Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 12 (Death or Alive?)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#12 of Final Fantasy

Last one for today. More tomorrow.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 12 (Death or Alive?)

„DAMN IT!!! Where did she go and how?" Victor said after Natascha had disappeared.

„She is where she wants to be. " A Male said that was stepping out of the mass.

„Merlin you? What did you mean and how can she do it like that? "

„I mean what I said and you know that each Morph has a special ability. Don´t you? "

„But she is a Fire Type! Not a......!!!! " It shot into his heat like a Bullet what Merlin meant.

„A Psychic? You mean she is half a Psy Morph and can use teleport? "

„Now you got it my friend. "

„But then we have to go and......" Victor was cut by Merlin.

„You all do nothing! It´s only up to Yamato and Natascha now! She has done the first step in saving our world and his Life. Now it´s up to him to do the right thing. "

On the Battlefield

Natascha reappeared inside of the park and first she didn´t knew what had happened but then she saw Yamato standing next to the Human with his blade going up to give the final blow. Right then she screamed out.


That distracted Yamato so much that he slammed the blade next to the Human into the ground. However, the Human used this to his own. He hammered his left shoulder into the side of Yamato´s Body, letting him loose his stability. Next he moved up his blade and rammed it into Yamato´s chest.

Luckily, the Human missed Yamato´s heart but the damage had been done.

Yamato screamed out all of his pain while the Human began to laugh triumphal. Natascha on the other Hand was in tears. She hadn´t wanted that to happened but it happened and she wanted now to help her Love.

She got up from her Knees and began to run towards Yamato but before she could reach him, she was knocked of her legs and landed on her face. Next she heard the Human say.

„Thank you, you silly Bitch!!! Without your help I would be death now. For that, I´ll give you a little present. I let your life to see your Love die before you. "

The Human then raised his blade up high to let it do the final strike but once it was on its highest point, the Human stopped because something had happened behind him.

The little lake had changed its color and now the water began to vanish into dust, revealing a deep red pulsing seal.

„AHA!!!! Seems like you were informed wrong about the Seal little King. Seems like that you only needed the Blood of a Virgin to break it and not that of a Virgin Female. "

Yamato couldn´t answer. All he was able to do was spilling out some blood and breathing heavily.

Meanwhile, the Human dropped his blade and began to walk over to the lake while he said.

„Now that the Seal will break I got a much better idea. You 2 will see your beautiful City come destroyed before I will take your Life´s. Enjoy it!!! "

The Water had gone and the Human walked into the middle of the seal which was now free. Once in the middle he moved up his blade again and then he rammed it into the ground while he screamed.


The Human suddenly became a red Aura and then it disappeared. Only a second later the earth began to shake and a loud growl was heard from somewhere.

While all of that happened, Natascha slowly crawled over to Yamato who was still lying on his place.

" ..... HHHHAAAANNNNHHHH.......... I don´t wanted this...... Please....... Forgive me..... " She said with a tear cowered Face.

„Why have you..... COUGHT...... Come back? COUGHT...... " He asked while he spilled out more blood.

„I...... I....... I wanted to....... Save you..... "

Another loud growl was heard and then the ground began to break where the lake had been once.

„Now all...... Is going..... To end...... a....... a....... COUGHT, COUGHT....... " He spilled out much more blood while his wound was also bleeding much.

Seeing him in this state, Natascha became furies and she did something that she would have done much earlier.

She moved up from the ground and while she did, she took his blade with both of her paws. Once she stood she did a loud scream and began to dash towards the Human but she didn´t came far.

She had done a few steps when she suddenly hit an invisible barricade. The impact came so suddenly that she landed on her back very hard and she did a painfully yelp.

That yelp went through Yamato´s Body like an electro shock and he managed it to turn his head towards her. Next he tried to speak to stop her but once he had turned his face he saw that she was already up and had started another attack. This time she swung his blade towards the Barricade but once she hit it, she was pushed backwards again.

On her landing, the ground did another hard shake and then the Air became fiery red. Then it happened.

The Human did a loud scream and then it vanished into a dark sphere.

That sphere then dropped down to the earth and a few seconds later the earth broke open and a black Bahamut came out of it.

Once it gained some high it stopped and began to talk to Yamato and Natascha.

„Now it´s time to show you the strength of the mightiest creature that was ever creeeeeaaaaaa....."

Suddenly, the Bahamut´s Body began to shake hardly.

„WWWhhhaatttt ttheee HHHHHeeellllll...... "

„AHAHAHAHA!!!! " Yamato began to lough loud.

„Whhhaaattttt´s ...... ffffuuuuuunnnnnnnnyyyy? "

„You. "

„WWWhhhaaattttt...... mmmmeeeeaaaannnnn? WWWWWWhhhhhaaaatttttt........ Ddddooooonnnneee? "

„It´s so simple...... Cough....... You have taken the wrong blood. You had needed hers!!! Not mine. ...... COUGHT........ "


Bahamut´s Body suddenly stopped shaking first but then it began to fire a laser beam straight to the ground, closely followed by another one a bit away. Then again another one.

It went out of control. Firing a laser after another and while it did that, Yamato tried to or scream something over to Natascha but she was again stunned in pure fear. Then that situation came that he had always feared.

Bahamut fired a Laser straight into her direction but she didn´t moved away and he wasn´t quite strong enough to move himself. That was then the moment when he heard his Voice in his Head saying.

„Who are you? "

And he answered.

„A weakling. "

„What do you want? "

„Protect the ...... weak. "

„Who do you want to save? "

„Na.... ta.... Scha"

He slowly managed to move himself into a 4 legged position.

„Who do you want to save? "

„Natascha. "

He moved his front up while he said this.


He threw his Head backwards while he screamed out.


At Her side now

She looked in pure fear onto the laser that moved straight to her and she really wanted to doge it but her Body didn´t responded to her Will. That was why she closed her Eyes and waited for the impact while she wished. Please Yamato!!! Save me!!!

A moment later she heard an impact but she also wondered.

She didn´t felt any Pain on her Body but there was something warm on her left shoulder. That was why she slowly opened her Eyes first but then she threw them open because she couldn´t believe what she saw.

She was surrounded by white feathers.

Once she had tried to clean her Eyes with her paws she heard a familiar Voice speaking into her left Ear.

„I will never let it happened that you will get hurt. "

It was Yamato who had said that and he was also the source of the feathers.

Shortly after he had said that he opened his feathers and began to walk towards Bahamut.

The Bahamut did a loud scream and fired another Laser beam right after it had seen Yamato in his new appearance but before the Beam hit, Yamato moved his left arm together with the left wing and hammered the beam away.

Next he took his Gunblade from the ground and then he said.

„I will never let it happened that you will escape this park...... SEAL OF THE ANCESS!!!! APPEAR!!! "

Right afterwards he hammered his blade into the ground and a few seconds later a big, white and yellow Pentagram appeared under him. It was so big that it filled the whole park area and the colors were pulsing like a heartbeat.

Once done, Yamato kneeled down behind his blade and began to speak.

„Good of the old times. Please grant me your strength to protect the people of this Earth. "

He had begun to summon an Eon but something was different than normal, Natascha sensed.

„Come to this World and destroy the darkness that has come down. "

The Pentagram pulsed faster and Natascha saw what was different than normal. Yamato´s Body began to vanish.

„Take this Life as your payment to prevent some others from dyeing. "

He vanished more and more and Natascha´s Eyes became wide because she had recognized something. Yamato was about to become the Aeon himself, which means in return that he would die afterwards.


Suddenly, the time stopped and Natascha wondered why until she heard Yamato talking to her.

„Natascha please, listen to me. "

She looked over to him and saw a Number over his Head showing a 30.

„I know that you wanted me as your mate for..... COUGHT.... "

He spilled out a bit of blood and the Number dropped down to 20.

„WHAT???? NO????? NNNNHHHHH..... "

It dropped again to 15 and the Pentagram became brighter.

„Damn!!!! Even in this mode...... I wanted so much to tell...... NNNNNNHHHHH!!!!!! "

10 Seconds left.


5 Seconds



" ..... I..... "


" ..... Love..... "


"...... You! "


„Forgive Me. "


Normal time began to run again and he screamed out.


The Pentagram began to shine brightly but that wasn´t what he wondered for now.

Someone had grabbed his Body from behind and was now cowering his entire back. Then he heard a whisper in his Ear.

„Where ever you go. I´ll go with you. "

It was Natascha was standing behind him.

Feeling her warm Body on his back brought a smile onto his face but only for a split second because once the Pentagram did another pulse, they both began to scream in pain and another second later they both disappeared together with the pentagram.

To be Continue