Lost the Bet

Story by Kila on SoFurry

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Before you read this I'd just like to point out that this is my first go at a yiff story. If there is any ?'s were there should be apostrophes I apologise - it's a one that got away when I was editing this to ASCII.

Hope you guys like it. All character (C) The Black Megaman.

''Hey. Cally.''

Cally groaned; she knew who it was before she'd even turned around, and it wasn't someone she particularly wanted to talk to, at least not now. She had a headache.

''Hello, Crista,'' she mumbled, spinning around on her bar stool-style chair and looking down on the yoshi. One of the things she disliked most about Crista, was the fact she tended to corner people before they could run away, like she'd done right now. Crista was looking up at her with a sly grin on her face. She didn't say anything for a long while, and finally Cally was forced to break the silence. ''Yeah?'' Crista grinned wider.

''I saw you sitting in here,'' she replied - Followed me, more like, Cally thought sourly. ''And I was wondering, don't suppose you fancy a little bet, do you?''

Cally's eyes widened.

''What sort of bet?'' she asked suspiciously. Crista simply winked at her, and continued;

''I bet you can't live with me in your house for a week, without me driving you crazy.'' She said sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes innocently. Cally laughed.

''Easy as 1, 2, 3.'' Cally answered, grinning. ''Mind you, you'll have to sleep on the sofa. I only have one bed.'' She added. Crista just shrugged, and grinned.


Cally woke up with a pounding headache, which the screaming alarm clock was doing nothing to help. She fumbled around in the gloom, her hand seeking the clock. When she found it, she grabbed the clock and threw it. It clattered against the wall and broke into pieces. Cally sat up slowly and knuckled her sleepy eyes.

''Rise and shine!'' a cheery voice said behind her, as light streamed into the bedroom. Cally shielded her eyes and moaned; obviously Crista was more of a morning person than she.

''Close the curtains..." she mumbled, waving a hand. Crista laughed.

''Wake up sleepy-head. It's breakfast time!'' she said loudly. Cally cringed.

''Headache...'' she muttered, getting up to shoo Crista out of her room, but she'd already gone. Cally sighed - well, at least breakfast might make me feel better, she hoped silently.

Cally grumbled as she headed into the kitchen, to find Crista sat at the table munching toast.

''Good afternoon, lazy-bones.'' She said sarcastically, with a cheeky grin. Cally dropped down into a chair and blinked blearily at Crista, who slid a bowl and a bottle of milk across the table at her. Cally grabbed the cornflakes, upended the box into the bowl and poured milk haphazardly over that, slopping a bit over the edge and onto the table in the process. She didn't notice.

Presently, Cally finished her breakfast, and, feeling a little more energetic, headed to the lounge, and switched on the TV. She flicked through the channels for a moment, and found a news bulletin. A young, pretty, blonde woman was announcing that someone had murdered someone else for whatever reason, and that coming up after the break was more about current events. The programme flicked to commercials, which were trying to sell her unnecessary products to her, when a wet kiss hit the side of her face. Cally squealed and scooted along the sofa, eyes wide. Crista, leaning over the back of the sofa dressed in an apron and carrying a menacing looking knife, grinned at her.

''You looked lonely there, sweety.'' She said happily, flouncing of towards the kitchen. ''I'm making lunch today, hope you don't mind?'' she said, disappearing before Cally had time to answer.

Cally sighed, still shaking a bit; this was going to be one hell of a lot harder than she though.

At 11:50 Cally stomped into the kitchen... and froze. Crista was stood in the middle of the kitchen (still holding the knife) and chopping up carrots. All around her, it looked like a bomb had dropped; vegetable peelings, paper towel, rice, pasta - strewn about everywhere, and a suspicious looking splat of thick red liquid dripped from the wall behind the stove. Cally sincerely hoped it was ketchup.

''What, in the name of holy hell, have you been doing?'' Cally shouted over the noise of the electric blender, which was whirring merrily to itself, unattended, unlidded and spitting bits of vegetable puree - at least that's what Cally thought it was - over the kitchen counter.

''Oh, hi, Cally!'' Crista shouted back, looking over her shoulder and winking. ''I'm making lunch, like I told you.'' Cally frowned, eyeing the red splat on the wall.

''Yeah, I know that. I mean, how in all the world have you made so much mess, and what the hell is that?'' she said a little louder this time. Crista looked to where she was pointing.

''Oh, that's just tomato pate,'' Crista answered, waving a hand dismissively. ''I'm a messy cook." She added, unnecessarily; anyone could tell that. Cally glared at the tomato pate. Who in their right mind would eat tomato pate? Cally grumbled an affirmative, as she sat down heavily in a chair.

At noon precisely, Crista dumped a bowl of something resembling vegetable soup in front of Cally. Cally wrinkled her nose at it; it smelt funny. She looked back up at Crista, who was digging into hers with gusto.

''What're you waiting for?'' Crista asked suddenly, grinning at Cally and waving her spoon at Cally's bowl. "Eat up,"

Cally groaned; why oh why did she not have the forethought to hide in the ladies' at that stupid cafe? She'd seen Crista walking about around town; she might have known she'd follow her. She'd been after her for years.

Slowly, cautiously, Cally raised the spoon to her mouth, squeezed her eyes shut, and ate it. It was disgusting, even if Crista seemed to like it.

''It's nice.'' She lied. Crista smiled warmly at her.

''There's plenty more,'' she said, waving an arm at the stove. ''And I can make it again tomorrow.'' Oh please, God, no, Cally's brain screamed. But her mouth said,

''That will be... lovely.'' She wasn't going to break, she decided. She'd see this through to the end; it was Tuesday, and she only had to cope until Sunday.


The next morning, Crista did her open-the-curtain routine at 6:30, and then made tomato pate surprise again for lunch. Cally flopped onto the sofa and grabbed for the remote control, but it wasn't there. Cally sat up and looked around angrily; it was nowhere to be seen and hell damn her if she was getting up to use the controls on the TV. After about ten minutes of sitting in annoyed silence with her arms folded determinedly over her chest, something hit her on the head.

''Looking for this?'' Crista chimed, dropping the remote over the back of the sofa. It bounced off Cally's head and across the sofa; she pounced on it, flicked on the TV and sighed happily, sinking back into the cushions. The same blonde news presenter as yesterday was announcing that the someone from yesterday had been found not guilty of the murder of the other someone, and that coming up after the break... but she didn't get any further because Cally flicked the channels irritably. After ten minutes and three circuits of the channels (the blonde news presenter was still harping on about some guy both of the times Cally flicked passed that channel), Cally still hadn't found something to watch and got up to get a DVD. An uber-scary horror/thriller seemed like fair game, and Cally hoped it would scare Crista out of her wits, so she'd leave her alone, at least until it was finished. She dropped the disk into the disk-tray and pressed the button, jumped back onto the sofa, and grabbed the remote. She looked around for Crista, who had wandered off. She grinned. Peace at last.

''Guess whooooo?'' Crista said in her best ghost voice, covering Cally's eyes with her hands. Cally screamed and shot up from her seat like she had sat on something spiky; Crista howled with laughter; scaring people when they're watching horror movies is always fun.

''Crista!'' she yelled. Crista grinned and nodded.

''Good guess!'' Crista said through her laughter. Then Cally remembered something.

''What happens if I loose this bet?''

''You have to be lesbian, for a month.'' Crista said, suddenly serious. Cally's eyes widened.

''And... if I win?'' Crista shrugged.

''I don't know. Have a cookie or something.''

Cally silently told herself, that if she ever met herself she'd hit herself so hard for agreeing to this stupid bet, without first knowing the consequences.


No more than four days had passed and already Crista was getting on Cally's nerves. She insisted on doing the curtain thing every morning and it was starting to grate on her. On this particular morning, a miserable, cold Thursday, Crista had been overly happy and cheerful, whilst Cally was a miserable as the weather.

Cally looked out of the window in a bored fashion; the grey sky threw heavy rain down, and the entire scene looked as bleak and tired as Cally felt. The streets were devoid of life; not even a bird was singing, or a dog barking. Raindrops lashed down from the clouds, bouncing on the ground, creating puddles and making the grass and soil turn to sloppy mud. Crista bounded into the room, full of energy.

''What are you looking so miserable about?'' she said, smiling all over her face.

''Have you seen the weather lately?'' Cally answered solemnly, pointing at the pouring rain.

''I like rain,'' Crista announced after a moment. ''Let's go to the park.'' she suggested. Cally tried to protest but Crista was already dragging her out of the door.

''I still don't see why we have to walk around the park in the rain,'' Cally grumbled. ''I feel like a drowned rat.''

Crista looked at her, but if she noticed the rain dripping down Cally's scales, she didn't comment, or care.

''It's fun.''

"No it's not. It's wet."

''It's fun.'' Crista insisted. Cally couldn't be bothered to continue arguing, so she gave up. It just wasn't worth it.

Later, as the pair stood at the edge of the park pond, throwing bread to the few bedraggled ducks that floated about, the obscenely chirpy Crista gossiped about anything and everything that came to her brain. Cally thought that she sounded very much like the blonde news presenter, so she switched of her brain and allowed the bread throwing to become a mechanical process. It didn't, after all, require much thought.

Eventually, Crista must have realised that Cally's grunted replies had grown few and far between, and wandered off. Cally looked about warily, and, seeing the lack of blue skinned yoshi, sank to the floor with a sigh. She began to feel a little happier, even if she was soaking wet and had nothing but a group of bored, sad-looking ducks for company. She was just beginning to work up the courage to find Crista and tell her to stuff it and she wasn't doing this bet any more, when a dark shape loomed under the murky, muggy water, burst through the surface and screamed at her like a wailing banshee.

Cally jumped quite a few feet backwards, stumbled, tripped and landed on her backside in a puddle. A familiar laugh filled the air.

''Crista!'' Cally fumed. Crista was stood up in the pond, roaring with laughter.

Cally stomped off in a rage; it may not be easy, but she was not going to give in, she decided.

''Besides, quitters never win,'' she told herself reassuringly, as if this helped at all.


Cally gulped down another mouthful of cola. She had decided to stop off at the Cafe Madagascar on the way home, partly because she knew Crista would have followed her, and she didn't want to face her yet, and partly because she knew Crista wouldn't already be here. She drank the rest, slammed the glass down on the table, and got up to leave. She'd been sat in the café for about three hours, and it was getting dusky outside; she though it was high time she was getting home. Reluctantly, she headed out of the door and sauntered down the street. She wandered along, dreading what would happen when she got there, and silently hoping that Crista had wandered off and gone to town or something.

When she arrived home, Cally looked up at the moon with a sigh. It was round and silver, glowing faintly in the deep blue of the night sky, which was also dotted with an infinite number of stars. Cally sighed again; as her hand came to rest on the door handle she really wished she was far away on a very distant planet, the more distance between her and Crista the better. She glared at the door for a moment, and finally opened it, bracing herself for the inevitable bombardment of annoyance from Crista.

And was faced with much more than she bargained for.

Cally wasn't sure how she'd managed it in such a short time, but Crista had stripped off all of the wallpaper and painted every room a different, ghastly colour. The hallway was a horrific pink, the lounge was blue with orange spots, and the kitchen was lime green. Worst of all, her bedroom was luminous yellow.

Cally burst into bathroom, and pointed an accusing finger at Crista, who was stood on the toilet to paint zebra stripes onto the once pristine white of the tiled wall.

''What the hell have you done to my bloody house?!'' she roared. She was pretty sure a vein was popping in her temple. A malicious grin crept slowly across Crista's lips.

''You wouldn't be giving up, would you?'' she asked wickedly, dipping the paintbrush back into the black paint, and haphazardly splatting some on the floor.

''Yes! I would! I don't care about the consequences! Get out of my house!'' Cally yelled, heaving the yoshi over her shoulder.

The last thing Crista saw as she was hauled out of the bathroom was her own smug grin, reflected in the mirror.


''I lost the bet. I lost the bloody bet.'' Cally muttered, rocking backwards and forwards on her chair. Crista had forced her to dress up, and had insisted on eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and nail polish. Cally felt stupid.

''Yeah, well, you agreed to it before you knew the consequences...'' Crista said as she dumped a drink in front of Cally.

''Yeah. Stop rubbing salt in the wound, will you?'' Cally moaned bitterly. ''I feel stupid enough already without having to do this.''

Crista grinned a grin that would have gotten most people locked up, and laughed.

''Pick someone. Go on,'' Crista whispered, leaning forwards so that only Cally could hear. ''Be a good little dragon for Crista, and she won't have to hurt you.''

Cally gulped; she wasn't scared of a lot of things, but the thought of anything Crista could inflict terrified the life out of her. Slowly, she pushed herself from her chair and swept her gaze about the room and settled on a thin, pinkish-purple dragon with a yellow stomach and wings. Carefully, she picked her way over to the other dragon and slid into a seat next to her. The dragon looked up over the top of the newspaper she was reading, and raised an eyebrow.

''Cally?'' she gasped in disbelief.

''Hello, Pyra.'' Cally said quietly.

''What are you doing here?'' Pyra asked, folding the newspaper up and dropping it on the table. Cally took a deep breath, and told her everything; the bet, the tomato pate, the paint, the consequences. She looked away, not wanting to meet Pyra's eyes. Pyra's gaze flicked over her shoulder to the blue yoshi.

''Not her. Not the Crista.'' She whispered, slightly awed. ''How could you have trusted her? Oh Cally...''

Cally looked up at her with a sigh.

''I know. I can't believe I was so stupid. So, will you help me out? Will you be my 'girlfriend' for a month?'' Cally asked warily, watching Pyra through her eyelashes. For a long moment, Pyra neither said nor did anything; she just sat as still as a statue, watching Cally intently. Eventually, she gave a small, firm nod.

''Ok,'' she said brightly. ''It'll be... an experience,'' she added with a small smile. Cally breathed a sigh of relief; at least she didn't have to ask someone she didn't know.

''Well, sorry ladies but you're gonna have to wear these...'' Crista said a moment later, handing them both matching blue collars with little brass discs. Cally looked at them with an eyebrow raised.

''Er, why?'' she asked. Crista grinned maliciously.

''To show that you're... 'engaged''' she said with a laugh. Cally and Pyra exchanged glances.

''Engaged?'' Pyra said eventually.

''Aye,'' Crista replied happily. ''As in, not vacant.'' Cally and Pyra breathed a collective sigh of relief.

''Ah. Well. That's alright then.'' Cally said quietly. Crista grinned.

''Put them on then.'' Crista said, jangling the collars a bit. The pair sat in silence for a while, until Pyra finally took hers and clipped it on. Cally copied, and they looked at each other with an eyebrow raised.

''Well then, I'll be off.'' Crista said, slapping her thighs as she stood up. ''You two have a good night, y'all hear me?'' she added cheekily, and bounded out of the cafe.

There was another long, uncomfortable silence as Pyra stared at Cally and Cally stared at Pyra. It was finally broken by a small, shy remark from Pyra.

''Blue suits you.''


The TV was blaring out a fight scene. Cally was staring blankly at the screen, not really watching at all. Pyra - who was watching her carefully from the other end of the sofa - could tell her mind was on other things.

The scene on the movie was changing a bit, and the heroine of the story was talking to the hero, who had just saved her life. Pyra tipped her head to one side thoughtfully as the onscreen pair kissed lightly. She smiled to herself and shuffled along the sofa towards Cally.

''Cally...'' she said quietly. Cally blinked and turned to look at Pyra.

Cally's eyes flew wide as she felt the warmth of Pyra's lips met hers. Not really believing it was actually happening, Cally found herself opening her lips to allow Pyra's probing tongue inside. She met Pyra's tongue with her own, and they remained locked together for a long moment, until Pyra pulled away, her hands still on Cally's shoulders. She trailed one of her hands down and around Cally's breasts, and traced the line of her bust with a finger. Her hand moved down Cally's body, across the plates on her stomach and along her thigh. Cally gulped.

''Pyra, I...'' she began. ''you... Crista...''

''Shh...'' Pyra replied quietly, moving her hand back along the same path it had taken on its way down, until it was on Cally's shoulder again.

''I don't understand.'' Cally managed to say. ''Where did that come from? Why are you doing this?''

''Because you're my friend... and I want you to be happy.'' Pyra said with a small, warm smile. ''And I want you to know, that lesbians aren't all bad. It's just Crista.''

''You're lez?!'' Cally gasped, eyes wide. Pyra laughed lightly.

''Let's just say... 'curious,' shall we?''

Then, she leaned forwards and laid a kiss on each of Cally's breasts. Cally, bewildered, found herself reaching out and pressing her hands to Pyra's own chest. Pyra murred softly and trailed a finger down to Cally's gender, and rubbed it gently. Suddenly, Pyra's finger was inside of her, sliding in and out gently. Cally moaned gently - somehow, this wasn't as bad as she first thought.


''Morning.'' Cally blinked sleepily, grateful that Crista wasn't there to open the curtains at half past six.

''Hey Cally.'' Pyra replied as she stirred a pot of something sweet-smelling. Cally inhaled deeply; the smell was deliciously different from the horrors that Crista cooked up every day. Pyra must have noticed, because she said, ''It's porridge,'' in a cheery voice. Cally almost fainted with happiness - porridge was so... normal.

Within a minute of the bowl hitting the table, it was emptied and practically licked clean. Pyra looked on with a wry smile.

''I'll take it you like my cooking.'' She asked quietly

''Hell yeah.''

''Better than Crista's, I take it?''

''Even mine is better than Crista's.'' Having experienced Cally's cooking before, Pyra concluded that Crista's had to be from hell's kitchen.


For a long moment, they sat across the table from each other looking at each other blankly. Finally, Pyra broke the silence with a sigh.

''What happened last night, I...''

''It doesn't matter.'' Cally replied. ''You know, it wasn't so bad.''

''It wasn't?''


The silence descended once more upon the kitchen. The pair sat staring at one another for at least ten minutes, before Pyra finally gave up expecting Cally to say something else and headed for the bathroom.

When she came downstairs again, Cally was in her usual position on the couch, with her knees up and her arms wrapped around her legs, watching TV. Pyra sighed to herself and wandered out to get some shopping.

Later, when Pyra came home, Cally was no-where to be found, and had been replaced by a note on the table.

''Dear Pyra, gone to rent a movie. Be back soon, Cally,'' Pyra read out loud. She sighed. ''Oh Cally, you're not cut out for this, are you?'' she whispered to the room.

She shook her head, and wandered to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.


Cally slammed the door behind her and pulled her scarf off. She hung it over a coat hook and slung her coat over it.

''I'm ba-aack!!'' she yelled.

The house stayed silent.

''I got us some movies.'' She continued. ''I got... Valley of the Damned, Love Island... and Time To Be So Loved...''

No answer.

''Pyra, you here?'' she asked to the empty hallway. Her voice echoed dismally from the walls, which were still painted pink from Crista's redecoration.

Her voice carried around the house as she shouted, ''Hello?'' over and over. Eventually, she gave up because Pyra obviously wasn't there. She dumped the DVDs on the sofa and stomped up the stairs. She jumped into the shower and turned on the hot tap. She stood there dismally for a long few moments before grabbing some shower gel and squeezing the bottle. Silently, she rubbed the soap into her scales, staring moodily at the wall as the shower splattered down and washed it off. She wandered back out of the bathroom with a towel around her and headed for her bedroom. She sat down on the bed, and suddenly yelled in terror as something wrapped around her waist.

Suddenly, Pyra's lips were on hers again. Her arms were around her. She was smiling.

''P...Pyra?'' Cally mumbled. Pyra nodded.

''Shh...'' Pyra whispered, pushing Cally gently back on the bed. ''Just let it be. Go with the flow, Cally. It's easier.''

Cally had to agree. Trying to fight everything that happened and turn life in a different direction never worked; it would be much more simple to just take it as it came.

''Maybe I'll just give up and let life lead me...''

''Good idea. So, are you going to let this just float on by? Ignore it? Or are you gonna tackle it and go with it?''

''I'm going to tackle hug it and chain it to the bed, if it lets me!'' Cally said with a grin, moving to trace the line of Pyra's breasts with her tongue. Pyra's eyes widened. My, she gets into the spirit of things, given the right... encouragement, She thought to herself as Cally's tongue moved to more exotic places. She giggled girlishly and walked her fingers down Cally's spine. Cally shivered under her touch and moaned a little, then returned to licking inside of Pyra. Pyra curled her tail around and slid it into Cally, moaning softly.

''You know,'' Cally breathed. ''This isn't as bad as I thought it would be...''

''No,' Pyra said between breaths. ''You'll find it is much better than you could ever have imagined it would be...''


It has almost been a month, when Cally woke up one night gasping, clawing at her throat desperately. She flopped back on her pillows with a sigh.

''Just a dream...'' she whispered to the ceiling. She looked around the room, thinking how empty it felt after last night's festivities. Then she remembered how good it'd had felt, and silently climbed out of bed and headed for the lounge.

When she got downstairs, she carefully lifted Pyra's thin body and carried her gently up to her own room. She was amazed at how light the purplish dragon was.

Carefully, she laid Pyra down on the sheets and climbed in beside her. Pyra muttered in her sleep, and Cally smiled, laying her head down beside her.

When Pyra woke up the next morning, she looked at the ceiling and realised dimly that it had changed colour overnight.

''Mmmmnyugh...'' she groaned. She also realised that the sofa seemed wider and softer, and she could hear breathing. ''Muuuu!!'' she squeaked, and sat bolt upright.

''Pyra?'' Cally's sleepy voice said. Pyra gasped for breath.

''Oh god, I thought something had happened.''

''It had. I felt a little lonely tonight.'' Cally said quietly, wiggling her eyebrows. ''Get me?'' Pyra grinned.

''I get you...'' she said slyly, laying back down and curling around Cally. ''So what do you want to do...?''

Cally leaned towards Pyra and placed two fingers below her chin, raising her face to her own. She kissed her softly on the lips, her tongue parting them and moving in to seek out Pyra's own tongue. When they finally pulled away, Cally smiled.

''You know,'' she said quietly. ''I think... I like you.''


''I like you. This lez thing isn't too bad.''

''I like you too.'' Pyra said after a long moment. She leaned forwards and gently kissed Cally on the nose. ''I like you a lot.'' She curled her tail around and slid it inside of Cally gently. ''And I'll always be here for you, lost bet or no.''

Cally looked at her, and smiled.

''Thankyou.'' She said quietly, returning the favour and sliding her tail in and out, slowly at first and then faster. ''I'll be here for you too.'' She said, leaning forwards and kissing Pyra's breasts gently. She reached out and massaged her breasts, squeezing them gently.

Pyra smiled - it was going to be a long day.


''Well guys, its been a long month, but you did it.'' Crista told them a few days later. ''Well done. Now, your prize.''

''We don't need a prize.'' Cally said, throwing an arm around Pyra.

''We got each other.'' Pyra added. Crista raised an eyebrow.

''You soon changed you tune, Cally. How did this happen?''

Cally shrugged and explained everything - or almost everything - that happened. Crista smirked.

''Two more converted...'' she said quietly. The pair nodded.

''Lesbian and loving it.''