A Strange Visitor

Story by AllenS on SoFurry

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By Sean Cushing

A kinky, Mostly sexy story that has my views of a few more explicit tags. I hope you like it!

Wilson worked hard, his canine/humanoid form slaving under a hot western sky. As night was falling on the blue white fur, he headed for the barn, tongue slopping out of the side of his mouth as he pants. As the red doors opened, he grinned and went over to a trough, dunking his head down and taking large gulps of cool water, and sating his thrust while cooling off. He smiled and headed up to the upper level of his barn, choosing a nice hay bale to lay on before curling up for some much needed rest, quickly departing the world for sleep.

Meanwhile, outside, rapidly descending into earth was a meteor, and inside, it's rider was slowly waking up for the first time in a long while. As soon as it impacted the ground, making only a small thump sound in the tilled land of Wilson's field, the creature inside broke the thinned rock around it and took in it's first senses of earth. Tentacles, transparent and green, reached up and felt the air, searching for a source of air, which it felt, and slowly, several more reached out, before a main sack followed. The sack was a deeper green, with two yellow orbs for eyes. As it started moving away from the meteor, it let out a series of happy giggles, and mentally smiled. Now that it knew it wouldn't die of asphyxiation, it needed two more things to complete it's needs to live on the planet it saw as a potential new home. The first of which was simple: water. Seeing the red building in the distance, it started for it, curiosity and need driving it.

Wilson twitched and rolled in his sleep, grumbling after hearing the impact of the meteor, but not thinking much of it. "Guhh... stop shooting ya' damned red necks!" He rolled once more and returned to sleep, grinning at the idea of yelling at some fool hicks.

The Octo-alien, now at the door of the barn, peered inside, and looked around. Using one of it's tentacles, it picked up the hydrogen and oxygen being converted to the atmosphere. It let out another gargle of happiness and quickly closed the gap to the trough, slipping up quietly and sinking into the water. A few air bubbles formed at the top before the creature returned to the main area of the barn, thrust quenched for now. Only one thing left to find, it thought to itself, and that's food! It started to probe the air with a tentacle, when it picked up a snort from Wilson. It quickly oriented itself in his direction, and set out to investigate. It quietly crawled up the barn wall and then looked at Wilson, sleeping with his cloths in a heap next to him after working. It processed what was before it: A living creature that could be a hazard to it, or not. The Alien Octopus suddenly had a craving to know which, and started crawling over. It kept wide enough a breath away from Wilson, allowing the canine to roll if he so wanted, but continued to get closer until the creature was above Wilson's head, silently breathing and processing the fur before it. One tentacle from the Alien started to travel towards the dog, and then slowly aimed for one of his closed eyes. It traced around the lid, and a moment was all it took to wait.

Wilson was in the midst of a wonderful dream, when something brushed against his right eye. He moaned and groggily blinked, only to find a green tentacle slide over his eyeball, slipping around the orb and causing him to panic. "WHAT THE FU-" He shouted, only to have a second tentacle jammed into his mouth, cutting off his breathing and speech. He gagged around the invading appendage, trying to reach up his hands, only for them to get grabbed too! The canine whimpered and moaned around the tentacle, fear taking hold quickly as the reality of the situation hit the poor dog.

The Alien, however, took the tentacle that was around his right eye and used it to navigate to the optic nerve, hoping and finding to his satisfaction that the canines eyes were like the creatures. It then sent several slim tendrils up the optic nerve to the brain, using them to gather data as quickly as it could. Within moments, the Alien knew exactly who this fur was, what knowledge he had, and his emotional state. The Alien felt a pang of regret with doing what it did, but it also needed to know if it could trust the beast before it. On passing the sexual parts of the brain, the alien octopus let out a series of happy chirps. Perfect, it thought, the best source of food! And renewable too! It slowly started to undo the tentacle in the optic nerve and then the one in the canines throat, before it slithered around the canines neck, arms still held and their eyes about level.

Wilson gasped as the tentacle was removed from his mouth, and blinked several times as the tentacle in his eye left. He sighed, glad to be able to breath again, and strained against the tentacles on his arms, only to find them still too firm for his tired body. "Ahh.. Ugghh! What do you want with me!?" Wilson moaned out, looking the creature in the eyes. To his surprise, it replied in a calm deep voice, "To Feed, Wilson, and if you'll let me, I'll get right to it if you won't try to stop me." Wilson blinked, staring at the Yellow orbs in front of him. Was this thing serious?! What did it eat? And why wouldn't he try to stop it!? As if reading Wilson's mind, the creature replied, "I need protein, Wilson, and you have two producers of it down below, so if you will just trust me." Wilson struggled against the tentacles on his arm. "Like hell I'd let you eat my balls, you sick- GAGH!"

The Octopus tisk-ed at the canine in a manner similar to a parent berating a child. "Well, Wilson, sense you won't do this willingly the first time..." Wilson felt a sting on his chest where the tentacle monster was, and shuddered as his body started feeling colder. "I had to paralyze you, and in just a few moments..." The tentacles on his arms let go, his arms so quickly numbed by the poison that they flopped on the ground useless. "There, now I can feed." Wilson grunted and groaned, begging his body to work, but to no avail. Sadly, he could feel the beast crawl down his belly and get to his loins. He closed his eyes, begging what he thought was to come to be swift.

The Alien, how ever, started eyeing up Wilson's sheathed package, letting out happy gurgling sounds as a tentacle slid down the fur and skin wrapping to the dogs sex organ. Wilson let out a moan despite his growing dread, in a way begging the creature on him to get it over with what he thought was going to happen. the tentacle continued to stroke the canine cock, wriggling in to areas the dog didn't know could stimulate him. In no time, the dog was hard as a rock, but still sheathed up, and forming precum on his red tapered tip. He let out a whine despite himself, wanting more stimulation. He was not to be denied luckily, and the alien adjusted itself, so that a small sucker hole at the bottom was briefly visible before it lined up at the tip of Wilson's "spear." This is it, Wilson thought with a tear as the alien started to descend on his rod, goodbye, my maleness! As the alien slid the sucker hold down on the canines shaft, the alien changed its opacity so that it was see through, and what Wilson got a look at was against his previous thoughts. The goo like material surrounding his shaft rippled, causing the dog to moan lustily, and were he not sedated, he would have thrusted. The rippling continued, slow but intense as it focused on hitting sensitive spots on his canine manhood. Before long, Wilson had his tongue hanging out of his mouth, panting in sexual arousal, and almost begging the alien to finish him off.

The canine didn't have to wait long. With a shudder that rippled down the full length of the red canine manhood, the parasite squeezed tighter, skyrocketing the pleasure brought on to the dog. With a low howl, the dog let loose his his load. weakly thrusting into the air, the goo like octopus pooled up the canine seed into a white ball in the center of the jell before "Dissolving" it, eating it to process the protein. It then sucked the cum still left in the canines manhood before sliding off the sensitive organ.

Wilson sighed and grinned in the haze of an afterglow, when a prod at his back door slapped him back to reality. With a yipe, a tentacle slipped into his rear, causing him to bark and moan as more and more of the length slid in. His paw hands weakly grabbed at the slick creature, but found no purchase. With a pop and a moan, the last of the octopus slipped into Wilson's rear, his pucker hole clenching shut. His slight pain quickly melted into pleasure, the creature rubbing his insides better than any dildo or vibrator in his known existence. his softening canine rod snapped back to hard, and he started panting in the building orgasmic release. With a low howl, he unloaded for the second time that evening, quickly dropping back and panting, nearly unconscious from the orgasm. Quickly, his eyes fluttered, and dreamless sleep found him soon after.

For the Alien, however, it was getting it's host ready for it to live there. Starting with taking a tentacle and making it small but sharp enough, it used its memory that it picked up of the canines body system to start cutting to it's nervous system, finding it where it remembered and tapping in, sealing up the cuts as it went along. Then, a tentacle probed out of the dogs rear, sensing the area around them, and was joined by another that collected the remnants of his second release. Once the second tentacle collected all the spent sperm, it traveled to Wilson's now sheathed pride, and adjusting its size, slide down the narrow passage of the dogs Urethra.

The tentacle attached to his nerves filtered any senses of pain or pleasure, keeping Wilson blissfully unaware what was to come for him. As the tentacle invading his pride found his sack and balls, it backed off enough back into his tube before growing in size at the tip, forming a plug. Then the tentacle tapped into his nervous system sent out several "Programs," hormonal and mental signals that ramped up it's pleasure senses. Another "Message" was sent to his balls, and quickly, the sperm factories started churning up a storm of seed. Over the course of a minute, Wilson's balls grew a centimeter at a time, stretching painfully, where the nervus system still transmitting it to the brain. As it was, Wilson snored happily, lost deep in sleep. Once the thirty minutes were up, a time the alien decided was safe enough to let his balls grow, it began absorbing more and more of Wilsons cum. Over the next few hours, the Alien drained and refilled Wilsons balls, while neither destroying them, nor threaten his ability to reproduce later, should he want to. One of the biggest saving moments for Wilson was that when the alien first studied his brain, it picked up a sense of his morals, and developed its own. When Wilsons sack was inflated for the last time, the Alien sent another round of messages to his organs, restoring them to normal running functions. Draining his seed once more, the tentacle slowly pulled out of Wilsons staff, which had remained sheathed throughout all of the cum farming. With dawn just about to break, the two remaining tentacles outside of wilson started sliding back in him. The last one to slide in, the one not sucking cum acting as a "Lookout" of sorts, entered his rear with a wet pop.