Special day

Story by Loupy on SoFurry

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#3 of Trip to Canada

The ending of the trip to Canada stories. A picture that inspired this story (and that was inspired by a dream of mine) is supposed in the work. It's just a cute story about things I would like to do and enjoy with Fiona, and if they want it, with her parents. Just cute nice babyfur fun.

Special day

The little troop finally reached home all tired and happy. But alas, the cubs were covered in sands and salt and much needed a bath. So, while Peggy crinkled her way to the bathroom and turned the water on for the bath, Tyty toddled his way to fetch the pups. But when he entered the playroom, he could only see Fiona.

"It's bath time, princesses. But I don't see the Puddlepup." said the black cat. Fiona giggled and moved a feet away from her spot before pointing her finger under the crib. Her daddy came and looks and he could smell the wet puppy hiding under it. Loupy was curled under the crib but his tail was poking out. He let a loud yelp when he got dragged by it out of his hiding place.

"Come on, you both need a bath. Grandma is preparing a nice warm bubble bath." said Tyler. "You gonna be swimming in bubbles with me, Puddlepup." said Fiona. "No ebil baff !" was the wolf's only reply. In such moments, his expressions turned rather babyish, which always got a smile from those who heard it. But Loupy wasn't moving forward.

Finally, Fiona held him by one paw and Tyler by another and they dragged him along toward the bathroom. "At least, that a good thing we didn't undiapered him yet, or he would have made a puddle." said the mommy, hearing the sound of her pup wetting as he was take forward to the bathtub. "Why why why do I have to be like Rocky and always end in a baff ?" said the pup.

"When your mommy said you weren't one to take baths, I didn't believe it." said Peggles when they finally reached the bathroom. "It's like the lake you know." said Tyler. The pup was pouting but didn't fight while Tyler undressed him. Fiona huffed when her mommy undressed her, saying she was big enough to get herself naked, but the older dog didn't listen to it.

Soon, the two pups were naked and blushing, but Fiona quickly solved this problem by going in the bubble bath with loud giggles. Loupy had to be helped by his grandmother before stepping in, making a pouty face. His mommy blew bubbles to his face to get a giggle, which had some success, while Tyler brought bath toys and put them in the water.

"Don't be that pouty sweetie, it'll be fun." said Peggy while starting to scrubs both pups one after the other. The wolf couldn't hide that he was enjoying that as his tail wagged in the waters and so did the older puppy. Soon pretty much cleaned up, they had the bathtub and all their bubbles to themselves.

The dog started paddling water to splash the wolf, making him giggles and splashes back. Soon, they were water everywhere on the floor. "Both of you, stop that or they'll be puddles everywhere !" said Grandma. "That because the Puddlepup is here." said Fiona. "That your fault too, so you two plays nicely now and don't make puddles everywhere." said her mommy.

So the pups started to look through the bath toys and found plastic boats and plastic ducks and started to play around with little awww from the parents as they did. A few pictures later, they were both left leaving the babies to play together. Half an hour later they came to pick them up as the waters had gone cold.

Loupy and Fiona made a contest of who would shake himself the most dry once out, which got grandma to shake herself dry from the water she got. Then the two puppies got diapered back (one diaper for Fiona despite her huffing that she could use training pants at night, two for Loupy) and dressed in cute sleepers : Rainbow Dash for the mommy and Dr Whooves for the puppy. They both knew it means bedtime was getting close but they were two things left before going to bed.

Once dressed up, the pup rushed in to help with the next one. He joined his grandfather in the kitchen and started to pick plates. He wanted to put glasses on them but the cat give me a negative nod and he just puts the plates in place. Big plates for the cat and the adult dog, cubby ones for the two puppies. He then puts the utensils to go with it, taking is time to find the matching kiddy forks and knives to the plates he had picked up. While Tyler was cooking, the wolf sneaked up to take a chair and starts climbing on it.

"What are you doing, mister ?" said the stern voice of the wolf's mommy as he saw him starting to take an unbalanced position on the chair's back support trying to reach for the glasses. The feline turned and saw that and grabbed him. "You shouldn't be doing that, the glasses are way too high for you to reach." Said Tyler.

"I'll take care of that, daddy." Said Fiona grabbing Loupy by the ear. "I have told you to not try such acrobatics, especially when you are that much padded."

"I just wanted to help." Yelped the puppy.

"You should listen, you always want to help but you are still clumsy." Said Fiona, bending the puppy over her lap and starting to give him a sound spanking. But with the sleeper on and two layers of diapers, it wasn't that painful, just humiliating.

"In time out until dinner, now." Said the chocolate puppy once done. Pouting, the young wolf gone to look at the corner of the room while dinner was being set.

Ten minutes later, a highchair was set and Loupy was taken out of the corner to be put into it. It was Fiona's, her name was even carved in a little metal sign at the top of it, for Loupy was just a guest here. But his mommy was glad to have a normal seat with the booster seat from the car instead of the baby highchair. But they both had bibs and baby bottles, and it was not negotiable (their medications included). But neither seems to mind those. And despite efforts to avoid it, both bibs get used (Loupy's more than Fiona's).

Once their faces got cleaned up, the two pups get set down in the playpen to watch tv and plays videogames. The wolf quickly gave up, constantly dying in humiliating ways, deciding to settle into the dog bed with his name on it that was in the corner of the playpen and watch his mommy faces the challenges of some pokemon games. Both pups were quite sore from their trip and still with some jet lags, and didn't felt like going to bed. The parents let them stay up half an hour later than they would have put Fiona to bed in (and one hour later than Loupy would have been put to bed) before coming to pick them up.

"But I am not tiwed, can't I say up." Started to say the puppies at the same time, making it a bit hard to understand what they meant, but Peggles and Tyler perfectly know what they were going to say.

"Nope, it's bedtime for both of you." Answered Grandma, taking their paws and toddling with one on each side toward the bedroom. There Tyler had prepared the crib, sets babybottles on each side of the crib and sets plushies. Fiona climbed first, her bottom crinkling as she got a tap on it, Loupy crinkling too but with a little squish at the time.

Once both pups settled in, they were handed Their Puddlepup and Buddlepup plushies and grandma seated to read them a bedtime story while Tyler turned on the mobile so starts were highlighted on the roof of the bedroom. Pretty soon, pacifiers in mouth, the two little puppies were sound asleep and the two adults left the room discreetly, hoping neither of them had nightmares.

When two woke up in the morning, it was later than they thought they would have gotten up and they were quite a ruckus in the house. Finally, Grandma showed up but by the open door they could see that they were people in the house outside of the four of them. Fiona recognized them as friends of her parents but wondered why they were there so early. "I see I have two wet puppies on my paws." Said Peggy as she checked them up. "I'll change you after breakfast."

The two get took by the hands and walked to the kitchen while people were busying around them. Loupy didn't know them and was pretty shy, hiding behind his grandmother's dress. "Who are all those people ?" he asked.

"They are friends of ours, sweetie, don't worry." She answered.

"What are they doing here so early ?" asked Fiona.

"Oh, it's a really special day today but I'll not spoil the surprise." Said her mother.

Both sounded a bit disappointed by the answer but got the kitchen and seat in the same places as yesterday, getting babybottles and cereals this time.

"I have to prepare some stuff, dear, can you make sure Loupy finishes his cereals ?" asked Peggles.

"I don't need to be checked for that !" huffed the puppy. Fiona giggled and nodded, before starting to spoon-feed her puppy. The scene got many visitors to awe at the cuteness, only getting Loupy blusher and wetter each time.

The adult dog and the cat come back to pick them up.

"We have to hurry bit things up, dear." Said Tyler.

The quartet rushed in for a much needed change and cleaning up, the cubs washing their teeth while the adults prepared something. Once ready they discovered that thick diapers were ready for them but also flower girl dresses (and a little flower basket for Fiona).

"But but but..." said Loupy.

"Are you..." said Fiona.

"No time to discuss, time to get you dressed up." Said Peggles. Pretty soon, the two puppies were dressed up in double diapers for one and normal diaper with a stuffer for the other and two adorable white dresses with little trimming. Toy tiaras were set on their head and their collars put back on nice and snug.

"Don't forget your flower basket, sweetie, and don't play with it until the ceremony." Said Tyler as they took Loupy and Fiona to meet with cousin Paige and Ace. The white fire and brown she-wolf was dressed in a similar dress as them but pink with white trimming. She was about the age and size of Loupy, boasting a purple collar and a similarly thick diaper. Ace was a dog, really identical to Fiona but with red fur instead of chocolate. He was dressed in training pants and a sleeper made to looks like a black suit. After Loupy forced himself to say hi, and some loud arguments later, they joined the group of people in the main room. Grandpa Tyty was dressed up in the same sleeper (but with diapers as thick as Loupy's) as Ace and Grandma Peggy wearing her wedding dress again, but sporting diapers as thick as Fiona's.

"Welcome to all our friends and family to celebrate our first wedding anniversary.".

At the lake

**At the lake** Grandma Peggles had a plan for today but didn't let the puppies on it. It was going to be a surprise. Grandpa Tyler arrived with the leashes and both of them looked at the two cute puppies in wet padding over some newspapers. "Both of...

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Homebound Loupy followed his grandfather to one of the handicaped toilet while his mommy followed the grandmother to the other one. "You sure are in need of a change, puppy. Not kidding." said the cat, getting the wolf to blushes. "Let's get this...

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Through the airport

Through the airport : The young wolf was bouncing around as he got out of the train, trying to sort out his luggage. He had been away for a trip and was only meeting his mommy again today. He had packed everything she told him to, despite his...

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