The End of My Boredom.

Story by mkcompy on SoFurry

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#1 of Cats and Wolves

So, this is my first story that I've bothered to do. I did it for much the same reason that the character in this story decided to masturbate. My internet was gone, and I really wanted to type something, but I couldn't get online to talk with a friend. (Of course all names are changed.) So, I let this little creation pop out of my head, and onto Word... I figured, hey, maybe I can write?

So, you tell me. Can I write? Some constructive criticism and friendly responses would be much appreciated.

Without further ado, here's my story. I hope it's enjoyed, or at least readable.

(Update as of 4/6/09: Got a friend's advice, added a whole 'nother paragraph to the story and fixed up some repetition and other errors. Also changed up a few things and corrected what I saw was wrong.)

The End of Boring

"God damnit Ralph." He hissed quietly, clicking on the connect button once more. "Damn damn damn. Either their internet is down or they found me out and disabled it or something." His tail twitched angrily as he shut the laptop at the corner of his bed, glaring at the thing until it went into sleep mode, hating every noise it made along the way. His leeched internet was gone tonight, now what could he do? He rolled onto his side and watched the blinds over his window, worried a little that he might not have his nighttime talks with Jessie or his fantasizing over porn and sex toys. He, an anthromorphic cat named Alexander James Grant, was bored now, bored to death. Most nights he spent sending emails back and forth with Jessie, then he would go and stare at some pretty guys and gals, or maybe browse through some sex toys while he waited on her reply. He still wanted a set of beads and a butt plug, just to try, at least once. He wasn't the straightest cock on the block, metaphorically speaking of course. Well, it did go off to the left the tiniest bit. He already had a "sex toy" of sorts. It was an Aneros Helix, and he loved it, literally. Oh the feelings it gave when he had it in his butt, rubbing the prostate with each little muscle movement, heartbeat, sometimes even a breath. If only he could train himself for the supposed Super-Os that other members claimed having. Half of him doubted such a thing existed, the other half hoped and wished for it. Every week he tried to make it happen.

He smiled a little, pushing his fuzzy right hand through the elastic waistband of his Pjs and underwear, resting the hand on his member. Anyone who saw him at night would think he was some sort of sex addict, which was somewhat true. Some nights he could hardly get to sleep without viewing at least something with boobs, a vagina, or a cock exposed. Though this was not the person that he was normally. In the public eye he was a ghost. Not literally of course, but sometimes he felt like it. He was ignored for the most part, and had very few friends. He was one of those silent people who sat in a classroom and took notes in absolute silence. He did not raise his hand to speak, he did not volunteer to give answers, he never seemed to speak unless specifically asked something, and even then he'd give the shortest answer possible. He definitely didn't stand out among the crowds, with brown fur that laid sleek and flat regardless of what happened to it, plain slim blue jeans, and a t-shirt of some color. He didn't wear shoes unless the weather was foul, like the rest of his kind. His ears were normal-looking, as well as his tail. His eyes were a dull blue color, and if one looked closely enough they could see his contacts that he absolutely needed. His vision was terrible. Overall, he was a very plain sort of person, one might even go so far as to call him boring.

He felt his member stiffen a little when he conjured up a mental thought of Jessie. They were only friends who met online, but they'd traded pictures and she was gorgeous. It was one of the two reasons he continued to talk with her. Her grey fur, those beautiful green eyes, the full chest and slim frame, and a cute bushy tail too. Oh how he would love to meet her in real life. Though they had talked extensively on meeting in her area, he doubted he'd ever get a chance. With the way money was now and his minimum wage job at the theater, he didn't think he'd ever get a chance unless he quit college for a semester or year to save up. Maybe if he blew half of his savings or something? He wasn't sure on prices to visit anywhere. He cursed silently again, wishing he could look up airplane tickets. Maybe this summer he could visit. She was moving out of her parents house and in with her brother and his girlfriend. Alex and Jessie always talked about visiting each other. Of course his favorite part of their conversation was when they talked about things they would do if one visited the other, sex was one of the major topics discussed. He stroked his member a little bit, wishing she would visit, but at the same time hoping she never did. He didn't think he'd be able to live through his father's teasing. He stroked his penis again, feeling it reach a solid state. He smiled just a small hair, wondering if he really should be doing this. His dad might still be awake. He doubted it.

His dick was like the rest of him, average. Six inches long from base to semi-pointy tip, about an inch and a quarter in diameter, and a nice white skin tone color that went with his brown fur well. It fit in just right with the fuzz surrounding it, which also covered the balls that hung below. Again, average, medium-sized ones. Seemed there wasn‘t much extraordinary about him. He stroked again, up and down, feeling the light veins and bumps on it. A passing car outside scared his hand out of his pants for a moment, but it dived back in, stroking slightly faster now. Well, so much for self control. Oh well, he had been feeling like a horny bastard all day today anyways. He stopped, sliding his pjs down to free up his crotch, and he reached down to grab something he could clean up with afterwards. It was either a t-shirt or a towel, it was too dark to tell. He hoped it was a towel as he rolled on to his back, his tail appearing between his legs, swaying back and forth like it had a mind of it's own. He rubbed his hand down his stomach, feeling a shock of pleasure go across his body. Oh that was such a wonderful feeling. He grasped his dick firmly in his right hand, his left spread on his stomach, slowly rubbing it this way and that as his other hand started to stroke. He let pleasure overtake guilt in his mind, letting the fuzzy feeling spread through his body.

He started off quickly stroking so he could get that pleasant feeling faster. He rubbed the head at odd intervals as well, enjoying the small bursts of pleasure as he did so. Alex slowed down as he started to feel himself approaching the end of his rope. He touched the head less and less, and finally resisted the urge to touch it at all, fearing that he would push himself over the edge and cum if he did. Alex stopped for a moment, then stroked hard with his finger along the base of his penis, gently touching the tip to feel what little pre had accumulated. His finger came away wet and he smiled, his left hand moved forward and past his cock and balls, down to the only hole he had. Sometimes he wished he was a female, just to feel what it was like to have something inside a hole that was meant to have something in it. Oh well, anal was good enough for him, and he probed at the outside of the hole for a few minutes, pressing lightly on it. Alexander brought the hand teasing his ass back up, checking the tip of his penis again with that finger instead of the right. He managed to get a small bead of pre on the tip of his finger, and he quickly moved that back to it‘s destination. He squirmed as the cold, thick liquid touched his hole, and he probed just slightly deeper into his bum, going back to stroking with his other hand. He teased his ass with his finger gently. After a couple minutes he slowly pushed in with his finger, feeling relaxed enough to get it in. He carefully maneuvered it in, avoiding having any contact between his short semi-sharp claw and the walls of his rectum. After he was pleased with the amount he'd slid his finger in, he drew it back out, again dabbing it on the tip of his penis for another drop of pre. Alex repeated his actions, slowly lubricating his anus until he was content. Afterwards he ran his finger in and out of it, focusing on the pleasures as it slid along his anal ring.

About twenty minutes later after teasing and edging ever so close to orgasm with his penis and anus, he finally pushed over. He let the seed come out of his cock, watching with delight as it shot halfway up his chest a couple times, then about half that distance, and finally dribbled out into his fur. He laid there for a few minutes in bliss, enjoying the lightening feeling as his dick and anus still pulsed slightly. He let the penis finish expelling what was left of his seed slowly, a small pool with a dribble near the head of his cock, held in place by his fur. He grabbed the towel, this he was sure of now since his eyes had adjusted somewhat to the extremely low levels of light available to him. He could see large contrasts in color, and shapes well enough, so the jizz would be easy enough to clean up. He wiped it off his fur, then stopped when he heard something. It sounded like... a growl? He listened for another minute before dismissing it. There were no dogs around here, dogs were all but illegal around these parts. He continued to clean up, and once the deed was done he rubbed his stomach once more, squirming in pleasure again. His tail showed it's approval, flicking in a happy manner that most cats would recognize. He stopped moving once more, hearing another growl, for sure this time too. "What in the...?" He wondered, pulling his pjs up and rolling to face the window again. Curiosity got the better of this cat, and he took a peek out the blinds.

Bad choice! Very bad choice! He let the noisy blinds fall back in place quickly, and instantly regretted doing so. "Oh god." He whispered. "A wolf? But how? Here?" He whispered to himself, the sight of the frightening beast sending his mind into panic mode. A loud howl broke what was left of his concentration and he edged away to the opposite side of his bed, furthest from the window. "It's only a dream." He whispered to himself, repeating it a few times like he would suddenly have the power to will the wolf away. Though the opposite seemed to be true. If anything, the growling started again and the noise seemed to get closer to him. Alexander's heart fluttered wildly in his chest. ‘Did it see me? Did it hear me? Did it-' Alexander's panicked thoughts ceased when a loud crash filled the air. Before he knew what was going on, there was a large grey wolf in his room, growling at him as it took the step across the bed, over the glass that had shattered inward. Alex rolled away, only to land with a thud on the ground next to his bed, the jolt to his head giving him an instant headache, he ignored it as he scrambled towards the door, the wolf following slowly after him. He reached the door, and started to stand up when the wolf let out a vicious snarl and leaped at him, driving it's head into his stomach and taking a bite of his midsection at nearly the same time. The door made a loud thud as the two collided with it and fell to the floor, Alex much less gracefully than the wolf, who backed off, blood marking it's mouth. "Alex! Quit banging around and get to sleep!" A voice yelled. Apparently his father was awake now. If Alex wasn‘t in such a panicky state, he‘d be utterly amazed that his father was even awake. Sometimes he swore that not even a cannon going off next to his father would wake him. The wolf readied itself for another attack, and Alexander remembered his father still existed outside of the room. "HELP!" He shrieked as loud as he could, right before the wolf lunged at him again. Alex blocked the beast's main target, his neck, with his arm, feeling a sharp pain as the teeth sunk into it. The door handle rattled, and someone tried to open the door. "Get it off me!" Alex yelled, feeling tears spring to his eyes. Never had he been in so much pain before. The door opened enough for his father to poke his brown, slowly-turning-grey face into the room.

The door actually shut again, and Alex heard his father's footsteps running off as the beast tore at his arm, teeth still lodged in it as it pulled and twisted it's head. Alex felt a sudden weight drop in his stomach, a large feeling of dread enveloping him. Was his father leaving him? It almost felt worse than the wolf pulling on his arm now. God, the wolf was trying to pull Alex apart. Trying to tear off flesh to eat, or just trying to kill him. Alex followed after the wolf, attempting to free his arm while not causing too much more pain to himself. The door behind him slammed open, and Alex's father, Frank, yelled at Alex to get down. Alex complied after a second, and hardly a moment after that he heard an extremely loud crack, followed by a whine. The pressure on his arm stopped, and he felt the wolf leaving. A second crack filled the room, followed by a third. No more whines were heard though, but Alex was sure he‘d heard himself cry out in relief. In what seemed like hardly a moment later Alex's dad was at his side, already dialing for emergency services on the home phone. The last thing Alex remembered before he suddenly felt very tired was his dad talking to the person on the phone. Everything got hazy, and he shut his bleary eyes, feeling someone shaking him before he went to sleep. He was so tired.

The rest of the night went by in a haze that faded in and out. The most Alex remembered was a very painful stinging sensation in his arm and side, he seemed to recall his dad bringing him out to EMTs though. He bordered on the edge of consciousness, feeling ever so tired as the ambulance drove away from his house. After what seemed like forever, the vehicle finally stopped moving, and he felt himself finally fall asleep, passing into a vivid dream-filled slumber. Horrible things playing through his mind over and over again. It was mostly unrecognizable to Alex, but some images kept repeating themselves, making it clearer and clearer. The most common one showed himself doubling over in pain, falling to the ground and writhing, then suddenly that wolf being where his body was.