Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 8. (Triple Triad)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#8 of Final Fantasy

Next Chapter

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 8.(Triple Triad)

The Next Day

The rest of the past Day had been nothing special. Except the fact that Yamato had nearly a shock Heart attack because Natascha had told him that all she had taken with her was all she was calling her own.

Right now they were both walking to the hospital to pay her brother the overdue visit. After that, Yamato had planned something special for her which he hoped to make her really happy.

He wanted to go on a shopping tour to buy her some more things she might needed. Like some new clothes for example.

„Hey Yamato. " She said to him while they walked but he didn´t responded.

„Hello!!!! Earth on Yamato. " She waved with her Paw in front of his face.

„HHHMMMMM..... What? Where???" He finally said.

„What´s wrong with you today? Since the morning you are acting like you are still sleeping. "

„Really? "

„Really! "

„Then Sorry. I´m just thinking of some things. "

„For example? "

„Will your Brother like me after he had seen punishing your stepfather? Can he forgive me? "

„Are you still thinking that nonsense? I already told you that is really happy to see you. He told me that he would really wished to meet the saver of his life on the phone. So stop thinking this. "

„I try but..... I cannot avoid this. I´m build this way. "

„HAHHH.... I know. That´s why I like you. Always playing the cool Guy but having a heart of Gold. "

„Gold??? I wished that it would be Gold but it´s only polished metal. "

„Silly you. Stop blaming yourself so hard.... I really wonder how such a softy could become a School champ with....... OH FUCK!!! "

They both stopped and he prepared himself for all while he asked.

„What´s wrong? Is someone attacking us? "

„NO!!! "

„What´s then? "

„I´ve had totally forgotten why I wanted to meet you on Monday when I came to you. "

„Was it not only to bring me the homework? "

„No.... I´ve had a Question to ask you. Or more a plea. "

„A Plea? Let me guess.... The Class needs a Hero for the half Years Party. Right? "

„How do you..... Yeah. That´s right. "

„HAHA.... I knew it.... Of course I will help them but.... I will need your help. "

„Sure... You can count on me. What should I do? "

„Now nothing. Later when we are back home I will need your assistance. "

„OK. Great. "

10 Minutes later

They finally arrived at the hospital and moved in.

„AH Finally. You are already wanted to arrive badly. " The Nurse on the entrance said.

„Why that? Has something happened to my brother?" Natascha asked in fear.

„No. No. He´s just freaking out that he will soon meet his idol and so he is everyone going on its nerves. "

„His Idol?" Natascha asked perplexed and instead of answering, the Nurse pointed over to Yamato, who was already standing in front of the elevator.

„He? An Idol? HAHAHA.... Well..... We then better shouldn´t let him wait any longer. Thanks Ma´am. " Natascha said and moved over to Yamato´s side with a really big smile.

Once reached, she looked up to his face, still smiling brightly. He noticed that and asked her.

„Is something wrong? "

„No... Not at all... Idol. "

„What? "

She didn´t said something on and a second later the elevator doors opened. They both walked in and he pressed the button for the third floor.

5 Minutes later

They were both standing in front of the door which was leading to Natascha´s Brother´s room.

* KNOCK, KNOCK * Natascha had knocked on the door and from the inside came.

„Come in. "

She then opened the door and began to move in but Yamato stayed outside. Not doing a step.

„Come on!!! He wouldn't kill you. " She said to him but he only said back.

„I know but.... I better..... HEY!!! "

„Idiot!!!" She had grabbed his arm and dragged him into the room together with her.

Once they entered the room, they both heard a loud Boy Voice calling....

„SISTER!!! "

..... And a second later the little Boy was hanging on her Neck and she swung her arms around him saying.

„Hi there little Brother. "

The Boy then moved away from her Body with his upper Body and said to her when he was facing her.

„Where have you been Sister? I´ve missed you! "

„HAHA.... I´m sorry... I´ve had another Baby to cure from his illness. "

She looked over to Yamato right after she had said that and her brother looked to him as well.

Yamato on the other hand looked down to the earth while he lowly said.

„Hi.... there. "

But a few seconds later he looked up again because her brother asked him something.

„Excuse me. Are you Yamato Suzushima? "

„ÄHM.... Yes. "

„OH GOD YES!!!! Please sister let me down. I need to do something. "

She slowly moved her Brother down to the earth and once his feets touched the ground, the Boy ran back to his Bed.

Meanwhile, Yamato turned to face the door because he still feared some punishment from the Boy but before he could do a step towards the door, the Boy appeared in front of him. He had a Card Newspaper in one of his Paws and a ballpoint pen in the other one.

These 2 things he moved up and said with big puppy Eyes.

„Please!!! Give me an autograph, Sir!!! "

This caught Yamato of Guard. He had calculated with everything but not with that. Luckily, Natascha jumped in asking.

„Why do you want an autograph from him? "

„Are you kidding me?" The Boy said back. " This is Yamato Suzushima. 2 Times Land master and 1 time World Champion in playing Triple Triad. "

Now Natascha was surprised at that and she looked at Yamato while she asked with an asking look.

„Is that true? Are you really.... "

„Well...... " He moved his right Paw behind his Head to rub himself there. "..... Yes it is. "

„Why did you never told me?" She had moved closer to him while she asked this.

„You have never asked and..... I don´t like it to brag with something like that. "

„HIHI... You are still surprising me.... HIHI.... I like that but now we are having a problem. "

„A problem?" Yamato asked while he gave her brother the wanted autograph.

The Boy then smiled brightly and hold the newspaper really close to his Body. Then came what Natascha meant.

„Can we play a Game? Please?" The Boy asked.

„I knew it. " Natascha added from the side.

„Well....." Yamato began. „Not today. Sorry. "

„PLEASE!!!" The Boy now said with Big Puppy Eyes.

Yamato then moved down to his knees to face him.

„Listen..... ÄHM..... " He started but then stopped because he didn´t knew the Boys Name but he was again lucky because Natascha helped him.

„Nicolas. "

„Thanks. "

„Listen Nicolas... I really want to play a round or two but.... I have already promised your sister to make her happy today. "

The Boys Eyes became watery but before he began to cry, Yamato said with a big smile.

„But tomorrow, I will spent the whole Day with you. Then we can play as long as you want it. "

„Promised?" The Nicolas asked and Yamato answered with a high paw.

„Promised! "

„OK. But be aware. I have seen each of your Games. "

„Then I hope of a worthy opponent. "

Then they talked over these and that until Victor showed up with some of his students.


„Come in. " Nicolas said and the door went open.

„Hi there Nicolas. How have you.... OHO.... Having a special visit today I see. " Victor said once he walked in.

„Sorry for disturbing you but it´s time for a checkup. "

„It´s alright. We already wanted to leave. " Natascha said. " See you tomorrow then, little Brother. And be nice to everyone. "

„Yes big Sister. See you tomorrow Yamato. " Nicolas answered.

Yamato blinked with his left Eye in reply and began to move together with Natascha out of the room but before they were out, Victor said.

„Yamato. Before I forget it...... Merlin wants to see you both. "

Yamato immediately stopped in place and turned his Head towards Victor.

„Why that? " He asked.

„I don´t know. You know that he never talks much. And he said that he wants to see you right after your visit here. "

Yamato did a big breath while he began to move again.

The door closed itself behind them and together they both moved towards the elevator. Once reached, Natascha asked Yamato.

„How does it comes that you know Merlin the fortune teller? "

„That´s been a long Story. Let me say it that we met and since then we are friends. "

„HHHMMMM... What do you think that he wants from us? "

„I don´t know. " He belied. He knew why he wanted to see them exactly and she saw it on his face but didn´t said a word.

30 Minutes later

They both had left the hospital and had walked into the City. While they walked they didn´t had said a word but that quickly changed once the passed a bunch of playing Children, who played soccer.

They both saw them and watched them until the ball flew into their direction from a shot and it came as it had to be. The Ball landed in a tree and became stuck there.

The Boy, who had fired, ran over to the tree and tried to climb it up but he didn´t came far before he lost his grip and landed on his ass. Immediately, he began to cry in pain but not for long because Yamato moved close to him and pawed his Head softly while he said.

„Don´t worry, little one... The pain will quickly go away.... Hey... will you help me get back your Ball? "

The Boy moved away a tear and did a yes nod.

„OK. Now come on. Move on my shoulders. " Yamato said and moved himself down so that the Boy easily could move onto his shoulders.

Once he was up, Yamato said.

„Hold on tight. Next stop, Ball in tree. "

Yamato then slowly got up and only a second later, the Boy was on the same high as the Ball was. Quickly, the Boy grabbed it and then Yamato moved down again. Once he was low enough, the Boy moved down from his shoulders and turned to face him with the biggest smiles that he could give, saying.

„Thank You Sir. "

„It´s alright. Now go and score a goal. " Yamato said back, also smiling.

The Boy then ran back to his friends and Yamato walked back to Natascha, who had watched the whole scenario from the side. Once he was on her side, she said to him while they both began to walk on.

„Did someone ever told you that you can good handle a child? "

„Except you now no one. " He replied.

"..... Did you ever thought of having one of your own?" She suddenly came out with, letting him freeze before he said and walked on.

„I´m really wishing to have one on my own but... I will never have one. "

„Why that? "

„I..... I cannot tell you. "

„Do you think that you will never find the right one? "

„NO!!!..... I..... I already have..... Found the right one. It´s only.....Only that..... "

„Is she already married to someone else? "

„No she isn´t...... Please!!! Stop talking over this. "

„Not until you told me why you think like this. "

„I cannot!!! Please.... Understand it.... I cannot talk over it right now. "

„When then? "

„When the time has come to ..... Tell you the truth over me and...... My Life. "

After that, there was only silence between them and luckily, a few minutes of walking later, they reached Merlin´s house.

They walked to the door but before Yamato could push the bell button, the door moved open and a Xatu Morph greeted them.

„Hi there Yamato and Natascha. "

„ÄÄÄHHHH.... Hello..... How do you know my Name? " Natascha asked but instead of the Xatu, Yamato answered.

„Do you always have to do this Merlin? "

„MERLIN???? HE???? "

„And do you always have to say that to me when you already know my answer? By the way... Yes I´m Merlin but please. Come in. " Merlin said and moved aside to let them in.

Inside, he leaded them towards the living room and there he said to Yamato.

„You already know what do to, right? "

„Yeah, Yeah.... I´ll wait here for you 2 but please don´t ......"

„I know, I know... It will not take long. "


Yamato moved over to a little TV and pushed it on while Merlin disappeared together with Natascha in the Neighbor room. Once the door of that room closed, Yamato began to think of what Merlin would now say to her and what she would do in return.

30 Minutes had already passed but no one had come out of the room and Yamato began to worry. Is she alright? He thought. What did he told her that it needed this long? What will he tell her anyway? Will he tell her all about me and..... At that moment, the door went open and they both came out. First was Natascha, closely followed by Merlin.

Yamato looked up from his thoughts and directly into her Eyes.

Her look, luckily, didn´t told him that she knew what he had feared and so he did a breath of relieve. Next Merlin waved with his right Hand and Yamato got up from his Seat and moved towards them.

Once he was standing next to her, he said while he passed.

„The things that he told you were only the things that you needed to know. So please.... Don´t tell them anybody. "

Her Eyes went wide and when Yamato entered the Neighbor room, and the door closed, she threw her Head around to see his back for a short second.

The room was dark, filled only with light candle lights from the site´s. In the middle of the room was a little table standing, surrounded by 2 chairs and in the middle of the table was a Glass bubble standing.

Instead of moving to that table, Yamato immediately began to talk with Merlin.

„What did you told her? "

„That what she needed to know. " Merlin answered while he walked past Yamato, towards the table.

„Tell me what you told her...... please..... I need to know it. "

„I told her the same things that I told you when you were here for the first time. "

„So.... She know.... Who I am.... Thanks. " The thanks came out with a deep Voice of regret.

„No.... She doesn´t know that yet. " Merlin said while he sat himself down on the table.

„WHAT??? NOT??? THEN WHAT.... " Yamato was cut because Merlin said in a higher tone then him.


Yamato followed it with his Head lowered. He moved over to table and quickly sat down on a chair. Merlin then did the same and once he sat he said in a normal tone.

„Why does you always have to scream like a child? I´m not deaf even if I´m old enough. "

„S.... Sorry.... " Came low back from Yamato.

„Stop that also.... I have told only what she had to know but I told her nothing over you. Even if she wanted to know that also.... That part is up to you and you alone. "

Yamato slowly moved his Head up and said.

„Thanks but..... Why did you called us? "

„I wanted to show you something.... Look up! "

Yamato did that and once he did, the roof was set under lights. The lights were symbolizing the Stars in the sky. Normally a wonderful sight in his vision but suddenly, he jumped up from his chair while he said loud.


His Eyes had fixed 3 stars. 2 White once who were surrounding a black one. That black one was a black Hole and it had started to grow but what he feared more where the 2 white ones. They had started to pulse in union.

„It can be as you see. " Merlin said. „Your Star has begun to Life. "

That was the thing that Yamato had always feared.

One of the stars had been his birth Star and normally it had not done a single pulls but now it was pulsing with its twin star what meant that he had done something wrong in his mind.

He had fallen in Love with the holder of the Twin star.

„Please.... Don´t tell me that.... " Yamato started but was cut Merlin.

„It´s Natascha´s star!!! "

Yamato´s look became very sad while he said.

„Why her? She is such a lowly Person.... "

„That´s why you Love her my friend.... She is the only one who will ever want to be yours in Body and Mind.... Except it!!! "

On that, Yamato didn´t said anything and dropped down into the chair while the roof became black again.

After a Minute, Merlin got up from his Chair and walked over to Yamato. Once he was close he said.

„Your destiny is about to become true. "

„When?" Yamato asked back.

„When it´s time.... Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. Even I didn´t know that. "

„What should I do? "

„Life and enjoy your Life together with your beautiful princess. "

Yamato didn´t said something in return. He only got up from his chair and walked together with Merlin back to the door.

Once reached, Merlin said.

„Before I forget it.... I told her that someone that would say the set you told her before you entered would do something very nice to her today and now I tell you this my friend... When you 2 are done shopping, don´t take a paw bath for relaxing. "

" ...... " Yamato threw a questioning look at Merlin.

„Trust me.... You will enjoy it. "

They both then walked out of the room and they were immediately greeted by a very happy Natascha.

Together. Natascha and Yamato said farewell to Merlin and left the house. While they walked on the street, they didn´t recognized that Merlin was watching them through a Window while he talked to himself.

„Poor little Childs.... You didn´t even know that you are already acting different than your former ones.... Right Arthur? "

A Few Minutes later

Yamato walked Hand in Hand with Natascha towards the Main Street of the City, saying nothing until Natascha couldn´t hold it back any longer.

„Tell me please. What nicely thing you want to do with me? "

„HHHHMMMMM..... I don´t know? " He said back with a smirk.

„OHH Come on.... You know that I hate Secrets.... Please.... Tell me. "

„OK.... OK.... " Yamato said and stopped. " You said that you didn´t had more when you moved into my house. Right? "

„Yes. " She answered while she got a hint of what he wanted to say.

„Well.... That will definitely change today. We 2 will buy you some new clothes and shows and everything you need to...... MMMMPPPPFFHHHHH!!!! "

She had jumped onto his Body and had pressed her Lips onto his hard. Luckily, she wasn´t able to see his deep blush under his fur but she saw, after some seconds of contact, his far wide Eyes. That was why she retreated and blushed on herself.

„I´m sorry. " After a few seconds. „I didn´t wanted to .... Surprise you like that but I...... I was hoping you would say that. "

He still looked at her with wide Eyes while he moved a paw to his mouth. Once it reached he moved it slowly over his lips and then he moved his tongue over his paw quickly. Then he said.

„Sw..... Sweat....!!! "

„What?" She asked still blushing.

„Your .... Taste..... It´s sweat like..... Chocolate.... "

„HAHAHA.... Thanks...." She moved shyly from side to side. "And you taste like Vanilla. "

„Really? "

She nodded a Yes while she moved close to his right side and took his arm with both of her paws to hold him close.

„So.... Where should we go first?" She asked once they had set on moving again.

„Don´t know... Why we just walk and see.... "

„Great!!! "

After 2 Hours of shopping

He regretted that he had said that she could buy what she wanted because now he was looking like a burro and his purse had become empty but he also was happy because she was happy.

Right now they had reached their Home and Yamato moved together with the bags, towards her room.

„Do you need my help?" She shouted from downstairs.

„No!!! I´m fine. Why don´t you make us something to eat while I bring the clothes to your room? "

„OK. "

20 Minutes later

He had placed her new clothes into the cabinet and a few clothes he had pushed into the washing machine. Meanwhile, she had cooked some foot that they had also bought in a super market on their way back and now they were sitting in the living room and ate while they looked TV.

„And.... Do you like it?" She asked.

„HHHMMMM.... * Bite *...... HHHHHHHHMMMMMM..... * Bite * " He nodded a yes while he took some big bites of his meal.

On his third bite he gulped because he had taken too many into his mouth and she had to slap his back.

„Easy big Boy!!! No one will take it from you. " She said while she slapped his back.

* Cough, Cough * „Sorry!!" * Cough * He said in return. „This tasted far too good. "

Another 20 Minutes later

They both had finished eating and now Yamato wanted to carry the dish into the kitchen but once he did a move he said.

„OUCH!!! "

„What´s wrong?" She asked.

„My Feets are burning from the long walking tour we did. "


„Maybe I should take a little paw bath once I have done all. "

" ..... Maybe.... "

He then carried the dish slowly into the kitchen but once he was back in the living room and had placed himself on the Couch again, Natascha took one of his feets and placed it on her legs. Seconds later his other one followed.

„Hey wait. What are you.... dddoooooooo .......?" He started but then his Mind became dazed because she had begun to massage his feets.

„Do you like that also?" She asked while she looked at him.

He felt like that he was going to melt. Her soft stroking's were carrying the pain away and in return it was replaced by pleasure. He even began to moan lowly.

This they both kept this up for around 10 minutes. Then Natascha said.

„Seems like that you survived this Day. "

That brought him back to reality and he asked her in return.

„What do you mean? "

„I remembered that you feared the meeting with my brother. "

„ÄÄÄHHH.... Really? ..... I cannot remember that? "

„Yeah.... You said that and you acted like it also. "

„ÄÄÄHHMMM..... Then..... I don´t..... ÄHM..... "

„Now that I´m thinking of it. You said that I should help you. "

„Help.... Help...... OOHHHH!!! Yes!!! The school party. DAMN..... I nearly forgot that. Let´s see..... "

He moved his feats away from her legs and got up. Next he slowly moved over to a little Computer that was standing in a corner of the room and activated it once he reached it.

Natascha also got up and followed him to it.

„Let´s see..... Here? No...... Here?"

He opened and closed a few files until he said.

„Found it!!! "

He had opened a file with some MS Office Documents in it.

„What´s this? " Natascha asked while she laid her Head on his right shoulder.

„These are all my ideas of Contest shows for our school parties. "

The file was holding all in all 15 documents.

„These are quiet many. Did you wrote them all? "

„Yes I did. And before you ask. The ideas to them are always coming into my mind when I´m training. "

„I only hope that they are good. "

„That´s why I need your help. "


She moved her Head up.

„I want that you read them and then I want you to choose one of them. " He said and moved up from the Chair.

„OH .... OK. "

She set himself down and opened the first document. Meanwhile he moved into the kitchen and washed the dish. Once he had done that he cooked some tea for them and once he had done that, he moved back into the living room. There she was still sitting on the chair, looking like she was under control of someone.

„Seems like that you like my ideas. " He said, letting her nearly get a heart attack.

„YICKS.... ÄÄÄHHHH..... Yes... With one word.... Each one is a Masterpiece and I cannot tell you which we should perform. "

„HAHAHA.... Want to know which I would choose? "

„Yes, please. "

„This one... Ohh and here. A Cup of tea for you. Careful. It´s Hot. "

He handled her over the Cup and then he open the last Document in the file.

She took a nip on the Tea while she began to read.

The text was short but she read it twice to get sure of what she was reading. Then she moved the Chair a bit back and looked at him with stars in her Eyes while she said.

„This one is ..... AWESOME!!! "

„HAHA... Thanks. " Was his only reply.

„But .... There is a problem. "

„Which? "

„No one of us in class can fly."

„HAHAHA..... That´s no problem. "

„Why that? "

„I know a Pidgeot that will help me out for sure. "

„How can you be this sure? "

„He owns me a lot because I saved his Life once or was it twice? "

„Ohh... Then I would say that this is my favorite as well. "

„Then it´s settled... Now let us go to bed. It´s gotten very late and I don´t want to make your brother angry because I´ve had let him wait. "

„Yeah...... YAWN..... Do you want to use the Bath first? "

„No... No... Ladies first. "

„HAHA.... Thanks my gentleman. "

Together they then moved upstairs and Natascha moved first into the Bath.

Yamato moved straight to his room but once he reached the door, he heard the shower began to run and at that moment a thought jumped into his mind.

She has bought herself a bathrobe today but did she placed it..... No wait!!! I threw it into the washing machine and there´s only a short towel left.....

He turned in place and ran to the room in where the washing machine was standing. Luckily, it had finished a while ago but the things in it where still wet.

DAMN!!! I´ve had totally forgotten it!!! What now?

He thought of it for a few seconds and then he said.

„I have no choice! BBBBBRRRRRRRRRR..... !!!!"

He had placed 2 towels and the Bathrobe on his Body and now he shacked it while he began to heat himself up.

„A bit .... More.... A... Bit..... More....... Done!!! I only hope that I´m not getting sick again!! "

He took the things from his Body and moved out of the room, straight over to the Bath. There he waited because he was again thinking of something.

Should I risk it? Should I go in with open Eyes or.....?

Then he heard her Voice from under the shower. She was singing a Melody.

DAMN IT!!! Now or never!!!

He quickly opened the door and once it was open enough, he stopped the time. Then he moved into the Bath. He tried deeply to not look into the shower but at one point his willpower became weak. He had 5 seconds left and only needed to place the Bathrobe on the door when he accidently dropped the towel that had been the only one in the bath before.

She had placed that one next to the Shower door and now it was laying directly in front of it.

CRAP!!! NOT THERE!!! He thought. I better..... Close my....... NNNNGGGGHHHH should I risk a look??? She cannot see me...... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING???

He quickly closed his Eyes, took the towel and placed it back in place. Then he ran out of the room and slammed the door shut just right in time.

Outside of the room, he breathed very hard first and then he hammered his right paw into his side.


He then heard that she had finished her bath and that she slowly moved out of the shower saying.

„OHH... Seems like someone was in here or did I missed the things here? "

Yamato then did a deep gulp and quietly ran over to his room. Once he was inside he close the door and jumped onto his Bed. 10 Minutes later, she knocked on the door.


„Yes?" He said.

„Baths ready!! And thanks for placing the things in it. " She said from the other side.

„Always again. "

„I only hope that....." He cut her immediately.

„Don´t worry!!! I didn´t looked. "

„OK. Thanks. "

He then heard her walk away and once he heard her door close, he moved out of his room and into the bath. There he showered himself and after it, he dried himself while he summed a melody on his own.

The Next Day, Morning

Yamato woke up slowly but he immediately recognized a sweat scent that was coming from somewhere. Once he was fully awake he finally recognized what it was.

„HHHHMMMMM..... Ham and eggs..... And..... Coffee!!!!" He said lowly to himself.

He quickly moved out of the Bed and jumped into his morning clothes. Then he quickly moved out of his room and downstairs, right into Natascha´s arms.

„OOOHHH.... Good Morning...... I wanted to wake you. " She said a bit surprised.

„Well..... Thanks.... Did you did the breakfast all for.....? Us?" He asked while they walked together into the kitchen.

„Not quiet..... I did it...... All for you. "

„That many? Only for me? Are you kidding me? This is enough for a whole Family! "

Indeed it was enough. The whole table was full of food and other things.

„Really? Then I put some.... " He cut her.

„You put yourself on the table and start having breakfast with me before we do something else. "

„But I wanted to wash.... " He cut her again.

„No!!! First comes the fun. Then the work! "

She gave him a shy smile as an answer and then they both set down on the table.

30 Minutes later

They both finished breakfast and now they were both hanging with full stomachs on the chairs.

„Damn!!" Yamato said. „I´ve never had such a good breakfast. Your cooking ability is really good. "

„HAHA .... Thanks........ Yamato.... C...... Can I..... Ask..... " She started but was again cut by him.

„Stop asking me this!!! Just say it. "

„OK..... Do you want a payment while I stay at your Home? "

His look became serious after that question and she began to fear that she had asked a wrong question. Even when he began to answer she feared.

„Well.... " He started with a hard face which suddenly faded to a soft one. " I don´t want some Money or something..... Sexual from you as payment. "

„R..... Really not? What then? I don´t want to life her for nothing!!! "

„Who said that you will not do something? HHHMMMM....? "

Her look became priceless. Especially when he told her what he wanted from her.

„I want from you that you cook for us and that you help out in this big house in things of cleaning and different things. Nothing more. "

"ÄÄÄÄTTTHHHEE..... Ämha...."

He took her paws with his while he said the following to calm her.

„Listen!!! I don´t some money. I´m having enough for myself as you might have recognized and Sex.... " He gulped deep.... „I don´t want to lie to you.... I´m really having some deep intentions in....... PANT...... I really want to fuck you but I´m a Man of honor to my words. Which means that I would give my first time the female that deeply wants to be mine.... "

„But I... " She started but he stopped her by placing a paw on her mouth.

„I know. But there is another reason why I cannot do you right away. A Reason that..... " He did another deep gulp. "..... That I cannot tell you right now. "

„Is that the same reason why you didn´t want to kiss me and.... " He nodded a yes and she could see that he was fighting his tears.

That was why she moved her paws out of his only to place them on his saying.

„If that´s the price..... Then I will pay it..... But..... " Now she gulped deeply. "..... When this reason is gone....... Then...... You will give yourself to me and only to me. Promised? "

„I swear it!!! "

„OK Then. Now come on. We got some work to do. "

„Yes my Lady. " He said with a smile and then they both began to clean the table.

Next he wanted to do something else but she said in a commanding Voice to him.

„You do nothing else then to put your clothes on and visit my brother to spend the whole Day with him. "

And he answered while he stood tall.

„Yes Ma´am!! "

He then moved straight past her towards the bath but when he passed her she said while he gave him a slap on his ass.

„Handle me as a normal Woman please. "

„RRRRR.... Alright. " Was his answer on this.

3 Hours later

Yamato had reached the hospital one hour after this and all came as it had to be.

Once he had entered the room, Nicolas had greeted him with a very big smile and immediately had wanted to play triple triad and that they had played till now.

„Well ... " Said Yamato. " Seems like that I have won again. Triple Triad!!! "

„NO!!!! " A Disappointed Boy screamed. „Please again!!! "

„No, No, No!!! " Yamato said while he waved a Finger with a no. „You promised me to go to eat lunch with me. Have you forgotten that? "

„I..... ÄÄHHHH..... No! I just..... This is such a bad game! " Nicolas said while he tried to hammer his cards to the ground but Yamato stopped him by grabbing his arm.

„Stop it!!! The Cards are not the ones who are bad. " He said afterwards with an angry Voice.

„But they are useless!!! They are..... " Nicolas couldn't end because....

* SLAP *

.... Yamato had slapped his face once and right afterwards he said.

„Listen Boy!!! I will show you that your Cards are not useless. Once we are back from eating we change decks and then I show you that you can win even with these Cards. "

Said, done. They ate together and once they were back they played with exchanged decks.

„OK. Champ!!! Counter this!!! Triple!!!!" Nicolas said when he played his last Card but then....

„Don´t count your Money! Here!!!! Triple Triad!!!! I won. "

Yamato had played his last Card and had won with a perfect clear.

„WHAT!!! THIS CANNOT...... HOW???? " The Boy was near crying but before he broke out, Yamato moved in by saying.

„You cannot win only using force..... Here!!! Look at this. "

He moved another deck out of his jacked and showed it to Nicolas.

" ..... Sniff.... What are this Cards.......? Sniff.... They are looking..... So old.... "

Indeed. They were played very much. So much that they nearly had lost every color.

„This is my very first Deck. " Yamato said while he laid the cards on the Bed. „And with these Deck I have won my first Championship. "

The Boy´s Eyes went wide after he had heard that and he stopped sniffing because the Cards were mostly the same ones or even weaker than his.

„This...... This is your first..... But I thought that...... "

„Listen. I was living as a full wise and these Cards were the only things that if had earned from my parents. Did you really thought that I´ve always had such powerful cards? "

„I.... I..... Yes. "

„Well..... I didn´t. I´ve had to fight my first matches with them. And to tell you that. I´ve made the same mistakes as you did until my Master showed me how to use them right. "

Nicolas little tail began to wave from side to side when he asked.

„Can you.... Maybe.... Teach me please. "

„Only if you promise me something. "

„And that is? "

„You will never ever give in to your wild side again. "

„My Wild Side? "

„I mean that you will become so angry and stop something just because it went wrong. "

„OH...... ÄHM.... I don´t know if I can...... But I promise to give my best. "

Yamato smiled on that answer and moved his left paw over Nicolas Head while he said.

„That´s the Boy that I´ve wanted to hear. Now then. I show you what my Master showed me. "

Yamato then laid 6 Cards on the playfield. 1 on his side and 2 on Nicolas´s side. Then he moved behind the Boys back and began to say into his Ear.

„Now close your Eyes. "

Nicolas did it.

„Now do a deep breath and empty your Head. Let all thoughts vanish for a second. "

Again Nicolas did it.

„Good. Now open your Eyes again and look on the playfield. "

Again he followed.

„Now tell me what you see. "

„I see.... the field and the Cards on it. "

„Yeah.... Go on. "

„I see.... 2 Cards on my side left and one on yours. "

„Good. Now tell me. What Card would you play in the next turn? "

„I think I..... I would play this one. "

Nicolas pointed over to one Card.

„Would you really wanted to play that Card? "

„I..... I..... Yes. "

„Then you would have lost in the next turn. "

„I..... ÄHHH..... "

„Remember!!!! What rules are allowed currently? "

„Open and..... " Yamato cut him.

„Open yes. So you can see your opponents Cards but why are you not looking at it? "

„Look at it? "

„Yeah. Look at the Card I´m having left. Isn´t she having a weak spot? "

Nicolas did a close look and then he said.

„Yes. It has 2. Middle right and downright but... " Again Yamato cut him.

„Exactly. Now look at your Cards. Is there a Card that could be used against this Weak spots? "

„Yes. I´m having one. "

„Well, well.... Wasn´t that the Card that you wanted to play in the next turn? "

„Y..... Yes. " Nicolas slowly came behind to what Yamato wanted to teach him.

„Well... With all that information's in your Head. How would you play the next Turn? "

„I..... ÄHM.... I would place...... this Card..... Right here? "

„Really there? Remember! My Card is having a weak spot on it´s right. "

Nicolas began to think for some seconds before he asked.

„But.... Wouldn´t I open my enemy an opening in my side? "

„It may be looks so at the first sight but let's see. Place your Card. "

Nicolas did it and right after him, Yamato did it as well. Then he said.

„Now. Place your last Card. "

Nicolas did it and then he raised both of his Eyes because he had won.

„H.... How could.... I thought that would lost it? "

„That´s what your Eyes told you but in the end you won because you used your Brain. You see. This Game isn´t a Game in were only Power counts. You need some good strategy as well. "

„I..... See..... Can we play another round maybe? "

Yamato smiled brightly when he answered.

„Sure. Why not? "

They both then played another round and this time, Nicolas was doing great. In the end Yamato won but Nicolas wasn´t mad anymore because he had given his very best.

„See.... You can it when you want. "

„Yeah.... But I think I need more training. "

„Of course you need more training but remember this also.... Never let the fun go away, while you play. "

„Sure..... Oh Hi Sis!!!" Nicolas said while he waved over to the entrance.

„Hi there." She said back while she moved into the room, towards them.

„Seems like that you 2 had some fun. " She said once she reached them. „OH!!! What´s this? Did something hit your check? "

„ÄÄÄHHHHHMMMMM..... That was...... Me. " Yamato said from the side while he looked away.

„What has happened? "

„I.... Slapped him once. " Yamato now said with closed Eyes.

„Because of?? "

„Please Sis!!! Don´t be mad at him. I deserved it!!! Really!!!" Nicolas said to stop Natascha from becoming mad at Yamato.

„Is that so? Then you tell me why! "

„I wanted to..... To.... I wanted to dump my Cards because I..... Lost!!! "

„Again??? How many times should I tell you......? Have you at last learned something from it? "

„I....... I.... " Now Yamato jumped in

„This will time show. "

Right at that moment, someone knocked at the door.


„Yes please. " Nicolas said and the door opened.

„Hello Nic..... I mean everyone. " Victor said who moved into the room.

„It´s time for some checking's so please leave the room everyone. "

Natascha and Yamato nodded both a Yes and then they moved out of the room. Outside, they both waited while they talked.

„Thank you." Natascha said while she was standing arm to arm with Yamato.

„For what?" He asked.

„For teaching him. "

" ...... " He was silent for the moment.

„I don´t mind that you slapped him. Besides..... You were not the first one. "


„But.... You are the first one that he seems to respect and listen to. "

„I......ÄHM..... I only showed him something. Nothing more. "

„HAHA.... Just like you showed me in the beginning. Right? "

„ÄÄÄÄÄHHHHHMMMM..... Wellllll..... HHUUUHHH..... " She had grabbed his Arm, letting him blush.

„Please!!!! Teach him to be a nice Boy like you are. "

„I...... I..... IIIIII...... Crap!!! Alright. I try it but..... " His blush became deeper because as a thank you, she gave him a quick kiss on his check.

Luckily, right at that moment, Victor came out of the room. Breaking the situation.

„And Doctor?" Natascha started. „How is he doing? "

„Well.... " Victor started. " If nothing happens on weekend he can go home on Monday. "

„That´s are great News..... If you don´t mind then.... I will call Mom and Dad to tell them. "

„Just go. I´ll wait at his side for you. " Yamato said and right afterwards she had left.

Now Victor began to talk with Yamato.

„And?" Victor Started. „What has the old one said to you? "

„That..... My time will come soon. " Yamato answered while he build a fist.

„Does she knows it? "

„No. And before you ask. I will kill everyone who will tell her. That goes especially for you Gawain."

„How the Hell!!!! How do you know that I´m here?" He said while he came out of a sidewall.

„I have heard your breathing since I left the room but it´s also good that you are here. Please tell everyone that I want to meet them in the evening conference. And I mean everyone. I will allow no excuses this time. Understood? "

„Yes, My Lord. "

„Good. Now go. "

Once Gawain had disappeared, Natascha came back.

„Mom and Dad are happy that everything's are right now and they promised me to take him home on Monday. " She said once she reached them and right afterwards they spend the rest of the Day with Nicolas. Playing some Games.

To be Continue

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 9 (The Eternal Order)

**A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 7. (Fever dreams)

** ** **A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 6. (The class needs a Hero!)

**A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or...