The Feral Assassins - Chapter 3

Story by MeowCat on SoFurry

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#3 of Story - The Feral Assassins

Chapter 3

There was nothing special on the TV channels as he flipped through each one of them in a sequential order. His mind was a blank and whatever was blaring on the TV went in one ear and drifted out in another. Hugging the pillow as he lied on his bed stomach first, Kasdel had actually started feeling lonely. He longed for Lanson to return but the large feline had just left for work. Even if Lanson were to come back, Kasdel wouldn't know how to face him. After all, Kasdel knew he had practically rejected the advancement that Lanson was showing an hour ago.

Groaning and covering his head with the pillow, his fluffy cat ears were pinned down by the pliable cushion. The light orange anthro cat gazed at the TV screen through the slits between the blanket and the pillowcase. His light yellow eyes were bright and beautiful. Just like a real feral cat staying motionless in search of an opportunity to pounce on a prey, Kasdel remained still for the next thirty minutes while he took in the lingering scent of the panther that had remained quite persistent in his apartment. Kasdel had chosen to remain in the transmorphed state, hovering between half human and half feline so that he could do some chores around the place. The only difficulty that he was facing right now was the extreme laziness that had overwhelmed his determination to clean the apartment; so that by the time Lanson was back at his little den that night, it would actually be presentable for once.

Lightly slapping his tail on the bed, Kasdel closed his eyes and sighed. His injured arm was healing quite fast; a unique trait of his body that he had grown to learn much about as he matured through the years. When he was young, he would always get into trouble and hurt himself while doing crazy things, such as climbing onto an incredibly tall tree or running around on the edge of the riverbanks. The injuries he had sustained would range from something as small as a scratch to as large as a nasty cut. But the wounds would usually heal within a few days. It was also heartwarming to see his Mom preparing his favorite food and snacks after school. On the weekends, his Dad would bring him out for fishing, hiking, and camping.

Life was good back then. Life was something that he had enjoyed and cherished. The wonderful moments with his parents beside him, encouraging him, and teaching him were reminiscences that only now existed in his heart. His childish antics in the past had brought devastation upon his family. His immaturity had caused his parents their lives. His unwillingness to listen to his folks warning him about revealing the true nature of their species had resulted in years of torment and suffering; guilt that gripped his heart day and night while grief prevented him from facing himself ever again. A social outcast was what he had become.

Squeezing out a drop of tears, Kasdel reopened his eyes and got up slowly. The fuzzy blanket slowly glided off his bare back as he sat up straight. Looking at the pile of dishes left over from breakfast this morning, he shook his head. Lanson could have at least washed the plates and the cups before he left. After all, Kasdel was the one who was hit by Lanson's car. The panther owed him.


"Morning, Lanson." One of the staff members with a white overcoat greeted within the brightly lit hallway.


"Here are the files you've requested last week." A folder was given.

Nodding, the big man received it while walking down the wide passageway alongside of his colleague. The two individuals passed by multiple people as they rounded a corner and were met with yet another corridor. The area was like a maze. With pale white light from the ceiling casting a neutral atmosphere around the cool environment, black glossy tiles were like mirrors reflecting the workers that had strolled upon them. Large offices with thick translucent glass panes aligned both sides of the hallway. Some had shutters closed while others were pulled all the way up, revealing the managements that had to supervise countless departments residing in the agency's massive building.

"Did you track the target that had appeared in the second quadrant since two weeks ago?" Lanson inquired as he scanned the files.

Pushing up his glasses, his colleague answered: "Nope. The subject had disappeared before our team could get into position."

"He's a tricky one," Lanson shook his head as he stopped in front of his office. Looking up, he stared hard into the eyes of his partner. "Azen, I need to ask your team to set up surveillance posts in that area. I also want you to specifically make sure streets from two miles up north to two miles down south are secured. I don't want him anywhere near there."

Smiling, Azen said quietly lest other passerby eavesdropped on their conversation: "Protecting your little kitty I presume?"

Narrowing his eyes, the big man smacked the pages of report on top of the shorter person in a gesture of reprimand. "Is that how you are supposed to talk to your supervisor? And I'm not protecting him. I'm just...well...." His voice trailed off.

Laughing, Azen brushed his spiky long blue hair with a hand and took the files from Lanson. "Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. I'll get my team on that right away. How's the kid anyway?"

"I told you already, he's a full grown adult! So stop calling him that!"

"Yeah, but he's younger than you by a few years that's for sure. It's more intimate if you call him something else other than his name all the time. It's as if you are calling out and saluting to an officer or something."

Lanson sighed as he opened the door to his office. Stepping inside, he could smell the refreshing air conditioned draft surging through the dimly lit room. The low murmurs in the busy hallways were muffled by the thick walls and the soft carpet. Sitting down on the leather chair, he switched on his computer and the semi-transparent monitor lit up with shades of sophisticated blue and pale orange. Soft radiance from the electronic devices in the office had casted an eerie shadow upon the smooth wall behind him.

"So?" Azen pressed on with great interest as he adjusted the dangling the identification card in front of his chest.

Looking up and over the edge of his big monitor, the panther in human form asked: "What?"

Rolling his eyes as he leaned against the doorway, he repeated: "How's the kid? Was he nice? Was he...I don't know, cute? Friendly? It's not often that we find another one of our kind."

"You want to chase after him or something?" Lanson sounded mildly annoyed. He didn't know why he even cared about how Azen, his long-time colleague and friend, had felt toward Kasdel. "For your information, Kasdel had a rough childhood. He's like this alley cat that is scared of people. Earning his trust is difficult. So I suggest you give up on the idea of going after him."

Staring over the bridge of his glasses, Azen tilted his head. His dark green eyes never left the sight of his pal. "I detect a strong hint of jealousy. I have never seen you reacting like this for quite a while." Seeing the expression on Lanson's face, Azen straightened his back and held up his hands with the files in the air. "Okay! Okay! I was just kidding around! Sheesh! You are overly sensitive today."

"I got things to do. So stop bothering me and get back to work."

Waving a hand, Azen walked away. Lanson surfed through a few windows with dozens of documents on the computer for a few minutes before he heaved another deep breath and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Cupping his hands in front of his face, he gazed blankly at the rows of texts and numbers on the screen. It was by chance he had found Kasdel at the convenience store. He was just getting some coffee one day when he had smelled a feral scent of an animal nearby. After struggling with himself whether if he should investigate the young man who had looked as if he was about to commit suicide, Lanson had decided to trail after Kasdel and found the person shifting into a feline form. Driving through the rainstorm that night, he had never expected Kasdel to drop in front of his vehicle in the middle of the street without looking.

It was also by fate's phenomenal planning that he and the house cat had gotten to know each other. While there were still boundaries and gaps between him and Kasdel, Lanson felt as if he had found someone that was worth protecting. He was seeing a side of vulnerability within Kasdel that was nearly non-existent in his character.

For the last five years, the protection details that he was given were all associated with individuals that had the Feral Assassin bloodline. Anthro beasts like him were being hunt down by United Government secretly behind the media's watchful eyes. Regardless if the innocent beasts were hiding their true identity and they had meant no harm to the general population that coexisted alongside of them, the special ops from within a non-disclosed organization would always be able to find them and eradicate them. Such hideous and unforgivable act had existed due to a failed assassination mission over eighty years ago. A scapegoat was what it was and truth to be told, it wasn't the Feral Assassin species' fault. They were, after all, a product created by the United Government when it was first formed by the consensus of over sixty different nations around the globe.

Watching people walking past his office through the large window in front of him, Lanson's dark blue eyes gleamed with intensity. He would do anything to protect Kasdel, even if it had meant giving up his life for the poor feline.


The sun started to set slowly in the horizon behind towers of skyscrapers that had claimed their dominance with their robust structures. With dark orange light shifting and creeping past the angular sides and curvatures of the city landscape, patches of shadows appeared within the urban sprawl. As the night descended upon the lands below, traffic had never gotten better; everyone started heading out for social gatherings after a long day at work.

Kasdel was sitting on the dining chair while he sipped a cup of orange juice that Lanson had bought for him the night before. Now wearing a blue tank top, his thin, furry cat arms dangled freely while he continued to drink from the straw with the cup on the table. After washing up during the day, he had tied his long hair into a pony tail. A few lingering strands had escaped the bind and they hung freely on the sides of his face. On the other side of the room next to his bed to his right, the nightscape of the city was barely visible through the reflective window that was affected by the lights in the apartment.

The doorbell rang. Jumping out of the chair and sprinting to the door, Kasdel was excited to hear someone on the other side of the door. The anticipation of seeing Lanson again was overwhelming, as he stood at the doorway with his hand trembling above the handle. Taking a few breaths, he shook his head. He had no idea why he wanted to see the black cat so much. If taken a sensible step backward and analyzed what was going on, it would be clear to anyone that such trust placing upon a stranger that they had just met for a few days would be nothing short of recklessness and absurdness.

The doorbell rang again. Making up his mind, Kasdel grasped the handle and opened the door. Lanson greeted with a massive bag of takeout food almost covering his face. Clumsily getting past the door and carefully putting the food on the kitchen counter, Lanson breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought it was going to fall out of my arms."

Kasdel peeked into the bag. "Why did you buy so much?"

Taking off his heavy jacket, Lanson said with glee: "It's Japanese food! I love the noodles and sushi. Did you know that the restaurant down the block actually has twelve pieces of salmon sashimi instead of the usual nine that many other places serve?"

Looking exasperated, Kasdel pointed at the bag and said: "I am not going to stuff myself to death with that much food. It's like an entire school of salmons is in there! Did you just buy their entire supply of raw fish or something?"

"We're cats. We can finish 'em fish. No problem, kiddo!" Petting Kasdel on the head, the panther in human form walked toward the dining table. "Wow! You've really cleaned up the place today! You must have spent a lot of time making sure this place is spotless. That's incredible!"

Blushing lightly, Kasdel pretended he didn't hear it while he rummaged through the bag. As he brought out packets of sushi, noodles, and soup, he saw through his peripheral vision that Lanson was standing there looking at him.

"You actually rang the doorbell today instead of barging in without permission." A forced topic was thrown out as the shy orange feline set the table without making eye contact.

"Last time you were quite annoyed at me being in your apartment without letting you know. So I thought it'd be nice to invite myself in the proper way." Walking around the table and stopping in front of Kasdel, Lanson gazed down. He gently lifted Kasdel's chin and smiled. "And you took quite a risk too."

"W-what do you mean?" The younger individual stammered.

"Opening the door while in your transmorphed state without confirming who it was; that is quite dangerous."


Lanson tilted his head as he saw Kasdel looking to the side. "What is it?"

"I...I could smell your scent." Raising his head forcefully while staring at the big man in front of him, he blurted: "I'm a cat, all right? It's only normal for me to be able to sense and smell things better than an ordinary human!"

"I know. I know all too well."

Both of them stood there in stillness. The ticking clock hand echoed around the room while the TV continued to showcase evening news. Being over a head taller than he was, Kasdel had felt Lanson to be quite intimidating and yet comforting at the same time. His tail curled and uncurled in mild nervousness while his yellow eyes scanned the facial features of the panther that had gradually transmorphed from human figure into the natural outline of a predatory feline. The black fur matted between his fingers, as Kasdel could feel the pulsing warmth of the larger cat's muscles. He flinched slightly when Lanson gently touched one of his furry ears and lightly scratched the area behind it. The orange house cat felt as if he was melting. His legs were wobbly.

Subconsciously, Kasdel was lured into the embrace of the large cat. He could feel the heart beating through the white shirt that Lanson was wearing. The masculine presence of his newfound companion was profound. As Kasdel leaned into the two big arms, he gently rubbed his head against Lanson's neck. His ears brushed the underside of Lanson's chin, while Kasdel closed his eyes and took into the incredible sensation that he was feeling. The black panther lightly massaged the small cat's bare shoulders and upper arms, while he smiled gently, savoring the delightful moment that he had hardly experienced in his years of profession.

For some odd reasons; beyond the comprehensible means of understanding what was happening; Kasdel opened his eyes and raised his head slightly. To his own surprise, he gave Lanson a tender lick on the chin. Lanson looked down with his blue eyes in awe, as his mouth was slightly opened, revealing the sharp feline fangs. His whiskers moved a bit while his ears flicked with the sense of unknown.


Kasdel was eager to push himself away but he was held in place by Lanson's strong hands. The mood was drenched with emotional turmoil. Uncertainty; fretfulness; disbelief; the very aspect of bonding with another male; another individual whose background was enshrouded in a sea of mystified ambiguity was terrifying to say the least. Kasdel had actually begun to feel that he was being hasty and irrational in his actions. Perhaps his own selfish desire to seek retribution for the days of wasting his life in the memories of pain and woe was making him acting out senselessly. A wave of guilt and regret had surged through his mind while he struggled to find an excuse to diffuse the situation. Yet, from the gaze of Lanson, it was clear to him that the panther, a predatory cat, wasn't going to let it go as easily as before.

"Why do you always want to run?" Lanson asked quietly while he continued to hold Kasdel in place with his powerful grasp on the two slender arms.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Whenever you have realized that you are in a situation that confuses you or makes you feel insecure, you would always try to escape. You don't want to face the obstacle in front of you. Instead, you have chosen to avoid the challenge; the fear of making the wrong decision seems to be taking control of you."

Still struggling to break free of Lanson's grip, Kasdel snapped: "You don't know me! Don't make it sound like you've been with me for a long time because quite frankly, you are nothing more than a stranger that has invaded my life, my privacy!"

The large black feline didn't reply at first. His almond-shaped eyes continued to stare at his prey. Bending down slightly, Lanson softly gave Kasdel a quick kiss on the cheek. The feeling was amazing and touching. Wide-eyed and in full panic mode, Kasdel finally broke free of the hold. Taking a step back, he brought his arms close to his slender body as his face blushed deeply.

"I'm sorry," the panther apologized as he sighed. Pulling out a chair, he sat in front of the dining table and started opening up the food containers from the takeout. "I was being inconsiderate. After all, there's so much that you don't know about me. Where I came from; what do I do for work; where do I live; all these questions are not answered. And yet...yet I feel as if I really wanted to get to know you more, Kasdel."

Kasdel had side-glanced the feline without saying a word. Timidly, he pulled out the seat on the opposite side of the white table. Accepting the plate of sushi from Lanson, his head was spinning. He hated himself for rejecting Lanson yet again. He had done it through reflexes, as he no longer trusted anyone since the childhood ordeal with his parents being taken away.

Lanson said: "I can understand how you feel. And in some way, it is wrong of me to take advantage of you with your circumstances. I should have been more thoughtful and given you the time and space needed."

"You are not taking advantage of me at all. It is more like me taking advantage of you..." the house cat replied in a hushed tone.

Raising an eyebrow, Lanson asked: "How's so?"

Looking up, Kasdel heaved a breath. "I...I really enjoyed your company. But at times I feel as if I can't help myself to be on the defensive side because I am afraid of hurting the people that are close to me. I've done it before when I was young and I can't afford to do it again."

"You won't hurt me, Kasdel," the black feline reassured with concern. "In any case, I will be the one protecting you."

"You don't understand...."

"Well, then why don't you tell me? All this secrecy isn't going to make our friendship last longer."

The younger cat sighed. Tossing a sushi into his mouth, he chewed mindlessly for a long moment. The flavorful food became bland and tasteless under the solemn mood that Kasdel was feeling. Spongy rice fell apart over his tongue and each grain tasted like leftover food. Lanson took the break between the conversations to dine on the plates of sashimi that he had gotten for both of them. He only looked up when he noticed the beautiful orange feline watching him with an indecisive expression. Watching the big cat eat was amusing to Kasdel. In some odd way, it was quite soothing watching Lanson stuffing his face full while in his feral form.

At last, Kasdel brought out his courage and recalled: "When I was young, I accidentally transmorphed and friend at the time had seen me. I don't know if he was scared or shocked, as I can still vividly see his face in my head and the expression that he had displayed at the time. I thought he would understand what was happening. He and I...we've been friends for many years. Never would I suspect that he was the one who had betrayed me. He told people around the school what I am. The rumor became a full-fledged accusation, which, in some silly way, was actually true.

"One day, government officials had sent men to my house. I was about to leave for school when armed officers busted through the front door and took my parents away. Knowing that society was and still is afraid of our kind, my parents had always taught me where to hide if such dreadful day were to come. It did arrive...and like a scared pussy, I hid in a secluded area in the house where the humans would not be able to find me. In that dark little cubicle, I could hear my parents screaming their innocence. They've paid their share of taxes. They've helped many people out. They've even donated to charities from time to time. But it was futile. That day was the last time I've ever seen them again."

Lanson's eyes were filled with sadness as he listened intently to Kasdel's story. He had never suspected it to be so heartbreaking and so dejected. It was strange. As much as he had already seen and heard different life stories from various victims that he had protected in the past, Kasdel's experience had an overpowering effect on him. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was somehow attracted to the poor orange feline. He felt as if he could relate to Kasdel in some magical connection.

The meal ended with minor awkwardness but was dispersed with several casual topics. Lanson and Kasdel were sitting on the edge of the bed trading stories. Lanson had been relatively straight forward, letting his friend know about his past. There were details where Lanson had deliberately left out to prevent involving Kasdel into the world of threats and fear; a world that he had entrenched himself deeply into. Although Kasdel had initially felt uncomfortable having the panther sitting so close beside him on the bed, as his heart raced with his breaths became shallow, he knew there was nowhere else to sit. His apartment was tiny and sitting at the dining table was rather unpleasant for small talks to say the least. The muscular scent from Lanson was driving him crazy. Several times, he had caught the large cat eyeing him with a hint of lust.

Before Kasdel could regain his thoughts as he envisioned himself being with Lanson, he felt the large hand holding onto his. The black feline leaned in closer; their shoulders touching; their different colored fur softly intermingled together. That was the first time Kasdel had ever kissed a person. It was the first time he had ever kissed another male cat that was so filled with self-esteem and confidence. Their tongues touched. Slipping around the curvature of their fangs, they explored each other's mouth. Lanson lovingly rubbed Kasdel's cat ears, while the orange feline traced the outline of the panther's muscular shoulders and chest with passion. Their tails curled together in a symbol of bond and trust.

It was not long until Lanson pushed Kasdel onto his back. Pinning the smaller being with his weight, Lanson growled softly while he nibbled and licked the slender neck that had sent out an irresistible aroma. He breathed in deeply while reaching underneath Kasdel's thin tank top and tenderly massaged the well-toned body. Kasdel moaned as he felt the big hand with claws retracted teasing his flesh. He held onto the thick neck of the panther as he gasped and trembled beneath the big body that radiated warmness he had not experienced before. A heavenly delight; a wondrous sensation was surging through him when Kasdel felt Lanson rubbing his nipples while bringing his affectionate licking all the way back up to the mouth. The house cat opened his mouth in search for air to breathe amidst the insatiable love that his new companion was displaying and was greeted with a fervent kiss with the thick tongue gliding between his lips.

When Kasdel noticed Lanson slowly reached into his shorts and gently touched his private area, he broke the kiss and pushed his hands against the broad shoulders.

"Wait! I-I am not...."

"Not what?" The feline whispered as his bright blue eyes gazed deeply into Kasdel's eyes. Grasping the hardening member that was pulsing in his palm, Lanson licked his little kitty's tender face and said softly: "Don't tell me you are not ready for this. You know you want to be with me. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it through your gestures."

Kasdel whimpered as he closed his eyes and gasped when Lanson started massaging his testicles and pumping his dick ever so cautiously. The panther's well-composed demeanor suddenly changed to a ravaging ferocity, as he roughly ripped Kasdel's shirt away with his claws. Burying his face into the small chest, he gingerly licked and sucked on the nipples. Short strands of soft light orange fur that transitioned into a mix of white near the middle of the house cat's body were prickling his nose. The sounds of moaning and the motions of squirming from the lovely kitten had driven him wild, as Lanson slowly moved his tongue down toward Kasdel's small shaft.

Kasdel grimaced as he cried out in a shocking blast of pleasure when the black feline pulled away his shorts, rendering him completely naked, and took his entire length into the hot, steamy mouth. Feeling the hardness of the fangs lightly scraping the skin of his meat, Kasdel groaned loudly while he gripped onto his companion's thick black fur with his fingers. He had forgotten to retract his claws in a relentless stream of pleasure. Small scratches were formed upon Lanson's neck and shoulders through lightly ripped shirt but the panther ignored them. Such roughness had made him wanted his little cat even more.

It was too much for Kasdel as he had never felt such staggering sensations. He shuddered violently and opened his eyes in shock. Spurt after spurt of hot sticky cream blasted into Lanson's mouth and down into his throat, as the feline growled and relished the taste.

"I...I'm so sorry...."

Looking up with a strand of cum dripping down the corner of his mouth and leaving the pulsing dick slimy and glittering in the light, Lanson smiled. "You don't have to be. I guess I was being impatient and went for my prize too early, too fast.

Kasdel panted as his face was red, complementing the light orange shade of his fur quite nicely. His tail was limp beside his legs from the incredible burst of ecstasy. As he tried to get his breath back, he saw Lanson taking off his torn shirt; an end result caused by his forgetfulness on retracting his claws. The broad chest of the panther's was fully revealed. Undoing his belt, Lanson sat up and took off his long pants, revealing the massive bulge of his package through his underwear. Grinning, the big cat motioned Kasdel to come closer. Still trembling lightly from previous treatment, Kasdel turned over and stared at the monster that was waiting in between Lanson's muscular legs. His ponytail had come undone and long strands of black hair draped over his shoulders while he leaned down. Grunting and getting the underwear off Lanson, the seven inch penis stood erect in the air. Drops of precum ran down the sides of the shaft, shimmering with desire and sweet aroma that begged for the light orange feline's avid acceptance.

Without saying a word, Kasdel shyly opened his mouth and took in the big head of the pulsing meat. He had never done it before but it felt right. It was as if his body was taking over control of his actions instead of his sentient thoughts. His mind was on the backseat with his natural instinct taking the full reign and driving him forward. The black panther moaned as he closed his eyes. Petting and scratching Kasdel's ears, he subconsciously added weight to his hands so that Kasdel could start taking his dick deeper into the mouth. Kasdel's yellow eyes were wide as he mumbled, seemingly to tell Lanson that it was too big. But the predator didn't care. The lust; the desire; the need to mate with his newfound companion was too overwhelming.

Despite it looking impossible to accomplish, the wish and the craving to be with Lanson had empowered Kasdel to finally take in the first three inches of the thick cock. He could feel the gooey precum spilling into his mouth, coating his fangs, tongue, and the sides of his mouth. He swallowed in reflex while he breathed heavily through his nostrils. Soon, Lanson relaxed his hands as Kasdel began to suck and bop his head up and down the hard penis.

"You are a natural," the panther grinned as he panted.

Kasdel continued to pleasure his dominant feline. Cupping the two dangling balls into one of his small hands, he massaged them while trying to give Lanson the best blowjob possible. His mouth was getting sore having to open so wide to accommodate the girth of his partner's shaft. Still, he kept up the momentum. It seemed as if Lanson had an incredible stamina and self-control. It felt like ages for Kasdel anticipating the inevitable ejaculation that somehow never came. Finally, he paused, lifting his head for a break while glancing over his shoulder at the smiling panther.

"Tired?" Lanson teased.

Rubbing his sore left arm that was still in the process of healing, Kasdel frowned. "This is more work than I've imagined."

"I'm making you work for your reward."

The big cat extended his arms and pulled his prized kitty toward him. Making Kasdel straddling over his pointy member, Lanson wetted a finger and gently massaged the rear opening of the squirming feline.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Kasdel exclaimed when he felt a finger was inserting into his butthole. Face showing disbelief, he gasped as the finger was inserted further into him.

"Just relax. I'm loosening you up."

"For what?!"

Looking with eyes filled with desire, Lanson smirked playfully. "You know what it's for. I'm going to make sure you know every inch of my body tonight. Isn't that what you wanted? To get to know me more? What better way to know me by mating with me?"

"I've never done this before!" Kasdel said loudly but a moan of pleasure escaped from him before he could hold it back.

Two fingers were in his rear now. Kasdel leaned over Lanson with his long hair falling forward, partially covering his slender arms. His claws dug into the bed sheet, as Lanson tenderly caressed Kasdel's naked chest and belly with his other free hand. Kasdel instinctively lowered even further to lick the black cat's lips and face. Before long, he felt a massive pressure pressing against his rear. His butt cheeks were spread wide by Lanson's hand, as the hard dick forcefully entered its domain. Kasdel cried out in pain when he felt his virgin hole was being brutally stretched. Yet the noise of protest was like music to the panther's fuzzy ears, as he grunted and moved his pelvis upward to slide another inch of his member into the sensitive cavern of immeasurable bliss.

"S-stop!" A drop of tears rolled out of the orange feline. His fangs digging into his lower lip while perspiration formed along his naked body.

Stroking his kitty's excited member and drawing out precum that left sticky strands of translucent liquid on his fingers, Lanson panted heavily while taking in every expression that Kasdel was showing. He had no desire to stop. Far from it, he wanted to claim the beautiful and sexy cat as his own. He wanted to be with Kasdel. He had never felt such aspiration toward anyone before.

Kasdel's mouth was open when he felt another two inches of the monster entering him. Gliding silently yet dominantly past the rim of the hole, the hot penis was going nowhere except forward. He opened one eye and saw Lanson was masturbating his dick with such care that he had almost ejaculated a second time. It seemed to be forever but when Kasdel noticed he was sitting on Lanson's legs bottoming out, he knew all seven inches of the male's meat was within him. His virginity was taken. He was the panther's mate.

"See? I told you it'll be fine." Lanson whispered in Kasdel's ear before giving his lover a warm lick down the neck. "You are so sexy...I have never met such a creature like you before."

"S...stop joking around," the small feline's voice trembled. "I'm sure you've been with another person before."

"No. To be honest, you are the first one that I've actually mated. I've never felt such...lust toward anyone, except you."

Kasdel's gaze met with Lanson's. Before he could say anything more, the panther gripped onto his prey's hips and lifted them slightly to pull out the glistening cock before ramming them down. Kasdel cried out. His saliva spilled out of his mouth while his arms gave away to the unbelievable feeling that he was experiencing. He fell on top of Lanson; his chest heaving and brushing against the panther's bare flesh that was covered with a thin layer of sweat. Lanson began thrusting faster at a rhythmic pace. Sounds of sex filled the apartment as the bed creaked under the moving weight of the lovely couple. The slippery sound of thick cock pumping in and out of the receiver's rear could be heard clearly, while sexual growls and whimpers were additional melodies supplementing the mating concert that was being performed in the room.

The sex was something that Kasdel had never imagined. Sure, he had masturbated before when he was alone by himself. Never had he imagined it to be so good; so delightful; so astonishing. He didn't want it to end. He wanted to feel his newfound companion to be with him forever. He wanted to replace that hollowness of his life with the essence of the black panther.

"Lanson!" Kasdel yelled out while he buried his muzzle into Lanson's neck.

His features had completely morphed into an anthro feline; shedding whatever remaining attributes of the vile human form in exchange for an untamed characteristic of his natural identity. It felt normal to mate with his partner in their true appearance. After all, they were of Feral Assassin descendants. They shouldn't be ashamed of who they were. Kasdel's tail had found its counterpart and demandingly curled itself along the length of the long black tail.

Lanson wrapped his arms around Kasdel's back as they exchanged kisses. His pace increased in ferocity as well as velocity. The hole was being penetrated in a hurtful but enjoyable way, as the seeds of panther began to spill out from the tip of the pulsing cock and fill up the insides of the relenting feline.

"I love you, Kasdel!" Lanson roared as he held onto the small cat's neck and gave a mating bite.

The big panther's body shivered. His cum continued to pump deeply into Kasdel's needy hole. His big black testicles tightened while the giant meat was submerged into his mate's rear. The feeling of Lanson's cock rubbing against his insides was enough to send Kasdel over the edge. He felt himself cumming a second time, splattering both him and Lanson's abdomen and making their furs sticking together. The white creamy fluid leisurely rolled down the sides of Lanson's waist as he huffed heavily.

As if they had finished a major battle, the two loving individuals remained silent for a few minutes. Lanson licked Kasdel's ear a few times while he softly massaged his kitty's naked bum.

"I'm being serious regarding what I said." The panther said quietly. "I wasn't in it for the sex. I really want to be with you, Kasdel. You're the missing piece in my life."

Resting his head upon Lanson' broad chest, Kasdel stared into the space near the kitchen and replied: "I know. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't believe you mean it. You know me. I'm quite suspicious of people. I would have told you to leave if I had believed you were just screwing with me and only wanted to fuck me for your own selfish needs."

"Does this mean that I can come visit you whenever I want?"

Raising his head and placing his arms under his furry chin, the orange house cat stared into the worrying eyes of the black feline. His long black hair covered over Lanson's chest. He smiled for the first time; an attractive smile that Lanson hadn't seen before was projecting from a once-fearful cat.

"Well...not that I can say my apartment is yours to freely enter and leave whenever you want," Kasdel teasing lightly. "But I don't mind if you visit me from time to time. After all, who's going to look after me if I were to lose my job?"

Laughing and scratching his lover's head, Lanson said: "If you did lose your job, I wouldn't mind taking care of you. I've washed your clothes and brought you food earlier. So that pretty much shows how much I care about you."

They lied on the bed in each other's embrace, completely forgetting about the food that Lanson had bought. With the TV still on and the night looming deeper into the hours, for the first time Kasdel drifted into a comforting sleep dreaming a wonderful life with a strange feline that had miraculously entered his life and bringing him hope.

Outside the apartment in the darkness, a figure with a pair of shining blue eyes stared at the building in stillness. His claws gripping the fence tightly, he tilted his head and surveyed the place while arching his tail behind him. Giving his fangs a lick, the unannounced individual sent power to his legs and leaped off into the night.

End Chapter 3