Lonesome no More

Story by Lupex on SoFurry

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Commission for @Alex-Wolfheart!

An outcasted werewolf stumbles into the backyard of a veterinarian, fortunately getting more than just salvation.

Did you know wolves tend to mate for life?

Alex stumbled wearily through the dark woods, one heavy paw grudgingly placed after the other. His oak coloured fur was tussled, bedraggled, and matted with dirt. His body was sore and aching, each step harder to take than the last. Exhausted, he paused, laying his massive body against the ground, tongue moving up and down with his heaving pants.

Everything was lost; he was a lone wolf now. Bad enough that they made fun of his size, but to be stripped of everything, just because...

Alex's eyes closed and a tear slipped into the fur on his face. It was inevitable, but did they have to find out? He could only hide his feelings for other males so long. The pack could smell it on him, they could sense the emotions that stirred when he gazed upon another male.

Alex's bulging muscles tensed as he pushed his weight off the ground, body and soul heavy. With his rapidly depleting strength, he lumbered on, meandering towards the smells that tickled his wet nose from afar.

The sun painted the sky's eastern edge with a vivid pink, announcing its arrival. Faint, orange rays had begun to dispel the darkness of the night by the time the town came into view, headed by a neighbourhood of quaint houses that slowly appeared from the diminishing darkness. Alex swayed unstably, not at all caring for the luminiferous sunrise. He drew near one of the houses, eyelids drooping as he approached the small white fence that stood around the home's backyard perimeter.

Drowsiness eventually overtook the large wolf, and he collapsed, abolishing the comparatively minute wooden fence under his mass.

Unable to hold his form as his strength vanished, Alex's fur dissolved, his muzzle retracted, and his pronounced muscles gave way to his normal human fat, leaving only a few canine traits intact. Alex's consciousness slipped away, barely noticing as a man emerged from within the house.

John was in the midst of drinking from a cup of coffee when he heard the crash of wood from his backyard. Alarmed at such a disturbance so early in the morning, he grabbed a broom, and briskly made his way into the backyard.

As he approached the back door, he noticed something overtop of his fence through the window. Quickly, he opened the door and rushed out onto the dewy grass.

However, the broomstick fell from his hands, landing quietly into the grass and his mouth gaped, beyond shock.

A large man, at least on the order of 300 pounds, had crushed part of his fence. Even more bewildering was the fact that the chubby man was nude, exempt completely from all clothing. Yet, most dumbfounding of all, was the fact that a distinctively fluffy tail sprouted from the bottom of the man's spine.

For an unreasonable length of time, John stood, stunned, at the scene before him. It was only when he noticed scratches marring the man's dirt covered skin did he snap out of his bewilderment.

He approached cautiously, feeling increasingly apprehensive the closer he came.

Up close, it was evident that the man needed medical attention. Bruises and scratches were the least of the tailed-man's injuries. Some of the wooden fence had cut him, evident from the blood that stained the white, splintered wood.

Though the man had fallen largely face down, he was slightly tilted to the left, and John noticed that his ears were pointed, and upon closer inspection, that there was some peculiarity with his chubby front side. John pulled and tugged, while brushing aside pieces of the broken fence to manoeuvre the man onto his lawn. Finally getting the man free of the wooden mess, John flipped him over onto his back, and was once again thrown into shock.

Six nipples lined the man's chubby front, including the two on the man's plump pecs. A large canine sheath sat snug in the man's crotch, underneath of which, was an proportionally big furry sack, splayed out on the ground beneath him.

A small trickle of blood ran down the man's rotund belly and John placed his hand against his forehead, dizzy from the sight before him.

His hand drifted through his blond hair, contemplating a course of action. Never did he imagine that becoming a veterinarian would entail giving aid to dog people. A playful memory creeped into his mind; a room full of graduates, and the cat crazy professor. Then of course the humorous oath they took before the party.

"Any animal, anytime," John muttered silently. "Oh for fuck's sake, does this even count?"

It took the rest of the morning and well into the afternoon, but John managed to bring the canine man into his fairly barren living room. He was massive compared to John's more slender build, making the process far more difficult.

John wiped some dirt and blood staining his hands onto his khakis, while walking toward the sink to wash it off. Once clean, he put on a pair of purple gloves and began addressing the sizeable man's wounds. It was awkward, tiring and frankly a bizarre thing to do on a Saturday morning, but John ignored the absurdity of the situation, allowing his work to occupy his mind. Hopefully, his veterinarian studies would be enough to help the man.

When he had finally bandaged some of the more severe cuts from the fence, he began to clean the lesser injuries, freezing uncertainly when he reached the tail. The fur was tangled and matted, and he knew it had to be brushed. After a moment, he decided it was best to leave the canine portions of the man untouched in a moment of twisted irony.

Evening had rolled by when John had finished tending the surface wounds. It never occurred to him that he should have called the police, or an ambulance, or even another person. Instead, John just stared at the man (who now had some blankets covering him, partially to conserve the man's body heat and partially to obscure his nudity) as John took a sip from his Coke can, chewing his Kraft Dinner slowly.

When he had finished his meal, John opened the man's mouth, almost not surprised to find sharp canines, but otherwise, everything appeared normal.

"What the hell are you?" he asked, but it was mainly to himself, as he received no response.

Strangely, John couldn't resist gazing at the poor sleeping face. His hair, like his tail, was unkept. Some internal debate later, John made up his mind, took a deep breath, and got up to retrieve a brush. He didn't have any pet brushes on him, so he resorted to using his own; he could always buy a new one.

As the sun's light began to dwindle, John began combing out the man's hair, removing the accumulated dirt. With every stroke, John became more concerned. If the man didn't wake up soon, he would die of dehydration. John tenderly touched the man's cheek.

He felt slightly dwarfed next to the man, but in a way, it was kind of adorable, the way John's slim figure was juxtaposed with the large man. It made him feel safe.

Eventually, John could do no more to the man's hair and put the brush back down, surprised by how handsomer the man was. The strange thought didn't seem to faze John.

Though it seemed impossible to fall asleep knowing there was a fat dog person next to you, John somehow managed that, laying on the couch next to the man who was lying on the carpet floor. In case anything happened, John needed to keep an eye on him.

John awoke from a dreamless sleep to streams of sunlight and a hot, stuffy room. The man showed no sign of waking, but his smell was everywhere. John cracked a window and sat back down on the couch, once again staring. The chubby man looked so helpless, in a way, pitiful. A brisk wind gusted through the window, and John's nose twitched as the air was stirred.

He picked up the phone and punched in a number.

"Hello, Jane? Yeah. I can't come today, can Tessa cover for me? I've only got some routine appointments. Why?" John looked at the man. "I received a surprise patient, and I'm handling it at home. No, it's fine, nothing serious, I have everything I need at home. No, Jane, it's not some rescue." John bit his lip. "Don't worry about me, I'll do what needs to be done, no tagging, no deworming or anything, okay?" John's face flushed, completely against his will. "No, definitely no neutering." He sighed in relief as Jane dropped the subject. "Yes, doughnuts are on me. Thank you, goodbye." John put down the phone, slowly. "Just you and me now."

A sheen of sweat had appeared over the man.

"You and me," John trailed off, deciding to remove the blankets. "I hope you're not getting a fever."

John yanked the blankets off the man, and was immediately hit with a heavy cloud of musk. He stumbled back in surprise, dizzy. For a moment the odour sent him back to the time one of his friends had botched a lab. The dork had knocked over a chemical concentrate being testing as a pheromone substitute. Only this time, the smell was far stronger, and more potent.

Inadvertently, John's cheeks went warm with a blush. His eyes drifted to the lower, more canine portion of the chubby man. Sure he had felt sympathy for the poor guy, but he didn't feel that way, did he?

John brought his eyes back to the man's face. He really did look so much better with his hair brushed. John began to feel unnaturally hot. He walked over to the window and pulled it all the way up, taking a few deep breaths, but his mind was stuck on the canine man behind him.

John glanced back, noticing where he had left the brush the night before. Well, the guy's tail still needed brushing, and it wouldn't do any harm to just get it over with, right?

John walked away from the window and picked up the brush before kneeling next to the man's legs. John wasn't sure what excuses he was making for himself, but he wasn't able to deny the yearning that had started to nag at him. His heart rate sped as he reached over and began grooming the tip of the man's tail. For a moment, that was all he did, gently tugging at the tangled fur with the brush, trying to suppress the thoughts that had welled up inside him. John eventually got used to the overwhelming odour, in fact, he was finding it quite pleasant.

Unable to resist, John's eyes flicked over to the canine crotch, and he stopped brushing, all the while feeling hotter.

Compelled by an unknown force, his free hand drew near the man's drooping balls. He could feel the warmth of the furry sack even before his hand made contact, but when it did, his breathing quickened.

In a trance, his hand glided over the fuzzy surface, tracing each taunt, fist sized orb. His hand crept up the crevice between them until they brushed against the base of the large sheath. The fur was warm and soft. John couldn't resist keeping his hand away, and hesitantly, he closed his fingers around the base, which barely touched on the other side.

He slid his hand up the length, eyes glued to the sheath. It was so big and... sexy.

When he drew near the top, he gave the tip of the sheath a fondle, gently squeezing the furry skin. How nice it must feel, he thought.

John almost didn't notice the groan and subsequent movement.

Alex awoke in a relatively small room, and though the physical pains that had covered his body were nearly gone, he felt incredibly thirsty, hungry and frankly horny for some reason. He moved his head up, dizziness blurring his vision momentarily.

Whether it was from his head pains or not, Alex thought he was hallucinating the literal twink caressing his dick. It was startling, but it wasn't unwelcome.

John stared into Alex's eyes for a moment, hand still gripping the sheath.

"Fuck, I-" John said, quickly pulling his hand back. "Sorry."

Alex blushed, his mind racing. What could have possibly happened since he collapsed?

"Hi," Alex said, not realizing how parched his throat was, he looked away nervously. Alex's stomach growled disturbingly loudly, and John jumped to his feet, also looking away.

"We should get some food and water into you," John said. "Er, what do you eat?" The thought suddenly unnerved him. Had he never pondered that before?

Luckily, Alex replied, "Whatever you have is fine, thank you." The long sentence made him cough, a deep sound with a canine whine.

John microwaved just about everything in his fridge, and filled a

pitcher full of water as Alex settled down in front of the small table, barely fitting on the accompanying chair.

John resigned to sitting on the couch, listening to Alex literally wolf down his food, and unknowingly stare at the blanket that Alex had tried to wrap around his hips. It wasn't big enough, so Alex had conceded to laying it over his lap, but a large bulge betrayed the attempt to conceal his nudity. After a while, John realized where he was gazing and immediately looked away, once again blushing.

"So, what's your name? I'm John," he said, eyes averted. Alex looked up, slightly disappointed that John was avoiding eye contact.

"I'm Alex. I'm a werewolf, if you were wondering." Alex mentally facepalmed. Of course the guy was wondering. "Uh, what happened? I don't exactly recall." Truthfully, Alex didn't want to recall. It was too painful to think about.

"Oh, I guess that explains the whole dog tail and... stuff. Anyway, I found you collapsed on top of my fence outside. You were in pretty bad shape, and since I'm a vet, I decided to try and help you out."

John wasn't sure why he wasn't more surprised that werewolves existed.

"Thanks," Alex said with a small smile. It was nice knowing that John had helped him, saved him, even.

The two remained silent until Alex had finished eating, which really didn't take too long.

"You feeling better now?" John asked.

"Yeah, thanks again, John." Alex's eyes didn't lift from the table as he spoke. What was he going to do now? He didn't have any where to go, not anymore.

Alex didn't notice that John had walked up to him until John's hand touched his shoulder.

"What's wrong, man?"

Alex sighed. "It's- it's nothing. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"No, there's something bothering you. You think I'd just help you out and then leave you? Leave you hanging, I mean." Alex felt John's shifting emotions. He felt the genuine concern, and perhaps something more.

"Do you really mean that?" Alex finally lifted his eyes to meet John's, which seemed to sparkle with light.

"Of course, Alex," John murmured. Alex stood up, almost knocking the table down. The blanket fell to the floor, forgotten. John's eyes remained locked with his.

Alex grabbed John, pulling their two bodies together, and pressed his mouth into John's.

Alex's grip was firm, his size preventing John from pulling away, not that he would have. John felt cushioned and warm in Alex's arms, and the passionate kiss seemed to ignite something in him, something powerful.

Alex let go of John, who stumbled back, light headed and hot.

Alex no longer felt weak, instead he felt better than before.

Brown fur flushed out across his skin, and he grunted as his body thickened with mass. Muscles surged out underneath the voluminous fat that covered his body. Alex's face pushed back out into a muzzle and his ears stretched farther as fur coated them. His nose twitched as the smells in the room intensified.

He took a deep sniff, identifying the odour of his own, intoxicating pheromones, tongue lolling out of his fanged muzzle.

Alex had grown so much that his head bumped into the ceiling, and soon he had to drop down onto all fours. As his hands hit the ground, claws extended from his nails, hands resembling large furry paws.

Heat bloomed in his groin as his balls enlarged even more, bulging to the size of basketballs, while his sheath stretched under his dick's growth. The tip of his crimsons rod poked out of the furry sheath, dribbling pre.

Alex flicked his tail, back legs reformed into quadruped stance.

It was amazing to be back to normal.

Though John was alarmed, he couldn't help but stare in awe and admiration at the sexy beast. He wanted him.

Alex stepped forward, each step thudding heavily on the ground, sending his body mass jiggling, and licked John tenderly on the face.

"Heh, so what do you think?" Alex asked timidly.

"I-" John gaped. "I want you, so fucking bad."

Alex grinned, gripping John's pants and pulling them down, to reveal the human's arousal. It was like Alex had awoken into a dream. Alex gave John's cock a lick, and he shuddered.

Alex got up from all fours, kneeling so that he wouldn't hit the ceiling. His turgid canine rod had fully emerged from his sheath. A thick slab of meat that stood two feet tall.

Drawn to it like a magnet, John took the hot cock in his hands and lapped at the pre that was fountaining down from its tip. His mouth and face tingled as he licked the substance.

Alex grabbed ahold of John and easily lifted him up, sitting him cradled between his furry body and massive cock. He began to grind, cock smooshing John's growing balls, while pressing the human back against his monstrous muscle gut. John moaned as the air grew thick with Alex's smell and let the heat from Alex's body seep into his own.

Alex pushed John's head between his sagging werewolf pecs, raising his dick enough to press into John's eager mouth.

Blissfully, John began suckling the tip of Alex's massive cock, tongue lengthening and face pushing out into a muzzle to accommodate the size.

Light blond fur sprouted across his face and his ears pulled back, longer and furrier. The fur advanced down his neck and shoulders, pin pricks amongst the plethora of new stimuli. Alex leaned down and massaged John's furry ears with his teeth, gently breaking the surface of the skin, but John only felt the warm tingling that followed.

"I want to see you big and strong," Alex whispered into the ear he had nibbled. John groaned, his own manhood pulsing harder. The fur continued down, past John's shoulders, enveloping him in a nice warm coat. Snuggled on top of Alex, he felt like he was being caressed by a giant, fuzzy pillow. John rested his head against one of Alex's sagging pecs, sniffing his lover. The smell brought comfort, and left him feeling unnaturally happier, wet nose twitching and all.

Alex grinned, and hoisted John up with ease, holding him just above the tip of his drooling red cock. John panted, ears pressed against his head, eager to be taken. His blood felt hot and his heart rate began to race.

Alex lowered John down, letting his tip pierce the tight hole, sending a shiver up his spine. Slowly, Alex raised and lowered John, biceps flexing, each time letting more of his meat enter the far too small hole. Fur had completely coated John, and the hotness in his blood was replaced with a tightness in his muscles. Every time he was entered he could feel all his muscles clench. They bulged outward, growing heavy with mass, visibly under the coat of blond fur.

John's cock strained with the rushing blood, surging up. The foreskin grew fluffier and tighter before retracting, feeling like someone had caressingly gripped his cock. With every pulse his cock grew bigger and redder, swelling up past a foot long. John's fuzzy balls had enlargened to the point where they slid up against Alex's slick length, sending pleasurable euphoria up both parties.

By now, John had nearly doubled in mass, and Alex was forced to dropped him onto all fours. As John's feet touched the ground, his legs tensed, bones shifting to accommodate a more comfortable, quadruped stance. The muscles thickened as they shifted, sending adrenaline rushing through John's system. His muzzle parted, letting his long tongue fall out, as he panted heavily. John felt like he could run a marathon, among other things, cock throbbing.

Abruptly, Alex's cock shoved hard into his hole, pushing in farther than before.

"Not done with you yet," he growled playfully.

With every thrust, John felt wider, felt the hot cock slide deeper into him. A tail wriggled out from his extending spine, wagging wildly.

John grunted and moaned as Alex's phallus rubbed against his prostate. John's once slim body continued to bulk, most notably in his abdomen. He brought a furred hand across his stomach, surprised at not only the sensation of rubbing his own soft belly fur, but the tensing abs that laid underneath and the accompanying nipples.

John jumped a bit as his leaking tip brushed against his hand between one of Alex's thrusts, not realizing how large and sensitive he had grown. Tentatively, his hand explored his canine length, shivering as he traced a finger down the underside. However, when he hit the bulging base, reality seemed to pop back into his mind as he recognized the distinct canine knot. It was too large to cup with his hand, but trying made his dick strain even harder.

He didn't care, he loved this body, and craved it; he craved Alex.

John revelled in the tight feeling that filled him every time Alex plunged in, his sphincter clenching on the slick red rod. He loved the feeling of his massive balls swinging and cock bouncing in time to the thrusts. He felt so powerful with his canine body. But most all, he loved his canine lover.

Alex's knot began thumping against John's ass, eliciting Alex to quicken his pace and send John to a new high.

Climatically, Alex fired his sticky cum deep into John. Alex tightened his grip on John's sides, face melting into the blissful release. John yelped, eyes squeezing shut as the fluid rushed into him.

Since Alex hadn't knotted John, torrents of white cream flooded out of John's ass, staining the blond fur around his legs. As Alex pulled out, semen plastered all over his furry crotch, the cool kiss of air tickled John's wet, gaping anus, and his cock twitched. He was now more than painfully horny.

Alex brought his muzzle into John's semen coated rear, slowly dragging his tongue along the trail of cum that dripped off the bottom of John's fat sack, tongue probing into his musky tailhole before ending with a sensual kiss underneath the base of John's tail. John groaned and shuddered, melting into the sensation.

He needed his cock in something, and he needed it now. With unprecedented strength, he grabbed Alex, paw pads sinking into the voluminous sides of the wolf, and swirled him around.

Bob from next door looked up from tending his posies. He could have sworn the ground had just shaken. With shoulders lifted in a slight shrug, he went back to his flowers.

John literally drooled at the sight of Alex's rosy pucker, cock throbbing with need. He smushed his black nose into it, sniffing vigorously. The smell had become familiar to him by now, so he let the rush of excitement from the pheromones fill him.

"My turn," he growled, thrusting his tapered rod deep into Alex's pucker, slamming up against the werewolf's muscular ass. His entire length slid into Alex, sphincter giving way without resistance. However, as John came in for another thrust, it felt tighter and tighter. His balls felt bloated as they squeezed against his thighs, full and aching for release.

Soon, John's thick knot was bulging, as it slammed up against Alex's tire sized tailhole with each thrust. His cock now equalled Alex's in size and girth. Every time the veiny rod pushed into the tense, clenching depths of Alex's hole, he could feel his body's muscles ripple and flex, growing unimaginably ripped.

Between his large paws gripping the squirming pillow of fur he was pounding, and Alex's throaty moans, John felt unbelievably powerful and sexy, driving his pace and force upward. Alex's sphincter wrapped around John's slick wolf cock, squelching, and dribbling with pre.

There was a surge of tension that gripped his massive balls, and John's cock quivered. He was so close to release, so close to cumming.

Alex, sensing John's thoughts, grinned. "Go for it, my sexy wolf."

John bent down, fuzzy pectorals, hard nipples, and abs pressing into Alex's back, and shoved his engorged knot into the slick hole. John gasped with pleasure, but was unable to pull back out, hastening his thrusts, until the crash of release flooded through him.

Like he had never orgasmed in his entire life, John's mind receded to nothing but his burst of pressure, as his wolf cock poured out semen like a perverse water hose. Alex fired off once again, blasting cum all over the carpeted floors, anus clamping onto John's dick. His muscle gut bloated from the amount of cream erupting from John's rod as it was milked for every drop.

John threw his head back, paws still grasping tightly to Alex's chubby sides, muscles bulging from his intense orgasm. The bliss lasted so long that a part of John wondered if his balls were making more cum then he could expend.

Unfortunately, this was not the case, and John collapsed onto Alex, knot still binding them together.

"Fuck, that was-" John took a second of panting, "amazing."

"And you're amazing," Alex mumbled, with his eyes closed. John nodded groggily, but then his ears perked up.

"What's wrong?" he asked, laying his muzzle across Alex's sweaty back. The brown fur tickled his nose.

"I... I just don't know what to do now, without a pack." Alex sighed, ears drooping.

"Heh." John wrapped his muscular arms around Alex, squeezing him in a tight hug. "You've got me."

Alex paused, he couldn't still be dreaming, right? Seeing Alex's lack of reply, John continued.

"You've got your musclular beta to be here for you-" John flexed, flicked his tail and then licked Alex's drooped ears. "my alpha."

A spark of confidence seemed to ignite in Alex's mind. A glimmer of hope.

"We'll make our own pack. You and me," Alex whispered.

"And anyone else who cares to join," John agreed coyly.

"Right after you un-knot me," Alex said, ears rising back up.

"Perhaps not right after." John smiled, fangs glinting and eyes twinkling.