growing paunch.

He looked over mistress and was only more aroused at the sight, her great heaving flanks swelling up even fatter, her whole body perhaps 20 feet taller and longer than it had been before. And she was quite a deal wider too, looking like she was laying on a huge skin full of fat. His staring must have been noticed, for the great dragon looked back and smiled. She was panting in obvious rut, and told Toby to stop pumping before he too wound up in the same situation as the other guard. Instead he was left large, dragon-like, and sporting a gut that would make most men look tiny.

Their mistress unplugged herself from the pumping contraption, and rolled the spherical guard dragon back to her rear corner of the cave. She called for Toby to join them, and he slowly waddled his distended frame after her. The fact that he was no-longer human didn't bother him at all, and he gleefully advanced on his mistress, still high at attention down south, dripping with every step. He spent the rest of the evening in a state of rut. Despite the vast size differences between him and his mistress, he did his best and plunged his eager dragonhood into her waiting vent.

She purred with delight and lashed her fat tail around, having rolled onto her broad back to let Toby do his work. The whole time she cuddled and lapped at the swollen mass of guard dragon, occasionally puffing air into his snout to make him stretch out even larger. As Toby thrust away at this great beautiful mass of dragon flesh under him, he thought about the state of his bloated comrade. He seemed to be near to bursting, but the longer he stayed in this state the more relaxed his flesh looked.

They rutted like that for hours, mistress blowing up the other dragon bigger and bigger, Toby going off again and again, doing his best to bring his mistress to similar climax. Finally he manged, and she roared her pleasure up to the cave ceiling as she gushed around Toby and his member. He caught sight of her squeezing the extremely bloated guard dragon in her paws, and noticed something interesting. As his huge belly was squished, the apparent air volume moved around to other parts of his body, briefly making his limbs and upper torso larger. It was all too much for the fellow however, and he soon burst like all the others. He was consumed by the greedy maw of their mistress, leaving Toby panting there atop her lower belly, still docked by his turgid meat.

Mistress looked up at him with a mostly glazed over expression, and panted with her tongue lulling out to the side.

"That will be all for tonight. You may return to the others."

Toby thanked her for the wonderful experience, and slid down her tail to the ground below. Dizzy with his own afterglow, he paused at the bathing pools to calm down and have a wash. As he rubbed over his leathery body, he noticed that what once looked like air-bloat now seemed to be fat, just like mistress. He must be growing into this new form, and the magic was making it all happen. He thought of the other guard and how he distended around in such odd manners, and wondered if he could use this to his advantage. Despite the cloudy portions of his thoughts, he was still certain of what he must do.

Cleaned up, he took in a deep breath, and padded back towards the caves. He stopped however, looking down at his middle. When he'd taken the deep breath, he'd expanded a bit rounder. He did it again, and his belly puffed up even bigger. Curious, he took a few more breaths, until he looked quite round indeed. Then with a grin, he squeezed his own belly in both paws. He felt a rush of curious pleasure mixed with pressure, and the bloat went away. Instead his body increased in size all over, staying chubby like he was, but gaining about a foot in height. He was slightly thicker in the limbs before however, and this made him wonder more about the curious magics at work here.

He spent some time playing around with this new discovery, blowing himself up until he was 12 feet tall, and still maintaining some measure of proportion. When he relaxed and exhaled, he found that he snapped back to normal, the excess air bloat exiting his snout rather quickly. He decided to try it some more, and found it was easier each time he stretched himself out. But he was growing tired, and finally shrunk himself back to his now "normal" stature for the night. He hoped that this would allow the next phase of his grand improvised plan to work out... Namely not exploding the next time he got a chance at the bellows!

For now, he went into the cave and settled down to sleep. The other guards nodded at him with knowing smiles as they could still smell mistress on him. All that night they heard contented purring from the main cave, as the large dragon basked in her own self pleasure at being enlarged, plus having a good long lasting rut. She definitely wanted to keep this new dragon of hers around, he was proving to be both interesting, and possessing excellent stamina. After all, the last 6 guards in a row had failed to get her off before growing fatigued, and had instead just joined all the rest being her expandable toys.

He would do, for now.

Toby slept well that night, hand-like paws resting on his bloated belly all evening, while his freshly grown tail tip twitched around. Anyone who cared to observe would note that he must be having wonderful dreams... The once more inflated bloat of his arousal was definitely clear on that.

Days passed, and Toby spent every free moment working on his grand plan. The work was harder then he would have imagined, as his thoughts kept drifting back towards the grand dragon in the central cave. He was unaware if his feelings of adoration and affection were genuine, or a result of the grand magics at work. In reality, as his real feelings for the large female grew, the power of the spell diminished. It was the initial purpose of the magic to try and make a situation where the huge dragon lady could find a truly loving mate.

Over the years all that had been produced were semi mindless slaves, locked in magical adoration while slowly being transformed, and ultimately exploding. In Toby's case however, the spell had finally succeeded in its goal. He was a Dragon now like his mistress, and had become relaxed to the idea without going mental. Thus his actual feelings were given a chance to develop without being hindered by morality or preconceptions.

Despite the swirl of emotion and feeling, the recently transformed fellow soldiered on. Every day he spent as much time as he could stretching himself out with his self styled breathing exercises. On the first day he was able to stretch himself up to about 20 feet in height. The next he was up to 30, and shortly after 40. It became hard in short order to hide his bulk as he grew to such sizes, having to do so late at night when all were sleeping. He would sneak outside the cave and puff himself up as far as he dared go, hold it for a while, then deflate and repeat. He marvelled at how elastic his strange new body was, as he forced himself to become more and more stretchy.

It was his hope that when his time came again to play with the bellows, he would be able to resist the magical swelling and also keep his mind clear enough to move on to the next step of his plan. Namely, to further the dialogue with his mistress, and perhaps convince her to finally stop her attacks on the coastal town. Some part of his mind knew the whole plan was far fetched, but a few weeks earlier he never imagined he'd suddenly find himself blowing his own freshly created dragon body up to the size of a large building.

As luck would have it, he had a few more days of stretching practice before the mistress decided to have a go at the pumps again. Toby eagerly manned the large bellows once more once he was chosen, matching up with another partially transformed guard. As they worked, the transformations continued, as they always did. Toby ceased being a bipedal creature, and dropped down onto all fours. The other guard completed his transformation into a full dragon as well, and began bloating up like they always do.

Meanwhile, their mistress increased in mass, rumbling with bliss as she always did from the wonderful feelings of the expansion. As she grew, so did the two pumpers, bloating up in size. While the other guard filled up round and tight, Toby merely increased in size like his mistress. As his size doubled, he found it was easier to use the once rather large bellows, and pumped all the harder. The larger dragon gasped with the increased pressure and pleasure, as she filled out over the cave and grew ever larger.

It looked as if the other guard was about to explode, so Toby gave him a gentile thump with his enlarged tail, sending him rolling away from the effects of the growing ladies magics. He grabbed both sides of the bellows with each forepaw, pumping harder to make the big lass grow and swell. As she enlarged bigger than she'd ever been before, she finally tilted her bloating neck around to see what was different this time. She saw Toby there, 50ft long and still growing bigger, showing a large but not immobilizing paunch. A brief twinge of fear rippled through her enormous bulk, as she just kept growing, pressing up against one side of the cave and swelling along it.

Toby caught her gaze and grinned toothily at her, his own hide squeaking ever so slightly as he too increased in size, less than a quarter of her mammoth bulk. He decided now was a good time to talk, as he pumped and they both enlarged.

"I must confess, I wasn't quite sure I would reach this point. I wanted to talk to you about your years and years of abusing the town far below. It really must stop, and I think I've discovered the source the problem."

The much larger dragon started rubbing against the other wall of the great cave, over 300ft in length and about 150 in diameter, a great mass of blubber swelling out like a balloon from end to end. She managed to squeak out a reply in between the rushes of pleasure, plus self preservation screaming in her hind-brain.

"And what, little dragon, might that be?"

Toby pumped all the harder, forcing his mistress to larger sizes.

"Its simple, you're lonely. I can feel it, and I can see it. You so desperately craved a mate you could not have, that you settled upon this magical course of action. I can see the beauty in the plan, as I can now see it in you, and I think your mission is complete. My mind is more clear than it has ever been in my life. I love you, my mistress. I want to indulge your passions, make wild love to you as often as possible, and leave this place should you be so inclined.

At that moment the much bigger dragon bumped up against the ceiling, her vast bulk starting to press Toby farther back into the cave, while her swelling neck pushed her head further out the cave mouth. At the largest diameter of her massive bulk, she was filling the cave like a swelling cork, making conversation more difficult. She was also feeling quite a bit of pressure, and wondered if her spell would continue to work. Still, she was overjoyed that one part of it had finally paid off. It took a century, but she found a truly loving mate that apparently shared her interests, and was different than all the other dragons she'd met over the centuries. They had mostly been a boring and unimaginative lot.

Toby was starting to round out a lot more, gaining more mass about the middle as he too stretched out to about a hundred feet in length, cramped against the back of the cave while he kept pumping, seeing only the hind end of his mistress fill out even bigger before him. Cracks were crawling over the stone walls, echoing loudly in the confined spaces as the much bigger dragon just kept growing and growing, proving that the magic at use was indeed quite potent.

It took only a few moments longer, but the roof of the cave exploded off into rubble, raining down the hillside and revealing many the precious ores that the towns-folk below would surly crave. One whole side of the mountain blew off as well, revealing an utter monster. The big dragon lass was over 600 feet in length, sporting a middle that was nearly as big around as her width, sloshing and squishing over the rocky hillside, as she exploded free and moved about a bit.

The force of the explosion ripped the pumps from Toby's grasp, and his great bulk prevented him from getting it back. As he watched, the great mass of dragon turned herself around slowly, and faced him directly. Her face much larger than his, as it advanced in his direction. She was smiling however, and nuzzled at his snout with obvious affection. Her large mouth opened as she ran her tongue over Toby's middle, teasing his immense arousal puffing up down south. It was clear that she was pleased, and apparently willing to listen to reason.

They made love that night like nothing anyone had ever seen before. The mountains cracked and broke all the more as the terrific bulk of two gigantic creatures rolled around, locked in a lovers embrace and the throes of wild passion. As the mated, parts of the spell finally wore down and broke, releasing the slaves from their bondage. Everyone partially transformed reverted to normal, if they so chose, and returned to the village. One or two green forms were seen flying off in another direction, never to be seen again.

The troubles that used to plague the port city of Wrenshaw have long since passed. These days it is an important trade route between other nations, and somewhat unique in its mixture of citizens. Most of the Werewolves and Goblins cleared out after the two great dragons made their peace, but some moved into town and are now a stable part of the population.

As for the two dragons themselves...

Toby nuzzled the flank of his mate, rumbling deep inside his fat chest as he leaned against her. She meanwhile, thumped her gigantic tail up and then down once, curving her thick neck down to lap at the side of his head. In the weeks and months that had followed their explosive exit from the mountains, they had found a new place to call home. It was a large off-shore island that nobody was using, but that was rich with things to eat both on land and in the sea.

His mistress, or Belalindryx as he'd come to learn, was happier than she'd ever been. Bel, as she insisted he call her, discovered that both of them could stand a little more expansion from time to time, with enough space in between to allow their bulks time to adapt to the new size. As a result, she was nearly a thousand feet in length now, and so well padded that she didn't move around much. Toby on the other hand was quite a deal skinnier, but still quite large. She had made him grow bigger by the day, and now he stood at about three quarters of her great size. This suited him, as he liked having a much bigger mate to snuggle up to.

Bel didn't mind it either, as she liked being huge. Their mating could be heard for miles in every direction from time to time, and their brood became the stuff of legend. The family of gigantic and rather well padded dragons, known throughout the region for centuries to come. They would always be kind, always be friendly, and always willing to help you out.

If you didn't mind manning the bellows for a few hours, that is.