Pashenwar's Search Chapter 1

Story by Primordialbeing on SoFurry

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#1 of Pashenwar's Search

The first chapter of my story Pashenwar's Search.

The harsh feeling of sand brushing against his bright snow white fur was all that he had come to know in the past few days. Travelling so far with nothing but a small tent and his clothing had taken its toll on his body. Pashenwar had been travelling for many days through the harsh lands of the mid-east. He look down at his watch and it read 13:11 March. 17/2145 but he thought that he had been travelling for much longer. Weeks, months? Who knows? All he knew was that he had to find who he was looking for.

Cresting the dune that was ahead of him Pashenwar finally set his eyes upon where he had to go for the first time; Javanii. It was a sprawling metropolis where the buildings stretched high into the brilliant blue sky and the ground changed from harsh sand to paved roads and cobble paths. The city was tall and the buildings were close together so that they could be protected from the violent sand storms that ravaged this unforgiving land. Journeying deeper into the depths of the city Pashenwar saw everything from the latest in space equipment to food from faraway lands in the markets of the city But Pashenwar knew what he needed to do and that was to find someone who could rent him a room.

Entering the downtown core of the great city Pashenwar found a small hotel that was willing to rent a room to him. He got a room on the one hundred and fifth floor at the end of the hall. He settled in and looked up at some of the other hotels around him that towered many kilometers into the sky. It was mesmerizing as the land that he came from was a cold harsh place that was very wealthy. The heat was hard on him and so being in a nice air conditioned room allowed him to get rid of all the stress from his long travels.

Waking up in the morning Pashenwar headed down to the front desk of the hotel. Stepping out of the elevator he walked through the brightly lit lobby with travertine floors and a crystal chandelier hung high above from the fresco ceiling. Behind the large marble desk stood a thin fox with light brown skin that was covered by a light blue t shirt and he wore tan coloured shorts and had a name tag that read "Kavith." "Do you know where I can find the twisted blossom?" Asked Pashenwar. "Yes it is in the downtown core behind the Drunk cat bar, but you might want to re consider going there as the Gestapanzi are watching over that place." "Who are the Gestapanzi?" "They are the religious police and that being a place of sin has put it and anyone who enters on their radar." "Don't worry about me, I'm able to take care of myself."

Pashenwar set off in search of the twisted blossom and quickly was journeying deeper into the depths of the grand metropolis. As he walked through the narrow streets of the city he saw many of the sand storm shelters. These were old fallout shelters from the wars of the past that had ravaged these land over a century and a half ago. Walking further into the dark narrow back streets he saw the great poverty that was hidden amongst the prosperity of the city. Small cubs begging for food in tattered clothes and homeless people came up to him, but he walked onward not paying any attention to them. After about an hour of walking Pashenwar finally arrived at the Drunk Cat. It was a small bar with a large neon sign illuminating the entire alley. Following as the fox had said he passed by the bar and slipped down a dark alley that was only a meter wide. Checking behind him to see that he was not being followed. He looked back seeing nothing but the emptiness of the small alley and he listened carefully for anyone, but all that could be heard was the dull roar of the wind that assaulted the cities high walls.

Turning the corner Pashenwar saw what he had been looking for these many long years, the twisted blossom. Stepping down the narrow stairwell Pashenwar knocked upon the steel door of what had once been a fallout shelter but had since been forgotten. He heard muffled footsteps and then with a loud grinding noise the thick metal door swung open to reveal a dimly lit hall and a tall cat with grey hair. He wore nothing but some tan shorts and his fur just barely concealed his tight abdominal muscles. He gestured with his paw for Pashenwar to come and then welcomed him in his native tongue. He spoke in French to Pashenwar, which was a mostly forgotten language in this part of the world. "Welcome to the twisted blossom, I am Tagi, please follow me."

Pashenwar followed Tagi down the hallway admiring his toned back muscles and his muscular legs. The hallway then opened up into a large room that was fairly well lit and had beds with curtains separating them. The air conditioning was a blissful feeling for Pashenwar as the cold air filled his lungs and allowed him to relax away from the blistering heat of the desert. Tagi gestured for Pashenwar to sit down on one of the leather chairs at the center of the room. "They will be out in just a moment" Tagi said as Pashenwar sat down. Music played softly in the background as Pashenwar relaxed in the cool leather chair and watched as Tagi lead out a line of young guys all dressed in very revealing clothing and each had on a collar with their name on it. Some of them became quite aroused at the sight of Pashenwar, while other seemed scared and shy. Pashenwar surveyed each candidate and then he noticed as slim toned fennec fox who was on the end of the line. The fox wore nothing but a small thong to conceal himself. His fur was a light brown and his muscled body was covered by a thin layer of fur. "Which one takes your fancy?" Tagi asked. Pashenwar pointed to the little fox and then Tagi had him step forward. All the other young men look nervously at Pashenwar and listened to what he would say. Pashenwar stood up from the chair and walked over to the cute little fennec. Standing taller than the rest Pashenwar brought his paw to the muzzle of the fox and looked into his black eyes. It was at this moment that he knew what he wanted. "What is your name?" Pashenwar said to the young fox. "Abbas." Tagi then had all of the other candidates move back into the other room and as they were going they all started talking amongst themselves in a language that Pashenwar did not know. The young fox looked quite saddened by the gossip of the group. "Abbas, what is wrong?" Pashenwar asked. "You are the first client that has ever wanted me first. Most of the clients go for the taller or bigger or stronger slaves and you picked me." Tagi leaned over to Abbas and told him something in the strange language.

Abbas then sauntered over the bed that was behind him. Pashenwar gazed at the young fox mesmerized by his fluffy tail and cute behind. Pashenwar could feel his cock pushing against the confines of his clothing as he became increasingly aroused. Tagi then led Pashenwar over to the curtain that contained the bed and pulled aside the velvet curtain. Tagi pushed Pashenwar into the small room and closed the curtain behind him. On the bed lay Abbas with his big fluffy brown tail laying down over the side of the bed. Pashenwar laid down beside him and moved his muzzle close to Abbas'. When they kissed for the first time Pashenwar knew that Abbas was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Pashenwar pulled Abbas close and kissed him again. "Why don't I get you out of those hot clothes?" Abbas said and began to take off his belt and shorts. Abbas pulled down Pashenwar's underwear to reveal his long muscular cock. Abbas took his cock and put it between his lips. Pashenwar brushed Abbas' head with his paw and felt the soft touch of his fur. Pashenwar took Abbas by the waist and turned him on his back. Pushing his cock against Abba's ass Pashenwar moaned with pleasure and then penetrated Abbas. He and Abbas spent hours that night having ferocious sex and then when morning came they both awoke with all of the other sex slaves watching them.

Pashenwar then rose and found Tagi sitting on the very chair that he had sat in hours before and there was another beside it with a table in between the two. He sat down and Tagi passed him a wet towel and a cigar. They looked at the slaves all congratulating Abbas in their native tongue and Tagi turned to him and asked "What do you think?" "I have to have him." Replied Pashenwar. "That can be arranged if you have the coin." "Money is not a problem, the problem is the Gestapanzi." "Yes that will be quite a problem, but you will go at night so that you are less likely to be discovered. Wait here with Abbas until the others can get you some new clothes and payment will be made when you leave.

That evening Tagi woke Pashenwar and Abbas and had them wait for the slaves to get them what they would need. Soon all of the slaves had returned and each brought with them something for the trip that Pashenwar would take Abbas on in order to get back the hotel. Both of them put on the cloaks that were picked out for them by a pair of foxes and took the sandals that a dog and lizard chose for the short trip. Pashenwar then walked over to the door where Tagi had been watching. Pashenwar handed him the small canvas pouch of gold coins and he tucked them into his cloak. Reaching behind a small curtain Tagi produced a small wooden box. "What is this?" Asked Pashenwar. "Look inside and you will see that it will serve you well on your travels." Pashenwar then took the box which was quite heavy and opened the latches. Lifting the lid he saw two rings and also two Plastech energy revolvers. A gun that was common in his homeland, but a coveted item in this area. "One for you and one for Abbas." "Does he know how to handle a gun?" "When you work in a profession such as mine you make sure that all employees are capable of fighting off attackers." Abbas had joined them by the door and Pashenwar passed him one of the revolvers and one of the rings. Slipping the ring on it fit perfectly as did Pashenwar's. The both holstered their gun and followed Tagi to the door. Turning at the door Tagi looked Pashenwar in the eyes and said "I want you to protect Abbas and get him out of this godforsaken land as soon as possible. The fox at your hotel will guide you on your next objective from here. Godspeed Pashenwar and Abbas." "Thank you Tagi" They both said together and they turned and exited the hallway into the alley with the door closing behind them.