Highschool demons - prolouge

Story by Sylva on SoFurry

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Jason is a 15 year old boy. And was just a bit different from most. Firstly because he couldn't really give it a name he was, a hybrid of fox, cat and wolf. With his mum being feline and his dad being a folf. Simply being a hybrid seemed to be something which very few people seemed to look past. It was also something that annoyed him, he wanted friends but people only saw that he was a hybrid most of the time, or didn't approach because they didn't want to be a target for bullies, the ones that bullied him at least.The friends he did have were far and few in between. He was a 'geek' or maybe 'nerd', he didn't care or particularly know what the difference was. He was just very intelligent, though part of that was due to his incredible memory for things. He had an exceptional memory, being able to recall facts from a lot of things that he'd learnt. Though this was sometimes his undoing when he was in conversations. As sometimes being right all the time wasn't good. Whilst he flew through school, being able to do all the questions he was asked, his social life was almost non-existent apart from on the internet he didn't really have many friends. Though it was rare that he found someone who wanted to be friends with him.He also wasn't very sporty, having dyspraxia and hypermobility limiting a little of what he could do. What dyspraxia was is that it was a lack of co-ordination. So when he tried to do something he wasn't quite aware of everything else in relation to that, including the objects he was using. So when trying to kick a football he'd often miss. And hypermobility, whilst only a mild form, increased his flexibility whilst increasing the energy he used to move. So he didn't have as great a stamina as other would. Not that the combination of the two stopped him from trying at sports, he actually preferred stuff like netball over basketball or football. Mainly because he had more fun doing it that he did at the latter two. Though since it was more a girl orientated sport, or at least at his school, it meant that he got a lot of comments about being gay. There was also the fact that he liked to do other things to keep a track of his emotions, like meditation and other exercises. That and there was the fact that he was gluten intolerant. He couldn't have wheat, oats, barley or rye. Though he couldn't eat oats because of the risk from cross contamination. Though people still made fun of him for not being able to eat a good portion of what they could. Like jam filled donuts you could buy in supermarkets, they didn't have a gluten free equivalent where he lived. Though he could make his own donuts, and mostly everything else he wanted to eat himself.And if he had gluten? Well the reaction was that within 10 minutes his cheeks and ears became bright red, then diarrhea and vomiting ensued for the next 3 hours at least. This being a minor reaction.But I digress, you want

to read more of the story yes? Or at least know stuff that's more relevant to what the title says?What the boy didn't know was that he was wanted, by many many people. He was born with power, something that he doesn't know is that it would only be soon that his power would become visible, real and would start to affect the world around him. For a start demon's would be after his soul...But lets start a little earlier than the chaos shall we

I shot up in my bed, the nightmare I'd had fading so I couldn't remember it but it left me in a cold sweat. I had no idea what it was about but it must have been bad, usually things don't phase me in dreams. Simply because I'm able to discern reality from dreams, most of the time because the physics fucks up a bit.I wiped my paw across my black furred forehead. There was the sneaking suspicion that there was something different about the dream, partially because I hadn't been able to remember it. I always remembered I dreams if I knew I'd had them, including nightmares.I rolled out of bed and got dressed. Pulling on his clothes, he was going to school today so he didn't want to be late. That and it was his birthday today, at precisely 12:21 from what his parents told him. So if he got to school earlier he could indulge in more time before birthday bashings began.When he walked down into the kitchen his eyes widened.