Distant Earth CYOA part 15

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#18 of Distant Earth text adventure

Apologies for this one coming a whole week late, but it's been a hell of a week. Hopefully, you will enjoy anyway. A double choice this week

Option B :Staying together but with an open relationship-wow 45 votes that is just really amazing thanks for the support guys.

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The bunny sat down in the gunner chair, feeling the wolf's cum leaking out and staining the seat. Zack looked at the panda still panting on the floor, his fur all mussed and a happy smile on his face. He blushed a little thinking at what they had just done, he was glad he finally got to have the panda fully, though he would never have imagined that Qerry's brother would have been nailing him at the same time. At least he knew he got along with his mate's family. Assuming Qerry was his mate... the rabbit's thoughts paused at that point and he knew it was time for 'the talk'.

"That was amazing," he whispered, figuring he should start on the high points. He knew now that he could grow to love the panda easily, but he also knew that everyone was right, his and Qerry's lust was going to control them both at some point. Fighting it had led to something he never would have thought of doing in a million years, fucking two brothers at once. "I... really like you, you know."

Qerry blushed a little and squirmed on the floor as he smiled up at the bunny, "I... like you too, though I must admit... I thought the first time we fucked we'd be alone."

"Yeah, me too. Still I'm not complaining, cause you were still wonderful and it was great to be with you." Zack replied his heart racing, Qerry liked him! Those were the best words he had ever heard, but he knew that he had to continue, he knew that if he tried a monogamous relationship he'd end up cheating and, while he may have stole from his parents and joined up with pirates, he was an honest person... mostly. He would never forgive himself if he betrayed and hurt the panda. "I think we need to talk though, I am very certain I have a lust bleedthrough."

The panda chuckled and nodded, "me too, that's the only excuse for what we just did, and for me not slapping Qieth away when he went to paw me off."

"I want to be with you, but..." Zack braced himself as he half said half whispered the rest of his sentence. "I don't think I can just be with you."

"Yeah, me either, wish I could be... but trying to fend off two horny wolves all day just got me so turned on and desperate." Qerry replied with a chuckle and then with a shrug he added. "So maybe we have an open relationship? Date and stuff, but free to sleep with anyone we chose?"

The bunny's jaw dropped as the panda beat him to the punch and then he smiled. He realised that Qerry might be cute, shy and innocent, but he was not dumb and he knew how to face up to reality. The realisation just made him admire the panda more, he stood up and offered his paw to the panda. Qerry took his paw and was pulled to his feet and arms, their lips meeting and they kissed tenderly as the ship trembled heavily.

Neither of them paid any heed to the vibrations, focusing instead on the warmth of their partner's lips, the feel of their warm body and heart beating against theirs. They held each other close and as they did both of them felt their lust growing again. Their kissing getting more and more passionate by the second, their tongues dancing and wrestling.

Zack knew he wanted nothing more than to be with the panda again and his paw reached down to grasp the panda's ass squeezing firmly and making the panda whimper into his mouth. He couldn't help but love how sexy Qerry was when he whimpered like that, he could hear the need in the bear's voice. Just as he prepared to turn the panda around and take him again Deju's voice sprung out of the ships intercom, "hey guys we docked a few minutes ago and while Mike and I would love to watch you go at it again, oh congrats on getting both brothers at once Zack that was hot wasn't it Mike? I'm paying you to be an engineer not a peep show so get your pants on and get my damn ships engines working!"

The two lovers froze and then looked around them, the gunnery turret was still open but the blackness of space was no longer surrounding them. Instead they were in a spaceport and he could see the staff in the control tower twenty meters away pointing, laughing and waving. Turning around he could see the ships cockpit only five meters away where a grinning Mike and Deju were giving them a round of applause, while laughing their asses off.

Zack squeaked and his paw hit the close turret control so hard he almost broke it. The two dressed as quickly as they could, shared a soft kiss goodbye before they headed off to their own job.

The rabbit met up with Kelo and Reese in the engine room, the rabbit spent the next few hours working hard to repair the engines. Getting outside and working on parts they wouldn't normally have access to. Things were going well, though the rabbit was disappointed not to get a chance to get out and explore. Kelo explained that they were only in dock for a few hours, the crew was working hard to empty out the cargo and Deju would have it sold as soon as possible. Karlos had taken the human hostage, Paul, off the ship and was bidding him a farewell. From what the rabbit remembered the human was clearly suffering a bad case of puppy love for the old badger and he doubted the human was glad to be leaving.

Working with Kelo the rabbit was getting better at handling and working with the tools. His muscles had started to learn and catch up with his mind. The two of them managed to fix both failing engines far better than either of them had thought they would. Both engines would give at least ninety percent when they took off, the ship would be able to make almost it's top speed. Kelo said it would go faster than it had in years.

The pony said he would clean up outside if the rabbit put away the tools. Zack took him up on the offer, planning to head straight back to his room after dropping off his toolbox a few hours rest sounded great to him. He reached the engine room and wandered in, as he put the toolbox away he heard something fall in the small spare parts storage compartment at the back of the room.

His curiosity piqued the rabbit wandered over to the compartment and opened the door. Two wide, scared eyes, stared out at him. They belonged to a cheetah, he was young with a classic golden yellow fur, black spots and white chin and chest. His frame was lithe and slightly feminine, he licked his black lips and whimpered. "Zack right?"

"Yes...who are you and why are you hiding in the spare parts cupboard?" The bunny asked highly confused, he had seen a couple of cheetah's on the ship but they were both much bigger and with firmly muscled bodies.

"It's me... Paul. I err, got myself sliced and a graft." The cheetah whispered desperately. "Look, I know I don't have a place on the crew I just figured once we lifted off Deju wouldn't be back here for months and I could earn myself a spot. Look... please don't tell on me I'll do anything." As he spoke Paul reached forward his paw cupping the rabbit's crotch as he whispered, "anything, to stay."

Zack gulped deeply and moaned, his lust bleedthrough said he should take the cheetah up on his offer. However, he knew that once discovered there could be consequences for him. His cock was already swelling with the thought of what it wanted to do to the young male begging and offering himself to him.

OK slight difference this week, two choices

First choice, does Zack tell on him

1) Yes

2) No

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second choice, what sex act does Zack request

A none

B Fuck the cheetah boy

C get the cheetah to suck him off

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If you vote for yes to tell and then a sex act as well Zack will lie to him and after he finishes he will report him to the captain at once. Vote as always by clicking thumbs up on the two options you want in the comments below.